March 2016 Edition OSTS Notes Newsletter of the United States Naval Academy Offshore Sail Training Squadron FROM OUR PROGRAM DIRECTOR Spring is quickly approaching and we are looking forward to getting back on the water. It has been a busy winter so far. The volunteer class of 2016 is working hard, attending classes, and hopefully getting through their Dqualification exams. The Cutter Shed, our operational maintenance building and staff the other side of Santee Basin are working on minor maintenance on our large fleet of sailing craft, and Small Craft Repair Department (SCRD), our full service boatyard the other side of the Severn River, is working on the major winter preventative maintenance projects. As a few of you have noticed, six Navy 44s were in the Basin all winter. We have a contract to inspect and repair about 2/3 of the masts and rigging in the Navy 44s this winter, the rest will get done next year. In order to ensure we have boats ready and available for spring training, we left six boats in the water while work is done on the rest of the fleet. We will cycle the last six boats through their winter maintenance as soon as the other boats are done. The varsity team will use the boats first, they start practicing mid-March after spring break, to get ready for their live, on-water demonstration of MOB recovery for the Safety at Sea Seminar. Another project completed over the winter was to fully clean all of the holding tanks on the Navy 44s. This should be very helpful during the year to help prevent clogs in the system. Returning volunteers will notice that we have a new model of VHF cockpit microphone. They no longer manufacture the radio or microphone that we have on the boat, but we have found a solution until we are able to phase replace the existing radios. Please note that we will be changing the SOP regarding the microphones. We are going to leave them connected at all times to minimize the risk of damaging the pins from incorrectly plugging them into the connector adapter. SPRING NAVY 26 (COLGATE) TRAINING We will offer training in the Navy 26s this spring, with a target opening date of Friday, April 1st. If you started the program late and need to get your B-level qualification, you will be able Table of Contents Program Director Message Spring Navy 26 Training Safety at Sea Seminar First Aid and CPR/AED Training Navy 44 Spring and Summer Training Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS) Spring and Summer Travel Orders Nav Working Party Volunteers Needed The Helmsman Publication OSTS Facebook Page E-Mail Opt Out to sign up online and sail at your own convenience for two hour training sessions. We will also offer some Saturday sessions. Once you master the sailing skills and the standard operating procedures that are specific to the Navy 26, you will be recommended to take the check ride, and will need to pass a comprehensive written test. You only need this do this Bqualification once for OSTS. If you are an active volunteer and want to check the Navy 26 out for recreational sailing, you will need to keep your B-qualification current (annual basis). Volunteers who are interested in starting the training for 2016/2017 season may want to consider getting their Navy 26 qualification done this spring to help spread out the time commitment over the year. You can then start on the Navy 44s in October. We will be sending out an email with a link to the training in a separate email. Additional information and the Standard Operating Procedures for the Navy 26 (recommended reading prior to training) is at the following link: SAFETY AT SEA SEMINAR The Safety at Sea Seminar (SaS) is a requirement for our volunteers, and is good for five years. We offer the one-day course on Saturday, April 2nd for free if you bring your own lunch, or you can sign up for a boxed lunch for $10. If you want a U.S. Sailing 1 Newsletter of the USNA Offshore Sail Training Squadron certificate for having attended this seminar, that cost is $25. Some organizers of offshore races in the United States require these; however, the certificate in itself is not required by OSTS. There is also an option to attend the Advanced Cruising seminar on Sunday, April 3rd at a reduced cost. There are lectures in the morning, and two options in the afternoon – for either small group breakout discussions with the experts in weather, cruise planning, medical, and boat systems, or personal water safety in the pool with hands-on practice with liferafts, lifejackets, and dewatering pumps. The pool session roster is very limited, and we won’t know availability until closer to the event. The link to sign up for our volunteers is: Event registration link for the general public is at Our very own VOST performs the mid-day real MOB recovery demonstrations on the Severn River, and we are also planning on a U.S. Coast Guard SAR helicopter demonstration and flares demo. Definitely worth the price of admission! Please sign up early. March 2016 Edition Google Doc Spring Training sign-up link: BqvK3V1L31DOKf6YpnDjLi16skE/edit?pref=2&pli=1 gid=1940938673 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION STANDARD (PQS) Please review your PQS book for any signatures you still need, and ensure you get those skills signed off this spring. This book is commonly referred to as the “Blue Book”. Tally the hours you need in the logbook section for each qualification level (senior crew, watch captain) so we have a total. If you don’t have enough, sign up for more sailing. The intention is that you finish Watch Captain this spring, then get enough hours for your XO qualification during DELMARVA. Thanks to the efforts of Navy Offshore Sailing JV Coach Nancy Haberland and OSTS Volunteer Maureen Burt, are able to offer First Aid and CPR/AED certification for free for our volunteers and Midshipmen for the first time (in recent history) this spring. This is HUGE, and we really appreciate all of their hard work and the time required to do this. Midshipmen and active duty military that work at the Naval Academy can also take a free CPR/AED class through the Hospital Point Clinic. Review the PQS book – you will be responsible for signing off qualifications for the midshipmen this summer, so it’s good to be familiar with it. Each qualification should be complete before you start signing off on the next qual. A midshipman should be able to get through Senior Crew during the first week of training, or into the next day or so of the second week. They should be serving as a Watch Captain (for a day) before you sign off on WC qualification items. Your upper class should be able to get through the WC qualification by the end of the block and 3/C can have some items signed off if you implement the “WC for a day” training on the trip back. If they are able to complete those qualifications (and not everyone will unless they show aptitude and interest), and you recommend them for XO training, that sets them up to finish their watch captain in the fall/spring and get XO signed off during the DELMARVA. We’re trying to get all this wrapped up with the training this spring. We will offer more weeknight classes in April, you can sign up once classes are finalized at the following link: Finally, make a copy of your qualification Blue Book. For some reason they like to go swimming, at the docks, on cruise, etc. It’s much easier to recreate if you have a copy. RvOKV1yDSXm-_t3jLaD8hc/edit#gid=0 SPRING AND SUMMER TRAVEL ORDERS FIRST AID AND CPR/AED TRAINING NAVY 44 SPRING AND SUMMER TRAINING If you haven’t signed up for spring training and a DELMARVA sail yet, please do so at the training link so we can plan how many boats and instructors we will need on a daily basis. We are also starting to fine-tune the summer preliminary crew assignments, so if you need to change what you have signed up for, please do so on that training link. You can also sign up to help out with our check-rides, and as extra instructors for some of the hands-on training we do during Week 1 Training with the Mids only. The Google Docs are an extremely useful tool for us to manage all of our personnel, so please keep those lists up to date. It doesn’t hurt to mention it to us as well, but the lists are what both the staff and instructors use to know who to expect on a given day. All personnel who travel on behalf of the Naval Academy, whether they are civilian or military, are REQUIRED to have a profile entered in our Defense Travel System, or DTS. All new program participants: please fill out the attached DTS Profile Form and send it back to LT Francisco not later than March 25th. All returning program participants, if there have been changes to their personal information, must update their previous profiles by the date above. This allows official travel orders to be generated and provides the mechanism to pay you via direct deposit upon your return after filing a travel voucher. These entitlements can include, but are not limited to, a per diem rate while underway outside the local area, a per diem rate while in remote port, and possibly other preapproved expenses. The rate is determined by Government rules and varies depending upon where you are and 2 Newsletter of the USNA Offshore Sail Training Squadron what type of traveler you are (i.e., civilian volunteer, staff, government employee, military, etc.). OSTS FACEBOOK PAGE March 2016 Edition We are looking for a few volunteers to help with our navigation working party. If you have experience preparing nautical charts using our chart preparation checklist, our staff Lieutenants will be working on our master copies for summer training in April. Please coordinate with LT Osei Asante. OSTS has its own Facebook Page! In addition to this newsletter, we will post important information about the program to this Facebook page. Please “Like” us so you have the program information as it is released. We have 189 “likes” to date and growing every week. Help us get to “500” likes in 2016. Please encourage your midshipmen to send photos and video from their summer block. Anyone can post to our Facebook page. We are generating a good following of OSTS family and friends that are following your sailing experiences. Do not be shy and please post! THE HELMSMAN PUBLICATION Please “Like” us at: Any questions, please contact LT Gabby Francisco. NAV WORKING PARTY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED For the past two years during the Naval Academy’s Safety at Sea Seminar we have published the The Helmsman, which is modeled after Naval Aviation’s Approach publication. Naval Aviation has long enjoyed a free exchange of ‘lessons learned’. That tradition permeates every post-flight debrief and is publicly revealed in a bi-monthly Navy & Marine Corps Aviation Safety Magazine Approach. Published by the Naval Safety Center, Approach is a collection of first-person narrative accounts of Naval Aviation mishaps, close calls, and lessons learned. Such is the culture throughout the Navy and Marine Corps that aircrew are encouraged and lauded for submitting frank and honest articles that serve as lessons for us all. It is our hope that this culture of open exchange can be spread to the recreational sailing community throughout the country. We hope the stories contained within The Helmsman can serve as lessons in what to do and what not to do at sea. We welcome submissions throughout the year of first person narratives of events that have occurred at sea (anonymous submissions are welcome). Articles should be approximately two typewritten pages and pictures are encouraged. Deadline for this year’s edition is March 21st. For more information contact Mr. Jon Wright, Navy Sailing Vanderstar Chair, at EMAIL OPT-OUT If you are on this email newsletter and would like to be taken off, please let us know. If you have any articles or information you would like to share through this newsletter please email to As always, thank you for your support of OSTS. THANK YOU! Ms. Renee Mehl Program Director (410) 293-5610 LT Gabrielle Francisco Fleet Operations Officer (410) 293-5603 LT Osei Asante Training Officer (410) 293-5604 Mr. John Formisano Fleet Captain (410) 991-1008 CAPT(ret) Rick Robey Communications Officer & Editor Let’s get the conversation started and keep safety foremost in our minds as we enjoy our time on the water. SCRD Hands-on Training For Updates & More Information: (703) 347-5094 Follow us on Twitter at (@NavySailing) & Facebook at 3 OSTS 2016 Winter Training Schedule Dates 19-Jan 28-Jan 2-Feb 4-Feb 9-Feb 11-Feb 16-Feb 18-Feb 23-Feb 27-Feb 1-Mar 3-Mar 5-Mar 10-Mar 12-Mar 24-Mar 2-Apr Day Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Sat Tues Thurs Sat Thurs Sat Thurs Sat Class NAV Exam (MIDN only) - By Appointment Leadership 1 Leadership 2 Leadership 3 Leadership 4 Medical Contact Management / Rules of the Road Operational Risk Mgmt / Radio Comms Intro to NAV (optional) VOST SCRD Training (OSTS Make-Up) - Limited Space N44 Electronics/Radar NAV 101 SCRD Training - Navy 44 Systems NAV 102 NAV Exam Teaching Methods/Working Party Updates Safety at Sea Seminar Time 1600-1800 1600-1800 1600-1800 1600-1800 1600-1800 1630-1800 1630-1800 1630-1800 1630-1800 0900-1700 1630-1800 1630-1800 0900-1600 1630-1800 0900-1200 1630-1800 0800-1700 Room Robert Crown TBD Luce Planetarium Luce Planetarium Luce Planetarium Luce 101 Michelson 110 Luce 101 TBD SCRD Luce Planetarium Michelson 110 SCRD Michelson 110 Luce 101 Michelson 110 Alumni Hall Time 1600-1800 1600-1800 1600-1800 1630-1800 1600-1800 Room Luce 3rd floor TBD Luce 3rd floor TBD Luce 3rd floor TBD VOST Classroom Luce 3rd floor TBD Optional Training (Advanced) Dates 27-Jan 3-Feb 17-Feb 17-Feb 24-Feb Day Weds Weds Weds Weds Weds Updated: 18 January 2016 Course Advanced Celestial Navigation #1 Advanced Celestial Navigation #2 Advanced Celestial Navigation #3 Advanced Sail Trim (VOST) Advanced Celestial Navigation #4 2016 USNA Safety at Sea Seminar Saturday Alumni Hall Speaker 0800 Naval Academy Opening Remarks CDR Marisa McClure, DIR Sailing 0815 Introduction Chuck Hawley 0830 Newport-Bermuda Preparation Rives Potts 0910 Care and Maintenance of Safety Equipment Chuck Hawley/Kip Louttit 0950 Break 1005 MOB Prevention and Recovery Jahn Tihansky 1045 Damage Control Steve D'Antonio 1125 USCG Communications and SAR LCDR Steve Bonn USCG (ret) 1215 1330 1410 1450 1535 1550 1635 1715 1730 On-the-water MOB Recoveries Hawley/Wright Lunch Weather Forecasts and Features Dr. Gina Henderson/Sienkiewicz Storm Sails and Heavy Weather Dave Flynn Break Marine Electronics Capt. Matt Benhoff (ASOS) Emergency Medical Care and Hypothermia Dr. Michael Jacobs Closing Remarks Chuck Hawley Reception Bo Coppedge Room Sunday Advanced Cruising Seminar Alumni Hall/ LeJeune Hall Speaker 0830 Opening Remarks Chuck Hawley 0845 Navigation as a Seamanship Issue Ralph Naranjo 0930 Ocean Currents and Wind/Wave Dynamics Dr. Frank Bohlen 1015 Break 1030 Communications and Electronics Chuck Hawley 1115 Cruise Preparation Beth Rooney 1200 Lunch 1300 -1600 Interactive round table discussions 1300 - 1600 1-Engines and systems Jim Mumper, Mitchell 2-Weather and Oceanography Bohlen, Sienkiewicz 3-Cruise planning and preparation Jacobs, Rooney In Pool- Life Raft and Safety Gear Training Hawley, Martino, Mehl, STC HERE ARE THE DETAILS FOR ARRIVAL to the ANNAPOLIS SEMINAR: Due to continued security measures at the USNA, parking on the Yard is limited to cars with Department of Defense parking stickers. Therefore we suggest the following option for parking in Annapolis. The closest parking garage outside the Academy is the Bladen Street Garage located between Rowe and St. John's Street. Parking at the Bladen Garage is FREE on the weekends. The other parking garages in Annapolis are not FREE. The walk to Alumni Hall is ½ mile, approximately 5-10 minutes. To get to the Bladen Street Garage from Route 50, take Exit 24A Rowe Blvd. Follow Rowe Blvd to Calvert Street, turn Left and enter the garage on your Left. USNA Security will ask to see a picture ID when you enter Naval Academy grounds. Please Be Prepared! From the Garage you can choose to walk: Follow St. Johns Street. To College Ave, turn Left. Follow College to King George Street, turn Right. Follow King George to Maryland Avenue, turn Left. Follow Maryland Ave. into the Academy at the Gate 3 security checkpoint, go straight to Decator, turn Left. Alumni Hall is on your Right. Or, watch for a Shuttle Bug. Small electric vehicles will be running from the parking garage to Gate 3. If you are staying in one of the areas hotels, they may provide a shuttle to Gate 3 if reqeusted. Everyone must check in – Registration begins at 7:00 a.m. The US Sailing Certificate will be mailed to those who check in on the morning of April 2nd. The Certificate will be sent directly from US Sailing and will arrive in 3-4 weeks. The seminar begins at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday and 8:30 a.m. on Sunday. Coffee will be available in Alumni Hall both days. WHAT TO BRING AND BE PREPARED: Please dress appropriately for the weather and be prepared to walk. Parking is located outside the Academy, approximately 1/2 mile from Alumni Hall and in addition, you will walk to the on-water demonstrations on Saturday, approximately a ten minute walk. If you are participating in Sunday's in-the-pool demonstrations, please bring: clothes or bathing suit to wear in the pool, a towel, waterproof plastic (trash) bag or provisions for taking home your wet gear. Also please bring: Inflatable or harness type PFD, foul weather gear, boots and a tether. This equipment is not mandatory but will be reviewed for how it will assist or impair your safety. Therefore please bring if possible. Parking at stop (#10), the Bladen Street Garage is FREE on Saturday and Sunday. It is a 5-10 minute walk to Alumni Hall from the parking garage. On foot from the garage: Follow St. John’s Street to College Ave, turn Left. Follow College to King George Street, turn Right. Follow King George to Maryland Avenue, turn Left. Follow Maryland Ave. into the Academy at the Gate 3 security checkpoint, go straight to Decator, turn Left. Alumni Hall is on your Right. CREATING EMPLOYEES (MILITARY AND CIVILIAN) IN DTS (* Indicates Required Fields) (**Fields to be filled in by DTA) Privacy Act Statement – Authority: 31 USC 3511, 3512, and 3523; 5 USC Chapter 57; and implementing Federal Travel Regulations (41 CFR parts 301-304). Principal Purpose(s): Used to establish a beginning-to-end travel services system containing information to enable travel service providers to authorize, issue, and account for travel and travel reimbursements provided to individuals on official Federal government business. SSN is used to maintain an identification of an individual. This information is confidential and is needed so as not to confuse individuals with same or similar names. Routine Use(s): To provide travel documents for individuals on official Federal government business and substantiate claims for reimbursement for official travel. Disclosure: Voluntary; however, failure to furnish information requested may result in denial of official travel orders. Common Data *Social Security Number: ________________________________________________ **Is this person going to travel? ________Yes _______No *First Name: ______________________________________________________ Middle Initial: ______________________________________________________ *Last Name: ______________________________________________________ **Organization Name: _____________________________________________________ *Email: ______________________________________________________ General Traveler Data *Civilian: ________ Military: ________ *Title/Grade/Rank: _________________________________________________ *Mailing Address Line1:____________________________________________________ Mailing Address Line 2:_____________________________________________________ *City: ___________________________________________________________________ *State/Country: ___________________________________________________________ *Zip/Postal Code: _________________________________________________________ **Routing List Name: _______________________________________________________ **Self-AO Approval: _______________________________________________________ **Default LOA Label _______________________________________________________ USNA NNB 4650/3(2-07) 1 Personal Data *Gender: _______________________________________________________ *Resident Mailing Address Line1:_____________________________________________ Resident Mailing Address Line 2:______________________________________________ *Resident City: ____________________________________________________________ *Resident State/Country: ____________________________________________________ *Resident Zip/Postal Code: __________________________________________________ *Resident Phone Number: ____________________________________________________ *Emergency Contact Name: _____________Quarterdeck___________________________ *Emergency Contact Phone Number:______410-320-9734__________________________ Duty Station Data *Printed Organization Name: _________________________________________________ Present Duty Station Name: ____ US Naval Academy __________________________ *Service/Agency: _____United States Navy _________________________________ *Number of Work Hours/Day: _________ *Time Zone:___EST______ *Duty Station Address Line 1: ________________________________________________ Duty Station Address Line 2: _________________________________________________ *Duty Station City: _______________________________________________________ *Duty Station State/Country: _________________________________________________ *Duty Station Zip/Postal Code: _______________________________________________ *Stop #/Mail Code: _________________________________________________________ *Duty Station Phone Number: ________________________________________________ *Duty Station Fax Number: __________________________________________________ **Number of Miles to Closest Airport: _______________________________________ **Unit ID: ______00161____________________________________________ Government Charge Card (GOVCC) Data *Gov’t Charge Card Holder: __________Yes _________No **Advance Auth: _________No advance _________Card Holder **Mandatory Use of GOVCC: _____Exempt ___X__Non-Exempt *Account Number: ______________________________________________________ *GOVCC Exp. Date: ______________________________________________________ Electronic Funds Transfer Data *Checking Routing Number: ________________________________________________ *Checking Account Number:________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Employee Signature USNA NNB 4650/3(2-07) 2