Modeling Adversary Scheduling with QCSP+ Marco Benedetti Arnaud Lallouet Jérémie Vautard Université d’Orléans – LIFO BP 6759, F-45067 Orléans Université d’Orléans – LIFO BP 6759, F-45067 Orléans Université d’Orléans – LIFO BP 6759, F-45067 Orléans ABSTRACT We consider cumulative scheduling problems in the presence of an adversary. In such setting the scheduler tries to manage the available resources in so as to meet the scheduling deadline, while the adversary is allowed to change some parameters—like the resource consumption of some tasks— up to a certain limit. We ask whether a robust schedule exists, i.e., one that is guaranteed to work whatever (malicious) actions the opponent may take. We propose to model this family of decision problems using a variant of Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems called QCSP+ , and to solve them by using the solver QeCode. the scheduling instance at hand. So, there is a deep interdependence between what the scheduler is allowed to produce and what the adversary may prefer to attack. We show that QCSP+ is adequate for both modeling and solving many variants of such adversary scheduling problem. The key idea is that actions by the adversary are subject to universal quantification (in order to capture any possible damaging behavior) under a restriction (used to enforce consistency with the adversary model). Similarly, the proposals of the scheduler are subject to restricted existential quantification (where the restriction enforces feasibility). 2. 1. INTRODUCTION Classical non-preemptive scheduling problems consist in finding a starting time for a set of tasks such that precedence and resource constraints are met. Scheduling theory has been the subject of intensive research in AI and OR. Many special cases of interest have been identified. For example, handling environment-originated uncertainty is regarded as a major extension to scheduling frameworks. The introduction of an adversary renders the problem even more critical, as probabilistic methods are not amenable to reason on the intentionally malicious behavior of such adversary. In this paper, we model adversary scheduling problems with QCSP+ [6], an extension of Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems (QCSP) in which restricted quantification is allowed. In our approach, the opponent is not allpowerful. Its disruptive actions have to comply with some set of constraints, which define an adversary model. Such constraints are meant to represent the limits of real-world adversaries. For example, the adversary may be able to double the resource consumption of no more than half the involved tasks. Which specific tasks should the adversary perturb in order to launch the worst possible attack? The adversary model does not suffice to answer such question. The worst possible attack, if it exists, disrupts every feasible schedule (by e.g., causing excessive overall resource consumption). But, the set of feasible schedules depends on Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. SAC’08 March 16-20, 2008, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-59593-753-7/08/0003 ...$5.00. 2.1 ADVERSARY SCHEDULING Background Scheduling consists in allocating resources to activities over time. Many kinds of problems are usually considered in OR literature according to the classification of [11]. Following [3], scheduling is preemptive if activities can be interrupted and resumed, non-preemptive if not, and elastic if their resource consumption may vary continuously between 0 and the maximum available until they have taken enough resource to end. From a resource point of view, scheduling is disjunctive if resources are of capacity one (they are called machines) and cumulative otherwise. In the last case, each resource has a maximum capacity that cannot be exceeded at any time. Decision scheduling problems consist in checking whether a given schedule satisfies all the resource and temporal constraints. Optimization scheduling problems ask to minimize some objective function—typically the makespan of the schedule. In this paper, we extend the case of non-preemptive cumulative decision scheduling problems. Constraint Programming has emerged as a major paradigm to cope with scheduling [3] thanks to its generality and efficiency. Generality is due to its ability to model most practical problems by just cumulating suitable constraints. Efficiency is a result of the integration of powerful OR algorithms at the heart of implementations of global constraints. A constraint model of scheduling starts by representing a set of activities. We assume that we have a set A = {a1 , . . . , an } of activities to schedule. An activity ai is defined by its starting time si , its duration di and its ending time ei like in Figure 1. Since si +di = ei , only two variables are required to represent an activity (for modeling purposes it is sometimes useful to introduce all three). Two types of constraints are used in scheduling problems. Temporal constraints define a partial order over activities. For example, it may be required that aj starts after ai ter- Figure 1: Representation of an activity. minates. Let (A, ≺) be a precedence relation over the set of activities, meaning that for ai , aj ∈ A, if ai ≺ aj , then ai must be completed before aj can start. This precedence is easily translated by the constraint ei ≤ sj . Some constraints, such as the earliest or latest starting time allowed for an activity, can be represented by properly restricting variable domains. Sometimes, the gap between two activities is constrained to be between a minimum (minij ) and a maximum (maxij ) value. The second type of constraints is resource constraints. Let R = {r1 , . . . , rm } be a set of resources. Each activity ai is expected to require a certain amount cij of resource rj ∈ R during its execution. The maximum available capacity of each resource constraints the amount of concurrency schedules may exhibit. Let rmaxi be the capacity of the resource ri . For a single resource ri , the problem can easily be modeled using the global constraint cumulative([s1 , . . . , sn ], [d1 , . . . , dn ], [c1i , . . . , cni ], rmaxi ) [1]. This constraint ensures that, for a resource rj ∈ R: 0 1 X ∀t ≥ 0, @ cij A ≤ rmaxj {i | si ≤t≤ei } Problems involving multiple resources are handled by either enforcing one cumulative constraint per resource, or by employing a specialized multi-resource constraint [5]. A resource whose capacity changes over time can be simulated by adding fake activities at fixed times. In many problems, the duration of an activity is known in advance and fixed. In such case, the scheduling problem consists in finding a starting time for all the activities such that the overall schedule complies with the temporal and resource constraints. In addition, it is usually required to minimize a cost function like the makespan (ending time of the last activity) or the tardiness (difference between the actual and expected completion time). Some particular scheduling problems have been heavily studied, like job-shop problems, which are used in flexible workshops. In these problems, a set of machines M defines the resources and activities are organized in jobs. A job j correspond to a sequence of activities [aj,1 , . . . , aj,nj ] required for building an object.Given a set of jobs J, the job-shop problem consists in scheduling the activities of the different jobs in parallel. 2.2 Adversary Scheduling We introduce here adversary scheduling problems. Two opponents are involved: The scheduler tries to build a schedule that satisfies all the (temporal and resource) constraints, while the adversary tries to prevent the formation of a valid schedule by inflicting some (limited) deterioration on the problem setting. Let us consider an example with three activities a1 , a2 , a3 and a resource r such that a1 ≺ a2 , d1 = 1, d2 = 2, d3 = 3, c1 = 3, c2 = 2 and c3 = 1. The schedule must be completed at most by time Tmax = 4. The tightest valid schedule is given in Figure 2-(i). Assume that—after the nominal schedule is devised—the adversary is able to add one unit to the resource consumption of at most two activities, and let us consider again the schedules in Figure 2. The maximal possible resource consumption at each time point of each schedule, under any possible attack from the adversary, is depicted by using a dashed frontier. It is easy to see that the makespan-optimal schedule in Figure 2-(i) is subject to a critical attack (one which affects activity a1 and a3 ). The linear schedule depicted in Figure 2-(ii) is robust w.r.t. attacks but unfortunately fails to meet the deadline. The schedule in Figure 2-(iii) finishes on time and is resistant to attacks. The key point here is that the adversary can invest limited resources in launching attacks, so he has to solve an optimization task to identify the best one (also depending on whether he is supposed to act before or after the nominal schedule is unveiled). Note that bounding the number of tasks whose resource demand can be increased provides just one example—possibly the simplest one—of adversary model. We elaborate further on these points in Section 4. 2.3 Related literature Recently, several papers have considered the impact of uncertainty in scheduling problems [7, 13, 16, 18]. Most of these frameworks aim at producing schedules that “behave well” even if the initial conditions of the problem change slightly, or if some “enemy” delays tasks or preempts resources for his own use. The uncertainty about task duration, resource consumption or availability is modeled by associating a probability distribution to the uncertain quantities. Such probabilities are taken into account to synthesize a “probabilistically acceptable” schedule [16]. We consider here a slightly different case: The adversary is determined to do its best to break the schedule, within the limits of his (precisely modeled) resources. So, we cannot expect any favorable “average behaviour”. We need a worst-case analysis which gives guarantees in all the scenarios consistent with what the adversary is capable of doing (see the “strong conformant” notion below). Multi-objective optimization problems have been studied in mathematical programming under the name of bilevel programming [4]. In these problems, two players with different goals make alternate moves acting on the same resources. It follows that one of the constraints of an optimization problem is itself an optimization problem. The use of bilevel linear programming to model opponents in project scheduling has been considered in [9]. A QCSP modeling of the job-shop problem with possibly faulty machines has been recently proposed [14]. In planning theory, the uncertainty on effects of actions (caused by the interaction with the environment) leads to consider what could happen in the worst case. These planning problems are called conformant. In [10], a distinction is made between weak conformant problems (a solution found may achieve the goal) and strong conformant problems (a solution found is guaranteed to achieve the goal). Weak conformant problems assume that the adversary hinders the project by chance and he has no will to harm. Strong conformant problems try to find a solution for every malicious behavior of an intelligent opponent. Figure 2: Adversary scheduling example. 3. QUANTIFIED PROBLEMS Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems [8] are extensions of the classical CSP framework in which some variables may be universally quantified. In this section, we define QCSPs and QCSP+ , an extension intended to improve the modeling capabilities and solving efficiency of QCSPs. A CSP (V, D, C) is composed of a set V = {v1 , . . . , vn } of variables ranging over a family of finite domains D = {d1 , . . . , dn } and a set C = {c1 , . . . , ck } of constraints binding these variables. A solution is a value assignment to all the variables of V such that every constraint in C is satisfied. The existence of a solution of a given CSP (V, D, C) is equivalent to the satisfaction of the following formula: ∃v1 ∈ d1 · · · ∃vn ∈ dn . c1 ∧ . . . ∧ ck The replacement of some of these existential quantifiers by universal ones leads to the QCSP formalism. A QCSP is a 5-uple (V, D, <, q, C) where V , D and C are inherited from CSPs, < is a total order on V , and q : V → ∃, ∀ is a function which associates quantifiers to variables. A QCSP (V, D, < , q, C) then has a solution iff the following formula is true: q(v1 )v1 ∈ d1 · · · q(vn )vn ∈ dn . c1 ∧ . . . ∧ ck In the classical QCSP setting, all variables are quantified, yielding a closed formula. The first four elements of a QCSP, namely (V, D, <, q) define the prefix of the QCSP, which can be denoted as a chain of quantified variables [q(v1 )v1 ∈ d1 . . . q(vn )vn ∈ dn ] ordered with respect to <. A solution for such a QCSP is no longer a simple assignment to every variables in V , as all the constraints must now be satisfied in several scenarios, depending on the value assigned to the universally quantified variables. Such a solution is called a strategy and has the shape of a set of functions s giving, for each existentially quantified variable vi a value which is function of the values taken by all universally quantified variables which precede it in the order <. A strategy defines a set of scenarios, which are complete assignments compatible with the strategy. If all scenarios satisfy the CSP C, the strategy is winning. A winning strategy is a solution of the QCSP. The name strategy refers to the intuitive interpretation of QCSPs as a game between the existential and the universal player. Deciding the existence of winning strategies for a QCSP is a PSPACE-complete problem [15], whereas solving a classical CSP is NP-complete. The technique used by most QCSP solvers is search assisted by a propagation technique which is the quantified extension of arc-consistency (QAC [8]). Despite their theoretical expressiveness, pure QCSP have three main drawbacks: (i) admissible moves in most interesting existential/universal games depend on preceding moves (in other terms, games have rules... even simple ones like tic-tac-toe, where it is forbidden to play twice in the same position). QCSP provide no tool to cleanly restrict what the universal player is allowed to do (for the existential player it suffices to add the rules as additional constraints). Workarounds demand either ad-hoc extra-QCSP mechanisms to dynamically restrict variable domains or a complex rewrite of the model1 . Such “flaw” has been first identified for QBF, the boolean restriction of QCSP, in [2]; (ii) propagation only applies to the existential variables, thus reducing its potential power; (iii) since QAC depends on the quantification pattern of the variables, it requires to implement up to 2n different propagators for a n-ary constraint. To overcome these problems, QCSP+ were introduced [6]. QCSP+ are an extension of QCSP in which each quantification can be arbitrarily restricted. In a QCSP+ , a CSP Li is associated to each quantified variable vi in order to restrict the set of its possible values. Such CSP involves the variable vi and those preceding vi in <. Formally, the association of a quantified variable with its restricting CSP is called a restricted quantifier Qi = (qi , vi , di , Li ). We denote a restricted quantifier as qi vi ∈ di [Li ]. Such restricted quantifier reads “qi vi ∈ di such that Li holds”. A QCSP+ is a sequence of restricted quantifiers, followed by a goal, i.e., a CSP which mentions all the variables introduced by the preceding quantifiers. For example ∃X ∈ dx [Lx ] ∀Y ∈ dy [Lxy ] ∃Z ∈ dz [Lxyz ] . C reads “exists X ∈ dx such that Lx and for all Y ∈ dy such that Lxy exists Z ∈ dz such that Lxyz and C”. Note that from a logic viewpoint, this formula alternates and nests implications and conjunctions. QCSP+ inherit classical CSP propagation, and introduces an original mechanism called cascade propagation [6], which among the other things allows to prune universal domains. QCSP+ is the input language for the solver QeCode2 , which is built on top of the CSP solver GeCode [17]. QeCode is the only quantified solver which handles the global constraints essential to our models. 4. ADVERSARY MODELS We consider two types of adversary problems, according to the relative order in which the scheduler and the adversary act. In the first case, a (valid) schedule is proposed, then the adversary tries to break it. Let s be a schedule (which 1 One workaround consists in reifying all the constraints and then posting auxiliary disjunctive constraints on the reified variables. Such rewrite makes the model less readable, obstruct the propagation mechanism, and in several cases (including the one we consider in this paper) cannot be used just because the reified version of global constraints is usually not implemented. Another technique makes use of “shadow” variables [14]. However, such techniques determines a loss in readability and demands some assumptions on the structure of the game. 2 QeCode is publicly available at /lifo/Members/vautard/research/qecode/index.html. specifies start time, duration, and resource consumption of each activity), a be an attack, valid(s) be the CSP which recognizes valid schedules, possible(a, s) be the adversary model (i.e., a CSP which recognizes whether the adversary can launch the attack a on the schedule s), and s(a) be the schedule resulting from s after the attack a. We are interested in deciding whether: ∃s[valid(s)] ∀a[possible(a, s)]. valid(s(a)) (2) If this formula is true the adversary knows that the schedule cannot be broken. Otherwise, the scheduler knows that the adversary is powerful enough to devise a critical attack. These two types of adversary scheduling problems can be interpreted as two simple one-step games. More general scheduling interactions (in which the two players interleave their activities for a number of rounds) can be considered, but here we limit our attention to the basic patterns. In both patterns, a schedule is “valid” in the classical sense, i.e., iff it complies with all the temporal and resource constraints. Such constraints can be expressed in CSP as described in Section 2.1. By contrast, no standard model of “scheduling adversary” exists. In the simplest case, the adversary model described in Section 2.2 can be considered. Further examples include adversaries who can, within limits, elongate tasks or force additional time precedences. Other threats to schedules are best modeled through a time-based notion of attack. Consider, for example, an adversary that can prolong or make more resource-intensive all the activities which take place at time t∗ , but can select only one such moment t∗ to act (think of the effect of a simultaneous all-out strike on the operations of a production line). Furthermore, such basic types of adversary can be combined to obtain arbitrarily complex models of real-world cases. Here we discuss in detail the QCSP+ model of case (1) under the assumption that the adversary can impact on a fraction of the tasks to be scheduled by increasing their resource consumption by a constant factor (see Figure 3). Let A = {a1 , . . . , an } be a set of activities to be scheduled and R = {r1 , . . . , rm } be a set of resources. Each activity ai has a starting time si (with values in the domain dsi ), a duration di (which the adversary cannot extend) and demands an amount cij of resource rj . Each resource ri has a maximum available capacity rmaxi . The difference between the starting time of two activities ai and aj such that ai ≺ aj is constrained to be within the interval [minij ..maxij ]. The adversary is modeled by two parameters α ∈ [0..1] and β > 0 which represent respectively the fraction of tasks the adversary can touch, and the factor by which their resource consumption is increased. For example, the adversary defined by α = 0.1 and β = 0.2 is able to increase by 20% the resource consumption of 10% of the activities. Note that in this simple model the schedule plays no role in constraining possible attacks (i.e., possible(a, s) does not in fact depend average median 100 10 (1) If this formula is true, the scheduler knows that his schedule is safe w.r.t. any attack the (model of the) enemy can generate. If the formula is false, the adversary knows that he is sufficiently powerful to break any schedule. In the second case, the adversary declares its attack first, then a schedule is produced. In this case, the attack is schedule-independent, so the adversary model has the simpler form possible(a). We are interested in deciding whether ∀a[possible(a)] ∃s[valid(s)]. valid(s(a)) 10-task set 1000 1 0.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 4: Average and median performances of QeCode on a set of 10-task problems. The X axis represents the percentage of activities touched by the adversary and the Y axis gives the resolution time. 30-task set 1000 average median 100 10 1 0.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 5: Average and median performances of QeCode on a set of 30-task problems. Same conditions as before. The timeout is 1000 seconds. on s). In general, such dependency is relevant (think of e.g., an adversary that can only touch the first/last activity). 5. EXPERIMENTS We have modified two sets of classical multi-resources scheduling problem instances (without adversary) for which the optimal makespan Tmax have been previously calculated3 . Only feasible instances were used for our benchmarks. Each instance has been transformed into an adversary scheduling problem of type (1) by means of three parameters: The parameters α and β introduced in the previous section, and a third parameter γ > 0 which models the amount of extra time allotted in the adversary setting w.r.t. the optimal makespan of the original version. The idea is that schedules gain robustness w.r.t. the attacks we consider by lowering their degree of parallelism, hence by lengthening their minimal makespan. We need to grant some extra time if we ask for robustness. 3 Such instances are described in [12] and are available for download as test-set J10 and test-set J30 at /forschung/schwerpunkte/projekt-generator/rcpspmax ∃s1 ∈ ds1 , . . . , sn ∈ dsn , send ∈ dsend [ {si + di ≤ send | ai ∈ A} ∪ {si + di + minij ≤ sj | ai ≺ aj } ∪ {sj ≤ si + di + maxij | ai ≺ aj } ∪ {cumulative([s1 , . . . , sn ], [d1 , . . . , dn ], [c1i , . . . , cni ], rmaxi ) | i ∈ [1..m]} ] ∀k1 ∈ {0, 1}, . . . , kn ∈ {0, 1} ∀c011 ∈P[c11 ..rmax1 ], . . . , c01m ∈ [c1m ..rmaxm ], . . . , c0n1 ∈ [cn1 ..rmax1 ], . . . , c0nm ∈ [cnm ..rmaxm ] [ { i=1..n ki = α ∗ n} ∪ {c0ij = cij + ki ∗ (1 + β) | i ∈ [1..n] j ∈ [1..m]} ] {send ≤ Tmax ∗ (1 + γ)} ∪ {cumulative([s1 , . . . , sn ], [d1 , . . . , dn ], [c01i , . . . , c0ni ], rmaxi ) | i ∈ [1..m]} Figure 3: Detailed QCSP+ model of an adversary scheduling problem of type (1) We have run adversary versions of 10-task and 30-task instances. For each initial instance, 10 adversary problems are generated, with α = 0, 0.1, . . . , 0.9 (when α = 0 the opponent can affect no task, so the adversary problem is equivalent to the initial problem). Each activity affected by the adversary has 50% extra resource demand (β = 0.5). The maximum allotted time for the schedule is 10% longer than the optimal makespan of the initial problem (γ = 0.1). These tests have been performed on a dual-Opteron at 2.6 GHz equipped with 4 GB of RAM. Timeout is 1000 seconds. Results are presented in Figure 4 and 5. As expected, we observe an easy-hard-easy pattern. For very small values of α (weak adversary) the original schedule (or small variants thereof) is “quickly” recognized as a solution. For large values of α (40% and more of activities attacked in the 10task test), the adversary is so strong that no robust scheduling is found. In this case, the problem is over-constrained and propagation quickly shows inconsistence. Intermediate cases are the hard ones. The presence of the adversary increases dramatically the computation time, even when the non-adversary version was trivial, while the fraction of positive instances decreases from 100% to 0%. We are investigating whether the large performance penalty is due to the intrinsic complexity of the problem, or to the need for a better propagation scheme and search heuristics in the solver. 6. CONCLUSION We showed how to capture and solve adversary scheduling models using the QCSP+ language. Besides scheduling, various real-world multi-level problems can be confronted by the same techniques, as the applicability of bilevel mathematical programming clearly shows [4]. Bilevel programming is often limited to linear constraints and rarely considers the discrete case. In contrast, our approach inherits all the versatility of Constraint Programming in modeling discrete decision problems. 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