September, 1984 LIDS-P-1403 LINEAR SMOOTHING FOR DESCRIPTOR SYSTEMS Milton B. Adams* Bernard C. Levy** Alan S. Willsky** The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory 555 Technology Square Cambridge, MA. 02139 The linear smoother for an n-th order two-point boundary value descriptor system (TPBVDS) [1] is formulated by using the general linear estimator solution developed by the method of complementary modelshin [2]. The smoother is shown to take the form of a 2n order TPBVDS. By employing the solutions to generalized Riccati equations 13] it is shown that the smoother th dynamics can be decomposed into two n order descripdnmc ca bdeoosdittonostochastic tor form equations. The implementation of the smoother solution is also addressed. 1. Introduction The class of descriptor systems was introduced by Luenberger [1] to describe the dynamics of certain linear systems for which the standard state-space representation is not applicable. The properties of processes of this type have been studied by a number of investigators and and (e.g. the , optimal investigators (e.g. 141, [51 and [6]) and the optimal control problem has been examined in [7]. In this paper we discuss the fixed-interval smoothing problem for an nth order TPBVDS. The solution is formulated as a 2nth order TPBVDS by an application of the general linear estimator solution developed in [21 via the method of complementary models. The implementation of the smoother solution is also addressed. A general solution for a "regular"* TPBVDS is established along with a condition for well-posedness. This general solution is developed as a linear combination of (i) the solution to stable forward and backward recursions corresponding to processes with standard state space dynamics and (ii) the two-point boundary value. Following the methodology in [8] for the decomposition of the smoother for two-point boundary value processes satisfying statespace form dynamics, the dynamics of the 2ntn order TPBVDS are also decomposed into two nth order descriptor form representations. This decomposition can be viewed as the generalization to descriptor systems of the Mayne-Fraser smoothing formula [131 for standard linear systems. An application of the general solution to these two lower order descriptor form systems yields the smoothed estimate. Some aspects of the smoother and its implementation remain unresolved. First, the forward/backward general solution is only applicable for a regular TPBVDS. General conditions for regularity of the Sesmoother solution have not yet been established. h cond, the decomposition of the 2n order TPBVDS smoother into two nth order descriptor forms requires the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridae, MA. 02139 existence of solution into two nth order descriptor forms requires the existence of solutions to "generalized" Riccati equations [31, and general conditions for the existence of such solutions have not been established. 2.1 The Model In this section the model for the discrete linear TPBVDS is introduced,and aforward/backward form of its general solution is developed. Let u, be form of its general solution is develooed. Let u, be an mxl white sequence on [O0,K-ll with constant covariance matrix Q. Let E, A and B be nxn, nxn and nxm matrices respectively with the pair (EA} comprising is not reouired to be a regular Dencil [91. Thus, E is not required to be K ] partitions as [VO:V ,and let v be an nxi random vecpartitions as [ and et be an nx random vector uncorrelated with u and with covariance matrix v Then the discrete TPBVDS satisfies the difference equation: Exl =Axk B (la) with two-point boundary condition 0 K (lb) v = V XO + V xK . The realization of the smoother developed in [21 by the method of complementary models requires anoperator representation of the process dynamics and boundary condition. The appropriate operator representation for (1) is developed as follows. Let the set of points between 0 and K-1 be represented by Q = [0,K-1], and let the boundary of this region be defined as Q2= {0,K}. With D representing the unit delay, the dynamics of the nxl vector process in (la) are given by the first order difference operator: n(D U) (2a) 2 2 defined notationally as L L = (D-1E-A) and operationally as k = Exk+l Viewing the matrix V as the operator V: R2n Rn the dynamics and boundary condition in (la) and can be expressed as L = Bu vx c = v 2c) (2d) (lb) (3a) (3b) This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant ECS-83-12921. C.S. Draper Laboratory, 555 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA. 02139. . Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems. M.I.T., Cambridge, MA. 02139. *Conditions for regularity are given in Section 2. ~~~·3Cl~~~~illCII~~~~~tr··~~~*^·;.I ~~ ;:~~~ = 2.2 (3c) A General Solution for the TPBVDS A general solution for the TPBVDS in (1) is form.ulated here as a linear combination of two stable recursions, one forward and one backward. This form of the solution both lends insight into the properties of where o descriptor systems defined by (I) (e.g. weil-posedness) and will provide a means for implementing the smoother that is developed later in Section 3. that later is developed in Section 3. Given that {E,A} comprises a regular pencil there exist nonsingular nxn matrices T and F such that and (4a) and AJ Af 01 FAT Ffb (k)FOlv v [Xf b where k) f Txregular and x that K - 'K . from (9a) into the solution Vb0b 0 x ] (10a) L 0: 9b(kL,K (lOb) Applying the inverse of the transformation in (5), the original process xk is recovered by -1 T k ( , In this way, we have have constructed a stable, forward/backward two-filter recursive implementation of the general solution for the TPBVDS defined by (la) and (lb) with the only constraint being that {E,Ai form a pencil. Xfk h( Tx(5) Lbk K K) + V] -(k, fb (kf ~x f'k-i O Vb Finally substituting for x (8a) and (8b), it can be swn to (6) is given by (4b) where As is nlxnl,A is no x n2 n n + n2, and all eigenvalues of Af and A. lie within the unit circle. These properties of Af and Ab can be obtained as a modification of the decomposition of a regular matrix pencil as described in (9]. The decomposition in [9] splits the pencil into forward dynamics corresponding to a pencil of the type zI-A; and into backward dynamics corresponding to z-iI-Ab where Ab is nilpotent. The modification (4) simoly shifts the unstable forward modes of Af into the backward dynamics Ab . Employing T in (4) to define the equivalence transformation K + Vf(K, The well-oosedness condition for (la) and (lb) is kthat and multiplying the dynamics in (1) becomes decoupled as x fk+l = A xf - B ff k+l 4f = Afxf,k k (la) on the left by F, -uk (6a) (6a) F-b in (9b) be invertible. That is, for x to be uniquely defined on [O0,K] by the input uk and boundary value v,Ffb must be invertible. This invertibility criterion can be used to show that if E is singular, (lb) must be a two-point (or multi-point) boundary condition (i.e. (lb) cannot be an initial condition) as follows. k A l - B(6b)First note the E singular implies that Ab is singular and consequently that Ob is singular. For an initial value problem, VO I and Vi * 0, and therefore, Vf = 0 and Vb = 0. Thus, for an initial value ( problem Ffb becomes (6c) fb = [Vf 0b b( 0,K)] A D Xb,k+l -BbUk %b,k where F Bf1 = FB - I Bb F . Note that A is forward stable and A is backward sta= ble. Given the transformation in (5T, the boundary condition in (lb) takes the form 0V. v VI f bf fo + : 0 LXxb,oK [fV ' Vb [V V f (7a) 0° b(OK Clearly, a necessary condition for F lar is that 9. (O,K) be nonsingular. to be nonsinqu- However, this does not hold whenDE is singular. where 2.3 0. 0 [V .V 0T-1 -V T 1and £ K vV<] E V T (7b) Employing the forward/backward representation of the dynamics of the TPBVDS in (6), a general solution ,k as ths soluDefine to (1) is derived as follows. tion to (6a) with zero initial condition' and xbre fosution hk toas the solution to (6b) with a zero final condition.' Note that both can be computed by numerically stable recursions. With f the transition matrix for A and the transition matrix for A, one can write 0 xf k = )f(k,O)xf +x k f f,4O (8a (Ba),k Green's Identity In addition to the operator representation of the TPBVDS in (3) the smoother solution we develop later also requires the formal adjoint difference operator L which is obtained through Green's identity for L on Q Green's identity for discrete processes is ob[21. tained from summation by parts of the inner product K-1 = 2 <0.-l 2 Yk k =[ K-i K Yk(EXk+l A-xk) (12) and Xbk = )b(kOK)xK Xok (8b) Substituting for xf K and xb (7a) and solving fof K xf 0 and [f - ------ - ----- - `N"~~.i F1 vKO V - ~ ~ i· '`( O from (8a) and (8b) into xb, gives - V0 (9a) `~·r Summation by parts can be interpreted as the counterpart of integration by parts as follows: jIntergration by Parts T udv - uv ! - T v vdu 0 iSummation by Parts *__ _ _ _ _ _ _ K-1 Uk+L(Vk+l } - -u v ) - ((u v form for the estimator in equation (3.17) of -) v( k __ The term on the right hand side of the identity for sunmmation by parts in (13) has been obtained simply by shifting the index of summation on the left hand side To and adding (ukv-uOv) to account for the shift. 01 QB , _ k+l E k - l-C'R C A k . kCR (20a) K-1 0(Ex+l . (EXk+l-'kk0 Yk k x'Iwith (Er'yk-AIYk) xk k k-I'AY k Z boundary condition (W'T61W + V'Tv W·Ilb T vb xEy_ + x _1 K K-lL and and r =o{-1 X' = b = 0 1 L (20b) 1-0 L K-1 As mentioned earlier, it will be convenient to write the smoother in terms of the shifted process A defined in (17b). In this way the apparent four-point boundary condition in (20b) becomes a two-point bouncondition. Furthermore, if we were to sDeciaiize to the case of causal processes (E=I, VO=t, V--'O), the smoother takes the traditional form of the discrete fixed-interval smoother (see e.g. [101). Thus, in terms of X and Ab (20a) and (20b) become f1~dary (t15b ( - L fK-1 °0 + ,i (15a) = DE' - A' , E. V) (14) ,_'yK . Defining L In The formal adjoint ply ..given by matrix transpositions. difference operator L , the matrix*F, and xb and y (temporarily y will be used in place of ) have all been determined in the derivation of Green's identity. The resulting smoother dynamics are given by _. _ the form of (13), we perform the put (12) into same type of index shifting to write [2]. , C. W and V are all sim- this case, the adjoints of kuk+l -k (13 k-l (19b) The minimum variance estimator of x given the observations y and y can be written by substituting from the operator description of the TPBVDS in (3) and Green's identity in (15) and (16) into the operator ) ! k=O I K K 0 0° i __________ v _= Wx + r b -b W b _ __ cd) E Green's identity can be written directly from (14) as -Lx,'> <x -L Yx> >E 1 + 2 2 - C'R 0E C Ak+ k4-l Yk ~k (i.e. X = Dy) . (17a) XklC k A' Yk (2 la) We will see later that the estimator can be expressed in a simpler form if written in terms of a shifted version of y, which we denote by A: W ' bYb LWKJ = ° 0.'0 + W0'RblW0 LVK-lV IvK',-l vO +W w wkh b1 -E' 0 0 ° 0 I-IA In terms of the shifted process A, yb is given by b b (17b) ] AK + LV v -[v K' V Given Green's identity as expressed in (15) and (16), in the next section we establish an internal difference realization of the smoother for the discrete TPVBDS. E E = 3. 3.1 The Smoother and Two-Filter Imolementation o E 1 -1 K b W ' 1K W (21b)o K '-BQ B' --_ -A' (22a) The Smoother as a TPBVDS The observations for the fixed-interval smoothing problem are comprised of an observation of the process x at each point in the interval [O,K-1] as well as a Let C be a boundary observation as described below. pxn matrix, and let W be a full rank qx2n matrix with fin, with the rows of W linearly independent of those of V in (2.3) and with qxn partitions:= O3:CK W= [W W] (18) Let rk be a pxl white noise process over [O,K-lI whose covariance matrix R is nonsingular and constant on [0,K-11. Let r, be a qxl random vector with nonsinoular covariance iimatrixb. In addition, u, v, r and rb are assumed to be mutually orthogonal. The observations are defined by a process Yk k uk = C-k + rk on ,K-l] and a qxl boundary observation (19a) A 0 -E' A = C (22b) 1 and (22c) CR the smoother dyanmics in (21a) can be written in descriptor form as kll E I k+l * In [21 . k ' (23) Y is denoted by E. A change in notation is required since E is used here in defining the dynamics of th TPBVDS in (la). 3.2 Impelmentation of the Smoother k Assuming* that the pair {E,A} is regular, one could immediately employ available numerical techniques (111 to find matrices F and T analogous to those in (4a) and (4b) to obtain a solution for [(,Al as described in (8) through (11). Rather than taking this numerical route directly, we will take an intermediate step by which (23) is further simplified revealing some additional underlying structure of the smoother dynamics. As will become apparent, this intermediate step has been motivated by the two-filter fixed-interval smoother solutions for non-descriptor form systems (i.e. systems for which E - I) [8]. In particular, we will find 2nx2n matrix sequences Fk and T which de-1 k compose E and A as ia [-1 copsr.n fk 'I FkETk+ - 0 and FAT - Abk T22 I fk Tk F - k QB' k k +F A' (28g) k A +F C C'R (28h) * (29) Eb,k [e·b (29) along with the eight relations in (28) yields [ (25) S (28f) Lec Employimg Eb,kl f,k k+l F Tk 2b ,kTkII= k( A E' 1 decomposition and defining f,k+l (28e) 12 k E f,kk Ee f A A[I - (C'R fk f f,k F T A E 21 T 12 12 the 2n order smoother dynamics in (23) become decoupled into two nth order descriptor forms E k F f,k , (24b) - [f k+l A. k T ok 21 A d 22 (24a) A kc+l Given this k 21 Ab,k. - k 21 Motivated by the decomposition of the smoother dynamics for state-space form two-point boundary value systems in [81 and (121, choose 0 [_ - b,k k bbk (30a) f,k C k) + C'R -C] -A(C'R-1C + efk (30b) ef fk fk -) C'R (30c) E' (30d) + +(26a) B f,k f,k Yk26a) and Bbk = C'R bo,k Xbk+l Ab,k b,k + Bb,k Yk (26b) Ab k (30e) - ) A'tI + (BQB' + bk - BQB - (30f) where -F ]* … F (26c) k It can be shown that in order to achieve the decomoosition in (26a) and (26b), the partitions of F and T k k denoted by Kwhere k F11 k k Fk k kc k F12 11 k k and Tk = Tk 22 21 E E b,k 22 E 12 k (28a) k 28b) - F1 1 BQ'k BQB' An outstanding problem is + F1 2 k A' f,k+l E' A(C'RC + ) f k f,k A' + BQB' (31a) 22 ,'9bk E - A'(BQB' + 8b,k+l ) A + C'R C . (31b) Equations (30a) through (30f) along with equations (26a) and (26b) completely define the decoupled dynamics for the transformed processes xf,k and Xb, k . An expression for the boundary condition for the tranformed processes can be developed as follows. First rewrite the boundary condition (21b) for the untransformed smoother processes in a more compact form: 22 E +l f,k ~~b,k -1 (27) F11 T ~ (3 E kc+ ~ Riccati equations: must satisfy Ef,k T11 -. k 8f and 8b satisfy the following generalized Ic T12 k -1 '- (28c) the determination of the conditions for which (E,A} is regular. 0,KI 4 ][ [ 0 K EI With the inverse of equivalence transformation Tk given by It -1 fz] k-1 ' O ' f,k f,k k 3 T - - --- - - - - - (33a) E' X e k -1 yields a representation for the estimation error dynamics and boundarv condition. Emplovinq equations (3.20) and (3.23) in [21, the smoothing error for the TPBVDS can be shown to, satisfy descriptor form dynamics: E[Eu] where +[xkl ik+J 3fk Zk ( 'k + E'9b,k E kEB f,k (33b) EV + V)B ,k f,k the boundary condition (32) (33c) can be written in the transformed processes xf and xi. as kJ (36a) with boundary condition v -IV v WIff La lr O [ + E'b,0 E) Z0 f -I)E f i f- -0 -- I 0 (IE'SO f= V0,KZo VO K'ff,00 V:V SK 1,K ZK EO V [~~~~v0,K x xK -E', o~~~~0 0 . - K K E6 ffO f -1 0K fK fK K K - - - - - - - bk-1 K +I- Ef,, -b. 0 XO terms of W'!T ~ yb+ (V rk -C'R . (36b) where the error is defined as x - x, and A are defined in (22), and the boundary condition (36b) is written with the same notation as that used to express the smoother boundary condition in (32). Lbi The covariance of the smoothing error can be computed by an anolication of the difference equations formulated in the Appendix. In order to apply those equations, the error dynamics (36a) must first be transformed to the decoupled forrard/backward form in (6a) and (6b) with the boundary condition transformed (34) There is an alternative to directly transforming Given the expression for the inverse transformation in (33a), the estimate x can be recovered from the forward and backward processes by inverting (25) to give (36a) into forward backward fornm. That is, given the similarity between the error dynamics (36a) and the smoother dynamics (23, the transformations Tk and in (29) and (30) can be used to first decouple the k =j That is, Xb fk + I the estimate E'ef*lfZk k is (5 k linear' combination of the error dynamics into two nth order descriptor forms f]k transformed forward and backward processes. Of course to recover solve (26) xk e Tk via (35) we must first eb T (37) kk with boundary condition (34) to get xf and xb. However, the general solution presented in Section 2 is only applicable for the case that E E. , Af, Ab Bf and B, are constant. To satisfy this ondition, we can evaluate (30a) through (30f) with the steady state and then solve for the error covariance in these dynamically decoupled processes. solutions to the generalized Riccati equations for and 9 in (31a) and (31b). eb o c e s e o a o t s r The objective has been to transform the smoother The smoother and smoothing tf error equations for a TPBVDS have been derived. A stable method for obtaining a numerical solution for a regular mPSVDS as a linear combination of forward and backward recursions dynamics into two lower order descriptor forms. The Potential benefits are twofold. The first is that the computation required to compute the two nth order solu- and the two-point boundary value has been developed an th w -node cnio. alon(6 with a well-osedness condition. th tion is less than that required for a single 2 nth order system. The second and most important is that the descriptor form dynamics of the lower order systems may be more easily analyzed in terms of whether or not they The smoother for an n order system is shown to be a 2nth order TPBVDS. With respect to the smoother, the following remain as areas for further investigation: (1) well-posedness or smoothability conditions represent a regular pencil. For instance, if we assume that a steady state solution 93 exists for (31a) then [14] need to be established, (2) conditions under which the 2nth order TPBVDS smoother is regular as the forward dynamics (26a) become defined in Section 2, (3) conditoins for existence of solutions to the generalized Riccati equations (31a) and (31b), and (4) how might the smoother decomposition simplify the determination of smoother regularity. E9, x A (C'R C + -1 f - A(C'R .* + 3) CR Cf xfk f~k~l f) f -L, -l I CR k ~u A question which is unanswered thus far is: given that ,E,A} forms a regular pencil, under what conditions do 1 IE,A[I-(C'R C + )f)-lC'R-kCl} form a regular pencil? 4. The Smoothing Error In addition to providing a general representation 'of the estimator dynamics and boundary condition, the method of complementary models as employed in [21 also terms of Since the 1-D representation of the discretized dynamics of 2-D systems can be written in the form of a multi-point boundary value descriptor system (MPBVDS) ' [121, an extension to multi-coint problems of the smoother solution developed here would be auite useful.. A general solution for ^1PBVDS similar to the forward/ backward form for TPBVDS in Section 2 has been developed in 121. However, the extension of the smoother solution to problems of this type is still under investigation. 5~r^-C;~Thesmoot error ing euf o r a to References (11 and D.G. Luenberger,"Dynamic Equations in Descriotor Form," IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., Vol. AC-22, pp. 312-321, June 1977. [(21 M.B. Adams, A.S. Whisky and B.C. Levy. "Linear 21 M.B. Adams, A.S. Willsky and B.C. Levy, "Linear Estimation of Boundary Value Stochastic Processes, Part I: The Role and Construction of Complementarz Models", to appear in IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr. 0 nk) fb A.J. Laub, 'Schur Techniques in Invariant Imbedding Methods for Solving Two-Point Boundary Value Problems," Proceeding 21St CDC, Orlando, Florida. Dec. 1982. [4] D.G. Luenberger, "Time-invariant Descriptor System, Automatica, Vol. 14, pp. 473-480, 1978. (5) G.C. Verghese, B.C. Levy and T. Kailath. "A Generalized State-space for Singular Systems, IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., Vol. AC-26, pp. 811-831, Aug. 1981. (61 Lewis, F.L., "Inversion of Descriptor Systems," Proceedinqs 22nd CDC, San Antonio, Texas, Dec, 1983. [7] D. Cobb, "Descriptor Variable Systems and Optimal State Regulation," IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., Vol. AC-28, pp. 601-611, May 1983. (81 M.B. Adams, A.S. Willsky and B.C. Levy, "Linear Estimation of Boundary Value Stochastic Processes. Part II: 1-D Smoothing Problems," to appear in IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr. [91 F.R. Gantmacher, The Theory of Matrices, New York: Chelsea, 1964. (101 A.E. Bryson and M. Frazier, "Smoothing for Linear and Nonlinear Dynamic Systems," TDR 63-119, Aero. Sys Div., Wright-Patterson AFB, pp. 353-364, 1964. 0 fn b k Difference equations for each of these three covariances 0 can be derived by substituting expressions for x and represented as weighted sums of on into each of represented as weighted sums of u the expectations in (A.l). In this manner, it can be shown that (1) (3] E0 Pf(n,k) 9f(n,k)Pf0(k,k) where Pf(k+l,k+l) 0 P (0,0) I (A.2a) (k+l,k)P (k,k)$(k+l,k) + BF kB _ kkfk' (A.2b) 0 ( 0 (2) P (n,k) A where k b 0 P 0 (k,k)1'(k,n) b b (A.3a) k b b b 0 + BP (KK) +'Bb~k~kB~,; Pb(K,K) = 0 b,k kB ,k b and (3) for n > k 0 0 0 PLn,k) - G n$'(k,n) - ~f(n,k)fk fb fbn b f fbk where 0 0n fb,k+l - f(k+l,k) fkl (k+l,k) + B fkkB,k;QkB k and for n < k, Pjn,k) = A3b (A.3b) (A.4a) 0 . 0 (A.4b) . (A.4c) Given these three covariances, the covariance of xk: =E tExkxk] = Pk E[xkx] f,k - Tk{ can be written as .x ] lITT,(A.5a) '[x k(A.5a) (k)' +-(k)' k 1+ Sk) + P = Tk Pk _kt P [11] P. Van Dooren, "The Computation of Kronecker's Canonical Form of a Singular Pencil," Linear Alae-(k,k) bra and its ApDlications, Vol. 23, pp. 103-140, 1979. fi b(k)F-11 -lj't, bfb v fb lr Wk) + E-(k) k } -1' (A.b) ,k 0 b where [12] M.B. Adams, "Linear Estimation of Boundary Value Stochastic Processes," Sc.D. Thesis, Dept. of Aero. and Astro., MIT, Cambridge, MA., Jan. 1983. [13] J. Wall et al., "On the Fixed Interval Smoothing Problem," Stochast'ics, Vol. 5, pp. 1-41, 1981. [141 A. Gelb, Aooiied Optimal Estimation, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, .A., 1974. The Covariance of a TPBVDS Appendix: -l K O 0 (k) = (k)FlffvKPO(K,k) + Pb(K,k)l 0 V ) 0 + VbP b(k0) + P (0,k)]} b f b and (k) $(k) (k) = %lb(k) Pf(K,K) P (,O) F -lVK 0 _ Fib [Vf:Vb]…iP '(K,O); P 0( ) fb A set of difference equations from which the covariance of a TPBVDS can be computed are presented in this appendix, Since the smoother error is given as a TPBVDS in (36), these equations are especially useful in evaluating the performance of the TPBVDS smoother derived in this paper. The starting point for the development here is the general solution in (10a) for the TPBVDS defined by (la) and (lb). Recall that the boundary value v is assumed to be orthogonal to the inout uk throughout - (0O,K-11. Thus, v is orthogonal to x k and x in (lOa) for all -k f 0 k k in . so that the covariaiine of xk In (11) can be -written as a linear combination of .v, the covariance of v, and the following three covariances: (1) P (n,k) f S Etx (2) Pb(n,k) - E:x f,n x ' f,k nxb k' I , ( ( (A.5c) (A.hc) b V IV jVb (A.5d) Thus, the covariance of the process xk can be computed for any point k in i given the solution of the three matrix difference equations (A.2), (A.3) and (A.4).