LIDS-P-1383 JUNE 1984 EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS OF AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS by Alexander H. Levis Paul K. Houpt Stamatios K. Andreadakis ABSTRACT A methodology for analyzing and assessing the effectiveness of an The internal combustion engine powered automotive system is developed. analysis is carried out by characterizing separately both the system and the These user's needs in terms of quantitative attributes of performance. attributes are determined as functions of primitives (independent design variables) that describe the vehicle system, the user's requirements, and System capabilities their context, for example, an E.P.A. test procedure. and requirements are compared in a common attribute space by means of a special geometric locus, with which certain partial measures of effectiveness can be computed. These partial measures are then combined to yield an overall effectiveness measure with which design tradeoffs may be studied. The methodology is illustrated by assessing the effectiveness of a diesel powered passenger car with respect to fuel economy and emissions in the context of a simplified E.P.A. drive cycle. A key feature of the methodology is its ability to integrate complex data bases derived from simulation, laboratory test and analytical models as often found in automotive design. *Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139. fDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139. 1. INTRODUCTION System effectiveness is an elusive concept that encompasses technical, economic, and human-factor considerations. When the system to be evaluated is one which provides a service, such as an automobile, then the needs of the users must be taken into account. Furthermore, the service it provides may change in value as the users' needs, attitudes and technologies change and as the competitors' capabilities change. Thus, any methodology that is proposed for effectiveness analysis must be sufficiently broad and flexible so that it can accommodate change and can evolve over time. The analytical aspects of the methodology described address mainly the relationships between component structure, Vehicle and operating procedures system performance operational goals. to denotes the ability this characteristics, system performance to l], achieve paper system [2], [3]. appropriate It is assumed that the cost associated with any system realization and operation can be computed: costs for in the total cost may reflect the designing and manufacturing the vehicle system and the costs for operating and maintaining it. The basic premise of the methodology is that an automobile provides a service to its user under a wide variety of conditions. The complementary premise is that each user requires from an automobile services that it may or may not be able to provide and that the requirements that it may or may not be able there is the public establishes to meet. Thus, performance on one side, automotive system with a range of performance characteristics, while on the other are the users and the public with their diverse needs and requirements. Therefore, the first step of the methodology is based on the ability to model terms of methodology the system's capabilities and the users' commensurate attributes. This and are described in the next section. illustrative example is introduced. the other In the requirements in steps in third section, the an In section 4, the methodology is applied to the specific example to analyze its system effectiveness. 2 2. SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS The methodology is based on six concepts: system, users' needs, context, attributes, primitives, of and measures effectiveness. The first three describe the problem, while the last three define the key quantities in the analytical formulation of the problem. The system consists of components, A operating procedures. their interconnection and a set of passenger car, a truck, and their associated power plant and drive train are typical systems. The users' needs are derived from a set of objectives and tasks that the Their description must be as explicit and users would like to accomplish. specific as possible so that it can be modeled analytically. requirement such as useful nto have a dependable engine' is too broad, while a more specification would be that delivers adequate power' The context For example, a 'to have a reliable, fuel efficient engine . denotes the i.e., set of conditions and assumptions, A vehicle operating environment, within which the user will use the system. on a highway or city or combinations of the the two define typical automotive environments. Primitives are the variables and parameters that describe the system, For example, in the case of an automobile, propulsion system primitives may include the engine the users' objectives and the public's requirements. displacement, vehicle weight, drive train gear ratios, spark advance EGR schedules, and failure probabilities associated with the components to name the trip length and the load. Let the system primitives be denoted by the set {x i and but a few. the users' Primitives of the tasks may be the annual mileage, primitives by the set {yj). Attributes requirements. are quantities System that attributes describe for an 3 system properties automobile propulsion or users' system may include and cost, reliability, specific fuel consumption, exhaust gas emissions driveability. quantities as Users' requirements the system attributes, consumption, or maximum emissions. (As) and the requirements may e.g., be expressed minimum by reliability, the same and fuel The system attributes are denoted by the by (Arl. Measures of Effectiveness are quantities that result from the comparison of the system attributes and users' requirements. They reflect the extent to which the system meets the requirements. The first step of system primitives. this the methodology consists of the selection By definition, they must be mutually sense, the primitives are the independent variables of the independent. In in the analytical formulation of the methodology. The second characterize the step consists properties of that defining attributes are of interest for in the the attributes are expressed as functions of the primitives. system that analysis. The The values of the attributes could be obtained from the evaluation of a function, from a model, a computer simulation, or from empirical data. Each attribute depends, in general, on some of the primitives, i.e., As = fs (XiV-x s = 1,2,...,S k) Attributes may or may not be interrelated; they have primitives in common. A primitives taking specific values {xi); (1) two attributes system realization are related, results in if the substitution of these values in the relationships (1) yields values for the attributes {As). Thus, any specific realization can be depicted by a point in the attribute space defined by a coordinate frame in which each coordinate corresponds to an attribute. The third and fourth steps consist of carrying out a similar analysis for the users' needs: Selection of the primitives that describe the variables and parameters requirements. of the objectives and tasks and definition of the Then models are selected that map the primitives yj into the 4 requirements: Ar = fr (Yl,.',Yn) r = 1,2,...,R ; interrelated through dependence Some of the requirements may be primitives. It the between is possible also requirements, (2) to e.g., a introduce trade-off directly constraints some relationship on common between fuel consumption and vehicle weight (e.g., for improved ride quality). However, it through the functions or models that define attributes or requirements in terms of the is that preferable such trade-off be relationships derived Specification of values for these primitives results in a point primitives. or region in the requirement space. The two spaces, the system attribute space As and the users' requirement space Ar , although the of same dimension, may be in defined terms of different quantities, or quantities scaled differently. Therefore, the fifth step consists of transforming the attributes and requirements common, commensurate attributes these defined on a common attribute space A. common attributes has been defined, transformed into commensurate into a set of sets that the two {As } sets can be depicted and in the Once (Ar} are attribute space A defined by a common coordinate frame. A possible additional operation in this step is the normalization of the various commensurate attributes so that their values are in the range (0,1]. If all the attribute attributes is space graphically the are normalized in the unit hypercube. loci of the sets (A s } this This and manner, is very useful {Ar } the then common in depicting and in analyzing the effectiveness their interrelationships. The sixth step is the key one system in view of the users' needs. in the system properties attributes of two loci and in of a It consists of procedures for comparing users' the analyzing requirements attribute allowable values that the primitives space. through the Consider first geometric all the of a specific system design may take. If the primitives are allowed to vary over their admissible ranges, then the 5 variations define requirement hypercube. a Ls locus in the attribute locus Lr can be constructed. space. Similarly, a Both loci are defined in the unit The geometric relationship between the two loci can take one of three forms: The two loci do not have any points in common; they do not (a) overlap, i.e., the intersection of Ls with Lr is null: Ls n Lr = (3) In this case, the system attributes do not satisfy the users' requirements and one would define the effectiveness to be zero, regardless of which specific measure is used. (b) The two loci have points in common, but neither locus is included in the other: L Ln s (4) r but L In this case, satisfy s nL r < L s and L s nL r < L (5) r only some of the values that the system attributes may take the users' describe the extent requirements. to which the these measures may be considered Many different measures system meets as the a measure of normalized, takes values in the open interval (0,1). measure in the normalized attribute space. can be used requirements. to Each of effectiveness which, if For example, let V be a Then an effectiveness measure can be defined by E = V(L s n L r)/V(L s) (6) which emphasizes how well matched the system is to the users' needs. 6 The requirements locus is included in the system locus: (c) L In this s n L r case, = L (7) r it follows from Ls (7) that is larger them First, only certain system attribute values can be interpreted in two ways. the the of requirements users. since resources This is with consistent the The second interpretation is that the use interpretation given in case (b). of this system for the and, This result consequently, the ratio defined by (6) will be less than unity. meet Lr given requirements represents an inefficient use of system the the exceed capabilities needs. users' Inefficiency, in turn, implies lower effectiveness. If the system locus is included in the requirements locus, then the system's effectiveness is identically equal to unity, i.e., L The measures s nL r s measure that (8) =L of effectiveness can be defined in given by the partial measures be denoted by {Ep}. (6) common is one attribute of function u. k now are However, the arguments of u must belong valid to the these To combine these partial measures into considered for partial Let space. The k partial a single global measure, utility theory may be used [4],[5]. measures El,...,E many to be the application arguments of utility of a utility theory, the positive orthant of Rk*. The subjective judgements of the system designers and the users can be incorporated directly into the methodology in two ways: (a) by choosing and (b) by selecting a utility function. different partial measures, The global effectiveness measure is obtained, finally, from E =u (E ,E.. ) 1 ,E2, (9) k k-dimensional Euclidean space 7 The seven steps of the methodology shown schematically in Figure 1. and their interrelationships are The diagram emphasizes that the system and the users' needs must be modeled and analyzed independently, but in a common context. users' The system capabilities should be determined independently of the needs and the users' requirements considering the system to be assessed. should be derived Otherwise, the assessment is biased. GLOBAL EFFECTIVENESS MEASURE PARTIAL EFFECTIVENESS MEASURES SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS LOCUS LOCUS COMMENSURATE COMMENSURATE SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES REQUIREMENTS I REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES SYSTEM MISSION PRIMITIVES PRIMITIVES SYSTEM Figure 1. without CONTEXT MISSION The Methodology for System Effectiveness Analysis 8 AN EXAMPLE AUTOMOTIVE EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS: 3. In this section, the effectiveness analysis methodology is illustrated The problem is to evaluate the system effectiveness with a concrete example. of fixed power plant which is a particular to be in a hypothetical used For this study, the context is a simplified version of a family of vehicles. drive-cycle used in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency test standards. Context is defined in this case by a set of prescribed velocity versus time trajectories which the vehicle must follow. Attributes of interest are confined to fuel-consumption (FC,g/mi), unburned hydrocarbons (HC, g/mi), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx,g/mi). (a) the vehicle weight simplicity: associated with the shift point defined Only by a constraint two corresponding to considered for and (b) a parameter transmission. The mission is load); (including in a manual are primitives federally mandated emission standards and fuel economy. 3.1 System Modeling Modeling vehicle performance in the context of E.P.A. test procedures has received extensive attention since the tests were established in 1974. One approach which has in been widely used and engine initial industry can be broadly characterized as follows: STEP 1: Define ambient conditions (hot/cold) for specified procedure; fix control laws for spark-timing, air-fuel ratio, and exhaust gas recirculation, etc.; define velocity versus time trajectories for test (e.g., combination of urban and highway driving). For effectiveness analysis, any other primitives are also fixed in this step. STEP 2: For the given vehicle and power train, determine the speed and load (torque and/or power) seen at the crankshaft as functions of time as the test trajectories are swept out. Compute a matrix of engine speed (RPM) vs torque (or power) and time spent at each speed/load point from the trajectories. Figure 2 illustrates a typical matrix for a 4500 lb. vehicle with automatic transmission resulting from the original urban and highway drive [6]; a single combined test procedure has been employed. 9 schedules Urban Schedule (18 Cycles) 4500 lbs. in. wt. 47- 2407 - -- 196.7 1.3t 2000 1RW Iwo O849 184d0 -174 -2.?71 4.33 1933 92.8 1&.33 W1859 63. 17.43 .09 2.14 ~1600 - - 1739 59.1 15.75 if 1645 81.2 9.47 1400- > - 1739 57.4 7.42 . 1. 143.1 14691 3.154 I 17.6 5.1 4.13 1312 34.0 1.02 1257 IM 101.6 114.9 56 9.31 1258 64.5 54.33 - -i3 W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1070 10t t ' 8l4ll 11157112 1077 1 l 1092 -20.6 15 Q815 894 952 94.0 05.2 807--34.1 9.5 728 603 656 19.6 -134.27.1 69.22 90.62 49.16 708 6 624 34.3 43.7 33.69 20.64 607--- 6.20 I i Speed (rev/mi) __ 1 T 597 43.1 1312 1359 155.1 67.8 15.24 6 92 Speed___ 763 7 7 3. 62.3 (1 Time s) kr/9 ]---~ j IIT T T TT TTTITTTTT 407-~... - 0 20 o10 .--- -~ - - 30 o40 -- - -- -r- 70 60 50 11.45 1.66 9.97 1153 140.5 6.6 96.4 101.4 115.7 179.2 49.4 57.6 7.9 17.6 3654 49.91 19.92 18.17 13.76 3.94 47.62 11.4 11.4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3.9 76 968 919 908 914 9180 932 93 92 96 102.2 112.6 74.0t 7". 31.7 . 50.3 6,0 m2 9.4 6.893 19.251 13.71 829 37.6 117.40 3.3 9.3 12.3 12.30 1702 181.919.7 9-62 1301 142.2 2679 1729 21.5 I. 1 1493 1562 1465 ] 1 155.6 IMIt Id 127! 129.7 1816 171 2100 6.07 14(,5 1493t415 __ 14 200 1.61 195.7 2.27 I 1670 1667 184.2 196.3 2.25 6.32 114.9 11w0 - -41- 0 1691 133.6 13 t0 1297 -37.2 6.01 12i 183 19910 155.7 167.0 1.49 10.87 1461 -Q.o E 1895 139.6 1393 90 10 12 110 133 190 _'..l - -- - I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i 15 160 170 190 1i0 20 210o 20 M3 Torque (N.m) am~ 2200 - --i z~~o . o 52 II 1831 -10.7 2.25 -1847 1824 24.4 34.7 3.05 3.41 1669 -29.5 12.76 1693 1669 21.5 33. 19.14 13.55 1789 60.0 a2.2 1484 3 31.5 2. 1561 56.5 &90 i6.3 1975 15. .6a 1917 55.6 44.42 2 -2t 1892 190.2 104., 1.12 0.93 -33 184? i 1945 190 1MI1 143.5 158.7 1 3 214.4 216.7 111.3 I. [ 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~21.68 31~, 9.6 34.f¢ ko 4.91 689 2.33 2.45 7 1945 94.6 121.25 6.74 T 1166 171D1 11b.6 12&74. 1o.68 977 142.0 7. 154. 951 19b.8 17704 176.2 1777 71.5 2.4 125.44 17.64 1.275 IZ27 45 5.50 1 2u ftOO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I7 153, 75.3 1487 35.1 17.76 1524 113.1 11.38 1311 1 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11303 67.1 -33.2 1574 6.6 t.79 7 75.80 16.67 4, I77.9a 8.I --- i,; t I i -. 1.. 21007- I ~~~~~~l _ Highway Schedule 4500 lbs. in. wt. 1371 1371 70.2 9.90 1575 14 5.61 7311 1 4.96 9.14 1549 747 514 131.5 14.7 75. 11.66 5.D>.69 153I .5 1 9 5.46 15 134 179.7 121.5155.7 5.7: 5.07 1517 1553 3.73 1.46 151 ].5.5 1364 0.80 120D 1139 -2&4 0.. () 1O 57.o 1160 0.60 9.71 2.16 128s 3.00 0.75 907 977 -33.6 5.29 103. 7 0-82 743 -21.6 7.40 9.25 2.46 6OO 0 682 - 0 10 655 19.9 23 34.9 2.28 20 2.03 30 6W ' 44.6 7.73 48 50 60 Speed (rev!min) Torque (N.m) 800 - - Time (s) I, 70 8L' TTTT 90 70 170 1717 130 145 t150 lO 170 191 91 T0 Torque (N.m) Figure 2. Speed-Torque Martix with accumulated Time Resulting from GPSIM Simulation of (a) Urban Schedule, (b) Highway Schedule [6]. 10 707 210 T 12 22 30 STEP 3: Obtain "calibration" maps for the engine under study which give rates of fuel consumption and emission production per unit time as functions of engine speed and load. total fuel Then, from data in Step 2, integrate to obtain and consumed emissions For produced. example, with a grid discretization of the map into cells EFC (g/mi)] Zoa dsa(dFC/dt)(Time in Cell) total distance in test = all speed torque cells Note that in the calibration computations maps to change in Step with 3, time, it is possible for e.g., cold to allow start the initial conditions, hot soak, or changes in ambient, so that very complex scenarios or contexts may be defined. FC, HC and NOx extrema over Also, in practice, the surfaces corresponding to rates are continuous but the speed/torque not convex and may have multiple Note coordinates. that the frequency distribution over the grid on speed/torque coordinates can be obtained from highly detailed simulations vehicle (the source for Figure 2), or from experimentally derived test data. Completion of Steps 1-3 defines implicitly values for system dependent variables as functions of certain primitives. For this example, attention has been limited to the system attributes corresponding to fuel consumption, unburned hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen. This complex model thus defines the relationship required by equation (1). 3.2 Case Study: A Diesel Powered Passenger Car To illustrate the methodology of effectiveness analysis, a hypothetical vehicle powered by a particular diesel engine studied in reference [7] was used, as illustrated in Figure 3. The diesel was selected somewhat arbitrarily because of the availability of published performance maps, and the simplicity resulting from not having to consider spark advance and EGR schedules as primitives. The effectiveness analysis is easily applied spark ignited engines with these added design variables. to (a) so 240 60 22 OSe6-_i C 2 20 i- _ .. 0-t I0 O 800 350 Specific _300 1200 1600 fuel consumption 2000 2400 2800 3200 Engie speed rev/min. / 3600 250 &000 (b) Figure 3. 255 Cubic Inch Displacement Diesel [7] (a) Engine, (b) Nominal Performance Characteristics. 12 Figure 4 illustrates the performance of consumption, hydrocarbon emissions, oxides the diesel of nitrogen, in terms and functions of specific power (BMEP) and crankshaft speed (RPM). of fuel smoke as This was for a particular injection advance, optimized in the study in reference [7]. In principle, one could include the advance schedule as one of the primitives, but this will not be done here. If the brake torque or power and speed are specified, the rate of change of attributes with respect to time are computed by spline interpolation of the specified points on the various 'maps'. In this focus is variables example, on the engine parameters tradeoffs associated with are the vehicle have been selected as primitives. which can be thought vehicle loading. of both in terms of assumed to be First and fixed; drivetrain. the Two is the vehicle weight, classes of vehicles or simply Second, is a single drive-train parameter corresponding to the shift-point (in RPM) associated with a manual four-speed transmission. The motivation for considering the shift point as a primitive can be viewed as an optimization problem. For example, if a optimum upshift point to the driver were to be shift take place (as in the Volkswagen system)? signal light employed, where to indicate should the Alternatively, one may ask a sensitivity question such as how a distribution over shift points individual driver or over a population) degrades system (by an performance attributes. To apply the effectiveness analysis methodology, a common scenario or context is required. test In general, this might be as complex as a full E.P.A. procedure. Here, we limit attention to a series of acceleration/deceleration and cruise conditions for the vehicle as shown in Figure 5. Parameters of the context include the total duration of the test, the acceleration and deceleration on each change in velocity, the cruise velocities, and the dwell time at each cruise condition. Given the velocity time profile, a simple inverse kinematic model was developed, as brake load shown in block diagram form by Figure on the engine. For specified 13 vehicle 5(b), mass, to drag compute the coefficient 170 ~ I10'~-"Ito i l 6-0 .1 1 I 32300 50 350 Soo 6-r0 60 NO 1.00 1,0 30 0 i 0.- o 2200 ~ 2850 200 350150 m 511~~~~~~~7 I2O0 / 3 0IEnoine 2000 speed 2i00 revmmv. 200 SF.C. 310 310~~~~~5 3200 / 3600 60 330 000 800 1200 vmmin. ee 1600 36000 00 2000 2.00 2000 ,me spJEwgd &O 6-1 3~o 290 :3SO ~ ~ --..--~ 290 310 / " 2~'0, 3-0 ( 37S 1-0 1 00 I20 1600 2O 2 2002100 21100 3200 3600 Engine speed revimm. Figure 4. O /,(XX Maps of HC, NOx, and Fuel Consumption at optimum timing for performance [7] 14 3200 , : Figure 5(a) Vehicle speed vs time trajectories for case study context Vehicle At50 D TE Gear >'C ! T/Selection 3i0 sIHC DaZ fParameters i e e-- a I2f sI i Figure 5(b). Drag Forces Blok diagmeiers compu Drive Shof t T - torque [N-M] NE E Engine Shaf t to N - speed [RPM] Engine Maps NOx * HC TE Figure 5(b). iSeectioncs Block diagram of inverse kimenatics to compute load seen at engine shaft 15 (which for this analysis is an effective drag coefficient to model cumulative friction losses), gear selection, and other parameters (Table I), computes from the velocity instantaneous and acceleration the the model crankshaft speed and torque required to follow the given trajectory. TABLE I From the digitized 1.2 Differential Ratio 4 Tire Radius 0.34m Gearbox Ratios 0.28 calculated versions interpolation) N Sec 2 /m2 Drag Coefficient to of obtain engine the shaft maps the hydrocarbon and NO T generation. in load, 0.52 the Figure instantaneous 0.81 1.12 computer model 4 (with rates of then uses bi-cubic fuel spline consumption, These are then integrated over the scenario By varying vehicle weight and the shift trajectory to obtain nbag" totals. point described above, a trajectory sweep yields values for the attributes which define surfaces in 3-dimensional space. These surfaces are illustrated in Figures 6, 7, and 8, for fuel consumption, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons respectively. The attributes locus is derived from the data in Figures 6-8 by ploting the contour of upper and lower bounds of admissible shift points and vehicle mass into the three dimensional attribute space whose axes are FC, HC, and NOx , each with dimensions of (g/mi). shown in Figure 9. 16 A perspective view of this surface is FC 100 g/mi 95 90 17 27 2.2 31 '3S 2 RPM x 100 N Figure 6. Fuel Consumption as a function of and Weight KgxSpeed 85o N F as a function of Speed and 6igure Fel 7. ConsOmption 17 Weight HC 0.313 0.311 0. 309 0. 307 g/mi 0. 305 RPMx10oo N 7w3 Figure 8. ic HC as a function of Speed and Weight 2.4 0.313 gmia 0.311 22 0.309 g/mi 0.307 2.1 FC Figure 9. The system attribute locus 18 (BC, No x , RC) 3.3 System Requirements In this problem the requirements or mission constraints on emissions and fuel consumption. locus is defined by For example, current E.P.A. specifications call for: HC (total) < 0.41 g/mi NO (total) < 1.0-1.5 CO (total) < 3.5 (10) g/mi (11) g/mi There are no hard specifications on fuel consumption, only on corporate wide average fuel economy (CAFE), such as 15 miles per gallon, and a tax on gross fuel consumption. Thus, for this example, an upper limit on fuel consumption is assumed to be a user requirement: 30 mpg which corresponds to FC (total) The three locus, Lr. , 87 g/mi constraints, (12) (9), (10) and (11), define the requirements It is a rectangular parallilepiped bounded by the planes HC = 0 HC = 0.41 NO NO x =0 FC = 0 x = 1.5 FC = 87 as shown in Figure 10. 19 FC 0.408 / \ Figure 10. 4. The Requirement Locus SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS In the previous section, the two loci necessary for the assessment of effectiveness were defined;' the system locus Ls was depicted in Figure 9 and the requirements locus Lr in Figure 10. the same coordinate frame, Since both loci have been defined in it is possible to assessment by superimposing Figure 9 on Figure 10. carry out a qualitative For the selected range of primitives, i.e., 1,000 to 1,600 kilos for vehicle weight anbd 2,700 to 3,700 RPM for the shifting point, it is clear that no part of the system locus is within the requirements locus. 20 Ls Lr 84.96 < FC < 101.69 FC < 87 0.305 < HC < 0.313 HC < 0.41 2.015 < NO x < 2.364 NO x < because of the condition on NOx . s 1.5 Consequently, r and, in accordance with Eq. (3), the effectiveness of this particular dieselpowered passenger car is identically zero. As earlier, stated this particular diesel engine. a is hypothetical powered vehicle by a The initial choice of design parameters for the What the designer vehicle led to a locus totally outside the requirements. would do then is to modify the design parameters in an effort to move the L s This is best done interactively with the locus within the Lr parallilepiped. aid of any of the graphics 3-D available designer would The software. continue modifying the parameters until a high measure of effectiveness is obtained, design. the or until the design limits are a reached without satisfactory During In the latter case, alternative designs will be considered. interactive qualitatively design by process, observing intermediate the relationship designs would between Ls be evaluated and Lr and quantitatively by computing the measures of effectiveness. To illustrate the procedure to be used when Ls system requirements for this example will be changed. direct and serves to illustrate requirements can be expressed as 21 the methodology and Lr overlap, the This procedure is more better. The three HC < a ; NO b x FC c. Consider the case in which: a = 0.310 : b = 2.250 c = 0.96 ; Then the two loci overlap, LLs h L 0 as shown in Figure 11. FC FC 0.3 13 0.311 2. N 0 .309 90 95 100 HC Figure 11. The system and requirements loci; case Lr # the Ls 22 In this case, a measure V is required that will allow the assessment of the system with respect to the requirements. Let the first measure to be considered be the volume of the system locus. V = I I I f(FCNOx HC) dFC dNO (13) dHC Then, a possible measure of effectiveness is the ratio of the volume within the Lr locus to the total volume of the system locus (as in Eq. (6)). The total volume of Ls was computed to be: V (L) = 0.416 The volume of the portion of the L s locus within the Lr is obtained from Eq. (13): V1 (L n L ) = 0.205 and the resulting measure of effectiveness is 0.205 0.416 1 0.493 This measure weighs equally all operating points or all points in L s, i.e., all values of the attributes are equally significant. however, to introduce weights in the measure of V1 , i.e., It is possible, the integral (13) may be generalized: V = I R g(FCN,HC) C)f(FCNOBC) (FCNO dFC dNO dHC Alternatively, one may assign different relative weights to the primitives. For example, there may be a preference toward having the shift point at lower 23 RPM. This can be expressed as a weighting coefficient C1 = 1.370 - 0.0001 SP where SP is the shift point in RPM. This coefficient assigns a weight to the locus points corresponding to that value of SP. Similarly, for the vehicle weight: Weight W: 1000-1100 Coefficient C : 1100-1200 1.00 1200-1300 1.15 1.10 1300-1400 1.05 1400-1500 1.00 When the corresponding integrations are carried out, V (L) V2 (L = 0.457 L ) = 0.231 and the measure of effectiveness is E The two 0.231 = 0.457 0.506. partial measures El and E , each one reflecting different weights, can be combined into a global measure of effectiveness through the use of an appropriate utility function. Consider, for example, the global measure E = {EI E = 0.499 All the steps of the methodology have been carried out and a specific measure of effectiveness for the particular vehicle and a set been determined. 24 of requirements has If the requirements were changed to: FC < 100 , NO < 2.31 HC < 0.311 and ; then the partial measures of effectiveness are: EB = 0.720 E2 = 0.733 E = 0.726. and If an alternative design is considered, then the methodology can be applied to the second design and a measure between the two designs of effectiveness could be made then both obtained. Comparison qualitatively using the attributes (system) loci and the requirements loci, and quantitatively using the measures of effectiveness. 5. CONCLUSION A general methodology for assessing been described briefly and then shown powered passenger effectiveness is vehicle. the The comparison expressed space. The underlying of software. the is suitable for the concept system's of case systems of a for capabilities has diesel measuring to the Both capabilities and requirements in terms of multi-dimensional approach effectiveness to apply to requirements of its users (the mission). are the loci defined in the attribute inclusion in computer aided design Graphical representation of the loci would enhance the designer's intuition and assist him in exploring design alternatives. 25 6. REFERENCES Analysis of C 3 Vol. SMC-14, No. [1] Bouthonnier, V., and A. H. Levis, 'Effectiveness Systems,' IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1, January/February 1984. [2] Dersin, P. and A. H. Levis, Large Scale Systems Effectiveness Analysis. Report LIDS-FR-1072. Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1981. [3] Dersin P. and A. H. Levis, 'Characterization of electricity demand in a power system for service sufficiency evaluation,' European J. of Operation Research, Vol.11, No.3, November 1982. [4] Debreu, G., Equilibrium, Theory of Value: An Wiley, New York, 1968. Axiomatic Analysis [5] Phlips, L., Applied Consumption Elsevier, New York, 1974. Analysis, North-Holland/American [6] Cassidy, J. F., Jr., 'A Computerized Approach to Calculating Optimum Engine Calibrations,' General Motors Research Laboratory, Research Publication GMR-2286, December 1976. [7] W. M. Scott, International October 1980. of Economic 'Development of a 225 Cubic Inch Diesel Engine,' Symposium on Automotive Propulsion Systems, Vol. 26 5th 20,