ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT PARTICIPATION IN BUDGETING, LOCUS OF CONTROL AND ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS by Peter Browne 11 WP 1168-80 November 1980 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 PARTICIPATION IN BUDGETING, LOCUS OF CONTROL AND ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS by Peter Browne 11 WP 1168-80 November 1980 Participation in Budgeting, Locus of Control and Organizational Effectiveness ABSTRACT This study examines the role of the personality variable, locus of control, as moderator a the of participation and managerial relationship performance. The — study employing two separate subject groups students and managers from a large budgetary between results of laboratory a undergraduate accounting — company manufacturing show a statistically significant interaction between participation and locus of control affecting Budgetary performance. participation was found to have a positive effect on individuals who feel they have a large degree of control scale), over while their having a destiny ("internals" negative effect on the on those locus of individuals control who feel that their destinies are controlled by luck, chance or fate ("externals" on the locus of control applications in the scale). areas placement are considered. of job The results are discussed and possible redesign and personnel selection and 1- Participation Budgeting, Locus of Control in and Organizational the participation of issue The attention researchers of in Effectiveness management in process has occupied the budgetary accounting, perhaps this of line research consequences of cognitive have very been participation. fruitful a In an The findings extent greater than for any other budget-related variable. from to study of of area the in foremen in a large manufacturing company, Milani [1975] showed that participation was positively Collins associated found [1978] budgetary system. attitudes with a similar toward both job association with attitude and company and toward the the area of job satisfaction, both French, In Kay and Meyer [1966] and Cherrington and Cherrington [1973] report results which positive association with participation. snow a that participation increased "internalization" the thereby enhancing motivation, Hofstede [1967] while Israel French, found goals budgeted of [1960] found resulting from As and that participation was positively associated with morale. question the On outcomes behavioral of participation, in particular that of performance, the evidence is mixed. On the positive side, Argyris [1952] concluded that the key to effective performance is participation Green [1962] plays a extended participation in central this role in of business managers conclusion found clear tendency and for budget accunplishing by inducing motivation. employing a acceptance gaining in noting Bass supervisors as performance ns-cs-ss to and goals Becker this. the key role Leavitt, experimental be that and superior and of [1963] subjects, in the -2- ex peridental group which was more highly involved in target formulation. Kenis [1979] reached conclusion similar a department managers and supervisors, survey a performance. with convincing results on the question are due to Milani only a In similar vein, two a of Less who found [19751, weak positive association between participation and performance. change not, contradictory ftorse programs, participation, could study found participation where he significantly associated positively and in found one involving increase an therefore, attributed be in are be to found the in productivity. a of a Even literature. a In negative association between participation and performance and Stedry [1960] showing that level the participation. to laboratory setting, Bryan and Locke [1967] found results, the effect of who compared [1956], increase in performance in both programs which an results Reimer and produced similar more authoritarian structure resulted in higher Commenting on a literature survey of the subject, Hopwood [1976, p. 79] provides the following capsule summary: it appears that an increase in participation in decision making can often improve morale, its effect on productivity is equivocal at the best, increasing it under some circumstances but possibly even decreasing it under other circumstances. The practical problem is in trying to identify which conditional factors determine the wider impact of a particular type of participative management programme." "While The purpose of this paper is to report study conducted to investigate the role of of control, as one "conditional factor", a the results of a personality variable, locus using Hopwood' s term, relationship between budgetary participation and performance. section presents general a proposition laboratory in the The next review of the empirical evidence which supports the that the most fruitful framework within which to study the effects of participation on performance is one which includes -o- the role of "conditional factors". This is followed by introduces the locus of control variable, develops relevance in section which rationale a context of budgetary participation, the a and for its presents the Sections presenting the experimental method, hypothesis of the study. the results and the conclusions and limitations will follow in turn. PREVIOUS LITERATURE studies Few have undertaken been specifically explore to the Instead, proposition suggested above. "Many researchers .... have been overall problem of either proving concerned with the broad or disproving the general argument (that participation is associated with improved performance) rather than specifying the conditions for various results". [Hopwood, op. cit., p. 79, parentheses added]. influential several However, exploring studies, the relationship at various levels of analysis, do provide support for the proposition. earliest evidence suggesting The a more complex relationship between participation and performance is probably due to Coch and French From [1948]. evidence supporting performance. conducted find no field investigation in a in a attempt an In direct a Norwegian link to a U.S. company, they found strong participation between replicate this result in company, French, Israel and As and a improved field study [1960] could significant relationship between participation and performance. One explanation offered cultural setting Hofstede [1967, , p. an for these conflicting results was the different important 281]. conditioning factor also suggested by Hofstede concluded his extensive field study of budgeting practice in Dutch companies with the caveat that the "game of budget control (as he describes it) added] is a western game." [parentheses -n- At the organizational level, Bruns and Waterhouse [1975] managers more in influence, counterparts participating as more appearing perceived decentralized organizations satisfied organizations emphasis en budgets and on being more appropriate. participation themselves budget in where and as their than relative the the in having as planning, activities budget-related with centralized in more found that lack of process was viewed as This suggests that organizational structure may be an important factor influencing the effectiveness of participation. the At individual level, role the reward structure of as a conditioning variable was studied by Cherrington and Cherrington [19731. In an experimental setting, they found where that participation in budgeting was low, rewards administered on the basis of aggregate output rather budget-related than Conversely, output, conditions under of high led participation, clearly superior when rewards were linked findings support intuitively provided salience logically the through provide primary a basis notion high of for performance. performance budget achievement. to appealing process a higher to that The budgets, participation, performance was evaluation if should of the members of an organization. Finally, in which performance, effective measure; realm conditions is only personality variables, of the now classic [1960], dauonstrating the role of authoritarianism as study by Vrocm factor the important. for individuals relationship the Vroom individuals at the who other between found that were low extreme better under conditions of low participation. on high on the a participation and participation was authoritarianism this measure performed -D- general, In then, there findings few empirical are support which the view that the relationship between participation and performance is moderated by variety of a may particular taken be intervening evidence as variables in this context. variables. of Vroom The in personality of potential the study The present study is concerned with locus of another personality variable, and its effect on the participa- control, tion-performance relationship. LOCUS OF CONTROL In of expository paper dealing with the locus of control dimension an personality described as accept they [Rotter, Seeman distributing Liverant, and individuals according responsibility personal for the 1962], to the degree happens what construct to is which to As them. a general principle, "internal control refers to the perception of positive and/or negative events as being a consequence of one's own actions and thereby under personal control; external control refers to the perception of positive and/or negative events as being unrelated to one's behaviors and therefore beyond personal control." [Lefcourt, 1966, p.207]. Evidence from psychology literature suggests the relevance of the locus of control in the context of budgetary participation. study, Cromwell performed test, et better, al . under conditions of externals while found [1961] preferred, internals self-control and in performed an early preferred, a and reaction-time better, under The results of this study motivated experimenter-controlled conditions. a that In series of inquiries into the impact of congruence between individual personality (characterized conditions of control These confirm the in terms inherent in basic result, a of locus particular namely that of control) task-related the and situation. task-performance is a -6- experimental tasks, nonsense paired syllable recall [Watson and Eatmal, and wide a variety of Mulry, 1965], and digits 1967] 1972]. pattern suggested by the results of these studies is depicted The Figure 1. INSERT FIGURE It for decision-time [Rotter including reversal tests [Houston, in congruence personality/ situation of function should probably noted be only that valid in depicted relationships the ceteris a HERE 1 paribus in Figure are variables, Other sense. 1 explicitly controlled for in the experiments from which the framework is derived are likely to exert some influence on the relationships. present context, found structure Reward paper. [Gregory, 1978] relationships presented The connection relevance of between the situation and Hopwood , members 1976] with formulation. of departure have in Figure notion suggested influence an on [Rotter, the of portrayed strength source of above control participation [e.g., Vrocm, 1960; ascribe some idea to it the degree of influence Moreover, if from budget, 1975] of in stems in and of the from the particular a writers Several Heller and Yukl providing the source of control , 1969; organizational process of budget subsequent performance is measured the in 1. results the research study reported the been has to in the concept of budgetary participation. in the area of the example, reward structure is an important variable, for but one which is explicitly excluded this In in terms can be viewed as being dependent on the degree of budgetary participation. Under conditions of -7- high participation, member organizational an likely to is exert substantial influence en ths setting of budget goals, the source control of Alternatively, participation, in performance over source the characterized situation a situational of internal is control able be to and, hence, in this situation. by low budgetary can described be as HYPOTHESIS The hypothesis of the Characterizing discussion. internally-controlled study present budgetary high situation, follows this will preceding the from participation be as an congruent only for individuals who are internals on the locus of control dimension and they are hypothesized participation hypothesized perform better to will to congruent be in only Conversely, low situation. this for externals, perform better under low than under they and are high participation conditions The hypothesis at test can be follows formally stated in its null form as : There will be no significant interaction between locus of control and participation affecting performance. METHOD A laboratory populations a in was experiment employed sample of students the design. study, from primarily Subsequently, to a an Lo using subjects drawn from separate two investigate the research question. First, undergraduate accounting course took part provide pilot testing of the sample of managerial personnel from experimental a large San -8- Francisco Bay Area manufacturing company undertook the experiment. latter provided sample replication by not only testing systematic a The a sample of subjects different from the student group, but also by testing a sample of ultimate subjects interest, characteristically namely managers closer activities whose population the to preparation, and control through the use of budgets. embrace of budget subjects took All part voluntarily without monetary compensation. choice The of considerations. experimental an primary Of approach importance, based was survey method. Second, the study variables is particularly amenable to effects are situations. considered to manifest Finally, the approach a of effects the three methodology permits the statements of causation which are precluded by the use of, a on for example, of personality laboratory approach, since these themselves over provides wide a variety of control experimental for over variables which are not focal to the research. experiment The Sciences conducted was Laboratory of the University of California, Center Berkeley. in for It the Management Research and Behavioral Management in entailed the use of a at the business game, which was administered to subjects using the computer terminals in the laboratory. Subjects escorted to duration explaining of were greeted upon cubicles their individual the experiment. the business game, the game were answered. the computer was the The their arrival in Subjects which read at the they an after which general laboratory remained instruction the sheet questions concerning first part of a subject's interaction with administration of the locus of control [Rotter, Liverant and Crowne, for and 1961]. instrument This instrument is widely used in -Q_ psychological to its validity and 1 extensive literature reviews several research and reliability [Potter, Joe, 1966; attest Strickland 1971; These are important considerations in the present context since 1977]. the strength of the experimental approach in producing causal statements depends part in soundness the on measures locus of control on external); giving total of 29 items. an subjects had completed After in perishable organization an product. six the measure. instrument The zero (extreme internal) items included are locus of control to 23 fillers, as instrument, the Subjects assumed the role of one of four senior business game started. managers the scale from additional (extreme a a of For which manufactured each of twenty were required to make two decisions; the budgeted level of unit sales and sold quarters, fiscal one regarding single a the subjects recommendation for a and one regarding the for the quarter, price to be charged for the product during the quarter. For each quarter's play of the game, a subject was first asked to make a submission of their recommendation for the unit sales budget. guide subjects reports from a sheet of a first the in few quarters of game, the To performance simulation of the previous four quarters were provided on paper in the laboratory cubicle. These were the only data subjects had available to work with in the first of the twenty quarters. As the game proceeded, however, the quarter results of each completed became available in hard copy, and the subject could refer back to these data as desired. The last section of Appendix presents 1 a sample performance report. Following the subject's submission of a budget volume recommendation, the recommendations of each of the other tnree managers 2 -10- after were presented and, short delay, a the budget by top management was presented. the instruction sheet that top final determination of the Subjects had management been informed make would in final the determination of the budget, giving consideration to the four managers' recommendations It was at this point that Top management' the participation induction took place. final determination was a weighted s recommendations, but with participation conditions. weights the In average of the four differing the high participation condition, of 0.9 was attached to the subject's recommendation and was attached a of Subjects were the weights weight of 0.1 randomly assigned to respectively, were, two weight a the average of the other three recommendations. to low participation condition, 0.95. each in In 0.05 the and one of these two conditions for the duration of the game. After budget, informed being the subjects were of top presented management's determination with a statement of the of the percentage deviation of each of the four recommendations from the final decision of top management. high Due participation to the nature of the manipulation, condition would typically observe percentage deviation of their own recommendation than the percentage deviation of any of the other subjects in the a from the much smaller final budget three managers. The purpose of this statement of percentage deviations was to emphasize the extent to which the subject's recommendation was reflected the final participation was in budget, thereby strengthening the participation induction. In the present context, therefore, operationalized as the amount of influence an individual had on budget which was jointly set. In a final order to check the level of perceived .11.- participation in a important items (nunbers sortie , and 6) H 2, included were post-experimental check questionnaire, presented in Appendix 2. Subjects w?re next informed of the level of advertising expenditure to undertaken be request Each a subject was the selection of exa ctly equal subjects earlier, direction final the to were equally as budget told a price) led to Conversely, available product but the orders. in sale of all of actual either direction, too low would therefore, game objective was, The sales which in either short fell of unsold product which was dumped due to its perishable nature. in volume sales from budget levels Sales undesirable. budget (due to too high actual an view departures to task instruction sheet mentioned the In . The price which, combined with a produce would expenditure, advertising the charged. be to decision. this for followed by a was price the decision, second responsible was alone, subject, confronting subject's the for This quarter. forthcoming the in a price would result also generate the departure, to minimize from budget, and unfilled performance was measured in this way. functional relationship between sales volume, The underlying price and advertising was as follows: Q where = JfO, 000 - 20p + A/2 Q is quantity sold (including unfilled orders) p is the price charged A is the Pilot testing this function and advertising expenditure of several could in cents, not functional be relationships uncovered by indicated subjects, neither that was complex as to preclude performance differences across subjects. while it so -12- In presented. variance phase final the report This which each of summarized resulted, measured being sample output for A subject is presented in Appendix performance a decisions made the performance value of the budget variance. An quarter, report the and by the was budget absolute high participation a 1. important point to note in connection with the game design is the fact that no budgeted sales level was any more difficult to achieve than any other. For all possible budget levels, there existed one price combination (in with expenditure)' which advertising given the "clear the market" and produce the desired would zero variance, regardless of the participation condition under which the final budget was arrived at. Thus, no systematic difference task in difficulty existed between the high and low participation groups. RESULTS A. Phase One - Student Subjects Forty-six undergraduate part in the study. On accounting and 6, 4 the of to take participation. together with the results of the means, are presented in a The mean assignment to the random participation treatment conditions appeared perceptions volunteered the basis of the responses to the post-experimen- tal check questionnaire items 2, two students to scores induce the for each intended question statistical check for differences between Table 1. Table 2 presents the results of the administration of the locus of control measure. These results are consistent with a wide results for other student samples reported by Rotter (1966). range of -13- The analysis relating hypothesis the to performed was under the assumption that the correct model specification was as follows:Y = Bj + B 2 X + Y Z + 6XZ + e where performance, Y is the (1) twenty trials of the game variance budget average for each subject. over 3 the Note that control and larger values of Y denote inferior performance. score X is locus of control .0 1 and binary variable for participation is a 0/1 Z XZ is for low participation for high participation the interaction between locus of participation As a first approximation, no is the evidence, empirical or psychology literature, involving, for example, this model can be justified in that there the accounting or non-linear relationship either theoretical, supporting a higher-order levels in of independent the variables The results of this regression are presented hypothesis tested by means of an is examination of for the interaction term in equation (1). 6 was null significantly different hypothesis of no frcm interaction. Table 3. in the coefficient 6, The results were as expected. zero, In The null permitting addition, P 2 rejection of the negative and was significant implying that high locus of control scores (externals) associated (i.e. high with low scores performance). budget variance, on y was also the negative were dependent variable and significant, suggesting that performance was generally superior in conditions of high participation. The importance of these "main effects" should be -14- considered further analysis results and rejected in As were conducted more to explore to precisely assess overall meaning the whether hypothesis null the of the is fashion consistent with the expectations. a approach, first a nature of the interaction and two forms of light of the in useful a form of analysis further involves decomposing equation (1) into two separate equations, as follows: For Z = i.e. high participation, 1, Y=(B +y>+(B +5)X+e (2) 2 1 For Z = 0, i.e. lew participation, Y = 9, + B 2 X + e (3) The composite coefficients and their standard errors were developed the coefficients generated from the regression in equation (1). presents all coefficients four in equations coefficient for the high participation model [(B was significantly positive. scores (more external) (inferior performance) coefficient significantly budget intercepts was test of interaction intercept ordinal was participation for in 6) slope The . 1 equation (2)], [B Ey contrast, 2 in performance that with higher budget locus equation variances the slope was (3)], improvement (lower control scores of The interaction was, therefore, of the predicted type. (more external). A implying associated was + larger with and this was as expected. negative, variances) associated low participation model the for 2 (3) Table implies that larger locus of control This were and (2) from model, low the equations (2) and which is X + 0.47° ( (3) , conducted disordinal. or Bj also + y) , is participation 5 The to establish intercept significantly model, Pi. for smaller The intersect at X (locus of control i.e. whether two. score) the the high than the curves of = 10.21, not significantly above the mean score for X. 15- analyses These the suggest disordinal a curves intersect at interaction although the fact that locus of control a larger score than mean the implies that high participation is generally the preferred condition (in except terms of performance), result consistent is with relatively extreme for results discussion of the the externals. This presented in Table 3. more second, a P.s Johnson-Neyman reliable test [Johnson technique and interaction of Jleyman, 1936] the was conducted. On this test establishes the basis of the slopes and intercepts in Table 4, a ordinality, region for the continuous variable (locus of control) significant differences in the dependent ascribed calculated Figure 2, the to categorical variable was 8.46 to also suggests and 13.00, a within which no (performance) variable (participation). this result, depicted can be range The graphically in disordinal interaction. INSERT FIGURE 2 HERE The hatched areas in Figure 2 represent performance differences between the high and low participation subjects which do significance. not For locus of control scores below 8.46 internal subjects with scores approximately equal reach statistical (X - 0.02a X ), to, or less than, i.e. the mean, low participation results in significantly poorer performance than does high participation. performance under the On conditions of subjects with locus of control 1.23a under ). other low scores participation at least This result suggests that performance conditions of high significantly hand, participation only as is for is noted high as better only 13.00 for (X + significantly poorer relatively extreme -16- externals, result which is consistent a measure control of whether permit the question The approach suggested that assumption need the the locus the in analysis an ordinal an of scores locus perform to provides scale the of use properties scale the the previous discussion. v/ith regression a based measure of the on The only. Spearman rank correlation coefficient [Siegel, 1956] was used to perform each For test. this of locus conditions, participation two the of control ranks were correlated with performance ranks making the results of the test comparable with the analysis and discussion of Table the high participation group, r (p<0.01), higher ranked locus of 0.7^ = 5 For 4. control scores (externals) being associated with higher ranked scores on dependent the variable participation group, consistent r those with = performance) (inferior These (p<0.01). -0.63 discussed above in For . results are connection with examining one low the entirely Table it, permitting rejection of the null hypothesis. analysis final One superior conducted, was performance explanation for "preferred" participation condition low and participation coefficient employed was (i.e. externals). as the the on part of subjects high For dependent potential their in participation internals subject, a learning The learning each variable. coefficient was derived from the following model: Y Taking form , log = ax" L transforms converts this exponential function into a linear giving log y where = log a -L log x budget variance y is x is experience (number of quarters), a and and L are coefficients estimated by regressing y on x . -17- 1. represents the slope °f the curve in this model and the L values were transformed variable in coefficient, with the internals failed locus of control low and significance. reach to categorized was into mean value and emitting the data with - X sharpen To high however the the analysis, by splitting groups two with associated externals; the at the closest integer-valued 9, subjects were lost as The data of four the mean of 8.52. X score to Y interaction The interaction consistent an participation dependent the as (1). were rates learning better that notion coefficient equation to from this regression suggested 6, participation identical regression a coefficients and used learning into a result of this procedure, and the remaining forty-two sets of data were analyzed with in Table 5. a Lii = implies 0.71 average, to example, a 7H% of subject with L 10,000 on the first trial the second trial and to The predicted results form, previous its internal for level can expect to reduce 6, '100 Tsble reduced, is doubles. For budget variance of is an evident of interaction in the the " incongruent" groups. The results of the ANOVA, the "congruent" high participation/ internal and low participation/ ex ternal groups, in on the variance to 8,000 at suggest 5 learning faster a the in fourth trial, etc. at the in subjects experience as 0.80 who begins with = presented namely that the budget variance participation condition, high The marginal means have the following and are denoted I... interpretation; Hie marginal means are presented factorial ANOVA. 2 x 2 than presented in Table 6, confirm this. B> Phase Two - Manager Subjects Forty-eight middle manufacturing study. company level formed managers the from sample for a San the Francisco second Bay phase of Area the -1 8- minor exceptions, the results obtained for the student sample V.'ith vrire also obtained These results are presented the manager sample. for Q in Tables through 9 post-experimental administrations. of Tables 12. and 2 The results in Table 7 internal reveals 8 than that significantly different (t mean score subject samples reported results and locus of - the in of the control that In those with of results the significantly more appear p<0.01). 5.52, of comparison shows test A fact, for means two the are comparison a of variety of other a literature confirms that the managers populations of respondents. than most other appear more internal the managers managers the for present again confirm the effectiveness A the students. the 8 questionnaire check participation manipulation. the Tables the and 7 9 The implications of this are potentially significant in that if managers are indeed characteristically extreme participative budgetary environments without involved. from reference specific the However, present reveals that performance the differences significant is 2.56 Thus, dependent budget on (X the variable variance formed each of by for the - 0.74 °J> basis for scores across be The locus of the game independent samples. — to 6.35 both (X types averaging subject, the more as and null far as +• of suitable 0.54a technique the twenty is conditions — one are using observations using learning hypothesis which ). testing second data the outside control of a as Johnson-Meyman participation two variable formed on the basis of the observed trials viewed strong too is concerned. are range of could possible that is it personality profile of the personnel the conclusion this study to internals, over a for dependent a the rejected twenty for two -19- DISCUSSION Fran these results, can it realization of participation locus of control, At least congruent internals of better game and rates over experimental the personality variable, the significantly affected the superior performance of subjects in part, conditions externals low participation learning that interaction this personality/ situation arid with interacted that in concluded be — i.e. high — was seen to course of the the participation be the result trials of the twenty . Within the confines of experimental design, statements of causation generalizing however, recognizing, possible, are statements such participation, is that should care principally because exercised causal the only an experimental realization. be In in variable, other words, we cannot be certain that the operationalization of participation employed in this study is managerial real possesses replica of the process which operates faithful a setting. important In particular, interpersonal aspects such as conflict resolution, the dynamics of which are absent from the operationalization employed this study. In a broader sense, the generalizability or to which all faithfully replicate In the those characteristics which would be of experimental the observed in the in external validity of the observed experimental effect depends critically on extent a process "real-world" the in real the setting world view of the surrogation of task, reward and situation, care should be exercised to avoid present results to In a unqualified statements of applicability of the real setting. retrospect, the methodology could have been strengthened by the inclusion in the post-experimental check questionnaire of items which -20- elicit protocol subject a of the effects of behavioral could impair the internal validity of the experimental effect. include Examples impact of the unobservable "other managers" behavioral the which factors and the level of subject commitment to the stated game objective of absolute strategies such as minimization of variance minimization (versus other objectively determinable out-of-pocket costs only). The of use a monetary reward may have helped to reinforce the stated game objective. The implications of these limitations assume greatest importance if effects their along locus the of confounding. The variables causal the random assignment minimize the likelihood of helps to along other if had it continuum, control of identification treatment groups or systematically different across are dimensions, but included items the because, is of a case, made more difficult due subjects treatment to to groups systematic differences resulting a check questionnaire, post-ex perimental addressing such in issues, these provided have would data to specifically test for the existence of such differences. Bearing these caveats in mind, however, it is possible to consider the implications of the results of this study from two perspectives, job re-design and personnel management. For organization, an discretion members, over it is (specifically the level or of budgetary conceivable with regard organizational that to role afforded participation descriptions participation) which sub-unit, to can suit be the to has its modified individual characteristics of role occupants. It may be organizational conditions which case, the sub-unit, to a however, faces large that an environmental extent dictate the organization, and or technological necessary level of -21- participation members of in budgetary matters. characteristics may have very little flexibility of participation. people within In the such circumstances, organization supported by management individual characteristics with and a can in role the is, terms of the level the placement and mobility of be view to role That consciously achieving and a purposely between fit Figler characteristics. [1977] calls this the creation of the right "chemistry" between individual and role characteristics, and Dunnette [1966, p. 223] concludes his discussion of selection and placement with the following comment: "Our major theme in this book has been that wise personnel decisions demand evidence about the individuality of people, the special requirements of jobs, and interactions between the two" (emphasis added). . Further research which improves the general izabil ity of the present results, and which investigates the role of other variables in a similar context will enhance our knowledge and understanding of the relationship between the characteristics of budgetary control characteristics of designed to control. the individuals whose behavior systems and the systems are the -22- TABLE 1 POST-EXPERIMENTAL CHECK QUESITONS - STUDENT SAMPLE N=46 Q -23- TABLE 4 COMPOSITE REGRESSION COEFFICIENT: Coefficient - STUDENT SAMPLE -24- TABLE 7 POST EXPERIMENTAL CHECK QUESTIONS - MANAGER SAMPLE N=48 Q -25- TABLE 10 COMPOSITE REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS - MANAGER SAMPLE Coefficient -26- FIGURE 1 DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION OF PAST RESULTS PERSONALITY: LOCUS OF CONTROL HIGH (PARTICIPATIVE) SOURCE CF CONTROL IN PARTICULAR SITUATION: INTERNAL CONGRUENCE High Performance LOW (NON-PARTICIPATIVE) EXTERNAL FIGURE 2 RESULTS CF JOHNSON-NEYMAN TECHNIQUE (STUDENT SAMPLE) Budget Variance (i.e, per fonnance) 8.46 •internal 10.21 Locus of Control 13.00 external-^ -28- FOOTHOTES issue of construct validity, Joe [1971] presents an extensive of data which, he concludes, generally supports the contention that the construct operates consistently across a wide variety of situations. On construct independence, Joe also reports satisfactorily low correlations between locus of control and a wide variety of variables ranging from intelligence to political affiliation. However, one problematical area which persists is with the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability (S.D.) Scale [Crowne and Marlowe, 1961]. While Rotter [1966] reported insignificant correlations with S.D., Joe reports more recent correlations as high as -0.12, externals tending to be more susceptible to social norms of behavior. On reliability, Harrow and Ferrante [1969] established a six month test-retest coefficient of 0.75, while Rotter reports several internal reliability coefficients ranging from 0.65 to 0.79On the coverage In actual fact, these randomly generated from were robots, and their a uniform distribution. recommendations were The residuals of this regression were tested for constant variance. Bartlett's test, x 2 = 18.06 fails to permit rejection of the null hypothesis of homoscedastic error structure. However the direction of the test result did reveal a (statistically insignificant) tendency for error variance to be larger among externals in the high participation condition and internals in the low participation condition. This result is interesting because the notion that incongruence (in terms of figure 1) should produce erratic performance is consistent with the expectations for the major hypothesis. The model in equation proved satisfactory in terms of fit with 33.5? of the criterion variance explained by the independent variables. This In proportion is statistically significant (P" = 7.05, p<0.01). addition, an examination of the residual plot for normality, a critical least squares assumption, revealed no evidence of serious departure. This evidence, together with the Bartlett test results, provides some ex post facto justification of the suitability of 1 equation 1. This decomposition follows Kmenta's [1971] use of equation to specify peace-time and war-time consumption functions. See Kmenta p. 1 121. Formally, an ordinal interaction is one in which the "rank order of the treatments is constant," whereas a disordinal interaction is one in which the "rank order of the treatments changes" [Lubin, 1961]. A less rigid approach to the issue of interaction ordinality is taken by Kerlinger and Pedhazur [1973, suggest that if the who 216] p. regression lines for two treatments intersect at a value for the independent variable which is within the "research range of interest" the interaction is considered disordinal. , This model has been suggested by Andress [1951], Baloff and Kennelly [1967], and by Dopuch, Birnberg and Demski [1971]. -29- 7 - l - '•'•Si n.s., and t respectively. 8. = 1,00, n.s., for the student and manager groups Equation again proved satisfactory statistically. 1 Bartlett's test fails to permit rejection of the null hypothesis of constant error variance and the regression explained a significant (F=4.79, proportion of the criterion variance. p<0.01) The Spearman rank correlation coefficients were also consistent with the regression results. For the high participation group, r = 0.50 and for the low participation group r = -0.68, both significant at p<0.01. For the s learning analysis reported in Tables 11 and 12, five data points were lost by removing the data of subjects with a locus of control score X = 5, the closest integer-valued X score to the mean of U.75. 2 X =1 7. 3^ Rotter 9. [1966] reports mean scores from ten different samples, the means ranging from 5.9 for peace corp trainees to 9.6 for 18-year old non-student subjects. 10. interesting further result is worthy of note. Using the response question 1 of the post- experimental check questionnaire (Appendix 2) as an admittedly crude surrogate for "job satisfaction" reveals significant interaction terms, 5, from equation 1 for both students and managers. For students, t = -1.71, p<0.05, while for managers t = -1-95, p<0.05. 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THE MARKETING DEPARTMENT HAS ADVISED THAT ADVERTISING EXPENDITURE FOR THE COMING QUARTER WILL BE $14000. BASED ON A S,U,ES BUDGET OF 25000 UNITS AND AN ADVERTISING EXPENDITURE OF $14000, PLEASE ENTER YOUR DECISION FOR THE QUARTER'S PRICE: 10. 00 IS 10.00 CORRECT? Y (Y/N) PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR QUARTER #1 PRICE CHARGED DURING QUARTER ($) ADVERTISING EXPENDITURE ($ SALES BUDGET (UNITS) ACTUAL SALES PLUS UNFILLED ORDERS UNFILLED ORDERS (UNITS) BUDGET VARIANCE (UNITS).... ) (UNITS).... 10.00 14000 2 5000 27000 2000 2000 -34- APPENDIX 2 POST-EXPERIMENTAL CHECK QUESTIONNAIRE The following set of questions is intended to elicit your opinions Each question is impressions of the business game in general. responded to by circling the number on the scale which corresponds to the It is important that point which you feel best indicates your belief. you carefully consider your responses, since they will be taken into consideration in the improvement of the game for future use. and 1. Indicate the extent of which you enjoyed playing the game. ' 1 2 3 Minimal Enjoyment 2. 12 3^567 Moderate Influence 3 Minimal Influence 4 5 6 Moderate Confidence 7 Minimal Confidence Indicate the extent to 'which you felt that your recommendations for the BUDGET were reflected in the final determinations of top management 12 3 Minimal Reflection 4 5 6 Moderate Reflection 7 Great Reflection Indicate the extent to which you felt that your PRICE decisions had an impact on the demand for product. 12 3 Great Impact 6. 7 Great Enjoyment Indicate the extent to which you felt confident about the decisions for PRODUCT PRICE which you were required to make during the game. 12 5. 6 Moderate Enjoyment Great Confidence 4. 5 Indicate the extent to which you felt your input to the BUDGET formulation influenced top management in their final determinations en the budget. Great Influence 3. 1 4 5 12 3 4 Moderate Dominance 7 Minimal Impact Indicate the extent to which you feel that your the BUDGET dominated those of the other managers. Minimal Dominance 6 Moderate Impact 5 recommendations 6 for 7 Great Dominance Date Due t)FV %>\#;> MAR SEP 5 198J5 88 3 SE u d'89 MG 2 1 % 1g 9<J 0CT JAN l7fc OCT *W i 1986 2 >*88 Lib-26-67 CO., INC. DEC 8 1983 STREET CHA. MASS. 165- 80 no. McKersie, Robe/Change and continuity 741433 D.*BKS. 001323.79, HD28.M414 Brownell, 740979 . TOAD 001 3 330 TTc? no. 1 167- 80 John /Executive information no. 1 174- 80 Pete/Leadership behavior, bu H028.M414 1 D*BKS TOflo ooi its aoi HD28.M414 Bockart, D*BK§ 741452 s .Q0!365./.b 0M2 374 OOrf TOflO 3 I TOflO 004 3 HD28.M414 no HD28.M4 14 Brownell, in budget 002 001 o?a no. 1169- 80 Pete/Participation D*BKS 740976.. TOflO 3 t,41 .D*BKS . TOflO 3 in budqet 00 13305 . OOI 052 00r2 uf\-^0 3 TOflO HD28.M414 003 Oil T53 no. 11 70- 80 Brownell. Pete/The effects of personal 740974 00132369 P* BK 5 001 1^2 bb5 TOflO 3 HD28.M414 no 1 1 71 - 80 Brownell. Pete/The role of accounting 740972 D*BKS HD28.M414 Brownell. 74097Q . 00132371 OOI TOflO 3 no. 11 72- 1*12 80 Pete/Participation in the bu ..P*BKS. ... 00 132372 TOaO OOI 112 715 3 HD28.M414 74na2S H ' ifm 3 / 168- 80 Pete/Participation Brownell. 740958 1 527 ^-J-TSO 193 no. 1 173- 80 Pete /lm P r oving the informal n D*BKS TOaO OOI 001326 <m Ifil 00132629 \<¥&3*->