-^^^ PROPERTIES OF STORAGE HIERARCHY SYSTEMS WITH MULTIPLE PAGE SIZES AND REDUNDANT DATA Chat-Yu Lam Stuart E. Madnick April 10, 1979 Revised CISR //A2 Sloan WP No. 1047-79 This material is based upon v;ork supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. MCS77-20829. Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 PROPERTIES OF STORAGE HIERARCHY SYSTEMS WITH MULTIPLE PAGE SIZES AND REDUNDANT DATA Chat-Yu Lam Stuart E. Madnick April 10, 1979 Revised CISR //42 Sloan WP No. 1047-79 This material is based upon work supported, In part, by Mie National Science Foundation under Grant No. MCS77-20829. Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alfred P. Sloan School of Manaciement 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 617 2!)3-10nO PREFACE The Center for Information Systems Research (CISR) is a research center of the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management; it consists of a group of Management Information Systems specialists, including faculty members, full -time research staf^, and student research assistants. The Center's general research thrust is to devise better means of designing, generating and maintaining application software, information systems and decision support systems. Within the context of the research effort sponsored by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. MCS77-20829, CISR proposes to investigate the architecture oT the INFOPLEX Data Base Computer which is particularly designed for large-scale information management. applies the theory of hierarchical decomposition in its design INFOPLEX and makes use of multiple microprocessors in its implementation to obtain high performance, high reliability, and large storage capacity. Research issues to be addressed include optimal decomposition of information management functions into implemented by a decomposition of a functional hierarchy to be hierarchy of microprocessors, and optimal physical a data storage hierarchy to support the memory requirements of the information management functions. In Technical Report No. 1, we discussed the INFOPLEX concept and its research directions. This I'eport focuses on the study of a generalized data storage system for very large databases which can be used to support the memory requirements of INFOPLEX. multiple page sizes in a This data storage system makes use of hierarchy of storage levels and maintains multiple copies of the same information across the storage levels. of such a data storage system are derived here. q^nnn \ Important properties ABSTRACT The need for high performance, highly reliable storage for very large on-line databases, coupled with rapid advances in storage device technology, has made the study of generalized storage hierarchies an important area of research. This paper analyzes properties of a data storage hierarchy system To specifically designed for handling very large on-line databases. attain high performance and high reliability, the data storage hierarchy makes use of multiple page sizes in different storage levels and maintains multiple copies of the same information across the storage levels. Such a storage hierarchy system is currently being designed as part of Previous studies of storage the INFOPLEX database computer project. hierarchies have primarily focused on virtual memories for program storage and hierarchies with a single page size across all storage levels and/or a single copy of information in the hierarchy. INFOPLEX design, extensions to the Least Recently Used (LRU) The Read-Through algorithm are used to manage the storage levels. technique is used to initially load a referenced page, of the appropriate size, into all storage levels above the one in which the page is found. Since each storage level is viewed as an extension of the immediate higher level, an overflow page from level 'i' is always placed in level 'i+1 It is shown that, Important properties of these algorithms are derived. depending upon the types of algorithms used and the relative sizes of the storage levels, it is not always possible to guarantee that the contents of a given storage level 'i' is always a superset of the contents of The necessary and sufficient its immediate higher storage level 'i-l'. and proved. identified hold are property to for this conditions of intermediate size the increasing possible that Furthemore, it is to lower of references number storage levels may actually increase the necessary Conditions storage levels, resulting in reduced performance. proved. and identified to avoid such an anomaly are also In the Key Words and Phrases CR Categories : : database computer, very large databases, data storage hierarchy, storage management algorithms, inclusion properties, modelling, performance and reliability analysis. 4.3 Supervisory Systems, 4.33 Data Base 5.2 Metii theory 6.22 Special -Pui'pose Computers 6.34 Storage Units 2 32 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction I. II. 11.1 Storage Management Algorithms 4 11. Basic Model of Data Storage Hierarchy 9 1. 111.1 1 VI. Formal Definitions of Storage Management Algorithms 9 13 Properties of Data Storage Hierarchy III. V. 4 Model of a Data Storage Hierarchy 1 IV. 1 11. Summary of Properties Derivation of Properties Conclusions . . . , 16 19 37 Acknowledgment 38 References and Bibliography 39 1 Introduction . Two and three-level memory hierarchies have been used in practical computer systems 5, [ 9, 13 ]. However, there is relatively little experience with general hierarchical Rapid advances in storage technology coupled with the storage systems. need for high performance, highly reliable on-line databases makes the idea of using a generalized storage hierarchy as the repository for very large shared data bases very attractive. One major area of theoretic study of storage hierarchy systems in placement of information in the past has been the optimal hierarchy system. (1) a storage Three approaches to this problem have been used: Static placement [ 1. 4, 22 ] - this approach determines the optimal placement strategy statically, at the initiation of the system; (2) Dynamic placement [ 7, 16 - ] this approach attempts to optimally place information in the hierarchy, taking into account the dynamically changing nature of access to information; (3) Information structuring r 11 14 "1 - approach manipulates this structure of information so that information items that are the internal frequently used together are placed adjacent to each other. Another major area of theoretic study of storage hierarchy systems has been the study of storage management algorithms [ 2, 3, 8, 10, 17, 21 ]. Here the study of storage hierarchy and the study of virtual memory systems for program storage have overlapped considerably. This is largely due to the fact that most of the studies -2- of storage hierarchies in the past have been aimed at providing a virtual memory for program storage. These studies usually do not consider the effects of mjltiple page sizes across storage levels, nor the problem of providing redundant data across storage levels. These considerations are of great importance for a storage hierarchy designed specifically for very large data bases. Madnick of a [ 15, 18, 19 proposed the design ] generalized storage hierarchy for large data bases that makes use of multiple data redundancy against failure and multiple page sizes in different storage levels for high performance. Such a storage hierarchy system is to be used in the INFOPLEX database computer [ 12, 20 ]. Conceptually, the INFOPLEX database computer consists of functional hierarchy and a physical (storage) hierarchy (See figure functional hierarchy virtual storage Interface storage hierarchy FIGURE 1 INFOPLfl Ddta Ortenlzatlon Basi" a Computer Conceptual 1) -3- The functional hierarchy implements all the information management functions of a database manager, such as query language interpretation, security verification, and data path accessing, etc. In INFOPLEX, the functional hierarchy is implemented using multiple microprocessors. Both pipeline and parallel processing are exploited to realize high performance and high reliability. To support the storage requirements of the functional hierarchy, INFOPLEX makes use of a generalized data storage hierarchy system. In this paper, we extend this work by developing a model of the data storage hierarchy, proposing extensions to the Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm for managing the storage hierarchy, and deriving important properties of the data storage hierarchy. -4- 2 Model Of A Data Storage Hierarchy . A Data Storage Hierarchy consists of m\ . M ., . . . The page size of M^ pages each of size Q. m. . M^, . is is always an The unit of information transfer h. ., Q^- . page, of size Q. Figure . 2 levels of storage devices, h Q^. and the size of M^ is integral multiple of Q^_-|. for and M between M i = is a illustrates this model of the Data Storage Hierarchy. All references are directed to M The storage management . algorithms automatically transfer information among storage levels. a a As result, the Data Storage Hierarchy appears to the reference source as M^ storage device with the size of M . As a result of the storage management algorithms (to be discussed next), multiple copies of the same information may exist in different storage levels. Storage Management Algorithms 2.1. , focus our attentions on the basic algorithms to support We shall the read- through [ 18 ] operation. Algorithms to support other operations can be derived from these basic algorithms. In a read- through , the highest storage level that contains the addressed information broadcaststhe information to all upper storage levels, each of which simultaneously extracts the page (of the appropriate size) that contains the information from the broadcast. information is reduces to Figure 3 a If the addressed found in the Fiighest storage level, the read - through simple reference to the addressed information in that level. illustrates the read- t hrough operation. 2,3 -5- REFERENJES I J... I Common <**** ..l^"*' '1" between y//////71 /sue O,// data path '^ L. transfer . , m' and M^ A --I JUnlt of data transfer j between , -, H^ and Y//P Agc of size Q Reference to page P READ- 1 P, Page containing P THROUGH f^^/XTcverflow from h' ya V\^Y^ t | Kodel of « data storage hierarchy system Figure 2 Page ., M-" >>. •„ -.., • X , Page containing ' , iy7y77!/,"!overflow from M ''y////A p' [,1 v^r.^>y///AL i '/^(Overflow from H '^ RFAO-TIIROUGri OVER'LOW-HAflDLING (OH) (RT) ^t 1''^ 't+1 't- t REPfRINCt CVr.Lt figure 3 ~~~ IlluUralloii of the operation Rfftt)- THROUGH X . -6- Note that in order to load a new page into a storage level an existing page may have to be displaced from that storage levelphenoinonon as overflow . We refer to this Hence, the basic reference cycle consists of two sub-cycles, the read-through cycle (RT), and the overflow handling cycle (OH), with RTpreceeding OH. For example. Figure handle illustrates the basic reference cycle to 3 reference to the page a Y the highest storage level taining to all P (M ) P,,^ During the Read-Through (RT) subcycle, . ya that contains 1 P broadcasts the page con- upper storage levels, each of which extracts the page of appropriate size that contains P As result of the from the broadcast. Read-Through, there may be overflow from the storage levels. These are handled in the Overflow-Handling (OH) subcycle. It is necessary to consider overflow handling because it is desirable to have information overflowed from a storage level to be in the immediate lower storage level, which can then be viewed as an extension to the higher storage level One strategy of handling overflow to meet this objective is to treat overflows from M as references to M . We refer to algorithms that in- corporate this strategy as having dynamic - over flow- placement (DOP). Another possible overflow handling strategy is to treat an overflow from M in M i +1 as a reference to M .If only when the overflow information is not already the overflow information is already in M handling is necessary. i +1 , no overflow We refer to algorith-ns that incorporate this strategy as having static -overflow - placement (SOP). -7Lct us consider the algorithms at each storage level for seli-cting the page to be overflowed. Since the Least Recently Used (LRU) .ilgorithm [^> ^^3 consider natural serves as the basis for most current .algorithms, we shall extensions to LRU for managing the storage levels in the Data Storage Hierarchy system. Consider the following two strategies for handling the Read-Through Cycle. First, let every storage level above and including the level containing the addressed information be updated according to the LRU storage levels lower than the addressed information Thu., all strategy. do not know ab)ut the reference. This class of algorithms is called This is illustrated in Figure LOCAL-LRU algori thm. 4. The other class of algorithms that we shall consider is called GLOBAL -LRU algorithm. In this case, all storage levels are updated according to the LRU strategy whether or not that level actually participates This is illustrated in Figure in the read-through. Although tlie 5. read-through operation leaves supersets of the page P^^ in all depends upon the replacement levels, the future handling of each of these pages We would like to 'algorithms used and the effects of the overflow handling. guarantee that the contents of each storage level, immediately higher level, \^''\ m\ is always a This property is called Conditions to guarantee MLI will be derived in a superset of its MullH^ve^ InclusionjML,:!. later section. where handling overflows generates It is not difficult to demonstrate situations more references. references which produce overflows, which generate yet another important question to resolve is to determine the conditions under which an overflow from M^ is always found to already exist in storage levels lower than m'^^ property will is is generated as a a M^"^ , i.e., no reference to result of the overflow. called MvmiJ^eJ_Ove^rllow_IiKjiJsioi^^ be derived in Hence This Conditions to guarantee MLOI later section. light of four basic algorithm We shall consider these important properties in Formal overflow. alternatives based on local or global LRU and static or dynamic the basic model of the definitions for these algorithms will be provided af'.er " Data Storage Hiei.irthy system is introduced. RIFERFNCE to P -c: i L Read- ! through H Is the highest level where P Is found -{' A)l these ,xtl ::j levels ers not affected €Z Figure 4 LOCAL-LRU REFERENCE to ReadThrough l^ These level s\ are also updated as If rcfererxe to P were made to then P . -9- 2.2 S torage Hi Basic Model of Data erarchy * For the purposes of this paper, the basic model 6 Figure illustrated in sufficient to model the Data Storage Hierarchy. is As far as the Read-Through and Overflow-Handling operations are concerned, this basic M*" can be viewed as a pages each of size Q^. M^ pages each of size nQ. where It has m. the next level. reservoir which contains all the information. It has m^ is the top level. M^ storage hierarchy system. is general izable to a h-level model n (j=^i+l) is is an integer •J greater than 1 References __:.,.$ M^ m. „j |m. pages of size Q. Common Data pages of size nQ. Path M' Figure 2 . Denote is Basic model of 6 Definitions of Formal 3 S tora ge reference string by a reservoir J r a data storage hierarchy Management A l gori thms - "r, , ," rn^^...v where the page being referenced at the t-th reference cycle. stack for M to LRU. r. Let (If^t^n) S. be the at the beginning of the t-th reference cycle, ordered according That is, SJ. = (sj.(l), sj.(2), ..., sJ.(K)), where sj.(l) is the most recently referenced page and S.(K) is the least recently referenced page. pages). Note that Kim. (m. 1 1 = capacity of M The number of pages in By convention, S, - , ls,|- S is in terms of the number of denoted as S , hence 10Define M an ordered set. IS S^ Similarly, we can define ordering. Let us denote the pages in consists of an equivalent of and \V S;: by M'^ the contents of as P:j (M^)^ P2 , • , • Each page, • - (P:J)^ pi '' breaking down where the pages in mJ t = x pi y2 ' • • ' ' )^ (P called is Formally, . X . (M:J)^ t . U = t 1^^^ the f amily from the • (sj(k))^ parent page P J Any pair of pages, denoted by P^ f - ya and p\ from yo P^ ya p\ (P'^)^ y Furthermore, . yu a are said to be family equivalent parent page (| S^l , a page P for = k ... 2, 3, 1, , yz p"" yz g P;^ . Y denoted by w, where Intuitively, two stacks are in corresponding |S::| ). order if, for each element of the shorter stack, there is a corresponding page in the other stack at the same stack distance (The stack distance for page and M^ are said to be correspondingly equivalent M p . . =' mJ mJ. is defined to be k.). (k) S. . k = 1, 2, . (x) ^ sj. (y) . I such that sj. (k) - denoted by . Mj.|=|Mj|and for any il" , (x) and sj S:J .,|mJ. there exists x, for all y f k. Intuitively, the two memories are correspondingly equivalent when each page in one memory corresponds to exactly one page in the other memory. The red uced stack for k and s], - 1 , (k) . j< . sJ. .,|s|| (j) A , S^, where of j^^ for j<j|^. is S defined to be the minimum is Intuitively, S' (k) = S' jj^ where J|^>j\_i sJ. is (j.) (jg = 0) obtained from by collecting one page from each family existing in sJ , sj^ such that the page being collected from each family is the page that has the smallest stack distance within the family. , liZ^n) (for ^ denoted by , and S^ are said to be in corresponding order min = and P y S[ = sj, if Sj,(k) = sj(k) w . -J from its family are said to be corresponding pages S. ^ yn ' the set of pages, each of size Q^, obtained by is " Q./n. = Q. in M^, , P:J pi yl . " . smaller pages, each of size n Denote this set of pages by (P^)\ i.e., In general, for M without any S. , I 11- In the following, we define the storage assume that the page referenced at time t is In each case, LRU (S; , P^ Case ) ya L 1 management algorithms = P^ : is sl., t+ ya s! e , ' t ya defined as follows: f = P^ sl(k)' ya t' = pL si.id) 't.r--^;a' si^^d) = If \s]{ = m. t' 1 P^g : ' (x-1 S ( ) < x <' k , 1 ^ k<x<(s;| Si,,(x) . I P 't.l(^)=J3i(,) sj^^(x) , then = sj.(x-l) < x^min(m., |sj|+l) sl(m.) is the overflow, else = P^ 1 , oa t 1 there is no overflow. LOCAL-LRU-SOP Case 1 : (sj. , sj P^ e s! ya 2 P^ ya = LRU u (sl ^ - , P^^ (sj.^^ sj^^ , defined as follows: is ) t ^ ^Ul Case ) , t sl i t = sj.. , ' P^ e pM ya sl sj , 't+1 t : t_ y_ . _ _ LRU (S^ P^g) , S^, , LRU (sj = , P^ If there is no overflow from S. = then si^^ If overflow from S. P^ ya i sj. then (S^^^ , sj^^) = SOP {s[, 4- ' ^^ ^ i' 4+1 3 - the page P„, ^ ^ oa is t Case S^^ and S\, S^^ t = and P^ ^^ y , ^^^" sj. P^^) defined as , 4+1 = 4- if pj i sj. then sj^^ = LRU (sJ. S:j ''o ' , : t (handled as in Case 2) S^ I 'U - LOCAL-LRU- POP Case 1 : p' ya 2 : P^ ya S[. defined as s: 6 t iM = 4.1 Case is ) ^ S^ and (4 . P-^ 6 t = IPM {S\ y ya s{ ' 4 : t , P^g) If no overflow from S , sJ. then = LRU (sJ S^^.^ = S^.. y and S:J^i = S'^. pj) , -12- If overflow from S. is P t ^^t+1 = ^li Case 3 : P^ — 4' ^"d sl and P^ ^ ya " ^t+1^ ' ' ^^t" • ^t' ''oa^ ^^^^^ ""^ defined as: pJ) LRU (sj. - i.^ sl i y t then oa , : t (handled as in Case 2 above) • GLOBAL-LRU-SOP S^, = • • • P^^ (S^^ , sj LRU (S[ , P^g) and sj. , ) • (s|^^ = LRU (sj = If no overflow from S. then S.^, If overflow from s! is p'!^ L GLOBAL-LRU-D OP (s} , S].. = LRU (S[ S^ , t t , p\) ya P]^) = S then (sj Oa sj^^ , sj^J L+l , (sl^, and sj. , t+i = If no overflow from S. then s|^, If overflow from sj is P^^ then S^ , t+i LRU (sj = s|, (sj.^^ , follows: , and S^ L+l = is defined as pj) , , , ) , = = SOP (sI, S"^ , L S^ p"" , , sj, , X, ) oa defined as: ) is , P^) and S^ , = sj^^ = OOP (sj. ) 5;^, , P^^) -133 Properties of Data Storage Hierarchy , One of the properties of leaves Read-Through operation a is that it "shadow" of the referenced page (i.e., the corresponding a storage levels. pages) in all Does this multiple redundancy exist at all times? for the page. That is, if a page exists in storage level M this as the Multi-Level for the 7 , its corresponding will storage levels lower than K pages always be in all in Figure This provides multiple redundancy Inclusion (MLI) property. ? We refer to As illustrated LOCAL-LRU algorithms and in Figure 8 GLOBAL-LRU algorithms, it is not always possible to for the that the MLI property holds. ^(a) in Figure is not found in the page M"^. In this guarantee For example, after the reference to P_, P-,-, exists in M but its corresponding page P-i paper we shall derive the necessary and sufficient conditions for the MLI property to hold at all times. Another desirable property of the Date. Storage Hierarchy is to That is, under what avoid generating references due to overflows. conditions will overflow pages from M already existing in the storage level find their corresponding pages M^"*" ? We refer to this as the Multi-Level Overflow Inclusion (MLOI) property. We shall investigate the conditions that make this property true at all times. Refering to the basic model of for high performance to M r a data storage hierarchy in Figure 6, it is desirable to minimize the number of references i (the reservoir). If we increased the number of pages in M , "^ or in H i , or in both, we might expect the number of references to M to decrease. As illustrated in Figure 9 for the LOCAL-LRU-SOP algorithm, this is not always so, i.e., for the same reference string, the number of references to the reservoir actually increased from 4 to 5 — -14- reference to M reference to M contents of H overflow from H r reference to H contents of M reference to M reference to M (b) (a) LCCAL-LRU-SOP Figure LOCAL-LRU-DOP Examples of MLI violations for 7 Local-LRU algorithms reference to M pi 1 •^11 I pi I 21 p1 31 I ' I ' pi i ^11 I pi 21 I Ul pi I rsi overflow from M M"* p), = ^ I I pJ 2 I ! pJ 3 pJ I ^} \ ^21 I pi "^31 I pJ ?J A 2 I I pj 5 ! p1, '/P 2) from M overflow; Trom pj p1 I contents of M (m^ reference to ^11 i 1/^41 \ \ reference to M I V\ ],0\ '/31 pi I 1*^51 J 1 contents of H pi 1 J reference to M' cor^tents of M' contents of H (.j=2) I p, I 2 1 I reference to p-' V P'' f P'^ \J.'\ 1 \ p-' \Jy] * M*" (a) i I p-' 2 * (m. "j ' 2) reference to M GLOBAL-LRU-SOP (b) Figure 8 Examples of MLI violations for Global -LRU algorithms GLOBAL-LRU-DOP 15- reference to M M1 21 '") mi] ; 11 I I ^21 i''ii!''ii -pi Tpi pi '31 pi ' pi I ^31 ^11 jMlj'^Al I contents of M I (m^ = 2) > ' ' IP 1 1 P *^11 J_ ' 21 P 1 11 i ! "31 1 ''ll T' overflow from H '1.! 31 -4 (a) .n.=2 reference to H^ p\ I pI pj I pj pj I 2 p| Ip^ '\\'Z ,•3 '3 I I 2) pJ1 pJ1 , i . r>Ji .1 ^— 1 r pj /i I (.J reference to M I <* * , H• = *^3 I 2 1 contents of pJ ' i ^ PJ I ; i number^ of references to M reference to M P^ [p^ '^21 •^lll p^ •^11 ;7Tp'' *^11 *^31 ' , - 1 contents of H (m, - '11 \ pi ' *^31 I pi 11 3) (b) m.-3 overflow from H _l. reference to H"' M I pJ I 2 oJ . OJ pJ '.' contents of M,J (mj » 2) •^1 reference to M I *.l 1 t * .^\ number of references to M I L,_. p = Figure after M is ncreased by as a Multi-Level 1 5 MLPA for LOCAL-LRU-SOP page in size. feging Anomaly (MLPA) . We refer to this phenomona One can easily find situations where MLPA occurs for the other three algorithms. Since occurrenceof MLPA reduces performance in spite of the costs of increasing memory sizes, we would like to investigate the conditions to guarantee that MLPA does not exist. -16- 3 . Summary of Properties 1 The MLI, MLOI, and MLPA properties of the Data Storage Hierarchy have been derived in the form of eight theorems. These theorems are briefly explained and summarized below and formally proven in the following section. Multi-Level of pages in M is Inclusion ( MLI shown in Theorem It is : ) greater than the number of pages in M larger than those of M ) , that if the number (note M pages are then it is not possible to guarantee MLI for all It turns out that using LOCAL-LRU-SOP, or reference strings at all times. LOCAL-LRU-DOP, no matter how many pages are in a 1 M-" or m\ one can always find reference string that violates the MLI property (Theorem 2). Using the GLOBAL-LRU algorithms, however, conditions to guarantee MLI exist. For the GLOBAL-LRU-SOP algorithm, a necessary and sufficient condition to guarantee that MLI holds at all times for any reference string is that the number of pages in M be greater than the number of pages in M For the 6L0BAL-LRU-D0P algorithm, a necessary and sufficient condition to guarantee MLI is that the number of pages in M twice the number of pages in M be greater than or equal to (Theorem 4). Multi-Level Overflow Inclusion ( MLOI ) : be guaranteed then MLOI cannot be guaranteed. cannot guarantee MLOI. (Theorem 3). It is obvious that if MLI cannot Thus, the LOCAL-LRU algorithms For the GLOBAL-LRU-SOP algorithm, a necessary and sufficient condition to guarantee MLOI is the same condition as that to guarantee MLI (Theorem 5). For the GLOBAL-LRU-DOP algorithm, a necessary and sufficient condition to guarantee MLOI is that the number of pages in is strictly greater than twice the number of pages in M^ (Theorem 6). Thus, for the GLOBAL-LRU-DOP algorithm, guaranteeing that MLOI holds will also guarantee that MLI will hold, but not vice versa. M'^ 17- Multi-Level Paging Anomaly (MLPA) : We have identified and proved sufficiency conditions to avoid MLPA for the GLOBAL-LRU algorithms. For the GLOBAL-LRU-SOP algorithm, this condition is that the number of pages in M must be greater than the number of pages in M increase in the sizes of the levels (Theorem 7). before and after any For the GL08AL-LRU-D0P algorithm, this condition is that the number of pages in twice the number of pages in M M"^ must be greater than before and after any increase in the sizes of the levels (Theorem 8). In summary, we have shown that for the LOCAL-LRU algorithms, of sizes for the storage levels can guarantee that a no choice lower storage level always contains all the information in the higher storage levels. For the GLOBAL-LRU algorithms, by choosing appropriate sizes for the storage levels, we can (1) ensure that the above inclusion property holds at all times for all reference strings, (2) levels are generated as guarantee that no extra page references to lower storage a result of handling overflows, and (3) guarantee that increasing the sizes of the storage levels does not increase the number of references to lower storage levels. the following eight Theorems. in the following section. These results are formally stated as Formal proofs of these Theorems are presented 18- THEOREM 1 Under LOCAL-LRU-SOP, or LOCAL-LRU-OOP, or GLOBAL-LRU-SOP, or GLOBAL-LRU-DOP, for any THEOREM m^. > £ 2, m implies^ r,t, (M:^)^^ m^ 2 Under LOCAL-LRU-SOP, or LOCAL-LRU-DOP, for any m^ 3 THEOREM r,t. (MJ)'' ^ , > 2,'Vr,t, (mJ)^ 3 mJ. iff m > 2,\f-r,t, (mJ)"" 2 M^ iff m > 2, . > m. > 2m 5 finds its corresponding page in V'r,t, an overflow from M^ m.>m. iff M"^ 6 V Under GLOBAL-LRU-DOP, for any m. > 2, finds its corresponding page in M THEOREM . 4 Under GLOBAL-LRU-SOP, for any m^ THEOREM 2, and any m 3 Under GLOBAL-LRU-DOP, for any m. THEOREM > M^ Under GLOBAL-LRU-SOP, for any m. THEOREM MJ. r,t, an overflow from K iff m. > 2m. 7 Let M^ Let M'^ Let m.' (with m. pages), (with m.' > m. pages), and m.' > m. no MLPA can exist if m. (with m. pages) and M M"^ > M'"^ pages) and m' be System B. Under GLOBAL-LRU-SOP, for any m. > 2, . m. J (with m.' be System A. > and m.' J 1 m.' 1 THEOREM 8 Let System A and System B be defined as in THEOREM 7. Let m.' > m. and m.' > no MLPA can exist if m. m. "" . 2m. Under GLOBAL-LRU-DOP, for any m. > 2, and . ni ' > 2m.' 19- 3.2 Derivation of Properties THEOREM 1 Under LOCAL-LRU-SOP, or LOCAL-LRU-DOP, or GLOBAL-LRU-SOP, > or GLOBAL-LRU-DOP, for any m. 2, m. <.m. B implies r,t, (mJ)^ PROOF Case 1 < m. : m. * Consider the reference string r=" ' P, i P^ , , . . . , P/ ^-j \ ". vJ Using any one of the algorithms, the following stacks are obtained at t=m.+2 : J \ ^t " ^ ^m.+l)a " ^ ^m +1) Thus, Pj^ e Case 2 : . ' ' ""m-a ""m , ' • • • . . . , but p]^ i mJ. m. = m. = ^2a ' P^ P^ . ^ ''la ) i.e., (mJ)^^ M^ , (mJ)"" ' . w Consider the reference string = r " P^ P2g , " , . . Using any one of the above algorithms, the following stacks are obtained at t=w+2 \ ^t ^ ^ ^(w+l)a ^ n Thus, P^g ' 6 ' ^/a '^(w+1) m], ' ' ^w ' • ' : • • ^3a ' • but P^g i (MJ)^ • ' , ' M ^ ''2a ' ^3 ' i.e., (mJ)^^ Q.E.D. mJ. . . , P(y^+-i )3 ^ mJ, -20- THEOREM 2 Under LOCAL-LRU-SOP, or LOCAL-LRU-DOP, for any m. > 2, and any m. PROOF (For LOCAL-LRU-SOP) For m.;^m. the result follows directly from THEOREM For m.> r = ^ " m. using the reference string , P^ P^ ^za P^ P^ ^la ' 1. ' ^za • ' • • za ' " P^ P^ ^2a ' be produced at t=2m.+l the following stacks will ' m.a ' : J ^t " ^m.a ^ ^a ' ^(m.-l)a ' rj _ / ^t ^ Thus ' J pJ 2 pJ pJ m. . J P^ 6 P{m -m +2)a ' • • • J J m.-l ' • ' • ' • pJ ^ 1 ^ ' ^ ' J . . but P^, i (M^)^ mI (MJ)^i i.e., , M^ Q.E.D. . PROOF (For LOCAL-LRU-DOP) < m. m.> m. For m For „ _ ^ ~ . II the result follows directly from THEOREM 1. , pi ^za ' using the following reference string pi pi ^la ^za pi ' p"" *^2a ' • • • ' P^ P^ Where for 1 since overflow from M is the only -^ P z i < m. . a. ma ' be produced at t=2m.+l The following stacks will < p"" ^za 6 | Thus, P^^ 6 M^ but P^g ^ (MJ)' , , i.e., , • . . , . (mJ)^^ mJ Q.E.D, " ' : P3 , P^ , P^ C , -21- THEOREM 3 V Under GLOBAL-LRU-SOP, for any ni.> 2, r,t, 3 (M^)^ m! iff m . > m. m!. =^ . PROOF This proof has two parts. or equivalently, m £ . J : m 3 V m. =v m.>m.^. Part (b) to prove PROOF of Part (a) Part (a) to prove . £ . 3 => r.t, r,t, (M;^)^ ^ hI r,t, (M;?)^ ^ m! C I m v r,t, ^ (mJ)"" 3 (M;^) m.>m L mJ. This follows directly from THEOREM 1. Q.E.D. To prove Part (b), we need the following results. LEMMA 3.1 t such that "v/" >". (a) (MJ)'2Mi . - M:^ and (b) m. if m , = . + m. 1 then , ? sj sj PR OOF of LEMMA 3.1 For t=2 (i.e., after the first reference), (a) and (b) are true. Suppose (a) and (b) are true for t, such that JM^^j^m. Consider the next reference Cas e 1 : : It is a reference to M There is no overflow from M Since Global-LRU is used, Case 2 : It is a There is no overflow from arguement as Case 1 or M so , is still (b) reference to : M"^ (a) is still true. : If no overflow from M M'^. this overflow can be treated as a "no-op". : It is a reference to There is no overflow from M'^ , the same If there is overflow from M applies. overflow page finds its corresponding page in M Case 3 true. m"^ , the Since SOP is used, . Thus (a) and (b) are preserved. : since | M'?^iK m^ • Thus the same reasoning as in Case 2 applies. Q.E.D. 1 -22- LEMMA 3.2 V r, (a) such that t, (MJ)S MJ (b) m. = M;: $1 if m.=m.+l , "= SJ Let us denote the conditions (a) PROOF of LEMMA , , then and (c) (b) and (sj(nij))^ f] = ^ t<t* for all by the t*-th reference. and sj(m.) f for all From LEMMA 3.1 we know that (a) and (b) are true for all t* + 1. = t^ t* + 2, induction on t, starting at that Z(t, Case 1 «* 3 .2 S:?'(m.) Let t ^ jointly as Z(t). (c) Suppose the first time S^(m.) is filled is That is, 4 is true as ) : , t, etc. Vie t*. ^t*. show, by shall that Z(t) is true , t t> First we show follows: m].^ mJ^ § S^^ Q SJ^ and MJ^ m[^ =>sj^(nK-l) e sj^(m.) g As a result of the reference at t* (to m'), S'J^^i(m.) = S:^^(m.-1) and S,^(m.) overflows from M corresponding page in Vr This overflow page finds its . becau:ie there is no overflow from M can be treated as Since SOP is used, the overflow from M Furthermore, since Global-LRU reference, Case 2 (b) (mJ^)^ : (mJJ'3 3 M^^ m. , J- > (i.e., the last page of S^(m^) overflows from M page from M true. 1, (b) (b) is true after the t*- th x ^ S:J^ . ^ Thus, Z(t^ ) Thus Z(t^) is true. sj^(k) such that (sj^(k) = ^k>rsj.J| k. Thus (S:J^(m. f is not is true. mJ* = J- , ))^ fl ' 1 ' s!+ = t* in s|,J Th^^re is no preserved, )''n and (sj^(x))'"n mJ^ = overflow from finds its corresponding page in M is still "no-op". a and mJ^ e mJ^ mJ^ and mJ^ i MJ^=> for all X, where used, [sj^^J >|s[.^^J =»(a) and (c). and SJ* Q Sj^ and (sJ^(k))VlMJ^ Case is and (a). (b) and t*+l . M'^. Thus the overflov. For the same reasons as in S^*+J->(a) and (c) are Assume that true; to show that Z(t is Z(t|^) the next reference, at time t, ,, i S"! h t. , ' does not exist, i.e., 1 (m.) = S'i k i i or M; , h ' •^ ^k J then (a) and (b) hold because Global -LRU is us 3d and because overflow from M^ still its corresponding page in If : to a page in M is true, we consider is k+1 Imagine that the last page of If the reference at ) tfie (See tne proof of LEMMA 3.1). M"^ reference at t,-, is to the argument as finds a pa le not in M^ ^k then we can apply , that used in considering the reference at time t, above to show that Z(t. is still -,) true. Q.E.D. LEMMA 3.3 r,t, if m.-m.+l "V then (a) (nj)^ 3K ^"^ (^) (S^Cm ))^ fl sl = PROOF of LEMMA 3.3 For such that lM:^|<m. t (a) follows directly from LEMMA 3.1 and (b) is true because S^(m.) = For t such that [mJU m. (a) and follows directly from LEMMA 3.2 (b) Q.E.D. LEMMA 3.4 •Vr,t, if m, >m. then (a) (M'M^D m1 and (b) (sj{m.))^ sl = PROOF of LEMMA 3.4 Let m. J For k=l = m.+k We shall . provi? this (a) and (b) are true from LEMMA 3.3. Suppose that (a) and (b) Are true for Consider m.^m.+(k+l). 1 lemma by induction on k. 1 page in size : k. That is consider the effects of increasing M'^ by -24- Since M is (with m.+k+l unchanged, M pages) sees the same Applying the stack (with m.+k pages). reference string as M inclusion property (Mattson.et al., 70), we have M"^(with m.+k+l pages Suppose (S^(m.+k+l)) ) D M"^ f] S. corresponds to this page. (with m.+k pages). f ^ then there is But Thus a This shows that (b) is still S^(m.+k+l) is not in M true. Q.E.D. : m. J > m. .-> V r,t, (mJ)^ 3 mJ. : This follows directly from LEMMA 3.4, Q.E.D. is page in M This contradicts the property that (mJ)^ m.+k pages). PROOF of Part(b) (a) still that (with 3 mJ. . true. 25- THEOREM 4 Under GLOBAL-LRU-DOP, for any m > Vr,t, (M^)^3 mJ 2, iff m. >2in. PROOF This proof has two parts: Part (a) : m^ < 2m.=>3r,t, (mJ)^* Part (b) : m. > PROOF of Part (a) For m. < : 2ni.^ V m.< 2m.-=^ r,t, M^ (mJ)^3.mJ^ 3 r,t, (mJ)^^ m]. the result follows from THEOREM in. Consider the for 2m. cas.e The reference string r > " = m. > p] m. : pj, , la 1, p], , 2a , . . . 3a " p]„ (2m.} a v , will produce the following stacks: ^t " ^ ^2m.)a si = ( a, a„ , ''(2m.-l)a ' a. , . . , ' . • • a , alternatively, starting from L, •^ • where a.'s are picked from ) = L, . 1 ^' P(m.-fl)a ' ( 1 P^ m. , P-^ i \ , (m,.-l • . . and L^ L, . P, ) 1 ) 1 ^''"^ 4 ^ ^2m. ^ ^^2m.-l)' ' If m. is even, then elements of (a, L, and (a„ 1 2 elements in L„. , a_ a. 4 , ' " . i i S:: {P. t . . h' ^m,+l^ ' ... . Mm. If m. is odd, then J a . a ) _ m.' i T ^t. (m. + l }a is We see that P, 2 is not in . , , ' corresponds to the first m./2 corresponds to the first m./2 ^ J _ i (a, is not in Si since m./2 <m.). t , L, a.^ and , . (a^, first (m.-l)/2 elements in L^. c J . , . r J $ a^, ) corresponds to the first .... a , ) In both ca?es, is at most the corresponds to the i i We see that the page P/ >, is in S. " L im.+ ;a , •, I but its corresponding page is not in S^ because max{ _ix z, :^ t "i ,.\ + l) (m.+l)/2 elements in thus, a- corresponding page r r in S^ but its (m.-l)/2 (m.-l)-th element of Lp.Pop, (M"J)'i^fi]^ Q.E.D. _(g, ) = m.-l, ."D+i^'P,^ +2 • -26- To prove Part (b), we need the following preliminary results, LEMMA 4.1 Under GLOBAL-LRU-DOP, for distance > 2, m. >.2ni. , a page found at stack implies its corresponding page can be found within in M k ni. stack distance 2k in M": . PROOF of LEMMA 4.1 We prove by induction on t. At t=2 (i.e., after At t=l, the statement is trivially true. the first reference) s|^(l) and its corresponding page are both at the beginning of the stack, hence the induction statement is still true. Suppose the induction statement is true at time t, i.e., = P^ =^ -^ sl(k) za t can be found within stack distance 2k within P"^ z Suppose the next reference is to '^ P,^, Wa "^ Case 1 P^^^ : wa 6 = si(x) (P^ t wa mJL From the induction statement, There are three cases • S'J . t : ) is found within stack distance 2k P'' w in S^ as illustrated in Figure 10. -stack distance — " =^ w^ M' '<''W^I - "' " 2x --^ " p/^ M I I A' Figure 10. Consider the page movem,ents in the two stacks as the reference to (1) p\ and P Wa V/ P a result of handling : wa are both moved to the top of their stack, ' the induction . (2) Each page in A increases its stack distance by 1, but its corresponding page is in A', each page of which can at most increase its stack distance by Thus the induction statement 1. holds for all pages in A. (3) None of the pages in moved. B are moved. (See previous diagram) None of the pages in Suppose a (k>x), has its corresponding page, P? Then P^ can at most increase its stack distance by 1. page in B, But are If a page in B has its corresponding page in B', the induction statement is not violated. in A'. B' S.(k) = P, w<2x because P^ e A' = ^t^^^ Since 2k>2x, the induction statement . is not violated. Case 2 P^ : wa M^ 4. ^ Each page in M page in ^ w ^ P"^ , t M-j t increases its stack distance by slik), k<m. = , = then P^ within stack distance 2(k+l) in Case 3 : ^ M^ t P^ wa , P"^ w overflow from M increased by Each page in H'^ a . Hence if sl,^(k^l), and P^ can be found M"^ at time t+1 4 mJ t As a result of the read-through from M is Each corresponding can at most increase its stack distance by 2, one d ue M'^ to the reference and one due to an P\ 1. stack distance of r each page in M That is, for 1. i • , k <, m^ , can at most increase its stack distance by 2, one due to loading the referenced page and one due to an cverfl ow from M . Hence, the page 2k+2 in M^. P Since max(2k+2) is = found within stack distance of 2m. «c m. 1— J , P'^ is still z Q.E.D. in M"^ -28- COROLLARY to LEMMA 4.1 m. J L I J X, PROOF of COROLLARY For any P^^ in S , its corresponding page can be found within stack distance 2m. in S. , and since pages in the information in the last page of i.e.. (sJ(m^.))'* PROOF of Part (b) : n si = j A is not found in S' (M'j)^O M^ This follows directly from LEMMA 4.1. Q.E.D. are unique, S' . m.>2m.^Vr.t. S'J , -29- THFOREM 5 Under GLOBAL-LRU-SOP, for any m. > 2, findso its v,wii(;j|_ii_iiiuiii^ page loj corresponding (jayc in III V r,t, m.> '" iff t^ M'^ an overflow from m"" m. COROLLARY Under GLOBAL-LRU-SOP, for any m. > 2, finds its corresponding page in V r,t, an overflow from M^ iff \' r,t, (M:j[)^p M^ M"^ PROOF This Proof has two parts as shown below. PROOF of Par t (a) : m.>m. v r,t, an overflow from M =^ finds its corresponding page in M From LEMMA 3.4 m. > m V =^ . Suppose the overflow from Then just before P is oa After the overflow, P 03 Suppose the overflow, (m|)Sm|. and (sj(m.))^n r,t, m\ P^^ is caused by overflowed, P^ exists in p'!^ Oa is , caused by m\ a means that the last page of finds its corresponding page m.j<m.^ 3 not is 1-1 still '"'t, in P M"-^ , P^ za G M^ t 1, and m. P~^ z M-^ , t M"^ and (S:^(m.)) f]S. This . after an overflow from , M'^ occurs. does not M"^ then there exists Wo can find a reference string Such that za string of references to M"^ existing in such that an overflow from M at the time of the overflow of P^ A f>v\ thus, the overflow page P < m.=^3 r,t, (M^)''^mJ^ ^^ <i m"^. is not in M find its corresponding page in From THEOREM still reference to M'^ = M'^ P^ exists in i.e., the information in the last page of : reference to finds its corresponding page Then just before the overflow from PROOF of Part (b) a sj. M from M^ , P'^ is still not in M"^. z will produce this condition. Then at the time of overflow of P^ za , it will page it M Q.E.D. not find its corresponding = ^ -30- THEOREM 6 Under GLOBAL-LRU-DOP. for m. > V 2, finds its corresponding page in M r,t, an overflow from M^ iff m. > 2in. CORO LLARY V Under GLOBAL-LRU-DOP, for m. > 2, finds its corresponding page in r,t, an overflow from M^' implies that V" r,t, (M'J)^^M^ M-" PROOF This Proof has two parts as shown below. PROOF of Part (a) m.> : ^\/r,t, an overflow from 2m. M^ finds its corresponding page it M THEOREM 4 ensures that m.>2m.^Vr,t, (M'j)^o ensures that (S'J(m.))^ of THEOREM in Part (a) PROOF of Part (b) ^—^ m.< : J— sl = m]. and LEMMA 4.1 we then use the same argument as , 5. 2m. ^3 -" r,t, such that an overflow from M^ 1 _ . does not find its corresponding page in M Case 1 m.^ 2m. =^ : m. < 3 2m. r,t, (m|)^^ argument We then use the same Case 2 : in. = (from the proof of M]. part(a) of THEOREM 4) as in Part (b) of THEOREM 5. 2m. J 1 The reference string r - " p\^ " Pj^ , . , . . , p'^^^_^^ , P(2m. + l)a will produce the following stacks (at t=2m.+l): ^t " ^^2m.)a /pJ ^ m. c3 _ ^t ' pJ 2m. ^(2m.-l)a pJ ' ni.-l • i P P/ ^-.s ,1 m.+l P(m. + l)a^ ' pJ ' ^2m.-1 In handling the next reference, and • • ' • • • • pJ ^] to page P/p pJ ' ^,\^ \ ^^.+i^ » the pages ?, overflow at the same time, hence the overflow page ^ ^ from M does not find its corresponding page in M^ "i Q.E.D. ^-j \ -31- THEOREM . 7 i i (with m. pages), Let M (with m.' Let M' pages), Let m.' > m. and m.' > no MLPA can exist if m. Y* (with m. pages) and M M'^ m. > M'"^ . m. (with m . be System A. pages) and ' M*" be System B. Under GLOBAL-LRU-SOP, for any m. > and m.' > 2, m.' PROOF We Shan show that V"r,t, This will Since (mJ U (M'j) " ) ^ U(M'j)M (M' J ensure that no MLPA can exist. m.'>m. and LRU is used in M stack inclusion property to obtain M From THEOREM 5, and M' c M' we can apply the LRU , . we know that overflows from M find their corresponding pages in M^ and M i or from M' i respectively. always Since SOP is used, these overflows can be treated as "no-ops". Thus, M and M''^ see the same reference string and we can apply the LRU stack inclusion property to obtain \A. '£ \A . (since and LRU is used). m].C Mj.^ and M^CM'I =^ (M^ U (M^j)^') CL (f^'j LJ(M'-J)^') Q.E.D. m.'> m. -32- TIOREM 8 Let System A and System B be defined as in THEOREM 7. Let m/ > m. m and m.' no KiLPA can exist if m. Under GLOBAL-LRU-DOP, for any m. . . > and m.' 2m. J > 2m. J 1 ' > 2, . 1 PROOF We need the following preliminary results for this proof. LEMMA 8.1 Let be partitioned into two disjoint stacks, W S'J follows: minimum V|.(k) W (k) = S:^(j. = j^ > j^_^ k=l,...,|V J ^'^^ ^t^Ji,;) for k=l ,..., |wj where JrfO, and ) such that 3 P^^ J|^>J|^_-| such that V and V P^g Sj 6 6 j is the and P^^ g ^t^^k^' sj. where , defined as and jr^=0, P^^ p ^^(j^). is the j, minimum (Intuitively, W^ is the stack obtained from S^ by collecting those pages that have their corresponding pages in in S. is preserved. Then, i/ r,t, (a) W g such that the order of these pages what is left of is V M. C and (b) V sj^ pages corresponding to all after S. where W. is formed.) is the set of the pages that ever overflowed from M , up to time t. PROOF of LEMMA 8.1 From THEOREM 4, m. in M , Vr,t, (M"J)\o 2m. :^ its corresponding page is in M^ is exactly H and W for V / , and W e s], . . Thus, for each page This set of pages in by definition. Since the conditions are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive, the other pnges in M't Since does not have a M;? M^ page in V are by definition in V that are not in W a corresponding page in M corresponding page must have once been in and later overflowed from M . Thus a M^ , . its because of Read-Through, page in V, is a Q.E.D. page in 0. . . , -33- LEMMA 8.?? Any overflow page from is a page in V M;^ PROOF of LEMMA 8 .2 ^V ^ From THEOREM 4. m. > 2m. From THEOREM 6, m. > 2m.t^'V' r,t, an overflow from M corresponding page in An overflow from (m|)^ mJ is caused by a reference to M M^ also implies that there is an overflow from M Suppose the overflow page from p-^^ V. 11;^ is P^ is M. c If P^ oa = is P"^ P-^ page in M"^ c ya f P oa overflowed from m! , THEOREM overflow at the same time so P'^ is overflowed from m! , p"!^ oa W. , i.e., (y/o). ,^ ya 6 is violated since THEOREM will not find its corresponding 4 .... is violated since t after the overflow handling, there exists but P . t and If P^ An overflow from . Also suppose P^ e . either P^, or L oa r We shall show that this leads to a contradiction. . The overflow page from P^ always finds its M"^ i Mt. r.t, is no longer in M ^ a page P^j^ g Pj in M^ (since pj 6 W^) . Q.E.D. LEMMA 8.3 If there is no overflow from either M or M then X/"r,t, V. and V' have the same reverse ordering. Two stacks S and S are in the same reverse ordering, S if rS^(k) = rS-^Ck) for 1 ^ ki min( (s^) ,\s^ \ ), rg S'^ if S^= or S"^ = , where rS denotes the stack obtained from S by re/ersing its ordering. S^ CQ S By convention, . 34PROOr of LEMMA 8.3 To facilitate the proof, we introduce the following definitions. (1) The o rdere d paren t stack of the stack (S^)"^, , the stack of is S^ parent pages corresponding to, and in the same ordering as, the pages in the reduced stack, and (2) 1 S (3) S^ . Formally, (S g S ) 2 to produce a new stack, , S^, where S{k) - II ( (||)» between two stacks, S,as follows; s\k) for k-1 ,2, S^k) for k- . . . . , ls^l+1, ] S^| + Is^lS ...,}|s^| Define a new binary operator, ordere d di fference (o), between and a set T, to produce S S = T, S^ Intuitively, S S is obtained from which are also in Figure Is^OtI), S the 0- by taking away those elements of S T. ever referenced up to time , = (j. )n"l' illustrates the LRU ordering of all Level 11 or M' |s^| - minimum J|.>Jk_i such that is the j, stack a new stack, S,as follows: a where S(k)=S^(j|^) for k=l,2,...,( such that Jq=0, M"^ S new binary operator, concatenation a and S S = of , S^ (s"")-^ Define S i pages Since there is no overflow from either t. length of this LRU stack is less than or equal to min(m. , _t_.. Least Recently [Lea _r^Ref erenced Recently Referenced^! ^ By the definition of But (S'j)J = hence V; (Y^)^' ^ (SJ)J o Figure t' II ( VJ. ( , = VJ. (Y^)"^' (X^)J (s[)^^ ( || hence V^ = = ((x^)\ (S'|)^^ ), (X^.)^ o , V (S^)^ = {Z ) ) )^ c = (Y^^ o ((S^)JU(Xt)^') (sM^ (XjJ'), ((Y^)J' II ((X^j^o (sj)^) o {s\)^ Similarly, by the definition of V But (Z^)J = (X.)J 11 || ({(Y^J^ o (X^)^) o (si)^) (Y^)J (sj.)J) 1 ( {(s[)JU(x^)^'))={(x^.)Jo(s^)^^') II 1 Thus, the two stacks ai'e in the same reverse ordering. Q.E.D. v; ..) . LEMMA 8.4 y'r.t, (a) ^'^.z> M^ , and V' are either in the same reverse (b) V. ordering or the last element of V' is not an element of V. PROOF of LEMMA 8.4 and (a) - either Level (t)) or M'"^. M'^ j are true for any time before there is any overflow from (a) is true because any page ever referenced is in is also found so a page found in M , in M''^. is true (b) because of the result from LEMMA 8.3. Assume that (a) and (b) is true for Consider the next reference at t+1 t. Suppose this reference does not produce any overflow from either M or M' then (a) still holds because M'J^f^t ^^^ M't"? (See THEOREM 7). ^l (b) holds because overflows from M still the end of stacks V. are taken from and M and V! respectively, and since there is no overflow from Level j, (b)'s validity is not disturbed. Suppose this reference does produce overflow(s) from Level j. Case 1 : overflow from M no overflow from M , This cannot happen since overflow from M which in turn implies overflow from M . Case 2 : overflow from M , starting from the end of VI , implies reference to M , is not an element of V, Then This X Figure 12. Figure 12. x4 xsl x7 x6 1*"^^^^J. x7 x^J x5_x4 .... i . if we eliminate those elements not in follows from LEMMA 8.3 and is illustrated in j_ : be in the same reverse ordering. the two stacks will I'* also. no overflow from M t Suppose the last element in V' V 1 : x9 VJ. x5 x3 _x3 x2 x2 xl | xi; , -36- Thus we see that overflow from of V , is (b) Suppose will still V! preserved since the last page in 3 : V! is in V' still are in the same reverse ordering. . not in V not in V Then overflowing . overflow from \r and overflow from M a Suppose the last element in V! is not in V : . Refering to the diagram in Case 2, we see the result of overflowing the last element of V! and the last element of V. does not violate (a) and still preserves the condition that the last element of V| is not in V 6 Suppose V! and V. are in the same reverse ordering. overflowing the last elements of in the same reverse ordering, page is overflowed from M V! leaves V| and V is not violated (a) and M and V Then . PROOF of THEOREM 8 2 M for the same reasons as those used in THEOREM From LEMMA 8.4 Hence, M'^ (mJuImJ)') ^ ^ M"^ (^'j U(M'^)'') Q.E.D. still since the same Q.E.D. M' . does not violate (a) and results in the last the last page of V Case i.e., overflowing the last page , not violate (a) since this page is still and V page of VI M'^ 7. -37- 4 . C onclusions We have developed a model of i\ designed for ^ery large databases. data storage hierarchy system specifically This data storage hierarchy makes use of different page sizes across storage levels and maintains multiple copies of the same informition in the hierarchy. Four algorithms obtained from natural extensions to the LRU algorithm are studied in detail anc key properties of these algorithms that affect performance and reliability of the data storage hierarchy are derived, . It is found that for the LOCAl -LRU algorithms, no choice of sizes for the storage levels can guarantee that a lower storage level always contains all the information in the higher storage levels. For the GLOBAL-LRU algorithms, by choosing appropriate sizes for the storage levels, we can (1) ensure the above inclusion property to hold at all times, (2) guarantee tliat no extra page references to lower storage levels are generated as a result of handling overflows, and (3) guarantee that no multi-le\el paging anomaly can exist. Several areas of further study emerge from this investigation. These include the study of store-behind algorithms [ 18 ] and the study of extensions to other known storage management algorithms. We hope that this study motivates further work in the area of generalized data storage hierarchy systems for very large databases. -30- Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank Mike Abraham, Sid Huff, and Ken Yip for reviewing an earlier version of this paper; and the referees for their editorial comments. -39- References 1. Arora, S.R., and Gallo, A. Optimal sizing loading and reloading in multi-level memory hierarchy system. Proc. AFIPS 1971 SJCC a 38, 337-344. 2. A study of replacement algorithms for Belady, L.A. IBM Systems Journal 5, 2 (1966), 78-101. computer. 3. An anomaly in space-time Belady, L.A., Nelson, R.A., and Shedler, G.S. characteristics of certain programs running in a paging machine. Comm. ACM 12, 6 (June 1969), 349-353. 4. Optimal file allocation in multi-level Chen, P.P. Proc. AFIPS 1973 NCC, 277-282. 5. Conti 6. Denning, P.J. 153-190. 7. Frenaszek, P. A., and Bennett, B.T. Adaptive variation of the transfer unit in a storage hierarchy. 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