LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ZiA^^mf WORKING PAPER ALFRED P. SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT PARTITIONING ALGORITHMS FOR A CLASS OF KNAPSACK PROBLEMS 340-68 John F. Pierce* MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE IDGE, MASSACHUSETTS PARTITIONING ALGORITHMS FOR A CLASS OF KNAPSACK PROBLEMS 340-68 John F. Pierce* Assistant Professor, Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. Work reported herein was supported in part by U.S. Plywood - Champion Papers, Inc. Abstract In this paper algorithms are presented for evaluating the knapsack function for a class of two-dimensional knapsack problems such as arises, for example, in the solution of cutting stock problems in staged guillotine cutting operations. This class includes as a special case the classical one-dimensional knapsack problem. In each algorithm evaluation proceeds from the larger knapsack sizes to the smaller, exploiting for each size the optimality of all partitions or descendents of an optimal solution for a knapsack of that size. All of the algorithms discussed are based on the methods of combinatorial programming and are reliable in the respect that if carried to completion they guarantee optimal evaluations for knapsacks of each size. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I . II . UNDERLYING THEORY AND IDEAS 10 III . CONTROLLED INTERVAL SEARCH PROCEDURES 38 CONTROLLED PARENT-GENERATION SEARCH PROCEDURES 43 THE K-STAGE KNAPSACK PROBLEM 53 CONCLUDING REMARKS 73 Appendix A: One-Dimensional Example 79 Appendix B: Two-Dimensional Example 83 Appendix C: Stage k-1 of Two-Dimensional Example 86 IV, V. VI . References 1 90 Introduction I. In its simplest form the knapsack problertr may be described as follows. Given m items with "sizes" 1-,, l2,-.-lui ^^'^ associated values V2^,V2,...,v mine the non-negative integral number put in a a^^ deter- of each item to knapsack of size L so as to realize a total value F(L), where: F(L) = maximum Z a. v. ^ ^ i=-l Subject to: and m a.l. 1=1 .Z, a. >^ 11—< L , integer all i The function F(L) has been termed by Gilmore and Gomory [8 J the knapsack function. Besides arising in contexts wherein an assortment of items are to be selectively packed into some form of knapsack (e.g., spare parts in a flyaway kit, cargo in rail car) a knapsack problems also arise in contexts in which an assortment of items of differing values are to be realized from a knapsack of given size, as in the cutting of stock into rolls or sheets to match customer demands. In some contexts only a single dimension of the items and knapsack is relevant for the problem, as in a case where rolls of paper of constant diameter and given width are to be slit into rolls of the same diameter 1. The name originally ascribed to this broad class of optimization problems by Dant/ig [3 ,. . -2and smaller widths. be considered, In others, two or more dimensions must as in the loading of cargo subject both to weight and volume limits, the cutting of stock into an assortment of sheets of different widths and lengths, or the dynamic budgeting of funds over a number of time periods In some contexts knapsack problems arise not only directly but indirectly as well, as for example, in the course of solving linear programming formulations of various stock cutting problems. In these latter cases it may be necessary to solve literally hundreds of knapsack problems in the course of solving a single programming problem. The efficiency of algorithms for the knapsack problem is therefore a critical determinant of the size and comprehensiveness of the models which can be employed in practice. Although the results of the present study are more general in their applicability as will be apparent, it is a problem of this type which has provided the motivation for the study and will provide the context for purposes of discussion. Specifically, the problem of underlying interest concerns the cutting of rectangular sheets of stock of size W x l into smaller sizes w.xl., i=l,2,....m so as to fulfill requirements for r. 1 sheets of size w.xl., i=l,2,...,m at minimum cost. 11 Following the approach suggested by Gilmore and Gomory [l] the problem can be formulated as a linear programming problem in which there is a column vector to each permissible (a ,a^,...,a m 12 ) corresponding -3- pattern for cutting up a sheet of size Wxl the number of pieces of size a w-j^xlj^, shown which yields 2 a 2 3 is pattern is rectangles of size w.xl,, size W3XI3, 4 of size W4XI4, a^^ i^=l,2,...m cut from in Figure For example, single sheet. where , of size vi-jXl-], 2 of and of 2 If m=10 then in a problem in which this size wgxlq. constitutes a permissible cutting pattern there is a column vector (2,0,2,4,0,0,3,0,2,0) associated with this pattern. one generates column vectors only as In practice they become needed during the solution of the linear programming problem^ rather than explicitly generate the complete set of such patterns before commencing to solve the problem. a accomplished by solving at each iteration This is knapsack problem of the form: maximum = F(W,L) (^l'^2' • Z a i^l . ^^^ -'^m' Subject to the condition that ,aj^) correspond to a (aj^, a_ , . . . permissible pattern for cutting up a sheet of size Wxl where 'if- . is the value of the dual variable associated with requirement r^ at the present iteration and maximum value realizeable from 2. 2 a F(Vn;,I-) rectangle of^ the is V7xT . In some instances the orientation of a required rectangle such is irrelevant; Wj^>:l-L with respect to the sheet Wxl cases it is sufficient for knapsack-problem purposes to simply include among the original requirements a rectangle of width lj_ and length w-l having the same value Vj^ m . -4In the present case the cutting patterns to be deemed permissible are those which, in the terminology of Gilmore and Gomory [7], can be obtained through staged guillotine cutting. By a guillotine cut is meant one in which the cut begins at one side of the rectangle and traverses the stock in a straight line to the opposite side. By k-stage guillotine cutting is meant cutting which takes place in k distinct stages, each stage in which cutting takes place lengthwise alternating with a stage in which cutting takes place widthwise. example. Figure two stages: 1 For illustrates a pattern which can be cut in in the first stage the sheet is slit lengthwise into three strips (plus edge trim) and in the second each of the strips is chopped individually across its v/idth to pro- duce the desired sizes. rvT :^s: L^r^ ^::T33rxs:: 3 ' w r^ K H Figure 1. Pattern obtained with exact, 2-stage guillotine cutting. -5In some instances a triituning stage is permitted after the completion of the k stage, at which time the resulting rectangles may be trimmed on one side to yield the required This is termed the inexact case to distinguish it from size. the exact case in which all rectangles resulting at the com- pletion of the k^^ stage must comply exactly with the dimensions of the requirements without further cutting operations. 3-stage, Figure 2 shows a pattern which can be produced with inexact guillotine cutting; the pattern in Figure on the other hand, is realizeable by exact cutting. \\\\\\ \\\ 1, 3 -6in single-stage cutting when a strip of stock of length L, is to be chopped up into a^ pieces of length say, 1^, i=l,2,...,m so as to maximize the value F{L). This is the basic one-dimensional knapsack problem stated in the opening paragraph for which a number of dynamic programming algorithms [2,5,7,8,14] and combinatorial programming algorithms [6,12] are available. In the case of 2-stage guillotine cutting an optimal pattern can be determined by solving the required knapsack problem in two steps. The first requires the evaluation of an optimal cutting policy for chopping up a strip of any width wj^ (and length L) which may result from cutting at the first stage; the second step requires the determination of an optimal plan for cutting strips at the first stage. That IS; (i) For all widths wi_ determine ?.: the optimal value F(L) obtainable by fitting rectangles Wjxlj end to end into a strip of width Wj_ and length L, where Wj <^ w^ in the inexact case, and Wj-Wj^ in the exact case. For each i this is a basic one-dimensional knapsack problem. (ii) Determine an optimal solution to the basic one-dimensional knapsack problem with F(W)=max Z ^x^^, subject to the , constraint Z 3. a^Wj^ < W For the special case in which aj_=0,l for all ences [ 4] [10] and [ll]. . i^ see refer- -7- When there are m different requirement widths Wj^ solution of the knapsack problem for 2-stage guillotine cutting implies the solution ol one-dimensional type. (ra + 1) knapsack problems of the basic In practice this can actually be accomplished in two knapsack calculations by using the dynamic programming algorithm in reference ordering the widths so that w, W2 < < . . . algorithm evaluates successively F-|(L), F2 the process of determining F (L) , since, by [7] < w (L) where FgCL) this , , . . . , Fjj^(L) is the value of a knapsack of size L using only the first 1 12 , 1 ...,1 , s in optimal lengths, Alternately, the problem can be solved by a s combinatorial programming algorithm [isj . For 3-stage cutting; similarly, an optimal pattern can be determined by solving the required knapsack problem in three steps. The first step now involves the determination of an optimal policy for cutting at the third stage any sheet which might result as a consequence of cutting at the second stage. This requires the evaluation of the knapsack function F(y for all y, < y < W and for each strip length x=l^ ,x) for which there is a requirement w^xl^ at the present (third) 4 stage. 4. nondominated Upon evaluation the set of rectangle if We will say that size x_x y dominates size x x y > F (y X) X < X y < y and F (y X , , ) , . -8- sizes X X y which result form the requirements for a 2-stage problem (stages 1 solved in two st^» and as 2) which remains, this problem being described in the preceding paragraph. Similarly, in k-stage guillotine cutting solution of the knapsack problem begins at stage k and proceeds step by step through stages k-1, k-2,...2, each step employing as the appropriate requirements sizes w-xl. the non-dominated sizes X X y determined at the previous step, the procedure cul- minating with the solution of the 2-stage knapsack problem. In practice^ in k-stage cutting the number of requirements and/or the number of stages feasibly considered is severely limited computationally by the time expended in evaluating the knapsack function F(y,x), < y <^ W, x=lj_, i^l,2,...,m. One possibility, presently, is to employ the dynamic programming algorithm of reference 1]^ <_ F(lj^^, I2 < W) [7] • • • which, upon ordering the lengths so that ^ 1_, evaluates in the single computation for all of the desired values of F(y,x) bility is to employ for each 1- . Another possi- independently an efficient dynamic programming algorithm such as Gilmore and Goraory's algorithm l.B in reference [7j to evaluate F(1^,W) which evaluation also yields the values F(y, 1^) , < y < w. m The choice between these alternatives depends on the number of the -9- different sizes m being considered. 5 At present computational feasibility appears to be questionable even for 3-stage cutting in problems having a moderate number of requirement sizes. An alternative to these approaches to be considered in this report is to develop algorithms based on combinatorial programming rather than on dynamic programming considerations for evaluating the function F(y,x) at each stage k > an 2, alternative suggested by results to date indicating that for both the one-stage and the two-stage knapsack problem there is an algorithm of the former type which is generally faster than those reported of the latter type. 5 In the following sections we consider first the basic one-dimensional problem (1); in Section II we present the underlying theory and ideas to be used and in Sections III and IV two different algorithms for evaluating the knapsack function. Then in Section V the results of Section II are neneralized for the two- dimensional knapsack problem arising at stage k and algorithms discussed for evaluating the knapsa>_k function. 5. The results of a comparative study of knapsack algorithms will be presented in a subsequent report. o -10- Underlying Theory and Ideas II. Throughout this section the problem to be considered is the basic one-dimensional problem stated earlier: l,,l^,.,..l with 'lengths" ^ 1 F(L) 2 ' and values v,,v„ 1' m ,v 2 m determine: , m maximum = given m items V a. .2, . 1=1 ^'^2' 1 1 m m Subject and to: (a ,a , ...,a ) ill-'-' Z l.a. by L(A), 1. 1 i < L ^ (1) integer > o, a. for all L, o < L < L a .E, 1=1 all i To facilitate discussion a solution max will commonly be denoted by A, its length and its value Z v.a. by V(A). ill-''' To begin we note that germane to all of the algorithms that will be discussed in this paper is the fact that from an optimal solution A ~o 12 = (a,, a^, a ..., m ) for length L one can "> o derive immediately an optimal solution for each of itsT]_ (a.+l) partitions or descendents Theorem 1: —o Or, to state it more precisely: 12 = If A to . (a° a° . . , a°) with value F(L) (1) 12 (a' . a',..., a') m m , is an optimal solution then A' = is an optimal solution to A' such that with value F(L'), for each — m a! < 1 6. a., 1 i=l,2, ,m, where L' = Z i=i l.a'.. 1 1 This same result has been derived earlier by Shapiro and Wagner [14] who have considered also a class of multidimensional knapsack problems and a distribution-ofeffort problem. (1) -2 o oo . -11To prove the theorem we suppose that for some descendent A' there — exists a solution A with length S l.a. < Z l.a! and value 1 i > Z v.a! £ v.a. ill 111 -1111 O Z v.a* > F(L) i=l,2,...,m, with length , . A' —o l.a* 111 for any descendent , -' value L and is an optimal ^ A' — suppose that an optimal m the sample problem 7 Then if this optimal solution is, say, A. as shown of Appendix A. we have at once the optimal solutions A_ ~D in Table A.l, , < — Y solution for length L=ll has been obtained ,A X Hence there can exist no solution As an illustration of Theorem 1, A 1 contrary to the assumption that A , solution for length L. better than . But then there exists a solution . /\ A*,a*^a. -a! +a 1 , A. _,, A., 10 , 11 , and hence the values F(9)=8, F(8)^7, F(6)=6, and A F(5)=3, F(3)-2 and F(2)=l. Theorem 1 starting with L immediately suggests the evaluation of F(L) by max and proceeding in an order '^ That is, we begin by solving recording F{L max )=V(A-) ' 7. in Table A. -HD generated and L -Zl values F(L')=V' with L-L (1) . 1 a . 3 L max > L, to get A 1 . > L^>...>0 2 After all descendents — Al of A — are andV'=Zl.a'. evaluated for each, and the 1 1 1 We then determine the largest value L recorded. For illustration the data for a problem with four lengths is detailed in Appendix A. In Table A.l are listed the 44 possible feasible solutions A. arrayed in lexicographically decreasing order, where A^ is lexicographically smaller than A if a?-a^, aS^as, a|_] =^r_l> ^nd a| > a^ for some r, o < r < m. In Table A. 2 these same solutions are re-ordered by length, L^ = Zlj_a-) hnd arranged in lexicographically Table A. 3 gives the function within length. decreasing order F{L), and finally, Table A. 4 gives a non-dominated schedule of solutions A from which all values of F(L) can be realized. - . . , , . , -12for which F(L) problem has not been evaluated and solve the knapsack for L=L, getting an optimal solution A (1) . As before. /\ we record F(L)=V(A i the values F(L') . ), generate all descendents A[ of A. and record —1 —1 Continuing in this manner we finally reach L=0 at which time we conclude by deriving from the table F(L) a schedule of dominating solutions by eliminating all entries k for which there exists an entry j such that L > L '^ F(L ) ^ - F{L.) . and J . J Within this general framework there are a number of alternatives and considerations which arise. We consider first some further possibilities for reducing the number of values L that need be evaluated by explicitly solving knapsack problem To begin it is noted that while F(L) < L "~ < L max values of L. (1) is defined for all it can change value for only a finite number of ' For exact evaluation of F(L) example, to evaluate the lengths L=6 26, , it is sufficient, . . . ,k6 < L and where largest integer such that k6 — max , 6 for where k is the can be taken to be the value of the largest factor b which is common to each of the 12m values 1,, 1^,...,1 be a multiple of b. , since all lengths Z , x=l In our example, l.a. 11 must necessarily for instance, b=l so that in such a case all integer values of L would be considered. Alternately, a more course grid might be used. For instance, precision of F(L) +A F were acceptable for every L then any to the value (AF)/ [max (v./l )] would be satisfactory. case, however, we may set F(L)=0 for all L < min(l.) i 5 if a up In any -13- Hence in evaluating F(L) divisible by (exactly) only values and inin(l.) > 'l need be evaluated, and for some of these values 6 can be evaluated directly from other solutions without neces- F(L) sitating the solving of a separate knapsack problem as a consequence Fortunately, there may be additional lengths L which of Theorem 1. can be evaluated without explicitly solving a knapsack problem for length L. For example, suppose that problem (1) has been solved for a length L and an optimal solution A* obtained having value 11— m V*(L) . _ If L*=.Z, l.a. < L then A* constitutes ^n optimal solution 1=1 for all L, L* <^ L < L. This fact while quite apparent" can be very significant in reducing total problem-solving effort. To facili- tate future reference we state it in theorem form: Theorem 2: If A* is an optimal knapsack solution to problem with constraint 11 <— T.l.a. (1) L having value V and length L*= yi.a*. then A* is an optimal solution to all 11 — problems with constraint Zl.a 1 i < - L for L* < L < C. Thus in solving the one knapsack problem with length C we obtain the evaluation of all points L* ^ L < L together with those associated with each descendent of A*. In addition to these possibilities it is also possible to determine directly the value of F(L) Theorem 3: Let the m for some L: items be ordered so that ...>(I) >(i)^^ — ^m — ? — ({), 1 where 8. 111 (t).-v./l • Then solution — A* = Since if there were a solution yielding V(L) could not be optimal for L. 12' (a* a* , > V* . (f) , .. 0) and then A* , . -14all of its descendents are optimal for length L* = SI. a*, where 1 L 9 12 a* = <1-/1^ - a>, 1 2 o-*0. To prove that A* is optimal, suppose the contrary. exists a solution — A with SI. Since l^at < 11 a, SI. a* and V= Sv 3 < — a. ill . 11 . . = <L*/1 > so that necessarily a l-ij^? > V* = Sv a* ill ill ^ ^'^ Suppose • llf222 Then an upper bound on V is V ^'^ = a*. Suppose there = v a* + ({)^(l^a*) . But since this bound is attained by A*, there exists no S with a =a* Suppose, then, that a,=a? is v^(a* - b) + C})^ (l^b + l^a*) cannot exceed V* since length L* . b > 0. t>, (|) < (t^, Then an upper bound on V = v^a* + v^a* + {(J)^-*})^) • which (l^^b) Therefore A* is optimal for . And finally, the descendents of A* are optimal as direct consequence of Theorem a 1. Referring again to the problem in Appendix A for illustration, it is seen that all lengths are ordered so that Therefore a* = <1 /I -a> = <6/3 of A = (2,1,0,0) (1,0,0,0) - a> =1. values F(12) - 12, F(9) = ^'-^ > 'l)^ > (2,0,0,0), (1,1,0,0), We thus have immediately the optimal 8, F(6) = 6 and F(3) While highly desirable to extend Theorem = 2. 3 to other cases which can be evaluated directly, extension appears to lead to rather specialized results which are cumbersome to implement. Theorem 4 represents one such extension: 9. 0>,> All feasible descendents must therefore be optimal: and (0,1,0,0). > We will denote by <g> the largest integer contained in g. -15- Theorem Let the lengths be ordered so that 6, > 4: where i) ^ then A^ /I11 If 12 ..., = v. . 1 = a*, (a*, 1 2 descendents are optimal, where a* < <(1. and a* s-1, ..., 1=^2, [<(1 rain s , s-1 ) (C) ^^j -6 )-l 'j + l' > - j (6 j +1 -6 ) j+2^ -6 a* ^1. ^+...(0. j+3 j+3 J+1 s-1 <s i<.j for all j, j+2 a* ) - a* 1 j s 1 + +2 + ^ s-1 s-1 1 s inequalities: (d) ^j + 1 -6 )» j -(!) ((t). + 3' b ) s 'J+1 1 s s , s fl (a*-a )1 s s that of A*. V -V* V* a - 1 a* s 1 . S-2S-2 ^ 1 <{) s , a )1 -1 6 s-ls-l--! + - + [dv ^ s-2 ) 1 + a* s s s—> < - 2 , a* d) v (J , s-1 s-1 a*6 dO > — 1 sss , ^s-1 s-1 or d(0 s s (i) ,-6 )a*l ^s-1 ^s s . s . -a (a* s , ) v s + s then s-2: +(a* 1 s-1 s-1J + a*v s = ] Thirdly, suppose s-1,. ] + t [dl • ^s-1 s for 1 ,0 ^ s-ls-ls-2 ^+ s-2 d < a* — —C s-2^, + • < d ~; holds for d-1, we have simply the one condition, > s-2^ — . ^-0 ^ > s-2 s-1Jl s-2 — Since this inequality holds for all 1 . - for value exceeding^ a For V* — > v" we then must have, ]. a* s-l'^s-l s-1 (a*-a [ ss— V*. since - then V -V* + a*l , V ,)+({) s-1 s-1 ^s-1 + a* s -O J -(a*s ss-1 s-1 s-1 d0 )v s , - a* . 1 1 - a ^=a* ^-d; s-2 s-2 a* cannot have A — , • - - ((a* s (0 < — V* Therefore, suppose a.=a* for i=l "^^ ~ -U But since V . s v* = Suppose 11 Suppose a . Then an upper bound on V is V 1,2,..., s-1. , 2. with value V > V* there exists a solution — ?. = m and where , ' To prove Theorem 4 we proceed as in the previous theorem. i 6 — )/l.> /I >, b satisfies the following set of (s-2) b .> and all of its 0,...,0) s . i J a*, . i, 2 < < s, ->'—-'—' for all 1. > , . j-1 > ~ (p_ 1 (t) , s-1 (? ^s ) when it a* ((t) - ^-(t) J s-2s-] ... holds, v" When this inequality n J < V*. . a* 1 s . s -16- Similarly we consider in turn < a*, a. i 3-4 = s-3, in 1: each case an additional inequality of the same form results which must be satisfied to insure V^ < V* The result is thus the . inequalities as stated. (s-2) As indicated, employ. this result would appear rather cumbersome to On the other hand, the potential savings in total problem-solving time accruing through its use might be quite significant in particular problems. While Theorem 4 is not directly applicable to the sample problem in Appendix A since 1^ > 1~, let us assume for illustration that have 1 > > 1 1 were not in the problem. 1 so that Theorem 4 with s = 3 We then is applicable. From the theorem we get the inequality -(i))bl ^4^ 4 4 >(()) ^^1 -()))'l ^2' 1 - ^^2 {(t) °^ ("^1 - ^2) ^^ - ^^) ^4 < ^1 ^ 1^ ( - 1 (2/3 Therefore a* < min [<1 /I >,6] and all solutions (0,1,0,1), (2,0,0,0), = 3, - F(3) = 2, 6 _ 2 (1,1,0,1), = 9, (1/3) (1/6) min (1,6) (0,1,0,0), and (0,0,0,1) values F(12) - 12, F(ll) F(5) 2/3) 1/2) (2) are optimal. F(8) = ^ ^ 2 f^ 1/3 so that A* = (2,1,0,1) 1, (1,1,0,0) = 8, F(9) = (6) 7, (1,0,0,1), (1,0,0,0) This yields the F(6) = 6, = 1. and F(2) As an aside, reference to Table A. 3 shows that these values are in fact the optimal values for the illustrative problem 10. Some simplification is possible at the expense of the range of a* by making use of the fact that for every j, l.a* ^ ^.a*,^ + j+1 j+1 1. . . . + 1 s a* < s 1 . , j-1 . ^ ^ . -17- consisting of all four lengths including 1^. the fact that This follows from can indeed be eliminated from the problem since 1 ^2 it is dominated by 1^ and 45 42 1^ + 1^ = 1^ and v^ + v^ > v^ 4 5 2 1^-. Were this to be recognized at the outset 1 . could be eliminated, thus making applicable Theorem 4 rather than the weaker Theorem 3. of course, discovery of facts of this nature On the other hand, is We will refer again to this point later. time-consuming. With these possibilities of determining directly the value of F(L,) for some values of L, we return now to possibilities for inferring the optimal value of other points from bounding con- Theorem siderations. 2 provided the simplest and most direct result of a bounding nature but the possibilities are much more We summarize them in theorem form for subse- general, of course. quent reference: Theorem 5: If U(I) is any valid upper any valid lower bound, then B(L) < F(L) and B(L) is < U(L) If B(L) . bound on the value of F(L) = U(I,) then F(L) = B(L) and any solution A* optimal for I* < L yielding value V* is optimal for length = B(L) I To develop specific bounds for use with Theorem 5 we note first two theorems -'-' employed by Gilmore and Gomory [8]. Theorem 11. 6: Let the lengths ^ Theorems 5 1. 1 be ordered so that and 6 in reference [8|, p. 1054. 1—>({)„> ^2— (j), . • .> — ^m (j) , -18and let F. . . denote the maximum value of (L) attainable for L using only lengths 1., Then for any L there exists for each J r, . < r < m, 1 such that a length L F(L) ,,..., 1, k +1 1. J (1) = F^^^2^ for some L (L^) and L < L + F^^^^^^^a^) ^- L < L. As they have shown the theorem is satisfied by the value L^==l > r, j d ,+1 r+2^d r+2^+...+ld, mm' r+1 r+1 value U = 1 .d j . for each j is generally much smaller than this in practice. In particular. Theorem 6 holds for r = L lb r r and d., although they have for any positive integers b found that for any r,L where such that for all L > L_ U Therefore, for L > L ,F(L) <L/1 >v , Theorem 7: F(L-1 = there exists an 211(2, <(L-L„)/l-> v +F = F(L) , 1: + v ) „x (L.) m) 2 . Defining f(L)=F(L)- . the following important result is obtained: There exists a length L = f (L-1 f (1) ) such that for all L > L that is, ; f (L) , is periodic of period That is, if we define g (y) n = F(nl,+y) 1 12. - is determined F(L) , g n nv- i 1 then for all n such that nl, ~ > Lfore once g(y) 1 . 1 1 (y) for all y, = g(y) < y < for all y. 1, L There- becomes known for all L=nl +y > L A somewhat lower value L* for L follows from the fact that the value of a- for each may be limited to a. — < d.-l in an J optimal solution so that L*=l (d ,-l)+...+l ^d -l)+e ^ _ra r+1 r+1 l.hf-e,€-^o=L--CS. j=r+l J i i , , ^ 1 mm . . -19- For L < Theorem I for particular lengths L by may be possible to infer values F(L) employing Theorem Theorem m 5 conjunction with the following: ^nd all y, For all n > 8: g ^^(y) g„n (yj 1 < y < For all y^ and y^, . < However, it of course does not apply. 7 (y,) g„ n 1 g , < (y) < y^ < y^ < 1^, • Z The proof follows in each case upon substituting g (y)= F(nl +y) In F(nlJ for g if F{nl +y) F( (n+1) (y) - F(nl )< F( + y) 1 In the first case, , - (n+1)- 1^+y) F(nl +y) > + v g n optimal solution for length L=nl +y then therefore an optimal solution must have i~ < y < y^ < F{nl,+y)+v > , = A' ^^i' ^2 = * ' * 1 only if (a +1, a a ^m^ , . . . , a + v is ; nl'~n2 for all follows directly from the fact that F(nl +/ 1, ) value at least as large, That g (yj< g (y^) . 1 ^^ ^" ' and has value F(nl +y) feasible for length L-(n+l)l +y and hence F((n+l)l,+y) if and only g n+i, (y) F({n+1) 1^), or, if and But if A . < ~ (y) ) < F(nl^ + y^) If we now denote by g respectively on g n 9^ (y) , (y) and g n (y) an upper and lower bound it follows from the theorem that max (y)== n ^^s^^'^ ^^^ ^ < X < y < s < n and g^(y)= [{g3(x) rain X >^ y s ^ n ) , ^^y] - (3) -20- Therefore upon using Theorem s nv +g^(y) In B(L) g n (y) - 9 n (y) for L = nl < nv < F(L) in particular F(L) so that, 5 in + g"(y) = U(L) (4) becomes known for all L such that Thus in the example, for instance, we conclude • since F(13) = F(12) = 12 that g"(l) n that F(nl +1) + y. = F(nl for n=0,l,2: ) =0 for n < 2 and therefore F(7)=F(6) =6 and F(1)=F(0)=0. Finally it is noted that during the generation and evaluation A of descendents it may be possible to identify additional values L These possibilities are that can be evaluated directly. extensions of a descendent, where an extension of a solution A is defined to be any vector — A" for which a." — > 1 Theorem 9: a. 1 for all i=l,2,...,ra. Let A be an optimal solution with value F(L) and let A' be any descendent of A. for any d > o, then F(L") If F(L' - F(L"-1) = ) =F{L' -d) ... = F(L"-d) for every solution A" which is both an extension of A' and a descendent of A. tion for length (L'-d) If A* is an optimal solu- then (A*4-A"-A') solution for length L", L"-l, . . is an optimal .J^"-d. The proof follows from the fact that an upper bound on F(l."-d) U(L"-d) = F(L") = F(L') + S V. j_ U{L"-d) = F(L' -d) f- But the solution (A* (a." 1 1 V. (a. "-a. •) 1 ^ A" - A') , - a.'), or since F(L' ) is =F(l ' - a. ' -d) 1 wnere L"=L' + 2 1. (a. " ) . attains this bound and is feasible -21for length (L"-d) is an optimal since L* < L'-d; hence (A*+A"-A') solution for length (L"-d) be optimal for L", L"-l, . . Similarly by Theorem . . it must also 2 ,L"-d+l Incorporating these considerations into the general evaluation procedure sketched earlier there emerges a procedure for evaluating F(L) < L < — — . ' L , max' First a value of the something as follows. decrement 6 is selected and F{L) set to zero for all L < min(l.) i Then Theorem 3 and/or Theorem 4 is employed to determine directly one or more parent solutions A^ . Each parent together with its descendents are then generated and evaluated to give an initial set of entries F(L) Next, the length L* beyond which f . (L) is periodic A of g (y) and g n F(L)=nv + ^ n 1 g n (y) (y) , for nl, + y = L are determined. 1 If g n (y)= g (y) n in which case the process simply proceeds to the next smaller unevaluated length L. When for which the bounds are not equal, a a length L is encountered knapsack problem is solved for length L to determine an optimal solution A^ F(L) the values For the largest unevaluated length L < L is evaluated. = V* for all L* < L ^ L, . Upon setting the descendents A^ of A^ not previ- ously obtained are generated and evaluated, and the results recorded in the table. All of the newly evaluated points F(L) bounds g the table are now used to update r^n relevant n ancl y. (y) and g n (y) in for all The process then continues with th3 next smaller unevaluated L, eventually terminatiig when all L have been evaluated Referring once again to the example in Appendix A, we begin then -22by selecting S^l, + 1 + (6-1) setting F(0)-F(l)-0 and computing L* = (3-1) 1 = 3 + 25 + 4 - 32. Next suppose Theorem in this problem. parent solution A ^ (2,1,0,0) (2-1) Since L* > 13 it is therefore not possible to exploit the periodicity of f(L) 7 1 3 according to Theorem This yields is applied. from which is generated the descend- ents "~1 A,,A^,A-, and A^,, resulting in the values F(12), F(9), F(6) 31 ~D ~"11 Since g_(l) / 9^(1) we next solve the knapsack problem and F(3). for L=13 which, according to Table A. 3, yields A 1 n ^ for the next unevaluated length, L=ll. . . Solving the single knapsack problem for L=ll we get, according to Table A, 3, A (1,1,0,1) with ^^'\q' \i' F(3) and A= (1,0,0, A (2) 2) V^9 :^3o' . -31 ^"^ -44 ^^^^ values F(9), F(8), F(6) and F(5), Next a knapsack problem for L=10 is solved, yielding with L=10 and V=8; and descendents A (1) = and L =11; upon generating descendents we get with values F(8), F(6 g (l)=0=g =12 We thus record F(13)=12 and proceed to evaluate g and L,=12. and g with value V ), F(4) and F(2). , A , A and Next for L=7 we find so that F(7)=F(6), thereby completing the evaluation. Upon eliminating the redundant entries we then get the schedule of non-dominated entries of Table A, 4. As is apparent from this example a potential shortcoming of the present procedure is the extensive redundancy that can occur. For example, in che above procedure F(6) was evaluated three times. -23- One major source of this redundancy lies in the generation of descendents. For each parent A determined during problem-solving associated with every we desire of course the values F(L') A, ,A„,...,A descendent A'; but if all descendents of all parents — 1 —2 s-1 — discovered to date have been generated and evaluated, then we now desire only those descendents -^ A ,A ,..., —1-2 or A ,. —s-1 A' — which are not a descendent of That is, we wish now to generate and evaluate ^ the solutions included in the set of descendents D only ^ which are s J not included in the set D S , s-1 is the set of solutions , where set D. is the set J containing 13 These are the solutions A" with — ]^ a'.' > a. for some i for each k,k=i tion of descendents of A — s a. a'.' , 2, . . . , U, k=l S, k and and all of its descendents. A. < 1—1 • , for all s-1 . i but with To restrict genera- possibility of to these solutions _ A" one c-r course is to simply check the k constraints continually during the generation process to insure they remain satisfied. Another pos- sibility is to first determine what shall be termed the base solution (s) of which A — is an extension. The desired solutions A" are then simply those solutions which are both an extension of one or more base solutions and a descendent of A — . To facilitate discussion of base solutions let us consider a two-variable problem for which we suppose that two solutions 13. Although redundancy in the generation of solutions A is hereby eliminated, there may still be duplicity in the evaluation of particular F(L) if there exist alternate optimum solutions for length L. -242 A =(a' a') and A =(a Figure a , 2 ) have been determined. As shown in these solutions define intervals on the a 3 which have been labelled Y ,Y ,Y , X ,X , and X and a scales We shall use . these same labels to refer also to the set of integer values con- tained in the interval. Considering first the solution A , symbol © the "or" operation and by set of solutions S (Y © Y © X ) the "and" operation; S and by Y. Y^ © Y^) Similarly for A © X ) and S consists of the set: X^ = Y^ © Y^ © X^ - Y^ © X^ © X^ That is, for any solution A = (a ,a of A. either a > a the set of solutions S set of integer values of a the complementary to the set Y., then S (X then the consists of all solutions contained in the set Similarly if we denote by . complementary to Y suppose we denote by the or a > a ) . the set S consists of the solutions of the solutions the set of descendents D which is not a descendent (Y © Y ) © X which results for both A . Therefore and A is u S^ consisting of the solutions: S 1 2 ((Y^eY^) ©X^) © (Y^© (X^©X2)) -(Y^© X^^® X^) ^ (Y^© X^) Hence the additional descendents to be generated for A having -25- "2 Figure 2 Intervals defined for 3. and a and A by solutions A = (a^ 2 , a^ = ^^i ' 2 ) (2) (1) + 4- 2 a a. a 3-^ 1 1 X^d) Figure 4. X^i2) Intervals defined for a by solutions A, a 2 A^ —1—2 , and and —3 A_ ^o ^ -26- already generated those in D the set contained in set D ((Y^eY^) 0X^) is the set Y 0X but not in set D but not in the set: Y ©Y 0X > , = Y^e((Y2©Y^) To continue, suppose now that solution A having values as shown in Figure 1 2 2 2 and x!"©X ©Y (Y (x^ex^)) is determined 1 Substituting Y-i©Y 4. © X^. 2 for Y for X^ we now have set S_ consisting of the solutions 3 2 1 1 (X ©X^) ) . In the same way set D finding the intersection of S ((Y2©Y^) = in the set i.e. 14 (x^ex^)) (Y^0 this is of course ; Y^ffi © (X2©X^)) ((Y2©Y2) and D is determined by : (Y2©((Y2©Y3) {X^®X^)) (X2©X^) © ((Y2©Y^) ) © X^ © X^ {X'^BX^)) . The set of additional descendents to be generated is the difference between the sets 5 and 5 , X (Y ) To put the procedure in a more operational form it is noted that in each of the terms in the expression 5 of permissible values of each variable a. 1 the range or set > b.. 1—1 is of the form a. It is therefore always possible to uniquely represent each term as a vector P= (p, ,p_ in D . . . For example, the three terms ,p ). 1 in P , (5) 2 1 can be expressed as P=(a +1,0), P =(a +l,a +1) and 2 =(0,a +1); thus if a solution A is not to be a descendent of A or A —1-2' . a 14. > a 1 + 1; it must satisfy at least one of three options: - a > a +1 and a > a 1 This further reduces to (Y © Y^) o J of the expression is present purposes. + 1; or a 2-3 © (X^ © X_) 2 > a^ + 1 . Or, but this form preferred for (5) -27in other words, A must be an extension of at least one of the vectors P P , and P The vectors . will be termed bases or base P 12 beinq denoted as solutions, the set associated with D s For a single solution A^ the set m vectors V (a,+ 1,0,0, s IP — -, j. consists or tne S k k (0,a^ +1,0, ...,0),..., (0,0,..., a +1). m ...,0), )^ For compactness, however, the values a.+l will commonly be repre- sented in a single vector H=(a 12 k k k m a_+l,...,a +1). +1, Finally, each term in the expression defining the subset of solution;, contained in set D 12 T^ © ... T, values of a . : J T m n., , s-1 but not in set 5 s is of the form where T. represents the set of ^ permissible '^ , J (where possibly n.=p.=0). ,,...p. J+1 J n. J the set of solutions lA" J Therefore J defined by each term can be defined by } two vectors _ P and C, _ where _P is the base solution with b.=n J all j, and C - is a vector with c.=p.-n., all J The set i. J J , J - (a"} is thus the set (P+Aj generated by the set {Aj of descendents of C. For example, the set of solutions (Y © X ) that is in set 5 but not in set D^ is completely defined by base solution 2 (a^ +1, 1 a^ +1) and vector C = (a 3 -a 2 , a 3 -a P^ = 1 ) With this notation we may sum up the discussion with the following theorem: Theorem 10: Let A^,A and let D^_^, s> , ...,A s-1 {P_ 1, ) be solutions to a knapsack problem (1) be the set of bases for the set where A^ = (0,0,...,0), P°= (0,0,...0), 28and is the set of solutions consisting of A S s descendents. s 12 Let H =(h,, h^,...,h s — of solutions S s-1 {P h. s s = a. 1 ) represent the set +1 for all s-1 p. 1 —< h. 1 s for all i. The set of bases (i) of s-1 {£ ) {P_ ] derived from base P^ -t = p., s-1 each base P (ii) s-1 for ) consists of the subset not contained in {£ p. {P Then: with the m base solutions £ setting and let i, 1 be the subset of the base solutions )* which where , s s m and its m s-1 i 9^ = ] s-1 ]* £z , 1. ..., £.->•••£ , J (p, jP-,^ '^1"=^2 , the set together , • -P • and p. , {P s-1 m =h by ) . , for }* The solutions in set D which are not included s in set D^_^, are those in the sets {p ^~"'"+A ^~^ ] where there is one such set for each base s-1 s-1 in the set (P — tions in the set IP P — )*, s-1 r —t +A and where the solus-1 — , are the solutions j which are both a descendent of A and an extension — of P^ s— , solutions i.e. all solutions P A. t s-1 s— 1 + hu descendent from (A -P^ — "S s—1 fo^ s-1 ) . Proof follows by representing the indicated sets in terms of the solutions A , A and simplifying, , ..., A , performing the indicated set operations and then representing the resulting sets in terms of the indicated vectors just as was done in the preceding dis- cussion. -29- In principle the number of base solutions in the set may become quite large since each new solution A of which A m additional bases for each base B — {P_ ) give, rise to is an extension. — it may be possible to eliminate some of In practice, however, them through dominance and feasibility considerations: Theorem 11: Let P, ^c k k = (p, P , 1 for the set D s F(L), and let Let of L. 7, ^' -^ k v k ]^ p. ^1 . 1 ^ i" k , . • p , 2 m at stage s . ) be any base solution in the evaluation of L be the largest unevaluated value = 'I i_ 1. be the length of P p. 1 J. Then base its value. and can be eliminated P, — from explicit consideration at stage k s and all suc- ceeding stages when any of the following conditions are satisfied. (a) l^ > L (b) y^ (c) (d) < F{£^) \ < B(i^) y, < y and i, > i for any other base P at the present stage. where F(L) is the length L, and B(L) maximum value obtainable for a knapsack of is a lower bound on the maximum attainable value. To prove the theorem consider first the present stage, s, (a) follows since there can exist no feasible solution A — having -30- length L and (d) which P < L of S is a descendent when (b) (c) , rL all follow from the fact that for every feasible solu- tion A to knapsack problem a > L. £ K. for length L which includes (1) descendent, there exists another feasible solution A' £ as with value larger than that of A which is determined from A by simply replacing the length utilized by £ P_ by P , , in the case of by the appropriate feasible solutions determining F{£.) (d) and , and B(i ) can be eliminated for stage s. k It remains to show that no base solution P' for stage s+i in cases (b) and (c) Thus £ . — derived from P, — s+ ' i need be Present in the set {p — } follows immediately from the facts that every base identical to or an extension of (Theorem 10) P , However, this . is either p' — that any ex- K. tension of a nonfeasible solution is nonfeasible, and that any extension of a dominated solution is dominated. Referring once again to the example in Appendix A, we begin by setting F(0)=F( IK) and by applying Theorem and descendents A and F(3) . A , A = and A and values F(12), F(9), F (0,0,0,0), yields the base vectors as phown in Table A. 5. that P , which yields A=(2,l 0,0) 3 ( 6) From A we determine, according to Theorem 10, H={3,2,1,1) which, given P P , as befbiE Applying Theorem 11 with L is nonfeasible and P is dominated so that {P_ ,P.-, P. = ] 13 = P, and we find {P.^jP^5. Next we solve the knapsack problem for L=13 and, as before, get solution A with length 12 and value F(12) . Since we already have -31this solution and its descendents we proceed as before to update bounds and to solve problem with L^ll, getting A^- (1,1,0,1) a with length 11 and value F(ll) Examination of the set {£ . ) so that the set of new descendshows —4 A. to be an extension of —4 P . for all descendents A of ents to be generated is the set {P..+A), (A4-P4) = (1,1,0,0): (0,1,0,1) (1,0,0,1), (1,1,0,1), H=(2,2,l,2) and determining the intersection with P —6—7 —5 ^ 2 (P } ^ (P P^ , ) . Now L again solving the knapsack problem we get A length 10 and value F(10) o , P^^, P ^ 10 = so that F(7) and P , 11 nonfeasible, so that g 10 as before, = and and (1,0,0,2) with P the (0,0,0,2) with values Forming the intersection of H=(2, 1,1,3) with and F(4). we get ~~3 P^ = Since A^ is an extension of . descendents generated become (1,0,0,2) P^ we get bases Since P^ is nonfeasible and P^ and P^ are both dominated, we have F(10) (0,0,0,1) Forming the vector with values F(ll), F(8), F(5), and F(2). P^,P^,P and P„. —5—6—7—8 and {P_ = ) F(6) = , all of which are dominated or 12 (P.-, i • As before we next find that which therefore completes the evaluation Up to this point the motivation for and use of base solutions has been as a means through which redundancy could be reduced in the generation of descendents. In addition, however, they can also be used more directly to sometimes make the evaluation process for a given knapsack length the following theorem: I, = L more efficient, as suggested by -32- Theorem 12: A, ,A^, Let —1—2 be solutions to a knapsack ^ A.,..., A ..., — —J problem, where A. is an optimal solution for length L{A.) j=l,2,...,s; and let D , J s denote the set of descendents for ~"1 A, ,A^,..., and A —2 ~s Let B(L) and U(L) . as determined according to (4) be the bounds on F(L) on the basis of solutions in the set D .for all s' —< L —< L max s Let . — for the set D (P — J be the set of base solutions s where base solution , P_ has length iq and value 7q, and let L be any unevaluated length. Then: (i) which is If A is any solution in the set D feasible for L=L and which maximizes the value Z V. a i 1 . then: , 1 qq B(t)s max U(L) (ii) + B(L-i (7 q---qq < V{A) )) < max(7 < B(L) If D(L) -^.f q . then there exists an optimal knapsack solution for L = L in the (iii) fU(L-i ( 7 B(L - - q f ) then = U(L) (P *q q set D -t- A -q . is > an optimal solution for L = L among solutions in the set D value B(L , s -7) is any solution with where A -q and length L(A ~ q ~<(L q If U (L ) -> B(L)then (P f -q solution among^ both sets D A "q s ) ^ - £ ) . q is an optimal and D . s )) -33If 7. + U(L-i.) (iv) J J s solutions P ~< s for any base ) q then there exists an optirnal -q "J / q and P . + B(L - y solution with value F(L) which is not an ex- tension of base s P . -J To prove the theorem it is noted that if A* is an optimal solution for lenqth L then by the definition of the sets D ^ -^ By the derivation of be in one or the other. < V(A*) B(L) value B(L) if in set D If in 5 . — it has value (4) s then by Theorems 10 and 11 it -q U(L- 7 ) -q ) IP. 1 If it is • '* then it has value: + B(L-^ y < < - V(A*) - ) q q f 7 q so that if it is an extension of any base solution in q [P s , is an extension of at least one base solution in s s regardless of the set it is in, and strictly < U(L) an extension of P it must and 5 s ~~qqq then V{A*) > max as stated in part +B(L-i {7 ) ], and V(A*) ~ Proof of Parts (ii), (i). follow immediately from part (i) max < " \y and (iii) qq +U(L-i ( iv) ) ], then and the definitions of B(L) and U(L) U(L) To illustrate the use of the theorem let us consider again the example as it was solved with the last procedure. ing Theorem 3 Upon apply- we got F(12)=12, F(9)=8, F(6)==6 ana F(3)=2, and upon determining the base solutions and applying Theorem 11 we got {P — ) = PJ —3—4 (p.,, with 334 i^ = 5, L = 13 we find that B(13)=12, (7 +B(11)] = 11, =3, 7 £^ ^ 2 and 7_ - U(13)=13, B(13)=max and U(13) =max (73+U(8) [ 1. 4 ) , +B(8)), [(r (74+U(ll) ) Turning to ] = 13. Hence -34- there may possibly exist an optimal solution for S (in which case it must be an extension of in the set 'l==13 since 7-.+U(8) <B( 13) P_ ) Therefore we solve the knapsack problem for L=13, getting solution A Thus we with L =12 and F(12)=12 which we have already obtained. turn to the evaluation of L=ll and compute B(ll)=8, U(ll)=12, =9=U(11) B (11) Since U(ll) . (£3+^3)^(0,0,1,0) + (1,0,0,0) > B(ll) and and both solutions (P4+A4) = + (0,0,1,0) (1,1,0,0) have value U(ll), both constitute optimal solutions for 'l=11, Generating descendents of both we get yielding F(ll)=9. F(8)=7, F(5)=3 and F(2)=l, and determining the new set of base solutions and applying Theorem 11 we get and 7=2. B(10)-8, o = (0,0,0,2) . , ) = {Fg ) U(10)=9, B(10)=8 = U(10); again since U(10) o — 2 with i=4 Next we consider L=10 for which it is determined that since solution (Pq+A.) U(10) {P + (1,0,0,0) attains value '» (P^+A„) ^8 constitutes an optimal solution for L=10. ~8 ing descendents we get F(4)=2. so that F(7)=F(6) and > B(10) Generat- As before we now find that g, (1) which therefore completes the evaluation. Hence by directly employing the base solutions in the evaluation process it has been possible in the example to reduce to one the number of knapsack problems that needed to be solved explicitly in evaluating F(L) Returning at this point to the problem of redundancy, we discussed earlier how a major source of redundancy can be =0 . -35- eliminated through the use of base solutions in the generation of Redundancy still occurs, descendents of a new parent solution. however, whenever in solving a knapsack problem explicitly the resulting solution is the same as or the descendent of a solution , , already obtained. This occurred in the example just considered when solution of the knapsack problem for L=13 yielded solution A. with length L =12 and value F{12), a result already obtained through use of Theorem 3. To minimize redundancy arising in this manner two alternatives will be considered. One is to directly constrain the search space when seeking the value F(L) sidered so that no feasible solution is con- having the value F(L) of any length L already evaluated, with the one possible exception of a solution with value F(L + 6 ) . This approach eliminates considerable redundancy but may necessitate the solution of a large number of individual knapsack problems. This approach is discussed briefly in Section III. The other alternative to be considered consists in constraining the search to solutions which are not descendent from any previ- ously evaluated parent solution. This approach fails to eliminate redundancy completely in so far as an alternate optimum solution may be generated for a value F(L) already evaluated. requires more bookkeeping to implement. It also However, its use may possibly necessitate the solution of fewer individual knapsack problems. This approach will be discussed in more detail in Section Qt -36- Before turning to these alternatives it is noted that an additional matter requiring consideration is the amount of effort to be expended in trying to eliminated particular lengths the problem before evaluation of F(L) commences. length 1. e. 1 from . For in general, can be eliminated from the problem (i.e. set a if there exist any set of non-negative all solutions) 1 . = in integers such that: 2 • 11—< e.l. /. 1. and S ... J 11—> e.v. v. (6) J As noted earlier one reason for wishing to eliminate a dominated length 1 . is that when 1 . ^ j-1 > 1 . j , +1 1 . , < 1 . > 1 . , and J+1 J its presence can significantly potential limit the f ^ ^ ji use of Theorem 4. with 1 J-1 J In the illustrative problem, for instance, eliminated from the problem the number of values F(L) determined from the theorem is increased from 5 to 9 , thus reduc- ing the number of individual knapsack problems to be considered explicitly. Another reason is that the elimination of lengths 1. can significantly affect the value of h*, the length beyond which the function f(y) may be assumed periodic. for instance, elimination of 1 would reduce L* from 32 co simplifying the evaluation process. elimination of such lengths 1. In the sample problem, See Footnote #5 on page 9 thus Still a third is that the can materially affect the problem- solving time required to solve a given knapsack problem 15. 7, (1) for a -37- single length L. However, the identification of such dominated lengths can be time-consuming ; therefore in practice a trade-off must be made in diverting problem-solving time from evaluation per se to pre-analysis of the data. This is a subject requiring subsequent empirical investigation. 16. Procedurally they can be identified, for instance, through use of the algorithm given in Section III . -sell I. Controlled Interval Search Procedures As was suggested in the previous section, one further means of minimizing redundancy in the evaluation of F(L) using base solutions) is to limit search solutions such that F(L') (in addition to when evaluating F(L) to < V < F(L + 6), where V is the value of a potential solution for a knapsack problem with length L, L is the largest remaining unevaluated length and evaluated length less than L. l' is the largest By restricting search to solutions with value V in the range F(L') < V < F(l, +5) it is guaranteed that no previously generated solution is rediscovered. If in this limited search an optimal solution A*is discovered then F{L)= V{A*) for all L, L(A*) < L < L. In such a case all previously ungenerated descendents are generated and evaluated, and the new set of base solutions determined. On the other hand should no feasible solution with value in this range be found for length then F(L) = F(L -&)=...= F(L'). I, In either case bounds are then updated and all solutions which can be inferred from these bounds determined and evaluated. The procedure then repeats for the largest remaining unevaluated length L until all lengths have been evaluated. Throughout this procedure the knapsack problem being solved explicitly in each instance is a constrained knapsack problem of the form: -39 - Maximize: V = Zv a Ill . ^^^ Subject to: Zl.a. — 11 < L < V < V''" and where V 1 integer all > 0, a. and V u v" i represent lower and upper bounds on the acceptable Such a problem is readily solved with value of the solution. any of the existing one-dimensional knapsack algorithms, but a combinatorial programming algorithm of the type described in references and [6] [12 is especially well-suited for the problem J since it explicitly utilizes the bounds V to reduce search. and V To facilitate subsequent discussion a complete algorithm of this type is stated below: Order the lengths so that (i) v./l. Set G • 1 1 Set a^ (ii) - v" = \l ) ' - V ^2 " \ > 0, > 0^ 1— "~ 2 ... —> m , where . = 1 . 1 1 / * ' " *' " ^" m 2 m-1 1 .a.) (L- Z J V 1 / If V > 0, ; / m d = L - "^ . a , and V ^- v a Z .,11 . . - V L x=l solution with value exceeding the lower bound has been discovered. go to step 1 .,11 1=1 ' a "^ «« \ ' < (iii) J i-.! Go to step (iv) . Otherwise (v) As a lower bound we can always use, for example, the value 17. V = F(L') h, where h is the largest factor common to each of v^ for the upper, of course, V =F(I*5), the values v .... v m -^ 12 , , ; -4 (iv) 0- If V = G terminate problem-solving since a solution A with value equal to the upper bound has been discovered. If V < G set G" V = = G - V, 0; save A as the best solution discovered so far and go to step (v) If there is an i, (v) < n»-l such that a. 1 < i be the largest such i and go to step (vi) . let > j Otherwise there exists no more candidate solutions so that problem-solving is complete. (vi) Set 112 a" = a, IfV-v. al = a„, , + . .... 2 (d + Go to (viii) a' j-1 = a. <Ogoto 1.) and , j-i' a '. = a J (vii) . - J Otherwise set . m 1 V \ =V-v. V' , J m + Z v.a'. , d' j+1 ^ ^ J+1 = d + - 1. J m l.a! .,11 S (vii) Set step (viii) a'. J Go to step (iii) Jr . / ^ . V =V-v.a., =0 =d-i- l.a. and return to d' J J ' J J (v) If G = V - the problem. V no feasible solution has been found to If G < V u - V 1 discovered is A with value V then the best solution - G. 1 -H 1- From these steps it is clear that the more stringent the bounds V 1 and V u solving effort. the greater the potential savings U{L) B(L) = h and V -(- are the bounds defined in (4) or, ; = U(L) = [max and U(t) {B(L) , B(L) in the event base solutions m are as defined common to the values 12 v, , to use the bounds and V^ = min [U(L), U(L)] where B(L) + hj ) where B(L) and , are being employed in the evaluation process, V Theorem 12, and h is the largest factor v^, ..., v m . Use of these more stringent bounds, however, will not necessarily guarantee algorithm iri problem- therefore, be desirable to use the more It may, stringent bounds, V m a more efficient toto since in the event there is no feasible solution with value in the range V it becomes necessary to then and V ascertain the feasible solution which yielded the value a task - h) (V which may or may not offset the savings in search. As an illustration let us consider the explicit solution of the knapsack problem with L = 13 which arose in the example of Section III. From the application of Theorem B(13) = F(12) = 12, we therefore get V 1 and since h - =13. u For V since there exist no values F(L) 1 3 we have the bound for the given values of v. we employ the value for L > 13. -L - Commencing the 13 - we proceed in order through steps (ii) algorithm at step (i) (iii) (vii) (v) , (vi) , , 42- , and then to step (viii) where (v) problem-solving terminates: there exists no feasible solution for L - 13 with value 13. While the algorithm has been found to be quite efficient in the form as stated 18 , it is noted in conclusion that possibly it might be made more efficient through one or more changes. example, according to Theorem maximum length L 1 -,..., r+2 1 m r 6 For there exists for each length that need ever be composed of lengths 1 a 1 , in an optimal solution for a problem of length L, '^ ^ y r ,-1-1 ^-i-..., la. _a i.e.,L„>l — r-t-1,a r-hl r-t-2 r-i-2 m.m Thus it might prove x^ J useful to include a test to insure that Z i=l, j l.a. >Li, ,11—0 2, 1=1 ..., m - 1, although this represents substantial testing time. Alternately it might perhaps prove more efficient to simply check that a 1 does not drop below the value ("(L ^ - L-)/l -i- ) .99 ... 1 9/. >* Either test is readily incorporated in the algorithm by modifying slightly steps (ii) and (vi) Another possibility is to impose . upper bounds on the variables a.: as was mentioned in Sectionll, in no optimal solution need a. 1 llll d.l. 18. = b.l, exceed the value XX for nonnegative integers d. ^ and b.. (d . 1 - 1) , where Thus in steps (ii) f The results of a comparative study of knapsack algorithms will be presented in a subsequent report. \ I -43- and of the algorithm i-1 (vi) / (L - 7 a 1 J , ) /I a. could be set to min [(d. - 1) Still other possibilities derive from the ]. i J results of Glover [9 J which may profitably be used. These all, however, remain possibilities for future investigation. Controlled Parent-Generation Search Procedures IV. As suggested in Section JI another means for minimizing redundancy in the evaluation of F(L) base solutions) a (in addition to the use of is to control the search process so that in solving knapsack problem for length L the solution which results is in no instance a descendent of any solution already determined. In this section a procedure of this type will be discussed which, that in Section jll, like begins with the largest unevaluated length L and proceeds stage by stage toward length L = 0, but which, unlike that in Section HI, always yields a feasible solution for each knapsack problem of length L explicitly solved — although its value may not exceed the bound B(L) To be more explicit let us consider Theorem 13 upon which the underlying search process is based: Theorem 13: Let —1—2 A,, A^, ..., A., J ..., A — s . be solutions to knapsack problems in which A. is optimal for length L(A.) -J among all solutions in the set D where S k - tt J-1 - K c k' is the set of solutions consisting of A^ '^ -44- and all of its descendents. largest value in the set D attainable among solutions v. ill a. ?" with length L — < L, for all un^ , s-1 evaluated lengths L. be an optimal And let A solution in the set D for the largest , s-1 unevaluated length, L. Then: = max [B(L), V(A )] F(L) (i) Let B(L) denote the for all'L, "~S L(A —s (ii) L ~ < L. < ~ ^ Bit) F(ti) B(^) F(L') (iii) ) A' s = for all L such that —> V(A — ) . max [b(L'), VXA' of A s ) ] for all descendents heretofore unevaluated.- Proof of the theorem follows from the fact that since the sets D are complementary an optimal solution for every length and D L must be contained in at least one of the sets. For each un- evaluated length L, B(L) constitutes the maximum value attainable among solutions in D V(L*) is the then F(L*) = ; O "" i hence, for any unevaluated length maximum value attainable among solutions in D max [B{L*), V(L*)j. — optimal among solutions D optimal among solutions D _ O "^ i A for length L it is by Theorem for all lengths L(A ) < L* (i) . If A if ^ ™" X Therefore since solution A is 2, < L, and ta therefore F(L*) can be evaluated for each length L(A as stated in part L*. ) < L* < L is optimal among solutions in set - 45- then, by Theorem D solutions in set D 1, , s-1 , all descendants A" and hence F(L*) lengths L(A'), as stated in part (iii). are also optimal among can be evaluated for all Finally, proof of part (ii) of the theorem follows directly from the fact that V(A ) maximuin attainable value for lengths L among solutions m D , s-1 in D is the the set and therefore if a higher value is attainable from a solution , s-1 then it must be optimal. With Theorem 13 as the basis the procedure may now be stated The procedure begins with L as follows. simply ^ and proceeds max stage by stage with the evaluation of the largest remaining un- evaluated length evaluate I For each length L attempts are first made to . by direct means, by bounding considerations, by use F(I,) of base solutions, etc., as in the procedures m When all of these preliminary attempts fail F(L) through use of Theorem 13 by determining a Sections 11 and HI. is then evaluated solution A which is ~"S optimal A,, ~1 A„, ~2 for length ..., A ~s-i A I — among the solutions in the set D . where are the parent solutions which have been determined thus far in the evaluation process. Upon finding P .all of its previously ungenerated descendents are generated and all of the lengths I identified in Theorem 13 evaluated. The procedure then continues on with the next largest remaining unevaluated length until all lengths have been evaluated. 46- • Within this procedure there remains the task of solving the constrained knapsack problems which result when the preliminary attempts fail in the evaluation of F(L) In each such case the . problem is of the form: Maximize V = Zv a . . 1 1 1 A Subject to: 21 a < L ^11. . 11 for some < d 1-1 all ]^ a. a and where .99 d. ... (8) . > a. . a > W(L) a. > 0, = 2, integer, is the upper bound on a. 9j>^ i i, the lower bound on a all k = 1, ... m 3, for all and W{L) = <f ( , 2, .... s-1 i (L - L ' ) /I ) + as discussed in Section ]II. To solve the problem we can employ the combinatorial programming algorithm discussed in the preceding section. the bounds V u and V 1 taken to be F(L + 5) and With respectively, the only mandatory modification for solving the present problem (8) is to ascertain the feasibility of a solution A before retaining it as the best discovered so far. is initially set to 0. (iii.b), where (iii.a) (iii.b) becomes: Thus in step (ii) Step (iii) in the algorithm V is then divided into (iii.a) becomes the present step (iii) and step and -47 (iii.a) If a. - for some i, > a. go to step (iii.b) all k = 1, 2, ..., Otherwise go to step . s (v) With these changes the algorithm yields an optimal solution to whenever a feasible solution exists. (8) For the present problem, however, it may be possible to improve the efficiency of the algorithm through the incorporation of one or more additional tests within the procedure. consider the requirement that 11 ]^ requirement is satisfied by, say a value of V becomes (L - 1. a. possible ways of satisfying + ) then an upper bound on the , Choosing among all Va.s^.• a. > a. fL - 1. When this for some i. > a. a. For example, one which yields the highest upper bound we have 0.1 vj^ = max r0 1 = jET L - min (a^ 11 (0 - 0. D) + ) 11 + V, (a^ + (1.) (a^ ^ 1) J 1) i thus constitutes an upper bound on V given that constraint V 11 ]^ a. > a. has yet to be satisfied for some i > 0. if at a given stage of enumeration the values a' have been specified and constraint unsatisfied, the bound becomes: 11 ]^ a. > a. More generally, a^ , ..., still remains a'. -48- V J k J ^1 Zv^a^ - + k 0.)(l.)(a. - (0 l>j 1 -' > a." not yet satisfied after the specification of a'., an upper bound on V at the completion of stage ..., + (9) 1) -^ the set of indices k for the constraints If we denote by Q. "a. min - (L - 2:i^a^) ,0" a' a' j when considering all constraints is - k (V.j=Zva' r r ^ ^ V. --^min I -^ , keo. J . ,(L-Zla') jfl r r -1-0. - , , 1 max {min ^ k€0 i>l (^ j , 1 . +1 -/^ . i ) ( 1 . i ) (a k . (-1) i . J J (10) For the discovery of a better feasible solution, necessary that V at stage . then, it is exceed the value of the best feasible j solution discovered so far. in a more preferable form for implementation, To put (10) w., = Lk (a. +1)1., 1 1 = min W., jk . {w., ik . {i/d.>a 11 \ {fi -Cf.) ji-li . (1.) (a^+l) 1 in and (10) (9) II )^ a. min ^ E > a. (J?. + J+1 1 ., jk to (0 > j 1 -i- . . . , -0 )w., j+liik Note that in the 1. . ) i has been changed from 111 (1.) (a^ f 1) =- i > j This is done because if constraint can be satisfied with a feasible choice of a -(2(.) 1 1 that the range of i min 11 { {i/d.>a definition of = ., Jk {i/d.>a .., 1 and E ) = min ) 1 }, let since (0. J+1 , - C^ . 1 ) - for . , then - j j+1 i + 1, 49- and hence the computation of E is of no value. Upon substitution. we then have, _ J ^=Zva' J - Zl a') +0^. , (L fL-Zla') J^^ ^ ^ 1 ' ^ V. = Zv a' J 1 - max {E., {E. kcQ. J a , < a j+1. (11) 1 } J^ k j+1 . , J The more stringent bound (11) can then replace that of IZv ^ a' r r + 0. J - +1 J (L - Zl ^ a') r r j employed in step (vi) of the algorithm. Besides this possibility it may be possible to improve efficiency through use of the following test for feasibility: j If max keQ, (W .- } > (L - Zl a' -• no feasible solution ) (12) 1 J with a, 1 12 = a' a^ ^ a' 2 ..., a. ' J = a '. exists. j This follows directly from the definition of W ., , the smallest length required to satisfy the kth constraint if it has not been satisfied with a'., 1 i —< i. It is noted that in all cases it is sufficient to compute W., jk and E ., jk for all j just once. However, as L decreases with successive ' knapsack problems it may be desirable to re-evaluate these values since with a smaller L the effective value of for one or more i, d. 1 may be decreased thus increasing some of the values W., and E Jk Jk -50 As an illustration, let us again consider the example in Appendix A and let us assume that as the parent A = (2, 1, 0, 0) a consequence of Theorem and all feasible descendents A" 3 have Assume also that the feasible, nondominated set been determined. of base solutions has been determined, (P' ) = ( P, , P, ) . The largest remaining unevaluated length L is therefore 13 which has an upper value U(13) and d = 2. Since = L' the constraint for k = 13. As determined earlier, d = 32 we have w(13) 1 1, d = 5, With these limits cannot be satisfied with either Therefore we have the following values: 1 = 0, = a, 1 or a„. 2 -51- 7 >W V We therefore set . exceeds in (10) Next, Hence we try 1, 0, - 5j > / r min = a' 4 r- > 10 we set a' 1/2(13 - 11) = a' - = 2 = l' >W = 4 l„a') Now 1. . satisfied. and (11) which satisfies the constraint We thus save A = Since in (10) V - as the best so far. 2) Now we backtrack to 10 ; 2J , la' (L - leaving both (10) 0, i.\"r/ {13-6)/3/, [ and gives a solution value of 10. imposed by A (1, and in (11), min L^t/ = a' min = a' and set 2 ((13-6) /b) = 1. a' = 0. In (10) we now have therefore we backtrack, setting 10; I = = j <((13-6)/2; = 3, yielding the value V = 9. backtrack to j - Hence the solution A - 3/2 < 10. = and set 1 (1, 1, 0, Then, 0. 2) + 2/3(13) (0 with value v = 10 and length L = 13 is optimal for this constrained knapsack problem. Referring to the set P = 0, (0, descendents (0, 1, 0, 0, 1) (1, 2), 0, 2), 0, 1, (1, 1), evaluate each, getting V(13) 7, V{7) = 4, V(5) = 3, it follows that F(13) F(7) = 6,,F(5) we find that A is an extension of } We thus generate the new previously ungenerated . 1, (0, [p^' = 3, V(4) = 12, F(4) evaluation is complete. - (0, - 0, 1, 0, 10, 1), 0, (1, 2) V(ll) 2, = 9, and F(2) and = 9, = 2 and V(2) F(ll) 0, 0, (0, 2), 0, V(10) (1, 0, = 8, F(10) = = Since F(l) 1. 1) 0, 0. and V(8) = With these values = 1. + Since V < 10 we Now in (10) we have = 0. a' = a' + 3) (6 8, F(8) = 7, - 0, 1), -52- In conclusion it is noted that another possibility for solving the constrained knapsack problem defined in P each nondominated base solution — (8) is to find for an optimal extension (P -Tq + A*) -T5 < L, and then select that for which + A*) such that L{P -nq -^ V(P U(L is maximum. + A*) -^ -q - 1 ) In each nondominated case where B(L - 1 ) q an optimal extension can be readily determined, for q instance, by first applying the algorithm in Section knapsack problem with length L = L value F(L - 1 ) - 1 . HI to the In each such case the thus becomes determined together with all un- q evaluated descendents of A* -- in addition to those values which eventually become determined through use of Theorem 13. The potential shortcoming of this approach, however, is that it may entail explicit solution of knapsack problems whose value would otherwise become evaluated more efficiently as descendents of a parent solution. jt -53- The k-staqe Knapsack Problem V. As was discussed in the introduction, when k jc 2 the knapsack problem for k-stage guillotine cutting is solved by solving one or more one-dimensional knapsack problems. necessary to first evaluate functions F{W, L) (k - For k > 2 however it is two-dimensional knapsack 2) the results of which then define a 2-stage In this section we consider the evaluation of F(W, problem. L) for the k-stage problem when k > 2. To begin let us consider explicitly the knapsack problem at Let the stock size be W stage k. sizes be w. x 1. with value v., max x L = 1, i and let the requirement max m. ..., 2, stage is performed length- let us suppose that cutting at the k wise so that we need consider strips of widths w t < m, For specificity where for each i>w. = w. for some > ^^ > > ••• ^^. > And finally, suppose j. that inexact cutting is permissable so that in a strip of width w all sizes w. x 1 1. 1 with w, 1 < w are allowable. — With these assumptions the knapsack problem at stage k is defined as follows: items with sizes w. x 1. F(W, l) and values v., - maximum ( Subject to: and for all L, ' < — I —V L a. , max' a /w 11 . . > 0, 2, ..., m determine: Zv a . —< W i ) ^11- Z a. = 1, i given m 1. <- L integer and for each W=w ( all ., J i j==l,2,....t. 1 . a) -54- To solve problem (l.a) we can proceed in manner similar to a that employed in earlier sections for the one-dimensional problem. We begin with the width w L and, starting with L of decreasing length L the values F(w , L) F{w .l) , ,.., and w .evaluate in order < < ~ L ~ L max , 1 proceed in turn to widths w ,w max , . We then in each case evaluating for all L in order of decreasing length. As in the one- dimensional problem the attempt is made throughout problem-solving to determine the value F(W,L) of an unevaluated size WxL first by direct means, by bounding considerations^ and/or by the use of base solutions. When such attempts fail a knapsack problem akin either to that treated in Section III or to that in Section IV solved and the value of F(W,L) ungenerated decendents a are determined and evaluated, and all A' — ,- other values F(W,L) which can be deduced from A are determined. Should be determined in the process all previously parent solution A / thereby determined. is then and its descendents The procedure then continues on with the largest unevaluated length for the largest unevaluated strip width. Within this general framework some of the results of the earlier sections can be applied without change while others require modification or extension. for solving the problem, cations required. Before further considering procedures therefore, we first summarize the modifi- These are stated without proof since they follow immediately from the original proof with appropriate modification. -55- Throughout this section we will denote by L(A) the length Z a, 1. X a. V. ^ ~"12 of a solution A = j_li i ^ denote by by 7 ^ its width and by W(A) ~ , i k ]^ ill a. :: (w.) and by a v., > Oj its value Similarly we will . 1 its width ^ k 12 of a base solution 1 ^ ^ i max {i/a. the length its value Z p. .a^,...,a ),by V(A) ~ m (a P, =(p, ""k max (i/p.k > 0] i ,p^ ,...,p (w.) . k m ), We ^ 1 will assume that evaluation of F(W,L) proceeds from strip to strip in the order w > w >...> w and that for a given strip in the order of decreasing length. Turning first to equations used in earlier sections, the following modifications are required for the present problem: max [g^ = g^ (w ,y) ,x)) (w (2. a) < X < y < s < n min g^(Wj,y) = x), [g^Cw J2<^(w )-y] (3. a) X > y s B(w.,L)=max [ > (nv +g 1 J '^ n (w . ,v) where L = nl +y, < w., w.xl. w, 1 1 1 J For equation n for which (6) and (t) , (w 1 L)] <F(w.,l) < (4. a) J =U(w ,L) J refer to the size 1. 1 1 *-! u(w. ^,L)] j-1 •, J and v. 1 B(w , J min [(nv +g"(<7.,y)) 1 ) J ) is maximum. J two different applications can be distinguished for the present problem. In one, if there exists a set of nonnegative -56- integers w < {e. ) satisfying then size w.xl. can be elmintated from consideration w 11 k j in which e =0 for all k such that (6) throughout the evaluation of F(W,L) other, if there exists a set (e for all W and L. satisfying ) In the in which e =0 (5) K K, for all k such that w, k < w and — w. < ~" then size w.xl. can be 11 w, J eliminated throughout the evaluation of for all L. F(w,L) Turning to the theorems of the earlier sections the relevant modifications for the present problem are as follows: Theorem l.a: If A is an optimal solution to problem (l.a) with knapsack size WxL then A' is an optimal solution for A all knapsacks of size WxL for which W(A') A for every descendent and L=L(A'), Theorem 2 .a: W < W < of A. A' If A is an optimal solution to problem (l.a) with knapsack size W^L then A is an optimal solution for A A all knapsacks of size WxL for which W(A) A and L(A) Theorem 3. a: < L < L. < w be ordered so that Let all sizes w.xl. with w. ~ 1 11 f, 1 > - i?^ ^^2 -> . . . > Of - descendents A A WxL, W(A') A' , '^m' tion A* = (^1*' ^-y* , ' ' where Of . = v /I . 1 '^i *^' ''-> 0) 4. a: Then solu- are optimal for knapsacks of size A < W < <H/^2- 1 ^"^ ^^^ °f ^^^ A w and L=L(A'), where '= -^i./i.- ^>,'r'-^o sl*= Theorem A < W < W O' See modifications in Theorem 3. a, -57- Theorem 5 No modification required. Theorem 6. Applies independently to problem defined for each width w., j=l,2, Theorem ..., Applies independently to problem defined for each 7. width w., j=l,2,..., Theorem t. Applies independently to problem defined for each 8. width w., j=l,2, Theorem t. -.., t. Applies independently to problem defined for each 9. width w., j^l,2,..., No modification required. Theorem 10. Theorem 11. t. a: Let P be any base solution for the set D in the s -k evaluation of F(W,L) and let .^^ JC ,a, K and be its y K, Let w be the largest length, width and value. width whose evaluation is incomplete, and let L be the largest unevaluated length for this width. (i) Base P, -k Then: can be eliminated from consideration m subsequent evaluation of F(W,L) when any of the following conditions ar^: ^=»tisfied: > w (a) a a (c) a,= w (d) a, = K K k = _ I w and (b) i and 7 w and 7 K > L < K , k F L) (w, < B(w, K £^ k ) all -58(e) o. K > a. , > Jt', K J solution P . and £ / J K in the set 5 -J (ii) Base P^^ < , for any other base 7 J . s can be eliminated from consideration throughout the evaluation of F(w,L) L<L, W-w, <w ifci and i ri Theorem 12. a; Let -1—2 A,, A^, A., ..-, .... J for all > L. K A be solutions to knap-s sack problems (l.a) where A. is optimal for a knapsack of size W(A.) x L(A.), and let D -J -J the set of descendents for A,, ~2 —1 A^, Let B(w,L) and U(w, and A . — be bounds on F(w,L) as L) determined according to solutions in the set D .... denote s on the basis of all (4. a) s , Let . s IP , be the subset } of base solutions which are feasible and nondomi- nated for width w and length L. (i) , (ii) , (iii) , (iv) Then: Same as Theorem 12 with . the one-dimensional bounds replaced by the corresponding two-dimensional bounds, e.g. Theorem 13. a: Let A^, A^, , A., , knapsack problems (l.a) solutions in the set D J B(L) A s-1 — , = L) be solutions to in which A. —1 by B(w, S J^ K— Ik , is optimal among where S k is the set of solutions consisting of A^ and its descendents -59Let B(t^,L) denote the largest value E v. 1 among solutions in the set D attainable a. ^ with length L < s^ s-1 width W — < W. ^ And let A L be an optimal solution in D for the largest unevaluated length £ of width w. (i) FCf^,^)^ max W(A _g (li) ) F(^,f)= B(^,L) (iii) [B(^,L) V(A , < ^ _ < W and L{A _ _g B(<^,L) > V (A and ) Then: for all sizes Wxf, )] < _ s-1 < £. L _ for all sizes ^xL such that ) , < w, vi L < L. F(W,L')= max [b(W,L') V{A')] for all descendents A' — s of A — , for all widths W(A') —s —< W — -^ w. Returning at this point to the discussion of the overall problem-solving procedure for the two-dimensional problem, there are numerous ways of synthesizing the results into an algorithm, as was the case in the one-dimensional problem. Figure 5 As one possibility shows the flow chart of an algorithm which employs the procedure of Section Hi for coping with each one-dimensional problem requiring explicit consideration. For illustration, we use the algorithm to solve the sample problem given in Appendix B. Beginning at block [pS I 19. ps J ^ (p jp^j 1 and^^, in Figure 5 it is determined that w=6 upon identifying the set of lengths In the partitioned representation IP^ £^ of the set of bases P^ the subset P^ denotes these bases that must be considered for the present width w and P_^ those which can be eliminated during consideration of width v7 but must be reconsidered for widths smaller than w. The set ^ is the null set. i | -60.1„,1^,1. {1 that 6=h-l, where }, P= (0,0,0,0). Since min ( 1 ) . -2 F(6,l)-0. Proceeding, it is determined in block that the variables 9 are presently in the desired order, and upon application of Theorem that A=(2, 1,0,0), which is an extension of P 3. a. . Generating descendents in block 10 there results the solutions ^1 A ^5 > Employing the fact in Theorem l.a. that each in TaDle B.l. descendent L (A' ) with the values, lengths and widths as shown and A A' is optimal for all widths W(A' ) < w < w for length there results the values F(6,3), F(5,3), F(6,6), F(5,6), , F(3,6), F(6,9), F(5,9), F(6,12), F(5,12) values are shown in Table B.2 where the and F(3,12). 2 These in the upper left corner of the cells signifies that the value is in the second group of values F(W,L) determined. Table B.3 identifies F(W,L) . a The entry corresponding to F(W,L) in solution in Table B.l yielding value Resuming with the algorithm, formation of vector H=(3,2,l,l) completes the processing in block 10. Proceeding to blocks 14 and that B(6,13)=12 and U(5,13)=13. 15^ £=13 for which it is determined Since the bounds are unequal the algorithm proceeds to block 18 at which point it is determined that (ps+1 |p + l) = P (P ,P ,P ,P |pf}, are as shown in Table B.4. where the base solutions P ,P ,P and Applying Theorem 11. a in block 20 it is found that P can be eliminated completely from the evaluation of F(W,L) can be eliminated at least from evaluation with w=6. and P_ -61- Start __L_ Order widths w >w„>...>w 12 Set IP J P^J - iP^ I t?.', set w -w, . , n J 1 P^=(0,0,-..,0) 2. 3_ Identify set of sizes {w.xljfor which w.<w,. 11 i~ Determine largest common factor and h of corresponding set F(w.,L)=0 for all 0< 6 of set J {1. 1 ) Set (v. L < min Are all lengths L for width w. evaluated? J No Yes Determine largest unevaluated length £ I Has intersection of H with set (P^|p^i f O Set F(w,L)= B(w,L) f or all unevaluated lengths £ Record all solutions _L2. I 62- 1 14. • All lengths L for width w evaluated? Yes No 15, Determine largest unevaluated length £ Evaluate B(w,L) and W(vJ,f). (eq. 4. a) 16. B(w,L)= U(W, £)? Yes No "17. 19. Set F(W,f = B(w,C) Record all solutions. Has intersection of H and setlPSJpS) been determined ) Yes No 18. Form intersection of H and the set {P (Th. 10) Synthesize wtth remaining bases in set } —s • . . — 20, Reduce set of bases (Th. 11. ;;s + i =s+I to get tP P *. ) Is subset Yes (P^^-*- a) , I 1 . .21^ empty? No 22, (£>-• Evaluate B(w,L) and U(w,C) I V (w,f) (2) 5. Continued 23. B (w,f,) Yes No Figure < . {Th. 12. a) -63- © 24. For any base P does there exist "^ _ + A extension(s) (P such that ) V(P +A ) - U (w,L)? Yes No J^ _2^^ Define parent solution A - - + A (P -^ Set (pS - ^q = } E ) Set V = h (s) + max [B(L) ,B(L) and V^ = min [U(L), U . (p ^q (L) ] ] Solve knapsack problem (Section II) j. © 21. Does a feasible solution A exist? Yes No 28 Determine set of uases 3 iP A °f which A is an Set F(w,L) = max Figure 5 . Continued , Record all solutions extension (b [B(w,L) © B(w,l -64- Therefore I j =s+l P ) reduces to the set iP^.P, - -s+1 {P — s+1 (p is not empty the bounds ) I £ -, ^ Since • - B(6,13)=ll and U(6,13)=13 are evaluated from which it follows that U(6,13) Therefore > B(6,13). the algorithm proceeds to block 24 and then to block 26. At this point the algorithm of Sectionlll is applied with L=13 and V =V =13. The outcome is that no feasible solution exists for L=13 and V=13, and hence F (6, 13) =F{6, 12) =12 Returning to block 14 we now have L=ll for which it is determined that B(6,ll)=8 and U(5,ll)=12. of H and (P. possible for | P. Since the intersection has been determined and no further reduction is ) the algorithm proceeds to block 22 and evaluates L^^ll > B(6,ll) we next go to block Since U(6,ll) B(6, 11) =U(6, 11) =9. 24 where it is learned from Theorem 12. a that V(P +A U(6,ll) ) =V(P +A so that both the extension (P.,+A, ,)=A_ and {P ^+A^) =A^ is —3 —11 —7 —4 —5 —4 optimal for F(6,ll). The set {P ) E thus becomes (P-,,P. 3 4 }. Generating descendents of both in block 10 and evaluating the resulting solutions there results the 11 values of F(W,L) signified by a 4 ) in Table B.2. Recording these solutions and forming the vectors H=(2,2,l,2) and H=2, 1,2,1), the algorithm proceeds to block 14. With L=10 the bounds B(6,10)=8 and U{6,10)=9 are evaluated and the algorithm proceeds to block 18. section of H=(2,2,l,2) with (P3>£5^P^'E7>Pq I ^2 ^ ^"<^ {P.-,P. | P ) Determining the interthe result is set H=(2, 1,2,1) with the latter the result -65- is set -2^ which in block 17 reduces fP5'Pf,'P7'P8'^'-10'-ll'-12 to the set (P I o P_,P^}. b 2 ' Evaluating B proceed to block 19 and set F(6, ( 6, 10) -U(6, 10) =8=B(6, 10) we 10) =F(6, 9) Returning to block 14 and resuming with L=7 the bounds 3(6, 7) =U(6, 7) =6 are determined with the result F(6, Again the algorithm returns to block 14. 3(6,4) =2=U(6,4) so that F(6, 4) =F(6, 3) 7) =F (6 , 6) This time L=4 for which At this point there remains . no unevaluated length so we proceed to block 12, set w=5, and continue to block At block 2 2, the set of sizes (1,1,1) In block 4 it is found that values 5=h=l and F(5,l)=0 determined. L=13 and in block that the set 7 Forming solution A in block of P_ 8 9 (P j is identified and the can be reduced to (P_o o (? 1 } it is found not to be an extension so that the algorithm proceeds to block 15 where it is determined that 3( is then found, 3(5,4) =U(5, B(5,L)) 4) 5 , 13) =U( in turn, 5 , 13) =12 Setting F( 5, . that 3(5, 10) =U(5, 10) , it 13) =F(5, 12) 3(5, 7) =U(5, 7) and (after each of which the algorithm sets F(5,L)= to complete evaluation for w=5. Continuing from block 12 with w=3 the algorithm identifies the set [1,1), determines the values 6=2, h=l and L=10, and ascertains that no reduction in variables in block 9 (P ) is possible. Ordering the and applying Theorem 3. a the result is solution A=(2,0,0,2) which is an extension of P . o Proceeding -66to block 10 the descendents A^^^^ are generated and the and A evaluations F(3,10), F(3,4) and F(2,4) obtained, as shown in Forming H=(3,l,l,3) the algorithm returns to block 14. Table B.2. At this point evaluation for w=3 is complete and the algorithm sets w=2, values and identifies the set of sizes (l.), and determines the 4 5 = 2, (P — ) h=l and L=^12. Forming the intersection of H=(3,l,l,3) there results the set upon reduction iP.-, ! ^^- (P, ,P, P, ,P, —13^ ~14 —15^ ~16^ . , I 0') which becomes ' The procedure now determines directly f- the solution A=(0,0,0,6) which is found to be an extension of P ^ —16 , Generating and evaluating descendents there results the values as shown in Table B.2. Forming H= (1,1, 1,7) the algorithm goes to block 14 and, upon finding all lengths evaluated, continues to blocks 12 and 13 where it terminates. An alternative to the algorithm in Figure 5 substituting the search procedure of Section iv Section III, results by for that of thereby replacing the evaluation scheme based on the controlled search of ranges of the value F(W,L) with a scheme based on the controlled generation of parent solutions. accomplished with the following modifications in Figure Block 10: 26: 5: Evaluate solutions on the basis of Theorem 13. a Block This is as well as on that of Theorems l.a and 2. Replace content of block by simply, "Solve knapsack problem (Section IV )", a. -67- Replace content of block by simply, "Set Block 29: F{w,L) ^^B(w,l) for all unevaluated lengths for width w. L Record all solutions." With this algorithm problem-solving proceeds quite differently As can be seen from the numbers for the example xn Appendix B. in the upper right corner of the cells in Table B.2 the evaluation of F(W,L) is now obtained in five groups. as follows. Theorem 3. a For mind. w=:6, 1^2 so In summary, these occur Application of that F(6,l)=0. from which is then yields parent solution A={2,lj0,0) generated descendents A ,A ,A (see Table B.l) and A evaluation results in the entries of group 2 whose in Table B.2. this point L=13 and the reduced set of base solutions is P j P„ ) (see Table B.4) which, being an extension of £ , , yields parent solution A results in the generation of , descendents A^ A^, A^ A^p A^g A^^ A^3 , , and A^^. , Evaluating these solutions in block 10 there results the entries of group Table B.2 which completes the evaluation for w=6. w=5 It is found that min P.^ In block 26 solution of the knapsack . problem by the procedure of Section IV , ( At (1. )-2 so that F(5,l)=0. in 3 Proceeding to With the evaluation of w=5 complete the algorithm proceeds to w=3 which is also complete and hence to w 2 for which it is determined that L=12 Forming the intersection of H and {P^,P^,P^ —3 —5 —6 ,P^,P, —7 —16^ I I P^ —2 i g (P ) there results the set which reduces to the set —16' ^\. iP,,-l Finally, -68- determining in block descendents, A group 5 ,A 9 , the parent solution A= (0,0, 0,6) and A A and generating there results the entries in , which completes the evaluation. With both algorithms discussed for the two-dimensional problem more efficient procedure may result through use of one or more a dominance tests based on (6) . For example in block a test can be applied to each size tests can be applied in block 2 of Figure 5 to try to eliminate it (w.xl.) Then for each width during the evaluation of F(W,L) completely. w. 1 to the sizes in the identified J set {w.xl. 11 } to try to eliminate one or more of them during the evaluation for width w., all sizes thereby eliminated then being reconsidered for width w. j of (6) In this second application ^^ ,. +1 there is, in addition to the advantages associated with the elimination of dominated sizes mentioned in Sectionll, a savings in the generation of base solutions. For if size w xl 20 dominated in all sets {w.xl. 11 ) shown that for all widths w. > J _ _ for widths w. J > w, k has been ^ '^ then it can be size w xl can be ignored in q q w, k forming vector H (block 10) and subsequently in determining the intersection of H and the set {£ ) (blocks is sufficient to simply add to the set on — ' ^If size {P 6 ) and 10) ; instead it at the beginning of • i" ' w.xl. is dominated for width widths larger than w, k-1 , . w, , it is dominated for all -69~ 21 the evaluation for width w unit base solution a -0,0,... 0, P 1,0,...,0), where the unit element occurs in the position representing size w xl • Dominance considerations are also important in permitting a more compact representation in some problems, thereby making possible considerable economies in data manipulation. Since these possibilities tend to increase as problem-solving progresses from stage to stages k-1, k-2, k etc., let us consider briefly at this point the problem at stage k-1. Upon completing the evaluation of the knapsack function F, k for (W,L) L < L < — — max and W=w . i=l,2,...,t at stage k the , J problem at stage k-1 is to evaluate the function F L = l,,l^. 12' . < W —< W — max and .,,1 z . for (W,L) This problem is identical to that at stage k except cutting now takes place widthwise. The I I sizes w.xl. for stage k-1 are the non-dominated sizes which result at stage k, i.e. the sizes w.xL for which: 11 J (w.,L) kj > F F, fw. kj + ,L) , and F fw.,L) 1 kj > F(w.,I') j- 2 , 3 , . . , , t ;0< I J <L — (13) or F, k where .s L' (0,1.) > is the F, k max largest evaluated length of the same width that smaller than L. function F (W,L) < L < L (0,L' For example if we assume Table B.3 to be the for stage k then the sizes for stage (k-1) are K. 21ln Figure 5 this step can be inserted in block reduction step. 7 preceding the iOax -70- those whose value in the Table is encircled. With the sizes define^ in (13) we can now proceed to solve the problem at stage using any of the algorithms appropriate for stage k. (k-1) Returning at this point to the discussion of dominance considerations it is noted that upon application of dominance tests in block 2 the 14 sizes in the example will, length 1., be reduced so that at most identified set m the and z Or, {w'.xl! ). sizes w'.xl! 11 there are for every sizes appear in the 3 to state it more generally, t different widths w, ,w„,...,w^ 1 ,1 nondominated sizes in the set then there is at most ,...,1 11 (w'.xl t 2 1 different lengths if among ; } for any length 1.- Since J these sizes are always uniquely defined for a given length (i.e. for each width with W. =w w, k t 1. the size in the set is the size w'.xl 11 and the largest length not exceeding 1.) I it is therefore possible throughout problem-solving to represent the problem in terms of vectors H,£ and A having only elements rather than m. t This can result in considerable economies in data manipulation. To conclude we consider the sample problem at stage (k-1) defined by the nondominated sizes at stage k data for the problem is given in Appendix C. complete set of feasible solution vectors 2? 1 • is the number of elements of width w 1 The Table C.l lists A-(a ,a ,a m — a. 22 in Table B.3. ) solution ~ A. for the the -71- prob]em, showing that with the compact representation there are only 12 solution vectors even though there are 14 sizes in the Table C.2 shows the base solutions generated in solving problem. the problem either'^-^ by the algorithm employing the procedure of Section ILI or by that employing the procedure of Section Table C.3 gives the optimal values F K— 1 (W,L) IV, which result at cutting stage k-1 and Table C.4 identifies a solution vector A in Table C.l which will yield the optimal value. Thus, at stage for example, Table C.3 indicates that a sheet arriving (k-1) of size 8x11 can be cut widthwise at stage k-1 and the resulting pieces cut lengthwise at stage k in a manner yielding a value of F (8, 11) =21. According to Table C.4 this is accomplished by cutting according to solution vector — A^ at stage k-1, where according to Table C.l of 14 sizes with vector A A implies 1 A^=( 1,2,0) 5 . Scanning the list and length 11 it is found that solution unit of size 2x10 and 2 units of size 3x10. Pro- ceeding to Table B.3 it is seen that at stage k the unit of size 2x10 will be cut according A^„ in Table B.l and each ^ to solution —40 of the units of size 3x10 according to solution A . Therefore putting these results together it follows that if a sheet of size 8x11 is cut in the two stages according to a pattern such as that {W,L) are actually obtained 23For this problem all evaluations F K 1 through direct solutions, use of base solutions, and bounding considerations, and hence the procedures of Section iTT or IV are never employed. -72in Figure 6. then a maximum value will be obtained 7-7" 8 i -73- VI Concluding Remarks . In the preceding sections partitioning algorithms have been discussed for evaluating been described m sheets of stock. a class of knapsack functions which has the context of k-stage guillotine cutting of In some contexts there are additional attributes of the problem to be considered or constraints to be imposed besides those discussed so far. In conclusion we comment briefly on the application or adaptation of the partitioning algorithms in a few such cases. At the one extreme there are problems which can be accommodated with no changes in the algorithms. This is the case for the problem mentioned earlier in which orientation of sizes (lengthwise or widthwise) with respect to the stock sheet is immaterial. In this case one simply represents each rotatable size in the problem as both a unit of size w.xl. 11 and a unit of size l.xw. 11 , both of value v., and proceeds with the algorithm in its existing form. At the other extreme are variations of the problem which can be accommodated only with considerable modification in the algorithms. This is the case, for instance, with problems having one or more of the following types of constraints considered by Gilmore and Gomory [s] : a constraint on the maximum number of units into which a strip can be chopped or strips into which a -74- sheet can be slit: ?a. 11 —< a K (14) limit on the maximum number of units of size w.xl. 1 1 that can be cut from a strip or of strips of width w. that can be slit from a 1 sheet: a. < d i=l> 2, . . . . ,m (15) and a limit on the number of different sizes that can be obtained from a single strip or number of different strips from a sheet: ^5(a.) where 6(a.)=l if a. > <M (16) otherwise. and As in the case of dynamic programming approaches, the modi- fication required in the partitioning algorithms to accommodate these constraints will seemingly result in an increase in the problem-solving effort required to solve the problem. In the case of the partitioning algorithms, use of the underlying search strategies, the generation and evaluation of descendents, the use of base solutions, etc, all remain appropriate but significant changes must be made in many of the details. changes are similar for all three types of constraints, These (14), (15) and (16), and are summarized below for a problem with constraint ( 14) : F(W,L,K) =maximum (a./w. 1 1 ?v a . < W) — ^ ^ ^ -75- Subject to: 2a 1 . 1 1 (l.b) < L — . 1 Sa. 11""< K and a. integer > 0, all i. A principal change in the algorithms is brought about as a consequence of the change in the optimality of descendents: If A is an optimal solution for problem (l.b) Theorem l.b: with knapsack size WxL and limit K then optimal solution with value F(W,L,K) knapsacks with W(A' 11—^ ?a'. Since descendent A' 111 K < K-?a — is not +^a'. ) , £ W < W, L=L(A') is an A' for all and ~~" for all descendents A' of A. necessarily optimal for limit K a procedural choice arises between solving problems (l.b.) with the limit set at K and, by ignoring constraint (14), solving problem The first alternative assures that the value F(W,L,K) (l.a). itself will always be determined but yields only lower bounds B(W(A' ) ,L(A' ) ,K) on the value for descendents of the optimal solution; hence these points must each be subsequently evaluated themselves for optimal values. other hand, The second alternative, on the fails to guarantee that the value F(W,L,K) will be determined but does yield an optimal value for all descendents A' - for which ?a'. 1 1 < K and yields an upper bound U(W(A'). — _ for all other descendents. 1,(A'),K) _ The choice between these alternatives 76- is highly dependent on the probability that an optimal solution to problem ( 1 . a) will satisfy constraint (14)^ and thus may change during problem-solving. In addition a number of other changes must be made in the algorithms. Theorems and 4 concerning direct determination of 3 optimal solutions must be revised to limit solutions to those which are feasible according to constraint (14). Theorems 6,7 and 8 are invalid in the presence of (14), thus rendering invalid equations (2), (3) Consequently the bounds in and (4). become simply B(w. , conditions given in now (4. a) Similarly the dominance ,L) and U(w. (6) are now invalid and must be replaced by ,L) . conditions appropriate to the constraints on the problem. 24 Theorem 10 concerning the generation of base solutions remains valid together with Theorem 13. However both Theorem 11 concerning reduction of the set s IP^ ) and Theorem 12 concerning the use of base solutions in evaluation require extensive revision based on the feasibility and dominance conditions appropriate to the Finally, the procedures of both constraints on the problem. Section HI and Section IV 24. In the case of (14) the condition: must be slightly modified to handle and/or (16) condition ^ and V > V . it tollov!?s from''"Theo^em 1 . 1 . . (6) is replaced by . 1 of reference In the case of (15) to condition (6) should be added the following: <(L-lj)/l.> + e. < d.. |9l that -77- constraint ( 14) . Between these extremes are problems which can be solved with small or moderate changes in the basic algorithms. We conclude with two illustrations in which a knapsack function is to be evaluated for a In the first number of different stock sizes. example the knapsack function F(W,L), < W < W , evaluated at each stage k for each of the stock sizes W xL W XL , and W XL shown in Figure is to be 0< L< L , 7. (I,,W^) w Figure (^2'V 7. Multiple stock sizes. This can be done efficiently by evaluating concomitantly at each stage k the points in the shaded area of the Figure. To accomplish dependent are modified to simply make L this the basic algorithms ^ max at all times on the width w. be considered when cutting lengthwise, and W max at all times dependent on 1, K when cutting widthwise. In the second illustration evaluation of the knapsack function F(L) is desired for (only) lengths L ^L^^.-.^L^. This can be accomplished efficiently by modifying the basic algorithm employing the procedure -78- of Section ni to always select the largest unevaluated length from the set [h^,h^, set becomes empty. . . ,h^] , evaluation being complete when the -79- APPENDIX A: ONE-DIMENSIONAL Maximum 'knapsack size L 1. 1 2 3 4 TABLE A.l V. 1 6 3 5 2 6 1 2 2/3 3/5 1/2 1 =13 <^, 1 3 max EX/^J^PLE POTENTIAL KNAPSACK SOLUTIONS A = . (a , , , a^ a^ a^) LISTED IN LEXICOGRAPHICALLY DECREASING ORDER Index -80- TABLE A. Index POTENTIAL KNAPSACK SOLUTIONS LISTED IN DECREASING ORDER BY LENGTH, LEXICOGRAPHICALLY DECREASING ORDER WITHIN LENGTH -81- TABLE A. MAXIMUM KNAPSACK VALUE F(L) 3 FOR KNAPSACK OF LENGTH L Index i_ 1 1 4 9 5 10 11 11 30 43 31 44 Length Value L F(L) 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 12 12 9 8 8 4 2 3 2 2 1 7 6 6 3 1 TABLE A. 4 SCHEDULE OF NON-DOMINATED OPTIMAL SOLUTIONS Value -82- TABLE A. Index BASE SOLUTIONS -83- APPENDIX B: TWO-DIMENSIONAL EXAMPLE Maximum knapsack size W=8, L=13 . w. TABLE B.l 1 6 3 6 1 2 3 5 2 3 5 6 3 4 2 2 1 2/3 3/5 1/2 POTENTIAL KNAPSACK SOLUTIONS A.=(a ,a LISTED IN LEXICOGRAPHICALLY DECREASING ORDER Index a a ) -84- TABLE \l w\ * B.2 VALUE OF KNAPSACK FUNCTION F(W,L) -85- TABLE B.4 BA?^E SOLUTIONS FOR TWO-DIMENSIONAL EXAMPLE Index Base Solution P_. Width Length Value -86- APPENDIX C: Item 1 STAGE K-1 OF TWO-DIMENTIONAL EXAMPLE Length VJidth Valu e ^ -87T.'BTE C.l POTENTIAL KNAPSACK SOLUTIONS* A""(^i32^3^ FOR STAGE k-1. Index -88- TABLE C.3 X VALUE OF KNAPSACK FUNCTION F ,{W,L) 89- TABLE C.4 X OPTIMAL SOLUTIONS* YIELDING ,(W,L) * k-1 F, -90REFERENCES 1. Barnett, S. and G. J. Kynch, "Exact Solution of a Simple Cutting Problem", Operations Research Vol. 15, No. (1967) p. 1051-6. 6 , 2. "Notes on the Theory of Dynamic Programming. Bellman, R. Maximization over Discrete Sets", Naval Research IV Logistics Quarterly Vol. 3, No. 1-2 (March. June 1956) p. 67-70. , , 3. Dantzig, G. B., "Discrete Variable Extremum Problems", Operations Research Vol. 5, No. 2 (1957) p. 266-276. , 4. Fulkerson, D. R., "Flow Networks and Combinatorial Operations Research", Memorandum RM-3378, October 1962, The Rand Corporation^ 5. Gilmore, P. C. and R. E. Gomory, "A Linear Programming Approach to the Cutting Stock Problem" Operations Research Vol. 9, p. 849-859 (1961) , , 6. and "A Linear Programming Approach to the Cutting Stock Problem Part II", Operations Research Vol. 11, p. 863-888 (1963) , — , 7. and "Multi-Stage Cutting Stock Problems of Two and More Dimensions", Operations Research Vol. 13, p. 94-120 (1965) , , 8. "The Theory and Computation of Knapsack Functions", Operations Research Vol. 14, and , p. , 1045-1074 (1966) 9. 10. Glover, F., "The Knapsack Problem: Some Relations for An Improved Algorithm". Management Sciences Research Report No. 28, Carnegie Institute of Technology, January 1965, 23pp. Kolesa, P., "A Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Knapsack Problem", Management Science Vol. 13, No. 9 (1967) p. 723-735. , 11. Pandit, S.N.N. "The Loading Problemj' Operations Research Vol. 10, No. 5 (1962) p. 639-646. , , -91- REFERENCES (Continued) 12. Pierce, J. F., Some Large Scale Production Scheduling Problems Prentice-Hall, New York, 1964. in the Paper Industry , 13. 14. "On the Solution of Integer Cutting Stock Problems by Combinatorial Programming - Part II", IBM Cambridge Scientific Center Report, June 1968. , Shapiro, J. and W. M. Wagner, "^ Finite Renewal Algorithm for the Knapsack and Turnpike Models", Operations Research Vol. 15, No. 2 (1967) p. 319-341, , 15. Weingartner, H. M. and D. N. Ness, "Methods for the Solution of the Multi-Dimensional 0/1 Knapsack Problem" Operations Research Vol. 15, No. 1 (1967) p„ 83-103, , , irt-ft.«' Date Due HUUi Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 332' fo*^ 3 TDflD D3 TD4 TEM Mil llBRflftlti 'y^i\-hi> 3 IDflD DD3 DM Tfil Mil LIBRARIES HDj 3 TDflD 0D3 fl73 ^b2 3 TOfiO 0D3 fl73 773 336-6.^ IIIIIIII '''''T(''"T''r''in'"' II JW .miJJ,i| J TUflD 003 T04 TOflD «^« t^73 MIT LIBRARIES 3 / 3 ??-62 DD3 673 TEl 33<?'-6'? TD60 003 3 E77 "=105 ?^0-65 li'iLlliuhillillll" |l|ll||lllllllllllllll*|l«ll'"l'" 3 TOaO 003 T05 5bT MIT lLBRABIES llllll 3 TOfiO 003 fi7M lllllllll 30T