LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JAM 13 1972 J-ZBRARIES PRIVACY, TECHNOLOGY, AND THE AMERICAN CITIZEN Stephen J. Williams'^ Richard Owens Edouard Cointreau Peter Bloomsburgh 563-71 October MASSACHUSE' INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE MASS. INST. TECH. OCT 21 1971 OtWEY LIBRARY PRIVACY, TECHNOLOGY, AND THE AMERICAN CITIZEN Stephen J. Williams Richard Owens Edouard Cointreau Peter Bloomsburgh 563-71 October PRIVACY, TECHNOLOGY, AND THE AMERICAN ClTlZl by Stephen J, Williams Richard Owens Edouard Cointreau Peter Bloomsburgh 01971 6331^7 Privacy* Technology, and the American Citizen 1 * IfilEoaUiiHOii The right privacy to has been issue an b£ considerable proirinence in recent months as the congress and the American public have inc^reasingly questioned the extent and nature of the constitutional and moral ramifications This privacy, technological presents an examination of privacy article particular with of emphasis the on advancement. imolications of framevor^ is deveiooed within A Which managerial decisions related to questions of privacy can be examined. An privacy investigation initial presented is which of the distinguishes definition of between the individual's need for privacy and the society's requirements for infringing upon determinants of need. that privacy Next, the examines, are technblbcical including the utilization of advanced electronic equipment (esoeciallv the computer) and to problems collect inherent information. in The unique orooerties multiple^access time-sharino systems are considered,' All of framevorlt for the these analysis issues of are specific integrated into databanks. a This fraPievork may be applied to databanks currently in existence and to those which may be proposed at some future time. The Paae DRAFT are intended as an aid in determining presented guideiines 3 the suitability of such databanks. Finally, problems the to are examined, followed by suoaestions privacy of solutions proposed number of a for further thouaht, 2 £EIIA£i: iii£ £R2Bii;ii everyone. cohcerns Privacy Americans would aSree that no Although should take 'one most challenoe to a his privacy lightly, few carefully consider the iiriDlications of applying for credit card or a transfer of information aff«cted, whether it a bank loan. privacy occurs, privacy of ve must act as a natioh to forge a accepted definition in least one excellent definition (in the been that of our organization, an clear national oolicy". Privacy is not easily defined. widely way with our individual considerations of privacv, concorrently no some in is be our personal privacy, friends or neighbors, or the Any tinie a presented. In legal In fact, Is use today, although at iboical terminology, definition remains to be established. there a sense) has satisfactory (See also (2)) 2,1 fififinitica af Piiiaci The most important dimensions of seen through an individuals who have Goldberg, former orivacy can be examination of statements made by various Vrestled Associate with Justice the bf problem. Arthur the United States Supreme Court has put forth the following observation: ^«*^^ Pace . "The dvindling of Privacy has been U as vorld, ve have only belatedly realized that privacy Is ^''^^''^ ^°^^^^ resource, and one vhich mLf'^Ko''!?^}?^^!, protected against the claims of eflLJent social I-if"^^'orderino." efficient (16) Congressman Cornelius Gallaoher. speaking before the American Management Association, has defined Privacy as: ''•••*'^® free choice by a free man Tn disclosing to public recard certain basic ^acts aboj? nis actions, thoughts, and decisions, "{ l2) He goes on to say: ^"^!5 lav...the cornerstone of a free Am^rir^^^^^^ America. ..demands that the past be a sorinQboard ffP^^ssion and use bf abiUtv and not an *nrhor^ J^v "''^'^ *^°^"' ^"^ ^"""s him In vouthf,n i^\''v^^^ * ^^^^^ decisions.-(l2i (S%'rfj^o"tll:(10.)?Mi?:in?r^' These attempts at definitions are, hovever, incomplete. The mbst comprehensive definition of orivacv is offered Professor by Alan F. Westin (See also (20).(21))J it highlights the privacy decision individual in trading as the choice of the off his desire to be an IndLxldual. and his desire tb participate in society: "'^^ ^'^^"^ sSeiiiLr°^ ^^^^ .s"^!^"" ^^^'^y society fnfo^^i r^ social norms. enforce its "(19) 2.2 Zhs. IiidiiiiiiiaijLfi iifivfiflini ^'^^ sets processes in order «. to Paae PRAFX from Several facets of privacy are important viewpoint. individual's 5 the his book, £rivacx and Eceedoia In (19)# Professor v;estin has identified four primary functions which privacy perforins. Individuals A, to intrinsicly Privacy provides the capability autonomy. control the aspects some direct individuals of information that relates to their flow personal lives, and# by so doi^ig, provides to personal seeX for of a means for their existence". then Indeed, the history of literature is marked by references to cbntrbllina fate. one's this an In function of ever more complex and active societv. privacy assumes increasing ever an Importance. protects Privacy B, consequences resulting from frustration. Through the people expression from of damper that a Of course, when the cause. infringe anoer and this function, then, individuals are afforded the opportunity for emotional release continuous undue record actions without the their actions wbuid bf emotional of release upon the rights of others, response by the sbciety is Justified, Privacy provides for C, introspection. Individuals must be allowed their own performance for the purpose of desires and actibns. shoulder. and to evaluate determining their Privacy allows this self-supervisibn vithou.t the constant feeling that someone your evaluation self is iboicino over Again, this function is not absolute -^ the "^RA" Pace 6 evaluation of an employee by his supervisor, for example, is legitimate. Privacy D, allows for privileged transfer of information, individual is granted the the protected and within this context, an opportunity discuss to a supervisor with anbther employee without fear of dismissal'. But the need for privacy logical considerations. gbes even bevond sUch The work of manv anthropologists, sociologists, and biologists indicates strbnalv that privacy is a iifllijaicai necessity for human beings. 9estin has discussed , studies of animal behavior that for men and seeking Professor which show animals may very well share basic mechanisms privacy Extrapolating within their environments. f19) from the great importance ascribed to privacy in the animal world, ohe must assume that Privacy is an even more significant species, determinant Perhaps the inherent of behavior desire in in each the human bf us occasionally seek solitude is an illustratibn of this to need'. 2,3 £fin£ii£ls £i Izii&Qi However, consideration an individual by individual basis consideration privacy, concerned Host, is ignores of the Privacy prbblem on is if not all, of the data with the such which we are the joiht property of at least twb parties -- the person who originated the information, fthom sufficien; not the problems created by conflicts bf data concerhs. In many cases, of these two parties conflict, and the persbn the Privacy riahts consider the case bf medlcil Paae BRAFX Included records, records are many Impressions these ih 7 himself in his future work that the doctor might note to aid might be very impbrtant With the patient. For example, it of indications shbved patient a that record to to The physician would not want the patient schizophrenia. opinion be aware that this recbrded was medical the in eiaminatibn Thus, tb release the medical recbrd fbr record. with the physician's right by the patient vbuld conflict to professional privacy. The formulation of a legal definitibn of privacv. difficult either by statute or precedent, is as the development of a semantic a Within the definition. context of our democratic institutions, certain specifically was privacy a in the However, that document problem then than it is now. Althiuah number of Constitutional bases for the exist are rights cbnstitutibn. mentioned explicitly not because it was less a the by guarenteed oroblem as Fourth, First. in riaht Fifth, and tb privacy Fourteenth varied frbm Amendments, the interpretation by the cburts has case to case. However, guidelines have been developed by the courts along which the issues can be evaluated. ( legal 14) implicatibns of One of the mbst impbrtant and far-reaching of these is the concept bf the chilling that invasions of privacy privacy effect tend to imPbse uoon the exercise of civil liberties. The chilling effect, as defined by the cburts. is Paoe DRAFT of individuals to viev invasions of privacy* tendency the especi^ily surveillance activities, as exercise free of speech or protected by the Constitution, other a threat activities explicitly invasions such their to privacy of It is the indirect effects of these assume many forms'. jnay 8 Invasions that the courts have viewed as unconstitutional. ouidlines The courts have developed three Priinarv vhich by a ruled be These guidelines are: The, severity A« may effect chilling given unconstitutional (3). scope and of alleged the chiJtling effect bn the exercise of First Amendment freedoms. The difficulty proving chilling the effect guidline is indicated by the case of the United this under of tUblic Workers vs« Mitchell; of ".•.the threat Bossiblfi flfinsLal interference with those appellants' rights by the Civil Service commission under its... rules dbes not make a justiciable case or controversy, a hypothetical threat ts not enough," (3) Logically, of course, the chillina effect dependent an upon aCliiai individual is infringement of civil liberties, perceives a threat cf activities are chilled whether or not such inf rinqement. a not if his threat actually exists. B, vindicate, The liKlihood rights as may be infringed upon. cases vhich of bpoortunities to with reasonable promptness* such First Amendment involve reasonable The cburts seek only those elaPsed violation of rights occurred, and seem to times imply since the that they Paoe CRAFT establish to yant statute a limitations of 9 for such a full violations. • the The nature of C, adjudication of which issues, merits must resolven ana the need for the factual referents in order to properly define and narrow the There issues. between exist must factual relationship clear a violation alleged the privacy of and the corresponding First Amendment right. It should be clear from this brief discussion that these guidelines Individual's stringent place constraints on an to legally proye invasion of privacv. ability In paragraphs beiow, we will show that advancing technoibay Is severly compounding these difficulties, 2.5 ihs. sji£i£iiis yisjiEflint desires society members, definition emphasizes the fact that Westin's Dr. Such enforce to enforcement individual uoon norms its is, inherent in the of course, definition of "s^cietyT; very few People would question necessity enforcement such of to the existence the of civilization. In order to enforce norms, variety of institutions monitor" their behavior. places constraints cannot choose^ for which cumulative Thus establishes society social pressure on each citizen's privacy decision. example, to a watch over individuals and drive cars at We excessive speeds, or to burn dowh our neighbor's house. In the absense of explicit leaal and semantic - Peoe 0RAFT definitions of Privacy, however, the institutions enforcement iO norm for not themselves sufficientiv constrained In are institutions may therefore exceed the bounds their actions, of reason quite bY accident in their zeal to carry out their assigned tasks. Numerous examples of excess such may he found in the press. The seriousness of these excesses is cbmoounded by the public's lack of sophistication in implications actions people many decision: are information for obtaining have, a completely credit information to a a privacy the unaware dissemination represents consent to release quite personal making card, for the of their that examole, considerable amount of system whose control of access Is Such information as salary, bank balances, relatively poor. and marital status become available fbr distribution. 3, IHIOgM^TlON COLlECTXON; TliS B££J0]JS All of this is not to say, of course, has no right to Civilization collect information about that society its members. could not exist without such collection. has been lacking is a What framework within which to discuss ithX data xs collected, There are three main forces which drive men to collect, analyse, and disseminate information. 1) to These facilitate the management function of society; help resolve conflicts of individual's ricrhts; disseminate informatioh for its own sake. privacy can be traced to the fact that a and areS 2) 3) to to Most invasions of Particular system Pace DeaFT 11 is collecting data for more than one of these reasons, or is distributlno collecting data relevaht to one reason and it for another, 3.1 liiSi n&Qa2£in£ni £iilicli&n Perhaps most the 2a£i£ty q.1 suceptible abuse to the is collection of data to facilitate the management function society, order in maintain to tremendous coordinating continuing basis, effort must example, For earning hours of his rate, undertaken be information, wor'c, be known. difficult is It a includino his social security number, his home address, and the number of must on a to distribute order in paychecXs to employees considerable his of cbmplei civilization, a his Quarrel tb deductions with the necessity for keeping this information. The most collection common over-eXtension. is collection — the third force for collection. systems, if left alone, will often collect data far beyond their true needs and collection will a goal The of information has a very Powerful driving force inherent within itself Data abuse in itself rather than a become means tb a specific end. Questions such as "Taking things all together* would you say you are flays?", very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy these when asked of senior citizens by the Census Bureau 16), are clear examples of over-extension, 3.2 £finili£l£ Qi. Indiildii&l £iabt& The second driving force for data collection is to set up systems fbr resolving conflicts in the rights of DRAFT Paae 12 individual members of the society. For examole, it is clear that driver's licenses are necessary inconipetent, danflerous, order in prevent to reckless persons from abusino and other people's rights to use our roads with some measure safety. Another of good example is the FBI fingerprint file, whicn is tremendously helpful in preventino the destruction of life and property by criminal elements. Perhaps most common abuse of such systems is the dependence on the relative political whose rights are conflict in constructed carefully to being right, avoid the of svstems such # the cohstruct such to Power Possibility orouos must be mloht. of system clearlv requires a that the agent maKing the final judgement not be Subject to political pressure, 3,3 aissfimiaAtifin icr inl£EiDa.i.ifials v^lue The reason major last fbr collection the information is the inherent value of infornatibn in its right, The common expression "Xnowledqe is power" retains its validity climate of own in the fast of our society. paced and hiohly pblitlclred Perhaps the best example of such a system is education! In systems which are dissemination, care inappropriately should not open must for the Purpose of be taKen that information is not disseminated. its built For example, the library files of user's bbrrbwino records to examination by the general public. It is especially important that systems which DRAFT logically Paae 13 exist for one of the first two purposes not be allowed to disseminate information for its own value. dissemination is almost always inappropriate. probation records are maintained in order to such For examole. resolve the conflict between an inSividual's right to be given a sentence and society's fight to be protected from dangerous lighter To release such records tb prospective emplovers criminals. (for either money or political favors) is an illegitimate invasion of privacy, We are now in a position to delineate the most important aspects of the privacy decision On (see Figure ^^, the one hand, there are society's needs for information, and on the other, privacy, The there data are the individual's collection. decision must be between these sets of heeds. needs a for tradeoff < '"*-. '^fa- . ' '^^S r Gu I ,._ <2.e X 5cC.AW Co-^^ • - OSAFX tt Paoe 15 . 01 CAIA QQlliZgllQii MlliiOiiS - individuals The neans by which information on numerous are coliected and varied; Is they rancre front very unsophisticated to highly technical methods. The most obvious means to obtain information is simply to asK them questions, people questions few people refuse to answer sexual income, from SurPrisinglVi very topics such on political and religious beliefs, behavior, and educational background, if only the questions appear "legitimate" gome surveys, and the People question are villino equally to the drinkinq habits and marital about behavior of their neighbors. fc)eople in form (i.e. questionnaires, voter opinion like). information divUl9e as is It that clear too few validity or necessity of reauests for the Simple questioning without cbersion or pretext information. is the major means by Which invasion of Privacy occurs. A second, and less direct, technique for obtaininq oublic Information is tb search readily available town as such newspapers, books, organizations, purchased; had a " and unofficial sometimes reports of information this the internal Revenue Service, for policy sources, and published information includino records various must be example, has of selling to anyone lists of all persons In the u»s, who own registered firearms. The third physical method of information and psychological surveillance. use of aianpbwer and, at times, collection Is This involves the electronic equipment to Pace 16 DRAFT monitor person's activities. a Course, Of flow the information of may ao considerably beyond the person to whom it is first released. When existing future databan)ts become interconnected, and one of the most important sources information of will be other databanks, 5 ZZllLgl 1^2 \ IScJilJaifiGX development Technological important ramifications for privacy; science problems. developments Perhaps two the raoid carries with it technology and increaslnai'y has advance of hornet's nest of a most have striltinoiy the conflict between privacy and technolbov in demonstrated the United states -- sophisticated electronic communications equipment and the high-speed digital computer. 5 . 1 £fiIIliillial£&lli2DS £aui£]i}£iii communications Electronic brimming challenge capability massive scale espionage in implications with bugging electronic for haS been the U,e. equipment for Moreover, 196/ study concludes performed in that by the anti-bugging industrial The a industrial at least as big a business as is government domestic intelligence operations. specializes Privacy. a surveillance on and developed. presents cbrooratlbn, Saber which conservatively devices, espionage For example, a accounts for annual losses of more than three billion dollars. (1) At least as surveillance important devices is as the the proliferation proliferation of of om -« DRAFT Our teiecom.nunicatlons equiment. couhtry the around data pace 17 . abilUv propagate violations of privacy far aware becomes anyone the of nationwide integration of some tremendous present privacy enables speed high at re-distrlbuto to and problem. to before Current plans for networks telecommunications problems us lono vide which no one has yet addressed. 5,2 tiks. camEiiist ani Etivaci But buaging devices only facilitate the collection The most powerful device vet developed for the of rav data. accumulation and processing of that data However, is computer itself is not an invader the ^computer. the - privacvJ of* for man's ability to process it is only an aitiplifyihg device of It becomes a major factor in the Problem by virtue data. the magnitude of that amplification, consider, for example, the IBM Svstera 360/195, It million is capable of performing on the order of twenty-five calculations per second. mass storage (an argon-laser devicel stbres 645,000,000 bits Thus inch. contain about such one U800 foot reel of computer tape couid twenty double-spaced a on system would be less than four minutes. The protection advent paaes typewritten File retrieval time for person in the United States, every the unit marketed by Precision Instrument company of Palo Alto j>er In terms of storaae capacity, of has greatest come progress about multiple-access in rather time computerized privacy indirectly through the sharing systems. The Pace 18 DRAFT effort for these systems requires protection of development access one user's information from accidental or Purposeful by other users. Considerable effort on access control systems which permit controlled sharing of resources in multiple-access environment has been undertaken by of research projects such (U),(7),(8) M.i.T.'s as variety & Project MAC. . \ Partial protection Provided is sharing systems by the requirement that himself terminal. the at Schemes passwords to signature recognition implemented. the many in time identify user from ranaing simple proposed been have transmission over data lines to oattern bit a transmission, the A which the user's Password is the on a string of is different at answer random every and more effective scheme, in t© Computation a digits supplied by the computer, is now in use at Project MAC. password for computer; thus the the user's I,D. may be had simply by tapping his Phone line performed or These static schemes suffer from the fact that any identification must be converted to recording the Since the user's session, it is safe from tappingi However* tapping of data lines will the theft of transmissions of data, schemes for encoding and decoding A still enable number of effective transmissions have been developed, but nbne are in widespread use. Within the computer's storage svstem, the problem is one of permitting canltaliad sharing of programs and Pace 19 DRAFT Access information. schemes vary widely in their control sophlsticaiton; the only systems which offer even reasonable are inplemented in academic computer facilities. protection employed Perhaps the most successful scheme to date is that by Multics at project MAC, in which Protection is attained through control of access paths to information couoled a which structure ring with to soecifv the off*ers the abilitv level of privileae of any program with resPect to others the system, In this structure, however, does not solve Eyen all access problems. Another consideration is the fact that the same centralization of information and computing oower that maltes time-sharing systems cost-effective concentrated efforts to cost-effective. cause break the may very well maice access control system Centralization may therefore be expected to increase in the number and Persistence of attacks an on the access control system; its integrity becomes a very important issue.. 5,3 l££tlIl2lQSX Ind thS CQilltS This advancing technology whatever competence the courts have is raoidlv destroying had in dealing with privacy Issues, The main problem information can be dispersed. by illegitimate coupled with preventive the measures is cannot speed with The irreversible damage dissemination courts* the which done of adverse information, inherent delays* means be that taken, and that corrective DRAFT Pace 20 ^ measures would conie too late. Moreover, any penalties which miaht be promulaated require would considerable technical knowledge to enforce. Given the present techhical sophistication of branch* the fall to the same programmers who implemented the the iudicial the job of executing the sentence would necessarily first place. guilty clearly is no solution to the problem. the contents of might veil be a system in Such dependence upon the aobd will of the For examole. data bank which has been ordered destroyed stored on microfilm before the order is carried out, Presently the world of the courts and the* world of data processing have very little in common. laws exist technology. will effort for protection the Even if such be required Nb satisfactory of Privacv from advancing laws are to bring Passed, stupendous & the rest of the legal systeni into the computer age. Having examined privacy, it behobves us the to nature develbP problem the of of clear analytical a framework for viewing individual databanks. The obiective of such an analysis is to develop criteria fbr the design of specific, databanks. careful consideration question of whether bank The analysis assumes, bf which does a has previously databank is needed not serve one course, been at given allJ (and stnll one) that to the a data bf the three reasons for collecting- information should nbt exist. DRAFT _ The concepts discussed in the Pace 21 foUowina caragraPhs and the relationship among them are illustrated in Fiqure 2. . Vuoto A. i-MFcKtuAVn^A '. raw^cY fuo^e 2 Lj^^os' Page 23 D.RAFT 6.1 £fiU£Sti£ii £rii££ia. Unless there exists the possibility of effect chillino a on civil liberties, the collection of data is not of itself an invasion of privacy. information The majority of is collected through acceptable channels and for justifiable personnel company records,'* control a is or is utilized for data bank has been once the made, collection and distribution of information the of and has privacy been violated. purpose the decision to establish data, channels, is disseminated to unauthorized persons or organizations, inappropriate are Only when information inappropriate thrbUqh collected census national industry statistical information. an databanks Among the most commonly developed purposes. becomes the central issue. Of primary importance is data concerning an individual or for entry into the comprehensive and databank. logical the In set criteria group beconies a order to of criteria* candidate establish a prior thouoht be given to the specific goals of the svstem. roust which by a If the desired output can be stated precisely (and iustified on the basis of the rights of individuals their groups to control privacy), then input criteria can be defined and own bounded in of an^ a useless fashion that not only eliminates the data oathefirio and promotes efficient system design, but also prevents unwanted side effects. Failure to clearly define the databank is a bbiectives of the contributory factor in improper collection. DRAFT Pace 24 _ Khen a failure to specify objectives occurs,, any Information might Which be of future is collected* of relevance remote at some time in the This usually results in the collection unnecessary information and in considerable a potential threat of invasibn of privacy, 6.2 lh.& £ua.lilx hi, IniaLC&ii&a Once reasonable standards for determining have established been data is to be sought as inout to the what system* it is necessary to set up procedures for contrbliina the quality of that information. Quality control tvo has aspects. First, the accuracy of input data must be controlled as it is 'entered. In a' computerized system, this might involve checlcing punch cards for keypunching errors. The second aspect of quality control concerns removal outdated. information of corporations) — from the when file Perhaps information related to should the becomes it individuals rand be classified like radioactive metals by "half liveS", with different lengths of retention time depending on the nature of the information. 6.3 &&1& AlldlXSXs The next important methodology used fbr aggregating product, The collection little in the way of Useful must of consideration raw data into the is a usable data by itself produces very managerial information. be analysed and manipulated into a usable format; are the building blocks of information. Data data The methods used in - DRAFT Pace 25 . analysis determine precisely the content of the output this result biased, in information being transmitted by the false or rolsleadin-g, may methods Improper information. Such information may well constitute an Invasion of system. privacy, 6.4 i£££sa caaltoi Given system a is able to provide useful which information, it is necessary to carefuHv control access Virtually every piece of information is information, that sensitive to some degree and protection requires Information which consider both the authority of any promulgation Potential of against Specific rules for the dissemination of unauthorized usaqe. Know to user must be established. must rules these * and need But the accompanied be to by procedures for enforcement, 6.5 Xikt£E-a.aial2a.nli Icatisf £ES A further problem that must be considered is the exchange of data between databanks, taken care First, to insure the propriety of such exchanges. must be Moreover. \ interchange demands verification transmitted information of, that so accuracy the errors of will not any be propagated, 6.6 ZllS.Lt& Ss^ Finally, information the system social effects must be considered, the system is to perform must be weighed social benefits and social costs. of any proposed Each function that in The terms benefits of tnav its be Pace 26 DilAFT delineated In terms o;E establishment — win the driving force behind the system's the system management function of the society; conflicts assist fact in will the resolve cause progress individual rights; or vill it of in helo it through the distribution of knowledge. These benefits must be balanced aoainst the social costs the System, which may be measured in terms of the of individual's loss of privacy, the resulting freedom degradation of and the possible chilling effect bn the exercise of civil liberties, 7 LS. lh.l^lkl, SQLuXifiil i^HE IIS SHQEICQuHisS Today the most commonly proposed solution problem to the of privacy is simply to allow individuals access to their own inaccurate files order in information. they that This correct iniaht any proposal is over-simplistic for several reasons. First, the idea assumes that the individual is the only entity which might be harmed by an invasion of privacy. There are many arbups who This is, of course, not the case. have been harmed by the illegitimate release of information -- large corporations, draft-resistance groups, and the Government itself, ipresumably bf have Constitutional organizational some guarantees right are talce rights, to even organizations than for individuals, pblitical Althouoh it is true that consideration of individual rights must consideration arbups, precedent these privacy. over grbups However. less well defined for DRAFT Second, individual his file current think/ interested be ridiculous is It to example, that a person should be able to chanoe for his medical record at Moreover, will. case the in of which in some way is unfavorable* it will never information information be in the individual's interest to have correct in in A«ain# this is a accurate, and false assumption in mahy instances. the that Qualified to mbst person the necessarily is assumes access individual correct his own record, and that he will having Paae 27 ^ If we do not tr«st a small oroup of people to his file. then information, sensitive accurately report we surely cannot trust everyone, en masse, to perform this function. The most important shortcoming of this solution Is that it does not privacy* recognize show To the problem the patient his to show compromise the doctor's privacy; letters the compromise would recommendation of conflicts of student his the authors* clearly giving the individual access rights to privacy, of medical record would to his own files is an inadequate solution to the problem. 1 8,1 g££&£&ti£ii The conflicts of distinction fif £&£i icfiQ Snini&n first attempt at Privacy between might a be information solution to the problem of to draw example, it would be objectively provable facts from clear very which is to be considered fact* and that which is to be considered medical a possible the opinion. to In the separate the Physician's opinions. Page 28 DRAFT giving patients access to the formeri but not to the latter* distinction Unfortunately, this record. information factual verified between and interpreted or heresay information is not drawn in many detabanlcs. Moreover* even if it were* there would still remain conflicts of privacvt 8,2 hlt&LIi? g&liiii&Q.^ 21tl£i: Careful consideration should be given to Senator Sam J, Ervin's proposal to? "create a Federal agency wlth_ powers to data bank operations, military ^and register all civilian^ to demahd justification for the records iceot and to enforce a citizen's rioht to examine and to even challenge data which could hurt his reputation, his ability to earn a livelihood, for the rest of his * days, -(15) (See also (5)) would however, MOMXAf organizational be invasion an privacy. As a guidelines explicit require of such an aaencv» such that the operations of that agency be itself, in powers investigative The individual of and result* such an agency would directing the agencies and for which, and by whom, an investigation would be databanks performed. Specific criteria for evaluation the of databanks would b© needed to enable investigators to conform to the intentions of the regulatory agency. problem unique An additional this proposal is the determination* for to the regulatory aqency, of what data files that agency itself would Xeep in its investigative files. of regulation by further by a Federal agency the necessity for both a is The entire problem complicated eVen legislative definition , Pace 29 DRAFT of privacy and a national consensus as to the extent of each This rights. citizens' quite possibly is question that a only the Supreme Court and the Congress could answer. alternate* An analysis of databani^s. similar manner reviewing the a to These companies would perform Certified in Public Accountant firms, determine: databank the firm would need to the legal basis between to for. individual privacy; privacy and society; C) the a in A) of managerial functions in the brflanizationi needs desired is companies specializing in the review and private establish solution related, though B) tradeoffs and d) technblbotcal factors, To perform objectively, be free from these firms would have political and non-professional pressure, and whose from involvement in the special interests of the firm databank investigation. under is to The necessity for uniformity and Control of the subjective determinations that would required be if such firms were organized implies legislation either at the national or state level. and The complexity of the problem precludes any QuicK beyond those simple solution. Other alternatives, discussed here, need to be developed and studied from an cperatiojial and feasibility viewpoint. 9. £USG£STXONS Every individual must questions of privacy which determine society, consider his the central interaction with Byt managers have an even more complex problem In paoe 30 BRAFT veighlnj the advantages and disadvantages information. £fili££t to the oroblem Is advanced technoiooy complexity The of highlighted by the decision to utilize decisions of and the numerous tjrade'-offs involved in such a decision. oeneral guidelines may be Provided, however. Some valuable are Xhey both considering technologically faced manaoer with an conflict/, and to the individual citizen inforiuation-privacy the the to questions central advanced society. orivacv of in a These Guidelines can be summarized as follows: A, comprehensive A national This policy should only approve of a legitimate need of the organization, weigh must the social policy needed. is databank if it serves Moreover, this policy benefits against the social costs. There are three identifiable catagories of social costs: direct costs in resources to the organization; 2) to the chilling effect; and 3) cost due misuse, costs: six 1) 2)control issues must be evaluated in weighing these the of the quality of the information; control of processed; centralization U) control in the the information sYstem is terms of the criteria for inclusion of data in of access 3) of benefits, files; and interfaced it should 6) 5) filei data to files and the to technological questions of program access; In 1) cost due danger the to the nature of data processing and selection of the be a the degree of the degree to which with be important not to hinder an organization in other noted the systems. that it Is fulfillment • PaOe 31 DRAFT of example, the Internal For functions, legitimate its Bevenue Service should not be prohibited from the collection of information financial tax-related individuals and on organizationst B, A means for enforcement, carried to the lowest is required as an intearal levels of affected organizations, component of solution any invasion demonstrating legally legislation should Problems of privacv. is required to establish grounds for legislation Moreover^ the to designed l>e Privacy. of as deterrent a This to the illegitimate accumulation of information. C, A review of existing databanks and information should systems undertaken be orsanizations all by maintaining such files or systems. action However, legislative and judicial levels is not enough; individual at all citizens must be made cognizant of the issues and solutions that this paper raises for frue, system builders must be educated consideration, in the variety of techhical considerations for protection of privacy and given Incentives for ihcentives to use them. further research should also be provided. But protecting with our Privacy lies not bniv the ibb programmer andvith the cohiputer manufacturer; it lies us. Only he with by increasing the sophistication of each citizen In matters regarding his which of the systems lives can empty word in America, relationship to the society In we prevent "freedom" from becbmina an 0«AFT •" of Page 32 The authors wish to gratefully acknbwledqe the Dr., Richard s. Horse assistance and Dr. Robert H. Fano. both of H.IfTt* vho provided ifevaluable assistance in which forms the basis for this paper. the research REFERENCES . I . . Robert M.. Ih.£ Elficttflnic Iniasifln. John F. Brovn, Btder Publishert Inc.# New Yor)c, 1967. (1) (3) law". Bexiax* "chilling Effect in Constitutional Volume 69/5, Hay# 1969, CfiiiiaUia law David, E, E. and Fano, 8, M., "some Thoughts About The (U) Social implications of Accessible Computing". EcaCefidiaas of the lali slaiJil CbciEiiifir: Cflnifitancfii 1965. Computer and Individual Number 37, volume 1l3, "The Sam J., Ervin Jr., (5) Cflaflcessifiaal fieCflL4_» Jrivacy". March 8, 1967. Washington, "Computers end Individual privacy". CoafJcessioaal 1969. 10, November 184, Number 115, (6) £ficac4» "volume Washington. Fano, Robert K. , Implications of Computers to Society^, {7) paper presented at the Kiewit Computation Center Dedication Dartmouth College, Hanover. 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