BASEMEN 28 :414 2. JAN 10^285 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT A PROBABILISTIC ANALYSIS OF THE MULTIKNAPSACK VALUE FUNCTION by M, A.H.G. Meanti (*) Rmnooy Kan ( (**) * * * L. Stougie C. Vercellis ' ^ Working paper * MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 1611-84 A PROBABILISTIC ANALYSIS OF THE MULTIKNAPSACK VALUE FUNCTION by (*) M. Meanti (**) A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan *** L. Stougie (*) C. Vercellis ' • ( ) . Working paper & 1611-84 September 1984 {*) Dipartimento di Matematica, University di Milano, Italy (**) Econometric Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands/Sloan School M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. {***) Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam., The Netherlands This research was partially supported by NSF Grant ECS-831-6224 and MPI Project "Matematica computazionale" <•' JAN r->' -^iij - 1985 1 --' . — •^ ;r-.-^ 5 [ f| - 1 . Introduction The Multi Knapsack Let each item space a . i] j problem is defined as follows, (MK) require (j=1,2,...n) of knapsack i a certain amount of and let c. denote (i=1,2,...m) 3 the profit of having item a - 1 j in the knapsacks. zero-one variable, taking value one if item Let x. be j is included in the knapsacks, and zero otherwise. The capacities of the knapsacks are denoted by b. , b^,...b . This leads to the following optimization problem: n max y c .X j n s.t. t. y a. a.^x. .: < X. e } {0,1 (i=1,2,...m) b. (j = 1 ,2, . . (MK) .n) MK has been used to model problems in the areas of scheduling and capital budgeting /10/. The problem is known to be NP-hard /6/; it is a generalization of the standard knapsack problem (m=1). MK can be solved by approximation scheme /5/, but a a polynomial fully polynomial one cannot exist unless P=NP /9/, In this paper, we are interested in analysing the be- haviour of the optimal value of MK with respect to changing capacities of the knapsacks. More specifically, we would like to obtain an expression that represents the optimal value as a function of problem instances. 0751257 b. 1 (i=1,2,...m) over a range of - - 2 A stochastic model for the problem parameters c., (1=1, 2,... m, a j=1,2,...n) will show that the sequence of optimal values, properly normalized, converges with probability one (wp1 ) to a function of the b.s as the number n of items tends to infinity while the number m of knapsacks is fixed. A number of probabilistic analyses of approximate algo- rithms for the knapsack in the past (/I/, /2/, problem (m=1 have been conducted ) /7/, /11/). So far, the optimum value has not been asymptotically characterized as a function of the capacity b of the knapsack. A similar comment applies to the probabilistic analysis developed in /5/ for MK under a stochastic model less general than the one we consider here. In fact, our only requirement will be absolute continuity of the distributions involved; the results are unusually robust. The main result in Section 3 is the asymptotic charac- terization of the optimum value as '^ (i=1 , 2 , . . .m) . a function of b. 1 This characterization is obtained by showing that the optimal values of the LP-relaxation of MK by MKLP) (denoted have a regular limiting behaviour holding wpl The fact that the optimal values of MK and MKLP are asymptotic to each other follows from a result in Section Three other relevant results are obtained. To characterize the integer optimal solution itself, we shall prove that the zero-one vectors in a certain sequence are optimal solutions of MK infinitely often (i.o.). We also show that, relative to the optimal integer solution, at 2. - 3 - least one constraint has a slack variable whose expected value equals zero i.o. . Finally, we prove that the se- quence of optimal dual multipliers of MKLP also has regular asymptotic behaviour, converging to In Section 4, a a limit wp1 the results obtained are applied to problem MK for the cases that m=1 and m=2 and for specific distributions of the parameters so as to obtain explicit formulae for the optimal value of MK, They are depicted in Figures 1 and 3. Finally, in Section 5, an approximation algorithm is proposed. It generalizes the greedy heuristic for MK (cf. /3/) $n and will be shown to be asymptotically optimal wpl - 2 - 4 Stochastic model and upper and lower bounds . Let us assume that the profit parameters c. are independent identically distributed (j=1,2,...n) random (i.i.d.) E with (r.v.), defined over a bounded interval in variables common distribution F . Analogously, for each i=1,2,...,m, the requirement coefficients a.. r.v.'s to be i.i.d. ( j = 1 , 2 . , . . , n) with common distribution are assumed over a F. 1 bounded interval. In the sequel, r.v.'s will be underlined. Without loss are defined of generality the interval on which c., a -13 -J We further assume that the will be assumed to be [_0,1_[ . . distributions F , c F. ( i=1 , 2 , . . . are absolutely continuous ,m) 1 and that the corresponding densities f (i=1 f. , are continuous and strictly positive over , 2 , . . ,m) . (0,1). grow It is reasonable to assume that the capacities b. proportionally to the number of items. Specifically, let 11 b.=nB. (i=1 ,2, . . . remarked As 0<6.<Era. 1, for 66V = (6: ,m) /11/ in would tend to be redundant if . ' 5E fa — 1 ' . (i=1 , 2 , . . ,m)} . il-' i-th constraint the , S — 1 in the sense , . il-i | that it would be satisfied even if all items are included, with probability tending to one as n^°°. Define n n z -n =max{ c.x.l a a..x.ine. y y C.X.I /,-iD 3 ^^-3 -^-^1=1 =1 ' { i=l 2 , . . . ,m) (i=1 , 2 , . . , , x . s j; , 1 M j =l , 2 , . . . n D to be the optimal value of MK and LP z — n n =max { y c.x.l y a..x.$n6. to be the optimal value of MKLP . ,m) , O^x.^1 (j=1,2,...n) 5 By definition T,P f -J r -f / ... - - 3 . - 6 Asymptotic characterization of the optimal value In order to derive a function of b. LP which _z is asymptotic wp1 w — = max (X) { .,11^ n -1 i=1 .b.+ c y j 2 , . . to ,m) . defined as , m n X y , we consider the Lacvanaean , relaxation of the problem MKLP m (i=1 . - = X y . " . . a O^Xj<:i 1-11 . . ,(j = 1,2, J i=1 for every realization of the It is well known that, )chastic parameters, the th( function w stochastic n is convex over (X) the region X$0. Moreover, min w (X LP = z " X^O (3.1) n vector of multipliers minimizing w — Define the r.v.'s m Let X" be a — 1 if c .- X y .a. 5: . i=1 x^(X) (X) (j =1 , 2 , . . .n) otherwise Then m w (X) = m n x.b.+ y 1=1 c - y . -D j=1 y ,i^ X a . . X . 1-13 . ( X -D Define also m n 1 L -n (X) =- w n — (X) = y X. 6.+ - 1=1 m ( c y . - y -3 ^t^ 3=1 X . a x^(X) . -3 1-13 I I. We first ) prove a preliminary lemma that establishes the almost sure convergence of L — (X) to a non-random ,n)} - - 7 function L(X), defined by m = L(X) Here m A.6.+E ..11 1=1 I E ex L ex — (X) I . 1=1 . and E a.x (A) - L E a.x X. 1 (A) ~i- . are used to denote respecti- (A) vely the common values of E Lfc.x. (A) J^ and E ra..x.(A) J1 -3-3 ^-xj-3 j=1 2 We shall also write E ax (A) for the vector n) | ( (E , , . . . . a,x (A), E a_x — 1— —2— (A) x ..., E a m— (A)). — We observe that the r.v.'s {c.x.(X)} (j=1,2,...n) are L i.i.d., as well as the r.v.'s {a..x.(A)} (j=1,2,...n) for -i]-j any 16 {l,2,.,.m}. This property will be used throughout sometimes without being explicitly mentioned. In the paper, particular, it can be used to apply the strong law of large numbers to the sequence L — (X) and obtain the following result. LEMMA 3.1: For every A^O, L — (X) ^^^> L(X) . The next two lemmas, whose proofs are given in the Ap- pendix, describe some properties of the function L(X) which will turn to be useful in the sequel. LEMMA 3.2 L(X) : is twice continuously strictly convex. For each 66V it has dif f erentiable and a unique non-zero minimum X"=X"(B) over the region X5O. The gradient is given by Vl(X) = LEMMA 3.3 ; for i=1 , , 2 3-E ax^(X) . For X- the following conditions are satisfied . . .m: - A"V(3.-E a.x-^(X") 1— (i) 1 E a.x (ii) — 1 (X") (3.1) —1 n L(A"') = ) <B. If we can ^ prove that L —n - 8 . > (X'"') — L(,\"'), then through ^ would provide an asymptotic characterization of LP z — To establish this convergence, we have to strengthen the result in Lemma 3.1 from pointwise to uniform convergence wpl . To do this, we shall apply a theorem from /1 2/ which states that pointwise convergence of a sequence of convex functions on a compact subset of their domain implies uniform convergence on this subset to function that is a also convex. First, we have to show that the minima and X" are contained in a compact subset (n=1,2,...) {X"} — S .In R ^ fact, we shall show that the minimization of the functions L (X) (n=1,2,...) and L(X) — minimization over the set over R + is equivalent to their m S ={X| X.50 B.X. ^1, I (i=1 ,2, . . . ,m) } . i=1 LEMMA 3.4 : For every realization of the stochastic para- meters, the functions L(X) and L their minimum within the set n (X) (n=1,2,...) S. it is easy to see that Proof: L (0) = 1 ^ ^ I c. 3=1 For any other value of ^1 ^ A it holds that attain L n (A) > 1 Convexity of L (c.- y Hence, for every L (A) I with A $ 9 X .a. m n L(X)=Xe+- - - n X3 x^ .) {\) X >^ ^ . we have > 1/ (0) implies, together with the inequalities .The same arguments applied to above, that A"es, n=1,2,... show that A"eS. L(A) As a direct application of Rockaf ellar ' s theorem 10.8 /1 2/, we then obtain the following result. LEMMA 3.5 : L wpl -^^> (A) uniformly on L(A) S. We are now in a position to prove the required result. THEOREM 3.1: Proof: L (A —n — ) wp -^—1 > L A " ( ) . Uniform convergence wpl on Pr{V£>0 3n : o Vn^n sup ,^^ Aes o II '-n can be written as S (A)-L(A)|<e} = 1 . (3.2) ' It is easy to see that (A")-L(A")| —n —n II ' ' The combination of Pr{V£>0 3n o : ^ |L (A)-L(A)| sup '^ — AGS (3.3) . ' (3.2) Vn^n o and II ' yields (3.3) A ( " —n —n -L A ( " | < £ } = 1 ' which proves the required result. From (3.1) and Theorem 3.1 it follows that 10 - - -1 z n — LP Wp -^—1 > ^ L , . ( X :': , ) o (3.4) / . /, \ Moreover, we know from Lemma 2.1 that, for each realization, -Znn LP 1 11 ^-Z^-Z nnnn "^ LP 1 n ,•^c^ (3.5) . Combining (3.4) and (3.5) one can easily establish the following theorem. Wp ^^—1 > I 1 - THEOREM 3.2: z — n LA) ,,:':, . This latter result gives the required as^^rmptotic characterization of the optimum of MK Observe that L hand side A ( " is actually a function of the right- ) (i=1,2,.,.m) b. holding almost surely. , minimization of L(A) over implicitly defined by The problem of deriving a S. closed-form expression for this function, or at least of evaluating it for numerically of its arguments b. subsequent Section (i=1,2,...m) 4 values different will be considered in the for specific distributions F ,F .( i= 1 , . . . ,nil Whereas Theorem 3.2 is concerned with the behaviour of the optimum value z — of MK , the following result says something about the corresponding optimal solution. x " A " = (x^ The vector — —1 is optimal infinitely often (i.e.). THEOREM Proof R ={x — n : L 3.3 : ( ) A " ) x^ —2 , Define the following events: Q ={x L :.- (A ( ) is suboptimal} and T ={x (A") — n ( (A A " ) ) . . . x^ ~n ( X ") ) is not optimal}, is not feasible}, - - 11 By definition, we have to show that the series Zpr{Q } is convergent. Obviously, Pr{Q Pr{R $ } n n Pr{T + } } n We have n Pr{R n ^ } Pr { r1 Pr{- n — 3e: ^ . LP I c.x.(X )< - z ~3~3 n — ) n ^ - z -n c .X ) L, -:-: .^^ . ..... (X e }= , I ) - >e n Since - j ( n .^^ c.x.(A") -J-3 - z -n ^^^> ) 0, the series ZPr{R n } converges for every £>0. Moreover, Pr{T 1 B.- - in = Pr{ 3i,£>0: } n $mPr{6.1 --n 1 " Lemma 3 - - 6. 1 n L .^^ n • a..x.(X") -i]-D y so that the series ZPr{T L a..x.(X") .^^-iD-D I } < - e} <-£}, is also convergent, since from . a..x^(X") -ID-] ^^^ ) ^> 6.-E a.x^(X") 1 As a conseguence of Lemmas 3.2, -1- ^0 ( i=1 , 2 , . . .m) .1 3.3 and Theorem 3,4 at least one constraint will be binding in expectation at the integer optimum i.e., in the sense that the expected value of its slack equals zero i.o. 12 - - in general However, this property is not true constraints Section comments for the case m=2 in our (cf. for all 41 To conclude this section a stronger version of Theorem 3.1 be proved will which extends the convergence result , from the sequence of minima of the Lagrangean L (a) to the " wp T This sequence of their arguments, showing that A -^— > X ~n regular asymptotic behaviour of the property indicates •.'.• . sequence of optimal dual multipliers be useful developing the approximation algorithm pro- in posed in Section 5. THEOREM 3.4: X " — • Proof A Taylor ; Moreover, it will _X'. Wpl -^— > ••: X . around series of L(X) x" can be written as L(X""')-L(X''') — where H(X point X ) n = (x""''-.\'"') — VL(X'"') + ^(x""'-x''')h;a 2 lying on the line segment Positive definiteness of H(X) Let a(X) n Qx. ) X J for every X , (x''"'-x'"') — (3.6) evaluated at a is the Hessian matrix of L(X) fore belonging to the convex set Appendix) —n and there- S. implies strict positivity (see the of its eigenvalues. denote the smallest eigenvalue of H(X), and let a=inf a(X); note that the continuity of a(X) implies that a>0- xes for any n, It can be easily shown that, ^(X""'-X""') 2 —n H(X n ) (X'"'-X""') —n >^2 IU'"'-X""'|| " — ^ . (3.7) - 13 - Moreover, due to Lemma 3.3, we have -X"Vl(X") = (3.8) —X"VL(X") n Combining (3.6), ^ L(X")-L(X") — (3.8), we obtain that and (3.7) > ^ 2 II X" ~n X"|| 2. - Consequently, to prove convergence of wp 1 remains to show that L(X") — ^> n L ( X " ) X_" to X", it . Indeed, L(X""') — n and |L(X")-L ' |L ' -L(X")| —n (X")| —n —n (X")-L(X")| —n — n ' -^> ^ Il(X""')-L — — n -£-> (X'"')| + 1l — n (X""')-L(X") —n n —n by Lemma 3.5, whereas ' bv Theorem 3.1.B , - 4 , Particular cases: m=1 , - 14 in=2 The actual computation of E ex a choice for parameters (X) and E a x . requires (X) specific distribution for the stochastic' a of MK in this section, we assume that the . are c. as well as the requirements a. coefficients -3 ~i3 uniformly distributed over [[0,1^. This assumption is profit ^ . essentially the same as in / 5/, / 7/, /11/. We first present and discuss the results concerning MK with one constraint. In this case, straightforward calculations lead to the following formulae: 1 2 E ax ~ A if \ i ^ if A > 1 if X < 1 if X > 1 3 (X) = ex' E ex —r - (X) 3X 2 L(X) = ^(p- ^^ ^h '' ^'' 6X 1 if 0<6<7 6 /6B A = -3 - 36 .^ If 1 g o ^6< 1 2 -15- Therefore, by Theorem 3.2, Wpl MA -1„^> 1 I if 0<B<-^ B 'I :•: .11 , )= 3„2 3 1 je + -6+ The graph of L(X Figure If --<6<- 5 as a function of ) is shovm in 3 1 Notice that in accordance with Leminas 3.2 and 3.3, E ax (a'")-B=0. In the case that m=2, E ex take different forms (X) ax E , (A) and E a over different regions of the x''^(X) ^2" H plane. We will describe directly the corresponding functions X =X defined on the (6^, (S) Figure B^) plane, referring to 2 Define the following regions: A = { B = {(3^,62): 6^4b', 32^' e,4} C = {(3^,32): ^^>\. D = {(3^,32): 3^^62, B2>|b^- I E = {(3^,62): Bi^32. B2>fB' (3^,62) The values of regions where B^ 3^ and < : X B_ viceversa B2^24B^} S-i^B^/ 324^1 and L(X ) - \' , , £^^32^:^} 6i^£2<l|> . in the corresponding five can be obtained in 6,<J} by exchanging the formulae given below . 3 with - Region A 16 - : ^2 s = , 242 V96^62 L(X ) = Region B : \ X. 246. - Region X" , E : L(X") 17 - to obtain closed form equations for the values for B lying in E, an equation of either fourth or eighth degree should be solved explicitly. Yet, numerical evaluation is possible through the direct solution of the problem min L(,\), using an appropriate nonAes , linear programming routine. A picture of the surface L(X")/ defined over the (6^/6^) plane and evaluated either analytically or numeis presented in Figure rically, By calculating 6 . -E a.x (A") 3. (i=1,2) for the regions A,B,C and D and using the remark at the end of Theorem 3.3, one can verify that in A and D both constraints are i.o. binding in expectation at the optimal integer solution, while in B and C this is true only for the tighter constraint. This corresponds to intuition: when sufficiently small with respect to 6., Q is as in B and C, the first constraint can be disregarded, so that MK with two constraints is reduced to a simple knapsack problem. TO support this conclusion, observe that the values of A^ and L(A") obtained for the regions B and C are identical to the corresponding ones derived for the case m= 1 Similar calculations can be carried our for m>3, even though in these cases only numerical approximation of A" and L(>.") of L(X) is possible for many values of 6. and VL{X) The computation can be seen to amount to integrating the density function over regions defined by linear inequalities, In many situations, closed form expressions for these integrals can be derived in principle. - 5. - 18 Probabilistic analysis of an approximation algorithm The algorithm for solving the MK problem considered in this section belongs to the family of generalized greedy heuristics, that can be described as follows. Given m positive weights y^ 1 y„ , ...,y , / m / , . order the items according to decreasing ratios c p. . = ( m J y.a. y j=1 , 2 . . ,n) • x=1 The generalized greedy heuristic, denoted by G(y), then select items according to this order until the next item considered will violate one of the constraints if added to the knapsacks. Let z n (y) indicate the value of the solution obtained by this heuristic. Obviously, the quality of the approximation z (y) is affected by the choice of the weight vector y. The behaviour of G(y) as a function of y will be analyzed in a forthcoming paper. In particular, it is possible to show that (under a non- degeneracy assumption) the choice y=A", where for each problem instance \" is the vector of optimal dual multin pliers, leads to a solution z G n (.\'") n which is the same as the integer round-down of the optimal solution of MKLP A drawback of this choice seems to be that y depends on the particular problem instance in a non-trivial way. Yet, in light of Theorem 3.4 the choice y=X where in Section 3) to be the unique minumum of L(a) \ , '' is defined (as seems to be a rea- - 19 - sonable alternative, at least in probabilistic frame- a work. In fact, we shall show that the generalized greedy heuristic corresponding weights y=A is asymptoto tically optimal wp1 with respect to the stochastic model of MK introduced in Section 2. The following result bility that normalized sum of r.v.'s deviates from its a is due to Hoeffding / 8/ mean bounds on the proba- providing and will be useful in what follows. 12 LEMMA 5.1: Let X^, X^, ...X n r.v.'s be independent ^ taking values in the interval 10,11 - and having finite mean and variance. Then, for 0<t<1- — E r Pr Pr n J= 1 ( n X /, . ^ < e ^j'^M^ e ^ n r n !<. Lj = 1 y -1 -2nt (5.1) ^ I -'^ j= 1 - n Pr T t n 1 - n n- n - -1 <: n X .-E t U 2 e -2nt (5.2) -2nt (5.3) Define the r.v. n u n = inf{u>0 J I . $b. a .X —11—1 (uX") 1 . . j=1 . (i=1 , 2 , . . . ,m)} 20 - - Clearly, weight p can be interpreted as the value of the jj corresponding to the last item included in the . knapsacks by the algorithm G{X"). We first establish quence of r.v.'s {u -^ r- u -^n 1 • split The proof will be : that show wp1 u -^n > = inf{y^O: y . } Wpl . THEOREM 5.1: Proof convergence result for the se- a Let (y) !_ that in two parts. We first where E a^x prove We then u» '^ L )^3. (-X = 1 ( i=1 , 2 , . . .m) } . and I(y) be respectively the indicator func- tions of the sets n {y^O: = H I j (1=1 a .x^(yX'") ^ b. a. . , 2 , . . . ,m) ^ =1 and Q = E a.x {y^O: We want to show that (yX")$ (i=1,2,...m)}. 6- for u>0, ^ " wpl I (n) ^> —n ^ first that there exists at least one index which E ax K, that L :V (yX )>£, K , so that I(y) = I(u)- Assume k, 1<:k$m, We then have , 0. for - "" 1 (y)-I (y) |>c}= Pr{n Pr {ll — " 1 = Pr {- [ Y . a . .x L , v.~ij~i •( y X ") ^6 . - ( i=1 , 2 , . . . ,m) 1 } L L L aj^jXj(y^ )-E a^^x (P^ ^^^k"^ -k- ^^^ ^^ -•• -2n(B, -E a, x k -ke ^ - 21 L ••• 2 •'• (yX") ,^ ) ,. (5.4) "^ , where the last inequality is derived from (5.2) by applying Lemma 5.1 to the i.i.d. r.v.'s r.v.': ^-.^i'^iX") ^3 ( j =1 , 2 , . . . , n) 3 Suppose now that I(y)=1. Then Pr{|l (y)-I(y)l>£} = Pr "" 1 3k: - { 3 n L 1 ^ n Pr {- y 3 -2n " x.(yX )-E a -E X L Combining (5.4) and (5.5) ne k ) > 6,, =1 ax L (yX")>eT,-E ax L (yx") " " a, 2 '• -k- ^ L .x.(yX =1 (yX") (B, a, T ,^ ) ^. (5.5) , again by Lemma 5.1. it follows that the series ZPr{|^ (y)-I(y)|>e} is convergent for that I (y) ^> I(y) yjiO and any £>0, . — Turning now to the sequence y , we have that so - Pr{|iJ — -ijl>e} for any £>0, Now, ma 3 . Pr{y -y>e} + Pr{y-y >e} ^ — — h-^] Z Pr{I(p+ f)-I (y+ 2 —n ^ 22 - + Pr{I —n (y- f)-I(y2 f) 2 = 1} wpl so that y — to show that y=1 , y. ^> we recall condition of Lem- (ii) 3 E —1— a.x L * (A $ ) B (i=1 . 1 2 , , . . ,m) . (5.6) , noticing that it implies that y^l. Suppose now that y<1. Since the functions E a.x (X (i=1 ) creasing in each component 2 , X , ,m . . (k=1 , . 2 , are strictly de- ) . . . ,m ) (see the Ap- pendix), y<1 implies that all inequalities in (5.6) hold strictly. This in turn implies ma 3.3 that by condition (i) contradicting Lemma 3.2. a'"=0, of Lem- g We are now in a position to prove the final result. X THEOREM 5.2: z ( — " ) ^^^> By definition of Proof: G z(X)= ^ =^ Let — (y =E^ —n £l^1 ) ffi y L y_ L X ( it follows that , :V c.x.(yX). (Hn^"^ I We have that, iin for b>0. n Pr{ |-z^(> n— "'"') -L(X ) \>z} Pr{ I n c .X (y >^-3-D -n ) . A ) -L(X") I >e} 23 - - ^ Pr{ |n 3 ^^^ D n X")- ^(£^) |+|^(y^)-L(A") -n -n Pr{|- by Theorem 5.1. . . (5.7) =1 The function p{y) c >e} c.x.{^^x")-^iii^)\>-}+-Pr{\^{^^)-Lix")\>-] I j '. I " 1 v< c .x^(y I ZPr{ Icp '— is continuous, so that j^iu ) Wpl —=—> :': L(X ) It follows that (u )-L(a") -^n Moreover, letting F >- '2 < } (5.8) 0°. I n (u) ^ be the distribution of u , we '=^n have that n •j.c Pr{ In . Tex. Pr{ |n c .X y (u .^^-3-j -n D = x")- (p (u (yX")- ^(y) n > ) |> - = } I ^} dF n (y) 1 (5.9) 2e 4 the last inequality being derived from 5.1 (5.3), since Lemma can be applied to the i.i.d. r.v.'s c.x.(yX"). 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To this end, the following two results are useful L LEMMA A.I L The functions E ex (A), E a.x (A), j=1,2,...m, ; are continuously dif f erentiable and strictly decreasing . with respect to each component - (k = A, 1,2,...m). .. r: Proof It will be shown that the partial derivatives : 3Ea.x^(A) —^\ exist and are continuous and strictly negative, for TT each A 0. >_ This implies the required result for Ea x (A); similar arguments can be applied for Ecx ( A to prove the Lemma also ) To simplify the notations assume that k=m without loss of , generality. Let a' = (a, , a. , . . .a 2 I m- and define ), I m {a,c D = 0<a<1 I 0<c<1 , c> , A.a.} ^ i=1 ----- 0<a'<1, D'= {a',c| m-1 0<c<1, c> T i= 1 A. a.} " " m-1 D = {a m 0<a — <1, m A m— <c - a m m— A. a. i i T ^ 1=1 1 m Let F(a,,...a ,c) m F = 1 c (c)* m-1 = F c (c) • n F. (a.) 1 i=1 1 . By Fubini -^ F.(a.) .^11 ^-' il ' s and F'(a,,...a 1 m theorem, we have that ,c) = 28 Ea.x (X) a.dF = a .dF 3 J J D D' D dF' m U(X )dF' = (A.I) "^ J D* m where m U(A m a .dF = ) 3 I a .dF = m 3 m , m with m-1 m-1 (c- A.a. y 11 ^ i=1 ) /X if c- m y '. , i=1 m X.a.<X 1 1— m otherwise m-1 X.a., the function U(X For 0<X <c- y m m 1 1 _ hence it is continuously dif f erentiable is constant, ) . m-1 For X m >c- of F X.a., by the absolute continuity ' y ^ i= 1 1 "^ m , it 1 follows that U(X and is dif f erentiable m-1 m-1 ^ r c- y x.a. c- y x.a. ^ ' ' i=1 i-1 m , ) 11 a.f - 3 dU dA / m X I ?^ m m (A. 2) m m-1 f c-f For each x.a. (a' ,c) in m ^ i'l m X ^ y p m-1 ^ c- ^ x.a. y 1=1 I 3 X all m j >0, D' m m . X" m the function except = on dU is continous for -;— m the hyperplane - - 29 m-1 Therefore, the function U(A is m m continuously dif f erentiable for A >0 almost everywhere in c- X.a. y . = X 1 1 ^ . ) with respect to dF D' it can be concluded 9E a.x 3Ea.x 9 A . 1 3/ A m , that (A) — 9 A / Since D' does not depend on ' exists and is continuous for A m (A) dU dA m dU dX dF m dF' m >0. In addition, (A. 3) , m D' o D' m-1 where D'={a',c: 0<a'<1, 0<c<1, 0<c— — — — — o A. a. < .^^11— 1= 7 A m} 1 since dU dA on D'-D' o m It remains to be shown that the right derivative of Ea.x —J— (A. 3) in (A) =0 exists A and is equal to the limit of ^ ra for A m ^0 To see this, define . m-1 D' = a {a* i 0<a'<1 — — , .a. .^,11— 1=1 < A y 1 } , m-1 = D' 0<c<1 {c 0<c— , I A. a. 1 1 y '- i= —< A m} 1 m-1 D = a {a ' ' 0<a<1 — — A y , i=1 We have, for A 3Ea.x lim X m ^O' 9X m .a. ' < ^- 1 } . >0, (X) m lim X ^0^ m dU dX D" a D' c dF m dF' a (A. 4) - - 30 m-1 where F'(a') F.(a!). .^11 = Applying the substitution n a 1=1 m to the inner integral in a ''" (A. 2), and for all j=1,2,...m, c= X y (A. 4) . one obtains from , -1 1 m ^ -^ dX dF m - a .a c J f m ^ dF X.a. y c ' i=1 ra ' D' c Since D does not depend on ^ a 9Ea.x lim X m 9X -0 + X we have , m m (X) lim / - m D X a / -a a . J ->0' m y X.a i=1 ^ f c m m-1 -, a f m c j X.a. y 1= dF ^ 11 . 1 dF a , (A. 5) m where F (a) = F 11 . ^ i=1 (a. ^ ) It can be easily verified that the right derivative of Ea.x (X) -J- in X m exists and is equal to the last term in =0 (A. 5) To conclude that Ea.x respect to dEa.x X from strictly decreasing with observe that (X) is strictly negative for J 3 , oX , is L -J., m (X) m (A. 2), for every X (A. 3) >0, and {A. 5) X >0. Indeed, it follows fj^ that this derivative is equal, to the integral of a strictly negative function over a set of positive measure. - LEMMA A. 2 — 3E ex ;For k=1,2,...m, the following relation holds; ? (X) = 3E a X X 1 (X) ~i~ . ^ i=1 dX, Proof - 31 3X, Again, without loss of generality, assume k=m. : Define m D 0<a<1 - {a: = a — X.a. 7 , ^ i= . . X < - 1 1 } 1 m D 0<c<1 {c: = c , > y X .a. 1=1 We have, by Lemma A.I, 3E ex 3X (X) 3X m dF cdF m D D dU dX D (A. 6) a m m y ^ i=1 where U ( c X m CdF m X m >0, substituted in 3E ex 3X (X) m 11 = ) m dU, Henee, for X.a. dX m m x.a. a f ( which, ' gives (A. 6), yx. .^,1 1=1 m y X.a.), .^,iim c.^,11 i=1 i=1 y . c m ^ (yx.a. .^,11 )dF ime 1=1 / / J D (A. 7) - - 32 m-1 Applying the substitution integral in m A.a.)/X T 1 .^ and performing (A. 7) 1 m to the straightforward obtain we calculations, a = (c- m / -a.a 1 / f m c ( )df A. a )dF y A.a. .^,11 a dA c D where D", (A. 7) A >0. F' and (A. 8) ' m and U are defined as in Lemma A.I. Combining (A. 8), the required result easily follows for Continuity of the partial derivatives implies that '^ m Lemma A. holds also for 2 A m =0. Lemma 3.2 and 3.3 can now be proved. Proof of Lemma 3.2: For l,2,...m, we have 3E cx^ 3E a x^{A) 3L_ k.= + — 8 A, ( I A, 3E = \ ax 3E a.x 1— m A — (A) A i=1 (A) 9a! by Lemmas A.I and A. This implies that L(A) 2. is conti- nuously dif f erentiable and that VL(A)=6-E ax (A). Moreover, we have ^ 3L 3A 3 A, (6j^-E a^x (A) ) 3A 3E a, x —k— (A) > 3A , . again by Lemma A.I. This implies that L(A) continuously dif ferentiable is twice and strictly convex over the region A>0, as its Hessian matrix H(X) is positive - 33 - definite for A>0. L(\) is strictly convex, so that if it has minimum over the region X>0, that minimum must be unique. To see that at least one minimum exists, one can proceed as in the proof of Lemma 3.4. Proof of Lemma 3.3; Since L(X) is continuously differen- tiable, and the constraints X>0 do satisfy the first- order constraint qualifications in X" /4/, Kuhn-Tucker conditions for optimality hold at X"and lead immediately to (i) and (ii) . a, J c a e beta Figure 1 Figure 2 beta2 ~J^ 3720 u09 Figure 3 betal Mil LlBWARIti 3 TOflD DOM Sia TD Date M^miM Lib-26-67 pa^ ev<^ CocU ^r T'^Y-