/; / \ .\ HD28 .M414 9/ APR 18 1991 ALFRED P. J WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 'Outsourcing' as a Mechanism of Information Technology Cross-Sectional Analysis of Its Determinants Governance: A Lawrence Loh and N. Venkatraman Working Paper No. BPS 3272-91 March 1991 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 'Outsourcing' as a Mechanism of Information Technology Cross-Sectional Analysis of Its Determinants Governance: A Lawrence Loh and N. Venkatriiman Working Paper No. BPS 3272-91 March 1991 U •OUTSOURCING' AS A MECHANISM OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GOVERNANCE: A CROSS-SECTIONAL ANALYSIS OF ITS DETERMINANTS LAWRENCE LOH Massachusetts Institute of Technology and National University of Singap>ore N. VENKATRAMAN Massachusetts Institute of Technology March 10, 1991 listed alphabetically. Address all correspondence to Professor N. Venkatraman at E52-537 Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139; Phone: (617) 253-5044; Bitnet: NVENKATR@SLOAN. This research was supported by the IBM Corporation Advanced Business Ii\stitute, and the MIT Center for Information Systems Research (CISR) research consortium on Managing Information Technology in the Next Era (MITNE). Authors are Determinants of IT Oursourcing., 'OUTSOURCING' AS A MECHANISM OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GOVERNANCE: A CROSS-SECTIONAL ANALYSIS OF ITS DETERMINANTS Abstract While 'outsourcing' popular among as a mechanism the practitioners, community. This paper attempts it to of IT governance has become very has received scant attention from the research develop and test a set of determinants of the degree of IT outsourcing from the perspective of production/ coordination Based on an initial analytical treatment of the IT outsourcing problem, research framev^ork for the firm's decision to outsource its we costs. build a IT infrastructure using three explanatory constructs- product cost structure, financing cost structure, and business performance— with firm size and industry serving as control variables. Empirical tests using factor analysis and multiple regression on a sample of 57 major U.S. corporations established that business performance and financing cost structure are significant determinants of the degree of IT outsourcing. Subsequently, develop directions for future inquiry. we Determinants of IT Ourscmrcing- Introduction It is a truism that information technology (IT) has transcended beyond traditional administrative support role its towards playing a more central part of business operations (see for instance, Ives and Learmonth, 1984; Keen, 1988; McFarlan, 1984; Scott Morton, 1991). Within on centered the use of IT to influence the boundaries of a firm as and other intermediaries (Cash and Konsynski, suppliers, buyers Yates, this tradition, the research focus and Benjamin, 1987; Gurbaxani and Whang, 1991). There it relates to has its 1985; Malone, is, how^ever, a glaring lack of research emphasis on the role of IT infrastructure as a component of the firm boundary itself. In other words, while IT has been considered a critical influence on multi-organizational business relationships, the research stream has treated the governance of IT infrastructure to be vdthin a firm's hierarchy. Such an approach fails to recognize the recent trend towcirds governing the IT infrastructure through strategic alliances with key IT vendors, or what 'outsourcing' (see Henderson and Venkatraman, 1991 recognizing IT strategy as involving critical is for popularly termed as an exception in terms of governance options). The movement from a liierarchicar mode to a 'market' mode of IT governance has been triggered by several factors, including the need to enhance IT productivity as well as improve IT effectiveness. While several organizations were managing the governance of their IT operations either viithin their hierarchies (or with a set of technology vendors on a by Eastman Kodak contractual basis) the decision to IBM, its microcomputer operations and data networks to Digital point of departure in the to hand over to Businessland, Equipment Corporation and mode of IT governance. Beyond outsourcing has become a serious strategic option for Group estimated that all and its its IBM entire data center telecommunications represents a major this specific case, IT many firms. The Yankee Fortune 500 firms would evaluate outsourcing, and a fifth Determinants of IT Oursourcing— of them would actually sign outsourdng deals during the 1990s and that the outsourdng market would increase from $29 billion in 1990 to $49.5 billion in 1994.1 The IT outsourcing phenomenon has been extensively documented periodicals, but there due is a lack of systematic theoretical phenomenon. to the recency of the In this paper, and empirical we in trade research, partly develop a preliminary model on the determinants of IT outsourcing using a set of firm-level determinants that integrates perspectives from business strategy and corporate finance. Testing the model using data from a sample of 57 major U.S. corporations, we empirically demonstrate that poor business performance and high dependence on debt financing lead to a higher degree of IT outsourcing. We conclude with a brief articulation of important directions for future research. A Governance Model on IT Outsourcing Within the stream of transaction cost economics (Williamson, 1975, 1985), IT outsourcing reflects a movement away from governance possibly due to its the 'hierarchy to the 'market' greater relative efficiency. Indeed, of vertical integration wath suppliers of information resources it is To of the is facilitate and Teece, as 1982; 1985). systematic research, phenomenon. Given we need a dear articulation of the definition that the term 'outsourdng' confusing and often misunderstood^, we is viewed as a buzzword that begin by defining outsourcing in terms of the degree of internalization of external technological for the of a specific form and can be framed a 'make-versus-buy' choice for a firm (Anderson, 1985; Monteverde Walker and Weber, mode governance of IT operations. By internalization, and/or human resources we mean the possession of ov^mership and authority rights associated to the deployment of the particular resource. Internalization lEckersona990). ^Wilder (1989-90). is an important element in the governance of activities. It Determinants of IT Chirsourcing.. is analogous to concept of property rights in the law and economics' literature (e.g., Alchian and Demsetz, 1972). Technological resources refer to the entire set of hardware and software in the computer and communications systems of the firm, while human resources refer to managers, administrators, programmers, technicians, and other related personnel involved operation of the IT resources. Further, we in the design, maintenance, and argue that a simple dichotomy of 'inhouse function' versus 'outsourcing' does not capture the complexity inherent in managing IT infrastructure. Consequently, we propose a superior conceptualization of IT outsourcing. Figure measure a continuous 1 is that is a schematic representation of the framework. [Insert Figure Based on a critical 1 here] review of the emerging literature on this phenomenon well as discvissions with academics and practitioners in the field, four outsourcing are highlighted within Figure (1) entire is the purest form of outsourcing, computer and communications center together with the related IT personnels from the user to the vendor. This closest to the 'buy' strategy or the specifies the strategic responsibility in the example, while other examples (2) Facilities the market mode of governance. Here the user merely of the IT resources. Eastman Kodak are: is full a popular American Standard, Copperweld, and Dial. Management Outsourcing. Here have a significant role is and operational requirements, and the vendor takes management the IT personnel of the vendor to operate the technological resources of the user. This selected in those cases of shortage of specialized operate the complex IT data centers. This is management agreement, where still technological resources. of IT 1: Complete Outsourcing. This mode which involves the transfer of the modes as the user Some examples and competent IT is staff necessary to typically referred to as a facilities bears the ownership of the of this mode include: Ford and Unilever. Determinants of IT Chirsourcing.. (3) link up Systems Integration Outsourcing. With the recent upsurge in the need the information systems both within and across organizations it systems involving diverse hardware and software. In many is contracted to manage the installation to attain necessary to deploy complex comp)etitive advantage in the marketplace, firms find vendor to instances, a single and operations of the integrated systems Vkith the overall responsibility for the quality and performance of the multi- vendor environment. Users adopting this mode include: Allegheny International, American Airlines, and Boeing. (4) and other to Time-Sharing Outsourcing. This mode has long been practiced by banks financial services companies, run occasional batch data processing physical IT resources which cannot afford mainframe computers Under jobs. by the user are kept to a this category, minimum, while ownership of the IT personnel simply buy computer time from the vendor to perform the relevant tasks. An Analysis of the We view the choice of the best activity as essentially Outsourcing Problem mode of organization for any corporate an optimization problem that minimizes the production and governance costs associated with that activity. Production cost microeconomic measure of the expenditure used factors of production, is defined as the sum which are we reflected in the price mode we assume mechanism. Governance cost and the transaction of organization. 3 In our theoretical adopt a production and coordination governance choice problem. In other words, while the traditional in the acquisition of the relevant of the coordination (or bureaucratic) costs costs associated with a particular development, is we costs perspective to the treat these costs as endogenous transaction costs to be exogenous. ^The usage of the various categories of costs - coordination, governance, production, and transactiondiffers greatly between researchers in the field. Here, our definition is consistent those of Antonelli (1988). Determinants of IT Oursourcing._. Our central premise paribus, the optimal decision of a firm is that, ceteris with a higher production and coordination cost function and a stronger marginal incentive to outsource is to engage in a larger degree of outsourcing. We use s to represent the degree of IT outsourcing, and denoting the optimal degrees of outsourcing as and Sl Sj^ for the 'high-cost' and 'low-cost' firm respectively. Let PC(s) and TC(s) be the production and coordination cost function and transaction We further cost function respectively. specify the production and coordination function for the Tiigh-cost' firm and 'low-cost' firm to be PCh(s) respectively. We cost and PCl(s) have the following: Proposition: Proof: When A PCh(s) > PCl(s) and PC'lCs) > PCh(s) , s^ > Sl - firm solves Min PC(s) + TC(s) s We assume optimal solution order condition that the cost functions are convex exists. Thus PC" > and TC" > 0. and differentiable, so that For the 'high-cost' firm, the is PCh(Sh) + TC'(sh) = while that for the 'low-cost' firm is PCl(sl) + TC'(Sl) = Thus we have PCh(sh) Supp>ose Sp^ < Sl • - PCl(s*l) - TC'(sh) Then TC"(Sl) => - TC(sh) ^ PCh(sh) - PCl(sl) > => Now we = TCis'O PCh(Sh) - PCh(sL) ^ PC'lCs^} have PCh(Sh) - PCh(sl) ^ - PCh(sl) an first- . Determinants of IT Oursourcirig.. =* This is The hierarchical the market to move in the 2, we illustrate the shift vertical axis represents cost, of outsourcing. is A PCh(sl) ^ Q.ED. mode mode 'high-cost' while the horizontal axis represents degree of governance, while a point away from the origin corresponds to of governance. Basically, the effect of having a 'high-cost' position the entire production minimum toward more outsourcing by point near the origin on the horizontal axis corresponds to the and coordination cost curve upward. This results of the 'high-cost' firm's total cost curve being shifted to the right of that for the 'low-cost' firm. cost' - a contradiction. Therefore, s^ > s^ In Figure finns. PCl(Sl) The end effect is that, in the optimal solution, a 'high- firm will outsource a greater degree of the IT infrastructure than a 'low-cost' firm. [Insert Figure 2 here] We can also relate the performances of firms to the choice of the optimal IT governance mode. Letting Sp and Sq denote the optimal degree of outsourcing 'poor-performing' and a 'good-performing' firm respectively, we have for a the following as the result of our previous proposition: Corollary: When PCh(s) > PCl(s) and PCl(s) > PCh(s) , sJ, > s^ Proof: Essentially, the profit maximization problem of the firm isomorphic to cost minimization of the firm. for a particular firm is there is no We assume that the is revenue function independent of the degree of outsourcing. In other words, difference in the quality of the products offered to the user's customers whether the IT infrastructure arguments similar to is managed by the user our above proposition, profit functions that the corollary holds. it or the vendor. Using follows from the concavity of the Q.ED. Dctenninants of IT OursourcLng.. The Research Framework Our framework is based on a premise that the gains from outsourcing IT operations will be critically dependent on the 'value-added' of outsourcing stemming from a comparative advantage of the vendor An operations relative to the user. outsourcing vendor is service provider serving multiple users simultaneously. knowledge, and systems could be pooled across skills, benefits of economies of scale, perform the same very often a specialized IT To the extent that the projects, there could undertaken by tasks. In addition, the v/ide variety of IT projects vendor also arise which are absolutely be which are otherwise absent when single users the vendors permits the reaping of economies of scope. to the performing the IT in The lower costs attributable from the enhanced IT competence and experience, both crucial in managing IT in the rapidly of changing information era. From the perspective of the user, the lower cost of the IT infrastructure also emanates from the competitive bidding process and possible negotiation with multiple vendors. Gains can then extracted by the user from the vendor through this market mode of governance. In addition, the user can enhance its own advantage by lowering the potential lock-in' or switching costs by introducing "escape clauses that allows the user to migrate operations to an alternative provider should the vendor Hence, we fail to meet performance or other contract stipulations."^ develop our research model parsimoniously using three constructs reflecting the general business context, while recognizing that additional constructs reflecting the specific IT context model are: (1) may product cost structure, ^Eckerson (199a 58) exist. (2) The constructs used in this preliminary financing cost structure, and (3) business 10 Determinants of IT Oursourcing.-. performance. In the following paragraphs, we argue why these are explanatory constructs for IT outsourcing. Product Cost Stnictxire A well-accepted axiom in the strategy and economics literature is that a firm's product cost structure (the entire spectrum of costs directly associated with the actual production and coordination of the firm's product of its line) is a significant determinant business performance (see for instance Buzzell and Gale, 1987; Porter, 1980). Thus, firms, under ceteris paribus conditioris, try to produce the average cost. Further, given the ubiquitous nature of IT their products below — pervading process of transforming input into output (Porter and Millar, 1985) — the entire the cost associated with a particular IT governance includes the direct technology cost and the indirect cost of supporting the administration of the enterprise. Thus, a firm in a situation of high relative cost will seriously consider the available options to reduce its cost structure including vertical integration and disintegration of its manufacturing operations and IT infrastructure. Indeed, in the three often-dted early cases of IT outsourcing, American Standard reportedly saved $2 million per year for its financial and payroll operations, Copperweld cut $8 million to $4 million, and Foodmaker slashed its its systems budget from data processing costs by 17%.5 Other recent cases are Wabco and American Ultramar, which trimmed their annual processing costs from $3 million to $1.8 million, and from $3 million to $1.5 million respectively.^ Thus, in line with our earlier theoretical analysis, product cost structure is we hypothesize that the a crucial determinant of IT outsourcing. Formally: Hypothesis 1: The product cost structure will be positively related degree of IT outsourcing, ceteris paribus. SRothfeder (1989) ^Wilder (1990) to the . Determinants of IT Oursourcmg— 11 Financing Cost Structure Financing requirements of a business overall cost of production come in various forms, capital. is another important component in the and coordination within the firm. Financing resources each associated with a different component of the cost of Within the context of an imperfect corporate financing environment Modigllani and Miller, 1963), risky debt is a more costly source of capital, (cf. compared with internal sources such as retained earnings (Myers, 1977). This may, in part be due to the cost of financial distress (e.g., bankruptcy) (Baxter, 1967; Litzenberger, 1973) The and agency problems (Jensen and Meckling, Kraus and 1976). cost of financing resources, thus, enters the cost position for production and coordination within the firm as highlighted in our earlier analysis. Indeed, as widely dted amongst practitioners increased debt "has been a major reason for cutting costs in the IS area, thus supporting the use of outsourcing...."'' We thus specify the following: Hypothesis 2: The financing cost structure will be positively related degree of IT outsourcing, ceteris paribus. to the Business Performance As noted in a trade j^eriodical: "Reduced profits.. .are causing management to look everywhere to increase margins."^ Under conditions of poor business performance, firms often seek to streamline their operations, including selling-off or redeploying assets (Harrigan, 1980). With the steady increase in the level of IT expenditure observed over the it is last decade (Weill and Olson, 1989; Strassman, 1990), not surprising that managers are more stringent in assessing the productivity of their IT infrastructure. Thus, the IT infrastructure is no longer management team seeking superior performance. The ^Hammersmith ^Hammersmith (1989: 90) (1989:89) off-limits to the top traditional view of IT 12 Determinants of IT Chirsourcing^ operations as a cost center or as a service center a profit center. With the escalating is level of IT investments business in the contemporary marketplace, there ways infrastructure in manner (Strassman, In fact, modes of "much it a need needed to the notion of to support to reconfigvu-e the IT possible to ascertain the benefits in a dear of to what is fanning the fire for... outsourcing is that remain competitive."' When business is the firm does not perform competition, the need to re-evaluate the traditional governance its all its make is way 1990). having to restructure well vis-a-vis that rapidly giving becomes even functions, including the IT arena with our earlier corollary, we thus seek to greater. Consistent test: Hypothesis 3: The firm's business performance will be negatively related the degree of IT outsourcing, ceteris paribus. to Methods Sample We began with a sample from the U.S. corporations carried out of IT outsourcing. We by G2 list of companies in a study of 200 major '•° Research, Inc. that provided data on their level also required that the level of total IT expenditures be available to normalize the outsourcing data so as to arrive at a meaningful measure of the degree of IT outsourcing. Data availability (Information Week, September 10, 1990) across these Appendix for the two list variables limited our study of companies). Further, we sample to 57 firms (see the collected data on the independent constructs for the fiscal year 1989 from Standard and Poor's Compustat One Source on CD-ROM. Thus, our data represents the use hammersmith ^^ II and Lotus' of multiple primary and (1989:90) A ranking of the IT outsourcing expenditures within four numerical ranges is provided for 153 firms September 10, 1990). Discussions with G2 Research, Inc revealed that the outsourcing expenditures were for the period July 1988 to June 1989, and were generally consistent with our definition of IT outsourcing. Due to the confidentiality of individual companies' data, we did an (Information Week, interpolation within each category to estimate the actual outsourcing expenditures for the firms. list of 153 Detennmants of IT Oursourcing— 13 secondary sources corresponding to the study objectives. Based on discussions with the managers of G2 Research, we ascertained that this data base their professional service to their clients method is an integral part of and our overall assessnnent is that their of data collection and verification appeared adequate for our research purposes. The reliability of the secondary data sources for the independent constructs has been widely accepted. Operational ization We need we developed firm. to operationalize four a ratio of IT outsourcing expenditure to total IT expenditure for each The business and the cost structure selling, general, total assets. ^° key constructs. For the degree of outsourcing, was computed liabilities sum goods sold of the cost of and administrative expenses, normalized by net For financing cost structure, well as of total as the we sales and took the ratios of long-term debt as with shareholder equity. Business performance is represented by return of assets and earnings per share (fully diluted and excluding extraordinary items). In addition, for industry. dummy The we specified two control variables, one for firm size size variables include net sales and total assets, and another while binary variables are formed for each of the following industries: computers and electronics, conglomerate, financial, manufacturing, natural resources, service industries, telecommunications, transportation, and utilities. Analysis Most studies involving financial ratios in multiple regressions assume the absence of coUinearity between the various variables. In our case here, due to the possible high correlations among different accounting-based measures, ensure that the independent constructs are orthogonal. To achieve ^"^It is necessary to firms and sum these two 'costs' as the accounting treatment 'service-type' firms in the sample. is this, we had we to first not consistent for 'producf-t>-pe' 14 Determinants of IT Chirsourcing— carried out a factor analysis using the principal components method. We then applied a varimax rotation to discern the factor pattern inherent in the data structure. We obtained the corresponding scores associated with a pre-specified set of the four factors. In our multiple regression, we used the proportion of IT outsourcing expenditures as the dependent variable. The set of four factor scores and the industry dummies were used as the independent variables. Results Descriptive Statistics Table 1 shows the means, standard deviations, and correlation matrix key variables. The mean proportion of degree of IT outsourcing is for the 0.1537 with a standard deviation of 0.1822. [Insert Table 1 here] Factor Analysis In Table total 2, we summarize the results of factor analysis. variance explained by the four factors can directly discern four factors as follows: structure; (3) firm size; and (4) is (1) 0.8307. The proportion With a varimax business performance; financing cost structure. rotation, (2) of we product cost The standardized scoring coefficients for the factors are also reported. [Insert Table 2 here] Multiple Regression The results of the miiltiple regression are model has a F-value of shown 2.11, significant at p<0.05, in Table 3. The and the value of R2 overall is 0.37. For the key independent constructs, financing cost structure and business performance are significant at the 0.1 and 0.01 levels respectively thus accept Hypotheses 2 and 3. On with consistent (expected) signs. the other hand, the results for Hypothesis reflected in the coefficient for product cost structure, does not seem 1, conclusive. We as As 2 Determinants of IT Otirsourcing 15 for the control constructs, firm size is variable pertaining to utility industry dummy not significant and only the industry significant (at 0.1 level). is [Insert Table 3 here] Discussion Explaining the Results The empirical this paper. Specifically, critical it app>ears that the business performance factor determinant for the change in the reflects a colloquial profitability, model proposed results generally support the theorerical American maxim: "If mode it is in the most of IT governance. In a way, this ain't broken, why fix it?" Low however, strongly motivates drastic restructurings, moves that may signal to the capital markets the strong comn\itment of corporate management improve the firm's future performance. Furthermore, the iDottom line' controlled by the 'variable costing' advantage of IT outsourcing, as traditional 'fixed costing' of inhouse function. Indeed, survival in the 1990s' where the reason is: recommended by one of the a trade periodical to can be better opposed to the 'top ten tips for IS consider outsourcing, is: "Tougher competition and profit pressures will force more IS executives to take a hard look at outsourcing functions and services that traditionally have been done in-house."^^ The need to mitigate debt financing resources are the driving force in funding is also supported critical fixed asset company. These resources are scarce and need aptly noted by a top IS executive "-.another important reason was 14) ^'^Computerworld (1989: 72) to why we results. Financial investments of the put to their most efficient use. As whose company outsourced its IT function, turned our data processing over to outsiders the proper allocation of resources."^ "LudJum (1989-90: by our 16 Detenninants of IT Oursourcing— The results relating to the selling, general, conclusive. The product cost structure (cost of goods sold and and adnunistrative expenses) are direction of change insignificant and hence not also contrary to expectation. is One explanation could be that the proportion of IT infrastructure costs on the overall product costs is minimal, and that the imperative to outsource IT operations does not necessarily stem from a high we product costs (with lower IT proportion). Given our data, level of could not develop a better measure to capture this proportion. Firm size as a control variable view that the traditional infrastructure involved is many that small not supported. In Icirge firms. is not significant. The specific implication companies tend fact, to outsource the expensive IT the recent spate of IT outsourcing has As underscored by a trade periodical: "No matter what the reasons for outsourcing, companies of varying size can benefit from As for industry variables, except for utility industry significant, none seems status of a natural pricing and to be monopoly, profits. The critical. is is The which is it.''^^ negatively utility industry, often associated with the on a highly regulated one, with strong limitations prop)ensity to improve efficiency via IT outsourcing may hence be smaller. Although higher profits can be attained in the short run via IT outsourcing, the gains may eventually be eroded by more stringent control on allowed rates of return in the future. Toward a Comprehensive Model of IT Governance Transaction Cost Perspective. Our approach has been to delineate a set of constructs related to the internal costs and performance of a firm from the perspective of production and coordination. constructs from external governance costs A (i.e., constructs such as asset specificity, complexity ^^Hammersmith (1989: 92) natural extension will be to include transaction costs), reflected in specific and small numbers. In addition, it Determinants of IT Oursotudng.,. may be appropriate to reflect influence costs (Milgrom activity. 17 refinements such as the articulation of bargaining and and Roberts, 1990) in the organization of economic Within the dataset assembled here, archival data for such constructs were not available. - would be to A future line of inquiry - presently under design stage by the authors understand and predict not only the degree of IT outsourcing but also the type of outsourcing (see Figure 1) along such an extended transaction cost perspective using primary data. Explanatory Variables Reflecting the IT Context. The preliminary model developed here primarily captured the business context that directs the shape of IT activities. While this represents an important facet, an equally relevant facet IT context. This could capture emerging constructs such as: criticality of is the IT in operations, the role of IT in products/ processes/administration, IT scope and systemic competence as a way of aligning the business context with the IT context of & Venkatraman, the firm (Henderson 1991). To reflect such constructs, we attempted to adopt the approach of structured content analysis of annual reports employed by Jarvenpaa and Chairman/Presidenf s Ives (1990). letters to the However, using our sample, only 26 shareholders were available; and within these, only five occurrences of relevant key phrases study — pxjssibly due to the (far less than the Jarvenpaa and Ives heterogeneous nature of the industries represented in our sample) were found. However, a meaningful line of future inquiry would be op>erationalize a set of constructs relating to the IT context via of testing the relative importance of business and IT contexts to primary data as a way in explaining the degree and type of IT outsourcing. A Process Model of IT Outsourcing. model (Mohr, 1982) to focus mode on We have developed for explaining IT outsourcing in firms. the organizational processes underlying the of governance by developing A a limited 'variance' powerful extension management a 'process' model. This would go is of this IT a long way in . Determinants of IT Chirsgurcing— 18 enhancing our understanding of the emerging phenomenon in the marketplace. Such a process model may incorporate responsibility; property rights; and new structures risk-bearing), (e.g., shared authority; management processes allocation and coordination of resources; performance assessment; and planning), and managerial roles (e.g., liaison; decision-making; (e.g., joint and leadership) that are required to effectively derive the benefits of this governance mechanism. Conclusion In this paper, we have analyzed the effects of and business performance on the IT governance research framework were used and financing determinants of the degree of IT outsourcing. research were also highlighted. With the increased cost choice. as a foundation for indicated that business performance The production/ coordination costs An and analytical treatment our empirical testing. Results cost structure are significant Some possible directions of future interest in IT outsourcing is definitely not a fad. and complexity of IT investments and operations, the shortage of skilled IT personnel, and the need to focus on core business and not problems associated with IT management, outsourcing remains a very viable alternative. Indeed, as argued, "[o]utsourcing is here to stay; pan or a temporary solution."^^The challenge for corporate era of IT rationalization is aptly question fadng IS departments outsource."i5 I'kDltman (1990: 77) ^^Wilder (1989-90: 8) summed is it is not a flash in the management in the up: "in the 1990 and beyond, the key not only whether to outsource, but what to new Determinants of IT O\irsourcing._. iq REFERENCES Alchian, A.A., and H. Demsetz, "Production, Information Costs and Economic Organization," American Economic Review, Vol. 62 (1972), 777-795. 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Press, New 22 Determiiiants of IT Oursourcmg„ APPENDIX List of Aetna Life and Casualty Co Air Products and Chemicals Amax Annco Inc Inc Ashland Oil Inc Atlantic Richfield Companies in the Sample Harrier Inc Homefed Corp Illinois Power Co Ingersoll Rand Co Keycorp Co Lincoln National Corp Mack Trucks Inc Bank of Boston Corp Bankamerica Corp Baxter International Inc International Chrysler Corp Champion Manufacturers Hanover Corp NCR Corp Corp Norfolk Southern Corp PNC Corp Financial Consolidated Rail Corp Continental Bank Corp Control Data Corp Quantum Chemical Corp Reynolds Metals Co Coming Inc CSX Corp Rohm and Haas Co Dow Security Pacific E I Chemical Co Pont De Nemours and Co Du Duke Power Co Eastman Kodak Co Rockwell International Corp SCECorp Texaco Inc Textron Inc Corp Entergy Corp Travelers Bank System Inc Reming Cos Inc Geico Corp General C^amics Corp UAL Corp General Electric Co General Re Corp Great Western Financial Corp U S Air Group First GTE Corp Corp Sun Co Inc Union Carbide Corp Unisys Corp United Technologies Corp Inc Valley National Corp Westinghouse Electric Corp Determinants of IT Oursoujcing. 23 TABLE 1 Descriptive Statistics 1(a) Variable^ Means and Standard Deviations 24 Determinants of IT Oursourcing.-. TABLE 2 Factor Analysis Results 2(a) Factor Pattern Determinants of IT Oursourcing- 25 TABLE 3 Multiple Regression Results 26 Determinants of IT Ourso\iTcing„ FIGURE 1 A Definitional Framework of Outsourcing Figure 1: Alternative Modes of IT Governance High Rental Complete Inhouse Contracts Operations Time-sharing Outsourcing (A (IV) Installation/ Procurement Contracts •^ VM ii Systems Integration o ri s Outsourcing Maintenance/ (HI) Programming Contracts Facilities Low Complete Management" Outsourcing Outsoiu-cing (n) (I) Low Internalization of Technological Resources High Determinants of IT OursourcLng.,. 27 FIGURE Effects of Cost Structure 2 on IT Outsourcing Cart H Degree of IT Outsouning b27b 1.82 Date Due MAY 2 3 199^ 2''»* > SEP. K^. t MAY UOV. 1&@(> 1 1 19fc 2 19M? Lib-26-67 \\\i\Mi«wVi V'*