LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ORDER, TOPOLOGY AND PREFERENCE Murat R. Sertel 565-71 October, 1971 MASSACHUSETTS "ECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE. MASSAC (MASS. If^ST. DEC 10 TECH^ 1S71J DtWEY LIBRARY ORDER, TOPOLOGY AND PREFERENCE Murat 565-71 R. Sertel October, 1971 This is part of ongoing research on 'planning and control for multiple objectives' being conducted within the MIPC (Management Information for Planning and Control) Group at The author wishes the Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. to acknowledge a helpful discussion with Paul Kleindorfer. RECEIVED DEC 8 1971 I . TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Preliminaries 2. Some Basic Order- Topological Facts 6 ^ H 3. Consequences of Connectivity 4. Application in the Theory of Preference 1^ ^^ 4.1 Representation of 4.2 The Structure of Preference Relations and Their Representations 20 4.3 Social Optimum and Consensus - A Simple Existence Result 33 a Preference Relation, 633659 ORDER , TOPOLOGY AND PREFERENCE Murat R. Sertel Massachusetts Institute of Technology This is a reasonably self-contained paper bringing some standard order-related and topological notions, facts and methods to bear on a number of central topics in the theory of preference and, as a nat- ural but henceforth unmentioned correlate, the theory of optimization. Much of the material brought to bear is well-known to economic theorists and even more so to mathematicians. Part of it, however, falls into that growing class of mathematical results motivated by social analysis, and is, I think, new. spersed throughout Section [9] work. 3 as Such results will be found inter- extensions of the basics of Nachbin's Among such results, however, the two theorems under 3.4 and 3.5 are probably the more important to note. The topic of Section A, the theory of preference, is largely but not solely the motivation for the study as a whole. Thus, some of the facts and notions presented before that section are not used at all in Section 4. Sections 1-2 are preparatory. Section 3 exploits some consequences of connectivity, especially for normally preordered spaces, thus extending the early work of Eilenberg [5] and Nachbin [9] on order and topology. Section 4 begins with the subsection 4.1 in which Debreu's celebrated first representation theorem [1, Theorem 1, p. 260] is made obsolete by the more general corollary (4.1.1) to theorems (3.4) and (3.5), as a result of which Debreu's assumption of -4[Thus, separability for the space of prospects can be dropped. from the viewpoint of economic theory, 3.4 and 3.5 may be looked upon as lemmas aimed at 4.1.1, which is then "elevated" to theorem status. ] The next subsection, 4.2, uses this and [10] to extend the foundations of Gorman's [6] insightful characterization of the structure of preferences. It is indicated how this significantly extends that characterization as a whole by allowing two of Gorman's postulates (separability and arcwise connectivity) for the space of prospects to be relaxed to a much weaker postulate (connectivity), The content of the brief final subsection, 4.3, is described quite well by its title. To the reader minimally knowledgeable in topology, this study In any case, Dugundji's is mathematically self-contained. Topology [4] will be our standard reference in this domain. Dugundj i Standing Terminology and Notation will be denoted by R, while with the usual a set X, (equivalently a relation on X of the Cartesian product of : The set of real numbers will denote k-dimensional E Euclidean space (k = 0, 1, ...). R [N.B.: uses 'path' for 'arc'.] Thus, , E^ will stand for will mean a subset X Given the order-) topology. upon itself. F c X x x A preference relation is a complete transitive relation, and a utility function is simply a real-valued function preserving ence relation. a prefer- [See further terminology given in Section 1.] -5A set X on which a preference relation is postulated is a space of prospects . The last three underlined terms will seldom be used from here on. and I (the author)'; 'We' will mean 'you (the reader) 'iff will mean will mean 'neighborhood'. 'if and only if; 'nbd' -6- Prelimlnarles Let : rcXxX=X^ Tx = {y e X| be a relation on a set (x, y) e D ^ (x e X). \ xr = {y e X| A subset A c: (y, x) D ATc said to be decreasing iff iff its complement, denoted by A A, and it is CX A Clearly, A. C FA to be increasing iff is said X e Denote X. is Also, it is is decreasing. , increasing plain that any intersection and any union of increasing (decreasing) A Thus, each set sets is increasing (decreasing). determines X CI AA a unique smallest increasing (decreasing) set, denoted by which contains Ac X^ = A { In fact, if A. AA = (x, x) I x e X} FA U A, is c; X, ^ Z> (A 6 antisymmetric iff or decisive ) iff fi 9. U Q-i denotes the converse of T, C A = T U = x^ Q. , 9, it is reflexive and transitive; iff it is a preorder on a total order on X X X) 9'^ f) (where /^ and we have [Let . ^ C transitive iff , , X^) is the smallest re- the diagonal of AA = AT U A to be reflexive iff A T arising from this notation by setting flexive relation containing (AA) is transitive, then the relation C A where , X^ Q.A . 3 Q is said ffiA for all and complete (or total ^^ = {(y, x) (x, | is called a preorder on it X y) e Q] iff is called a partial order on X and antisymmetric; finally, it is called iff it is a complete partial order on X]. The proofs of the following two useful facts are entirely straightforward and, hence, omitted. -7- Proposition 1.1 be a relation on a set T'. X^ Let : A = T is transitive iff each of A i , F \ A , T'^ X. and Then V is T"-" transitive. Proposition 1.2 is r irreflexive (i.e., r = ular, 1.2.2 2. \ (r'^)"^ A = (r'^)~^, and U AU r\ such that r'^ T'^ \ a T"^; in partic- . are pairwise disjoint and is transitive. r if = 0) and so is r-^ = A T, X^: X^ = r X, Then A il T and A The three relations exhaust 1.2.3 be a relation on a set T / X^ Let is complete and antisymmetric. r 1.2.1 : Some Basic Order-Topo logical Facts : The facts and notions presented in this section are here as basic propositions demonstrated or notions used by Nachbin [ 9 , pp. A relation 26-27]. said to be semiclosed iff X c X; 2.1 lation on 2.1.1 : Let F C and X^ xF on a topological space X be a topological space and (x, y) e F^ FCJ X^ there exist disjoint nbds of X and y, respectively, such that either V if a re- X. If for every or X are both closed for each be closed iff it is closed in X^. it is said to Proposition Fx is decreasing, then F is closed. U U and us increasing V 2.1.2 If is a closed preorder, r then for each there exists an increasing nbd V of y 2.1.3 If such that Cad 2.1.1): : Let (u, v) e Then (ad 2.1.2): of (x, U U X V Z) U' X V' e H V = Suppose not meeting y) that, indeed, z U T C is increasing and U = implies that r Fu, i.e., (u, v) F) e Given xT is closed trivially. Then, by x U' v' meets F , v' so U O V = e Tu) z e Fz) , , and for if z e V then transitivity (since now v £ Fz C FFu a contradiction. x £ X, we show that is also closed. So assume (rx) If ^ Ix is closed; rx = X, then and let y £ 2.1.2, there exists an increasing U of X x decreasing, while But v U' V = V'r, TU', V whereby T = 0, choose a nbd V y). with v e V' D U x v U (so that there exists u e U' with (ad 2.1.2): nbd (x, y). be increasing, nor U £ T'^, y) (x, so that, u e vT, then and define is a nbd of imitation shows that it (x, be as U, V is a nbd of V , Thus, (?. F, (so that there exists of x U (U x v) e and let T*^, contrary to assumption, neither can decreasing, since and a decreasing nbd U of x then it is semiclosed. (x, y) described in the hypothesis. Furthermore, if T £ V = 0. is a closed preorder, r Proof O U (x, y) and a decreasing nbd V of y with U D V = 0. (rx) But Fx Fx C the smallest increasing set containing is V = 0. Fx and, hence, U This shows that so that x, Fx is closed, and completes the proof. From the fact that closedness of 2.2 Corollary A when Let : A = F U A X is Hausdorff immediately yields the X be and is reflexive, the T^ preorder, and if FCX^. and A is a A now becomes a closed preorder on If r is is closed, then so is T transitive, then A, whereby X. Furthermore, the conjunction of 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 plainly implies the following 2.3 Corollary For a preorder ; F d X^ on a topological space X, being closed is equivalent to the condition that, for each (x, y) r e has an increasing nbd disjoint from some decreasing X , nbd of y. The next proposition relates our earlier observations to separation properties of 2.4 Proposition if Let : F CX^ is semiclosed, F X and via antisymmetry of TCI X^. be a partial order on a top- X is (i.e., a Hausdorff T 2 space) if Proof Suppose (i) : x ^ Ty F or is closed. x, y c X (ii) are distinct, so that either y ^ Tx. Assume that F is semiclosed, -10- Suppose that X holds. (i) belongs and Then belongs and then not, and (yF does not. This shows that is closed, X so that then, whether and X T, (ii) holds, while x does x belongs while (ii) holds, or (i) have disjoint nbds, i.e., y of y proving the first half Tj, is {y} To prove the second half, we note that, if of the proposition. r y belongs which is an open set to ) y is an open set to which ) Also similarly, if does not. x (xT is an open set to which (Fx) Ty = Fy by the reflexivity y, does not; similarly, we see that y is an open set to which (ry) X 2.1.2 applies, T2. is This completes the proof. Given a relation said to be X e yr. T T-convex iff Tx H yf a subset X, CA whenever be a topological space. X Let on a set Then A C x, X will be y e A and X (or its topology) will be said to be locally F-convex (l.T-c.) iff, for each X e X, the set of nbd system of F-convex nbds of x forms a base for the X (or its topology) will be said to be weakly x. F-convex (w.F-c.) iff the set consisting of the open subsets of X equipped with forms a base for the topology of F C X^ , X. F-convex Finally, X (or its topology) will be said to be F-convex (F-c.) iff the set consisting of the open increasing and the open decreasing subsets of X forms a subbase for the topology of mention of 2.5 in the above may be omitted.) T Proposition Proof T-c. => w.T-c. => l.I'-c. : F-c. => w.F-c.): (ad : (When there can be no consequent confusion, X. The intersection of any number of Thus, increasing (decreasing) sets is increasing (decreasing). the intersection of a finite number of increasing (decreasing) open sets is increasing (decreasing) and open. To finish the proof, it suffices to note that the intersection of an open increasing with an open decreasing set is open and convex. (ad w.r-c. => 3. l.r-c): Obvious Consequences of Connectivity Connectivity plays a great role in the pioneering work of Eilenberg [5] on ordered topological spaces, and we open this section with, essentially, a rewording of one of his early results, including proof for the sake of completeness. 3.1 Proposition ; X Let (see also 1.1), hence Proof Then : Suppose F'^y CX z e \{z}, F C Then F be a connected space and semiclosed complete antisjonmetric relation. F Fy X^ a is transitive is a total order. and y e Fx holds for some while 1.2.2 implies that which is the union of two disjoint sets Fz X\{z} and zF, x, y, = Fz z £ (j zF each of X. which, by semiclosedness of so is hence, either r y; is open. T or F y CI Fz by reflexivity (from completeness) of by assumption, we must have X e yF = F'^'y, z e Fx, that 3.2 yC F C yd and since , y e zF x e zF, i.e., Hence, F y. Then 1.1 implies is seen to be transitive. F y e F y As zF. But, also by assumption, zF. F~-'y F is connected, X is transitive, hence a total order, as to be shown. Proposition Let : F dX be a preorder on a connected space X. is closed iff it is semiclosed. F Proof: and 1.2.1 has whereby F Then F As We state "only if" merely for completeness, as it is already given by 2.1.3. To see "if", assume semiclosed, and suppose (x, y) F Combining 2.1.2 with the fact that Fx F = Define Z = (Fx) imply X = Z since Fx and demonstration. By definition of open. f] = Fx U (yF) yF, Z . a x while yF is we see that FxHyF y, = 0. cannot be empty, since this would contradiction of X being connected, are closed by assumption and disjoint by yF Let Z, z c Z, and define x e U and y e U = V, and (zF) while U and V = Thus, 2.1.1 applies, so that This completes the proof. (Fz) are V As the complement of a decreasing (increasing) set, increasing (vis decreasing). is closed. . is reflexive and thus A is the smallest increasing set containing the smallest decreasing set containing e F is U F . 3.3 Corollary Let : be connected and X Then antisymmetric relation. Furthermore, each point of is Hausdorff. infimum or the supremum of X a tree. is cutpoint iff F CZ X [ N.B Given . X\{x} connected, X said to be separated by (a cutpoint) compact connected semiclosed complete X\{x}. X cutpoint, the is a is compact, then is called a x c X Points is not connected. distinct components of X X and, if X, a is a closed total order and F are y, z e X iff they belong to x A tree is a continuum (i.e., a space) whose each two distinct points are 1^ separated by some point.] Proof : That is a closed total order follows directly from the F conjunction of 3.1 and 3.2. Using 1.2.2, X\{x} Then 2. A implies that U = r*^x for each xF'^ is Hausdorff. X where this is x e X, a decomposition into two disjoint sets which are open by semi- closedness of If F X = 0, F. then by antisymmetry of Thus, is lost by x assuming and X If X. x then x is seen, similarly, is compact, then it is a con- no generality X, and semiclosedness of X e . from which it is straightforward to x e F y, z ^ xF F x ^ is an infimum and is unique are distinct points of y show that connectedness of the existence of a point , = 0, xF If F. to be the supremum of tinuum, and if is a cutpoint if x X = Fx, i.e. X with x lying in F F z implies and y in zF showing that , is a tree and completing the proof. X Actually, the very first consequence in the last corollary implies that if space and is disconnected /T (since is now closed T is the union, by 1.2.2, of the two disjoint sets /T and is a semiclosed total order on a connected T then X, )~ (r each of which is open by closedness of T This F). is a rewording of a "half" of the first of three main theorems of Eilenberg Theorem [5, states, conversely, that space X only if I, p. 40], the other "half" of which is disconnected for a connected A can be endowed a semiclosed total order. X For what follows, we will need Nachbin's 28] p. [9, generalization of the familiar notion of a normal space, namely, that of a normally preordered space. FC equipped with a preorder (by F) that P iff, for every two disjoint closed sets is decreasing and disjoint open nbds creasing and Let F A topological space Uj and U increasing, P U^ X is said to be normally preordered X^ P , P^C and P respectively, with , have de- U We need some further terminology. increasing. be a preorder on a topological space If X. C Y write Y << Z V, Y < Z I(Y) (respectively, to mean that to mean that Y D(Y) and respectively, such that Z U D(Y)). I(Z) = 0; If Y, Z C then X, the smallest increasing (decreasing) closed set containing be denoted by such X P Y will we will X, we will write have disjoint open nbds is decreasing and V U and increasing. We will use the following simple characterization theorem [9, p. 29]: -15- A topological space preordered iff 3.4 Theorem X equipped with a preorder is normally Z whenever a semiclosed relation by Y < Z F C X^ Then . is normally preordered X r. Proof Let : A, B for otherwise reflexivlty of y t D(A) trivially. B F), U 1(B). y taining yF. y is I({y}) = Fy. there is a point y e X F n Fy = is As = yF being semiclosed, F preordered by F, F. by such that U implies that 1(B) A < {y} < Thus, B. is an open decreasing nbd of Hence, A B, and « B, and decreasingness of D(A) n 1(B), i.e., that and open increasing nbd of transitivity of Cl(B), B D({y}) = yF is semiclosed, 1(B), y i D(A) F y are preorder, the smallest increasing a By transitivity of (? and B, ^^ (i) 1(B) and the smallest decreasing set con- Fy is A ^ and D(A) d D(A) and increasingness of D(A) Assume < B. Since (A As set containing, A and suppose CZX « A closed and disjoint nonempty sets yF ZCX). (Y, be a connected space completely preordered by X Let : « Y F y f) Y^ showing that X and A =0 F by is normally F. The following theorem of Nachbin [9 , Theorem 2, p. 36] re- duces to Urysohn's famous extension theorem for continuous real- valued functions on a normal space when it is noted that a normal space is simply a space discrete partial order ACX^. X normally preordered by the be a space normally preordered by X Let Theorem: be a closed subset such that fp: P P C: X -> real-valued continuous function preserving y e Tx => fp(y) > fp(x)]. A(A) = {x e P| Then X [i.e., T denote , B(A) = {x e P| and A}. fp(x) > can be extended to some bounded (real-valued) continuous f function A For each fp(x) < A} e E^ and let T, bounded is a E^ preserving X->- E^ f: V whenever A(A) < B(A') iff < A'. Our immediate motivation for recording this theorem is its use in proving the following 3.5 Theorem r e Let ; be a space normally preordered by a relation X such that X^ = T S a bounded continuous real-valued function the preorder Proof point Arbitrarily choose the constant and = f r-preserving. Defining P = Define p £ X. closed. Then tt. Ep. As £ E^ tt ->- preserving E^ is semiclosed, E and define < TT case of (i) case of (ii), or A or (ii) A(A) = 0, as A, A' e such that E A < A' as in Nachbin's theorem above, the B(A) (iii), ^ E P fp: is P is trivially bounded, continuous fp Now choose and A(A) (i) X and choose an arbitrary X ^ theorem requires only for us to show that either f: T. To avoid triviality, assume : Then there exists is semiclosed. I"''- A' < tt B(A') = 0, so that or Now A(A) < B(A'). (iii) A < so that tt < A ' . I(B(A')) = 0. D(A(A)) = 0. In In Thus, in all D I(B(A')) D(A(A)) cases = 0, showing that A(A) < B(A'). We conclude that there exists a bounded, continuous, real-valued, r-preserving Corollary 3.6 f: X ^ f(P) = with, in fact, E"' (See 4.1.1 below) : Applications in the Theory of Preference 4. tt. : This section will illustrate how the methods so far presented may fruitfully be applied in social analysis. The chosen specific area of application is the theory of preference, otherwise known to economists as "utility theory". 4 . 1 Representation of a Preference Relation : A celebrated result in this theory is Debreu's Theorem Theorem I, : p. [1 , 162] following first "representation" X Let be a separable connected space completely pre- ordered by a semiclosed relation continuous real-valued function fact, representing X ^ E^ f: i.e., obeying V, Then there exists a F (Z X^. preserving iff y e Fx f(y) T (in ^ f(x)). The first contribution of our results in the previous sections to our present area of application consists in subsuming Debreu's just-stated theorem as a direct corollary of the more general 4.1.1 Corollary ; Let by a relation X be a connected space completely preordered F CZ X^ . Then there exists a bounded continuous real-valued representation f : X -^ E^ of F iff F is semiclosed. Proof By 3.4, : is normally preordered by X semiclosed, then so is F~\ whereby is F, If F. F f: X -> E in fact, a representation of , is 3.5 directly yields a F-preserving function bounded, continuous, by completeness of F fl (which, F) The converse is obvious. as sought. In comparing 4.1.1 with Debreu's indicated theorem, it will be found that the hypothesis of 4.1.1 is weaker, missing the separability of X, bounded while its consequence appears stronger, guaranteeing a f Of these differences, it must of the desired sort. be remarked, the latter should not be considered important or, for that matter, real, as we can always use the bounded function instead of f f/f+1 if f >. f/f-1 if f < whenever f happens not to be bounded, and g ob- viously has all properties desired of separability assumption for X The absence of the f. in 4.1.1, however, must be viewed as a strict improvement with some important "practical" con- sequences - from a technical viewpoint - for the theoretician concerned with matters of preference. ological fact that a product space topology of {X I a e a}) [It is a standard top- (with the product A is coniff each X X = IIX is connected nected but that the following restrict the product invariance of separability and 2° countability : (1) X is separable iff each yt is separable and all but at most 2 X single points, where ("aleph naught"); numbers is 2° the cardinality of the set of natural is if^ 8 [ ] # is 2° X (2) countable and all but (See Marczewski X 's consist of of the ° countable iff each of the o X 's a concerning (1).) X are indiscrete. Thus, for instance, a topological vector space obtained as the product of more than 2 2° ° copies of the real line is neither separable, nor, indeed, countable, while every convex subset is (in fact arcwise-) connected, so that, in this case Debreu's second representation theorem 1 [ , Theorem 2, p. 163] is just as inapplicable as his first, while 4.1.1 can be used. and Milnor's 7 [ ] Furthermore, interpreting Herstein mixture set in the natural sense of convex in this vector space, notably set here, there are connected sets (from the viewpoint of generalized Kuhn-Tucker theory) the star- shaped sets, which will not be mixture sets, so that an instance is found where the representation theory of cidentally, deals with the case where [ 7 ] - which, is a total order T in- will not apply while 4.1.1 will.] Applications of 4.1.1 extend also into the next subsection. Another simple fact to be used there but properly belonging under the present heading is the following 4.1.2 Lemma : Let F connected space C X^ be a complete transitive relation on a X, and let real-valued function. F) iff r f is is semiclosed and f : (a) X -> E be a continuous F-preserving (representation nf f(X) is connected. -20- Proof r (and stated merely for completeness) that is obvious It : is semiclosed and is connected if f(X) W f~^(W)CI X is open if CI E W={weE^|w>w} we take of every subbasic open set is semiclosed and T continuous. is For this it suffices to show that We prove only the converse. the inverse image f f (X) connected, and for some arbitrary w e\ e remarking that the argument will be entirely similar for W' = {w c E^ (ii) w I < w w > w Now consider f~^(W) = X r serving. w for all and if (ii), then open. If }. implies that either f(X) , f~ ^ t w f(X). e = 0; (W) w w (i) f(X), e by the fact that Therefore, if T then connectivity of fix), < w for all If (i), w T f(X) e = f ~ •" f(x (W) then is Then ). is complete and is semiclosed, or f-'(W) = X; then in either case and let w f f~^(W) F-preis open, and this completes the proof. 4.2 The Structure of Preference Relations and Their Representations : Otherwise stated, the topic of the present subsection is that of "aggregation" and, in particular, the "separability" - additively or in general - of utility functions. The immediate motivation is to extend the complete characterization by Gorman [6] of the "separability" and, in general, the structure of utility functions. This characterization was given by Gorman under the assumptions, among others, that the space of prospects was ically) separable and arcwise connected. (topolog- Arcwise connectivity -21- was effectively shown [10] to be relaxable to connectivity for Gorman's results, being so for his underlying Lemma p. 387]. It 1 [6, appears that the only reason for postulating separability as an assumption was to ensure the existence of continuous utility functions, invoking Debreu's first rep- resentation theorem stated in 4.1. As 4.1.1 now outrules any need for this theorem and for the space of prospects to be separable, one quickly intuits that Gorman's separability assumption may also be eliminated. Lemma 1 Here we show that his can be extended so as to apply whether or not the space of prospects is separable (or arcwise connected), so long as it is connected, and encourage the reader to check that this actually yields a corresponding extension of the whole of Gorman's results in [6], so that his assumptions of separability and arcwise connectivity can, in fact, be diminished to con- nectivity throughout. I consider this as opportune a moment as any to indulge in the premature expression of a thought, as fuzzy as it is in my mind, that what we. Including Professor Gorman, are looking at is a topic of interest in its own right as having to do with the "structure", in general, of relations and of maps preserving them, deserving at least a glance by specialists in functional equations and semigroups - if, indeed, they had not -22And, continuing to bleed out already seen through the matter. this thought. Professor Gorman's analysis of the structure of (see A. 2.1) a| is probably a key to more doors than meet the eye in this dimly illuminated hallway. Throughout, We now turn to more conrrete matters. X = X^ n „ill be the product of a family {X^ | a c of A} A spaces, and c B will be a relation on X^ onto a factor jection of X2 for each C B onto A, = H X X and Given any X. Projection = X c- X X will be denoted by tt , and pro- X^ will be denoted by tt^. Finally, we define two relation-valued maps and y by X on Yg C we will denote A, X of F y(x^) = r n [X„ X and {x®}]2 D Yb(x^) = ^B (Y(x^)), lower case Latin denoting, as from here on, a generic element of the respective capital and 4.2.1 denoting x„ D Definition that B : is D by D e X x , a sector of is semidivisible by A We say that and we write A, e X , etc.], a|b, B or iff y (in which case its constant value on clearly coincides with TT^(r), which latter we denote rS We say that r„). D divides of x etc. tt_,(x), is a constant function X^ [e.g., x e X, A, A, or that and we write we define A B divisible by is is A||b, a B, that B complemented sector or factor iff a|b and aIb'^. Finally, a| = {b| a|b}, a|| = {b| a|b}. The following are clear. 4.2.2 Proposition 4.2.3 Proposition A a||c;a|. : 0, : For any c B, CA C x = (x and any , x = ) (x^, x^) z X, Y(x , Y(x ) B , C A) 4.2.4 D = ^Q Proposition i.e., B : fZ k\ partial order (a|,C) a| _ CZ , y(x B ) n y(x B, ^ ) , n Y(x C2 ). denoting , D and B f]. (x) = x^ Y(x^)3Y(x^), a| is closed under arbitrary intersection, => Q C B e a|. [Thus, of containment is a complete lower semilattice Inf(Al) = with (a|, together with the a| H a| = D ) Sup(Al) = and intersection is a commutative band (band Proof: tt E = ^l^ B. together with the binary operation potents) and ), C. , Y(x°) where C^ for any subset In fact, (x e X Z>y(x ) U B Q : • a| -* with identity element A Merely observe that the containment Yn ^^ ^ constant of semigroup of idemand zero Y (x ) ^ of the last proposition becomes an equality wlienover In that case Thus, A. A| function, as y 0.] I.Y(x') BcL' B (. a| is so for ] -2Aeach thus, B e S; D e a| [The parenthetical note is . now obvious. S Thus, if we know that sectors of is a set of then A, we know that the intersection of the -members of any subset is also a sector of C CLB 4.2.5 Proposition B if and are factors of C as well as B*^ sectors of A. , we have the obvious a|| is closed under complementation, a|| : For A. c'^ , B .0 A, and C then B*^ fl c'^ B = \C (B U and C)'^ We now focus our attention on the case where order. T so that, C \ B, are is a pre- In this connection, the following two propositions collect some elementary facts, the proofs of which are straightforward. 4.2.6 Proposition : If a relation T C X^ on a product X = 11 X^ A satisfies any one of the properties transitivity /reflexivity/ symmetry /antis3mimetry/completeness T^ = TT^(r) projection 4.2.7 Proposition : Let F c (B C X^ A) , then so does each . be a relation on a product space Then T is transitive/ X = n X such that F = T^ x T^. C a B A and reflexive/symmetric/antisymmetric, respectively, if T , Thus, in particular, if so is each projection T T is a (BCA). (complete) prcordcr, then The relation between T -25and its projections is stronger for sectors T may see that the structure of In fact, one of B and of a| bear a systematic kinship with the "structure" of T , A. a|| by the latter of which we refer, broadly, to the set of relation- ships obtaining between T and certain of its projections Both the "structure" of T and that of the collections and are related to the "structure" of functions a|| preserving T, u: F^. a| X ^ E more particularly to the forms in which such functions can be written in terms of certain functions u„: X„ Information gained about either of these "structures" R. -»- For this reason we now set seems to help illuminate the others. V- preserving up some apparatus to deal with the "structure" of functions CX^, r u: X and let clear that X„ D {x by be such a function for a preorder u Let . We use x e X. u^: X^ ^ R define X E^ ->- D reference point " to Ug(Xg) = u(Xg, x^) In the case where however, varying " as a preserves the preorder u„ }. x B £ aI T (B fl (X Some clues involving the form of families of sectors of : Let product X T = n A tation of F, CX X « It is on {x }) , does not alter (the projection onto x this case, and only in this case, we abbreviate Lemma x D . and only in this case, of) this preorder considered as a relation on 4.2.8 C A) , x A x let and let u X . u X Thus, to in u . and pairwise disjoint are furnished by the following be a complete preorder on a nonempty u: X {B | ^ R n £ N} be a real-valued represenbe a partition of A \ C CCA. for some Then the following are equivalent, There exists a family {v X : ^ R| x 11 of real-valued N} £ n n functions and a function f : X v (X in each v (n e N) such that , R -> ) N increasing n can be expressed as u u(x) = f(x^, (v (X^ )} ). n For each Proof n e N, (ad => : attention to an arbitrary erence point") x = (x^ x x n) , , i.e., F y, e y = in (y„ 1 As increasing in is f v v n V (y^ x = (x^ Suppose ). n x n) , y = , (y^ x n) £ X, , n we then have , ("ref- and an arbitrary Suppose that X e X. for some u(x) > u(y), Assume, and fix n e N (x x] , x B^ n) ) -> e X. Clearly, the proof rests on being able to show that u(x) from Now u(y). >_ (x {v , since the V (y^ ), B^ B n But (x )} 's ) can differ from are pairwise disjoint. y > V (y^ ) V (x„ ) — T\ n a ij n n is increasing in v has already been established. As ' f i.e., that x e this implies that , Thus, Fy. u(x) is identically Yt, F a|b . As n £ N , n n whereby u(y), >^ was arbitrary, we have shown => (ad => v(x*^) = {u (x and define )} ' n n Assume, denote ' J., w: X -> X x v(X^) by -27- for each w~-'(a)*) (x„ {u 03' u = (x, D,, y' , that of "^n Where }_,,,„^), rifN(y) w For given such an ^(o)'). A may select co e oj' w' there , coincides with X with that of N(y), c N) (A ) "A 'A and whose projection into w' u^ (X^ e p, whose projection into w for each , {P is constant on exists an (x„^, and show that, given an arbitrary „/ x) )} = w of the form co* coincides u„ (X^ ), ^A ^A furthermore, we ; so that its projection into X is a y point such that x„ a is some u(w~-'(a) )) which u^ (x„ D D ) (constant) = p u° By hypothesis, . y and, by the way in e R, was selected, there is a point (jo' u(x') = u° such that . x' e takes the (constant) value u° x on each point w" (w' a|b But, by the fact that e u , w (oj')- By application of the principle of transfinite induction, for each w e w(X), u is constant on w ^ (oj) , and this completes the proof. To economize on proofs which are either obvious or both straightforward and tedious, some further facts are given in the form of an 4.2.9 Exercise ; in 4.2.8 can be expressed in the form u If indicated in, then for each represents ri e N, v T is increasing in u , so that ; n f is "strictly increasing" in p = ^P^L^j^' where then it r(x) = (x v(x , All we need to show is that the diagram )). ^ w(X) u(X) commutes for some function show that of each defines on f: (J as the desired function. set equal to, say, u since sending w(X), e f w is constant on the inverse image u co and for that it suffices to f, w~''((jj) w i.e., for arbitrary in general, N [If then were a finite would be clear as a con- w(X) for each a|b sequence of having c u(w~Va))) l-> then the constancy of M = {O, ..., m}, for each (to) To show this n e N.] we use transfinite N, induction. N, and denote N(ri). For each Thus, consider some well-ordering of y e N, define U = B ^ and B N(y) and the functions w (x) = (X C^ = C^\B^. \ ^' and w = A C ^ w^(x) = (x^* where by n c N initial segments of elements {ug^ , , w u (X B . ^ on X by (-B^)^neN(y)^ ), {u (xg Now we suppose that ^"'^ )}^,N(y)^' u is constant on -29p V (X e n n P^ > P^ B^ c for each ) ^n^B f(x^, p') (a) holds with, then u ^°^ ^^^^ ^ for each f(X|., p) in the sense that n e N, x^ , furthermore, > f(x^, then n e N, X e and p, > p) if > if the hypothesis of (b) for some p' for each p') f (x^, (a) A e N, x^ ^ \'> can be expressed as u(x) = g(x^, {u^ (X n )} ) n for some g; So far in this subsection, the discussion invoked no The next lemma, also proved in [10], topology. is concerned with the continuity of the "macroscope" functions (and g) f For the purposes of that lemma and as in ( some later developments, it is useful to agree on some notation. M Accordingly, from now on of the first m + 1 M^ M \{i}. will denote sets indexed by Given a family we will denote M, 4.2.10 Lemma Let : X = 11 . i for each e M°} Cm|. i e M , {X | . i M} E . i . e . , m} M, of for X"^ = 11. X. M^ J M ^ for generic elements. 11 X., be a connected space completely pre- X M ^ ordered by a semiclosed relation {{i}| X = eX,xeX eX.,x x. {O, 1, non-negative integers, and, for each . products, and will denote the set Let let u: X 11 v.: X. F CZ X x X, such that -> E^ preserve T, -* E^ preserve ^ T. 1 and, , denoting by v(x) = {v.(.x.)}. and let . be a function for which f the diagram > v(X) u(X) u(X) If commutes. is connected, then and u f are continuous. Proof Assume ; is continuous it suffices to show that f is open for each subbasic open W C e\ W={weE-'|w>w} w e E^ f~^(W) or for some w I < w*}. If implies that either (ii) w* u~i(w) = X, < u(x) w* i u, (i) w* x for all (w) and show that case of f"Vw) (ii), u-^(W) = is again open. w* = u(x ). then connectivity of > for all u(x) If e X. (i) x e X holds, then so that commutativity of the diagram yields As u u'-'CW) = x*r^, (or by continuity of f"^(W) whereby f~^(W) = v(u~^(W)) = v(X), have f We take is open, remarking that the argument is similar for W^ = {w e E^ u(X) is continuous by u Using the apparatus of the proof of 4.1.2, to show 4.1.2. that Then connected. u(X) = vCu'^W)) So, assume preserves T is open. = f~^(W), w e and Y u(X) In so that and, say, is complete, we which is open by semiclosedness of T u) and is connected by connectivity of -31Hence, for each X. P. = IT i ex. (u~^(W)) is open trivially. V. 1 preserves ^ M, the projection e On the other hand, for 1 ^ 11 1 v(u"^(W)) = Thus, ) as , 1 IT v ' (P . is ) M f~^ = v open, so that the commutation f~ M e i v (P v. (P.) = {w c v.(X.)| w > we have T., which is open. v.(x*)}, Now is open and connected. open, from which we conclude (W) o yields u~^ to be continuous. f This completes the proof. 4.2.11 Corollary : ^ u: X Let E'' be a continuous representation of a complete semiclosed relation product space = X II X.. ,2.11.2 for each i £ tinuous v^ (i e {v.: X. f:X xn M°), Then the following are equivalent. {i} e m|; M°, for some family -^ E^| v.(X.)->E'^ Furthermore, in this case, (see in i £ M°, representation of Proof : i and some con- M°} e increasing in each u can be expressed as u(x) = f(x^, v^(x^), for each on a connected X x X ^ M F c: p = f ..., v^(xj). is "strictly increasing" ^P^\^°' and, for each where i £ p^ M , £ v_j^ "^i^^i^ is a F.. The stated equivalence directly follows from the conjunction of 4.2.8 and 4.2.10. The rest directly follows from This last corollary extends the fundamental Lemma 1 on which -32- Gorman erects his formidably complete characterization of "The Structure of Utility Functions" 16] in the case where arcwise connected and separable. p. 22].] extension here consists of relaxing the assumptions on It is also extends the result [It which Debreu set out to prove in [2, lines 5-18, connectivity alone. X X Our to was shown earlier [10] that arcwise connectivity could be relaxed to connectivity and promised there that the separability assumption, too, could be deleted, as its role consisted of allowing application of Debreu' s first representation theorem, stated above as a corollary to 4.1.1. Given 4.1.1, we now have no need for the separability assumption on X, and the earlier promise is met. The main question, however, is whether the assumptions of arcwise connectivity and separability, made throughout by to connectivity alone. Gorman [6] can be relaxed throughout [6] Upon studying the mentioned paper, find it safe to state that my conjecture is Yes. I If the proofs of Gorman had to be mod- ified extensively to support this conjecture, then here would be a good place to do that. to be the case, so that the Fortunately, this does not appear (well-advised) reader who also reads Gorman's paper will find, I think, that Gorman's characterization applies so long as X is if Gorman's Lemma 1 is replaced by 4.2.11, modification I connected. [In fact, the only necessary can find in his proofs is in that of his basic theorem (Theorem 1), where 'arc connected' in the first line of 2.18 (p. 372) should be replaced by 'connected', in which -33- case the theorem, and hence the paper as a whole, will be seen Thus, the best service to be offered here to to be preserved.] the reader seems to be to recommend Gorman's mentioned paper. Hence, we let this last sentence be a pointer toward the cited study by Gorman which has been the source of motivation for this subsection and the validity of which has now been extended. Social Optimum and Consensus - A Simple Existence Result 4. 3 : The result (4.3.2) we aim to demonstrate here is, indeed, We are given a family very simple. transitive relations subset C B A, F, C each on the same set , a' B Fr to . and F to F of X^| a e A} F. For each X. now denotes the intersection F and we simplify to T {F F = Max X (Sup X), Max X = F g a , With respect the set of maximal points (supremal points) in denoted by fl B X is where the standard definitions {x £ X| (x, y) £ F => (y, x) c F}, Sup X = {x e X| X X {x} C; F} apply. 4.3.1 Obviously, Proposition : X3 Max Sup X. The economist will recognize that Pareto-optimal points. Sup X, Max X is the set of on the other hand, is a rather more interesting set, consisting of all those points which are "superior" to every point in of each F (a e A) . X Of course. unanimously from the viewpoint Sup X may very well be -34erapty, Max X even if is not. In 4.3.2 we show conditions under which both are non-empty. Toward that, we agree to say that a relation a topological space X is closed for each in the Small (CS) CS x semiclosed is upper T x By the condition of Consensus X. e on T iff we mean , For each pair (B, Y) of nonempty finite ; BCA subsets n r yeY ^ and YdX, y y 0. Finally, we are able to state and prove the intended 4.3.2 Proposition r CX^ : is upper semiclosed As each Sup X = Or T a is transitive, so is Clearly, X. while the condition (a e A) Sup X ^ 0. CS is satisfied, then Proof: (transitive relation) is compact and each X If F. Hence, CS implies the finite intersection XXA°' property that f]T F r X ^ ¥ a is closed for each with compactness of X for each finite (x, a) e X implies that x a, f~]T F CX x A. then x ¥ 0, If CS combined as to be XXA shown. We may refer to in the Large (CL). Sup X ¥ In that case, 4.3.2 reads to yield a suf- ficient condition, namely that upper semiclosed as the condition of Consensus (a e A), X is compact and each under which CS => CL, T i.e.. 35- CS <=> CL, as CL => CS often compact while the is always true. T semiclosed complete preorders transitive relations. to 4.3.2. I In practice, X is are accustomed to be assumed 's , hence certainly upper semiclosed Perhaps this yields a practical relevancy do not know whether it is worthwhile obtaining corresponding results by considering the case with a measure space of agents, following Debreu [3] and others. -36- REFERENCES [1] Debreu, G. "Representation of a Preference Ordering by a Numerical Function," Ch. XI in R.M. Thrall, C.H. 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