HD28 .M414 no ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT On-line Maintenance of Optimal Schedules for a Sin^e Machine Amril Aman Anantaram Balakrishnan Vijaya Chandru SSM#3327-91-MSA August 1991 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 On-Line Maintenance of Optimal Schedules for a Single Machine Amril Aman Anantaram Balakrishnan Vijaya Chandru SSM#3327-91-MSA August 1991 On-Line Maintenance of Optimal Schedules for a Single Machine Amril Aman* School of Industrial Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907 Anantaram Balakrishnan Sloan School of M. I. Cambridge, Vijaya ' Management T. MA 02139 Chandru* School of Industrial Engineering Purdue University West Ufayette, IN 47907 August 1991 Supported in part by the NSF Engineering Research Center for Systems, Purdue University. Supported in part by M.I.T.'s Leaders for Intelligent Manufacturing Manufacturing program. Supported in part by ONR Grant N00014-86-K-0689 and by NSF-ERC Manufacturing Systems at Purdue University Intelligent Abstract Effective and efficient scheduling in a dynamically changing environment is important for real-time control of manufacturing, computer, and telecommunication systems. This paper illustrates the algorithmic and analytical issues associated with developing efficient update schedules on-line. We and effective methods to consider the problem of dynannically scheduling precedence-constrained jobs on a single processor to minimize the maximum completion time penalty. We technique to reoptimize a rolling schedule first develop an when new efficient jobs arrive. The effectiveness of reoptimizing the current schedule as a long-term on-line strategy is measured by bounding its performance relative to oracles that perfect information about future job arrivals. Keywords: Scheduling, design and analysis of algorithms, heuristics have 1. Introduction Planning and scheduling dynamic systems with random job arrivals, failures, and preemption a very challenging task. Typically, since future is events cannot be forecast with enough detail and accuracy, planners often use on-line scheduling strategies. Consider, for instance, a production system with random job when On-line methods apply arrivals. regarding a job's processing requirement is detailed information revealed only at its release time. Thus, each release time represents an epoch at which the existing schedule revised to reflect the new One information. is on-line scheduling strategy consists of reoptimizing the current "rolling" schedule at each job arrival that only uses information epoch using a deterministic scheduling algorithm about the current system and workload status. We refer to this scheduling strategy as On-line reo ptimization. This strategy of reacting to changes in system status (job arrival or completion, processor failure, etc.) by reoptimizing and updating the current schedule raises two issues. First, method given an optimal schedule of n tasks, can to revise this schedule, say, when a new we devise an efficient task enters the system? Intuitively, since the existing n-job schedule contains useful information, exploiting this information to adjust the schedule compared to reconstructing the refer to the latter method is likely to be more efficient optimal (n+l)-job schedule from scratch. as a zero-base algorithm, while a exploits current schedule information is method We that an updating algorithm. Computer scientists have emphasized methods in the context of certain geometric this issue of relative efficiency of updating and graph problems by developing specialized data structures and updating algorithms (see, for example, Spira and Pan [1975], Chin and Houck [1978], Even and Shiloach [1981], Overmars and van Leeuwen and Frederickson scheduling [1985]). (see, for In contrast, the research example, base algorithms. In [1981], Frederickson Graham this paper, we and Sriixivas [1984], on deterministic resource et al. [1979]) focuses primarily on zero- illustrate the algorithmic issues in dynamic reoptimization by developing an efficient updating method for one class of single-machine scheduling problems. -1 updating methods are Efficient schedule time planning and control. scheme esp)ecially important for real- Consider, for instance, the following "bidding" for assigning tasks in a distributed processing system (see, for example, Ramamritham and Stankovic [1984], Zhao and Ramamritham Malone [1985], due dates et al. [1988]). arrive randomly maintains and updates system (or when its Jobs with varying processing requirements Each processor at different processor locations. own a processor local schedule. fails), the source When node a and new job enters the (or a central coordinator) queries the other processors to determine their expected completion time before deciding where to dispatch the job. target processor and determine awarded must adjust its its To formulate its response, each new current schedule to accomodate the tentative completion time. Subsequently, to a processor, the selected processor when must again update job the job its is schedule. Given the possibly large volume of job announcements and reassignments, devising efficient updating algorithms to accomodate critical for this new jobs is dearly type of real-time control mechanism. In addition to updating efficiency, we are also interested in the effectiveness of the on-line reoptimization strategy. In particular, what relative performance (i.e., is the closeness to optimality) of schedules obtained through on-line reoptimization compared to an "optimal" off-line decision procedure that has perfect infonnation about the future? Recently, computer scientists have developed a standardized approach characteristic of on-line methods. to study this The approach seeks a worst-case measure called competitiveness to evaluate solution effectiveness. mode performance We illustrate this of analyzing effectiveness using our single machine scheduling example. Studying efficiency and effectiveness issues for on-line reoptimization required a judicious choice of the scheduling context. In particular, both the structure and performance of on-line updating methods depend strongly on the scheduling objective. Consider, for instance, the problem of scheduling a single machine to minimize identical release times. for this for n The problem (Jackson jobs, the maximum earliest [1955]). tardiness for unrelated jobs with due-date rule finds the optimal schedule Given an earliest due-date (EDD) schedule updating problem consists of constructing a -2 new EDD schedule (by adjusting the current schedule) to accomodate a number new job. n denotes the If of currently scheduled jobs, re-sorting the (n+1) jobs to construct the new EDD schedule requires 0(n log n) operations. However, updating can be performed much more efficiently if we use a heap structure (see, for example, Tarjan [1983], Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman [1974]) to store the current schedule. Updating the heap when a new job arrives merely involves inserting the new item and rebalancing the heap, which requires 0(log n) scheduling objectives, the updating method computational improvement hard scheduling problems may (e.g., is not so obvious, and the n-fold not be possible. And, of course, for minimizing sum In this paper we NP- of completion times for jobs with arbitrary release dates) the updating problem polynomially solvable For other effort. is not likely to be either. develop and analyze the worst-case performance of an on-line updating method for a single machine scheduling problem with precedence-constrained jobs, where the objective consists of minimizing the maximum completion time penalty over proposed by Graham et al. [1979], we all jobs. In the classification scheme consider the Vpredij^j^ problem. Lawler [1973] proposed an O(n^) zero-base algorithm to construct an optimal n-job schedule for this problem. Subsequently, Baker et this al. [1982] generalized known release dates, problem, we focus on a algorithm to the case where jobs have arbitrary but and preemption permitted. For the l/prec/f^^^^ is special class of penalty functions that satisfy a consistency property defined in Section Several penalty functions such as linear completion time and 2. tardiness penalties satisfy this property. For this class of scheduling problems. Section 3 first describes a new zero-base algorithm called the Forward algorithm (unlike Lawler's algorithm, this method schedules jobs from front to back) the with number 0(m + n log n) worst-case time-complexity, where of arcs in the precedence graph. Subsequently, we m denotes develop an updating version of the Forward algorithm that uses information about the cvurent n-job optimal schedule to optimally add a n' (< n) ancestors, m' (< m) arcs, the algorithm is new job. If the new job has and the precedence subgraph induced by these ancestors has computational complexity of the Forward updating 0(m' + n'). Results of computer simulations reported in Section 4 confirm that, in practice, the Forward updating procedure requires significantly lower computational time than applying the zero-base algorithm -3- to construct the (n+l)-job optimal schedule. Section 5 analyzes the competitiveness of on-line reoptimization for selected penalty structures. We show method that the 2-competitive is (i.e., its ratio relative to the optimal, perfect information by a worst-case performance schedule bounded above is factor of 2) for a delivery-time version of the scheduling when (without preemption), and the penalty function is problem subadditive (with preemption). This paper makes several specific contributions for the 1/prec/fj^^^ problem with consistent penalty functions. In new FORWARD FORWARD algorithm; algorithm; particular, we: (i) propose a develop an updating (on-line) version of the (ii) empirically demonstrate the computational (iii) benefits of using updating algorithms (instead of zero-base algorithms) to perform schedule adjustments; and, line reoptimization is to some work analyze the competitiveness of on- However, our broader purpose an example to motivate the need for special cases. use the 1/prec/f,,^^ problem as further in the general area of efficient methods, and to 2. for (iv) and updating effective schedule illustrate the issues that arise in developing such methods. Problem description and notation The 1/prec/fj^^ problem consists of scheduling machine, subject to precedence constraints on the processing time required for job j. The the jobs; the graph contains a directed arc indexed from 1 to n, with < i j if of arcs in the precedence graph. stored as a linked each of its list G job (i,j) whose nodes correspond from node i precedes job We assume that 0(m) j. Job contair\s a directed ancestors of job j. i is Let Each job j node j if job i is i m denote the number is from every job of all immediate storage, with pointers set said to be an ancestor of job path from to the precedence graph • j. i to For convenience, assume that jobs are immediate predecessors. Let B denote the predecessors of job graph requiring j. Let pj denote the job precedence constraints are specified via a directed, acyclic precedence graph an immediate predecessor of job jobs. n jobs on a single to j. Let A 2 • B: carries a penalty function j if to the precedence denote the set of all fAtJ that depends on its completion time j = t:. The scheduling objective minimize fmax = to is Max [iXtd : l,2,...n}. Lawler [1973] developed the following O(n^) zero-base algorithm to solve the l/prec/f^^^ problem. The method iteratively builds an optimal sequence by scheduling jobs in reverse order, processed (n-1), jobs, T,^ = and so and E on. let Tj^ {pj any, have : At stage Min { fj(Tjj) € j* : denote the set of k currently unscheduled j e Rj^ with Rj^ }. all jobs in Q^, we minimum k, the algorithm assigns to position k the penalty at time The procedure terminates = Tj^, i.e., fj»(Tjj) at the penalty, the overall complexity of the algorithm While Lawler's algorithm applies on a if refer to jobs in Rj^ as the set of end of stage each step requires 0(n) operations to identify the eligible job with will focus i.e., be the subset of jobs in Qj^ whose successors, During stage eligible jobs at stage k. eligible job k, let Qj^ let Rj. be of the schedule), then the job in position been already scheduled; all identifies the job to denote the cumulative processing time for e Q^}. Also, j n position last (i.e., in i.e., it first is 0(n 1. Since minimum ). to arbitrary penalty functions, we special class of penalty ftmctions that satisfy the following consistency condition: A set of functions f|(.), f2(.), every pair of indices for all As Figure i, j e , {1, 2, f^C.) is 1(a) n}, either fj(t) ..., values of completion time said to be consistent f:(t) or fj(t) for > fj(t) t. shows, consistent functions do not two penalty functions < if, intersect; Figure 1(b) shows that are not consistent. Several natural penalty functions satisfy the consistency property. Examples, shown in Figure 2, completion time criteria = W: t - dj, max where {0, t - d; is the d:}. fj(t) due date include t or (i) fj(t) for job j, = W: and t^ (iii) Jobs with consistent penalty fvmctions have the rarUdng (say, increasing order of penalties) for Hence, we will and quadratic) (ii) the lateness penalty Ut) = the tardiness penalty iXt) = the weighted (linear all same relative completion time values. sometimes omit the completion time argument, and denote -5- as > fj fj the fact that job has a higher penalty than job i j (for all completion time values). we For convenience, different jobs are distinct, maximum f)enalty will assume either fj > will i.e., that the penalty functions for the fj or < fj fj. Thus, the job with the always be unique. Our Forward algorithm requires only the relative order of jobs with respect to the penalty functions rather than the exact penalty values for different completion times. Hence, ranking the jobs in order of penalties 3. is sufficient. The Forward Algorithm for Vpiedfj^^^ problem with Consistent Penalty Functions This section FORWARD first describes a new zero-base procedure called the algorithm to find the optimal n-job schedule for the 1/prec/fmax problem with consistent penalty functions. Unlike Lawler's algorithm, the new method positions how 3.1 it schedules jobs from front to back first). facilitates The We prove the correctness of updating the schedule (i.e., it assigns jobs to earlier this algorithm, when a new job and demonstrate enters the system. FORWARD Zero-Base Algorithm The Forward algorithm argument. Recall is motivated by the following intuitive that, for consistent penalty functions, the relative ordering of jobs (in terms of their penalties) does not vary with time. Hence, not constrained by precedence restrictions, we can minimize f j^^^ if jobs are by scheduling the jobs in decreasing order of penalty. However, this decreasingpenalty order may violate some precedence constraints. precedence constraints, consider the following (and parsimoniously) advance jobs: 'natural' To satisfy the scheme to selectively with the decreasing-p>enalty order as Start the candidate sequence; examine jobs from front to back in this sequence, ensure precedence feasibility for immediately before job j) each job j by advancing every ancestor that is (i.e., and scheduling currently scheduled after job This procedure effectively attempts to deviate as little as possible j. from the decreasing-penalty order by advancing orUy the essential low-penalty jobs that -6- must precede the high-penalty forms the basis for the As we demonstrate jobs. next, this principle Forward algorithm, and gives the optimal n-job schedule. To we describe and prove the validity of the Forward algorithm, some additional notation. For any subset of jobs immediate predecessors of job Similarly, Aj(S) = A^ Forward algorithm indexed jobs such that Proposition belonging to subset j n S denotes i < job if j S, i j = set of all n S. B: in subset S. The we have Recall that result. precedes job be the Bj(S) i.e., the set of ancestors of job on the following relies S, let Bj(S) use j. 1: For any subset of jobs S, let j* be the job in maximum with the this subset penalty. Then, subset S has an optimal schedule, denoted as n(S), that assigns job j* to position { I A^»(S) 1+1), and ancestors to the all its positions in increasing order of job indices (where I A I first I Aj»(S) I denotes the number of elements of the set A). Proof: The first part of the proposition states that the subset S optimal schedule that processes the maximum-penalty job possible, i.e., this immediately by schedule We j*. processes first prove all Aj»(S) Let job j* be scheduled be a non-ancestor that denote the position of job j' is in position the current completion time of job k'+l to k must be by one position. j' < does not I Aj»(S) followed and let By our choice of Consider to position k, +1, k. of would be j' I satisfy this but before, job j*. j*'s penalty in the set j*. j*, to, must be ancestors maximum obtained by postponing job k > in schedule R", k' ancestor for any of these jobs; otherwise, is 11" that scheduled closest jobs in positions (k'+l) to (k-1) Finally, since job j* has the ancestors of job as soon as using an interchange argument. this result Consider an alternative optimal schedule property. j* must have an now Also, job job j*. j' j' « Let k' k', all is not an ancestor as well. S, fj»(t) the and advancing > new all fj.(t), where t schedule jobs in positions By our previous observations, the new schedule feasible; furthermore, since job j* -7- has a higher penalty than job j', the . new schedule does not increase the repeating this process until j*, we maximum non-ancestors of job all By penalty of the schedule. j* are postponed beyond get an optimal schedule that satisfies the condition of the proposition. Now, job j* has the penalty incurred for j* maximum penalty among must exceed the penalty these are completed earlier and have lower their relative order in positions 1 to I Aj»(S) all each of for Thus, the jobs in S. ancestors (since its f)enalty functions), regardless of I . To be feasible, however, the assignment of these ancestors must satisfy the precedence constraints. Since numbered jobs are in order of their precedence, scheduling the ancestors in increasing index order gives a feasible schedule. Proposition identify the job first, ( I Aj,(S) Let suggests the following iterative scheduling procedure: 1 c S' +1), I j* with and assign maximum penalty, schedule predecessors to positions all its S denote the remaining set of jobs problem and so ( I A.»(S) I +2) to I S for the subset of jobs on. I . S', In effect, describe the algorithm next. we can consider a In this description, iteration The Step and S^ is 1 I Aj»(S) I In j*). to this r is scheduling new We subset, formally the iteration counter, is filled l^ is in the r*^ the set of remaining unscheduled jobs at the beginning of r. FORWARD Zero-Base Algorithm 0: Set Initialization r *- = /j. iteration counter 1; Sj <- unscheduled jobs {1,2,.. .,n); set of 0. last position at iteration r scheduled in previous iteration .J Step new procedure. this iterative the pointer to the last position in the schedule that iteration, through must be scheduled optimally and apply Proposition Our method implements in position (which are not ancestors of the optimal schedule n(S), these remaining jobs in positions 1 it 1: (a) Iterative step Find the job j*(r) with maximum penalty in set 8- S^; Aj»(j)(Sr) := Set of all ancestors of j*{r) in S^. (b) Set /r <- Assign (c) to position j*(r) - 1 /^ Sj^i <r- S^- Aj.(,)(Sr) - {j*(r)) empty. Stop. The current schedule is Else, set r f- r+1, and return Observe that the iterative step is to the job As through set A:.(r)(Sr) to positions (/r-i+D in increasing order of job indices. (d) Set S,^i (e) If +1; IAj»(r)(Sr)l Assign jobs of the /j. Job. + /r.i j*(r) with the r increases, maximum is optimal; at most n to Step 1(a). performed We refer times. penalty at the r'^ step as the r'" Bottleneck the corresponding bottleneck jobs have successively lower penalties. 3.1.1 Example To illustrate the Forward algorithm, cor^ider the precedence graph and the relative ordering of 6 jobs (in decreasing order of penalties) Figure penalty and Initially, all jobs 3. job 5 is 2, i.e., positions 1 (i.e., j*(l) A5(S^) = and iteration, job 6 = {1,2}. first iteration largest 3, is among all /^ = 3. At the second remaining assigned to position 4, jobs. while job 6 Its is In the final iteration, the orUy remaining job (job 4) last position. Data Structures To perform the Table 1 scheduled is summarizes these computations. and Computational Complexity Forward algorithm's computations maintain a special data structure, and Our implementation 1 schedules the ancestors in in position has the largest penalty scheduled in the 3.1.2 The and the job with the in This job has two unscheduled ancestors, jobs 5). and schedules job 5 2, unscheduled ancestor, job in position 5. are unscheduled, shown first sorts make some minor efficiently, we algorithnuc changes. the jobs in decreasing order of penalties prior main algorithm. This sorting operation requires 0(n log n) to initiating the effort, and will facilitate the process of identifying the bottleneck job at each main procedure. Also, our implementation does not iteration of the determine the exact positions for the unscheduled ancestors in the set Aj»(y)(Sr) (i.e., we Instead, schedule it does not perform step end of the Initially, all jobs during that (/^-D) each after at main algorithm by performing an assign the temporary index iteration, have a temporary index of (ru- and job must be scheduled jobs that immediately iteration. reindex these jobs tempwrarily, and determine the actual final at the op)eration. 1(c)) we j) to j*(r) is in the have temporary indices algorithm terminates, + each job 0. At iteration iteration € A|,(^)(Sp that j assigned the index (nr + r* overall sorting is r, we scheduled j*(r)). Thus, all (between positions (/r.i+D and in the range (nr+1) to n(r+l). After the sort the jobs in increasing order of their main temporary indices (0(n log n) effort) to obtain the final optimal schedule. Observe that the largest possible value of a temporary index intermediate iterations, to identify since they Let us algorithm. now all have temporary indices of the sorted j*(r), we If back all all j*(r) is 0.) the first Now, effort in job following j*(r-l) in consider the effort required j*(r) (in in the linked list step 1(a)). Starting with representation of the precedence encounter a previously scheduled job, we need not explore its be scheduled previously. Thus, the required to identify the members of the set A|»(r)(Sr) is 0(m) over iterations (since once). which requires 0(n) unscheduled ancestors using the pointers to the ancestors since these ancestors must total effort of jobs, unscheduled ancestors of job trace we list the r*^ bottleneck job immediate predecessors graph. successive bottleneck jobs involves with a temporary index of list to identify the job r, 0. analyze the computational complexity of the Forward First, identifying the (At step n(n+l). Also, at the jobs that have not yet been scheduled are easy sequentially scanning the sorted total. is we examine Combined with overall complexity of precedence graph is each edge in the precedence graph exactly the initial 0(m all and + n log n). O(n^); hence, the final sorting operations, In general, the Forward algorithm Lawler's original algorithm in the worst-case. sparse precedence graphs, we number However, is no for we get an of arcs m in the better than problems with expect the Forward algorithm to perform better. -10 The Forward algorithm also extends to the more ger\eral 1/prec, Tj, pmtn/fj^^ problem where jobs have different release times are known and preemption in advance, Later (in Section this extension. 5), we enhanced method as the benchmark reoptimization when App)endix permitted. is that describes 1 use the schedule generated by this to evaluate the effectiveness of job release times are not known on-Une in advance. Adapting Lawler's algorithm for consistent penalty functions 3.13 Note that when time. Recall that, at each stage k, for the eligible job j e we can also adapt run in 0(m + n log n) the jjenalty functions are consistent, Lawler's original O(n^) algorithm for 1/prec/f,^^^ to time r: R^ with k = n, n-1, ..., Lawler's algorithm selects 1, the smallest penalty at the current completion For general penalty functions, the order of eligible jobs (arranged in Tj^. increasing order of penalty values at However, Tj^) might change from stage to stage. To writh consistent penalty functions, the order is invariant. exploit this property we use a heap structure to store the currently eligible jobs in sorted order (increasing penalties) at each stage. the job that heap, and is (iii) currently at the root of the heap, insert in the heap all its (ii) At stage k, we: (i) schedule delete this job from the immediate predecessors that just became eligible. 0(n log n) total effort; and, checking the eligibility of jobs at each stage requires effort (since and removing each job from the heap entails each arc of the precedence graph must be examined Hence, the overall complexity of the heap implementation of Lawler's once). static 0(m) Inserting algorithm is 0(m + n log n), which is the same complexity of our Forward algorithm. However, as Forward algorithm is more amenable to as the computational we show next, the updating existing schedules. 3^ The FORWARD Updating Algorithm For the updating problem, a new job, arrives. We the are given an optimal n-job schedule, and indexed as (n+1), with prespedfied immediate predecessors B^^|, initially assume that job (n+1) does not the current set of n jobs; later, when we new we in how to apply the updating method among currently scheduled jobs. Let n indicate job also has successors have any successors 11 = {j|, J2, J3, •— , Jn) denote the current optimal n-job schedule where the index of the job that is scheduled in the The updating position. k'*^ W= problem consists of constructing a new optimal schedule J n+l^ that includes the new denotes jj^ [i\, j'2/ ']\, ... , job (n+1). The updating procedure uses information on corresponding to the current schedule. As the bottleneck jobs we mentioned in Section 3.1, the successive bottleneck jobs must have successively lower penalties; hence, the current sequence penalties. n already lists the bottleneck jobs in order of decreasing now the position for job (n+1) in the (n+l)-job optimal assuming we applied the Forward zero-base algorithm. Since job Consider schedule IT, (n+1) does not precede any current jobs, determined solely by jobs. In particular, its U»(r.\) < i^+l ^ V(r)' for the (r-1)*' r in linear merely insert job (n+1) and time. all its in bottleneck job Assuming is ^^^ job's penalty lies Since the current jobs. decreasing penalty order, we And, the updating procedure must previously unscheduled ancestors ancestors that are not scheduled in positions 1)*' ^'^' *^^ and r* bottleneck sequence schedules existing bottleneck jobs can identify the index position in the schedule p>enalty function relative to the current bottleneck suppose between the penalties its 1 to /^.j) immediately (i.e., after the (r- j*(r-l). that we are initially given only the immediate predecessors B^^-f of job (n+1), finding the members of A^^|(Sp ancestors for job (n+1)) requires O(m') operations, (the set of where m' edges in the precedence subgraph induced by job (n+1) and must then assign these ancestors unscheduled the is its number of We ancestors. to consecutive positions, starting with position (/^.|+1). Observe that the current schedule satisfies the precedence constraints among all ancestors of job (n+1). Hence, the jobs in Aj^^^(Sr) need not be re-sorted to satisfy precedence constraints; instead, we get a feasible schedule by merely scheduling these ancestors in the order in which they occur in the current schedule. Adjusting the current schedule in requires at most O(n') effort, where n' is the number n) for the manner of ancestors of job (n+1). Thus, the overall complexity of the Forward updating procedure compared with 0(m + n log this is 0(m'+n') Forward zero-base algorithm. Finally, note that the updating procedure can easily accommodate -12 new jobs that must precede existing jobs. Let jg be the immediate successor of job (n+1) that scheduled earliest in the current schedule, and current schedule. In the in positions to ig new and beyond 3.2.1 its position in the Therefore, will retain their relative order. to jobs that are currently we need scheduled in 1 to /g-1. Example For the example shown in Figxire when calculations a new of jobs 1 and two 5, and its penalty value Ues between those Job 7 must, therefore, be scheduled between the two 6. consecutive bottleneck jobs 5 and are not scheduled prior to job 5, Figure 4 illustrates the updating 3, job (job 7) enters the system. This job has immediate predecessors, jobs 4 and 4 and denote schedule, the jobs that are currently scheduled apply the updating procedure only positions let l^ is 6. Job 7 has two ancestors, jobs 3 and Hence, 5. we assign these two 4, that jobs to positions respectively (preserving their relative order in the current schedule); job 7 occupies position 6, followed by job 6. Figure 4 shows the updated schedule. Computational results 4. Section 3 showed that the updating algorithm has better worst-case complexity than the zero-base algorithm. To verify superiority in practice, we compared this computational the computation times using the Forward zero-base algorithm and the updating procedure of random test describe the from 100 jobs an extensive to 400 jobs. set We first before presenting the results. Random Problem Generation Our random problem the in size random problem generating procedure computational 4.1 problems ranging for number Initially, of jobs (n), we contained and the density 5 of the precedence graph (0 < 5 < 1). attempted to generate precedence graphs with random topologies by independently probability generator requires two user-spedfied parameters: S. selecting arcs We discovered, many redundant (i,j), for any pair of nodes i and j, with however, that the resulting precedence graphs arcs. For example, -13- if the graph contains arcs (i,j), and (j,k), then arc (i,k), preceding k) (i,k) can be deleted since implied by the other two is arcs. this precedence order (i.e., i Consequently, the reduced graph (with redundant arcs eliminated) was often much sparser than the desired density values. redundancies, arcs we To overcome this problem and to avoid checking for decided to use layered precedence graphs that contain only between successive To generate density parameter none of the layers; hence, arcs are redundant. random layered graph containing n nodes and with a 5, the problem generator: • randomly • equally divides the • for each pair of selects the probability number number nodes i and of layers (L) in the graph (0 < of nodes j among new layer, probability We in successive layers, selects arc we 300, and and 0.90. (i,j) with 5. and connects node (n+1) to new job (n+1) to nodes in the previous layer with 5. implemented the zero-base and updating versions of the Forward algorithm in tests, n); the layers; and, For the updating problem, the random generator assigns the a L< PASCAL on a Sun 4/390 workstation. For our computational considered four networks sizes, with number of nodes n = 100, 200, 400, instances. and five values of the density For each combination (n,5), Table 2 summarizes the standard deviation of CPU we mean parameter 5 = 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, generated 100 random problem (over 100 random instances) and times (to add the (n+1)*' job to the current schedule) for the zero-base and updating versions of the Forward algorithm for all the (n,5) combinations. As Table 2 shows, faster than the zero-base version by a the updating algorithm factor ranging from 2 to 5. is Thus, for scheduling contexts that require numerous frequent updates, the magnitude of computational savings using the updating the 100-job problems, the CPU method can be For time for individual problem instances varies widely as indicated by the large standard deviation the problem size increases, the substantial. CPU (relative to the mean). As time for updating relative to 2^ro-base scheduling appears to increase. The density parameter does not seem to have a significant or consistent effect on this ratio. 14- 5. Competitiveness of On-line Reoptimization Having demonstrated the relative efficiency of using tailored updating methods instead of zero-base algorithms to accomodate new examine the effectiveness of on-line reoptimization schedule dynamic systems. assume a One approach tractable stochastic model jobs, we now as a heuristic strategy to to evaluate this effectiveness is to for job arrivals, processing times, and precedence relationships, and analyze the expected performance of on-line reoptimization (or other dispatch rules) in this framework. mode of analysis is However, often sensitive to the choice of the stochastic this model governing the occurrence of random events. Recently several researchers in theoretical computer science Borodin et al. [1987], Chung et al. [1989], Manasse (e.g., have developed et al. [1988]) an alternate approach to study on-line effectiveness using the notion of competitiveness. The approach involves characterizing the worst-case performance of the on-line method compared to an optimal off-line procedure that has perfect information about the future. In particular, for problems with a minimization objective, an on-line algorithm c-competitive if A is said to be the inequality Ca ^ c Co + a holds for any instance of the on-line problem. Here, incurred by the on-line algorithm A, and Cg solution with clairvoyance. is C^ denotes the "cost" the cost for the optimal off-line Thus, competitiveness is a useful measure for performance analysis of incremental algorithms. Researchers have started applying this measure to scheduling problems only recently; Shmoys, Wein and Williamson [1991] address competitiveness issues related to on-line scheduling of parallel machines to minimize makespan. This section demonstrates the underlying principles and techniques of competitiveness analysis applied to our single machine scheduling problem. Developing bounds on the relative difference between the on-line and line we optimal objective values for general penalty functions f:() is off- difficult since cannot exploit any special properties of the solutions. We, therefore, need to separately study various specializations of -15- f:0- We consider two types of p>enalty functions - subadditive functions penalty functions, when we we For subadditive lateness. shov^ that on-line reoptimization perniit preemptions, scheduling, where p and is and (p+2)-competitive the Aspect ratio (defined 2-competitive is for non-preemptive We later). then prove 2- competitiveness of on-line reoptimization for the lateness penalty case (delivery time version). Before describing and proving the competitiveness results, the context randomly and the mechanics of on-line reoptimization. Jobs at various release order in which they arrive. times We Assume t-. any additional setup or reprocessing order) of the new (i) First, consider the case arrival epoch j and ancestors immediately after the Notice that the current job u all is and resumed is later without decreasing pjenalty r* (in necessarily be completed Hence, job first, j is (ii) inserting job (r*-l)*' j and its unscheduled bottleneck job in the current schedule. preempted only if job has a higher penalty j In the non-preemptive case, job other available jobs. rescheduled. the job that relative to all the currently available jobs (including the current in-process job u), than r^, when In this case, applying the updating effort. determining the rank, say, job arrive that jobs are indexed in the currently in process, say, job u can be interrupted involves: us clarify study effectiveness for both preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling problems. preemptions are permitted, i.e., at each method let u must and only the remaining jobs can be ranked only relative to these remaining This on-line updating algorithm is a heuristic method jobs. that does not guarantee long-run optimality of the schedules. The benchmark for comparing the performance of the on-line method is an optimal off-line schedule that has prior knowledge (at time 0) about the exact arrival times n for all jobs j. In Graham et al.'s [1979] nomenclature, the off-line schedule the optimal solution to either the 1/prec, rj, pmtn/f^^ problem depending on whether or not preemption the 1/prec/fj^^^ problem (with preemption) is is is or 1/prec, rji^^^ permitted. Note that polynomially solvable using, enhanced Forward algorithm described in Appendix 1, while the 1/prec, T:/ fjj^^ problem (without preemption) is known to be NP-hard. say, the Indeed, the non-preemptive problem remains NP-hard even 16- if we restrict the penalty f^^^^ to maximum relax the precedence constraints l/n/Lj^^ problem). (i.e., for the 5.1 Subadditive Penalty functions A and lateness L^^^, penalty function f :() is said to be subadditive if it satisfies the condition: fj(ti for all t|, t2 ^ 0. + < tj) + fj(ti) fj(t2) Interesting special cases of subadditive functions include concave penalty functions, and linear completion time pjenalties Pj We t). denote the maximum subadditive penalty as f^ax- studies the competitiveness of on-line reoptimLzation, with preemption, When when all jobs 2-competitive, is most twice the optimal ^^^ = section and without have consistent, subadditive penalty functions. preemptions are permitted, strategy (i.e., f:(t) i.e., we show that the on-line reoptimization the objective value of the on-line schedule off-line value. When worst-case ratio increases to (p+2), where p is preemption is is at prohibited, the a specified ratio of job processing times. 5.1.1 Scheduling with Preemptions We now show that, for any k-job problem, the preemptive schedule obtained using on-line reoptimization (without anticipating future job arrivals) has a worst-case line performance ratio of 2 relative to the optimal off- schedule for the l/r^ prec, pmtn/f^^^ problem constructed by the enhanced Forward algorithm (Appendix Theorem 1). 1: For the 1/prec, r^ pmtn/f^^^ problem, on-line reoptimization competitive. -17- is 2- Proof: Let n be the preemptive schedule obtained using on-line reoptiniization k-job problem. schedule, and Let let t: is critical job, max = < < j the completion time for job j (t)k where denote the j' = be the (maximum) completion time penalty for 4>j^ fj.(tj.) {fj(tj): 1 n must schedule in j' k}, schedule n. in the job j' and its j). is scheduled the interval of time completion. Let [n., denote the set of J' later t:.] all than note all jobs j Let A(J') denote the set of ancestors € j J' of all either be a member of the the completion time for job t:. set j' J' that are completed J' ( also includes jobs in the set J. or an ancestor of n in schedule the arrival of Clearly, every job that the on-line schedule completes in the interval must jobs would be j' between the and having equal or higher penalty functions in this interval job now Consider the critical job, is j' we First, have lower penalty functions (otherwise, a job with higher penalty function that critical job). this i.e., several characteristics of the schedule n. Since following job for a some job j e [r:., t.] Also, J'. has the following upper bound: < t:. Now r:. I + pj I + (1) Pj. n* which uses prior information (maximum) completion time penalty for consider the optimal off-line schedule on job release times. Let this schedule, and let Tj <\>^^ be the completion time for job jobs belonging to the set Observe be the let j" be the job that fj.(Tj-) > J', i^ > T:- > Z jej- Inequality last in all the n*. (2) Pi + Z Pi jeA(J') ' because both (1), (3), , and and and ^ Inequalities (2) = j" (4), and (3) ' (4) follows from the definition of j' (2) fj.(Tj-), equal or higher penalty function than job (Dk scheduled Among rp > Tjn tj. in 11*. that ' From is j belong to the set J', j'. ^, and because job Inequalities (3) and and job j" is completed j" € (4) J' has an hold last in n*. we have Tj. (5) + Tj- = 2Tj.. imply that fj.(tj.) 18 (5) < fj.(2Tj..) from <, 2 fj.(Tjn) from subadditivity, and < 2 (tj; from (5) (2). (6) Hence, the on-line reoptimization strategy Claim The worst-case bound : The following example precedes job Jobs 3. 1 of 2 (proved in f)enalties and 2 arrive at f:(t) time Theorem 1) is tight. Consider a 3-job problem instance justifies this claim. with linear completion time 2-competitive. is = P: 0, each requiring 10 imits of t. Job 1 is unrelated, while job 2 processing time, and job 3 arrives at time 10 with a very small processing The time. i-[> ^2- jobs have the following ordering in terms of penalty functions: ^ o^^ notation, the following parameters describe this problem instance: r^ = 0, r2 1, P2 = 0, and P3 = At time 0, = 0, and r3 = 10; p| = 10, P2 = 10, and P3 = both jobs 1 job 3 arrives (and job starts job 2 (to satisfy job 3's at time (20 + e). On 100*(20+e). e; B3 = (2); and 2 are Job 3 is 1 available, but job 1 At is at time 10, this time, the on-line the other hand, the optimal off-line scheduling is and delayed 2-3-1. Job 3, arrival at completed t = 10. method Hence, the at (10+e), is again the (20+e)/(10+e) which approaches 2 as e approaches the worst-case ratio of 2 method precedence constraint), and finally completes job 3 with a penalty of 100*(10+e). Thus, the ratio of on-line is = the critical job, with a completion time penalty of optimal off-line sequence penalty values p| has higher penalty. The next epoch it first. completes). anticipates job 3's higher penalty critical job, and 100. Hence, the on-line method processes when > i^ is tight. Next, we show that, for the to off-line 0. Hence, non-preemptive case, the worst-case ratio is higher. 5.1.2 Scheduling without preemptions As we noted preemption case, we do schedule. is earlier, finding the optimal off-line schedule with no computationally intractable. Hence, unlike the preemptive not have a convenient characterization of the optimal off-line To evaluate the competitiveness of on-line reoptimization for the -19- we non-preemptive case, We know use the following strategy. that the optimal off-line preemptive schedule has a lower penalty than the optimal off-line non-preemptive schedule. Hence, for the on-line, if we can derive a worst-case ratio non-preemptive schedule with respect preemptive schedule, should also hold this ratio to the optimal, off-line for the off-line preemptive solution. Let p denote the maximum, over the ratio of processing time for job and ancestors, all its We refer expression max is {pj/{pi sum a lower /e Note ratio. bound on ^ + ' p as the Aspect to to the p with a tighter lower Theorem i i and of j, of processing times for job i p,} : its i,j < k, i ?t j}. that the denominator in the above the earliest possible completion time of job bound (on and < 1 Ai Indeed, our competitiveness result applies even release times of job job pairs i.e., = p j all non- job if i. replace the denominator of completion time) involving, say, the i's ancestors. 2: For the 1/prec, rj/f^^^ problem, the on-line reoptimization method is (p+2)-competitive. Proof: This proof is very similar to the proof for Theorem non-preemptive schedule for a k-job problem. Let penalty of this schedule, defined by the time [r:., t:.] between the Let u be the job that J' be the is set of all jobs arrival of job vdth higher its jjenalties completed in this interval either Let A(J') be the set of belong to all J' ancestors Let ^^ be j'. the shcedule's penalty value. off-line schedules must n„ when job than j' j' arrives, and € J' . let u, all other jobs that are or are ancestors of one or j Ilj^ completed in the that are for jobs in The job completion times satisfy the following inequalities: -20- (maximum) the Consider the interval of n* be the optimal, off-line preemptive schedule; job j" e J' n* among all jobs of J'. T: denotes the completion time for is be the on-line, Ilj^ completion in schedule Except for the in-process job [r:., t.]. J'. and currently in process in time interval jobs in j' critical job 1. As J'. is more before, let scheduled job j in n*, last in and (^ in the on-line and < tj. rj. ' + Z {fj., J > V(TjO > U max These inequalities imply fj.(tj.) < Un,) + < <t>jj+ p (p+2) Z Vp J ' Z + ' pj ); I + and (8) })• (9) ' JGj' p; (7) ' Pj that: = J pj {r., jef ' jeA(J') ' (0? pj+lpj; )eA(J) max > Tjn X p^+ ' <)>k + + Pj.) '^J Z £;.( J <t>k Pj+Zpj) j6A(j') ' j€r ' using subadditivity and (7) using subadditivity and (9) ^. Thus, the worst-case ratio for the on-line, non-preemptive schedule is at most Hence, the on- (p+2) relative to the optimal off-line, preemptive schedule. line reoptimization strategy is at least (p+2)-competitive for the 1/Ty prec, pmtn/f^gj^ problem. Claim : The worst-case bound To prove of (p+2) for non-preemptive schedules augmented version this claim, consider the following previous worst-case problem instance (described after Theorem addition to the 3 jobs in that example, time r4 = 0, we have ratio p for this for 5, problem instance is at time job 4, followed 10. Since job 3 P4/P1 = by job 2 and is a fourth job that arrives at 2. Consider, 1 (or job 4) first, is time tinally job 3. Job 3 10; the the schedule scheduled e). completes at first time (40 + and processor is idle e); it is Contrast this on-line schedule with the following optimal, non-preemptive schedule: Job 2 at In not yet available, the method schedules the critical job with a penalty of 100*(40 + and completes 1). 1, obtained using on-line reoptimization. Job completes of the and a processing time of P4 = 20. some small 5 > 0. Note that the Aspect with penalty coefficient P4 = Also, job 3 arrives at r3 = 10 + is tight. from time 10 starts at time to time (10 + 6); Job 3 starts at time (10+5), and completes at time (10+&+e), followed by jobs and 4. Again, job 3 is 1 the critical job, with a completion time penalty value of 21 Thus, the ratio of the on-line penalty and the optimal, off-line 100*(10+5+e). (non-preemptive) penalty approaches (p + 2) =4 as 5 and e tend to zero. The Lateness Penalty function 5.2 We now is fj(t:) =b- date for job dj, j, consider the Lateness objective L^^gx' where t: and d. are, respectively, the and Lj^^^ = Max { fj(tj): = j ^•^•' j completion time and due Our l,2,...,n}. ^^^ penalty for job discussions focus on non-preemptive, precedence-constrained scheduling for this problem. The best off-line approximation algorithm for the 1/t-/Lj^^ problem was developed by Hall and Shmoys [1991]. formulation of this model (described They show later), a that, for the delivery-time 4/3 approximation algorithm possible using an enhanced version of Jackson's earliest due date is rule. Although Jackson's rule can be applied on-line, the approximation Shmoys techniques used by Hall and sacrifice the on-line characteristic to achieve the tighter bounds. To study maximum on-line competitiveness, lateness objective Lj^g^ since we cannot work directly with the some problem zero or negative optimal off-line Lj^^^ values. worst-case competitiveness becomes that is even slightly suboptimal.) (If unbounded instances may have the off-line L^^^^ is zero, the any on-line algorithm for Instead of redefining competitiveness, we transform the Lj^^^ problem to the following equivalent delivery time version (Potts [1980]) which has a positive optimal value for all problem instances. 5.2.1 The Delivery Time Formulation Let largest We (dj) due denote the job due dates, and date. interpret the Now define tail q: The tail a of job j is L + q:, delivery time over all jobs. value greater than the as where t objective of the scheduling problem maximum j K be a as the time to deliver the job Thus, the delivery time of job j. the let now is j after it is the completion time of job consists of minimizing the The optimal schedule -22- completed. for this delivery time version also minimizes maximum lateness. Observe that the penalty function f(t|) = t + K - d: implied by the delivery time objective function is consistent (according to our definition in Section having higher penalty functions. Thus, earlier 2), with jobs that are due each job arrival epoch, on- at problem (without preemptions) line reoptimization for the delivery time involves adjusting the current schedule to process the available job with the earliest process job and 5.2.2 as soon as possible (subject to completing the current in- due date unfinished ancestors of the all O n-line 2-competitiveness of EDD job). Reoptimization For any given k-job instance of the non-preemptive delivery time problem, let n be the schedule obtained using on-line reoptimization. Let DT; be the delivery time of job time value over all jobs Theorem the ^^^ is maximum delivery Denote the (maximum) delivery time of the j. optimal, off-line schedule in this schedule; j n* sls^. 3: On-line reoptimization is delivery time problem, 2-competitive for the non-preemptive i.e., (t)jj < 2 (()|^ for all k. Proof: We in prove this result which they equals the arrive, sum of by induction. Assume and first consider k = that jobs are indexed in the order 2. time, processing time, its start value <^ must be greater than or equal to the the k jobs. In the two-job case, on-line updating method if 1 before job tail, maximum the optimal off-line processing time over also constructs the optimal schedule. 2. When arrives before job 2, the on-line the method off-line solution consists of Relative to this optimal schedule, the on-line 1. schedule delays job 2 by most at 1 Suppose the optimal processing job 2 before job p|. Hence, job 2 incurs an incremental delivery time penalty of at most p| relative to line and both jobs arrive simultaneously, then the release times are different, say, job schedules job Since delivery time for a job schedule n*. Furthermore, job 2's its penalty in penalty in the optimal off- O* optimal off-line objective function value ^. Hence, -23- is a lower bound on the . . <t>2 ^ <>2 < 2 + Pi is + n^ax 4>2 {pj, P2} <t)J. Thus, the on-line method method ^ 2-competitive for 2 jobs. is 2-competitive for < (k - all k' Now We show 1) jobs. suppose the that it must also be 2-competitive for k jobs. Let job = <t>k where Case S: is 1: S:. < k be the j' = DTj. Sj. the start time for job < s^ But, < 2 Hence, S|. > qj., earlier than the Hence, job j' new even + due date) than job k. < Since the Forward algorithm when job k arrives, job + = qj. j' must Hence, <t)k and , by the induction hypothesis. <t>i^.| (f)!^ a higher penalty in the (k-1) job on-line schedule. Pj. < (^ job k but also has the must have higher penalty jobs unaffected Sj. (t)j^*| (}>j^.l 2: S;. ^ <t>k-i Case (i.e., all start at + pj. in the on-line schedule. starts earlier j' highest delivery time. leaves j + i.e., . In this case, job function job in the on-line schedule, critical 2 <t)j^. Sj^ In this case, K ^ = + i-j' (Sj. = Note however Sj - rj 2 < + - (t)k Pj PjPj. (Sj. + + qj- qj.) - - (Sj. - rj.) rj.). that for all jobs j. Otherwise, the interval of time between the arrival and start of job contains some (since job j is idle time which is waiting in the queue). Therefore, k K ^ <t)k-.^Pi' which implies 1=1 that (t)j^ ^ 2 j impossible using the on-line method (j)|^. -24- Thus, on-line reoptimization As Theorem before, we is 2-competitive. can show that the worst-case ratio of 2 (proved in 3) for on-line reoptimization Indeed, for the non- is tight. preemptive delivery time problem, the foUov^ng example (Kise and [1978], Potts [1980]) shows introduce forced idleness that (i.e., any on-line scheduling algorithm Uno that does not does not keep the machine idle when the job queue is not empty) must have a worst-case ratio of at least 2 Consider a problem instance with two jobs that are released respectively at r| = and . 1, 1 having processing times p^ = (P - 1) and P2 = 1/ arid due dates d^ = P and d2 = and q2 = (P - D). With no precedence constraints, (hence, the tails are q^ = the best strategy consists of keeping the machine idle for the and scheduling job 2 before job solution (P + is 1). On first The maximum delivery time 1. method the other hand, any on-line time period, for this that does not anticipate future job arrivals or introduce forced idleness will schedule job at = rj time (since the only available job). Since jobs cannot be preempted, it is job 2 begins processing only at time (P - P becomes 1), and delivery time And, on-line reoptimization achieves 2. is (2P - 1). As this lowest possible ratio. on-Une reoptimization In retrospect, the 2-competitiveness of surprising in view of the worst-case [1980]). its arbitrarily large, the ratio of on-line to optimal off-line delivery time approaches worst-case 1 bound is not of 2 for Schrage's heuristic (Potts For the l/r:/DT,^j^ delivery time problem (without preemption or precedence constraints), Schrage's heuristic consists of applying Jackson's earliest rule), due date rule on-line (with i.e., whenever a job completes, the available job with the earliest constraints, a longest processing time tie-breaking due date. on-hne reoptinuzation method dispatches Note that, the currently without precedence also chooses this "current" HDD job sequence. Potts [1980] used a characterization of Schrage's heuristic schedule (in terms of an interference job) to prove that the method has a worst-case have precedence constraints, we can transform the delivery time problem l/r|, prec/DT^^^ to an equivalent unconstrained bound of 2. When jobs version by revising the job release times and 25- tails as follows: if job i must precede job j, set t- <- max {rj, r:} and qj max <- {qj, a+Pj}- Potts' result implies that Schrage's heuristic applied to this transformed Note when that, a new problem is 2-comp)etitive. job arrives, updating the tails (to account for its precedence constraints) involves examining every currently available new ancestor of the (Appendix 1) is job. more In contrast, our on-line updating algorithm efficient since it first locates the new job relative to the current bottleneck jobs, and only examines ancestors that are scheduled 6. later. Conclusions In this paper we have updating version for one algorithm and an scheduling problems. The updating class of procedure reduces the computational existing schedule new Forward developed a effort to accomodate a new job into an by using information from the current schedule. In contrast, applying a zero-base algorithm to reschedule all the jobs would entail significantly higher computational results of Section computational 4. from scratch effort, as illustrated by our Section 5 gives partial results characterizing the effectiveness of using deterministic reoptimization for online scheduling. Our broader purpose efficiency for and in this paper is to demonstrate the scope, and effectiveness issues in developing on-line updating algorithms dynamic scheduling problems. In spite of their practical importance in contexts such as real-time control of distributed processors, updating algorithms have not been adequately studied in the scheduling literature. For illustrative purposes, can be solved we efficiently. studied a single machine scheduling problem that Exploring similar updating methods for other scheduling objectives and contexts is an important research direction that merits further investigation. 26- Appendix 1 FORWARD Algorithm for the 1/prec, pmtn/f j^ax problem with Consistent Penalties Fj, in Section 3 assumes that all jobs are This Apf>endix describes an extension to simultaneously available at time 0. handle arbitrary, but known, job release times; job preemption is permitted. The Forward algorithm described First, we review the notation. We are given n jobs, and a precedence represent, respectively, the set of arcs. B. and contairung G:(N,A) graph immediate predecessors and ancestors of job j. Each job has a "consistent" non-decreasing penalty function fit), i.e., either fj(t) < fjCt) or fj(t) > fj(t) for all A m Let pj and the processing time and release time for job j. completion times Without and t, < i j if and j; job minimizes f,^^ = constraints fj(t') if t > t'. rj denote, respectively, we assume that all ancestors otherwise, we can set r: = Max {r^ + p^: assume for convenience, that > of any job loss of generality, arrive at or before job consequently, f:(t) i 6 j Also, B:}. that jobs are indexed in order of release dates; precedes job i Max (fXtj): release times, j = j. We require a l,2,...,n} where tj is preemptive schedule while satisfying the precedence the completion time for job j in the chosen schedule. Scheduling Principle: As before, ti\e Forward algorithm identifies successive bottleneck jobs, and schedules each bottleneck job as early as possible. As before, we first sort all jobs in decreasing order of penalties. The method starts with an empty schedule, and progressively assigns jobs to appropriate "free" time intervals in the current schedule. At iteration r, the method has scheduled the first (rbottleneck jobs and all their ancestors. Let I"" denote the set of available free time intervals in the current schedule at the start of iteration r. The 1) following steps are performed at iteration Step 1: among Identify the r*^ bottleneck job all r: job j*(r), i.e, j*(r) has the largest penalty the currently unscheduled jobs; Consider each unscheduled ancestor of job j*(r) in increasing index order: allocate to job j the first available Pj time units after the re lease time r|. Step 2: j Update the available free intervals. Step Allocate to job 3: release time j*(r) the first available r-.^^). -1- Pj.^^) time uiuts after the — The algorithm iteratively repeats this process finding the next bottleneck job, and scheduling this job and all its ancestors as early as possible in increasing index order. Note that as we identify and schedule more bottleneck jobs, the schedule becomes fragmented, i.e., it has "holes" due to delayed releases for certain jobs. These holes are filled whenever possible in subsequent steps; filling the holes might introduce preemptions, i.e., the processing time of a job may be distributed over several intervals. Let n denote the be the total schedule constructed by the Forward algorithm, and final set of bottleneck jobs as Jg Lemma: by the Forward algorithm, In the final schedule constructed Wx Note Max = fj(tj) { : j e Jb that this property also holds for the original simultaneously available time at }. model when all jobs are 0. Proof of correctness of the Forward Algorithm: Suppose the schedule Let j* be the critical and suppose f j»(tj»), optimal schedule; n constructed by the Forward algorithm tlie bottleneck job, the r* j* is let f'^^gx and the completion time By is not optimal. i.e., f^^^^ = job that determines the penalty of this schedule, '^^ for hypothesis, f'max < ^ * j ~ = j*(r*). denote, respectively, the each job max i.e., j* j Let IT be an maximum penalty in this schedule. Since penalty fvmctior\s are non- fj»(tf )• decreasing, this inequality implies that job j* must be scheduled earlier in i.e., t'j. < tj,. Since the Forward algorithm schedules all bottleneck jobs as early as possible in order of decreasing penalties, ty can be less than tj» 11', only if completes some previous bottleneck job (i.e., a bottleneck job with a higher penalty than job j* and scheduled before tj» in the Forward the schedule 11' schedule n) on or after Since t'j,(j) > tj», tj». 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Proceedings of the Symposium on Reat-time Systems, December 1985, pp. 103-111. -R2 Figure 1 Consistent and Non-consistent Penalty Functions (a) (b) i Consistent Penalty Functions Figure 2 Special Consistent Penalty Functions ^c Weighted Linear Completion Weighted Quadratic Completion Time Penalty Time Penalty f(Q f(Q / / Lateness Penalty \ Tardiness Penalty Job ^'^'^ Figure 3 Example for Forward Zero-Base Algorithm Ranking of jobs in order of decreasing penalties : 515324 > - » > > = number ofjobs = 6 m = number of arcs in precedence graph = 7 n : Figure 4 Example for Forward Updating Algorithm Ranking of jobs in order of decreasing penalties Updated optimal schedule: 5,1,7,6,3,2,4 1-2-5-3-4-7-6 Table 1 Forward Zero-Base Algorithm: Iterations for 6-node Iteration k example s (job Date Duef'^-^^ Lib-26-67 Mil 3 TOflD lIBRABiES DD7S1EE5 fl