M,UT. UBRARIE8 - DEWEY J tJewey HD28 1^ MIT LIBRARIES The International Center for Research, on the Management of Technology 3 9080 00932 7732 Metrics for Managing Researcli and Development Marc H. Meyer* Peter Tertzakian James M. Utterback WP # 124-95 April 1995 Sloan WP # 3817 *Northeastern University © 1995 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology 38 Memorial Drive, E56-390 Cambridge, 02139 MA Abstract The paper proposes methods product development. to measure the performance of research and development in new We base the work in the context of evolving product families in the technology-based firm with the goal of more clearly understanding the dynamics and consequences of platform renewal and product generation for long term success. We test the proposed methods with data gathered from a large measurement systems manufacturer. We find that the methods and the resulting measures provide management with a technique to identify both the technological and market leverage achieved from the firm's present and past product platforms. This provides a foundation for transforming single product, single period planning processes into a multi product, multi period form that embraces the product family and the renewal of product architecture. The research also shows the need to integrate data from engineering, manufacturing, and sales organizations to produce information for managing the growth of the firm's product families. ;MSSACnus£;'rrs institute OF TECHNOLOGY JUN 2 8 1995 LIBRARIES When should a firm renew the underlying technologies and designs of will these efforts cost and how long may they be expected commercial benefits can the firm expect its to gain essential characteristics of products planning and management of improvement in the way in What from product redesign? approaches and strategies for product development? sustained success in product development that to take? we seek How much types of engineering and How can a firm improve We to address in this article. creation. Systematic which a firm creates new products commercially successful product development. In products? These are fundamental questions for and propose measurement methods new product its is turn, learning will define the to guide the firm in its and continuous learning and the basis for more rapid and cannot be achieved without clear and purposeful measurement. 1 . Measurement for Research and Development What measures of performance can help firms better manage the development of What might be the purpose and goal of these measures ? desired outcomes of effective new product development. of generating a continuous stream of competitive position and die. It new has been shown that the 1991 ; commonly lie in products ? examining the Productive, innovative firms are capable products. If firms do not the individual products, can be efficiently constructed product architectures, The answer may new make new elements of this products, they lose stream of products, ie. on successive generations of underlying referred to as product platforms. (Sanderson and Uzumeri, Wheelwright and Clark, 1992; Meyer and Utterback, 1993). Modular platforms (Uhrich and Tung, 1991) with clear interfaces between embodied modules (Smith and Reinertsen, 1992) can allow a firm to rapidly and efficiently derive follow-on products platforms. Clear understanding of customers' needs that is based on its product then incorporated into platform and follow-on product designs can generate high levels of sales to engineering resource productivity. (Hauser and Clausing, 1988). As a product family evolves, platform architectures must be continuously renewed and new component technology firm's offerings freshly competitive The integrated into these designs to keep the (Meyer and Utterback, 1993; lansiti, 1993). purpo.se of measures of the effectiveness of research and development should be to demonstrate firm performance in this critical way towards improvement. How do dimension of new product development, pointing firms measure R&D performance observed in Moser's (1985) R&D performance now indu.stry ? the The measures of survey were short-term in nature and focused on single products or projects. These measures either qualitatively assessed goal attainment or computed the variance between project plans and actual outcomes along the dimensions of cost and time. Mo.ser found that the most commonly used R&D metric was /'(/1,'C / "slip." ie. the gap between expected and actual project time and budget. Slip management's schedule predictions. Some firms rate measures the quality of that use a stage-gate product generation process (Cooper 1990) compute slippage between the development phases for respective products, determining which phases encounter the greatest estimation found that difficulty. Gupta and Wilemon 1990) ( poor or unclear product definition was the primary cause of delayed projects. The measurement systems manufacturer whose data successive phase slip for market definition to be its projects. will Management be used later in this has found the initial paper currently tracks stage of technical and most problematic. Accurate project estimation should not necessarily be construed as a predictor of successful technical and commercial outcomes in product development. Mansfield's (1972) study of a successful pharmaceutical company showed the firm experienced overruns on 80% of its new products efforts, with an average slip of 1.78 over planned costs, and 1.61. on planned schedules. (Mansfield, et al. 1971) Yet, the firm prospered from these "late" products. aluminum company's efforts to create industrial products outside its A study of an traditional smelting business revealed that "tight schedules" for novel products led to poor financial outcomes (Utterback et 1992) Slip rate is also products). This has commonly used little to to examine do with what occurs the experiences of individual projects (or in the aggregate across the stream of products generated by the typical product-making company. the al. development of base architectures may take a long time From to new a product family perspective, complete, but once finished, may serve as the foundation for rapid development of derivative products. Numerous measures of R&D in total based on our effectiveness have been proposed in the literature (some seventy-five literature search of the topic). Appendix typology based on the purpose of measurement (Cordero The purposes of various measurement may be seen the sequential stages of the product life 1 I places these measurements in a 990) and the method of measurement. as seeking to understanding performance in cycle: measuring the effectiveness of product planning before actual development, controlling projects during development, measuring the technical outcomes of the completed development, measuring the commercial outcomes associated with completed products, and full life cycle. As shown lastly, in understanding overall performance across the span of a product's Appendix the literature to measure performance assessments of new products in 1 in , the techniques of measurement that in these various stages included: (I) comparative terms of success, (2) scoring models on product features relative to competitors' products, (3) benefits contribution methods based on the sales-related outcomes of products. (4) various forms of performance to schedule analy.ses (the most today being we found proposed total project slip or slip at different commonly used form key phases of a project), and (5) analyses of l',i w- individual and organization technical accomplishment, including the counting and comparison of patents awarded to The impact of are that members of a group these various measures is for measuring commercial outcomes on a quantitative found that 35% that basis. A recent survey of 248 R&D executives by the Industrial "measuring and improving R&D productivity and effectiveness" problem" for respondents (Industrial Research (1994) in his Another survey of 700 manufacturing firms also of the sample failed to systematically assess the performance of and Panicelli, 1982). showed suspect, however. Schainblatt (1982) found that "there R&D productivity that are not flawed." Of the firms 59% did not measure the R&D function and only 20% compared R&D costs to no currently used systems he studied, or publications emerging from them. Institute, 1993), a finding R&D (Rockwell Research was Institute the "biggest confirmed by Roberts survey of corporate executives. We believe that the limited utility of existing measures of R&D performance is that by their design and implementation, these measures do not help management understand the longer term dynamics of evolving product lines, the renewal of their underlying architectures, and the leverage that these architectures provide in derivative products. Addressing this need it is the key point of comparison between literature. It market introduction and to the purpose of this paper, and what we propose and the existing should also be clearly noted that our primary focus development as opposed is is the R&D performance R&D phase of product performance measurement for the manufacturing (Kaplan 1990), distribution. A truly comprehensive picture would incorporate these all dimensions. We will propose measures of R&D performance compatible with the management model of evolving product families. Data from a more than twenty year period within a large measurement systems manufacturer will then be used to product family and then measures of test and explain these measures. R&D effectiveness suited for it. We will first define the These metrics are then applied to a sample of industrial measurement systems and interpreted within the management, marketing, and technological factors influencing the evolution of these product families. We then conclude the paper with a discussion of the benefits, costs, and qualifications of the proposed methods and suggest areas make a contribution to for complementary research. The overriding goal of the paper management practice in the understanding of the effectiveness of product development that encompasses groups of individual products related by is lo R&D for common architecture. P</vc .< Meta- Metrics for the Product Family 3. 3. 1 Defining the Product Family The effectiveness of the firm's new product generation activity lies in: (1) its ability to create a continuous stream of successful new products over an extended period of time; and (2) the attractiveness of these products to the firm's chosen markets. Streams of new products generated by firms may be thought of as evolving product families. A product family is defined as a set of products that share related set of market applications. This common technology and address a commonality may be validated for a group of products by applying the technology and market newness criteria proposed by Meyer and Roberts (1986). Successive products within a product family can be assessed by virtue of newness of embodied An evolving core technology and market applications. technologies into product designs and target change will be bounded. "related" to older ones: New new product family will introduce new customer new requirements. However, the scope of technologies and market applications of a product family will be technologies will be combined with and enhance existing core technologies and the resulting products will target existing and related market applications. commonality of technologies and markets leads distribution, and service, where the firm tailors to efficiency and effectiveness in The manufacturing, each general resource or capability to the needs of specific market niches. The is technological foundation of the product family we define as the product platform. A platform the physical implementation of a technical design that serves as the base architecture for a of derivative products. The efficiency of the platform derivatives is logically The concept of in .series serving as a foundation for such one key aspect of product family management. platforms, product derivatives, and renewal is not new. Wheelwright and Clark (1992) differentiated between platforms, their derivative products, and platform "extensions renewals for vacuum cleaners; Meyer and Utterback (1993) did the same electronic imaging systems and peripherals, as did Sanderson and of portable cassette players, and Lehnerd ( in their study Uzumeri (1993) strategy. its or of in the evolution 1987) for power tools. These examples reflect more recent industrial experience and practice. Chrysler's newly achieved success with automobiles, and more recently, " Neon automobiles, was based on Timely platform renewal has been its LH .series of a clear platform development essential to Intel's continuing success with family of microprocessors. As soon as a particular microproces.sor platform is its X8086 completed, and I'lii^c 4 derivative products start to be generated from the current platform with new it, resources are immediately allocated to obsoleting designs. Planning looks out into the future for several or more platform generations. These cases can be generalized Figure new 1. It into an evolutionary model shown for the product family as in represents a single product family that undergoes successive platform extensions, a platform development, and the respective follow-on product developments of these platform versions. To achieve sustained success, a firm must seek to continuously renew architectures. This approach generates a set of engineering activities focused that coexist with specific follow-on product in platform design product family. modules and is 1 on platform renewal here and success of a centrally important to sustaining the quality A platform design consists of a basic the interfaces base product developments based on existing product platforms. Insert Figure Excellence its architecture, comprised of subsystems or between these modules. Smith and Reinertsen (1992) made the analogy of the subsystems being bricks, and the interfaces the mortar that binds them together. In an assembled product such as a camera, subsystems include the shutter mechcinism, the lenses, the various operator controls and focus mechanisms, the flash, the power source, and the camera The housing. internal fittings subsystem and electronics by which these subsystems are integrated serve as the interfaces. The mechanisms for controlling shutter speed and the aperture, for rewinding and changing film, or for using a flash are the "user interfaces". The one puts into the camera can also be viewed as having subsystems which the film is roll that include the spool wrapped, the cover over the film, and the end caps. Even the film comprised of various layers (the subsystems) of film that combined through chemistry in itself around may be a continuous production process. The width of the spool, the length of the film leader, and the spacing of the edge perforations on the film are external interfaces that allow many types of films to be used in different cameras. The notion of subsystems and shown o in interfaces leads to a typology of product family evolution that Figure 2 and which mirrors the approach of Wheelwright and Clark (1992) The initial is : plarfonn of a product family consists of the subsystems and subsystem interfaces of the basic product design. These subsystems are incrementally reengineered or refined to generate specific product offerings. Pdi-c 5 A platform extension occurs when (a) particular o subsystems within the existing platform design are substantially changed and enhanced, and/or (b) new subsystems are added to the design without disturbing the primary subsystems and interfaces in the existing design. For example, a computer manufacturer faster processor offered by a chip may supplier. replace a particular processor subsystem with a Both the initial platform and its extensions may be referred to as successive platform versions. A platform renewal occurs o when the product design new subsystems and new subsystem specific interfaces. The platform, dimensions of value and cost competition rearchitected to incorporate major The new subsystems from older product platforms. as well as subsystem interfaces. is if architecture may will also incorporate It carry forward new subsystems architected well, should provide new to the firm. Insert Figure 2 here Specific derivative products can be based any these versions of platform architectures. refer to derivatives as {he follow-on products of a platform. events may We will Appendix 2 shows how these key be formed as an identifying records for subsequent data gathering. 3.2 Defining Metrics for the Product Family We propose the following measurements of R&D performance follow-on products within a product family: (a) focused on platforms and their platform efficiency, being the degree to which a platform allows economical generation of derivative products; and (b) platform effectiveness, being the degree to which the products ba.sed on a product platform produce revenue for the firm relative to the cost of developing those products. R&D productivity is the degree to which an organization can translate relevant technological made by discoveries, firm. itself or others, into functioning products that reap financial benefits for the As argued above, platform efficiency indicates the degree to which a product platform serves as an economical base for generating follow-on products. Platform effectiveness the commercial productivity of a used to create products with the Freeland. 1975; Foster et of firms into al., series of related products, new a measure of comparing the engineering resources commercial outcomes derived from those products (Baker and 1985; R&D are represented by with the development of is Brown and Svenson. 1988; and Cordero. 1990). the engineering budget products. We The inputs amounts and project times associated believe that product sales is a better measure of P(ii;c 6 commercial outcomes than profits due to the lack of consistency with which firms compute and maintain profits for specific products (Patterson, 1983). Profits from product sales are not consistently gathered at the product level by firms, and the definition of "profit" business units. In comparison, sales figures are absolute. may vary We have also found them to be among more accessible than profit figures in our field research. These measures, when combined with management understand visual interpretation of product family the timing of platform renewal and the frequency of follow-on product generation from existing platforms. Further, these measures can be applied product family maps, can also help at three levels of the (1) individual products within a platform version of product family, (2) at an : aggregated level for the product family as a whole for successive platform versions, and (3) comparatively across different platform versions for different product families. measures as meta-metrics because refer to these their purpose is to help We have come to understand the dynamics of innovation across sets of products rather than individual ones. 3.2. 1 Variables and Indices This section presents the symbolic notation for the mathematical description of the metametrics. These notations are the building blocks for creating the measures of performance to R&D be presented thereafter. Variables: S = Sales attributable to a platform or derivative product within a product family. C= Costs attributable to a platform or derivative product within a product family. D- The deflator factor relative to a base year. Used to correct for inflationary effects for very long product cycles. Indices: Np = Number of platforms in a product family excluding the initial platform version or architecture. Ny = Number of platform extensions, or generations created off the base platform architecture, excluding the initial platform version. Nf = Number initial Nj[) = The of follow-on products in a platform, or platform extension, excluding the platform version. total number of follow-on products in a family excluding the initial piatfonn version. T[) = The last time period number prior to entering the commercial cycle. T^ = The last time period for which sales were recorded in the commercial cycle. I'diiv 7 p- platform index; v= platform version index; v = base, p = base, /= follow-on product index; /= time period index; For example, the sales would be given (1) in period r, = t 1, /= 2, 3, base, 1, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, ..., Ny ..., Nf Tj) or T^; of the second follow-on product, for the initial platform version by: ijl.'xur.;.! 3.2.2 Aggregating the Sales and Costs of a Product From Np ...., Over Time these basic variables, sales and engineering costs attributable to products can be aggregated as part of performance measurement. Ideally, sales and costs are recorded at regular time intervals. t, throughout the entire product cycle. If so, the corresponding aggregated sales and costs are given by: T, (2) 5..-., =5^(5.,./), and, Ti> G..,=X(<^"")' (3) where sales accumulate from introduction to the end of product from research initiation to the Over long product deflator is cycles, computed life, and research costs accumulate time of commercial entry of a product. it is desirable to correct for inflationary effects in the for each time period relative to the desired base year. The economy. A deflators are applied to the formulas above to yield the adjusted aggregate sales and costs. Adjusted metrics are denoted with a superscript 'primed' symbol n (4) . S'r..,^'^{S,..,).D. 1=1 (5) C',..r=X(C, •')£>' These formulas represent the aggregated the specific platform version within the sales and costs for individual /o//on'-o/j products within same product family. To accumulate costs at the platform version level, the summations are extended. For example, the accumulated inflation adjusted sales for an entire platform, p. including all its platform extensions, would be given by: Pa^c S N. (6) 5'. = Ni £ £s'..... Similarly, the accumulated inflation adjusted costs for an entire platform the cost variable, C. With these definitions, it is now would be computed using possible to define the proposed meta- metrics. 3.2.3 Platform Efficiency At the follow-on product level, R&D leverage shall be defined as the costs incurred in average developing a follow-on product, divided by the costs incurred platform upon which the products are derived. Costs for Follow-on Product R&D Costs for Platform Version Mathematically, the notation for efficiency shall be developing the version of the generally defined as: R&D = (7) Platform Efficiency It is in E The . indices defined above shall apply accordingly. At the individual follow-on product level, the mathematical formulation for E, the efficiency of developing an individual follow-on product relative to E„... (8) = that this fraction of what r" \^ (9) i. is given by: Ihue measure seeks was allocated to The average platform base platform, ^'^'' p. The question its to answer is: "How much did the product cost to develop as a the base platform architecture?" efficiency is defined as: E,.^—^, R&D costs associated with developing all the follow-on products of a platform version divided by the R&D costs of The average platform efficiencies developing the platform itself. is therefore the average of the By grouping versions, the question being addressed is: follow-on products within their base platform "How much did it cost on average to develop follow -on products relative to what was spent on developing the base plarfonn versions within the product family?" Piii-c y One can also compare product families the corporation . the platform efficiency of different platform versions across different The question being asked compare with one another in development of several or more the respective engineering groups within which provide their abilities to build robust platforms the basis for efficient product development?" the "How do is: This might be useful for managers responsible for An distinct product lines. aggregate R&D cost leverage value can be computed for an entire product family by summing across follow-on products, platform versions, and (10) between successive new platform E = N/ Nv Nf f=hitie \=hiue f =\ 'X -";: S p = Itase What is architectures: lev. V = huie We a reasonable platform efficiency value? strongly suspect that the answer is industry specific for particular types of products within assembled, nonassembled, information system pure information product categories. Our application of this metric to the product families of the firm studied (described in the next major section of the paper) platforms yielded values for E as low as produce streams of follow-on products and . at 10, meaning 10% showed that strong product that efficient platforms allow the firm to per product of the cost of developing their respective base platform architectures. If resources are being effectively used, and learning E should therefore efficiency should improve (that of a product family. been added in the E values of or close to new product and corrected. Conversely, the closer follow-on product generation. If a product platform, the platform posit that platform may indicate that little problems or no the firm much spends as poorly designed. its in earlier to consistent with the S-curve generation performance is indicate done weakness phenomenon where, in in as it does on conjunction with assessments of in the An later in the paper. increase in after a certain point, management E over underlying product architecture. This little additional product achieved from incremental investment. (Foster 1986) platform efficiency can also signify a change proved for suppliers could produce very low values of Platfonn efficiency can be used as an indicator of platform demise. is products had been make follow-on products product change and effectiveness. This combined analysis are provided may functionality has should also be noted that technological It component Interpretation of the metric should therefore be successive follow-on products new to 1.0, the less efficient the base platform design breakthroughs achieved by the firm or E. we decrease) with each successive platform version that perhaps only that E is is it taking place, is or key resources, A decline in human or l\i^c 10 otherwise. For example, the advantage gained by reusing a proven pool of resources can be lost through organizational change or by shifting the charter for developing a particular product family Key managers to another facility in a different geographical location. been lost. All these factors must be considered as Market factors may greatly influence the the efficiency with form of new products for market applications case of a firm venturing into a new management or engineers interprets the also have E metric. which existing platforms can be applied that the firm has not in addressed before. Take the business area by trying to create products that leverage existing The requirements of the new market may be so technical competencies. may different that the firm encounters great difficulty satisfying the customers' needs, even with access to robust product platforms from its core business. The efficiency metric may in this new product success of management's strategic decision to create a Platform efficiency may case provide insight into the family. also be considered from the standpoint of development time cycles. One can posit that a product platform, while taking relatively longer to create than follow-on products, is robust if it the start and allows the firm to experience rapid generation of those follow-on products. Using end of R&D for product platforms and follow-on products, an elapsed time cycle measure of platform efficiency can be expressed rCwUTime (11) £"'""""' r...ha.e = 'p. I p.v. and replicated i: as: f ha'it to the aggregated levels of all products within a platform version, and across platforms versions within distinct product families. It stands to reason that on product efforts, if indeed platform development efforts take longer to complete than follow- R&D aimed at platform renewal should be pursued concurrent within product developments on existing platforms. This will insure a continuous stream of products that embody competitive technology. 3.2.4 Platform Effectiveness Computing R&D returns as accumulated profits divided by development costs on a product by product basis was proposed by Foster, et al.(1985) to assess the productivity for products over the full R&D and commercial reliability and life accessibility. comparing the product cycle. As stated above, we used product sales instead for reasons of We propose that the effectiveness of a platform sales to product development may be assessed by costs, either at the individual product level, or P(if;e II for groups of products within distinct platform versions. This measuie of effectiveness may be considered one of understanding the commercial leverage provided by technologies applied by the firm in in the its products. Platform effectiveness is synonymous with platform leverage, referred to as L equations below. The platform leverage measure, What have been L, seeks to address the following questions: the returns realized on the firm's products to the costs of developing them R&D investments comparing sales from ? How has a particular product family trended over time through versions? Have its successive platform returns on investments improved or declined? Are certain development groups more effective in creating leverage from their respective platform development efforts than other groups within the firm? Platform effectiveness L... (12) at the follow-on product level is given by: ^ = and, aggregated at the platform version level by: Lr.=^ (13) which the is the sum of the sales of products within a platform version divided by the sum of R&D costs for creating those products. Platform leverage and then used (14) to may be further aggregated across compare L,. the platform effectiveness all platform versions within a product family, between = ^^^^7? I S C'„. . The L metric provides information on product performance, the entire product distinct product families as follows: life cycle inclusive of individually and in aggregate, across R&D and commercial activities. As the costs of follow-on Fiii^c 12 product developments decline relative to that of their underlying platforms, the values for platform effectiveness for the product stream should increase. There are many factors that can lead the platform architecture itself the denominator, above, ie. may have market that are competitive in the to declining platform leverage within a product family. outlived in features and its utility as a basis for creating specific products This would lead to declining sales. As for cost. R&D costs may be rising due to problems in platform efficiency as defined the economical generation of follow-on products. If this posit an inverse relationship platform efficiency. is the case, then one could between the two respective measures of platform effectiveness and A decline in platform efficiency may well The causes platform architecture. for that decline indicate the need to create a may be many. For example, changes organization may impede the ability of the technical staff to perform well. technologies may emerge that competitors use in their products understand and integrate into its own Or new new in the external and which the firm fails to products. Applying and Interpreting Meta-Metrics 4. 4. First, 1 The Sample The data used company's to test the metrics sales in 1993 were gathered from a measurement systems manufacturer. The exceeded $1 measurement technologies billion. The firm's core capability has to industrial applications. Management been the application of considers these products as "front-end" devices that gather data in real-time and assess them, identifying problems and sending these data to "back-end" information systems. Studying the historical record of these product families required many discussions with engineering and marketing managers working family. The first goal was in the business unit responsible for each product to construct product family prior section to distinguish between (a) the initial to existing platforms, (c) the creation of wholly new new maps, using the typology described in the platform development efforts, (b) extensions platforms or product architectures to replace those in existence, and (d) the specific products associated with each platform generation. Drawings of product architectures at the subsystem and interface platform enhancements and the development of firm's internal product new naming conventions proved level were used to help identify platforms within each product family. The particularly u.seful for initial grouping of l\n;c /.< product streams within successive platform generations.' The product family maps were presented to the engineenng teams working on the respective product consensus on their validity. In total, the data set used lines for in this feedback and to create paper contains information for five product families, which collectively, provided a rich database of platforms, platform extensions, and follow-on products to test our methods. Figure 3 shows the product family and control stations that gather map for Family line, information display and manipulate data from front-end data collection devices purposes of event handling and data trending. The denoted by a thick A comprised of centralized representing the start of life cycles of Family A's for the two platforms are R&D for each architecture until the end of active marketing of products based on the platforms. These two platforms contained two very different product architectures, as described by engineers at the subsystem and interface The level. first platform was based on analog signal processing, and the second, on digital signal processing. Products based on the two platforms also "looked" very different to the outside observer. The first platform had two versions; the second platform, only one. The specific follow-on products based on each platform version date of the earliest lines line is into a particular product. number The starting R&D project associated with each product is represented as the thinnest of the on the map. This projects are described in the text enclosed in the right-angled lines. in the an aggregate representation of numerous individual projects folded For several hundred products in the total R&D sample, individual thousands. Allocation of these individual projects to specific platform and follow-on product development was performed by engineers who had worked on the development efforts. Insert Figure 3 here While R&D managers within the firm identified product families and their components, we applied the technology and market applications newness method of Meyer and Roberts (1986) the relatedness of the product families. Appendix 3 shows the application of the A. The reader can note that relatedness of the products within in method to Family terms of embodied that family in core technologies and market applications. The assessments of newness to validate technology generally correlate with the engineering costs associated with each successive product shown for Family A. The determination of platform and follow-on product spending within each product family was based on the following assumption: the costs associated with individual projects who.se ' Tomatsky and Klein (1982) have argued that knowledgeable observers ot a particular industry will results make consistent interpretation of those individual products that belong to specific product families. Pa^c 14 were embodied deemed first to in the first product spinning off from a particular version of a given platform were be platform development efforts for that version. In other words, the spending for the product of a platform version and the spending for that platform version were treated as one the same. Note R&D efforts longer term in nature. had that often the firm Such pursued concurrently with work on a current platform version but not completed new rolled into a subsequent platform version or an entirely concurrent platform development that we deem efforts in would be until later and platform. This illustrates the idea of essential to product renewal and sustain success within the product family. Maps similar to Figure 3 were created for all the product families incorporated in the study. For each product within a family we sought to construct from corporate record the following data: the start of R&D (for the projects associated with the product), (b) the end of R&D, (c) the start of marketing, (d) the end of active marketing of a product, manufacturing engineering costs, dollar equivalents. All financial the (a) Consumer (g) the (e) the development costs, (0 the product introduction costs, and (h) the sales amounts were recomputed to their value in in 1993 dollars. U.S. We used Price Index to inflate dollars from prior years to their 1993 dollar equivalents. These yearly adjustment factors are provided in Appendix 5. Because historical data for engineering costs and sales revenue were not maintained on a yearly basis for individual products, we first aggregated these amounts to a product and then applied the CPI index to these the index value for the last year of the would want to maintain these data R&D cycle and commercial cycle respectively. on a yearly basis so that the totals, using Ideally, one CPI index might be applied more precisely to the numbers. The combination of the product family maps and for their associated data comprised the complete basis computing the measures of platform efficiency and effectiveness (leverage), and timing factors in development. While these data might seem reasonable for any firm to maintain, On they proved difficult to gather. cost allocations for individual the shelves of for observing one hand, the company maintained very detailed information on R&D projects, either in paper form as project data sheets sitting on R&D managers, or for more recent years, man-months of direct in computer labor, an internal "cost" for that labor, files. These data provided and materials charges. We were unable to gather manufacturing engineering costs and market introduction costs on a consistent basis, and therefore excluded these from the development cost sample. For several product families in the multiplied these amounts by a cost per man for the product families in the sample, only man-year allocations were available. year amounts for the given years in development were supplied by management. Pafie 15 We that Project data had to be aggregated during interviews where individual projects were assigned to the products by maintained R&D managers who had been associated with the projects. in the accounting department in various forms, and for the majority of product families, were already allocated a product was to individual products actively marketed. It is and merely had to be totaled for those years in the practice in the firm (particularly for the development of wholly management between In the next three sections of the paper which firm to provide information. This reflects the fact that while concurrent engineering versions), concurrent in of further importance to note that the integration of engineering data with sales data had not been systematically performed management Sales data were we new platforms or functional areas has proven will now more is a regular new platform difficult to achieve. apply and interpret these metrics at three levels of analysis: within a single generation of a product family, comparatively between generations of a product family, and comparatively between different product families. 4.2 Metrics Applied at the Follow-on Product Level Two the product families. Family A and Family B, demonstrate the application and interpretation of measures of platform efficiency and effectiveness Family A , described above, is at the specific follow-on product comprised of central information systems products. successive platform architectures, with the first It level. had two platform having two basic versions (the second being a major enhancement of the technology embodied were based on these platforms. The data gathered in the first). for these products A total of twelve products and the computed measures of platform efficiency are provided in Appendix 4 (which contains the computed metrics for product families used in the paper). The first all products released from a product platform are considered the denominator of the efficiency equation. All data were normalized to their 1993 dollar equivalents. Insert Figure Figure 4 shows both platform efficiency metric and 4 here its running average for the products within each respective platform version. The running average of platform efficiency smoothes wide fluctuations that trend. may be observed for individual products, helping to show more clearly the overall Product CIS lA-Fl (Central Information System, Platform on Product for 18 cents was developed on approximately 1) on the platform management initiated a new component dollar. While this 15 cents 1, Platform Version A, Follow- on the platform dollar, and CIS 1 A-F2. follow-on product was being developed, concurrent effort to substantially improve the underlying architecture with technologies and software development tools. It understood that its cunent hii;c 16 architecture could not support the efficient development of the stream of products planned over the next five years. While the first The results of this decision, and the came follow-on product of CIS IB subsequent products were developed rapidly IB platform Management dollar. at initiated yet in new platform a cost of 16 cents on the platform dollar, very incremental cost of under 5 cents on the CIS another platform enhancement effort even while products were being created from the CIS IB architecture. In and the availability of Upon architecture. the new hardware and the related platform this case, the needs of customers software components mandated an entirely new completion, derivative products were created for approximately 10 cents on its CIS 2A platform extension, were dramatic. dollar. Across our sample, platform efficiency values of 10 cents or below on development dollar represent very good values terms of leveraging platform in architectures in specific follow-on products. This level of efficiency can only be maintained over time with a policy of continuous platform renewal. Otherwise, as an architecture ages, it presents increasingly greater obstacles to engineers to achieve customer requirements. We turn to another product family metrics may used to indicate the measurement "boxes" to illustrate the platform effectiveness need for platform renewal. Family B is measure, and shown in Figure commercial cycle 5. that gather industrial process information in real-time, identifying The period from for products derived the start of from it both comprised of events and sending data to information systems such as those of Family A. The is how map emergency for Family B R&D of the product platform to the end of the exceeds ten years. The base architecture contained a microprocessor, communications, and display electronics, a data acquisition and filtering subsystem, and a data management subsystem. This product platform took 3.5 years to develop, and from it, developed five follow-on products in approximately 30% were created. The first three follow-on products were of the elapsed time allocated to platform development, and the two, spiking up to almost half that time. In total, the platform start of last R&D to end of commercial cycle spanned more than a ten year period. Figure 5 also contains the engineering cost and sales figures for Family B's products. that they reflect end of Time wise, these data existed only in aggregate form, meaning R&D and commercial cycle totals respectively. Insert Figure 5 here Using the equations defined above, values for for platform efficiency Family B. These data and the computed metrics are plotted in Figure 6. To facilitate measures, the efficiency scale efficiency, is is for and effectiveness were computed Family B are provided in Appendix 4 and comparison between the efficiency and effectiveness plotted in reverse value order plotted at the top of the axis and (ie. a value of weaker values of efficiency .05, at the showing strong bottom). him- 17 The platform efficiency measure shows high levels of efficiency for the first three follow-on products based on the platform, where each was developed for on average platform dollar. Then, for the fourth follow-on product, the metric spikes The cents on the platform dollar. fifth 1 1 cents on the original down to a value of 42 product experienced a similar lack of platform efficiency, costing about 36 cents on the platform dollar. Insert Figure The platform commercial leverage of products indicates the to product development costs. basis (rather than efficiency). B effectiveness measures for Family By definition, 6 here cire also highly revealing. Platform effectiveness (or sets of products) as a ratio of total product sales we compute comparing any given product to its this measure on a product by product base platform as in assessing platform For Family B, commercial leverage grew strongly from the Initial) to that of the third follow-on product (MS 1-3). In particular, commercial success, returning $259 for every dollar spent on follow-on products (MS 1-4 and MS its initial MS 1-3 product was an outstanding development. The fourth and -5) experienced a decline in sales relative to I (MS 1- fifth development costs. Taken together, these measures of platform efficiency management words of one and effectiveness were interpreted by to indicate that underlying product platform for R&D manager, follow-on product in its Family B needed renewal. In the the product platform began "running out of gas" after the third ability to a) facilitate rapid and cost effective development of derivative products, and b) deliver the features required by customers at a price point that would lead continued strong sales. This deduction would not have been obvious by looking budgets or product sales, nor by simply looking rule out several factors that at the might have otherwise caused changes time the market was relatively stable. There were no significant market growth was fairly associated with Family B constant at about 5% map product family per year. The in costs annual at (Figure and new market 5). sales. to R&D We can During also this entrants and the rate of .sales force, pricing, and practices also remained fairly stable. Organizational issues strongly affected the evolution of Family B. Earlier generations of this particular measurement device prior laboratory. Senior Family B had been developed management moved in the charter for developing the an American new product R&D architecture R&D laboratory, a group that had demon.strated in creating low-cost, modular products in related product areas. The R&D charter represented by Family competence to B to a European /'r/c'c IS for Family B was (MS 1-4) groups. with its then shifted back to the American group starting with the fourth follow-on product as part of a larger initiative to rationalize R&D foci among the firm's various R&D The American group defined follow-on products and jointly implemented European partner. these definitions As expected, some degree of organizational turbulence ensued and The helped lead to higher costs and longer development times. charter wars experienced within embark on a platform renewal the product family contributed to the firm's failure to effort in a timely manner and has placed a stellar product line under substantial market risk in the future. Today, management has embarked on a crash effort would have been better started earlier during the of efficiency and effectiveness during product declining efficiency of development plan is effort to create a MS 1-4. new product architecture. This peak of the platform's success in its terms MS 1-3 shown in Figure 6 and certainly after the Seeking to avoid this problem, the group's new platform being extended to include initiation of the "next generation" several years hence. Additionally, senior R&D to place American and European management has reorganized laboratories within a single business unit to ameliorate the destructive charter wars of the past. 4.3 Meta Metrics Applied The measures of platform at the Platform Version Level efficiency and commercial effectiveness aggregate level for the product family, product family. To illustrate this, we ie. in turn to may also be computed at an aggregate for successive platform versions within a Family C, comprised of highly complex imaging products used for measurement applications. Current products in the 30,000 different components (making platform version tracking necessary for this type of analysis). The family's map is at shown in family contain more than subsystem and interface Figure 7. It level spans more than 15 years. Family C has had two underlying product architectures, IM 1 and IM2. IMl had three successive platform versions, IMl A, IMIB, and IMIC. The two platform extensions of IMl introduced imaging modalities that new provided users with substantially improved diagnostic capabilities. The second product platform, IM2 (replacing IMl) featured an entirely new architecture that was a combination of more powerful image gathering and processing subsystems and new software subsystems for the user interface and data management. "horsepower" IM2D. to users. IM2B was new imaging IM2 itself IM2D effectively offered twice the had four platform versions, noted as IM2A, IM2B, IM2C, and an extension of the platform to a modality. It both incorporated a new market application. new modality and applied IM2C it to a incorporated a new market application. Pane /y Insert Figure 7 here These various platform efforts perspective, however, the firm six were each three to five years was introducing new products every months. The ability to generate platform renewal, which itself this measure plotted the pursuit of on a platform version basis in reverse recently, every stream of products was based on a strategy of concurrent was based on even longer term research into new for C Family These measures plotted platform efficiency and effectiveness. the customer's and more year, measurement techniques and associated technologies. Appendix 4 contains sales data aggregated From in the malcing. the engineering and and the resulting metrics for in Figure 8, with the efficiency value order. Insert Figure 8 here The metrics help reveal two very different types experiences for the family. Family C's product family initial platform, in a concurrent of that platform's two successive versions, were generated platform version dollar. The quality of the product efficiency in introducing new products, came to a propitious product platform (IMIC). Just as the firm was putting first product IMIB and manner. Strong levels of platform efficiency resulted. For three versions of the first platform, follow-on products their respective in this (Figure 7) shows the careful, patient development of the IMIA. The development IM IC, was approached all map two platforms line, at less and the accumulating cost peak during the its than 10 cents on third version of the best foot forward in terms of engineering, two major competitors, themselves large, diversified businesses, exited this market due to highly publicized scandals that elicited government intervention. The firm exploited the opportunity. Family C's products during this time yielded over 80 dollars in sales for each dollar of engineering cost to develop them (as seen under The second platform of Family experienced a different Management decided fate. to C IMIC) in Figure (noted in Figures 7 and 8 as The team sought to 8. IM2A, IM2B, IM2C, and IM2D) double the imaging power of the system. produce the image processing subsystem boards with a newly installed process technology (surface mount manufacturing). Given the major change in both product design and manufacturing process, the platform renewal was started too earlier, that one of the company's lead engineers had was directly competitive. management seemed new to He had left to start his initiated a platform be resting on the laurels of the startup's efforts, a crash effort initiated to create a own late. Further, several years firm and created a product line renewal "on the outside." Meanwhile, first new platform. When it received word of the platform. Then, the new competitor Pai;c 20 announced IM2A its new products were brought to to industry acclaim. Management had to respond: products based on market quickly thereafter even though the new technology had not yet sufficiently ripened. The initial this time offered product under little IM2A experienced problems new in the field. functionality to customers (being The team was consumed with new generated from the metric for introduced a IM IM2B were IM2B platform, a The new measurement introduced The a produce follow-on products during more acceptable efficiency, however, that of Family C's The first (IM2D) extended was stabilized by cost of 30 cents on the targeted. dollar. Then, that in IM2C, the product line to a this point, IM2D computed the team IM2C Figure in new measurement and the derivative products were platform dollar. It was a level of to declining leverage in IM2C, and fifteen year period, overall efficiency for these further decline in in the creations two platforms could be within the platform led 15% this per year. IMl and IM2, our measures of compared. In this case, development of IM2 was nearly twice as costly as IMl (which, as shown part to the late start LM2B should be noted that during excess of in of platforms clearly application targeted by It IM2 platform architectures. Sales new products IM2D. market growth remained strong equal costs had been incurred for the successive versions new market reversed the downslide. However, the difficulty of creating however, the in Figure 8, was due in and hasty development of IM2). But even without correction the explosion of costs for derivative products from IM2 is obvious. An advantage of product family maps is that both raw data and efficiency measures between successive generations within a product family can be clearly seen and compared. Our the The products time (referring to move smoothly between of the product line plummeted during IM2A. The in IM2B, platform. effectiveness measure of commercial leverage such differences In 8). three times poorer than that experienced throughout the products still platform shows the results of this failure to If Figure efficiency metric deteriorated to almost 2.5 dollars relative The platform technology had at (in technique. Significant technical obstacles in the underlying fourth version of the platform application. was application 30 cents on the platform architecture had to be surmounted. 8). new market IM2A very successful commercially. However, the efficiency decreased with rising to over to the platform dollar to output peripherals, for example). fixing problems in the underlying architecture. This yielded the extremely high platform efficiency measure for products under next version of the second The follow-on products during interpretation of these metrics and the events that caused them was reinforced when Pcijic 21 management provided staffing information. Staffing data had worked on underlying platform projects versus those over time. Note the sharp activity thie number of engineers who for follow-on products on a year by year 9 shows these allocations as percentages, together with the increase basis. Figure replace the comprised shift in this allocation when management sensed in total staffing the urgent need to product platform, IMl, with IM2. The percentage allocation to platform-related first swung from 10% of the engineering staff to 70% in Once IM2 a single year! stabilized, resources were shifted largely to follow-on product development. 9 here Insert Figure Management learned from this experience. development effort (which we may call The team IMS) initiated to replace EM2 an entirely new platform with better imaging and user interface We visited the company during the week when IM3 had passed all the internal quality control tests. To our delight, the R&D manager was convening a meeting of his best engineers. capabilities. Their purpose: to begin the design of the next product platform (IM4). The allocations between platform work and that for follow-on products has shift in become engineering less dramatic, indicating a policy of continuous platform renewal. 4.4 Comparisons between Product Families The platform metrics can performance for a we set of management also be used by senior product families and facilitate learning two will use the platform efficiency experiences of Family D and E . to comparatively assess from that endeavor. R&D To show different product families, referred to as Both product families are comprised of measurement devices, each targeted a different but related market application. Family versions of that platform and 1 1 D had a single product platform, with three follow-on products. Family with several or more platform versions, and also 1 1 E had two follow-on products. product platforms, each We gathered data, maps, and computed platform efficiencies as described above (see Appendix 4 for specific The two product groups. 10. The families were developed during equivalent time periods by different is shown two versions of the Family D's platform were highly productive in terms of in economical generation of follow-on products. The this regard. two terms of platform efficiency The performance of these two groups first this, Discussions with managers involved suspicion that the platform had reached capabilities required by customers. its A new in limit in third platform version, development at that data). R&D in Figure however, suffered in time confirmed our terms of efficiently delivering the architecture for Family made new D (as opposed to the platform Pai^c 22 Dl C extension labeled the renewal of in Family in Figure 10) would have best been started D was initiated in the late in the early 1980's. new 1980's, resulting in a Instead, platform (labeled D2 A Figure 10) from which products were released starting in 1990. While the efficiency of this platform for creating derivative products (.27) was better than that of (.42), that value was below the strong platforms still in its immediate predecessor terms of technical leverage within the company. Insert Figure 10 here In contrast, the platform efficiency values for Family The values for the successive platforms versions are range, including the today's present platform (E2 B E indicate consistently strong performance. all in in the 10 cents Figure 10). on the platform dollar Note further the overlap between the development of the second platform (E2 A) and the creation of follow-on products from its precursor (El C). Family we deem organization must memory facilitates internal remember rhythm in platform enhancement and renewal that benchmarking of R&D past experience. In the context of activities. In order to leam, an new product development, skills, Measurement of these and customer perceptions and participation factors and analysis of their results in areas in the creation identified product families with high levels of platform efficiency effectiveness relative to other product families, of such as platform efficiency and effectiveness provides information for experimentation and learning. management has this includes the evolution of product families and their architectures, the composition of teams and products. indicates a highly desirable. This comparative analysis corporate E Once and management may then explore underlying approaches and techniques for product planning, design, and integration. 5. Discussion In our field work, \V/it';i we encountered a number of frequently asked should we renew our platforms? to take? What complete? types of engineering How can we How much questions: will platform efforts cost, and commercial benefits and how long can we can we expect to gain from these expect them efforts once improve our approaches and strategies for product development? Page 2.* The work presented new product to in this paper does not exphcitly tell management when precisely to create a platform. However, our concepts and metrics provide managers with a rich context determine when product platforms should be obsoleted with new platform designs and what to expect from these new new designs once products are developed from them. In short, the work R&D dimension of product comprises a framework for learning, specifically targeting the development. (Maidique and Zirger, 1985) The axiom "hind-sight is 20-20" is well remembered. Without descriptions of factors influencing events, such as those provided for the product families in this paper, The R&D performance may be prone to misinterpretation. observed measures of cost-effectiveness of implementing these measures within a start is to ask management if it company will vary. The place to recorded the evolution of the firm's product families and can provide information on platform and product engineering costs and as well as product sales. Researchers may be surprised at how few expect that most firms have not taken the firms have a grasp on these fundamental data. While initiative to product development costs and sales are maintained R&D measurement system will not be excessive in The combine engineering and at least in company's traditional skill had been to make referred to earlier as As we were concluding our study discontinuity. in this The "high end", technically pioneering products for customers that had the money to buy new features market forces had recently reversed we was confronted with a major market it if light of the value returned. concurrent management within product developing firms. the end of 1993, sales information, paper form, the cost of creating the collection and synthesis of these data are essential to support what company towards we this condition: at ever higher prices. Certain regulatory and customers now desired low-end, value rich products. At the time of this writing, the culture, people, and processes within the firm had yet to facilitate a change in distinct "islands" of engineering approaches and philosophy. Marketing and engineering remain work that had to become one. Achieving high levels of platform effectiveness, or leverage, growing strongly. If is easier to achieve the market the target market proceeds to flatten, a successive platform version that be better designed and enable greater functionality in follow-on products, leverage. if While we have included market growth in we were is may exhibit a decline in our interpretation of the metrics discussion above, a more formal incorporation of this information leverage. Unfortunately, may is in the desirable for the measure of unable to gather reasonably complete market growth rates at the product family level within the sample firm. Our discussions with management indicated, however, that market growth rates, suppliers, the structure and .scope of distribution channels, even the individuals key positions of management (business, marketing, and R&D) were Pcii;c all 24 and remarkably stable during the time periods studied. Other factors such as manufacturing capacity and the sourcing of components showed continuous growth and no changes of a disruptive nature. There is little doubt, however, that management should seek to augment measures of an nature with external information that might have significant bearing on the internal phenomena under investigation. Another measurement issue concerns a more ideal data set gathered for product holistic definition of product development costs. The development costs would include manufacturing engineering and market introduction costs with those for product engineering. One might also wish to track the costs of installing products, training users, and repairing initial product defects as part of assessing We were unable to gather these data. We believe that the platform efficiency and effectiveness. lack of integration between information systems in engineering, manufacturing, and marketing which we encountered is not atypical in industry. How Product quality also needs to be continuously assessed. target customer needs? What competitive benchmarks the firm have to guide its in well does a stream products meet terms of overall value and features does platform development efforts ? Platform efficiency related to the design quality of platforms. The platform may be viewed as effectiveness measure should also reflect the fact that higher quality platforms and derivative products fare better in the marketplace than those of lesser quality. Nonetheless, we would measures product functionality versus failures), at the not wish to use these measures in isolation from price, service record (such as critical and for many firms, the cost of integration of customer's products with those of other companies site. The development of an products based on it. entirely This is greater technical uncertainty innovations its hardware or software may have new platform is riskier than the development of follow-on because platforms involve a greater innovation effort — than derivative products. The anomaly is new and hence that while incremental less technical risk to the firm than architectural innovations, such architectural innovations (often from ~ entrants) that have historical made it is precisely firms' competencies and products obsolete over the long term (Utterback, 1993). The failure to develop new platform have found architectures on a continuous basis subjects the firm that engineering managers generally understand this. to substantial market risk. We Business managers often do not. leading to inappropriate expectations regarding project time and cost (ie. new platforms are different than platform enhancements, and both are different than specific product developments). In turn, these expectations can result in misallocation of resources. Ptif-c 25 We remember the words of one senior engineer: How can we get management to understand the differences between platform efforts and those for specific products? Our new product planning processes focus on single products and the emphasis faster and at lesser cost. We can 't to facilitate to create them achieve this without newer and better platfonns. Too often, our efforts to renew aging platforms are pursued "undercover" and we reward systems is start them too and encourage appropriate behavior with late. We need our planning processes and respect to platform development and renewal. 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A Mistake," Interfaces, (22:4), July- August, 1992, pp. 24-37. von Remoortere, F. and R. Cotterman, "Project Tracking System Serves as Research Management Tool," Research Technology Management, March- April 1993, pp. 32-37. Wheelwright. S. and K. Clark, Revolutionizing New Product Development, Free Press, New York, N.Y., 1992. Page 29 Figure 1 Product Family Evolution Platform Renewal and New Product Generation Time Development of Original Platform Architecture Mult'^ples Figure 2 Platform Change Initial Platform Architecture: Common Subsystems and Interfaces for Multiple Products Derivative Products Platform Extensions: A new generation where number and types of subsystems and interfaces remain contant, but where subsystems and interfaces are enhanced. Derivative Products Platform Renewal: A New Architecture, where subsystems and interfaces from prior generations may be carried forward and combined with new subsystems and interfaces in the new design. CSTl < a. E 3 o u c _o c u m • • g 3 0£ 00 E a oo 4—* a. oo C _o C3 GO C _o c oo C3 E k. <£ c 3C e oo Platform Efficiency (Follow-on / Platform Costs) o 00 o p o — fe o NJ CIS lA, Initial {?> O O O O NJ — — U — o 0\ 00 —— . ^ 5 f2 S 3 K n CIS lA, Fl CIS lA, F2 T CIS IB, Initial <* 3 CIS IB.Fl 3 ^ > fl a c n CISIB, F2 t3 i;^ o o H CO O ON 1 u a iM 3 Cm in o a CU !2 ^ o o u a. en c/T 3 CD >% s 3 b Ou O S -a o u ON U S o On O u u o o o o 00 NO ON 00 s OO oo c 00 E a u> 3 c« «J 00 IT) 00 r Platform Effectiveness 8 2 (/I 3_ 2 2 C/3 O a s « 2 oo 1>J 2 O 00 O o a Cm o a 7S E CO U4 u in 00 00 u u 1 .o o E "I a" o u b a. c u Z -a c a i) o Cu a. (A m Q OS c o ON 3 < 2 OS Q T3 O OS as 00 oo 00 oo so oo O O E o 8 1 4 1 1 X Platform Effectiveness O 8 o 8 o 8 00 O 8 O O 8 % to o 8 Percentage of Total R&D Staff — tou>*.Lno-Joovo oooooooooo 1976 % Staff Development Allocat Platform Efficiency GO n to 3 PC o In O 00 '^ o o TO o to o p o o "3 3 O — c :t £ «j — c o ^ — i^ r ^ 2 Appendix 2 Classirication of Platform Architecture Key Events in the Evolution of a Product Family Appendix 3 Technology and Market Newness Assessed for Family A Technology Newness New, Unrclalcd Q)rc Tixhne)loi!\ WluTf PI IS . till' Orii;l/ial ilw hu\c i>n>du< I In Central term v liijoriiuilioii S\ \rrifi of con' ra and murker appllcarlon. Now. Related 1^') Core Techn(>loi:\ V\2 I'KI Major LJihaiiceniciit "" Core Technoloiix 1'4 Exislini; Minor lmpro\einent 1'5 IMl I'S EmsUiii: Core TechnolouN -- No Chani:e Chanj^c in One Change in Two Change in Alf Market Applications Newness Customer Groups. Functional Uses. Distnbulion Channels PrcxJuct li/tolo{;\ I he 1 2. 3 4 Ic\ els ol tcchiioloyicil clijuigc (McNcr aiitl Roberts, I9K6): N linor improvements to core techiiologj (ies) that exist in earlier products Major enhancements to existing core technologyCies) The addition of a new core technolog> which is combined or otherwise integrated with existing core teclinologies in earher products to create the new product . Ne w umvlated core , tt"chnoiogy - Nhirkcl Applications Newness; For each product, observe relative to iUI prior products, ;ui\ chiiniie m a) customer group, b) functional use of the product by the same or new customer group, or c) distnbutioii chaimel 1 No change ill (a), (b) 2 Change in .V (.~Ii;ui!.'e in ;inv 4 ( one of oncurrcnl or (c) (a), (b) l«o of (a), cliaiiiie ui (a), or (c) (b) or (c) (b) or (c) en « "S a 3 a E -a = c ^ C« •c E c 0. Appendix 5 CPI Dollar Adjustments (Multipliers to Year ; CPI 1983 ' 1993 Dollar Equivalents) MIT LIBRARIES lljllll |ll|l I'l ill III II|1M|I||III|||| I 3 9080 00932 7732 ^197 m8/: Date Due APR. ^-^•^ 1 19« 1a !£}(}; 1 SEP 3 1999