.M414 ,,,-. '\%c^. 0C1 ALFRED P. "Models WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT for Planning Capacity Expansion in Local Access Telecommunication Networks" A. Balakrishnan, T. L. Magnanti A. Shulman, R. T. Wong MIT Sloan School Working Paper #3048-89-MS Revised: August 1989 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 UCh. 13 "Models for Planning Capacity Expansion in Local Access Telecommunication Networks" A. Balakrishnan, T. L. Magnanti A. Shulman, R. T. Wong MIT Sloan School Working Paper #3048-89-MS Revised: August 1989 \ OCT 1 3 1989 , Models for Planning Capacity Expansion in Local Access Telecommunication Networks ^ A. Balakrishnan ** T. L. Magnanti Sloan School of Management M. I. T. Cambridge, Massachusetts A. GTE Shulman Laboratories, Incorporated Waltham, Massachusetts R. T. Wong "* Krannert Graduate School of Management Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana May 1989 Revised: August 1989 This research Supported * * was in part initiated by an through a grant from AT&T research GTE Laboratories, Incorporated award Supported in part by Grant # ECS-8316224 from the Systems Theory and Op)eralions Research Program of the National Science Foundation Supported Research in part by ONR Contract No. NOOOO-14-86-0689 from the Office of Naval Abstract The rapid progress of communications technology has created new opportunities for modeling and optimizing the design of local telecommunication The complexity, systems. diversity, and continuous evolution pose several modeling challenges. In this paper, we of these networks present an overview of the local telephone network environment, and discuss possible modeling approaches. particular, we (i) discuss the engineering characteristics of the network, and introduce terminology that literature; (ii) In is commonly used in the communications industry and describe a general local access network planning model and framework, and motivate different possible modeling assumptions; (iii) various existing planning models in the context of this framework; and, summarize (iv) describe some new modeling approaches. The discussion modeling local in this is directed both to researchers interested in telecommunications systems and such models. Our goal environment paper is to to planners interested in using present relevant aspects of the engineering for the local access telecommunication network, and to discuss the relationship of the engineering issues to the formulation of economic decision models. We indicate how changes in the underlying switching and transmission technology affect the modeling of the local telephone network. We also review various planning issues and discuss possible optimization approaches for treating them. Introduction 1. Over the last three decades, problem don\ain for developing and applying optimization models. these modeling efforts: $60 billion in 1980 in over $100 billion in improvements communication network planning and routing has been a the (i) enormous investments System transmission Bell total for the in the design U. communication in facilities S.) offer significant Two main driving alone (AT&T facilities fertile forces underlie (estimated at around Bell Laboratories (1986)), and opportunities for cost savings with even modest and operation of communication networks, and (ii) rapid technological and regulatory changes provide novel design alternatives and operating environments. This paper reviews and develops in alternative modeling approaches for addressing contemporary design problems that arise one major component of a telecommunication system: the paper first sets a backdrop for local access network. As a starting point, the our discussion by reviewing relevant technological developments as well as the evolution of the local access network. In the next few years, the nature of services and the volume communications industry should change radically. Several era in commurucations: replacement of analog transmission increasing bandwidth of increasing competition fiber optic transmission among Integrated Services Digital of demand in the tele- developments mark the emergence of a new by equipment digital technology, decreasing cost and relative to conventional copper cables, providers of telecommunication services, and adoption of international Network (ISDN) standards. As ISDN becomes fully operational, and telephone companies complete the transition to digital switching and fiber optic transmission, users will have access to a broad range of new services combirung voice, data, graphics, and video. applications include telemetry, database access, videophone access to packet networks, facilities, New improved networking services, and customer controlled network management. Telephone companies are already planning for an even more ambitious expansion of services and capabilities (the so-called broadband ISDN network) when fiber optics will way homes (Kostas to the individual and Yates customers' permeate the entire communication system, (1984), (1985), The Economist (1987), Fortune (1988)). and transmission technologies To accomodate modeling and planning is expected the anticipated efforts to Dettmer Thus, to greatly stimulate demand (1985), Toth, -1 the Colombini, McClaren, ISDN combined with the new switching network usage. increase, telephone expand and upgrade all companies have their switching initiated extensive and transmission facilities. Network modernization and expansion communication system, both carriers is for strategic particularly critical in the local access and economic reasons. have almost completed the transition In the last component of the few years, the long-distance to digital switching technologies and fiber optic transmission. In contrast, the technological changes in the local telephone network, which accounts for approximately 60% of the total investment in communication For instance, in 1987, only 20% of all facilities, have been much more modest. the local access networks in the U. S. is limited by the current capabilities of local networks, and digital switching ISDN telecommunication (The Economist, 1987). Thus, the ability to offer the proposed advanced services employed local telephone companies face competitive pressures to upgrade their networks rapidly. Because modernizing and expanding switching and transmission facilities investments, telephone compianies typically priortize expansion projects based on potential and emphasize cost effectiveness in implementing the selected network planners face complex choices concerning where and when technology in order to meet the increasing demand deploying concentrators and multiplexers in the method alternatives that did not arise in the traditional analog local access new decision support models demand growth For each project, The emergence of new and tradeoffs and, hence, new and copper environment. For instance, network now provides an alternative (instead of cable expansion) for increasing network capacity. planners require enormous expand capacity or replace current for different types of services. communication technologies has created additional decision modeling challenges to projects. requires As to identify cost effective a consequence, network expansion and modernization strategies. This paper focuses on contemporary expansion planning models for the local access component (from the customer premises to the serving sv^tching center) of public telephone networks. We do not address design issues, such as the blocking of potential transmissions or network vulnerability, that are more relevant for long-distance networks. Similarly, our models might not apply directly to data networks or rural networks since these rural latter network types employ different technologies (for example, networks use radio transmission, and data networks employ packet switching) and different design criteria (e.g., reducing packet delay in data networks). Our purpose methodology in this papjer for local access is to discuss alternative modeling approaches rather than a specific network planning. The various models -2- that we consider differ in their underlying assumptions, complexity and computational tractability. We focus on economic models for aggregate planning (also called fundamental planning in the industry) rather than on detailed engineering models of different technologies. Thus, pattern of network evolution, specified switching and transmission resources. by we are concerned the capacity, location, with identifying the broad and timing of investment in different We review some of the underlying telecommunications technology, and contrast the traditional network planning methods developed for the copper and analog environment with the requirements imposed by the newer technologies. solution methods The for the different rest of this paper is orgar\ized as follows. Section 2 describes the evolution communications industry and briefly describe models. characteristics of local telecommunication networks, the We also literature. and engineering and introduces some terminology commonly used This discussion has two purposes: (i) to highlight technological issues that are important in formulating appropriate optimization models, and introduce analysts who might not be familiar with the telecommunication industry to prevailing and expected technology. network representation that Section 3 develops a general some framework based on encompasses a vdde range of single-period local access in (ii) to of the a layered network planning models, and motivates different possible modeling assumptions. Section 4 discusses several planning models in the context of literature, our modeling framework. We first review some models propx)sed in the and then describe two new models - one using a fixed -charge network design formulation, and another based on tree covering concepts. Section 5 offers concluding remarks. The Local Telecommunication Network 2. This section describes the Icxral access network, traces and introduces some communications terminology. CXir features so that we can its evolution over the last few decades, intent is to describe some important represent them adequately in economic planning models. The Communication Network Hierarchy 2.1 Most rudonal telecommunications networks can be broadly divided shown (i) technological in Figure 1, into the three main levels namely, the long-distance, toll or inter-city network that typically connects city pairs through gateway nodes (also called point-of-presence nodes, Lavin (1987)); the inter-office or switching center (ii) network within each city that interconnects switching centers (also called local exchanges, or central offices) in different subdivisions (clusters of customers), and provides access to the gateway node(s); and, (iii) the local access network that connects individual subscribers belonging to a cluster to the corresponding switching center. These three levels of the communication system hierarchy processing capabilities and services they perform, tree configuration and amount differ in several respects: the of intelligence they contain, the technologies they employ, the their design criteria. For instance, the local access network typically has a and contains a dedicated communication channel connecting each customer to the switching center. Currently, most (approximately 80% transmission on copp>er cables, and electronic devices. In contrast, thelong-distance do not contain in the U.S.) local access networks use analog network has a relatively dense topology providing multiple communication paths between each origindestination pair. The gateway nodes on this network contain switching, traffic compression (concentration), and The long-distance networks in the U.S. are some intelligent hardware to perform service functions (such as directory assistance). almost completely digitized, and employ high frequency transmission using fiber optics, microwave (radio), and satellite communications. The inter-office the switching centers within a restricted geographical region (for example, within network links all each high speed transmission lines and possibly through tandem switches; city) via access to the nearest gateway lin-iited node of the long-distance network. The intelligence for routing incoming messages to the inter-office it also provides network contains appropriate downstream switching centers or gateway nodes. Ideally, the design of a levels of the telecommunication network should simultaneously account for network hierarchy since the capacity requirements interdependent. For instance, the respective number of customers assigned communication requirements (i.e., determine the desired switching capacity on the inter-office task, analysts to all three at the different levels are to each switching center, and their whom they communicate and how often) would at the switching center as well as the transmission capacity network. However, because of differences in ownership and to simplify the planning decompose the overall planning example, Dawson, Murphy, and Wolman problem by considering each (1984)). In this paj^er level separately (see, for we focus on decision models for designing and expanding the local access component. 2.2 Evolution of the Local Access Network The local access links individual network customers to a (also called the outside plant, local loop, or local exchange network) switching center that interconnects them for local communications, and also serves as an interface to the higher levels in the communication system, feeder networks, A and this network distribution is network hierarchy. Like the overall also hierarchical; consists of three levels referred to as routes, networks. route is a portion of the local access network; with the switching center via the same link incident local access it it contains to the center. all customer nodes that commurucate Figure 2 shows a typical route of a network. Each switching office might serve as the termination point for 3 to 5 routes (Koontz (1980)); the Bell System contains around 40,(X)0 such routes (Ciesielka and Douglas purpKDses of capacity planning in the local network, each route •5- is indep>endent of the others. (1980)). For Each route is in turn divided into two segments: the feeder network connecting the switching center to intermediate nodes called distribution points (or control points), and distribution networks connecting each distribution pxjint to the customer premises. The feeder network consists of cable groups of varying gauges that are either buried, installed in ducts, or mounted on poles, and are accessible at intermediate points. The segment of cables between two adjacent distribution points along the route often called a feeder section. The feeder network has a tapered structure, we move away from each feeder section decreases as the switching center. taps into the feeder network via lateral cables at the distribution points. distribution network, sometimes called an diameter of a few thousand feet, i.e., allocation area the The number is of cables in distribution network The area served by a (Gibson and Luber (1980)), typically has a and may include as many as 5(X) customers. The number of distribution points assigned to a switching center varies from 20 to 200. Most feeder and distribution networks have a tree structure and thus provide (See Griffiths (1986) for a a unique transmission path more comprehensive Traditionally, the distribution On cables. to the switching center. description of local telecommunication networks.) network small) in order to exploit economies of scale, from each customer and is designed for ultimate to avoid demand (which In this paper, we focus on the evolution of technologies and planning practices in the feeder network. classify the technological Sta ge The basic feeder network 1 : developments into three stages The basic feeder network employs analog transmission copper cables (twisted wire pairs). center. Physically, the line for a It demand growth Elken (1980), Friedenfelds and McLauglin (1979)). medium-term feeder capacity planning problem. we might new medium-term demand; telephone companies periodically review and increase feeder capacity to accomodate (1980), relatively subsequent disruption of service for laying the other hand, feeder networks are designed to meet only the and customer movement (Ciesielka and Long is From (see also at the voice a We next trace the modeling Dawson {perspective, et al. (1984)). frequency of 4 Khz over uses a dedicated line to connect each customer to the switching customer might consist of wire segments (possibly with different gauges) belonging to each downstream feeder section, with sections joined at the intermediate distribution points. -6- In this setting, a principal design concern is to provide acceptable transmission quality by ensuring that the circuit connecting each customer to the switching center permissible wire resistance (around 1300 ohms, increasing to 2500 the network engineering task, satisfies the ohms with maximum range extenders). Thus, sometimes called Resistance Design (Ciesielka and Douglas determine a cost-effective combination of wire gauges to (1980)), is to use in each feeder section that will satisfy all maximum resistance requirements. Observe that the basic feeder network can respond by adding and reassigning cables within each feeder as physical pair facility said to have customers exhaust. move relief. Any or the number section. Planners telecommunication sometimes demand refer to this exercise considers of customers increases: (i) two strategies to relieve exhaust feeder cable reallocation, and (ii) only method where demand exceeds the available cable capacity section The feeder planning to increased is when feeder cable expansion. Given the projected changes reallocation methods attempt in the medium term demand to identify a feasible at each distribution f>oint, feeder reassignment of currently allocated and spare feeder cables within each section to various upstream distribution points in order to delay cable expansion. Gibson and Luber (1980) describe a heuristic feeder allocation method; Elken (1980) formulates the reallocation task as a separable convex progranrvming problem, and proposes an iterative procedure that solves a sequence of linear programs. Feeder expansion models (e.g., Freidenfields and McLaughlin (1979) determine the number of additional cables planning horizon in order cable expansion is to install in to relieve the projected the only available method and Koontz (1980)) every time period (typically, every year) of the exhaust at minimum for relieving exhaust, discounted total and if cost. the local access When network has a tree structure, each feeder section can be analyzed independently for capacity planning purposes (since the number of customers served by each each section). Thus, physical pair spatial distribution point uniquely determines the cable requirements in facility relief models used in this context do not incorporate any coupling between sections. Friedenfelds and McLaughlin (1979) formulate a multiperiod capacity expansion heuristic solution model method to find the for this optimal mix of cable gauges in each section; they describe a model. -7- Stage Feeder networks with remote electronics 2: From a modeling p>oint of view, the next nujor stage in local network evolution occurred the communication industry developed pair gain or remote electronic devices, concent -ators and remote switches, for use in the local network. compresses or interleaves signals from several incoming that A lines into a has a higher frequency but requires only a single line (or a pair of incoming signal to a separate 'channel' in the multiplexer lines). i.e., is when multiplexers, an electronic device composite outgoing signal that The system assigns each combined outgoing transmission. (Channels correspond to preassigned non-overlapping frequency bands in frequency division multiplexing, and to time slots in We refer time division multiplexing.) compression ratio traffic (also called the to the ratio of input to multiplexing ratio). output signal frequencies as the traffic Like multiplexers, concentrators also perform compression, transforming multiple incoming signals into a single outgoing high frequency signal. However, the output signal from a concentrator does not have a dedicated channel for each input line (and so signals might be blocked); rather, the output channels are dynamically assigned to the input lines as the need arises. The Remote switches perform ratio of incoming to outgoing channels local switching functions to interconnect all the switching center through them; thus, each remote switch the main switching is center. Typically, is called the concentration ratio. customers a decentralized who communicate with and smaller version of remote switches also perform multiplexing and /or concentration functions for traffic destined to the main switching center. In local access the as same physical demand less line increases. network applications, remote electronic devices enable multiple users on the feeder network, thus providing an They alternative also eliminate circuit resistance restrictions, method to to relieve share exhaust and permit the use of fewer and expensive wire gauges. Multiplexers, concentrators, and remote switches are available in several configurations, with varying input capacities compression ratios ranging from 2:1 to (i.e., number of input lines) and different traffic as high as 96:1. While multiplexing, concentration and remote switching reduce the number of cables required downstream feeder sections, these cables must now handle higher frequencies. Conventional copjser cables (twisted pairs) have a limited effective (150 Khz to 2 Mhz) in bandwidth (around 150 Khz). Higher frequency signals require either coaxial cables or conditioned (or groomed) copper cables, i.e., twisted wire pairs with intermediate repeaters (which are electronic devices to eliminate distortion in the -8 very high frequency signals (over 2 Mhz) require signals); for fiber optic cables. Often, existing ducts (built copper cables) can accomodate these enhanced transmission media as well. For the second generation local access network with electronic devices, the planner must consider various choices for locating, sizing, and timing the installation of remote electronics (multiplexers, concentrators, switches) as well as the conventional option of physical pair facility relief (i.e., increasing cable capacities in different feeder sections). Furthermore, unlike the older technologies, these new devices section in isolation since higher introduce spatial couplings, demand on every intermediate feeder longer consider each feeder does not necessarily translate section. Fiber in the local access network : Many telephone companies are currently planning access networks because of facilities consist of a cable. we can no at up>stream distribution points into increased cable capacity requirements Sta ge 3 i.e., its introduce fiber optic technology in local to extremely high bandwidth. Fiber optic or lightwave transmission pair oi fiber optic terminals (or fiber terminating equipment) connected a fiber Fiber optic terminals convert electrical (analog or digital) signals into very high frequency optical signals, and might perform optical coupling and multiplexing functions as of fiber cables (some with a transmission capability of over 1 well. Tera bits per second) unlimited for local network applications; therefore, they can accomodate a large is factor limiting the number the cost of fiber terminating equipment cables are installed in existing distribution points and of channels that can is expected be multiplexed on to dominate the underground ducts) due fiber. The bandwidth effectively number high frequency channels. Indeed, the electronics in the fiber terminating equipment main by is of multiplexed currently the For local access networks, fiber cable costs (especially, to the relatively short distances if fiber between the the switching center. Except for a few experimental networks, telephone companies have not deployed fiber optic transmission extensively in the local access network. The characteristics, capabilities and deployment of the technology, Anderson Kaplan (1988), (1984)). networks (e.g., and even the network configuration plans are constantly changing Carse (1986), Ensdorf, Keller, and Kowal (1988), Toth et al. (1985), (see, for instance, Snelling and Researchers have proposed several competing topologies for fiber-based local access Campbell (1988), Garbanati and Palladino -9- (1988), Sirbu and Reed (1988), White (1988)). Some of the topologies, such as the ring, loop, vulnerability, an issue that is architectures, seek to reduce becoming increasingly important a single cable can affect service to a large In this papjer, and mesh we assume for fiber network networks since damage that, for topxslogical design purposes, fiber optic terminals essentially we do not represent the unique characteristics of fiber optic transmission in great detail, particularly since this technology is When deploying it, even number of customers. act like concentrators with very high traffic compression ratios. Thus, evolving. to the technology develops further arnl telephone still companies gain experience with network plaruiers might require more sophisticated models that distinguish fiber optic transmission from conventional electrical transnussion. Table The next I summarizes the technologies and expansion options we have discussed section formalizes the feeder modeling assumptions; we will network planning problem, and motivates several possible subsequently use these assumptions to differentiate various modeling approaches. Table I Local Access Network Expansion Options Technology Stages in this section. Local Access Network Planning: Problem Definition, Modeling 3. Framework and Assumptions This section presents a general conceptual and modeling framework for studying the local access (feeder) network planning problem, defines the scope of models identifies some key assumptions that distinguish different that we will subsequently consider, and modeling approaches We for this problem. present an example to clarify the decisions and tradeoffs in the planning task, and to illustrate the modeling implications of traffic processing and cable expansion options. We then develop a general layered network representation that captures the important issues and tradeoffs of the local access network planning problem. The feeder capacity planning exercise begins with a forecast (based customer movements) of telecommunication demand demand planning horizon. The basic unit of at each distribution for voice transmission is on new construction and p)oint for the a circuit. For duration of the analog transmission, each circuit represents a bandwidth requirement of 4 Khz, and requires one twisted pair of copper wires. The corresponding Kbps digital equivalent in the U.S. (Kilobits per second). The demand is the DSO for data, video, signal which has a transmission and other wideband services is usually expressed as a multiple (or fraction, for some types of data transmission) of the basic DSO example, the DSl, DS2, and DS3 rates are, respectively, 24, 96, rate of 64 rate; for and 672 times the DSO transmission rate. The total objective of the planning exercise might be to satisfy all the projected (investment plus operating) discounted cost, or to selectively satisfy profit. In this paper we we restrict our discussions models rather than multi-period models. Multi-period models can account one year scale, i.e., in anticipation of higher harder to solve than a demand to at minimum maximize total focus on the cost minimization perspective partly because telephone companies currently use this form most often. Furthermore, caused by economies of demand static planning horizon. Studying for the temporal couplings the optimal investment strategy might install excess capacity during demand model static to single-period or static in subsequent years. However, multi-period models are that seeks only to satisfy models might demand fX)ssibly give much in the terminal year of the us insights about the more general problem. For instance, the single-pseriod solution algorithms could serve as building blocks for multiperiod versions (see, for example, Shulman and Vachani (1988)). Or, as Minoux (1987) has proposed. 11- model might be used the static to first identify the final target model would then determine the evolution To meet appropriate the traffic demand of the existing for different services, the network; a subsequent multi-period network toward the target. network design must provide adequate and processing (multiplexing, concentration and switching) and transmission from each distribution point to the facilities switching center. In general, different services and processing devices require different transmission rates and, hence, different transmission media (twisted wire pairs, groomed copper cables, coaxial cables, and fiber optic cables). For example, video signals cannot be transmitted over twisted pair copper cables; similarly, remote electronic devices with high multiplexing ratios require enhanced media that can carry high frequency signals. The local access network design must account for these bandwidth specifications and provide compatible communication resources. In addition to providing adequate capacity to network configuration must also telephone company might wish meet the projected demand, the satisfy various technological to and policy restrictions. local access For example, the provide multiple paths to some preferred large-volume business customers. Similarly, to ensure adequate transmission quality (particularly for data transmission applications) and to facilitate future expansion and modernization, designers might Sf)ecify a maximum permissible distance (some companies use a limit of 12 kilofeet) betv\'een each customer and the nearest electronic device; we refer to this type of constraint as a proximity restriction. Thus, the single-period local access network planning problem has the following ingredients: Given (i) the projected (terminal year) (ii) (iii) demand for different services at each distribution point, the current switching and transmission capacities at each location, and the costs of installing, expanding and operating new switching and transmission facilities, find the cost minimizing expansion plan that meets the demand and satisfies all technological and policy restrictions. The optimal expansion plan should specify (i.e., (a) the location and size of various network enhancements addition or expansion of transmission media and remote electronic devices), and (b) the routing of traffic from each distribution point to the switching center. -12- This definition of the local access network planning problem makes For instance, by some we have ignored some implicit assumptions. processing steps (such as database queries) required spjecial information services. Currently, all information processing occurs at higher levels of the hierarchy (i.e., in the inter-office or backbone network); the local access communication networks f>erform only traffic compression. Future designs might decentralize certain information processing functions as well to the local access network. Also, our single-p>eriod model does not consider tradeoffs between overlay and replacement strategies for new technologies. When we consider a multi-p>eriod modernization, the planner must also decide whether to introduce new framework for network by initially digital technology overlaying existing analog technology, or by immediately replacing the analog components. and Epstein (1979), Combot and Mason (1979), Combot, Tsui, and Weihmayer (1981), Combot and Hoang and Lau (1984) consider these issues for inter-office network planning. Before presenting a general modeling framework for the local access network planning problem we discuss a simple example that illustrates the basic decisions and tradeoffs that the network planner must address. Example 3.1 Figure 3a illustrates a local access network problem with a single service network has a as shown tree structure, consisting of a single in the figure. heavy shaded However, medium (say, copper cables) with existing capacities inadequate for the projected this capacity is lines represent feeder sections with projected exhaust projected exhaust represents the (i.e., section level. capacity shortfall). employ The The expand cable to traffic processing 3b shows a representative cost function for expanding cable capacity along the feeder between distribution points i and In this example, the given j, consisting of a fixed charge plus a (constant) per unit cost. network does not have any existing processors. To the planner can use a processor with a 10:1 traffic conversion ratio: traffic demand amount by which telephone companies would need capacities in a conventional physical pair relief strategy (that does not options). Figure The given typ>e. entering on every set of 10 incoming lines onto -13 1 outgoing i.e., line. relieve exhaust, the processor compresses the We assume for simplicity that the copper cables can transmit both the base rate signal compressed output might arise signal. Figure 3c the processor if capacities (Y|, Y2, and is shows an at which the service originates and the processor's This cost function illustrative processor cost function. available in three models with differing costs (G^, G2, and G3) and <»). Figure 4 shows one possible expansion plan for the network example of Figure entails installing a processor with a capacity of along sections (3,1) and the traffic from nodes node (4,2) by 100 and 10 2, 4, 5, 8, and 9. Its 400 units at node output signal, shown the processor performs a tenfold compression of its 1; relieved the projected exhaust would have expanded cable either direction traffic on edges 400 incoming (2,5), (2,1), circuits. All the of the network. For instance, (from nodes 2 and 4) from distribution point 2 concentrated traffic and capacities in these feeder sections). on each edge to the node 5 compresses this signal requires signals at the base (unconcentrated) rate to the switching center. we have at in dotted lines, travels nodes 2 and edge By from node 5 all to only 40 lines since other nodes transmit installing the processor at node 5, (1,0) (the physical pair relief strategy Observe that we permit (2,5) carries (to the traffic flow in 150 uiuts of unconcentrated processor located at node flow in the opposite direction from 5 to 2 This plan and expanding the cable segment The processor units, respectively. (the switching center) via the intermediate 5, 3. 5, and 40 units of switching center); thus, the 200 available lines in section (2,5) can accomodate both these flows. Also note that the expansion plan shown in Figure 4 involves backfeed, section (2,5). Some of The example (i) the and 2, 4, 5, 8, (1,0). flow that models we discuss and in Section 4 and cable expansion: is more economical if of expanding cables along the three sections. exhaust on section to directed do not two away from (3,1). 6's traffic the switching center, tradeoffs in local access Installing a processor at network planning: node 5 and assigning downstream the cost of the traffic processor We on pjermit backfeed. 9 to this processor relieves the exhaust in the This strategy process node is of Figures 3 and 4 illustrates the the tradeoff between processors nodes i.e., sections (5,2), (2,1), is lower than the cost could follow a similar strategy to relieve the For instance, locating a processor at node 6 (with a capacity of 120 units) to would expand cable capacities if relieve the 100 units exhaust on edge the cost of a 120-unit processor at cost (for 100 additional circuits on section (3,1)). -14 node (3,1). However, we might prefer 6 exceeds the cable expansion (ii) the tradeoff between installing a few large centrally located processors versus many small geographically dispersed processors: For example, should we two processors, one locate at node 4 (with a capacity of 150 units, serving nodes 2 and 4) and the other at node 5 (with a capacity of 250 units, serving nodes and 5, 8, 9), instead of a single processor at avoids cable expansion on section cost likely to is decreases. scale, its total processor expansion cost might pxsssibly increase as the On the other hand, installing fewer, but larger, processors reduces The planning model must address the total processing cost. economies of scale however, because of economies of In general, the total cable be higher. number of processors (4,2); node 5? The two-processor solution in processor costs this tradeoff between exploiting and avoiding transmission capacity expansion by employing a decentralized processor location strategy. Our example considered transport both concentrated a single service, a single processor type, and unconcentrated traffic. and a single medium Additional complexities arise that can when we consider multiple processor types, multiple processing steps in series, and multiple transmission media. In the next two sections we develop network representation a layered for this more general problem. This representation serves as a framework for comparing various modeling approaches for local access network expansion planning. It encompasses a wide range of existing and proposed transmission and processing technologies, cost structures, and network topologies. Modeling Principles 3.2 This section discusses the modeling elements for representing local access network planning problenas with multiple transmission rates, service types, processor types, and transmission media. In the next section we develop a conceptual framework based on a multi-layer network representation that captures the interrelationship between the three main modeling elements: different services that traffic satisfied; (ii) transmission processors (e.g., multiplexers, concentrators, compress (i.e., must be signals. As mentioned facilities for remote switches or (i) customer demands for carrying signals; and (iii) fiber optic devices) that previously, the network expansion plan must match the can bandwidth transmission rate or frequency) specifications of these three elements. The layered network representation ensures this compatibility by sef>arately identifying the traffic flows at each -15 transmission rate. We first discuss how the transmission rate serves as a common link between customer demands, transmission facilities, We assume that and traffic network employs a discrete the local access For instance, telephone compjanies in the U. multiples of bits processors. use four standard S. per second or bps) labeled DSO, DSl, DS2, respectively, to 64 Kbps, 1.536 set of 'standard' transmission rates. transmission rates (expressed as digital and DS3; these rates correspond, Mbps, 6.144 Mbps, and 43.008 Mbps. Customer Demands Customer demands are forecasted by point. Each service type originates a basic rate of 1.5 service (the must be transmitted; terminal year basic rate. demand The final number of higher that, since we Mbps for DSl service type (voice, data, video) at each distribution For instance, certain types of video services require at a basic rate. rate). This rate represents the frequency the signals could be multiplexed to higher frequencies, each type of service is rate channels) for each service typje we do not consider any all at if which the necessary. The expressed as the number of required channels at the design should provide the required can effectively aggregate minimum number of basic rate channels (or an equivalent from every node to the switching center. Observe unique information processing requirements for different service types, services requiring the same basic rate into a single service type. Transmission Facilities We differentiate transmission facilities according to the medium or cable type (such as twisted wire pairs, copper cables with repeaters, coaxial cables, and fiber optic cables). Each transmission medium can handle and DSl a limited set of transmission rates. For example, coaxial cables can transmit signals, while the DS2 and DS3 copper cables) are typically installed rales require fiber optic cables. in sections; to joined at intermediate distribution points. media (e.g., fiber Some DSO transmission media (e.g., connect two non-adjacent nodes the cables must be We refer to these media as sectional media. Other types of cables) provide direct point-to-point connections without intermediate connectors; however, they use the same physical infrastructure, namely, the underground ducts or trenches intermediate feeder section. Most high frequency traffic -16- requires point-to-pjoint cables. in each Transmission capacities are specified by the number of lines for each pair of nodes. In general, the total (transmission) cost to node has two components: a separable or shared cost that the same different is common cost component to several (or all) infrastructure. For instance, once expand these medium between every capacities between any pair medium, and f>ertaining to each individual of a joint media. Joint costs arise because different media share we incur the costs for building media could share these ducts. Because of economies of scale, underground ducts, several both the separable and joint cost functions are likely to be concave; for example, they might consist of a fixed cost and a variable cost that depends on the volume of traffic. Traffic Processors As explained previously, traffic processors combine several incoming (lower frequency) signals The economic model into a single outgoing (higher rate) signal. processor type by three parameters: conversion mean ratio. the ratio of differ from the for spare input rate (i.e., We do not model other detailed number of incoming lines for contingencies). (number of input its lines traffic - lines (e.g., that we consider characterize each frequency of input signals), output rate, and technological differences. copper wire pairs) to By outgoing conversion ratio number of output lines) + compression ratio, i.e., number of output lines.) (including spare lines (The industry uses a related measure called the pair gain we ratio defined as This conversion ratio may the ratio of output rate to input rate, because of provisions outgoing lines and differences between the number of input and output channels (as noted previously, concentrators require a smaller number of output channels since they allocate channels dynamically). Effectively, the input and output rates determine the type of input and output transmission media that the processor requires, while the conversion ratio determines the physical lines of the output medium required per incoming Processor capacities are specified by their number of line. maximum number of input lines. Installing new processors or expanding existing capacities entails processor costs which nnight vary by location, processor tyj)e, and the required additional capacity. For instance, this cost function fixed costs (for acquiring land, constructing buildings, pedestals, cabinets variable or volume-dependent costs (e.g., for each module) that and other depend on might consist of infrastructure), the desired capacity. expect these processor cost functions to be concave (as a function of additional capacity) because of economies of scale. 17 and We A (Ciesielka commerdally available spjecific and Douglas traffic processing device, namely, the SLC-96 system The SLC-96 (1980)) illustrates these concepts. a modular digital is carrier/concentrator system introduced in the Bell System around 1979. Each frequency input The input lines. signals before retransnussion. signals are analog; the The input Khz rate of 4 module supports 96 voice SLC-96 system converts them is equivalent to a number DSO into digital digital rate (64 Kbps). The system performs two-to-one digital concentration, number of input lines; module has 48 output channels. These 48 output channels are thus, each i.e., the of output channels half the is transmitted over two standard so-called Tl digital lines, each carrying 24 channels. The system also requires a spiare Tl line to assure continuity of service when one of main Tl the Each Tl lines fails. might consist of two pairs of copper wires, with intermediate repeaters; the transmission line is 1.536 Mbp>s (= 24 channels x DSO input rate of 64 Kbps), which corresponds exactly rate over each Thus, the SLC-96 has a concentration ratio of (96 input channels + 48 output channels) = traffic compression {3T1 lines x 2pairs/line)) = 16. (to An provide service for up One II summarizes the relationships between transmission medium and - rate) 1 the and DS2. In with a conversion ratio of DS2 ratio; for instance, 2, rate. DSl DSO - up to ten modules and customer demands for For ease of illustration, and assume this DSO 12, Observe The example - whose basic example, the designer can use three types of signals to the DSl rate (i.e., with a a tyf)e 2 processor to compress from the signals represent a 24-fold compression of the requires 1 DSO rate, rate signals to the traffic is more and a DS2 rate compress compression while the type outgoing line for every 12 incoming signals directly using a typje 3 processor -18- DSl DSO input ratio of 48 to directly that the conversion ratios differ (i.e., it we that each rate has a unique fiber cable, respectively). and a type 3 processor wnth a conversion processor has a conversion ratio of only 12 Also, compressing rates, processors. DSO, DSl, and E>S2 processor to compress with a conversion ratio of traffic to + voice communication, high spjeed data, and video service rates are, respectively DSO, DSl, processors: a type - traffic (twisted wire pair, coaxial cable, considers three service types DSO ratio of (96 input pairs 960 customers). consider only three transmission rates DSl output and a conversion a version of the SLC-96 system p>ermits stacking of different service types, transmission facilities, corresponding 24, 2, System Illustrative Table to Mbps + 64 Kbps) = DSl to the rate. ratio of (1.536 line effective (in terms of the 1 lines). numer of DS2 in lines required for the tandem; lines, for, say, same number of incoming DSO 480 incoming E>SO whereas the type 1 - tyf)e 2 lines, the lines) than using a type combination requires 480/(12*2) = 20 DS2 Table lines. Service Transmission Rate Type Medium shown Data section in Table n. Traffic Processors Type DSl The next System Transmission Voice 2 processor II Illustrative DSO and a type type 3 processor requires only 480/48 = 10 outgoing DS2 presents a layered network representation that models the interrelationships Layer 1 1 Type 3 Type 2 Twisted pair U Coaxial 2:1 DS2 3.3 Video Layered Network Representation Let G:(N,E) represent the physical network whose nodes switching center (node 0) and the distribution points (nodes edges E contains edge (i,j) if model since processor typ)es. it 1 N= {0,l,2,...,n) correspond to n) a^ssigned to that center. to the The set of the local access network currently contains or can potentially contain a feeder section between nodes of the T Fiber i and j. This physical network does not provide a complete representation does not differentiate the various transmission To incorporate these modeling different layer with each transmission rate. features, we rates, transmission media, and use a multi-layer network that associates a Each layer contains a copy of the original network, with -19- additional edges that represent direct pxjint-to-point cables. The arc flows within a layer correspond to transmission at a specific rate, and flows across layers model To describe summarized associated with each transmission rate (DSO, DSl, media for The main simplifying assumption each transmission rate. In particular, transmission rates and media, rate, and every i.e., setting, in Table we first consider a This example has one service type II. and DS2), and processor types corresponding we we assume a one-to-one correspondence between each transmission will indicate every to example concerns the available transmission in this medium can accomodate only one unique medium. After developing the layered network rate requires a problem simplified compression. the layered network representation in greater detail, representation for the illustrative system pair of rates. traffic network enhancements that will transmission for this permit us to model transmission media with overlapping frequency ranges. The layered network, denoted as G^, contains one layer and hence the network layers and the transmission rates, for each transmission from / = service types, 1 to L rate. Let us index in increasing order of frequency. Because of our simplifying assumption concerning the correspondence between transmission rates and media, medium that carries rate (rate 2) as well as the G^ the example of Table signals. In the high speed data (service type Each layer of We denote / we can conveniently use and 2) same index II, / the index coaxial cables to refer to the / transmission = 2 correspnands (medium to DSl signals 2). contains a replica of the nodes of the original (physical) network G:(N,E). copy of the node original i in layer as / (i,/). The layered network contains two types of edges: transmission edges contained within each layer, and processor edges connecting the different layers. The transmission edge connecting node medium / lines connecting distribution px)ints transmission between to i and j. If each original feeder section to-point, then the medium / network medium (i,j) / i i to and / j. j in layer then layer network G. contains edges /, The flow on is sectional, in the physical in layer node (i,j,/) for denoted as edge this / (i,j,/), edge corresfHsnds contains an edge On the other hand, to rate (i,j,/) if represents corresponding medium every pair of (original) nodes can connect. Observe that the edges of this point-to-point network represent the rather than physical, layout of medium / lines; physically, the 20' medium / / i / is and point- j that logical, lines connecting distribution points i and would be routed through j the ducts of the intermediate feeder sections. Transnnission edges are either directed or undirected depending on whether The edges connecting two connecting node (i,/') in layer located at distribution point Table II, a processor distribubon point i. i /' higher indexed layers since to that edge from Observe different layers of node (i,/") /' /' unidirectional or bidirectional. is traffic < /") processors. The processor edge represents a traffic processor traffic to rate /" traffic. Thus, for the example of to (i,3) will represent a type 3 traffic processor installed at edges are always directed from lower indexed layers that processor we / G^ represent in layer /" (with compresses rate (i,l) medium only permit traffic compression (i.e., to transformations from lower to higher transmission rates). Figure 5 shows the equivalent layered network representation for a local access planning problem that is defined over a (physical) network with a tree topology, and with transmission rates, shown transmission media, and processor types as pairs and coaxial cables are in Table n. This figure assumes sectional, while fiber cables are point-to-p>oint optic terminal to the switching center. (Thus, layers 1 and 2 that twisted wire from each potenfial fiber have the same topology as the given physical network, while layer 3 has a star topology.) (Dur objective is to represent the local access planning problem as a cost minimizing network flow formulafion defined over the layered network. To complete the layered network flow formulation, must specify: nodes, (iii) (i) demand and the units of flow measurement, the cost funcrions and capacities of different arcs, conservation at each node. (ii) the and We consider each of these issues in demands and (iv) we supplies at different the laws governing flow turn. Units of measurement When different processor types demands, supplies, and flows and of medium / lines have arbitrary traffic required. Thus, for the example of Table II, we can use the coaxial cable carries a fixed number number of rate of rate / / the we measure ratios, capacities of transmission edges in each layer expressed in terms of the number of coaxial lines required for Equivalently, conversion demand / in for high this service at terms of the number speed data is each distribution point. channels as the unit of measurement in layer channels (without loss of generality, -21 the we / since each can assume that each rate / line carries one terms of number of input number rate lines; thus, the incoming coaxial of from layer channel). For processor edges, / lines. we gains formulation rather than a standard at each node. In Section 43, measurement for all layers, flows and caf>acities in capacity of a type 2 processor (in Table Observe that to layer; consequently, as we measure this measurement scheme implies minimum cost network special situation in by the specified that the units differ becomes a network-flow-with- elaborate later, the problem we consider a 11) is flow formulation that conserves flow which we can use a common unit of flow and transform the general network-flow-with-gains problem to a flow conserving network flow formulation. Demands and supplies Each node number of (i,/) medium / in layer we can corresponding to a distribution point lines required to satisfy the expositional convenience, Equivalently, / we treat the line i has 'supply' djj equal to the requirement for service type / at location requirements at each node as a supply also define these requirements to be at that node demands rather than i. (Note: For node. supplies.) The switching center node (0,L) in the highest rate layer L serves as the sink (or destination) node for flows; other switching center nodes (0,0, for Edge / For representing costs and capacities, modeling existing facilities, (ii) new (iv) and we i to j distinguish between four types of arcs: those modeling the collection of in layer / transmission and processing edges representing existing edges. merely as transshipment nodes. those modeling additions to existing capacities, existing transmission or processing facility, say, edge from node L, serve and capacities cost functions facilities, < The cost of flow on traffic at the B medium / lines between nodes and i the expansion any). Similarly, and new facility those modeling j, we introduce an We represent additional by uncapacitated expansion edges facilities, if those switching center. To model an with zero cost but a flow capacity of B. facilities (iii) (i) we model new (parallel to the capacitated facilities edges corresponds with uncapacitated to the separable cost we discussed component for transmission or processor expansion Section flows might incur joint transmission costs that dejTend on the combination of flows on 3.2, all and installation. In addition, as in all transmission edges (in different layers) that use the same physical feeder section(s). Finally, the cost parameter for the processor edges {0^'J"), for /' < /", incident to the switching center nodes •22 depends on our assumption regarding permissible transmission rates particular, if for traffic entering the switching center. In the switching center has the capability to receive multiple signal rates, each of these edges has zero cost. processor edge (0,/',/") however, If, all entering must have the same transmission traffic rate, the carries the cost corresponding to a /'-to-/" processor located at the switching center. Flow conservation law As mentioned from previously, because the unit of measurement we different layers interact via the processor edges, to relate the consider incoming and outgoing flows some node in layer 2 for the (i,2) at differs from layer and flows to layer, require a network-flow-with-gains equation each node and every layer. To example of Table II. illustrate this constraint, This node has three types of incident edges: transmission edges (i) pxjint ( i i ) j, 2) representing coaxial cables carrying DSl distribution point XI J = at that location. which we define i to DSl 2, 3) (i, has representing a type signals; = incoming Yjj2 = outgoing processor located at distribution point i representing a type 2 (DSl-to-DS2) processor located at node d^ incoming DSl (in the layered network) have associated flow processor (expressed in terms of the 1 number of incoming DSO lines) i; traffic (or line traffic signals corresponding to service type 2 (high as: throughput of the type 2 processor located Yjj2 1 and Each node's incident edges throughput of the type located at X2j = and from distribution i. In addition, distribution point speed data) 1, 2) (i, compresses DSO signals an outgoing processor edge variables traffic to i; an incoming processor edge that (iii) (i, from i requirements) from to j on at j node to coaxial cables. 23- i i (in terms of number of DSl input on coaxial cables; and, lines); For convenience, facility we define all on four variables to include flow existing as well as edges. Observe that the line requirement variables Yjp and Yjj2 are 'directed' even though the edge {i,j,2) is undirected (assuming coaxial cables are bidirectional). Xlj, X2j, Yjj2, and Yjj2 are the would determine how much transmission and processor decision variables in the model. Their values capacity to add at location i. The flow conservation law equates network to the total the total inflow of traffic at each outflow at that node. The throughput Xlj of the type one component of the node's inflow; since the throughput of type input to (medium we must 1) lines, translate this throughput into maintain consistent units of measurement at node (i,2). processor enables us to express Xlj in equivalent units of medium by the definition of conversion ratio Thus, the input-output flow equation To simplify our namely, node more general i traffic to in layer 2 for the settings in more lower discussion, rate layers higher rates I" /' > < /, medium 2 at measured example shown in layer Table in via the type ratio, call 1 it processor lines required node 11. in number of (i,2) by 2 lines p j, of the type lines; in particular, the is a type number 1 of Xlj/pj (which, 1 processor with has the following form: (1) formulated the flow equation (1) for a specific example, However, the equation readily extends to receives the output of several processor types from one / and provides inputs (1) differs to several processor types that from the flow conservation equation network flow formulation because of the local access compress layer / 'loss' in a standard minimum factors p corresponding to traffic processors. Thus, to networks with remote electronic devices, we require a network- flow-with-gains formulation. In Section 4.3 traffic The conversion (i,2) is (i,2) is I. Observe that equation model second generation processors of the layered processor at node lYij2 + X2i. = we have which the node 1 1 node an equivalent number of medium number of output the pj, is lYji2+ Xypi+dj; cost node 2 lines of concentrated traffic arriving at XI: input lines). or expansion/new we show conversion ratios for different processor types, equivalent base rate channels instead of number that, we under certain can define all assumptions regarding the decision variables in terms of of lines for different media. This alternative 24- definition enables us to use a standard network flow problem formulation that conserves flow each at node. Extensions The layered network representation extends transmission in Table II), could either medium by associating representation for different is to model between layers and transmission alternative transmission media, or a different layer for each transmission appropriate distribution pxDints without when we can directly interface interlayer edges that connect media. In this case, we combination for both these its which each we assumed rates, but introduce parallel decompose the problem (ii) rate-medium combination. The two different media at first intermediate any additional, expensive equipment. For situations requiring interface equipment, the second representation enables us on settings in media overlap. To represent these overlapping ranges, we retain the correspondence edges within each layer further more complex problem can handle a range of transmission rates (rather than the single rate and the ranges (i) to also to model the cost of two layers corresponding assume to the this equipment by associating a cost same transmission rate but different that each traffic processing device requires a specific input and output. Depending on the application context, two representations. The layered network can also model rate-medium we might use a mix of different processor technologies as parallel interlayer edges. Within the framework of this layered network representation, the general local access network planning problem becomes: Minimize total separable + joint transmission and processor expansion/installation cost subject to network flow with gains constraints non-negativity constraints, for and for all nodes (i,/) of the layered network, and transmission and processor edge throughput variables (X Y). Observe that originating at a all (1), this formulation models multiple processing steps in series, node might possibly be compressed at i.e., traffic two or more downstream nodes before reaching the switching center. Also, the formulation permits bifurcated routes, -25- i.e., two customers connected to the same distribution point might communicate with the switching center processing steps. To prevent this bifurcation, traffic we via different routes and require a different formulation that distinguishes the originating at different nodes. This latter formulation can also incorporate various proximity restrictions. Depending on the variables and /or constraints. For similar to Figure 3b (Zm^ = 0) specific application context, the formulation we instance, we can model by introducing additional binary install a new type m processor at node objective function coefficient for variable Zm^, i. might contain additional a fixed plus variable processor cost structure variables Zrrij denoting whether (Zmj = 1) or not The fixed cost of the processor serves as the and the formulation contains additional constraints to relate this location variable to the processor throughput variable Nemhauser and Wolsey model (1988)). Similarly, the formulation Xmj 'forcing' (see, for instance, might contain additional constraints to certain policy restrictions (e.g., proximity rules, contiguity requirements (see Section 4.3)). The general network flow formulation with gains and with non-separable edge problem dimensions might be quite large difficult to solve, especially since the networks. Therefore, models proposed in the literature make that are inherently true for specific application contexts development. These assumptions lead exploit. Next, we to special several additional assumptions, and others problem structures new some that facilitate algorithmic that solution algorithms planning models as special cases local access can we show how in the general layered to view network framework. 3.4 Possible Modeling Assumptions The problem formulation described access network planning models that we in Section 3.3 defines a basic describe in Section 4. Within modeling approaches are possible, each characterized by an additional assumptions are motivated by three factors: 26 is for practical local access discuss several categories of possible assumptions. In Section 4 various existing and cost functions framework this for all the local framework, different set of assumptions. These They make the model computationally (i) tractable. For instance, certain problems defined over general networks become pwlynomially solvable They (ii) (iii) They NP -hard location for tree networks. reflect uncertainties in the technology. and arise because of differences in corporate jx)lides practices. For instance, some local operating comjjanies might emphasize non-bifurcated routing to reduce the burden of managing/rearranging the network. We have identified the following six areas that cover most of the differences in modeling assumptions. Selecting different combinations of assumptions in these areas gives rise to different models. (a) New Models versus expansion projects: that apply only designing to capacities) are typically easier to solve than expansion planning switching and transmission resources. As we mentioned new networks models in Section 3.3, (with no existing that account for existing expansion planning models with existing capacities require an additional set of (capacitated) parallel edges, and associated decision variables and constraints that (b) make the model more difficult to solve. Network topology: Some models assume that the physical network has a tree structure. For example, we show in Section 4.3 how this assumption makes a version of the planning model solvable in pjolynomial time (because tree networks have a unique path from each distribution jx)int to the Many models assume switching center). point media connecting the traffic that all compressed traffic requires point-to- processor directly to the switching center. Effectively, this assumption implies that the network layer corresponding to compressed traffic has a star topology, with the svvitching center as the central node. (c) Backfeed vs unidirectional flows: movement away from toward the switching Some tree network models incorporate the switching center, while others center. upstream distribution points; assume Without backfeed, a processor that that is all backfeed, i.e., traffic flows must be directed located at node this restriction limits the set of solutions that the i can serve only algorithm must consider. (d) Processor and transmission cost functions: In Section 3.3, we discussed generic cost functions for expanding processor and transmission capacity. These cost functions can be specialized -27- in various ways. First, all we the models discuss in Section 4 ignore joint costs, two or more transmission media. Further, functions of capacity, we When we include fixed problem becomes much more Routing restrictions: Some at sections, the may processor, then all to solve the local enforce a non-bifurcated routing restriction from each distribution point must follow the same route This policy jx)ints). facilitates section, entering traffic must be processed (i.e., network management and at that if a node contains If we assume processed at most (or exactly) once, the traffic Most from various nodes that the traffic Most local access to processors) decreases significantly, thus (ii) we consider in Section 4.3 permits backfeed, (iii) assumes that all (i) in this traffic originating at each node. manner we can generate a diverse modeling approaches set of By -28- assignment of six dimensions. For that the physical network enhanced (high frequency) media are and (v) considers at most one selecting different combinations of assumptions we outline some possible network planning problem, and using this framework. can be level of traffic processing. assumes models. In the next section, for the single-p)eriod local pjoint traffic reducing model complexity. employ only one point-to-point to the switching center, (iv) prohibits bifurcated routing, processing step for (i.e., network planning models can be differentiated along these example, the tree location model that has a tree structure, from each distribution number of f)Ossible homing patterns existing second generation local access networks a node. (0 Single versus multiple processing steps: Chir formulation of Section 3.3 permits multiple processing steps in sequence. use the and the same nodal processors maintenance. Another possible routing restriction has the following form: traffic linear charges for cable and processor expansion, the same transnussion medium on each intermediate distribution and are by difficult to solve. telephone companies Sf)ecifying that all the traffic same feeder separable costs are purely variable, can apply a network flow model (possibly with gains) network planning problem. (e) if all costs that are shared i.e., differentiate them Modeling Approaches for Local Access Network Planning 4. some modeling approaches This section describes planning. For each approach, differentiate we network use the framework of Section 3 to identify the assumptior\s that from other models, and it for single-period local access briefly indicate the solution strategy. and existing models, while Sections 4.2 4.3 cover two Sections 4.1 reviews alternative approaches. Section 4.1 considers the general class of models called concentrator location models, and briefly discusses two other local access network planning methods. In Section 4.2, we discuss how to view, with appropriate assumptions, the layered network model introduced in Section 3 as a fixed-charge network design problem and indicate some tree ]x>ssible solution approaches. Section 4.3 describes a networks; this models All the single service type Jack, and Shulman using at model can be solved most two to a single layer and we levels in the layered representation network p>oint-to-p>oint; thus, (in we can represent these models many, cases we can further reduce the representation all each concentrator models ignore by adding the where joint costs, is high all directly connected to the switching center and assume that traffic processors and have separable fixed and/or variable (volume dependent) costs (instead of more each processor processor cost at that of determining dynamic programming model of Helme, because of the special cost structures). These models also assume that facilities (i.e., that applies only to review, with the exception of the network design model, consider only a general non-linear cost functions). Observe that, for layer 2 model when designing new networks. a single level of traffic processing (the network G^. Also, transmission restrictive (1988) considers multiple processors in series). Thus, frequency media are in layer 2 of that efficiently more site. ignore joint costs and assume a star topology directly connected to the switching center), cost of the point-to-point high frequency Consequently, the to locate selected processor sites. is when we new local access processors, and Most models profX)sed networks, and do not account for existing in the literature -29- can simplify the medium from each network planning task reduces how to connect all facilities. we site to to the the problem the distribution p>oints to the apply only to the design of new 4.1 Concentrator location and other design models 4.1.1 Centralized Teleprocessing Desig n In the 1960's networks to and 1970's centralized teleprocessing systems were quite common, and configuring connect users of the system to the central computer was an important design issue (see Boorstyn and Frank (1977), Chandy and Lo (1973), Chandy and Russell (1972), Direlten and Donaldson (1976), Kershenbaum and Boorstyn McGregor and Shen (1977)). (1975), Kershenbaum and C3iou These networks typically consist of (1974), Mirzaian (1985), many and (usually 100 or more) geographically dispersed terminals that are coruiected to a central computer via communication The central computer provides computational resources, and acts as a switch to connect the terminal to a wider distributed computation network. When located in clusters, using concentrators to combine the communications increase the utilization of communication lines) planning models for these problems typically potential concentrator sites, and the number becomes start lines. of terminals is large, traffic and the terminals are from several terminals The a cost-effective interconnection strategy. with a preselected select concentrator locations and set of (to nodes of the network as from the terminals direct connections to the concentrators. The teleprocessing network design problem number and (terminal layout). and The (3) determining how to connect every concentrator similarity with the local access treat terminals as distribution points, teleprocessing network design location main components: (1) specifying the location of concentrators (concentrator location), (2) assigning terminals to a concentrator (terminal assignment), when we consists of three Location Problem central computer as the switching in the literature first and terminal assignment decisions using a assigned terminals network planning problem becomes apparent and the methods proposed to its single model, called the Capacitated Concentrator (separable) assignment costs. Subsequently, a terminal layout first -30- concentrators by terminal-to- phase. (See, for example, Rousset and Cameron (1986).) relates to local access to method configures the concentrator interconnections based on the assignments suggested by the it Most determine the concentrator (CCLP), that approximates the actual costs of connecting terminals We first consider the CCLP as center. network planning. Capacitated Concentrator Location Models Given the fixed installation costs and and the terminal-to-concentrator connection locations, and assigns each terminal to capacities of new concentrators at each jx)tential (or assignment) cost, the site, CCLP selects concentrator one of the selected concentrators in order to minimize the total concentrator and temninal assignment costs, subject to concentrator capacity constraints. The standard CCLP formulation assumes a single servde type, and provides terms of our local access network planning framework, for only CCLP models one level of concentration. In typically make the following additional assumptions: (1) CCLP models Network topology: design: each terminal is effectively directly connected to layers: the first layer is a its (2) site complete network v^th one direct connection from every terminal is a star to network connecting each potential with the switching center. Cost structure and capacities: only to the design of new Essentially, all the networks, i.e., CCLP methods proposed in the literature apply they do not account for existing transmission or cable Most models incorporate only capacities. network assigned concentrator, and each concentrator has a each potential concentrator, and the second layer concentrator a double star topxjlogy for the final The equivalent layered network representation contains direct connection to the central computer. two assume a fixed cost for each concentrator (that possibly includes the cost of the concentrator-to-computer connection) and each terminal-to-concentrator connection, and assume The total capacity. that the capacity of each demand Routing Some models restriction: restrictions by concentrator is prespecified rather than expandable. for all the terminals assigned to a particular concentrator specialize the capacity constraint further have equal demand; thus, they (3) new limit only the CCLP models do number must not exceed by assuming this that all terminals of terminals assigned to each concentrator. not jjermit bifurcated routing. They can accomodate proxinuty setting very high assignment costs for prohibited terminal-to-concentrator assignments. •31- An enhanced version of the CCLP model, called the multilevel concentrator designs a hierarchical structure, where concentrators from one level home on location problem concentrators at the next higher level, and so on. Even though most CCLP methods implicitly asssume a single concetrator type, we can incorporate multiple concentrator types (each with a different capacity, for instance) by replicating the nodes corresponding to potential concentrator locations, and associating a different concentrator type with each copy. variables Some models (e.g., Pirkul (1986)) treat concentrator capacities as decision by incorporating volume-dep)endent concentrator assumes that the cost of connecting costs. a terminal to a concentrator While the standard CCLP model does not depend on which other terminals that concentrator serves (by assuming direct terminal-to-concentrator connections), enhanced models are connected (e.g., Woo and Tang (1973)) indirectly account for the cost economies when terminals by a spanning Algorithms for the heuristic local tree. CCLP belong to three broad is (1989), Efroymson and Ray and Hamburger Nemhauser (1972), Erlenkotter (1978), (1963), Sa (1969), Spielberg (1969)). intractable, researchers CCLP, which has been studied structurally related to the plant location problem, extensively in the literature (Comuejols, Fisher, and location classes: optimization-based algorithms, improvement methods, and clustering techniques. The CCLP Wolsey some (1977), Comuejols, Nemhauser, and Feldman, Lehrer, and Ray Even though this problem is (1966), Kuehn theoretically have successfully solved some relatively large-scale uncapacitated plant problems optimally (Erlenkotter (1978), Geoffrion and Graves For the (1974), Korkel (1987)). plants correspond to concentrators and customers to terminals, with the additional restriction plant capacities. Woo and Tang (1973) propose a CCLP algorithm based on on plant location solution methods. Pirkul (1986) proposes an optimization-based solution method using Lagrangian relaxation for an enhanced CCLP model that incorporates concentrator sizing decisions (by including variable concentrator costs). The method dualizes the terminal-to-concentrator assignment constraints of a mixed integer programming problem formulation, and subproblems corresponding original problem. to iteratively solves single constraint 0-1 each concentrator location To obtain good lower bounds, to knapsack generate lower bounds on the cost of the a subgradient optimization method iteratively changes the Lagrange multipliers; and, at each iteration, a heuristic procedure uses the Lagrangian subproblem -32- solution to construct a feasible solution, which provides an upper bound. computational results for problems with up to The author 100 nodes and 20 concentrator between the best upjjer and lower bounds vary from 0% sites; repxjrts the percentage gaps For a discussion of other optimization- to 7.7%. based and heuristic approaches to the capacitated plant location problem, see Comuejols, Sridharan, and Thizy (1987). Polyhedral methods offer a potentially promising approach for solving capacitated plant and concentrator location problems. These nnethods attempt to refine linear programming (i.e., polyhedral) approximations (relaxations) of these problems by adding (strong) valid inequalities in a cutting plane approach (see, Nemhauser and Wolsey structure of plant (1988)). Surprisingly and concentrator location problems (for Wolsey (1984a,1984b), Ward, Wong, Lemke, and Oudjit Magnanti some (1988), known about little is the polyhedral partial results, see Barany, LenJce and Van Roy, and Wong (1989) and Leung and (1989)). Local improvement procedures for CCLP start with an initial set of concentrator locations and terminal assignments, and attempt to sequentially decrease the total cost by performing myopic Add changes. The Add heuristic and the Drop heuristic are algorithm (Kuehn and Hamburger (1963)) is two couinrxsn a perturbation local improvement nttthods. The method that iteratively evaluates the net savings (savings in terminal assignment costs less the cost of an additional concentrator) that accrue by adding each unused method site to the current set of concentrator locations. terminates. CHherwise, the reevaluates net savings for iteratively all most remaining cost-effective site sites. is added If no site produces net savings, the to the current set, and the method Conversely, the Drop algorithm (Feldman removes currently selected concentrators until no further cost reduction Researchers have also proposed combined methods that alternate between is et al. (1966)) possible. Add and Drop phases. The ways. One possible initial solution conasts of installing a concentrater at every potential location. Rousset and (lameron (1986) have proposed a heuristic starting solution for the local improvement procedure can be generated to for each terminal, the difference in concentrators. possible (i.e., It in several determine the terminal assignments; the procedure first calculates, assignment costs between the nearest and second nearest then sorts the terminals in decreasing order of this difference and assigns each one, subject to the concentrator capacity constraints), to -33 its nearest concentrator. if Several researchers have proposed heuristic methods for the (see, for Dhas CCLP based on clustering concepts example, McGregor and Shen (1977), Schneider and Zastrow (1982), and Konangj, Aidja, and (1984)). McGregor and Shen study the single level concentrator location problem, while the other papers address the multilevel problem. Konangi et al.'s method assumes that the terminal-to- concentrator assignment costs are proportional to the Euclidean distance between the two locations, and do not vary concentrator costs clusters the terminals into significantly by location. For each concentrator level, the two groupjs based on geographical proximity, and method first locates a concentrator at the center (or the potential site closest to the center) of each cluster. Ousters are then successively split if savings result from this splitting, and concentrators are relocated at the centers of the When cluster flitting does not give any further savings, a cluster merging reduce cost by combining previously defined for one concentrator current level as the level, the new new clusters. procedure attempts to further completing the clustering and merging steps clusters. After algorithm considers the next level, treating the concentrators in the terminal locations. The authors report computational results for problems with over 200 terminals. Clustering methods can also exploit the underlying geometry. For example, under certain circumstances, partitioning the plane into hexagonal cells with a service center located at (or near) the center of each cell is approximately (or asymptotically) optimal. Several researchers have established results of this nature (Fejes-Toth (1959), Fisher Magnanti (1988), and Papadimitriou and Hochbaum (1980), Haimovich and (1981)). Terminal Layout problem Given the assignment of terminals to concentrators, the terminal layout problem seeks the best network topology connecting each concentrator to its assigned terminals. This model makes the following assump>tions: (1) The original network, containing that is selected must have a all available lines, has a general structure; the final topology tree structure. compression, the terminal layout problem Effectively, since is it does not consider traffic defined over a single layered network. -34- (2) Each edge of the network carries a fixed charge; the model does not ctccount and so (3) edge for variable costs, effectively ignores cable sizing decisions. The model incorporates only multidrop lines. certain special types of capacity constraints that apply mostly to (A multidrop line is analagous to a route in the feeder primary cable enunating from the concentrator to which auxiliary network. It consists of a lines attach individual terminals at intermediate points.) These constraints include: (a) degree constraints, that specify an upper limit on the number of incident constraints, that restrict the concentrator, and number links at a braiKhing node, or at the concentrator, (b) order of intermediate branching that limit the total (c) load constraints, nodes between any terminal and the number of terminals that are connected via a multidrop Une. Severed authors have proposed heuristic and Williams and Sharma (1966), connecting each terminal directly (1983)). methods for the terminal layout problem The Esau-Williams procedure begins with a to the concentrator. The method performs a series of (e.g., star Esau network edge interchanges to monotonically decrease costs while satisfying the multipoint line capacity restrictions, and terminates when no further cost reduction is possible. A sp>ecial case of the termi lal layout problem that has received considerable attention in the optimization literature is the capacitated minimal spanning tree problem. This problem seeks the minimal sparuiing tree connecting the concentrator to the terminals, subject to degree constraints at the concentrator. Several optimal heuristic algorithms Gavish (1983), have been proposed Gavish and Altinkemer for this (1986)). problem example, Chandy and Lo (1973), Recently, researchers have approaches (Hall (1989), Hall and Magnanti (1988)) 4.1.2 (see, for and optimization-based for capacitated begun spanning tree to study polyhedral problems. Other models We now describe two other local access network design nxxiels, both of which apply only to the design of method new is networks, i.e., they a heuristic proposed do not accoimt by Luna, network planning problem which we Ziviani, call for existing cable or processor capacities. and Cabral (1987) first to solve a variant of the local access the service section connection problem. -35- The The second method is a dynamic programming algorithm developed by Hebne, Jack, and Shulman network (1988) for a tree nrkodel that prohibits backfeed. Service Section Luna We Connection Model et al. (1987) consider the following variant of the local access network planning problenru are given a partition of the set of distribution points into S subsets called service sections. Each section contains a service section, number of potential and concentrator sites. We must select exactly one site from each this site will serve all distribution jjoints within the section. network has contains all The given physical permissible interconnections between the potential concentrator sites and the switching center. Each arc of the network carries a fixed cost (for using that arc) as well as a variable cost that depends on the volume of traffic that is routed on that arc; concentrators have fixed costs that might vary by location. The planning problem consists service section, and (ii) of: (i) selecting designing a subnetwork that connects all one concentrator the selected concentrator sites to the switching center. The objective of this service section connection model CCLP, variable) arc costs plus the concentrator costs. Unlike the from each site minimize the is to total (fixed + the service section connection problem explicitly considers the topological design decisions for connecting concentrators to the switching center. However, the model ignores the interconnections within each service section, i.e., it does not consider the topological design decisions for the subnetwork connecting the distribution fx)ints within a service section to the selected concentrator site in that section. concentrator cost of this site, Effectively, it assumes that, for each potential the designer has predetemnined the distribution jX)int-to-concentrator connections; the subnetwork may be incorporated in the concentrator cost for that site. The model does not consider multiple services, multiple concentrator tyjjes or different transnrdssion media, and model economies of scale in concentrator and transmission The layered network representation layer containing an suffices augmented version of the service section connection A problem consists of a single single layer representation because the model considers only the topological design decisions for compressed traffic For the layered network representation, traffic). does not costs. of the given physical network. ignores the flow pattern for the base rate it (and we augment the physical network as follows: For each service section, demands we add a super node whose demand equals the sum of for all distribution points in that service section. -36- We connect each the super node to every potential concentrator away from site in The the suf>er node. the corresponding section using an edge directed fixed cost of this All the edges of the given physical concentrator. edge equals the cost of the network (interconnecting potential concentrator sites and the switching center) carry the fixed and variable costs specified in the original problem; all original nodes (i.e., potential concentrator sites) serve as transshipment points. The switching center node has demand equal requirements in all service sections. Since the model considers only show that some optimal new without any capacity constraints, facilities solution to the layered network problem assigns each super concentrator site in the corresponding service section; thus, the model from we do not need Because of the spjecial (fixed the fixed-charge network design Observe that this potential concentrator site Section 2.2), node possible to to exactly one explicit constraints to prevent model model can and so will not bifurcate plus variable) cost structure, this model that we present in Section do not belong to the do not meet same network as individual customer is any a special case of 4.2. implicitly incorporate proximity restrictions, the service sections so that distribution f)oints that the nodes of the it is selecting multiple concentrator sites in each service section. Also, the optimal topology of the service section interconnection network will have a tree structure, traffic flow. to the total line we i.e., can choose the proximity criterion with respect to a service section as this site. Also, if we interpret locations, the service sections as allocation areas (see the potential sites within each section as potential distribution points, and the switching center as a concentrator, then Luna et al.'s model applies to the design of the distribution network for each concentrator, rather than the feeder network serving the switching center. Luna and projx)se formulate the service section connection problem as a mixed integer program, et al. first a heuristic method to solve it. The heuristic starts each service section, select the distribution point that is by constructing the following design: for closest to the switching center; and, find the shortest path tree (using only the variable arc costs) connecting the switching center to each selected concentrator solution. it site. A local The method improvement procedure then attempts iteratively evaluates the cost savings as it to improve interchanges concentrator performs profitable interchanges sequentially until no further savings computational results for 3 problems ranging in size from 18 nodes, 54 -37- this initial feasible result. arcs, sites or arcs; The authors report and 7 service sections, to 263 nodes, 752 arcs, and 117 service sections. However, they do not evaluate the quality of these solutions since the method does not generate any lower bounds or alternative Tree Network Model without Helme et al. heuristic solutions. backfeed (1988) propose a dynamic programming method for a special class of local access network planning problems. The method permits multiple processors transmission medium and applies only to the design of in series, new networks. It but assumes a single assumes that the given has a tree structure, does not permit backfeed, and does not account for economies of processsor has a fixed cost (that costs. The solution method node of is may vary by location); transmission facilities scale. network Each have only variable based on a recursive procedure that exploits the tree structure. For each the network, the recursive relationship determines the cost of connecting that node to the switching center, for various possible combinations of downstream processor locations. Helme et al. also propose a Drop /Add heuristic for a more general local access network planning model that considers general network topologies and multiple processor types in fjermits bidirectional transmission (i.e., backfeed) on links, and incorpyorates existing capacities as well as fixed and volume-dependent processor costs. assumes Drop The method ignores that cable costs are directly proportional to the heuristic starts with an initial series, design containing number all fixed costs for cable expansion; of (additional) cables required. it The processor types at each node, and successively eliminates processors to reduce the total cost. Because of the linear cable expansion cost structure, the authors are effectively able to use a shortest path algorithm to compute the total transmission cost for any given processor configuration. 4.2 Network Design Model The general layered network framework introduced in Section 3 can be specialized so that it takes the form of the fixed-charge network design problem which arises in a variety of distribution planning, manufacturing and telecommunications contexts. Given the destination p>airs, and fixed and variable demand between various origin- costs for each arc of a network, the (fixed charge) network design problem involves selecting a subset of arcs, and routing the various commodities (subject to -38- conservation of flow, without gains or losses, at each node) over the selected arcs in order to n-iinimize the total fixed plus variable arc costs. The capacitated version of this problem accounts for arc capacity constraints as well. The network design problem generalizes several well-known optin-dzation location, shortest path, Steiner tree, traveling salesman, models including the plant spanning tree problems. and solution methods for the In this section, network framework Magnanti and we and minimal Wong (1984) and Minoux (1989) describe various applications network design model. demonstrate how, in certain circumstances, for the local access to cast the general layered network planning problem as a fixed charge network design model. The first assumption concerns the transmission and processor cost structures The network design . model ignores joint costs between various transmission media, and assumes, as II, between transmission a one-to-one correspondence preferred transmission medium for each transmission rates rate. and media, i.e., in the example of Table the planner preselects a We also assume that all processor and cable installation/expansion costs are piecewise linear, consisting of fixed and variable components. The network design model's second assumption concerns processor types. Recall from our discussions in Section the conversion ratios for different 3.1 that, in general, certain input rate (or frequency), transmits output at a higher rate, p (defined as the ratio of input to output lines). assume by employing rate as type I's The and has a specified conversion the network design ratio model formulation, we that the conversion ratios for different processor types are compatible in the following sense. Consider three processor either To develop each processor requires a tyf)es labeled 1, 2, a type output 1 rate), and type or and 3, and suppose we can compress 2 processor in series by using (i.e., rate l^ traffic to rate l^ the type 2 processor has the a single type 3 processor (v^th input rate /^ same input and output conversion ratio compatibility assumption requires that the three conversion ratios must rate l-^). satisfy the following equation: P3 = Pl'P2' where pj^ denotes the conversion the rate l^ medium always ratio for a type m processor. In other words, the require exactly (x + P3) lines in the rate the compression was achieved using Effectively, this assumption permits us a type 1 and type /j, messages on x medium, regardless of lines in whether 2 processor in tandem, or a single type 3 processor. to associate a single conversion factor, call -39- it 5j, with each layer / We define of the multi-layer network. at the base rate (the this factor as the number of channels (or circuits or lines) lowest transmission rate, corresponding to the index accommodate. In the example presented in Table / the three processors 11, = 1) that do not compatibility assumption since the product of the conversion ratios for processors 2) does not equal the conversion ratio (P3 each transmission rate enables us to each type / line satisfy the 1 and 2(p^»p2 = 12x = 48) of the type 3 processor. The single conversion factor measure equivalent base rate channels (rather than the all the traffic in every layer in terms of the number can number 8j for of of lines of the corresponding medium). This common traffic measurenvent unit preserves conservation of flow at each node, i.e., we do not require the conversion factor p in the left-hand ade of constraint compatibility assumption, we can (1) in Section 33. Thus, with the conversion ratio transform the network flow with gains flow equation (1) to a standard network flow conservation constraint. Ajsart from these two assumptions, the network design model incorporates the general layered network framework described network topologies, multiple service tyjses (as in Section 3.3. In particular, it all other features of can handle general long as these do not impose unique processing requirements), sectional and pnaint-to-point cable types, econonnies of scale in processor and transmission cost functions, and existing transmission and processor bifurcated routing. If capacities. the cost functions are piecewise linear It and also permits backfeed and concave, and if the network does not contain any existing capacities, the model reduces to an uncapacitated network design problem. Existing resources and non-concave cost functions introduce arc capacities. We first describe the cost parameters for the uncapacitated fixed charge network design model with no existing processor and transmission capacities, and with a fixed plus linear cost structure for each transmission and processing facility. Subsequently, we discuss extensions to model general piecewise linear cost functions and existing capacities. Uncapacitated Network Design Model The transmission and processing costs network. Let layer /" Hj/'j-- signals, are represented as edge cost functions in the layered be the fixed cost of a processor located and let Vj^.^.. be its and variable node i that converts layer /' signals to variable cost (p>er unit capacity, expressed in base rate channels). Thus, for a processor with capacity of x (base associate these fixed at rate) units, the total cost is Hj^.j.. costs with the processor -40- edge (i,/',/") + We Vj^.^"*x. connecting layers /' and /". (Note that a per unit cost of input (medium unit costs for a vji.i.. medium / cost parameters define the fixed medium and variable line / from from node to i j (0,/') and multiple signal rates can enter the switching center. Otherwise a rate), the processor edge (0,/',/") i to costs 5^*Cjj/) costs for the transmission edges connecting the switching center nodes same transmission implies that the processor cost per i represent, respectively, the fixed Cj:; (sectional or point-to-point) connection cost of q:i implies that each additional inter-layer and Similarly, let F^y line is 5j*Vj^-j".) I) node for the processor located at (0,/") (if all edge node j. (Again, a per unit These two transmission As (i,j,/). before, the carry zero cost, assuming that entering traffic must have the and variable costs corresponding carries the fixed to processor located at the switching center. /'-to-/" With this set of flow at each node, and model parameters, the uncapadtated network design solution satisfies all demands at minimum transmission edge (i,j,/) implies that the Similarly, the flow . number of input on processor edge node lines) of a processor at Observe signals. number that the transmission i of medium / x^:^ units along lines to install in feeder section divided by (i,/',/") that conserves plus flow costs corresponds to the total fixed optimal local access network plan. In the optimal network design solution, a flow of Xj:j/5j and per is gives the capacity (in terms of 5j. that transforms layer (i,j) /' input signals to layer T' output edges might be either directed or undirected, and the model permits multiple processors in series. It is possible to enrich this network design economies of scale in processor and transmission describes the cost of installing a medium R breakpoints. r contains decreases from Cj. of Fj. and R r. if in various in Figure and Fj.^^ parallel arcs Bj., (i,j). arc (i,j), and x edge since lies this by in this figure In general, this cost function and the slope of the cost function denote the y-intercepts of the two line segments between nodes Cj.. i and j in layer /. The r"^ parallel arc carries a fixed charge Because the overall transmission cost function is solution will automatically select the appropriate line segment even without i.e., if can model We can incorporate this cost function in the network design model by a vciriable cost of constraints, we Suppose the function shown 6. occurs at a capacity of Fj. ways. For instance, these economies can be approximated cable on feeder section / to c^^| at this point. Let that define breakpoint introducing Breakpoint costs shown piecewise linear, concave cost functions as model concave, the optimal any explicit capacity the optimal local access network solution entails installing a capacity of x units between Bj. and edge minimizes Bj.^-j, the network design solution will route total cost, among all all x units on the r*" parallel edges, for the x units of flow. -41- on We can similarly nvxlel piecewise linear, concave processor cost functions by introducing parallel processor edges. This type of cost function might represent the composition of alternative multiplexing or concentration technologies with progressively increasing fixed costs but decreasing variable costs. As mentioned network formulation does not readily accommodate proximity in Section 3, the layered restrictions. Certain properties of the optimal uncapacitated network design solution (with concave edge cost functions and no existing capacities) have special significance for the local access problem. For instance, either processes all both. Thus, we is it easy incoming to show traffic or routes cannot have both type / traffic In particular, consider the route for, say, layer on an optimal solution that we that i to j also undergoes the traffic to another all leaving node 1 this route containing, say, a 1-to-/ processor. intermediate nodes from some optimal network design that, in traffic and a /-to-/' originating at node Then, the 1-to-/ i, traffic j. solution, each the same node (i,/) but not level, processor located at node As node be the node i and all Let i. originating at processing at node does not use bifurcated routing, and define in Section node on network planning j a corollary, the first i. node problem has satisfies the so-called contiguity property 4.3. Capacitated Netw^ork Design Model The uncap>acitated network design existing capacities. model applies to local access design problems with no Modeling networks with existing processor and transmission capacities, or with piecewise linear but non<oncave cost functions requires explicit capacities on the edges of the layered network. In particular, suppose the network already contains x type we add represent this capacity, a parallel arc connecting nodes zero fixed and variable costs, but has a capacity of x*5j (basic for expanding the type shown / transmission in Figure 7a. Figure 7b shows facilities in section the equivalent (i,j) / (i,/) lines connecting and (j,/) traffic) units. is nodes i and (in layer Similarly, a piecewise linear network representation with /); this arc j. To has suppose the cost and convex cost as parallel arcs and appropriate arc fixed costs, variable costs, and capacities. Figure 8a shows a more general cost structure, and Figure 8b gives As we have its representation. seen, the specialization of the layered network design formulation for local access network framework as a fixed charge network planning -42- is very versatile. Its assumptions are less restrictive than previous local access network models, and indeed we briefly outline solution methods models. Next, for the it generalizes many of the previous network design problem. Solution Methods for the Network Design Problem The network design problem and Lenstra and Rinnooy methods Gray for solving the (1978)). variants are its known to Several authors have proposed heuristic problem (Hoang and Hinxman (1973), Boffey Wong Kan several of (1979), (1989a) propose a dual ascent (1973), Boyce, Farhi, Dionne and Florian method be NP-hard (Johnson, and optinrdzation-based and Weischedel (1979)). (1973), Billheimer and Balakrishnan, Magnanti, and that generates provably near-optimal solutions to the uncapacitated network design problem. The method essentially approximately solves the dual of the linear programming relaxation of the network design integer solution generates a starting design for a local that can be used improvement programming formulation. The dual heuristic, to verify the quality of the heuristic solutions. and also provides a lower bound This method generalizes several previous algorithms for special cases of the network design problem, including the Steiner tree and plant location problems. containing Mp ?o The approach was successfully C>ne possible solution strategy by Lagrange subproblem is good much harder to solve than the uncapacitated version. dualize the arc capacity constraints is to multipliers, and add these multiples an uncapacitated network design problem using, say, the dual ascent algorithm. method such on several randomly generated problems 45 nodes and 595 arcs. Capacitated network design problems are constraints tested By iteratively (i.e., to the objective function). that can be solved at least and lower bounds The resulting approximately modifying the Lagrange multipliers using a as subgradient optimization (see, for example, Fisher (1981)), heuristic solutions multiply the capacity for the original capacitated we can possibly generate problem. However, previous experience with this approach for the capacitated plant location, capacitated minimal spanning and other related models suggests that the addition of arc capacities significantly increases the between the upper and lower bounds. Thus, we expect capacities and non-concave One of the nodes and arcs main local access cost functions to be computationally limitations of the in the layered gaps planning problems with existing more network design model tree, difficult. is its size. In particular, the number of network grows very rapidly with the number of different transmission -43- rates, processor types, and distribution points. To model a problem involving 20 distribution points with possible connections, 5 processor types, all and 3 transmission media, requires a network with 63 nodes, and over 600 (undirected) edges. These problem dimensions probably represent the largest size that current optimization-based network design algorithms can solve within a reasonable computational time. In the next section tractable since it assumes a tree we amount model describe an altenutive specialized network, and imposes certain restrictions on the way that is of more distribution points are assigned to concentrators. 4.3 Tree Covering Model In this section we a a special case of the local access call the tree covering model, that is any existing is we describe tree. It capacities. also solvable in polynomial time The model assumes makes some applies to the design of when the network does not contain network defining the permissible interconnections that the additional assumptions regarding the cost structure and routing pxDlicy. The model does permit backfeed, and can incorporate economies of it network planning problem, which new scale. We first describe the model as networks, and subsequently describe an enhancement to account for existing capacities. We at node j. say that a node Node homes on i i homes on another node j if the traffic from distribution p>oint the switching center (node 0) if its traffic is i is processed not processed at any intermediate node. The tree covering model makes the following assumptions: (1) The given physical network, containing all permissible cable sections, has a tree structure, rooted at the svAtching center. Thus, a unique path connects each distribution p>oint to the switching center. (2) The model permits at most one simplicity, (3) we assume Contiguity assumption: level of traffic processing and assumes a single service that traffic can arrive at different frequencies at the switching center. The model assumes that if a node i homes on node nodes lying on the (unique) path between nodes i and also home on node j home on itself if it type. For contains a processor. We j. j, then all intermediate In particular, node must refer to this routing restriction as the contiguity -44- j assumption since the nodes homing on a partiailar processor induces a single contiguous or set of all connected subgraph of the original network. (4) The model does not permit bifurcated must follow the same route to the routing, the traffic originating at a particular i.e., all switching center must use the same (i.e., links, node and undergo processing at the same node). (5) The model permits multiple processor types and transmission media. However, costs between media, and assumes that all high frequency media are it ignores any joint point-to-p)oint to the switching center. This assumption essentially permits us to include in the processor cost transmission costs for traffic twisted wire pairs), which (6) Each processor type is emanating from each we will refer to as cables, is assumed to and expansion processor. assumed The base rate medium (say, be sectional. to have a fixed plus variable cost structure (including the transmission cost for the processor's output) that installation traffic all entails a fixed may vary by location. and variable cost that varies Sinnilarly, cable by section. Like the previous network design model, the tree covering model can also accommodate piecewise linear, concave cost functions. (7) The model can node j. By also account for additional selectively setting these homing homing costs when node homes on costs to a high value, i we can a processor located at prohibit homing patterns that violate proximity restrictions. Without the additional homing costs, the tree fixed-charge network representation with consists of the original physical tree some covering model has an equivalent single-layer additional routing restrictions. The single layer network with the following enhancements: each node of the tree is connected by a directed arc (directed away from the node) to the switching center. This arc models the traffic processor at the node as well as the jx)int-to-point cable connecting this processor to the switching center. Every node of the network (except the switching center node) has supply equal to the projected is number the sink for all of channels required for the corresponding distribution p)oint; the switching center flows. The contiguity assumptions node translates into a routing restriction that specifies -45- that each node (except the switching center) has outgoing flow (either compressed The task into a rate) on exactly one assumptions permits us all to j and original tree let T(j) network be the subgraph induced by if transform the local access network planning the nodes of the original tree network solution in which node contains a processor. Let processor, base rate or at the arc. tree covering model's problem of covering at the nodes p and q both belong this N(j) by be the node subset to the implies that T(j) must be a single connected component, subtrees. Consider a local access (i.e., node subset i.e., it set of T(j) N(j)). must be nodes that must be served by a subtree of the original tree. a single processor located at subtree. For each potential processor location in the subtree, the exact value of the cable expansion costs for this processor must serve the total line all we can subtree edges. requirements for all each node i e T. The node i that minimizes These properties enable us total costs is the best to solve the tree the nodes of the calculate the exact flows, all we one of the nodes within the cost in the subtree. easily calculate the total transmission plus processing cost of serving all Conversely, suppose The processor nodes this CXir contiguity assumption network. (By convention, the switching center always contains a processor.) T home on contains edge (p,q) of the Thus, the union of the induced subtrees corresponding to each processor must sf>an are given a subtree that is also and hence known ConsequenUy, the nodes in subtree since we can T from processor location for this subtree. covering model (without existing cable and processor capacities) very efficiently using a dynamic programming algorithm based on a method developed by Barany, Edmonds, and Wolsey (1986) method is also closely related to the for optimally covering a tree p-median algorithm discussed by Kariv and Hakimi algorithm starts from the leaves of the original tree, special case Next we outline when A line to n so (1989b) describe this method the given network node 0. Without that the line for in a different method, using a shortest path algorithm, to solve the is a line network. network consists of a simple path connecting two end nodes, one of which center node, say, from Wong The (1979). and recursively builds the covering solution successively larger subtrees. Balakrishnan, Magnanti, and greater detail. with subtrees. This loss of generality, assume that the network contains only (undirected) edges Figure 9 shows this structure. Suppose we want to locate is the switching nodes are indexed sequentially of the p processors on form this (i-l,i), for i = l,2,...,n. network, including the processor at the switching center. Then, by our contiguity assumption, each processor induces a line -46- segment containing the nodes all serves, it and the union of all p line segments cover all the nodes of the network. Thus, the local access network planning problem for this special case reduces to the problem of determining the number of processors We network into p segments. way. Consider a line can formulate segment from node can easily determine the optimal potential processor locations Then k > i+1. for nodes to-j line Using i (i+1), i.e., this information, i j, (dj the line this total cost of serving all supply determine the segment that j > i. in the following As mentioned the nodes in this segment we can determine located at minimizes sum of the the node Let k. total cost) for we by enumerating the flow all and suppose k, on each edge of the supplies for all processor plus cable cost for serving total is is previously, must carry the cumulative supply dj, arc (i+l,i+2) processor throughput that the processor with (inclusive), j + dj^p and so on. Thus, total fjartition of the original line For instance, consider a potential location j. i's and the optimal problem as a shortest path problem node to between i and we can assuming node on the i must carry node segment. Also, the between and (i.e., arc {i,i+l) and (p) to locate, nodes from all i i- to j. the nodes be the best processor location k^j serving line segment i-to-j, and let Cj: be the corresponding optimal cost. To find the best partition of the original network, over the (n+1) nodes. For every arc is set equal to from node n to Cjj, node i < j, this we construct a shortest path network contains a airected arc from the optimal cost of serving all nodes between i and j j to (i-1). (inclusive). network defined The Then, every path defines a partition of the line network. In particular, including arc to-0 path corresponds to selecting the line segment from node i to j cost of this (i-l,j) in the n- as one element of the partition. Consequently, the shortest n-to-0 path defines the optimal partition of the original network, and hence identifies the optimal local access network problem, the costs existing cable Cj: and processor simplified even further and network configuration. Because of the can be computed capacities. is efficiently. special structure of the line Also, the algorithm can easily accomodate For situations without backfeed this approach can be analagous to the well-known Wagner- Whi tin model of production planning (Kubat (1985)). For general tree networks, incorporating existing cable and processor capacities considerably complicates the model and approach its solution. that formulates the local access Balakrishnan et al. network planning problem as a mixed integer program, and dualizes the capacity constraints. The resulting subproblem planning problem that can be solved (1989b) describe a Lagrangian-relaxation efficiently is an uncapacitated local access using the dynamic programming procedure -47- network we mentioned previously. This solution gives a lower bound on the authors embed the Lagrangian subproblem solution Lagrange multipliers in order to also identifies a feasible method in total cost of the original an iterative problem. The procedure that modifies the improve the lower bound. The subproblem solution at each iteration network expansion plan, which can be improved heuristically to generate good upper bounds. The authors describe various formulation and algorithmic enhancements significantly test improve the method's performance, and report computational results that based on some actual networks. In conclusion, this section has described various models for local access network planning. have seen several possible combinations of assumptions, each defining a separate model. Table summarizes the main differences in local access III assumptions, feahjres, and solution methods for the models that reviewed. The fixed<harge network design model network design algorithms make We this is quite comprehensive, and recent advances in modeling approach computationally network planning problems, especially we for designing feasible for new networks. On medium-sized the other hand, the general network design model does not exploit any special structure that specific application contexts might px)ssess. For instance, in order to simplify the task of managing the network, some local telephone companies might adopt routing policies that validate the contiguity assumption. Similarly, if each concentrator requires an umbilical (direct) connection media costs especially if and assuming a point-to-point medium for to the compressed switching center, ignoring shared traffic these enhanced cables can be installed in existing ducts. assumptions enables us to might be appropriate, Making these simplifying use specialized algorithms, thus increasing the range of problem sizes that can be solved. -48 o o •a ^...^ c o CO o Io ^a w M.y c c o in 60 aP^i- 111 a. 05— e It |i £ >< = c « o .s <-> ^ is «3 ?! c o .a c o X) _0 1 00 •S Vi I 2 = SO fe 06 c E P 'i 1^ =« .£ o O O to in 55 c o aw »< C/5 uz Z tfl 3 o X "5. « X g IZ > C J3H T3 2 = O U n c s 3 s O. 5. Concluding Remarks This paf)er has attempted to (i) set a backdrop for economic modeling of local access telecommunication systems by tracing the evolution of relevant technology in public telecommunication networks, (ii) provide a general framework for viewing planning and design models, previous contributions from the literature, and technological, economic, the rising demand of digital and describe for a variety of services due to the introduction of economic models, ISDN for differences in modeling assumptions, and we focused on many static (single briefly outlined solution modeling approaches has suggested, the general area of Some of the static models network planning continues new developments future periods. pay approaches. to decompose we might the multiperiod problem be solved using one of the single-period methods. to establish excess transmission t might represent the and switching resources at time t 'price' for use in Thus, the pricing mechanism accounts for the temporal coupling of plans by acting as an incentive to exploit economies of scale. final target to telecommunication new modeling In this scheme, the Lagrangian multipliers corresponding to a time period veiling to in offer potential for use in multij^eriod settings. For instance, decomposition method such as Lagrangian relaxation we are to increasing challenging opportunities for modeling and algorithmic development, particularly for into several single p>eriod problems, each that could that respond period) models, emphasized the standards and technologies should further stimulate the development of a to methods. As our discussion of local access multiperiod and multiple service versions of the problem. The employ traditional local telecommunication services. For our review of planning models, provide particularly, environment because the availability of electronic compression devices for the feeder network has created new ways demand Several standards, the installation and mounting competitive pressures. The tools are inadequate in the current summarize some new modeling approaches. social forces are fueling interest in these fiber optic technology, network planning traffic and (iv) (iii) network; we might An alternative approach is to use static models to generate a then apply a different model to plan the evolution, over the multiple time periods of the planning horizon, from the current network to the target network. Shulman and Vachani (1988) propose a related approach. 50- The models facilities traffic we discussed that did not include any special representation for fiber optic partly because their current econoniic implications are comparable to those of other electronic processing devices and high frequency media. Future developments and implementation of fiber optics in the local loop might necessitate other distinctions in The continuing evolution formulate new ways research directions. switches and other of local access network technology of utilizing this technology create a One promising 'intelligent' hardware in the feeder in fiber optic technologies. and ever increasing of exciting is efforts to and challenging future the possibility of installing remote and distribution networks. These devices can many applications customers would need communicate only with a nearby remote switch instead and thus reduce the need number technological development perform a number of switching center functions, and center. This strategy of using modeling of connecting the all remote switches would reduce the overall way to the switching the feeder network, traffic in for additional cables or processors. Strategies for the to proper deployment of these remote switches might be a fruitful topic for future studies. The enormous bandwidth new of fiber optic networks creates intriguing opportunities for developing services for households: for example, video and home telemetry. With these new services, programming on demand, customers might become shopping services, much more dependent on their telecommunication system, and any disruption in service would be very undesireabie, pjerhaps, local comparable to a power blackout. Thus, reliability issues should assume planning for future networks. Because of economic considerations most that interactive common current local network any design is a tree configuration. single link failure will disconnect the network. networks that can Shallcross (1986) offer more reliability and Groetschel and two paths between every pjair and resistance Monma of nodes) might (1988)). 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Figure 1 Hierarchical Structure of Telecommunication Networks BACKBONE NETWORK LOCAL ACCESS NETWO Distribution point customers Figure 2 Typical Route of a Local Access Network Customer pre Distribution Network Lateral Cable Switching Center Distribution Points Figure 3A Local Access Network Planning Example A Switching Center I I 50 A40^^^ ^=^00 50 90.#" 110 ^00 Distribution Point 100 demand Numbers on edges denote .vNXNxvv current cable capacity BOTTLENECK edges Cum. demand > Capacity Figure 3b Cable Expansion Cost for Local Access Network Planning Example Cable Expn Cost No. of additional cables Figure 3c Processor Cost for Local Access Network Planning Example Processor cost Processor throughput Figure 4 Sample Expansion Plan Switching Center ^ ^^ ii 40 350 50 Cable Expansion .0-:' ^^==^00+100-^^''^ Distribution Point Concentrator Dotted lines show concentrated Numbers on edges denote number traffic of lines used Figure 5 Layered Network Representation Layer 1 Switching Center demand for service type 2 H^ physical node i Layer 2 Layers Figure 6 Cable Expansion Cost with Economies of Scale Traffic on edge (i,j) Figure 7A Convex Cable Expansion Cost No. of lines Figure 7B Equivalent Network Representation variable cost F. ,c^ ,B. Fixed ') ') ') capacity cost 2 0, C..,oo 2 1 Figure 8A General Cable Expansion Cost Function Cable Expn. cost Figure 9 Line Network <^>-^D Switching Center © © © O Date Due nOV. 06 \i^ on Lib-26-> MIT LIBRARIES DUPl 3 1 TOaO 005a3Tb5 b