May 1989 LIDS-P-1872 ON A GENERALIZED FACTORIZATION PROBLEM FOR STRUCTURALLY PASSIVE SYNTHESIS OF DIGITAL FILTERS Sankar Basu This research was performed while author was visiting the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA 02139. ABSTRACT The problem filters of the elementary via the of structurally passive quarter-plane building synthesis causal type as of multidimensional digital an interconnection of more blocks directly in the discrete domain has been addressed factorization of the chain matrix, the hybrid matrix and the transfer function matrix associated with a prescribed multidimensional lossless two-port. By exploiting recent results on the discrete domain representation of such matrices present all sufficient these a generalized three lossless two-port matrix has been introduced to factorizations conditions in an unified setting. Necessary and for factorability as well as an algorithm for computing factors when they exist are obtained. In particular, it is shown that in one-dimension discrete passive domain factorizations of can always be performed. Thus, in 1-D, algorithms for synthesizing previously unpublished internally structures conventional byproduct the as well structures such as alternative methods of synthesis for more as the cascade structure are also obtained as a our discussion. Since most multidimensional applications dictate that the filter be either symmetric or (quasi) antimetric, special attention is paid to the problem lossless two-ports. of synthesis of these subclasses of multidimensional 1.INTROIUCTICN: Various synthesis lossless synthesizing elementary etc. in lossless discrete transfer building problem lossless in as the Darlington functions blocks resolved via the bounded interconnection passive such a as synthesis cascade scheme for interconnection of such as inductors, capacitors, gyrators the continuous domain are well known in classical network theory. The corresponding and schemes discrete domain, namely that of synthesizing a (or of positive) transfer function as a structurally elementary lossless building blocks was first transformation from prototype problems in the continuous domain, the resulting class of filter structures are now known as the wave digital filters [1], [17]. Recently, however, successful attempts to derive these and similar other discrete domain results without making explicit use of tools of classical network theory have been made. Notable among these are the orthogonal filters [2],[4],[14],[15] and the class of filters referred to as the lossless bounded real (LBR) described filters in [3], [13] and in related other publications. In view the problem of synthesis of k-D lossless two-port scattering transfer filters, via the bisection of a prescribed two-port into a cascade connection of matrix two in the synthesis of multidimensional (k-D) wave digital interest of lossless continuous sections of smaller "degree" has been addressed in the two-port in domain [5]. Factorability of continuous domain two-port scattering matrices has also been studied recently [11] in the multidimensional context. An attempt to develop a complete and self-consistent theory for the synthesis of k-D structurally passive quarter-plane causal type digital filters independent [8], class of the continuous domain methods have already been initiated in and [10] by discussing the discrete domain stability properties of a [9] of multidimensional synthesizing a k-D polynomials. In the present paper the problem of discrete quarter-plane causal type lossless two-port as a structurally passive interconnection of more elementary digital building blocks directly chain the discrete domain is approached by the methods of factoring the in matrix, with a that each the lossless of hybrid matrix and the transfer function matrix associated two-port. By following recent results in [9] it can be shown these matrices can be uniquely expressed by means of a set of 2 three polynomials matrix referred in a form analogous to the Belevitch canonical form [16] of classical circuit theory. For the purpose of unified presentation of results, a matrix, to as the (multidimensional) generalized lossless two-port can be viewed as a generalization of the multidimensional chain which matrix, the hybrid matrix and the transfer function matrix has been introduced. Interestingly, in 1-D this matrix can be categorized under the class of sigma lossless rational matrices considered, for example, in [12], [26]. The problem of two factorizing this generalized lossless two-port matrix into the product of matrices of identical type can then be viewed as a problem of structurally passive synthesis factorization of of multidimensional chain two-ports. It must be noted that matrix, when feasible, yield networks having cascade structures as shown in Figure 1, whereas the factorization of hybrid matrix and transfer function matrix, when feasible, yield networks having the topological structure as shown in Figures 2 and 3. Necessary and sufficient conditions for this generalized factorization problem so introduced to be solvable are obtained in the present paper via constructive techniques. As expected from our previous study of analogous problems in the continuous case [5],[11] it turns out that the factorization may not be feasible in a generic multidimensional (k>2) situation. However, the impossibility of factorization of the chain matrix does not by any means rule out the feasibilty of factorization of the transfer function matrix. Exactly the same comment also applies if the role of three types of matrices (i.e., chain, hybrid and transfer function) are permuted in any posssible manner (cf. Section 7). Furthermore, in order for the factorizations under consideration to yield computable digital filters the structures resulting from the factorization further constraint continuous Section may domain 5, this not have on the problems constrained any delay free loop. Apparently, this imposes a factorization not present in the corresponding discussed in [5] and [11]. However, as shown in can always be solved if and only if a problem solution to the unconstrained problem exists. In the special case of 1-D, the criterion for factorability is always seen to be satisfied, thus guaranteeing the feasibility of factorization. Additionally, the factorization is seen to be nonunique. Our algorithm for computing these factors, however, enjoys two remarkable properties. First, it encompasses the 3 entire family of possible solutions. From this point of view it may be remarked that although synthesis in cascade type structures has previously been considered, for example, in [2],[14],[15] and [3], [13] our method, namely that of factoring the corresponding chain matrix, is somewhat more general. A second important property is that the factors can be computed essentially by solving a highly structured set potentially computed topological structures digital filters previous which work in linear a have discrete indicated context, thus, synthesis of yields 1-D been mentioned in a analog domain as a lossless and thus can be in [1] in the context of wave prototypes, we are unaware of any schemes for internally passive synthesis, result Figures set equations, manner. On the other hand, although similar from structures decomposition simultaneous fast obtainable on yield of of of repetitive application of the 2 and 3. Our discussion, even in the 1-D new digital algorithms filters for structurally passive previously not discussed in the literature. Most multidimensional symmetries demands in that two-port. present their the paper to special tasks frequency two-port Motivated filters, filtering require be response either the filter characteristics a symmetric to have certain [7]. However, this or a (quasi) antimetric by potential applications of the results developed in the the design of multidimensional structurally passive digital attention to the synthesis of symmetric and (quasi) antimetric lossless two-ports have also been paid. In section 2 a precise formulation of the problem along with some notation and terminology are problem introduced so introduced. In section 3 it is shown that the factorization is essentially algebraic in nature. An elementary step towards the general factorization problem is also taken here. In section 4 some properties the the fundamental equation which, in fact, is a linear version of algebraic problem and is central to our study, are examined. Necessary and sufficient factors, the of conditions when results digital they so filter considerations demonstrate for structures. the and an algorithm for obtaining the exist, are obtained in section 5. Section 6 discusses how obtained of factorability the need yield In new section algorithm for as well as known internally passive l-D for 7 remarks are made on computational synthesis, examples are worked out to factorability of three different kinds of matrices 4 associated with discrete lossless two-ports, and the special cases of symmetric and (quasi) antimetric discrete two-ports are dealt with. Finally, conclusions are drawn in section 8. 5 2. NOTATIONS, TERI English capital GY A FRUIATICI: letters are used to denote polynomials and rational functions (z1 , z2 .. ''., Zk). The notation z n is used to denote the in k-variables: zn1 n 2 (Zl z2 monomial POLE ... nk Zk ) n being the k-tuple of nonnegative intergers (n1, n2','' nk). Also, A -A (z , 2. Zz ) where * denotes complex 1 k conjugation. The notation degiA will be taken to mean the partial degree of the polynomial A in the variable zi. Occasionally we shall also use the notation A to denote AzThe with n-(nl,n2,...nk), where ni-degiA. notation < 1 denotes Izil lzl Similarly for B and C etc. < 1 for i-1 to k. Similar notations with < replaced by <, >, >, - etc. are also used. Definitions and properties polynomials and multidimensional have arisen included the in in studies Appendix discussions that on of various classes rational passive of multidimensional Schur discrete positive functions which discrete multidimensional systems are A. These properties are crucial in the understanding of will follow. Proofs of these properties can be found in [9]. The transfer two-port can function be matrix Z (cf. Figure 3) associated with a k-D lossless represented [9] as in (2.1). Note that (2.1) is slightly different although an equivalent version of the corresponding representation in [9]. Consequently, the chain matrix e and the hybrid matrix r (cf. Figures 1 and 2 respectively) can also be represented as in (2.2) and (2.3) respectively. Also, that note that a given Z can be uniquely represented as in (2.1) by requiring A(0)-1. The representations (2.1), (2.2) and (2.3) can be regarded as canonic in this sense. Cz- Z =(l/A) : i yB A (1/C) I -ACz- r-(l/B) Bi yAz2. -yA, (2.1, 2.2, 2.3) 6 where (i) A is a scattering Schur polynomial (cf. Definition A.1.3) (2.4a) (ii) y is a unimodular constant, i.e., JyI - 1 (2.4b) (iii) AA = BB + CC (2.4c) (iv) degi B < ni, deg i C < ni for all i=1 to k (2.4d) Note that as a consequence of (2.4c) and (2.4d) we also have: (v) deg i A < ni for all i=1 to k. For (2.4e) the purpose of a unified presentation of the discussions that will follow, e, r matrices * matrix I associated with a lossless two-port will be viewed as a and associated with the lossless two-port as expressed in (2.5) while properties (P1) through (P4) hold true. X(/W) (2.5) 't ' (1/W) (2.5) Y PpaXzl Property 1 (P1): X, Y and W are polynomials; a Property 2 (P2): XX - pYY - = constant, a-1, p-+l. WW. Property 3 (P3): degi W < ni, deg i X < ni and deg Y i< ni for all i-1 to k. Property 4 (P4): X is scattering Schur when p - 1, whereas W is scattering Schur when p - -1. A (2 X lossless 2) Since matrix it two-port diag(1, can -p) be matrix if the above properties (P1) through (P4) hold true. shown i.[diag(l, - that I satisfy diag(l, -p) -= b.diag(l, -p)]. -p)].* and > 0 (i.e.,non-negative definite) in lzl<1, denotes the Hermitian transpose, the one-dimensional counterpart of f where * thus, falls into [12], [26]. Since discussed such as the one in (2.5) will be said to be a generalized in the multidimensional the class of sigma-lossless transfer functions studied in factorability present of paper, generalization of transfer function elucidated in [12], the our results the [26]. 7 t-matrices can factorability form also the be major topic viewed as a of 1-D sigma-lossless We note the following identification of the parameters of the matrix 4 in terms of the of the chain matrix 0, the hybrid matrix r or the transfer parameters function matrix E. (i) If f = 0 then W = C, X = A, Y = B, a = y, p = 1 (ii) If f = r then W = B, X = A, Y = C, a = -y, 4 = E then W = A, X = B, Y = C, a = y, p (iii) If of advantage An chain product or matrix, of formulated p = 1 two in the unified or the transfer function matrix into a matrix of matrices fashion as a identical kind can be conveniently problem single of factoring the two-port matrix $ as 4 = I'f", where 4' and 4" are valid lossless generalized hybrid non-trivial a formulation is that the problem of factoring the above the = -1 generalized lossless two-port matrices represented as in (2.6a) and (2.6b) with conditions analogous to (P1) through (P4) satisfied for 4' as well as 4". a'Y'Z n- X' 4' = (1/W') _' n ~ ~ n' , pa'Xz- n "Y"z X" ; " (1,W) pa"n" t (2.6a, b) , p"X"zZn Consider first two generalized lossless two-port matrices 4', V" expressible respectively in terms of X', Y', W', a' and X", Y", W" , a" which satisfy properties analogous to those satisfied by X, Y, W, a in 4 as in (P1) to (P4). Specifically, one obtains: (i) X', Y', W' and X", Y", W" are polynomials; (2.7) a' and a" are unimodular constants. (ii) X'X' - pY'Y' = W'W', X"X" - pY"Y" = (iii) deg i W' < nji deg i w" < n'' for all i=l to k and deg i Y' < n', deg i X' < n, deg (2.8a, b) W"W" n, deg <i (2.9a) X" (2.9b) for all i=l to k (iv) n" X' and X" are scattering Schur when p=1, whereas W' and W" are scattering Schur when p=-l. Then the following fact holds true. 8 (2.10) Fact 2.1: If i'and V" are generalized lossless two-port matrices then 4 = t" is also a generalized lossless two-port matrix. Proof: Given 4' and 4" define X, Y, W and a and n=(nln ...nk) as follows. 2 W = W'W" (2.11) n X' X = X'X" + a'Y'Y"z- , Y Y'X" + 5 pa'X'Y"zn ' (2.12a, b) a = pa a" (2.13) (2.14) n. = n! + n' for each i=l to k 1i 1 1 It then follows from in of X, Y, W and a as in (2.5). Clearly, (2.12), (2.7) and (2.9b) show terms 4 that satisfy (2.12), (2.8), (P1) shows that (P3) Schur scattering and (2.11) restriction degree =-'=" in a straightforward manner that 4 can be expressed straightforward algebraic manipulations involving and p = +1 show that 4 satisfy (P2). Considering the imposed by (2.9) and (2.14) on (2.11) and (2.12) likewise is satisfied. polynomials Note that when p = -1 i.e., W' and W" are then W = W'W" is clearly scattering Schur (cf. Property A.2.1), and (P4) is thus obviously satisfied. This completes the proof that when a indeed i.e., p--l, 4=4-'"" generalized X' as expressed in (2.5) via (2.11) through (2.14) is lossless two-port matrix. On the other hand, when p = 1 and X" are scattering Schur, X as in (2.12a) need not necessarily be scattering Schur, but can now be shown to be immittance Schur (cf. Definition A.1.5). to prove that 4 is a generalized lossless two-port matrix we consider However, the rational function F = X/(X'X"). In view of (2.12a) we also have: (2.15) F = X/(X'X") = 1 + a'(Y'/X')(Y"/X")zIt follows from (2.8) with p=l that on lzj = 1 we have IY'/X' • I < 1, whenever X' 0 and IY"/X"l < 1, whenever x" • 0. Thus, Re F > 0 for Jzl = 1, whenever X's 0 and x" Properties discrete • 0. Next, A.2.1 since X' and X" are scattering Schur, by invoking and A.3.1, it follows that Re F > 0 for jzl < 1 i.e., F is a positive function (cf. Definition A.1.6). Consequently, the numerator polynomial of F, in irreducible rational form, is a immittance Schur polynomial 9 A.3.2). Note that any possible factor common to X'X" and X must Property (cf. be scattering Schur, because X' and X" are so. Thus, X is immittance Schur (cf. Definition A.1.5) scattering Schur therefore, can, factor and X1 a be expressed as the product of a reactance schur factor D (cf. Definition D1 be any irreducible (thus, reactance schur (cf. Property A.2.2) Let A.1.4). and of D and note that there exists a sequentially almost complete set 9 of factor such that D1 = X = Y that W = A.1.7 and A.1.8) of unimodular complex numbers Definitions (cf. (k-1) order 0 for any z0 c Q . Consequently, in view of (P2) we conclude 2. Since D1, X, Y, W have a sequentially almost 0 for all z r = (and thus sequentially infinite (cf. Definition A.1.9)) set of common complete zeros of order (k-l) and D1 is assumed irreducible, D1 must be a factor of X, Y and Property A.4.2). Since D1 is any irreducible factor of D, we then (cf. W that X have X 1 D, Y - Y 1D, W = = W 1 D, where X1 , Y 1 , W1 are polynomials. Since D is reactance Schur D - aDD for some unimodular constant aD. Clearly, then Xzn (DaD)(Xlz-) and Yz- after Thus, ), (DaD) (Y = where m=(mlm 2 , with mi-ni - degiD for all i=1 to k. cancelling the common factor D from the numerator and denominator of each entry of (2.5), 4 can be written as in (2.16), where a1 = aa.D (2.16) 4 = (l/wl) I X 1 is scattering Schur, Property (P4) is satisfied by the representation Since for 4. It can be further shown via trivial algebraic manipulations that (2.16) X1 , PlX_1 Z Y1 , W 1, al in (2.16) satisfy properties corresponding to (P1) to (P3) because X, Y, W, a has been shown to satisfy the same properties. Note that in the case p=l1 if D is a nonconstant polynomial involving, say, zi , then the two-port associated with 4 is degenerate in the sense that in (2.16) mi < ni=n! + n". The main problem addressed in the present paper, however, is 1' 1 1i the converse problem of finding a non-degenerate factorization 4 = 4'0" of a prescribed generalized lossless two-port matrix 4 into two factors of its own kind. More specifically, we have the following problem. MAIN PROBLEM: Given a generalized lossless two-port matrix 4 as in (2.5), two 10 constants a" c', such that Ia1' = lI"l = 1 and a pa'a", and the polynomial = factorization W = W'W" along with two k-tuples of nonnegative intergers n'=(ni, n, and n"=(n 1, ni,...n") such that deg i w' < nj deg i W" < n" and n. = - ni 1 + 1 find k1 - 1'2 k - 1 1 for all i=1 to k, we seek a factorization · = I'Q", or equivalently, n" polynomials x', Y', X" and Y" such that (2.12) along with (2.8) and (2.9) hold. Furthermore, if p=1 (or p=-l) then we require X' and X" (or W' and W") to be scattering Schur. It proves to be convenient to introduce the following two definitions: Definition 2.1: The pair of polynomial two-tuples {X', Y'} and {X", Y"} is said to be a solution to the algebraic equation if (2.12) along with (2.8) and (2.9b) are satisfied. Note that the restrictions that the polynomials X' and X" or W' and W" be scattering Schur polynomials are not imposed at all in the above definition. Definition 2.2: A polynomial triplet {X', Y', Y"} is said to satisfy the fundamental equation if (2.17) along with (2.18) holds true. YX' - XY' = pc'Y"W'W'z- (2.17) degi X' < n', degi Y' < n', degi Y" < n' for all i=l to k Note that product (2.17) is (2.18a,b,c) obtained by adding the product of Y' and (2.12a) to the of (2.12b) and (-x') and subsequently by using (2.8a). Obviously, then any solution of the algebraic equation also satisfies the fundamental equation. However, the converse statement is false, consider e.g., X' = 0, Y' - 0, Y" 0. Note further that the algebraic equations (2.12) along with (2.8) and (2.9b) constitute a highly constrained nonlinear problem. It is shown in Section 4 that due to the inherent structures underlying the problem under consideration, solutions of to solutions linear. Thus, this nonlinear equations can be obtained from a certain subclass to the fundamental solutions to the equation, which, algebraic equation in contrast, is clearly can be conveniently characterized in terms of the solutions of the fundamental equation. 11 3. Clearly, any solution to solution the problem of factorization of $ = *'$" is also a to the algebraic equation. The converse statement is obvious if f is that such TE ALBRAC ETICN: l SOLTICN p=-l i.e., W is scattering when p=l i.e., nontrivial but can be proved as follows in Theorem 3.1. Thus, the problem of 4 x associated with 4 is scattering Schur is statement factoring when Schur. The validity of the converse reduces to that of solving a purely algebraic problem namely that of finding a solution to the algebaic equations. Theorem Let 3.1: the solution to factoring 4 = two tuples {X', Y'} and {X", Y"} algebraic the equations is solution to the problem of a 'd". The case when p = -1 trivially follows from scattering Schur property Proof: = W polynomial (correspondingly, W' and W") are scattering Schur. Thus, polynomials X' and X" of of a solution to the algebraic equation. If p = 1 (or p = -1) then the constitute any pair When p = 1 i.e., X is scattering Schur, consider the rational W'W". function defined as: (3.1) F = (X'X")/X by Furthermore, and (2.12b) X" = adding (-pY') - (XX' product the of (2.12a) and subsequently and Substituting pYY')/(W'W'). by the using last (X') to the product of (2.8a), one expression obtains in (3.1) straightforward manipulation yields the following: F = (X'X'/W'W')[1 - (pYY'/XX')] (3.2) It follows respectively that from (P2) and (2.8a) that on Izj=1 we have IY/XI < 1, whenever yields X that • ReF 0 and IY'/X'I > 0 Izl for < 1, whenever X' # 0. An examination of (3.2) = 1, wherever F is well defined. Thus, from Property A.3.1 it follows that F is a discrete positive function. Consequently, the numerator polynomial (cf. polynomial of F, in irreducible form, is an immittance Schur Property A.3.2). Note that any possible factor common to X'X" and X must be scattering Schur, because X is so (cf. Property A.2.1), and thus, 12 X'X" is widest have (2.12a) Schur (cf. Definition A.1.1) (more specifically, Schur). Next, if for some F0 on the distinguished boundary jzJ - 1, immittance we sense 0, then from (2.8b) it follows that Y"= 0, which in turn due to X"= imply that X = 0. Consequently, if X"= 0 for all -dO c 9, where 2 is sequentially infinite set [6] of order (k-1) of unimodular complex numbers then 0o c Q. However, this is impossible if X is scattering Schur (cf. X = 0 for all Property A.2.3). Therefore, X" cannot have a sequentially infinite set of zeros of order (k-1) on the distinguished boundary. The scattering Schur property of X" is established in view of Property A.2.3. Similar arguments hold for thus X'. We shall need the following fact as a preparation to the factorization problem addressed in the present paper. Proposition as 4 = matrices 3.2: 14o4 such Any generalized lossless two-port matrix t can be decomposed 2' where that t1 #I o' 1', 12 are 2 are valid generalized lossless two-port diagonal and the polynomials XXz n and WWzn associated with b are coprime. The proof of Proposition 3.2 is shown in Appendix B. 13 4. PRDPERTIES OF -TE FU NDMENTIL EUATIOCN. In this to the section certain properties of the fundamental equation (2.17) crucial development generalized are lossless studied two-port under the assumption that the prescribed matrix t be such that the polynomials XXz!n and WWzn are relatively prime. As shown in Proposition 3.2 no loss of generality is incurred due to this assumption. Lemma 4.1: If the polynomial triplet {X', Y', Y") is a solution to the fundamental equation then there exist a polynomial X" given by (4.1) such that n' ~ X'n' polynomial triplet {pY'z X'z-, z pa, X" is also a solution to the the fundamental equation. X" = P/(Xzn) = -Q/(W'W'zn ) (4.1a) where P = (X'W"W"z n + _ n ) a'YWz ' Yz-Y), ' n' Q = Y(pY'z- ) - X(X'z- ) (, c) Proof: One obtains (4.2) by adding the product of tilde of (2.17) and pY to the product of (P2) and X' and subsequently by using (2.11), (2.14) and trivial manipulations. (Xz-)Q = -(W'W'z- )P Due to the deg i W"< that X" n", bounds on the degrees of X', Y', Y" imposed by (2.18) and it follows from (,c) that P and Q are polynomials. The fact in (4.1a) is a polynomial then follows from (4.2) in view of relative Xzn with n (-pa' X")W'W'Z I, the primeness pa' upper (4.2) of W'W'zn. triplet Since {pY'z- , Q = (pY'z ) X'z- , Y(pY'z-' ) -a' X"} X(Xnzn' ) x(x'z- ) = satisfies the - fundamental equation. The fact that degi(pY'z- ) and degi(X'z- ), for each i=l to k, is upper bounded by n i is obvious. In order to prove that degiX" < n' we first note that it I 1 - 1 follows from (, c) and the upper bounds on the degrees of X, Y, X', Y', X" and Y" that for all i=l to k we have: degiP < ni+n', degiQ 14 < n.+ni (4.3a, b) It is then necessary to distinguish between the following two cases. (i) If It i.e., X is scattering Schur then degi(Xz n) = ni for all i=1 to k. follows from the first equality in (4.1a) and (4.3a) that degiX" < n' p=l then for all i=1 to k. (ii) If p=-l i.e., W, and thus W', is scattering Schur we consider two sets of indices I1, I2 such that i E I1 if degiW' = nj, whereas i ¢ 12 if degiW' < n!. If i ¢ I1 then due to scattering Schur property of W' we have degi(W'W'z- ) = 2ni . The desired result then follows from (4.3b) and second equality in (4.1a). On the other hand, if i ¢ 12 then from (2.9a), (2.11) and (2.14) it follows that Wzn must have a factor z i, and thus, X does not have a factor zi because n n n Wz- and X are assumed to be coprime. Consequently, degiXz- =ni. The result then follows from (4.3a) and first equality in (4.1a). Lemma 4.2: satisfying If {Xi, Yi, Yj} and {X2, Y', Y2} are two polynomial triplets the fundamental equation then the identity (4.4) holds and is equal to a constant. Proof: One N = p(YX - XiY2)/X = (XiY2 - X)/ obtains an (4.4) equivalent form of (4.4) by adding the product of the fundamental equation for {Xi, Yj, Y31} and Xi to the product of the fundamental equation for {X ,Y ,Y,} and (-Xi). Since X is assumed coprime with W'W'zn ' and (XiYi Thus, N XiYi) is a polynomial, it follows that X must divide (Y'Xi - XiY,). = Pa'(YlX2-XiY2)/X in (4.4) is a polynomial. To prove that N is a constant, note that the following inequalities hold true for all i=l to k. degi(YX, - XiY,) < ni, degi(XiYI - XYi) < 2ni (4.5a, b) Consider two sets of indices I1, 12 such that i g I1 if degiX = ni, whereas i c 12 if degiX follows that < n i. N does If i ¢ I1 then from (4.5a) and first equality (4.4) it not involve zi. If i C I2 then Xzn has the a factor zi. Consequently, due to the assumed relative primeness of XXzn and WWzn it follows from (2.9a), (2.11) and (2.14) that neither W' nor W'z15 may have the factor zi, which Therefore, in due turn respectively imply that degi (W'z- )=nl and degiW'=n . . to (4.5b) and the second equality (4.3a) N may not involve z i. Thus, N = constant.. Lemma 4.3: If {X', Y', Y"} is a polynomial triplet satisfying the fundamental equation then the expression given in (4.6) is equal to a real constant. , K = (X'X' - pY'Y')/(W'W') = (a'Y'z- Y + X'X")/X (4.6) Proof: Consider in view of Lemma 4.1 two solutions Xi = Xt, Y1 = Y', Y" = y and X2 = pY'z- , Y = X'z n ' , Y- = -pa' immediately follows from Lemma X" to the fundamental equation. It then 4.2 that K in (4.6) is a constant. Since for 2 2 2 Izl=l we have X'X'=X' 2, Y'Y'=JY' 2 and W'W'=IW' 2, K is a real constant. Lemma 4.4: fundamental {=X' + If the equation polynomial then fpY'Zn ,z 'Y + triplet Follows clearly Y', Y"} is a solution to the there exists an X" as given by Lemma 4.1 such that , ' , azY" fundamental equation, where a and 0 Proof: {X', from Lemma - Spa' X"} is also a solution to the are arbitrary complex numbers. 4.1 equation is linear. 16 and the fact that the fundamental 5. FACTORIZATION OF 4: A solution {X', , Y if X'X' f Y"} to the fundamental equation will be called nonsingular pY'Y'. Theorem 5.1: The problem of factorization of 4 admits a solution if and only if there exists a nonsingular solution {X', Y', Y") to the fundamental equation. Proof: 1 Y } Necessity is a 4.4, X obviously follows from (2.8a) and that W=W'W"0O. nonsingular = Xi + If {Xi, Yi, solution to the fundamental equation then due to Lemma pYiz- , Y' = + Yi xi ' z- pPaji*X 1' is a solution to Y" = aYl - the fundamental equation. Straightforward manipulation then yields: (X'X' - pY'Y')/(W'W') = (1al[ -2 - p]I6 2 )K1 (5.1) 1 = (X{X i - PYiYi)/(W'W') Since (5.2) due to Lemma 4.3 and the nonsingularity of {Xi, Yj, Y1}, K1 is a nonzero if constant, (X'X'-pY'Y') = 0 and a W'W'. chosen are Furthermore, satisfy (lal to 2 - pJl 2 ) = -1 K, we have there exists X" such that (pY'z- , X 'zn -paj*X"), by the virtue of Lemma 4.1, satisfies the fundamental equation. We next show algebraic (2.17) that X', X", Y' and Y" so obtained constitute a solution to the Equation equation. and X'z n' (2.12b) is obtained by adding the product of the product of second equality of (4.1a) via (4.1c) and to (-Y') and subsequently by using (2.8a). Likewise, (2.12a) is obtained by adding the product via (4.1c) (2.8b) of and (2.17) and pY'z-n and (-X') to the product of second equality of (4.1a) subsequently by using (2.8a). Finally, we obtain by substitituting (2.12a) and (2.12b) in (P2) and then using (2.11) and (2.8a). Thus, algebraic the equation pair and of two-tuples via Theorem {X', 3.1 Y'} and {X", Y"} satisfies the is a solution to the problems of factorization of 4. Two polynomial fundamental triplets equation will {Xi, be Yi, said Y'} and {Xi, Y1, Y2} each satisfying the to be linearly dependent if there exists 17 X2 E aYi + SYu- aY constants a and S not simultaneously zero such that aXi + + oY~- 0. Theorem 5.2: two linearly independent polynomial triplets {Xi, YI, Y"}, i=1,2 exists there problem of factorization 4 admits a solution if and only if The each of which satisfies the fundamental equation. to Let the polynomials X', Y', X'" and Y" constitute a solution Necessity: Proof: the problem. factorization Clearly, {X', Y"} is a solution to the Y', ~ n' X' n' *X" z -pc' X"} is X', equation. Due to Lemma 4.1, therefore, {pY'za solution to the fundamental equation. We claim that these two solutions fundamental also S2 linearly independent, because otherwise there would exist constants ,S1 - O. 02X'zThus, n2pY'zn =_ 1Y' + simultaneously zero, such that 61X' + are not 0, which in view of (2.8a), would imply that W' - 0, i.e., due - (X'X'-pY'Y') to (2.11) that W - 0, which is impossible. If Sufficiency: follows sufficiency triplet Y', {X', qY', where p of the solutions {Xi, Y, Y1}, i=1,2 is nonsingular then one and from Theorem 5.1. If both solutions are singular then the Y"} obtained as: X' = pXi + qX2, Y' = pYi + qY, Y" = pYj + q are complex numbers, satisfy the fundamental equation. Straightforward algebraic manipulation via the singularity of the triplets {Xi, Y!, Y" , i=1,2 then yields: (X'X'-pY'Y')/(W'W') = pq L + p qL, L = (XiX~ - pYiYj)/(W'W') (5.3a,b) X) is also a solution, by invoking due to Lemma 4.1 {pYz- ,-pa X n' , -pa XtI it follows 4.2 on the triplets {Xi, Yi, Y1} and n npY' I{pY'z , nXz * L in (5.3b) is a constant i.e., L=L=L . Thus, the right hand side of Since Lemma that is 2Re(pq*L), which, if LAO, can be made equal to 1 by proper choice of p and q. With p, q so chosen {X', Y', Y"} would thus be a nonsingular solution to the fundamental equation, and by invoking Theorem 5.1, it then follows that (5.3a) a solution to the problem of factorization of 4 exists. The proof of the present theorem is completed by showing that LO0. This proof is shown in Appendix B. 18 The above can, result strong corresponding in fact, be further sharpened as follows. Note that a result the continuous case, although true, was not for given in [5]. Theorem 5.3: The problem of factorization of t admits a solution if and only if there exists exactly two linearly independent polynomial triplets {X;, YI, Yi}, i=1,2 each of which satisfy the fundamental equation. The proof of Theorem 5.3 is shown in Appendix B. fundamental The equation (2.17), when considered as a of set linear simultaneous equations involving the coefficients of the polynomials X', Y', Y" along with the upper bounds on their degrees, turns out to be overdetermined in (except when general X', polynomials total the k=l). we explicitly, More note that the unknown Y' and Y" contain a total of u unknown coefficients, whereas of number linear simultaneous equations can easily be found to be equal to e, u and e being as given in (5.4a,b) below. k k (5.4a,b) k>l we have e>u in a generic situation a solution to the problem of for Since k n (n'.'+1) + 2 n (n!+l), e = n (n"' + 2n! + 1) i=1 1 i=1 i 1 1 u = factoring ~ into two matrices of identical kind may not exist. free Delay In loop: order the for digital network synthesized via the it may not contain delay free loops arising from interconnection of two sections. It is known [1] that this problem factorization can always incorporating from of be 4 to be 'computable' circumvented, digital factorizations at equivalents least in the one-dimensional case, by of unit elements. The structures resulting e = e'e", r = r'r", ? = s'i" are shown in Figures 1, 2 and respectively. An examination of directions of signal flows in Figure 3 shows that the topological structure arising from the factorization of . as Z = E'Z" 3 cannot On contain any delay free loop at the junction of the two-ports E' and E". the otherhand, Figures 1 and 2 clearly show that the topological structures arising from the factorization of ® as 0 = O'e" and r as r = r'T" may contain delay free loops unless special attention is paid to this issue (note that both of these cases correspond to the choice 19 p=1). However, as shown in the following, delay free loops at the junction of the two-ports associated with 4' and 4" may (generalized) with 4' always lossless (the avoided by two-port matrix extracting an appropriate constant from 4" and subsequently combining it obvious alternative of extracting a constant matrix from 4' and combining it with Fact be "'also apply). 5.4: Any generalized lossless two-port matrix 4" with p=l can be factored the product of two matrices O' and "' of the same type i.e., fr"=V"t" into where 4" = constant as defined in (5.5), and 9" is such that the Y-polynomial f r associated with it assumes a zero value for z-0O. I = 1//(1 - IKI2 ) where 4"'. K = Y"(0)/X"(O), (5.5) X" and Y" are corresponding polynomials associated with The proof of Fact 5.4 is shown in Appendix B. Next, if 4 is factorable as 4 = 4'~" then due to Fact 5.4 we may also write 4 = r"', where ic cr crf- V"', due to Fact 2.1, is a generalized lossless two-port matrix. Further, it is trivially verified that if 4' and 4" satisfies the requirements satisfies imposed the in same the 'Main problem' of Section 2 then 4c " and requirements. also Thus, 4 - %'.V' is a valid solution to the factorization problem. If 4" is viewed as a chain matrix 9", then (assuming that the operation of shifting the factor o' from 4" into 4' has been carried out) we have that Y"(O) -= 21(O) = 0 i.e., the corresponding transfer function matrix would in view of (2.1) satisfy EZ"i(O) to 'b' r" then thus either Note = 0. Consequently, there would be no direct path from 'a' via 9" = O" in Figure 2. Similarly, if 4" is viewed as a hybrid matrix the corresponding trasnfer function matrix would satisfy E21 (O) = 0, guaranteeing case, further no no direct path from 'a' to 'b' via 4" = r"in Figure 3. In delay free loop exists at the junction of the two two-ports. that 9" as in (5.5) correspond to the chain matrix or the hybrid 20 matrix of the well known Gray-Markel section. when Furthermore, from follows guarantees p=l, X" is scattering Schur and thus x"(O) • 0. It then (2.12b) that if Y(0) = 0 and Y"(0) = 0 then Y'(0) = 0. This fact prescribed generalized lossless two-port matrix 4 can be the that successively factored into product of generalized lossless two-port matrices of progressively lower complexity in such a way that the Y-polynomial associated each of the factors of 4 except possibly the one at the extreme left when with 4 is considerations at as interpreted each fragmented matrix e is equal to zero for z_=0. Similar when 4 is a hybrid matrix r. Absence of delay free loops apply junction chain of the constituent two-ports, when a given two-port is into an interconnection of more elementary two-ports via the method of factoring 4, is thus guaranteed. The algorithm for factoring 4 can then be summarized as follows: Step If the prescribed 4 be such that associated XXzn and WWzn are coprime 1: then proceed to Step 2. Otherwise, factor 4=4-1o042 as described in the proof of Proposition 3.2. Replace 4 by o'. Step 2: Find, if possible, two linearly independent solution {X, 2 to the YI, YV}, i=1, fundamental equation (2.17). In the 1-D case such a solution always exist. Factorization of 4 is impossible if such solutions are nonexistent. Step 3: If at least one of the two linearly independent solution is nonsingular i.e., X'X' X pY'Y' for any i then proceed to Step 4. Otherwise, proceed to Step Step 5. Step 4: Assuming that {Xi, Yj, Y"} is a nonsingular solution, find XI' from the second equality respectively. Finally, form (4.1a) and Also, find K1 X'= cXx + (4.1c) where Y' and X' are replaced by YI and X I 1/K1 from (5.2) and a, 0 such that 1a2 - P12 $pYizn 'Xi, Y = Yi + Y"= aY11 - pa' X1 and proceed to Step 6. Step 5: Find the constant L as in (5.3b) and p, q such that 2Re(pq L) = 1. Form xI = pXi + qgx, Y' = PYi + qY1, Y" = PY" ++ qY . 21 Step 6: Find X" from (2.12a). Thus, {X', Y'j and {X", Y"} i.e., I' and I" are obtained. f as Step 7: If p=l then from X", Y" associated with 4", find K=Y"(O)/X"(O), in (5.5), V' = (f)-14,, and let 4"' = "'i. Thus, 4 = "r~"without delay free r ' c r loop at the junction. Remark: Since in K1 (5.2) is a real constant it is possible to choose real values of a and 0 such that the right hand side of (5.1) is equal to 1. If 4 is real (i.e., solution X, Y, W have real coefficients and oa=+1), then Xi, Yi, Yj as a to the fundamental equation, and thus, X', Y', Y" must also have real coefficients if a and S are chosen to be real. Since this implies that the coefficients of X" are real, the factors 4' and 4" would then also be real. 22 6. CNE-DIMENSIONAL SYNESIS AS A SPECIAL CASE: In the one-dimensional reveals that u coefficients than simultaneous equation. - e case i.e., if k = 1, a closer examination of (5.4a,b) = the 2, number equations which and, of therefore, linear determine there equations the are in solution the to two more unknown set the of linear fundamental Thus, there are (at least) two linearly independent solutions of the fundamental equation, and in view of Theorem 5.2, the problem of factorization f always admits of a solution. Consequently, structurally passive synthesis of for 4 is achieved by performing a sequence of further factorizations of 9' and 4" into the same kind of matrices of progressively lower complexity i.e., ni < n1 , < no (since ni + nl= n1)e until a stage is reached when each of the n1 resulting matrices corresponds to decomposition However, and W that each of any further. This latter situation the two-ports resulting from the n1 = 1, i.e., deg1 C < 1 and deg1 B < 1 and deg1 A < 1. complex roots then it is necessary to allow two-port sections with deglW=2 order to if avoid require that B when above case the factorized if the prescribed 4 is such that X, Y, W have real coefficients, o=+1 has O be satisfy nl=2, = cannot realization delay involving only real multipliers are sought. In free loops at the junction of the two-ports we further two-port sections satisfy = OC and C = O when types t Y(O)= 0 when p = 1 or equivalently, = zr 1 for0. = Two-port sections of the will be called elementary sections and can in turn be realized in structures possibly techniques as other than those considered here by exploiting synthesis discussed, for example, in [4]. Thus, the following elementary sections are obtained. An arbitrary by using whereas lossless chain matrix 0 with nl = 1, B(O) = 0 can be synthesized the an procedure abitrary described lossless chain in [4] in a structure given in Figure 4, matrix e with n1 = 2, B(O) = 0 can, by following the same procedure, be synthesized in the structure of Figure 5. A lossless hybrid matrix with n1 =1 and nl = 2 (assuming respectively Figures 4 be realized Y(O) = C(O) = 0) can by the same elementary sections as described in the and 5, but after a clockwise rotation of the corresponding diagrams by an angle of 90 degrees. 23 On the hand, an arbitrary lossless transfer function matrix Z (in this we may not assume Y(O) to be zero) with n1 = 1 or n 1 = 2 can be realized case, by other using section the has elementary been sections extracted from described above only after a Gray -Markel the corresponding chain matrix (or hybrid matrix) so as to effect a zero value for B(O). Thus, an arbitrary interconnection lossless two-port can indeed be synthesized as an of Gary-Markel sections and the sections depicted in Figures 4 and 5 only. Note that sections of Figure 4 and 5 were introduced by Dewilde and Deprettere in the context of cascade synthesis [19], and can be viewed as scaled versions of interconnections of wave digital filter adapters [18]. 24 7. DISC[USSIONS AND ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES: The purpose the fundamental solution Section of both 5 this section is many fold. First, we examine the structure of equation for in somewhat more detail to facilitate the method of the 1-D and the k-D case. Although it has been remarked in that the S-matrix is generically not factorable in multidimensions, the possibility of synthesis for special classes of S-matrices may not be ruled out. Furthermore, in k-D, nonfactorability of any one of the three matrices, r, r associated with a lossless two-port does not rule out the factorability 0, or of other two matrices. This fact is next substantiated via examples, thus justifying the need to study factorization of all three types of matrices (in a unified manner). Finally, in practice, all multidimensional frequency filtering problems require some form of symmetry in the k-D frequency response, and it is known that such symmetries dictate that the two-port be either symmetric or (quasi) antimetric in the sense of classical network theory (to be made precise later 2-D in this section). This is indeed the case, for example, in the design of fan [20] and k-D circularly symmetric [21] wave digital filters based on transformations E-matrix from associated analog with prototypes. Therefore, these the factorability of the subclasses of discrete lossless two-ports is also undertaken in the present section. A. Computational considerations: For the purpose of the present discussion, the following notations will be adopted. X(z)=Z Pi(z')z, Y(z)=Z Qi(z' )z, poW'W'z- =Z R i (z')z X'(z)=E Pi(z')zl Y'(z)=Z Q!(z')zl, Y"(z)=Z RP(z')zl where z' R.=R.(z') 1 1 is the k-tuple of integers (z2 , Z3'Zk) ... and 1 (7.1 a,b,c) (7.2 a,b,c) and Pi=Pi(z'), Qi--Qi(z'), P!=P!(z'), Q-Qi(z' ), RI=RI(z') are polynomials in z'. 1 11 11 1 -- Then the fundamental equation (2.17) can be written in the form of (7.3): V(z')T(z)=0, TTz=[T 25 T T2 T=T(z)=[T T](7.3 a,b) 1 .... V(zW) = [Q Q I -P' 0 1 where the superscript (ni+l)x(n1 +ni+l) polynomial lower matrix: obtained by shift [Pn shifting (ni+l)x(n1 +ni+l) 't' ,...,Po, he matrix T2 0,...0] respectively. For a a and matrix whose 0,...0] previous solution to I R", ..., R"] transposition, first and rows (7.3 c) 0 T1 is a row is the (k-1) variable subsequent rows of which are by one step towards the right. The the (n"+l)x(nl+ni+l) matrix T 3 are similarly from the polynomial row vectors: [Qn ... obtained to denotes matrix -Pr R nJ Q0 0,...0] and [R2n,,...Ro, given T(z') a solItion V(z') to (7.3a) corresponds the fundamental equation if in (7.3c) the following degree restrictions for all v are satisfied for each i=2 to k. degiP As < nj1 degiQ•< ni V - 1 1 degiR < n"' V v~~- (7.4) 1 remarked earlier, if k>2 for a given T(z) a solution V(z) satisfying (7.3a) and (7.4) adopted H(z') may in not, in general, exist. However, the following approach may be attempting a viable solution. First, find the Hermite reduced form of T(z') via the pseudo-division algorithm as described, for example, in [22], [23] i.e., find a unimodular matrix U(z') such that U(z')T(z') in Hermite (nl+ni+3) form. rows, Since the T(z'), last K and rows thus, (K>2) = H(z') is H(z') has (nl+ni+l) columns, but of H(z') are identically zero. Consequently, each of the last K rows of U(z' ) belong to the left null space of T(z' ). to a However, solution generically, (proof n2=n2 ommitted a two 4 of fail. fundamental equation, (7.4) must be satisfied, which, To elaborate further on this it may be remarked that for brevity) in the special case of 2-D i.e., when k=2 and if necessary is and the may independent of in order for any vector belonging to this space to correspond and sufficient condition for the existence of two linearly solutions to the fundamental equation i.e., that of factorability that the dimensionality of left null space of T(z')=T(z 2 ) be exactly the T(z')=T(z2 ) two left Kronecker indices [23] of the polynomial matrix be each equal to n'=n". We have so far been unable to establish an analogous characterization of factorability when n2Hn". In the 1-D case (k=l), however, both V=V(z' ) and T=T(z') in equation (7.3a) are constant matrices. Furthermore, since it is known that the lower shift matrices 26 T1 , T2 and T3 matrices, the exploiting in it can a Toeplitz as well as resultant-like be shown by pursuing the proof technique for Theorem 5.3 two linearly independent solutions to the fundamental choice is made, the solution to the fundamental equation becomes essentially unique polynomials {X', except for a constant scale factor multiplying each of the Y', polynomials determinantal this to one of the zeros of the polynomial Y"(z 1 ) may be chosen arbitrarily. such three related linear simultaneous equation (7.3a) can be potentially solved by obtaining equation, Once closely recently developed fast algorithms for solving such equations [24]. Furthermore, that are Y") in the solution. It can be shown that each of these in this solution can in turn be expressed via closed form as discussed in [25]. From a computational standpoint formulas latter method, as opposed to the Toeplitz-like method mentioned above may not, however, be the most inexpensive when the integers ni, n', and thus, n are large. B. Examples on factorability of I, 0 and r: We next +-matrix illustrate as three by three examples that in multidimensions by viewing the different types of matrices associated with a two-port, namely the transfer function matrix E, the chain matrix e and the hybrid matrix r, the attempted synthesis than by of a larger class of discrete lossless two-ports can be considering the factorization of a matrices of only one of the above kinds. (I) Consider a discrete lossless two-port described by A = PQ, B, and C = 2RS, n = (3,3) and r=cr--l as in (2.1), where 2 2 P=-1 z 2 -2z2 1 z l+Z+4, Q=z1 Z2 -2z z2 +Z2 +4, 33 23 32 22 2 3 B=4z1 Z2 -4l22 -5Z1 Z2 -6Z2 1 2 +7Z1 2-2Z1 2 2 +4Z1 2 -6Z1 2 3 2 -4z2 -z1 -22 1 -5Z 1+4, 222 2 R=zlz2-1, S=z1 Z2 -Z2 +Z1 z 2 +4Z 1 z2 -Z 2 -Zl-z 1 -2 In attempting a nondegenerate factorization of the corresponding 0-matrix (p=l) into nonconstant 0' and 0" we encounter the following distinct possibilities: (i) n'=(2,2), n"=(1,1), W'= C'= S, w"= C"= 2R (ii) n'=(1,1), n"=(2,2), W'= C' 27 = R, W"- C" = 2S. Neither in case (i) nor in case (ii) we have two independent solutions to the fundamental equation (2.17). Via Theorem 5.3, we thus conclude that 0 cannot be factored as 0'0". However, the corresponding £ can factored as £ = Z'," where E' and £" are described as (clearly, p=p'=p"=-1 in this case): W'= A' = P, X'- B'= 2z 1 z2-2zlz2-2z2 +2, Y'= C'= z2 +2z2 +1, a'= r'-1, n'= (1,2) =2 Q 2 , W"= A" = Q, X"= B"= 2z1 z2 -2zlz2 -2zl+2, Y"= C"= z +2z1 +1, a"= y=-l, Since the above 0 can also be viewed n"= (2,1) a hybrid matrix r (with slight as modification in the sign of y), the example also demonstrates that there exists discrete lossless two-ports for which the associated transfer function matrix can be factored but the associated hybrid matrix may not be factorable. (II) Consider the discrete lossless two-port given by A, B = 2PQ, C = RS, n=(2,2), y=o=l, where 2 2 22' A=3-zl-z2 -z1 z2 , P=1-z 1Z 2 , Q=l+zlz2 , R=Z 1 Z2 +Z2 +Z1 +1, S=ZlZ2-Z 2 -Z1 +1 An attempt rise to cases: the r into nondegenerate nonconstant factors r' and r" gives following two distinct possibilities with n'=n"=(1,1) in both (i) W'= B'= 2P, W"= B"= Q (ii) W'= B'= Q, W"= B"= 2P. In neither of the above two independent of to factor the cases fundamental equation is found to factorizaion. However, the corresponding 0-matrix can be =0@'0", where 0' and 0" are described with p=p'=p"=l X'= A'=(Z lZ2 +2Zl 1 +2Z2 +3)//3, Y'= B'=(Zl+Z2 +2)//3, W'= C'= R, X"= have two linearly solutions, thus proving, in view of Theorem 5.3, the impossibility intended factored as the Al"=(zlz2 -2zl-2z2 +3)//3, Y"= B"=(-2z1 Z 2 +Z2 +Z )/13, W"= as: a'=y'=1, n'= (1,1) C"= S, r"=y"=l, n"=(1,1) Note of that the Y"(O)= B"(0) = 0; thus, there is no delay free loop at the junction discrete two-ports. By interchanging the roles of B-polynomial and the C-polynomial in the above example we can similarly demonstrate the existence of 28 a discrete lossless two-port for which the r-matrix can be factored as rr'r",, but the associated e is not factorable as 8=0'0". (III) Consider n=(2,2), y=a=l, next a discrete R=Zl+l, A S=2Z 12-2z Z2 detailed that the 2 22 2 2 2 z2-Z2 +3zlz2 ), B=Z lZ2 -3Z1 z2 +z1+Z 1-2zlz 2 -2z 21 z -4, -2z 2 1 2+2 examination only two-port described by A, B, C=RS, where 2 A---(7+3z -2z2-21 lossless of possible way the degrees of the polynomials A, B and C reveals of factoring the transfer function matrix Z associated with the two-port is to attempt either (i) n'=(1,0), n"=(1,2), A'=1, A"=A or (ii) n'=(1,2), fundamental n"=(1,0), A'=A, A"= 1. In both cases, however, the equation (2.17) fails to yield two linearly independent solutions. Thus, Z-matrix associated with the discrete two-port under consideration cannot be factored. On the otherhand, the associated chain matrix e can be factored as 0=e'0", where 0' and 0" are described as: X'= A'=-(z1+7)//15, Y'= B'=(2z1 -4)//15, W'= C'= R, y'=a'=1, n'= (1,0) 2 2 222 X"= A"=(4z z2 -8zlz2 +4zl-z2 -2z2 +15)//15, Y"= B"=(- Zl 2 +4z2 +2z z +8z 2 2 -z1 )15 W"=C"=S, y"=a"=1, n"= (1,2) Note again that Y"(0)=B"(0)=O ensures that there is no delay free loop at the junction. By viewing the chain matrix as a hybrid matrix the same example with minor modifications can be used to show the existence of a discrete lossless two-port for which the transfer function matrix Z cannot be factored, although it is possible to factor the associated hybrid matrix r. C. Symmetric and (quasi) antimetric two-ports: A discrete lossless two-port will be called symmetric or (quasi) antimetric if (7.5) (or (7.5')) holds true. Note that the former case corresponds to fan type symmetry [20], whereas the latter case correponds to circular symmetry [21] in frequency response. 29 Let functions rational the nB=-yBz , (Co-nCz. By-yBz-, C-Cz--, (7.5) ((7.5')) ) L1 and L2 be defined as in (7.6) (or (7.6')) for symmetric (or (quasi) antimetric) filters. L1 =(B+C)/A (or (B+jC)/A ) (7.6a) ((7.6'a)) L2 =(B-C)/A (or (B-jC)/A ) (7.6b) ((7.6'b)) Then it clearly follows from (2.4c) and (7.5) (or (7.5)') that L1L1=L2L2=1, and IL1 1=1L2 1=1 for Izl=l, wherever L1 or L2 are well defined. Since L2 in irreducible form have scattering Schur denominators (cf. consequently, L1 both and Property A.2.1), it follows that L1 and L2 are both multidimensional discrete By making use of (7.6) (or (7.6')), Z as in (2.1) can be in (7.7a) and (7.7b) in the symmetric case and as in (7.7'a) and functions. all--pass as expressed (7.7'b) in the (quasi) antimetric case. (L1+L2)/2, =22 11 (7.7 a,b) Z12=721=(L1-L2)/2 E11 =22=(L1+L2)/2, (7.7' a,b) (L2-L1)/2 Z21=-12=J functions L1 and L2 the matrix Z by using (7.7) (or (7.7')) is a valid transfer function matrix of a lossless two-port. Thus, any multidimensional discrete lossless can be equivalently described by means of two multidimensional Conversly, obtained discrete two-port for any two discrete all-pass all-pass functions L 1, L 2 . We then have the following important result. Theorem Let 7.1: {L1, L 2 }, {LI, L}, {L", L"} be the all-pass functions (or (quasi) antimetric) discrete lossless two-port transfer function matrices X, E' and £" respectively. Then Z = 1'," if and only associated if L1 = LitL with symmetric and L2 = LTL" hold true. Expressing £ = 1'," in terms of the corresponding L1 and L2 via (7.7) (7.7')) and its counterparts for E' and Z", it follows that the Proof: (or factorability condition Z = Z't"is equivalent to L 1 = LiL, 30 L2 = L". Since it can be easily shown by pursuing methods outlined in [9] that any rational all-pass function L can, in fact, be expressed as L=(P/P)z- in irreducible form, where P is a scattering Schur polynomial, Theorem 7.1 conveys the important fact that the factorability of multidimensional symmetric or (quasi) antimetric discrete lossless two-port transfer function matrices can be simply expressed in terms of factorability of two scattering Schur polynomials. 31 8. CONCLUSION: The work present structurally has passive been motivated multidimensional by the digital possibility filters. A of designing simple algorithm involving the examination of solution of a set of linear simultaneous equations for the studying lossless synthesizability two-port of an arbitrary multidimensional discrete has been derived via factorization of the associated chain matrix e, hybrid matrix r and transfer function Z by introducing lossless two-port multidimensional the 1-D not feasible. Although feasible realizing for synthesis (quasi) Existence turn can be considered as a the Examples filters multidimensional arbitrary special passive (k>l) discrete lossless classes directly in the digital case e,r, synthesis may not be and Z, the possibility of of discrete lossless two-ports is by no means of such subclasses of two-ports such as the symmetric or antimetric discrete lossless two-ports have been discussed. of other classes of discrete lossless two-ports admitting synthesis, in special identified. of structurally in an for out. certain in In the special case of one-dimension our algorithm provides new domain. albeit which literature. It turns out that under a generic situation, synthesis is of the t, version of the sigma-lossless transfer functions discussed in methods ruled matrix a generalized This classes topological is especially structures, seems feasible, but remains to be true in view of cascade synthesizability of of two-dimensional continuous time systems arising in studies lumped-distributed netwoks [22]. It may be noted that the cascade synthesizability of lumped-distributed networks can be characterized in terms of of certain properties bigradients (otherwise matrices similar of polynomial called type has matrices resultants). been noted The in having the occurrence our structure of of polynomial study in the context of computing a solution to the fundamental equation (cf. equation (7.3)). However, further utilizing investigation is needed to explore this connection in successfully the results of lumped-distributed network theory in multidimensional [1] A. 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[12] Yves Genin, Paul Van Dooren, Tom Kailath, Jean-Marc Delosme, Martin Morf, On E-lossless transfer functions and related questions, Linear Alg. and Appl., vol.50, pp. 251-275, 1983. [13] P. P. Vaidyanathan and S. K. Mitra, A generalized family of multivariable digital lattice filters, IEEE Trans. on CAS, \vol. 32, pp. 1234-1246, Dec. 1985. [14] P. Dewilde, A. Vierra and T. Kailath, On the generalized Szego-Levinson realization algorithm for optimal linear predictors based on a network synthesis approach, IEEE Trans. on CAS, vol. 25, no.9, Sept. 1978. [15] P. Dewilde estimation and H. Dym, Lossless inverse scattering, digital filters and theory, IEEE Trans. on Information theory, vol. IT-30, pp.644-662, July 1984. [16] V. Belevitch, Classical Network Theory, Holden Day, San Fransisco, 1968. [17] A. Fettweis, Wave Digital Filters: Theory and Practice, Proc. IEEE, Vol. 74, pp. 270 - 327. 1986. [18] A. 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Definition Izl<l, A.1.3: A proper polynomial A is called scattering Schur if A•O for (i.e., A is WSS) and A and A do not have any common (i.e., nonconstant) proper factor [9]. Definition Schur if A.1.4: A self-reciprocal Schur polynomial A is said to be reactance the irreducible factors of A do not occur with multiplicity larger than one [9]. Definition A.1.5: A polynomial A is said to be immittance Schur if it is the product of a scattering Schur polynomial and a reactance Schur polynomial [9]. Definiton A.1.6: A rational function F will be called a discrete positive function if Re F > 0 for those z0 in Izl<l for which F is holomorphic [9]. Various other definitions, which are stated above are available in [9]. 36 mathematically equivalent to the ones Definition A.1.7: Let Z be a set of k-tuples z - belong the same number field K (hereafter always the field of real numbers or to the almost field all except, of complex values if possibly, variable may a variable take Zk), where all z. numbers). We will say a certain property holds for finitely then (Zl, z2' is many may of be equal to any element of the field them. The set of all values that the said to be almost complete. The symbol 9 will be reserved to denote the set Z when the variables are restricted to be unimodular [6]. Definition m A.1.8: We say that Z is a sequentially almost complete set of order > 1, with m< k, if there exists a permutation il, i2 .... ,ik of the integers 1,2,...,k exists any such that all z c Z can be generated in the following way: There an almost complete set K1 c K such that any zi choice thus made, assuming m > 2, there exists an almost complete set K2 c K (possibly depending on the particular zi K2 e K1 may be chosen. For e K1 selected) such that any zi c may be chosen. Again for any choice this made, assuming m > 3, there exists an almost complete set K3 c K (possibly depending on the particular Zil and zi2 selected) such that any zi continued until we have c K 3 may be chosen, etc. If m 3 above to zi definition k this process is reached Zi . If m <k, once we have reached im there exists at least one (k-m)-tuple (zi particular zi = ... , , Zi ) (possibly depending on the selected) that may be chosen. Finally, we may extend the to the situation m = 0 by saying that in this case the set Z is not empty [6]. Definition A.1.9: We say that Z is sequentially infinite of order m, 1 < m < k, if it can be generated as in Definition A.1.8 except for replacing everywhere the term "almost complete set" by the term "infinite set" [6]. A.2. PROPERTIES OF VARIOUS CLASSES OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCHUR POLYNOMIALS: Property A.2.1: (i) Factors of scattering Schur (SS) polynomials are also SS. (ii) Conversely, products of SS polynomials are also SS (Theorem 10 in [9]). 37 Property A.2.2: pairwise (i) Products of reactance Schur (RS) polynomials that are relatively prime are RS. (ii) Any factor of a RS polynomial is also a RS polynomial (Theorem 21 in [9]). Property A.2.3: scattering Let Schur A if be and a widest only if sense Schur polynomial. Then A is also the zeros of A on IzI=1 do not form a sequentially infinite set of order (k-1) (Theorem 9 in [9]). A.3. PROPEETIES OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL RATICNAL DISCRETE POSITIVE FUNCTIONS: Property A.3.1: polynomial If such A that is an scattering Re(B/A)>O for jzj1l Schur polynomial and B a further whenever A•O, then Re(B/A)>O for Izl<l. Furthermore, it is impossible to have Re(B/A)=O for some zO on Izl<l unless B/A is a constant (Lemma 3b in [9]). Property (DPF) A.3.2: in The numerator and denominator of a discrete positive function irreducible Conversely, every rational IS polynomial form is is an immitance Schur (IS) polynomial. the denominator (and consequently the numerator) of a DPF in irreducible rational form (Theorem 27 in [9]). A.4. OTHER PROPERTIES: Property A.4.1: polynomial Furthermore, If such A is a widest sense Schur polynomial and B a further that IB/AI<1 for Izl=l whenever A•O, then IB/Al<1 for Izl<l. is impossible to have IB/AIj= for some z0 in Izl<l unless B/A it is a constant (Lemma 3a in [9]). Property A.4.2: If A and B are polynomials in k variables, then A and B have a proper (i.e., nonconstant) common factor if and only if the set Z of zeros that are common to A and B is sequentially infinite of order (k-1) (Theorem 4 in [6]). 38 APPENDIX B B.1. Proof of Proposition 3.2: H Let gcd(W, X), where W=HW1 , X=HX1 . Since W or X is scattering Schur H is = so. It then follows from property (P2) of (2.5) that H is a factor of YY. also H=H'H", where H', H" are factors of Y, Y respectively. Since H" divides Y, Let H" divides Y. Due to the scattering Schur property of H' and H" inherited from H, H' and H" are coprime and thus Y=(H'H")Y 1 for some polynomial Y 1 . A direct of the last equation along with W=HW 1, X=HX1 in XX -pYY--WW yields substitution ( in the following. X1X1 - pY1Y1 = W1W 1, Next, XcX c - PYcYc = WcW c let F = gcd(X1 , W1 ), where X1 =FXc, W1 (,b) = FWc and the monomial factors of degree in Xc and X1 are identical (note that this uniquely defines of maximal Xc upto a constant multiplier). Clearly, F, being a factor of X1 cannot have a factor and thus, from (, F must divide Y1 Y1 . Let F=F'F", where monomial F' divides Y1 and F" divides Y1. The last requirement implies F" divides Y1 . If then F is scattering Schur since W 1 is also so. On the other hand, if p=l p=-l since Xl=FXc, then F Schur. Thus, either scattering Schur, because X=HX 1 is both F' is also scattering and F" or both F' and F" are scattering Schur. F' and F" are coprime, and^Y 1 = (F'F")Yc for some polynomial Yc' Consequently, define matrices ~f = Diag(F'/F', H"/H"), 4r = Diag(F"/F", H'/H') ~and as: m rI ~ m) and c as: [c]11=Xc/Wc' [Jc]21=Yc/Wc' =c]22=P(XYcZ)/W [ )/Wc where m=(ml,m2 ,, mi=ni-degi(HF) it follows in a straightforward manner Next, that if we 4 4 -rtctf = and each of the matrices so defined is a generalized lossless two-port matrix with same p. In particular, ( holds true, where m i is at least as large as degiX c, degiY c, degiW c for each i=l to k. Clearly, Wc is definition of otherwise, due and also WcW c are implies coprime Xc to with Xc. On the otherhand, since it follows from the that X1=FXc, Wc and Xc cannot have a common factor, because W1=FWc, W1 and X1 would not be coprime. Consequently, XcXc coprime. If mi=degiW c for mall i=l tomk then the last conclusion that the polynomials WcWCz 39 and XcX z are coprime, the proof of the present theorem is complete. Otherwise, diagonal lossless two-port matrices from left and/or right of needs to be further extracted to satisfy the c coprimeness requirement. For this purpose, note that, due to (, any monomial factor of X c present in WcWczm must also (total) divides Y zm. k-tuple m'=(mj,m ,...m.) with factor of YcY zM . Let S=S S2 be such a factor of a degree, where the monomial S1 divides Yc' and the monomial S2 maximal Wc,Wc, be Consider polynomials Xc,=Xc/S, Yc,=Yc/Sl1 Wc=Wc and the integer with mi = mi-degiS. Then clearly Xc Xc, - PYYc' = degiX c,, degiY c, and degiWc, upper bounded by m! for all i=l to k holds M must also true. Thus, any monomial factor of X c,z- present in Wc,wc,z be factor a of Yc'Yc'Z- . Let T=-T1T 2 be such a factor of maximal (total) degree, where the monomial T1 divides Yc,, and the monomial T2 divides Yc,Zm . Next, consider X =Xc, Yo=Yc,/Tl and the integer k-tuple no=(nol, n 2 ...nok), where noi= ml-degiT. By letting Wo=Wc,=Wc it is then routinely verified that fc Diag(S 2, T1 ).%o.Diag(S1 , T2), where %o is a generalized lossless two-port is described nby XO' YO' Wo, n and a as in (2.5) such that WoW z -coprime with XoX z . The proof of the theorem is then completed by setting: matrix t1 = Diag(S 2, T1 ).4 f and t2 = Diag(S1, T2 ). r. B.2. Completion of proof of Theorem 5.2: (i) p = -1: Assume for contradiction that L = 0, which due to (5.3a) implies that X'X' + Y'Y' = and thus, IX' 2 + IY'12 - 0 for Izl=l. Consequently, X'I 0, Y' - 0, Y, and via (2.17) Y" - 0, which contradicts linear independence of {Xi, Y"}, i=1,2. (ii) p XiX' = 1: Assume for contradiction that L = 0, which due to (5.3b) implies = YiYj. Since {Xi, Yj, Y1} is singular, we have XjiX equations together imply Xj/Xi = Y = H2 /H1 , =/Yi polynomials. Clearly, there exists polynomials Xo, 0 Xi = H1X' Y' = H1Y', X2 = H 2 Xo , 40 = YiYi. The last two where H1 and H2 are coprime YO' such that Y2 = H2 Y ° (B.2.1a,b,c,d) fundamental equation for the triple {Xi , Yj, Y') and {Xi, Yj, the Considering Y"}, we obtain (B.2.2a,b) where Y" is defined via (B.2.2c). 2 o = H Y" Y Clearly, 11o ' Yo" is Y a 2 H (YX' - XY') = pa'z-W'W'Y o o' polynomial, since o - o (B.2.2a,b,c) otherwise its least denominator would divide both H 1 and H2, i.e., H1 and H2 would not be coprime. of follows from (, ( and (B.2.2a) that the degrees it Furthermore, the polynomials in the triple {Xo , YO, Y"} cannot exceed the degrees of the corresponding polynomials in the triple {Xi , Yj, Y"}. Thus, in view of (B.2.2c) ,~~n' ~ ' j, -cn' * {Xo, Y', Y"}, and consequently due to Lemma 4.1, {pYz- , Xoz- , -pa X"} is a to the fundamental equation for some X". This last mentioned equation o n' n' *~ Xz--p , X along with (B.2.1) and the fundamental equations for {pYi z~n' * (cf. Lemma 4.1) and {pY2z- , Xzn-I -pc' X2} yield: solution if Next, we define equation fundamental Fo for (B.2.3a,b) x1 = H2Xo 1X= H X" = X'X" , the then by eliminating X" between F {pY'z0o- triple Xz0- , -pa XO} o and the one obtains (B.2.4). Fo = (XoX~'/W')[1 -(pYY x'x)] From Since {Xi, of t in (2.5) we have IY/XI < 1 on Izl=l, whenever X • 0. (P2) Property Y1} Yj, fundamental equation, implying that IX'/YIl that contain been assumed~to be a singular solution to the we have Xi = YY thus via (B.2.a,b), = Y = 1 on Izl=l, whenever Y' • 0. Then (B.2.4) yields that is well defined. Using an argument analogous to the proof of Theorem 3.1 it then follows (via discrete positive in used nature has Izl=l, wherever F ReFo > 0 for (B.2.4) of Fo ) that X o, X" are widest sense Schur polynomials, and thus, cannot zi as it polynomials, conclusion 1 {Xi, Yi, Y' a factor then for follows any i=1 that H1 to k. Since in (B.2.3) X1 and XI are and H2 are constants. This latter violates, due to (B.2.1) and (B.2.2a,b), the linear independence of and {xi, Y½, Yl}. 41 B.3. Proof of Theorem 5.3: Due to Theorem 5.2, it is only needed to show that one can have at most two linearly independent solutions. Assume for contradiction that {Xi, Y, to YPI, i=1 3 be three linearly independent solution to the fundamental equation and X' + O3X§, Y' = OlY + O2YY + O3Y, Y" 1Y " + +2X 2Y" + 3Y". Then and, due to lemma 4.1, {py'z- , x'zn , -pa' X"} is also a = lX + {X', Y', Y"} solution to the fundamental equation. From Lemma 4.3, K as defined in (B.3.1) is a constant. K = (X'X'-pY'Y')/(W'W') = (a'Y'z-n', Y" + X'X")/X (B.3.1) Consider next the following cases: (i) p=l: Clearly, we may choose Ci, i=1 to 3 such that X'(O) = Y"(O) = 0. Since X(O)O0 due to the scattering Schur property of X, it follows from (B.3.1) that K=O and thus, again from (B.3.1) that X'X' - pY'Y'. Next, define F = (X'X")/X. From the second equality of (4.1a) and (4.1c), one obtains X" = (XX' pYY')/(W'W'). Eliminating (X'X'/W'W')[1 - it is finally, (YY'/XX')]. from the last two equations it follows that F = From Property (P2) of 4 and X'X' = pY'Y', one = 1 that IY/XI < 1, whenever X•O and IY'/X'l = 1, Using an argument similar to that used in proving Theorem 3.1, obtains for Izl respectively whenever X" X'0O. then possible X'X" to is widest show that sense F Schur, is a discrete positive function, and which is in contradiction with our construction that X'(O)=O. (ii) p=-l: Property It then implying We claim that there exists 0O on Izi = 1, such that W'W' • 0 (cf. A.2.3) and ai', i=1 to 3 can be chosen such that X'(z0) = Y'(z) = 0. 1 -=O 2 2 follows from (B.3.1) that for z = z0, K = 0, i.e., IX'I +IY'I = 0 X' - 0, Y' independence of {IX, - 0, and via (2.17), Y" - 0, which contradicts linear Yi, Y), i=l to 3. To substantiate the claim we show that there exists z=z on Izl = 1 with W'W' 0 0 such that XiYI - XjYi • 0 and thus, it is possible for any nonzero o3 to solve the following linear simultaneus equations for l1 and a 2. 42 For this, = Y'(Z ) consider factorization follows X'(ZO) (B.3.2a) = lY(O) =+ a2Y(Zo) + a3Y§(ZO) = 0 a solution Xi X, Yi = Y (B.3.2b) X = X', Y = yV to the problem. Then from the necessity part of proof of Theorem 5.2 it ' IpYzX2 = Y= X'znn' Y2 = -pa' *X" is also a solution to the that fundamental 3+ c X( 3 olXi(Zo) + a2 X(io) equation and that {Xi, Y!, Yij, i=1,2 are linearly independent. 2 = 1 if XiY2-X Yi = 0 then iX' + IY-,2 i.e., '121 = o o X' = 0, Y' = 0, and thus, due to the equation corresponding to (2.8a) satisfied Next, for by XI, Y' we have W' = W' = 0. Since W' is scattering Schur, there exists z 0 some z on Jzl -o on JIz=1 with W'•O (cf. Property A.2.3) and, consequently, with XiYi - X2Yj O0. . B.4 Proof of Fact 5.4: We have K = Y"(0)/X"(O), where X" and Y" are corresponding polynomials associated with V", and VI is defined in (5.5). Next, since IY"/X"J two < p = 1, it respectively follows from Properties (P2) and (P4) that 1, wherever X"•0 on Izl=1 and that X" is scattering Schur. The last properties, modulus to an extended multidimensional version of the maximum theorem proved in Property A.4.1, imply that either Y"/X" = unimodular constant or Property (P2) case, due we IY"/X"l have, < 1 for Jzj < 1. In the former case we would have, due to satisfied in by V", that W"-O, which is impossible. In the latter particular, JIK = JY"(O)/X"(O)J < 1. Thus, VI is a generalized lossless two-port matrix with p=1. Since it is easily verified that (,~)-1 also satisfies this property it follows from Fact 2.1 that f r is also a generalized lossless two-port matrix. Finally, the Y-polynomial () f fact that associated with V', say Y", satisfies Y"(0) = 0 follows from Y" = II t2 r r rr (Y"-K X")//(1-JKJ ) (obtained by considering the (2,1) entry of the matrix equation r = ()f) 1t") and K = Y"(O)/X"(O). 43 ~X Figure l~~ Y-2 1. Network e - o'. e resulting from the CX1 where Y1j factorization E2 Y - X2 I I Y°- I Figure 2. Network resulting from the r * r r where [X factorization r[. y2t - 1 X I - Figure 3. Network resulting * ._ a where E from Y12 tt the Ji factorization rX Lb1 x1ZJ X2 02 X1 Y2 Y1 X2 Figure 4. Elementary section with n where = 1 rectangular boxes are Gray-Markel sections. 03 Y Yl 01 . 1 _-~ Figure 5. - Elementary X. '-" section with n1 = 2.