LIDS-P-146 4 May 1985 On the Rate at which a Homogeneous Diffusion Approaches a Limit, an Application of the Large Deviation Theory of Certain Stochastic Integrals Daniel W. Stroock* Summary: Let X(T) be the solution to a stochastic differential equation whose coefficients are homogeneous of degree 1 (e.g., a linear S.D.E.). Under mild conditions, it is shown that limits like limT Log P(IX(T)I/IX(O)I > R) T exist and a formula is provided for their computation. The techniques developed apply to a broad class of situations besides the one treated here. Running Head: Large deviations of stochastic integrals AMS Classification: 60J60, 60F10, 60H05 The research contained herein was sponsored by N.S.F. grant MCS8310642. and by Army Research Office Grant No. DAAG29-84K-005. 1.Some Prel iminaries and tatement of the Results: N > 2 The notation introduced below will be used throughout. - are fixed integers; {VO,...DVd} C (R l\(O; R is a collection of vector fields each of which is homogeneous of degree 1 (i.e., and (B(t) = )) (Bl(t),...,d(t , 7t, P) d > I and Vk(x) = IxlVk( )) ; is a d-dimensional Brownian motion. V V, it will often be useful to identify N I Vi which it determines. with the directional derivative operator When dealing with a.vector field il Vf _ Thus, for example, C Vi il .-. and t 2 V f - V-Vf . dt. (1.1) Lemma: For each x E R \{0} there is a P-almost surely unique, t > O}-progressively measurable function right-continuous, {[7: that will be used some- *dS (t) convenience when writing stochastic integrals, times to denote Also, for notational i P(X(t,x) E R \{0} t > 0) - 1 for all and X(*,x) X(-,x) such satisfies the Stratonvich stochastic integral equation: (1.2) Moreover, (1.3) X(T,x) if p(T,x) p(T,x)- d T I I Vk(X(t,x))'dSk(t), k-0 0 x + log(lX(T,x)l/lxl) - d I T d T and T > O . 8(T,x) - X(T,x)/lX(T,x)l f ak(S(t,x))-dB$(t) k-0 0 I k-1O T aok( 8 (t,x))dlSk(t) + f Q((t,x))dt , 0 and d (1.4) e(T,x) =X + d T k l f Wk((tx)).dS(t) k=O - k , T > 0 T > 0 , , then 2 where Ok(e) (,Vk(8))RN I Wk(k)(d) + for , Wk(e) ' Vk(e) - aO 0 (9) k(e)e , and Q(9) . e ES By the standard theory of stochastic integral equations, there is Proof: no problem about the existence and uniqueness of time X(-,x) hits that P(.,x) and O . X(-,x) up until the first Moreover, up until that time, it is easy to check 9(.,x) satisfy (1.3) and (1.4), respectively. Finally, inf 1X(t,x)I/[xl > 0 (a.s.,P) for each O<t<T Hence, P-almost surely, X(.,x) never hits 0 in a finite time. from (1.3), it is clear that T > 0. Q.E.D. As a consequence of (1.4), it is clear that, for each S i 'i (.*,x) is the diffusion on (1.5) Let k'Il W2Sk k-i L.' P(T,8,-) , (T,9) E(0,) by x S and generated by , denote the transition probability Henceforth it will be assumed that Lie(Wl,...,Wd)(9) (Lie (W1 ,...,d ) X 0 function for this diffusion. (1.6) starting at x ER \{O) , T 8(S I), 8E S 1 . denotes the Lie algebra of vector field on {Wl,...,Wd} .) SN-1 generated In particular, by a renownedtheorem of L. HRrmander [21, (1.6) guarantees that there is a smooth map (T,O,n) E (0,*) x SI-xSN-i1 such that measure on P(T,$,dn) - p(T,9,n)dn , where S- . 1 . dn denotes the normalized Lebesgue Moreover, by the strong Maximum principle (cf. Theorem (6.1) in [3]), one can easily see that x SN-t x St p(T,,9n) p(T,O8,) > 0 for all Hence, by Doeblin's Theorem, there is a unique (the probability measures on S ) such that (T,O8,q) E (0,0) m E M1 (SN) 3 ! T+ Since m = f T 0. )< log( sup IP(T,9,.)-ml var sN-1 P(T,9,-)m(dO) , T > 0 , it is obvious from the preceding discussion about p(T,9,-) positive everywhere on sN m(dn) - that 1 . In the future, *E C(S where l(n)dn f fdm ) is will be denoted by f f ELl(m) . for The goal of this article is to prove several results about the behavior P(p(Tx)/T E r) of , x E RN\{O} and r6E R , as statement is a rather abstract existence assertion. T + ' . The first Subsequent statements provide more concrete information. (1.7) i: Theorem: R 1 + [O,-) U {(} There is a lower semi-continuous, convex function r E such, that, for each R : (1.8) inf I(p) lim 1 log(inf P(p(T,x)/T E r)) > pEin*r x T T+-- (1.9) lim T log(sup P(p(T,x)/T E r)) < - inf I(p) , pEr Tts and wbere it is to be understood that x varies over I , it will be useful to have some In order to describe the function additional notation. S Define the function a and the vector field by ·- and respectively; set R\{O} . I k-I o2 W on 4 a (1.10) inf{ I f (ak-wk,)2d: *E C (S l)} ; k-1 and define the bilinear operation <,.> by d <412 >' k-i(Wk1 )'(Wk02) Assume that (1.11) The'orem: (1.12) I(p) = sup inf[(p - where 4 varies over C (S when e (ak {(Q or p - a > 0 . Then (Q - L2)d4) /2 ), U varies over M1 (S (ak Wk) du] ); and it is understood that, = Wkt)2du = 0, the ratio is 0 or - according to whether - L)du. (1.13) 1''2 E Cm(SN1-) (Q In particular, there is an A E (0,o) such that: A(p -_Q)2 < I(p) < (p -Q) 2/2a, pe R' and so, I E C(R'), I(Q)' = 0, and I is strictly increasing (decreasing) on (Q,Q) ((-_,Q)). (1.14) f E C (S Theorem: ) Assume that such that f0 0 . a O and Then there is a unique Wkf I- 1< k < d . Moreover, if Q - Q- Lf , then (1.15) I(P) inf{JO( u ): U E M(S 1) and p - f Qdu}, where J.o() 0l~rb) - - (1.16) inf{f (22 <*,.> and it is to be understood that satisfying then I I du - p . is continuous on + L)d:I + E C (SN1)} I(P) - - In particular, if if there is no q. - u E M (S- l) sup{±Q(M): (q,q+) and is infinite off of E SN-1 [q.Sq , .e Finally L)djl I( Lf is I and so Remark: 2= k) Wk(a (1.19) Thus, Q If either Corollary: R: (0,-) * (0,-) |T lim sup T~4 x <0 inf xz a - 0 and observe that 0 E (q,q+) , then and a - 0 lim T logR(T) - 0: satisfying M noreover, . if > R(T)) P(IX(T,x) I/Ix >R(T)) (1.22) Acknowedgement: me by Mark Pinsky. > R(T))) - Il(C) | O 0 a and Q > 0, then 0 . q, < 0 , then lin sup 1 log To x - The origin of this paper was a question posed to What he wanted to know is whether, at least in the case Vl(8),...,Vd(8)} span I lim T log(P(X(T,x)l > R)) R > 0 . or a > 0 P(X(Tx)I/Ix Tlog (1.21) when R1 , Q>O if (o), if Finally, if p WffO . W a log(P(IX(Tax)j/jxj ]I() liu T+ for all T·#· 0o (1.20) 2 and strictly decreasing on o(-,Q) Referring to Theorem (1.14), + Wf . for any function I(p) > A(p-:q such that strictly increasing on (,9°) (1.17) (1.18) where A> 0 and there is an ' 0 for each 8 E SN1 , exists and is independent of x E RN\{O and I profitted greatly from Pinsky's own work [31 on this problem; and it is a pleasure to acknowledge here his contribution to the present article. 2 Proofs: The proof of Theorem (1.7) follows the same pattern as that used in Chapter 6 of (4]. , T > 0 . and x E RW\{0) Given from (1.3) Note that, and (1.4), r'E fR set P(p(T,x)/T E r). F(T,x,r) F(T,x,r) - F(T,-w, r) and that for all T 1 ,T 2 > 0 (2.1) p((p(T 1 +Tx) a for all > 0, r( where ) Proof: BE [1,-) for all r E R, T > 2 , and F(T,x,r) < A(F(T,y,r '(2.3) E rIFT) There exist constants Lemma: (2.2) p(Tl,x)) - ( 6)) F/T 2 ) (a.s.,P). - F(T,e(Tix), 2 and A E (O,-) E > 0 (x,y) e (R\{0L) 22 + exp(-_c2 T )) , R1: dist(p,r) < 6) {p First note that, by standard estimates and (1.3), c > 0 and an 8 > 0 such that and such that T > 0. and observe that for all there is .a sup P(IP(1,x)I/T > 8/2)< B exp(-c62 T 2 ) Second, define su - i x,y E RN\{0}) and p(l ' o' s,9',r sup{vpl,,): M- r) ' f E B(S N - ): ef(0(1,x))] < ME[f(e(1,y))] Using this in conjunction with (2.1), one now sees that: F(T,x,r) < P((p(T,x) - p(1,x))/T E r(6 /2 )) · B exp(-c(8T) 2 ) E[F(T-I,e(l,x), T-1 r/2))] *+ B exp(-C(T) 2 ) < ME[F(T-1, e (1,y), -T- r ( (8/2))] - MP((p(T,y) - p(l,y))/T E r( / 2 )) < MF(Ty,r ( 6 ) + B(M1) exp(-c(8T) + B exp(-c(8T) 2 ) . B exp(-c(8T) 2 ) ) S } for all A T > 2, B(M+) 0 < 6 < 1, and x,y E RN\{0) . Thus (2.3)-holds with . Q.E.D. For T >0 and r E PR ' set ,(T,r) - inf F(T,x,r) X R1 for where and 6 > 0, define B(p,6) - (p-6,p+f).; define G - {p and for p E R R1 (S6 > O)t(p,6) ' a} ; , define. 1(p) - sup{L(p,3): 6 > } . (2.4) Lena: If (2.5) lim - logs(T,B(p,6)) In particular, Finally, if (2.6) for all I: R p 4 G , then for all + [0,-) U {,} IQI - max |Q(9)1 and 6 >0 - l(p,6) is lower semi-continuous and convex. lal - maxja(8)i , then sup P(Jp(T,x)l/T > R) < 2 exp(-T(R-IQI) 2/21al) T > Proof: and R > I . and T1 T 2 > : First note that by (2.1), for any p R1 , r > 0 , x E R\{} 8 F(T 1 +T 2 ,x,B(P ,r)) p(TI+T x)-p (T1 ,X) E2 B(P,r)) > P(p(Tl,x)/T E B(p,r) , , p(Tx)/T1 E B(p,r)] - E[F(T 2 , e(T,x) , B(p,r)) (T2,B(p,r))F(Tl, s> x , B ( p, . )) Hence, for all for B ( p, r ) ) 4P(Ti+T 2 ,B(p,r)) >S (T (2.7) p E R T1 ,T2 > 0 r > 0 , and Now let p B G and T > 0 . By (2.7) Thus, the equality is subadditive. S 6, 8 r log(T,B(p,6)) S(T) -- be given, and set 8 > 0 with B (p, r ) ) 9( T 2, S(T) - inf - S(T) will follow once. it is shown that there exist T>O · To this end, note 0 < T < T2 < - such that sup{S(T): T E [T 1,T 2 3} < li_ - that since there is a p (To,B(p,6/2)) - B . for all Hence by (2.7) with r - 6/2 , so that T 1 - noTo S '1 be a fixed element of T e [T1 ,T]2 . >B B(nTO,B(p,8/2)) > Then, since . there is a T2 > T 1 80 Hence, by (2.3) with y/2 < F(T,e ,B(P,6/2)) r - is lower T * F(T,8 0 ,B(p,6/2)) B(p,6/2) and 8/2 for > y/2 F(T,O0,B(p,6/2)) such that n 0 T - and 2 (cf. (2.3) for the definition of A and c), and let > 4Aexp(-e(6Tl/2)2) semi-continuous, no > 1 Choose n > 1 . such that B E (0,1] and a To > 0 in place of 8 ; < A9(T,B(p,6)) + A exp(-c(ST/2) 2 ) < AVT,B(P,8)) + y/4 for all T E [T1 ,T2] . Clearly this proves that The lower semicontinuity of it suffices to consider p s FC1 + (1-C)P2 P 1 ,P and choose 2 4 I G . 6' > 0 is obvious. Given sup[S(T): T E [TT1 T2 ]} < To prove that C E (0,1) So that CB(pl,8') and I . is convex, 8 > 0 , set + (1-)R(p92, ') 9 C B(p,6) . Then, just as in the derivation of (2.7), one can show that 9(T,B(p,;)) > T > 0 . for all P 1,P 2 4 G In particular, since T log-(9T,B(pl,,')) lim ) .(;T,B(pl,9'))9((1-)T,B(P2,-6') ) and therefore '-9(p1, ') < - and lim it follows that p log9((1-9)T,B(Pl,,')) - 4G < " (1-0)(p 2 ,6') and that L(P,6) < 9l(p 1 ,6') + (1-)l(P ,' 2 Clearly, this completes the proof that ) < (1-C)I(P . 2) is convex. I Finally, from (1.3), the derivation of the estimate in (2.6) is standard.. *Q.E.D. To prove (1.8), prove (1.8) and (1.9). suppose that > -1() 0 <6 . In view of Lemma (2.4), we need only Proof of Theorem (1.7): (2.8) If p E r . If I(p) < < 0-0 be given. I(p) - , let r be an open subset of then it is clear that , choose 6 0 >0 Then, since p Gt l(p,6) + I(p) '- inf{I(p): p E r} . that r is a compact subset of Given t(p,28(p)) > y - B if E r F G. ,choose =- . (p,) 8 + 0 , this completes the proof of (1.8). as Next suppose that and let and therefore (2.5) holds: lim I log9(T,r) > lim T log(T,B(p,S)) -T T- Since and logP(T,r) ttm B(O, 0) C r so that R /(p) > 0 B> 0 y < so that and and R p E r n G , and set t(p,26(p)) > 1/B L(p,28(P)) '. 6(p) > 0 , choose if y ' - . Since r so If is compact, 10 n there exists an v 6(P v ) . n > 1 and PI,...,P n fr Thus, by (2.3) with so that 8'61 ... r c U B(P ,6 V ) where A 6 n z(T,x,r) < I F(T,x,B(p .v)) < 2nA max{IGT,>(pv,26)v for all x E RN\{O} . T_> 2 and Vexp(-( T)2): <v < n} Note that T log(A(T,B(pv,26 v )) V exp(-c(6T)2)) lti T.~o - - iff v E G- -(P_,26 v) if P, G. Hence, lim T log(sup F(T,x,r)) < -,Y + B if Thus (1.9) is now proved in the case when To complete the proof of (1.9), let and for R > IQI ' x T-w define r Yl< - is bounded. r be a given closed subset of r R = r n B(OiR) . Then, by the preceding plus R (2.6): Mm-i log2sup TU x F(T,x,r)).< (-infI(p)).V i-rR < (-inf (p)) -('R-IQI)2/21al) V (-(R-IQ) 2 /21al) OEr for all R > IQI . Clearly (1.9) follows after one lets R + Q.E.D. I(') Lemna: (2.9) 1 ) 0 E C(R satisfies - 0 lim and Moreover, if 0 , then (1(p)0/p lim I(p)/p 2 > 0 . IP-I (2.10) lim sup I| log E[exp(T*(P(Tx)/T))] T- where A() I -0 x A(#) _ sup(e(p) - I(P)) E K1 . Proof: T(n) - 0 , note that, by the ergodic theorem and To prove that standards estimates apntlied to (1.4): lim I F(T,e,B(Q,6))m(de) - 1 T+40 for each 6 > O . 0-- Hence, li .s by (1.9): (l1og(f F(T,e8,(Q,8))m(de))) ~pEB(Q, ) T-0- lip I(o)/p2 > 0 , let R > IQI be given. Then, by (1.8) and (2.6): (R- IlQII)2/2tat < - lim ! 1og inf F(T~x,BCO,R) c) < Thus, for I > 21QI , Equation (2.10) is [6]. (P) inf > (P-21QI) I(p) < I(2R) . /811all. a variation on a lemrna first proved by Varadhan in First nt$e that, from the preceding, continuous function which tends to - as p * *(p) - I(p) is an upper semi- IPI * o and is finite at ~ . 12 Thus there exists a j p0 () G such that 1 A) -( ) . > 0 , note that E[exp(T§(P(T,x)/T))] > E[exp(T#(P(T,x)/T)) , p(T·x)/T exp(T > B(pO,6)] V #(p) )(T,B(pO,6.)) inf B(PO',) Thus, by (1.8), 8 > 0: for every lim T log(inf E[exp(T¢(p(T,x)/T))]) T- X B(po,6) -B(Po.a) > Since * I(p) - inf I(P) inf *(p) - inf > (P o) is continuous, this proves- that lis Tlog(inf E[exp(T#(p(T,x)/T))]) T > (P o ) - (P o ) - A( ) To complete the proof, first choose < (1/41al)p 2 for IPI > . E[exp(Ti(p(T,x)/T))] 0 so that )> IQI R > R: Then, for , jp(T,x) /T < Rj - E[exp(T#(p(T,x)/T)) + I !(P) [exp(T9(P(T,x)/T)) , iP(T,x)l/T > R] By (2.6): Z[exp(T(PC(T,x)/T)) , !P(T,x)l/T > R] < 2 o< forsome KX (0,) and )> 0 R exp(- iT 21QI ((p-! Q esp(-TR Thus, for all R > 2 - 2 p2 Given 13 ;i <i C T I log(sup E[exp(T9(P(T,x)/T)) ]) Ip(T,x)I/T < R]) 1 log(sup E[exp(T§(P(T,x)/T)), x - V (-XR 2 ) it Thus, R > R o < 8 < R Choose for all R > R: limiT log sup E[exp(T4(p(T,x)/T)) , IP(T,x)I/T < R] < A(M) x T~" S > 0 , choose 10(p)( . Given be fixed and set M - max *(2.11) Let to prove that suffices 80so that E B(,R) P 1 ,...,p B(O,R)S; UB(pV,6) E[exp(TO(p(T,x)/T)), .Hence, } ( B . Then . t T(Pv ) n JP(T,x) I/T < R] <I Ia-pi < and jal V fji < R sup{[(o) - t(p): so that BT .F(TxB(pV'6)) by (1.9), rm .ii t T log(sup E[exp(T(:.p.(T,x)/T)) <S + max [() l<v<n < 2s + sup [(P) - IP(Tx) I/T < R]) ', inf U(p ,) - U(P)] 1(p)] = 20 + A() . Q.E.Do 14 (2.12) Lemma: For each XE R is a continuous convex function o (2.13) R set Then A , tim sup I T log(E[exp(XP(Tx))]) T+ sup[1a - I(p)] . A(M) - A() 0 x and (2.14) 1(p) - sup[Xp - A()] . Proof: lrom its definition it is clear that continuous convex function. I e R' Moreover, and satisfies (2.13). Finally, A is A(l) E R for all A must be continuous. I ; and so, since the Legendre transform of is is a lower semi- by Lema (2.9), In particular, semi-continuous and convex, I A the Legendre transform of I is lower That is, A . (2.14) holds. Q.E.D (2.15) Lemma: There is a 2 (_ < I (-2.16) K E ( ,) * >dm , <+ such that ) E C"(S . L t ) Define Wroof: adjoint of the operator , for alt is Wk N- in ) L2 (m) ) L2(S ) *1*2E C (S syannetric in L ( . Then " · . Thus, if L - Ldm- f <> +d>m, Thus (2.16) is equivalent to the existence of a 1+m2 Wk J- 2 kldm - 1 on C (SN-) , then L and .J (2.16') f +1lWku2 d m < -2K f L+*dm, E C SN-) K E (O,") + 6 c'(s-l) with such that * 0 . L (a) Noting I~otikthat Wk - Wk kht6+ ck where ck E C (S') , recalling that (1.6) holds 15 and applying HRrmander's Theorem and the strong maximum principle, one 2 con: laelas that L is essentially self-adjoint in L (m) and tlhat its selfsatisfies: L adjoint extention is a positiv. p where (O,nr) f SN- 1 x SN 1 , an L (SN n >0 · follow once it Then L(m) at value maximmn l! C(S N- ) tl(,)O ) 00 Thus there exist . {%n} 0 -0 80 , then, > 0 . ! , such that (2.16') * 1 (e 0 ) * which clearly contradicts f with But if , 0 9 1 (n)P(l,8 - I If l Li(a) -Xnn 2K - 1/X1 In and ' will suppose not. °1 )m(dn) and ... Ln X1 > 0 To show that and exp(L)#l - °1 * from < X1 ( 0 - C C-(SN-i) may be chosen to be. 1, is shown that ,- I t > O , and, for each is a symmetric doubly stochastic kernel. (t,p,;n) )-orthonormal basis Because C ((O0,)xS N - ) element of is a co;npsct self-adjoint operator, all of whose eigen- particular, exp(L) functions are in E C'($S- 1 ), (n)p(t,-,n)m(dn) , exp(tL)(*) - I achieves its , one has ' 01 Q.E.D. 16 Before proceeding, L on C(SN- ) f or U E M(S for JX(u) fN-iI ) Writing . du: u E C (SN-) u - e sup{- f (I < * *> + LX)du: (2.18) (2.18) Lemma: Lemna: Jg~m)'O JW(m) - 0 (2.19) JO(U) > AE(fd if (2.20) p E Ml(S N 1) C (S and for each EC _ T)2 is given by E C (SN-l)} m N-l (S N- ) there is -an A E(O,c) ( N Il p(de) - g(O)m(dd) 'here g is a ) , then J0(u) < x~L t*(g)l I22( )/2minfg(e): is the constant in (2.16) and L Proof: - } S is the adjoint of L in L2(sN-l ) First note that, by (2.17): 0 given WC (S N-1 Lh = 4 - i and h = 0. ), Jo ()m) let X f R1 - h sup (--f <6,>dm) < 0. N-1 be the unique element of C (S ) Then, by (2.17): J0(u) > for all u > 0} one sees that an equivalent expression J (u) K and is positive element of Next, L + XW (2.17) where X E R1 , define and JA(y) -- inf {f u Mboreover, For some more notation is required. 2 .f <h,h>du +( In particular, 9d *d - ) satisfying such that 17 JO(U) > (f dU - > (f du -I) '2/2f <h,h>du 2/2 1<h,h>l C(s ) Thus (2.19) is proved. To prove (2.20), If * E C"(SN- 1 ) let L|dulF - If L (g)'(O-O)d-nI be given. < 1 - Then, by (2.16): 2 ( 1L) IL L2 (a) 'J L(0) 2 L2(m) < K1/24i.L*(g)l 2 (f <4,">dm)"/2 ' L (m) Rence, if ( < } min{g(e): 6 E SN- e > L*)d , then: f <,>d *(g) -- 2 L (m) <%.%>d m)/2J *L (4gl 2 /2c ; L () < K- and so (2.20) follows from (2.17). Q.E .D. (2.21) Remark: Although it will not be used in the present article, may want to note that if g E C(SN-1) , then ui E M1 (S J 0(0) < - N-i ) is given by p(do) , g(iO)(de) as soon as there exists an A one with E (0,-) for which (2.22) holds. I|f Wo _< A'(f <*,.>dl)l/2 , 0 du +E C(SN- Before proving this, observe that if IJ Wodul - If (WOg)-(f-')dmj < > 0 , then by (2.16): g > IWO ) l2 - L2 ((I < K 1/21WOgl (I <C , >dm) 1/2 -g 0 l2 -- (n) _ ! < (K/c) 1 /21W0 I 2 n(f .>du) <g cf<,>i), 18 where is defined as in the proof of Lemma (2.15). W0 with A {bk}' every U EM (S if g > e . Also, note that if 40 - bkWk 1 A bC g(e)m(d) with ) , then (2.22) 1holds with C(S where (2.22) holds d 1/2 W0 gl 2 L (m) - (K/c)1 Thus, 2 for 1) To prove that J 0 (u) < (dB) when w g E C(SSN-1 + and (2.22) holds, observe that: IJ Ldul< I I Jf I kg.gWkdm+ is defined as in the proof of Lea where Wk where c k e C"(SN 1): W·Oduj . (2.15). Since I I Wk-Wk*dl < B1 f g <*,'> 1/2dm * t <g,g>1/2<,, where B1- ck ) I( 1 k N-I Because g > , (Wg) 2 Wk +k c 1>/2d, < 2W 2kg ) C(S ~ Wk ) 'c(s and so <gg>12 where 82 ' (2 1 WkgI 2'1 NIl c(s ' )/2 1/2 . Combining these with (2.22), one easily ) arrives at (If (<4,+> + L+)duA< -2 / 1 f < a+>du ' + (BB2+)(f <*,*>du) <_ ( 1 + B+2 AU) /2 2 19 For each Lema: (2.23) tog(E[exp(X 1im supil (2.24) T""° x -- X!. + : T + I H(e(t,x))dt)]) by T 7 +I 0 T (WO+)(8X(t,x))d dT kl0f Wk(OX(t,x))edek(t) 1 Then, by the Canmron-Martin ) a)du - JX(<)]| = 0. 8X(*,x) , xE RN\{O}, Define d Ox(T,x) H E C(S and d T I f ak(9.(t,x))dSk(t) 1O0 sup[/ (H + 2 - Proof: R1 X formula: , T_> 0 t T dT E[axp(X I t ak(e(t,z))dBk(t) + f H(C(t,x))dt)] 0 10- , - E exp(f R (6(tx))dt)] 0 where at X r R + 2 a . At the same time, and generated by eX(',x) is the diffusion starting LI ; and, because of (1.6), H1rmander's Theorem, P;(T,S,dn) and the maximum principle, the transition probability function for this diffusion is given by CC(0,)xSN' lxS 1 ) . and yields (2.24). (7.21), Hence, px(T,O,rl)dl with pX a positive eletm,-nt of the theory of Donsker and Varadhan (See Chapters 6 and 7 of [4], I] applies in particular Corollary for details.) (2.25) Proof of Theorem (1.11): Applying (2.24) with Assume that R - Q , one sees fromr A() - sup[J (IQ + (cf. a > 0 (2.13) and (2.17) a)du - J that: |(U)] M Sup inf[f (IQ + X- a)du + f 2 (1.10)). 2 <. + LX*)du] 20 Hence, by (2.14): (XQ I(p) = sup inf sup[Ap a)dV - J(1/2<,4> + LhX)du] +2 If X # 0 (after replacing ~ by XA): inf sup[Ap = - I(XQ + a)dw - inf sup[X(P (Q- (1/2<4,4> + Lx )du] )d) d 2 At the same time: 0 < inf sup[- F(1/2<0,4> + LO)dU] < sup[-1/2 <4,>dml] 0 Thus I(P) = sup inf sup[X(p - (Q-L4)di) 2 (°kWk)Zd1] ; and so, after two applications of the mini-max theorem: I(P) = sup inf sup[X(p - fL)d) (k - Wk) (Q d]. The expression for I(p) given in (1.12) follows immediately from the preceding one. Starting from (1.12), one has: I(p) < sup((p - J(Q - L)dV) /2 J( Wk) d < (P - Q)2/2· On the other, choosing h for Q as in the proof of (2.19), we see that (p) > inf[(p - Q) /2 VI ak + Wkh) d] > A(p Q) 21 d where 1/A (a (k + Wkh) 211 E (0,oo). N-1 1 C(S Thus, (1.13) has now been proved. ) The rest of Theorem (1.11) now follows imuediately from (1.13) and standard facts about lower semicontinuous convex function. Q.E .Do (2.26) fE C(SN Lemnma: ) n +" Wk f for each tlet. f - O C (S -1) so n~ 1 ~ (1.10)), and Wkf - I < k <d . fn hat ~ and n1 ( I f E L2( ) To prove existence, Wkfn k k such that liem (W#).fdm fn + f ak and E C"(S 1 < k <d % E C*EC(S (S )) ,,where where . N- .i ) . In particular, To prove that ggin~~~-(SN-1-" Wk(O k) f C"(S f E C (S f (LO)-fdm- - l) . Hence - if f E By Lemma (2.26), *a dm N C(S ) , define Jf -gdm Lf - g L, .· Proof of Theorem (1.14): f -N- of distributions, and so by Hormanlder's Theorem applied to unique. L 2 (m) in n (Wk).-fndm - lir - | *Wkf dm proof of Lemma (2.15) and observe that (2.27) as as in the proof of Lemna (2.15) and note that 1 <k < d Wkf then there is a unique immediate from (2.16). By (2.16), there exists an Define then (cf. The uniqueness is {f }l . a - 0 satisfying Proof: choose If f ) L , as for all in the sense f E Cf(SN l) o .(Q.E.D. exists and1 is Rence, by Ito's formula: T. o(T,x) = f(O(T,x)) - f(.) + fI (e(t,x))dt 0 Applying (2.24) (with X - O) to (2.13) and using the above exprssion for p(T,x) , one sees that: A(1) sup[XI .Qdu - Jo(d)] UI' --· in 22 lence, by (2.14) and the mini-mx theorem: J Qd) + Jo(u)] I(p) - sup inf[X(p u X - inf sup[X(p - f Qdz) + JO(u)] Ak u , let Lh f Qdm - Q = _-2 2 .>. o , u -Q oJ(a)>&A(fQdi this proves that Next, suppose that du that = P ; and so then there Ls a positive by (2.20) Nence, (1.15), I(p) < To cogaplte (2.9)) that (2.2R) , Jo(Y) M1(S N- ) , for some * " g E C (S < - ) i vw In view of . ) U E Mi(S such p E (q_,q+)', f Qgdm = p. and 1 f gdm such that y(d9) - g(O)m(de) the proof of Theorem (1.14), = In particular, by it suffices to recall (cf. Lemma . Q.E.D. Proof of Coroliarvy (1.18): log R(T)| <6 . On the other hand, if . N-1 when Then there is no . [^_,q,] I(P) A E (0,) 2 I(P) > A(P P h , one sees that in place of h . I(Q) tim T log R(T) ' for some By repeating the argument - Q . used to prove (2.19), only this tii4e using (1.15), I(P) > A(pQ) 2 be chosen as in the proof of Lemma (2.18) and set h Then, since h - h+f . Qdp - p) To prove that Thus, (1.15) has been proved. A E (0,') f inf{Jo(u): - 0 be given. when T >T For . R: (O,-) * (O,-) 6 ) 0 , choose T; > 0 x R \{(O Then, for any P(p(T,x)/T > 6) < P(IX(T,x)l/Ix and so, by (1.8) and (1.9): Let satisfying so that and T > T6 > R(T)) < P(p(T,x)/T > -6); 23 < Mi 1 log(sup P(IX(T,x)l/Ixj > R(T))) (2.29) T+29-T x 6> 0 Since this is true for every O (_ q ,q+), and 0 . I() < -inf a > R(T))) log(inf P(IX(Tx)l/l x - iaf I(p) < lim and because, when either I('Q) -- where inf l(p) . But, if Q < 0 > R(T))) - i( , then is increasing on I On the other hand, if .' () and so, in this case, ](') - - > 0 . O when 0(') < I(-) - 0 ; and so 0o< inf I() 0 , one concludes that is continuous at in( supX log(P(lX(T,x)l/lxl or a > 0 Q' [0,') 0 , then Thus (1.19) is p>O proved . 0 - O. Finally, suppose that If Q) 0 , then (2.29),with 0 < < Q , implies that O = - inf I(p) < lim p>6 T- On the other hand, if and so (1.20) follows. 0 < a < -q+ , log(inf P(iX(T,x) !lx| x > R(T))) 0 ) q+ , then (2.29), with implies that inf I(p) - -= ; p>-6 lim-log(sup P(IX(T,x)l/ixI > R(T))) <x T~ from.which (1.21) is inunediate. Q.E.D. (2.30) Remark: It is seldom true that implies both that there is no RN and that there is some 0 ES 8 E Sq 1 -1 a- 0 . for which at which a a- For example, [Vl(8),...,Vd(6) vanishes. } 0 spans To see these, 24 first suppose that 80 E SN 1 a - 0 Then by Lemna (2.26), there is an Wkf - a for Wkf(%o) ak(90) ' (00,Vk(80)) 1, < k< d , where n - 0 Then, (2.31) Vk(x) B ) N x ERN\(0} I-0 Let - 0 , vwhich is obviously impossible. 0 EfS a 1 < k <d ; and so x f E C (S be a point at which f ) is a(e 0 ) - O . In [3], Pinsky dealt with vector fields 0 < k <d RN , this ,Vd (80)spans {V l (8O)... 0 , again use Lemma (2.26) to find a Wkf( Remark: , (rn,0) 1 < k < d. Wkf maximal. But, since and that Second, assuming that k and note that f(x) - f() (S-1) . for some satisfying Define r - gradf(8 0 ) E T means that f E C(S N 1) RN 1I < k < d . (n,V k( o))- with span({Vl(8 0 ),...,Vd(80 )}) and that R\{0} , where the Bk Vk NxN given by matrices. The additional structure in this case gives rise to several interesting features. In the first place, the condition (1.6) becomes the condition that = ) (8.,8)8: B E Lie(} spaen({8 where Lie(Bl,**,Bd) 1 < kt < d X(*,x) A(.) - sN Bk (i.e., the Lie product here is the comrnmtator corresponding to Secondly, and more important, is the observation that of (1.2) is now given by X(T,x) - A(T)x , where t(Sh1), 8 E is the Lie algebra generated by the matrices matrix multiplication). the T (T,x) E [0,.") x (Rt{O}l), is the matrix valued stochastic process determined by: d (2.32) A(T) - I + T f BkA(t)d(t) k=0 0k I ( it is therefore natural to transfer questions about about the norm of A(T) . Because, T > 0 Ix(T,,)l/IxI for.the present purposes, to ones the choice of 25 denote the IA(T)I norm is inconsequential, let uilbert-Schmidt norm of A(T) and set K(T) - loglA(T)I . (2.33) Fix an o.n. basis { 9 l''... R in N} and observe that p(T, 1 ) < K(T) <1 log N + max P(T, O) ~l<i<N 2 . Hence, by (1.3) and the ergodic theorem: lia K(T)/T - '(a.s.,P) (2.34) and, by Theorem (1.7): - inf I(p) < lim T log P(K(T)/T > d) T~+ 0>6 (2.35) < - S ms 1 log P(K(T)/T > R: (O,,) (2.36) i liz , 6 E R1 .pT In particular, by Corollary (1.18), if then for any ) < - inf I(o) * (O,") *a>0 or satisfying a - 0 and lim - log R(T) -0 0 E (q_,q+) : log P(K(T)/T > R(T)) - RI(Q) T-iO where 1I(i) is the same as it was in that corollary. For purposes of comparison, it is interesting to look at log(det(A(T))) . Indeed, by Ito's formula for Stronovich integrals: T d det(A(T)) - 1 + where b- A(T) Trace Bk Hence I f bkdet(A(t))-d$k(t) , k-0 0 T > 0 26 d det(A(T)) - exp( I bkSk(T)) T > , , k-l and so d - bkSk(T) + bT , X k-l A(T) T> 0 In particular: rim A(T)/T - bo(a.s.,P) , (2.37) and, after an elementary computation: (2.38) lm,1 T- log P(A(T)/T >) ) b0)2/2H -(8- , 8 > bo if I bk > 0 . k-l Noting that A(T)/N < K(T) , T )> 0 one concludes from (2.34) and (2.37) that: (2.39) and, > 0b /N H > 0 , from (2.35) and (2.38): so long as (2.40) (In ; I(p) < (No - b ) 2 /2H the derivation of (2.40), particular, (1.,14): if R >)0 , then , p > recall that I(p) < I is for all increasing on p > EQi).) In and so, by Theorem 27 (2.41) a >0 if R > 0 . Note that (2.41) leads to the following statement about matrices: if {B - (e,Be)e: B E Lie(B1 .... and if Trace Bk $ 0 such that f(x) f(x) If f (83B8 ( X . ), for some W) ,Bd) N- 1 for each 1 <.k < d , then there is no (grad f(8),Bk ) N a x f R \{0}) . T (S spans } for all 9 E SN 8 SN- f E C (SN-) (where Surely there is a more direct route to this fact than the one given above. (2.42) ^ 0 E(qq+) Remark: Assume that Q < 0 and that either a > 0 or a = 0 and ^ Let R : (0,0) 1 -t (0,0-) with lim 1 log R(T) = 0 be given. Then: T-,. (2.43) lim sup |1 log(P(suplX(t,x) /lxl T-*o x > R(T)) + I(O) = .0 t>T In view of (1.19), checking (2.43) comes down to showing that lim sup4T log(P(supjX(t,x)I/[xj > R(T)) <T-*O x t>T (0) . To this end, note that co P(sup|X(t,x)|/lxl t>T > R(T)) < I Jn(T,x) o where J (T,x) = P( sup IX(t+n,x) /lx| > R(T)) T<t<T+l Clearly, 3 /4 ) J (T,x) < P(p(T+n,x) > log R(T) - (T+n) + P( sup p(t,x) - p(T+n,x) > (T+n)3 /4 ) T+n<_tC+En+l ; and, by standard estimates, there exist C E (0,oo) and A E (0,oo) such that 28 P( sup p(s+t,x) - p(s,x).> M) < C exp(-M 2/2A) 0<t<l for all (s,x) E [0,c) choose GT > ' x (RN\{0}) and M > 0. > X. Next, choose TX > (2XA) O so that I(-6X ) Ilog R(T) ) v (l/T1/ ( Now let X E (0,I(O)) be given and 4) so that < i/2 and (cf. (1.19)) sup P(P(T,x)/T > -6) -XT < e x for all T > T I. Then, so long_as T > TX: Jn(T,x) < e- (T+n) + C exp(-(T+n)3/4/2A) < (C+l) eX(T+n) for all n > 0. Hence: sup P(sup IX(t,x)l/lxl > R(T)) < [(C+l)/(l-e- )] e x , T > TX t>T Since X was any element of (0,I(O)), (2.42) has now been proved. (2.44) Remark: It must be clear that the analysis given in this article applies equally well in a much broader setting. For example, let M be a connected, compact, Riemannian manifold and let W , ..., W d be smooth vector fields on M satisfying Lie(W 1, ..., Wd) = T(M). Next, let (8o("), ..., 8d(")) be as before and, for 8 E M, let 8(-,8) be the solution to de(t,8) = d ° ) the transition I Wk(e(t,6))odBk(t) with e(0,e) = e and denote by P(t,9, probability function determined by {8(',8) : e E M}. o, ..., ia E C (M) and set Finally, let 29 ak(e(t,e))OdSk(t) p(T,e) = k=Oi = 0 ak(e(t,e))dak(t) + X Q(e(t,e))dt, T > O , o o d = Wkak. ' Then, with no essential changes, the analysis given 1Wkk and conclusions drawn in this article can be transferred to the study of where Q o + 1/2 ~0 log P(p(T,x)/T E F) as T - a. Actually, with more work, it is possible to get away from the compact case if one is willing to impose a sufficiently strong ergodicity assumption (e.g., something on the order of hypercontractivity). 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