LIDS-P-1174 January 1982 OPTIMAL CONTROL AND NONLINEAR FILTERING FOR NONDEGENERATE DIFFUSION PROCESSES by Wendell H. Fleming* Lefschetz Center for Dynamical Systems Division of Applied Mathematics Brown University Providence, Rhode Island 02912 and Sanjoy K. Mitter** Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 September 9, 1981 *The research of the first author was supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under AF-AFOSR 76-3063D and in part by the National Science Foundation, MCS-79-03554, and in part by the Department of Energy, DOE/ET-76-A-012295. **The research of the second author was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Grant AFOSR 77-3281-D. Submitted to STOCHASTICS. 1. Introduction We consider an n-dimensional signal process (Xl(t),---,xn(t)) and a 1-dimensional observation process x(t) = y(t), obeying the stochastic differential equations (1.1) dx = b[x(t)]dt + a[x(t)]dw (1.2) dy = h[x(t)]dt + dw, y(O) = 0, with n, 1. w, w independent standard brownian motions of respective dimensions (The extensions to vector-valued y(t) need only minor modifications.) The Zakai equation for the unnormalized conditional density dq = A qdt + hqdy, (1.3) where A example. q(x,t) is t > O, is the generator of the signal process x(t) . See [3] for By formally substituting q(x,t) = exp [y(t)h(x)]p(x,t) (1.4) one gets instead of the stochastic partial differential equation (1.3) a linear partial differential equation (1.5) with Pt = tr a(x)p of the form x p(x,O) = p (x) the density of a(x) = a(x)a(x)' + x(O). , Vg(x,t)p, Here "u =(P li P t > 0, ) n tr a(X)Pxx p aij(X)Px.x. ' i,j=l Explicit formulas for gY, VY are given in 1 §6. Equation (1.5) is the basic equation of the pathwise theory of nonlinear filtering. See [2] or -2- [9]. The superscript y = y(.). y indicates dependence on the observation trajectory Of course, the solution p = pY also depends on y nx n We shall impose in (l.l)the nondegeneracy condition that the matrix a, h, p0 a(x) has a bounded inverse will be stated later. a (x). Certain unbounded functions allowed in the observation equation (1.2). polynomial in x = (Xl,---,Xn) Other assumptions on For example, such that h(x)J + o as h h b, are can be a Ix +-o . The connection between filtering and control is made by considering the function S =--log p. This logarithmic transformation changes (1.5) into a nonlinear partial differential equation for below. S(x,t), of the form (2.2) We introduce a certain optimal stochastic control problem for which (2.2) is the dynamic programming equation. In §3 upper estimates for S(x,t) as ixi + - are obtained, by using an 'easy Verification Theorem and suitably chosen comparison controls. Note that an upper estimate for S A lower estimate for Jx[ + X S(x,t) as gives a lower estimate for is obtained in method from a corresponding upper estimate for p(x,t). applied to the pathwise nonlinear filter equation in 2. The logarithmic transformation. §5 p = -log S. by another These results are §6. Let us consider a linear parabolic partial differential equation of the form Pt = (2.1) 2tra(x)p + g(x,t) + V(x,t)p, t > 0, p(x,O) = p (x). When g = gY, V = VY this becomes the pathwise filter equation (1.5), to §6. which we return in p E C2 '1 , i.e. with "classical" solution i, j - PX. xx' Pt continuous, ,n. l, If p(x,t) to (2.1) we mean a By solution p is a positive solution to (2.1), then S = -log p satisfies the nonlinear parabolic equation (2.2) St =-Ly Qx)Sx + H(xt,S,) t > 0 S(x,O) = S (x) = -log p (x), H(x,t,S) Conversely, if S(x,t) = g(x,t)- S 1-S' a(x)Sx - V(x,t). is a solution to (2.2), then p = exp(-S) is a solution to (2.1). For example., if This logarithmic transformation is well known. g = V = 0, then it changes the heat equation into Burger's equation [8]. 0 < t < tl, We consider x P [O,tl]. with tl 7 We say that a function with domain is continuous and, for every compact uniform Lipschitz condition on K fixed but arbitrary. K E Rn , for 0 < t < t1. satisfies a polynomial growth condition of degree if there exists M Throughout this section and §3 MI(l+lxlr), if P(it) satisfies a 4 We say that r, and write 1 E r' , a -1 all (x,t) E Q. the following assumptions are made. Somewhat different assumptions are made in a is of class - such that P(x,t)I < ~(2.3) Q Q = Rn Let are bounded, § 's 4,5 as needed. Lipschitz functions on We assume: n R -4- For some m > 1 (2.4) g E2 n, _> For some m. nffm v E 2m O (2.5) c2 SO n . M1 , For some V(x,t) < M (2.6) S (x) > -M We introduce the following stochastic control problem, for which (2.2) is the dynamic programming equation. The process i(t) being controlled is n-dimensional and satisfies dC = u(Q(q),T)dT + a[C(:T)]dw (2.7) , 0 < c < t, i(0) = x. The control is feedback, Rn-valued: u(T) = u((T),T) . (2.8) Thus, the control any u u is just the drift coefficient in (2.7). of class snfl growth of fu(x,t) I 1 as fxj Xo . (2.7) has a pathwise unique solution r > 0. Here I| lt u E.1 Note that . implies at most linear For every admissible i We admit such that EI KI I u , equation X is the sup norm on [0,t]. Let (2.9) L(xt,u) - 1 (u-g(x,t))'aa-1 (x)(u-g(x,t)) - V(x,t). for every (x,t) E Q For (2.10) and u admissible, let J J(x,t,u) = E L[C(T),t-T u(T)]dT + S M[I(t)] The polynomial growth conditions in (2.4), (2.5) imply finiteness of . J u° P minimizing The stochastic control --problem is to find u°P Under the above assumptions, we cannot claim that an admissible exists minimizing J(x,t,u). J(x,t,u). However, we recall from [7,Thm. VI 4.1] the following result, which is a rather easy consequence of the Ito differential rule. Verification Theorem. C2 1 n with Let S(x,O) = SO(x). be a solution to (2.2) of class Then (a) S(x,t) < J.(x,t; u) (b) If u0P J(x,t; In S §3 = g - aSX *we use (a) to get upper estimates for we have defined admissibility, For [Sxl one could generalize (b). will be used in §3 In §4 u° P S(x,t) = S(x,t), by choosing to be admissible, in the sense can grow at most linearly with can grow at most quadratically. admissible controls to include certain (a) is admissible, then u u°P). judiciously comparison controls. hence S(x,t) for all admissible u Ixi ; By enlarging the class of with faster growth as IxI + -o HIowever, we shall not do so here, since only part to get an estimate for S. we consider the existence of a solution S with the polynomial growth condition required in the Verification Theorem. As in [6] we call a control problem with dynamics (2.7) a problem of -6- stochastic calculus of variations. of "average" time-derivative of which would appear in i(Tl) u(;(T),T) The control is.a kind i(T), replacing the nonexistent derivative the corresponding calculus of variations a = 0. problem with Other control problems. There are other stochastic control problems for which (2.2) is also the dynamic programming equation. which is appealing conceptually, is to rcquire On choice, instead of (2.7)that C(T) satisfy (2.11) with d i(0) = x. We then take L(x,t,u) = (2.12) The feedback control When in 3. {g[(T) ,T] + u[.(T),T] J dT + c[C(T)]dw = a = identity, u 1 u'aa -1 (x)u - V(x,t). changes the drift in (211) from Ju- L = V(x,t) S(x,t). S(x,t) m > 1, Z > 0 (2.5). Theorem 3.1 Let S(x,0) = SO(x). (i) (ii) S in (2.4), Then there exist positive Let S(x,t) < l class M1, M2 S(x,t) < M 1 (l+ JxlJ) 0 < t0 < t1 V(x,t). JxJ + o as be a solution oof For (x,t)E Q, g + u. In this section we obtain the following upper estimates for the growth of constants to corresponds to an action integral classical mechanics with time-dependent potential Upper estimates for g , m > 1. +l). 2 (l+xm in terms of the C ' n r, with such that: p = max(m+l,). with For (x,t) E Rn x [t0,tl], -7- In the hypotheses of this theorem, polynomial growth as that r can be Ixj -+ replaced by S(x,t) is assumed to have with some degree r. P , or indeed by m+l Purely formal arguments suggest that m+l confirmed by the lower estimate for S(x,t) Proof of Theorem 3.1. The theorem states provided t > t0 > 0. is best possible, and this is made in We first consider §5. m > 1. By (2.3)-(2.6) and (2.9), L(x,t,u) < Bl(l+lx 2m+1u12 ) (3.1) so (x) < Bl(l+xlt) for some B1. x E R Given u(T), O < T < t. Let we choose the following open loop control u(T) = n(T), where the components ni(T), satisfy the differential equation i = -(sgn Xi)lni m i = 1,---,n, (3.2) with (0O)= x. From (2.7) i(l) = ln() + C(T) , 0 < T < t, f · C = Since a n( 'for each r. By explicitly integrating m > 1, that 2md < ft d i() O2m< E (T)I2 , ds_< 22m 0 _ at[(6)]dw(G). |< E|[|[r is bounded, (3.2) we find, since ) 1 IIm+l m+ 0 [ )2mdT I T1 E + E < f I 1 I m+l ) m d <3s·l+]x -.I ~-·T I ~ds 0~~~~~~~~ t)2 < -8- M3 for some Since u. 2 2m 2 = n= i 2 .u(T)I2dT Since In(t)j K . m+1 < Xlmxl < Ixi, < E(Ixj EJ[(t)[! for some n From (2.10.), M1. p = max(m+l, ') By part (a) of the Verification Theorem, S(x,t) < J(x,t,u), which implies (i) when t > t> For x = p(0). bounds ) (3.1) we get J(x,t,u) < Mi(l+lxlP), for some <_ (1 + Ix l1 +li(t)) Since m > 1. 0, i(t) = EXSO[ (t)] is bounded by a constant not depending on n(t)[ (t) + C(t), and EXl(t)Il by a constant not depending on is bounded, this x . The estimates above and part (a) of the Verification Theorem then give (ii). It remains to prove (i) when u(T _EO. When quadratically as m = 1 , lxi - g m = 1. Consider the "trivial" control grows at most linearly and Moreover, . E 11 2 t V K(l+x) at most 2 for some K Using again (a) of the Verification Theorem, we get again (i) with max(2,e). [When p = m = 1, this is a known result, obtained without using stochastic control arguments.] 4. An existence theorem. In this section we give a stochastic control proof of a theorem asserting that the dynamic programming equation (2.2) with -9- S O. has a solution the initial data S . taken from [4, p. 222 and top p. 223.] The argument is essentially Since (2.2) is equivalent to 0 p , the linear equation (2.1), with positive initial data existence of to (2.1), S from other results which give existence of positive solutions see [10][11]. However, the stochastic control proof gives a polynomial growth condition on Let Ca 0 < a < 1. r (x',t') E We say that $ used in the Verification Theorem (§2). $ r For any compact with domain c Q, there exists -- (x,t)l < M[It'-tlI/2 + is of class 2,1 C~' if c, i X. , i, j=l, , such are of of class class are 3 n. In this section the following assumptions are made. is assumed constant. By a change of variables in The matrix Rn we may take C on a(x) = identity (4-.2) For fixed g M x'?-xi ]. x x.x.'St 1 Ca .Q is of class imply .P(x',t') (4.1) S We say that a function if the following holds. that (x,t), one could get gXi ' V, Vxi, , t i g(.,t), V(-,t) are of class 1= l,--,n, are of class Ca Rn and c E (0,1]. for some Moreover, Ig(x,t)l (4.3) with Y2 2 1x m , small enough that (4.8) below holds. (If then we can take (4.4) < ¥1 + Y2 m alxl m > 1, g ECJ~ arbitrarily small.)---- Weassume that _ a2 < -V(x,t) < A( + Ix 2m ) with P < m, -10- for some positive al, a2 , A (4.5) and that gx E 0 3 S E C We assume that n A im (4.7) IS for some positive Example. Vx E 2m > 0, and for some . (4.6) m' S (x) = + o 0 < CS 0 + C2 C1, C 2 V(x,t) = -kV (x) + V1 (x,t) with Suppose that 2m, k > 0, and positive, homogeneous polynomial of degree polynomial in functions of < m-l in x t V (x) a Vl(x,t) a of degree <2m-1 with coefficients I61lder continuous . g(x,t) Suppose that is a polynomial of degree x , with coefficients if6lder continuous in is a polynomial of degree £ satisfying (4.6). t , and S (x) Then all of the above assumptions hold. From (2.9), L = (4.2), lu-g - V . If Y2 in (4.3) is small enough, then (4.8) 1 (lul for suitable positive 2+xl 81, 2 ) B2, Igxl formation on B. - Vg 1 I 2 < 2 lul 2 denotes the operator norm of Rn . < B(1 lul2 +x12m) Mdreover, Lx = -g (u-g) ILx where 2 < L(x,t,u) gx From (4.3), (4.5), (4.8) + 1 2 2g + IVx regarded as a linear trans- ILx (4.9) for some positive Theorem 4.1 C1 ,C2 such that S(x,t) e Proof. constraint (which we may take the same as in (4.7).) r = max (2m,Z). Let S(x,O) = S0 (x) data < ClL + C2 has a unique solution as jxj_- < k S(x,t) uniformly for We follow [4, §5]. Mu. Then equation (2.2) with initial For of class 0 < t < t C2,1r ' n . k = 1,2,---, let us impose the on the feedback controls admitted-as drifts in (2.7 ). L~t Sk(x,t) = min (4.10) J(x,t; u) kul<k Then Sk is a 2,1 C21 solution to the corresponding dynamic;.programming .equation (4.11) (Sk) t = A Sk + Hk(x,t,(Sk) ), Hk(x,t,(Sk)x) = min [L(x,t,u)+(Sk)xu]]. ju_<k The initial data are again Sk(x,O) = S (x). The minimum in (4.10) is attained by an admissible ukP. 172]. Now S1 > S 2 > --- ; and bounded below by (4.6), (4.9). is bounded uniformly Sk See [7, p. is bounded below since Let S = lim k-K L and Sk. Let us show that for (x,t) in any compact set. SO are (S)x Once this is established standard argunients in the theory of parabolic partial differential equations imply that 2,1 S -E C21 and S probabilistic representatior satisfies (2.2). For (Sk)x there is the -12- (Sk)x(x,t) = Ext (4.12) where 5k is the'solution to (2.7) with uk () k u = differentiating (4.10) with respect to Another proof, based on ukP + C (t+l)[ L[ k(T),t-T , uk(l()]d is optimal (Sk)x(X,t)j (4.13) Since i=l,---, n, is given in x, From (4.7), (4.9), (4.12) (Sk)x(x,t)l < C1E x 0 or since < C1Sk(x,t) + C2(t+l) is bounded uniformly on compact sets, (4.12) gives the Sk(x,t) required bound for I(Sk )x uniformly on compact sets. For the "trivial" control O, we have by (4.8) and. S O e J(x,t,O) < B(1 + Ex for suitable B1 . For suitable M When u(T) - O, li||t) , r = max(2m,; o = I, we have this implies S · r C Let us show that Since Since satisfies the same inequality. S(x,t) ) i(T) = x + w(T). we have Sk(x,t) < J(x,t,O) <M(l + Ixir), Hence (O) = x, and ),T). = UkP(k(g This can be proved exactly as in [4, Lemma 3]. [5, Lemma 5.3]. x+ k Lx[ik(),t-- ,uk (T)]drT k = 1,2,---. S is bounded below, S(x,t)-+ Sk(x,t) = J(x,t; ukP), as -lx (4.8) implies + - , uniformly-for 0 <-t <--t 1 . -13- [ [ [Uk(T) lEx Sk(x,t) > B2 t + ES.[ k(t)] ]d- +[ik(T)[ 0 X > 0 Given R2 > R1 Let by (4.6). R1 there exists - x It <R 2 - R1 } {IIvkllt > = ll WI lt > A3 = II with lit Al cA U A 2 T) For . P(A1 ) + P(A2 ) > 3 R 2 -R . IxI >R 3 S(x,t') - , k m EB1 4t (R2 Ix] as Ix = i uk(O)dO P(A3) < and hence 1 IUk(0) I2 dO S0 [5k(t)] > A and hence -I For Ixl>R 2 ~2 - R 1) P(A2 ) + XP(A 1) - ( t S (x) on Rn . + 3) Since the right side does not This implies that , uniformly for 0 < t < t + To obtain uniqueness, p(x,t) + 0 large enough, 1 satisfies the same inequality. S as vk(T) Since Kk(t) I >R a lower bound for depend on , (R2 - R 1 )} R 1 ) P(A2 ) < tEx A 1, Sk(x,t) > with R 1 )} From Cauchy-Schwarz On 2 - - x = vkT) + w(T), 0 < T < t, 4 (R2 Let (R2 the sup norm on [O,t]. k( S (x) > X implies and consider the events A1 = {ik A2 IxI > R 1 such that p = exp(-S) is a uniformly for 2,1 C21 0 < t <t solution of (2.1), with . Since V(x,t) is bounded -14- above, the maximum principle for linear parabolic equations implies that p(x,t) is unique among solutions to (2.1) with these properties, and with initial data ;O 0 p(x,O) = p (x) = exp [-S (x)]. Hence, S is also unique, proving theorem 4.1. c = constant It would be interesting to remove the restriction that made in this section. 5. A lower estimate for S(x,t) . To complement the upper estimates in Theorem 3.1, let us give conditions under which x| -*Xc (xf at least as fast as , m > 1. section we make the following assumptions. (5.1) U ' , ax.bounded, a 1 for some r > O. For each (5.2) and g go gx.' i Moreover, gx E as p(x,t).-In this a E C2 with *,n, j=l, j Moreover, Q. 1 ' gx.x gxr For each t j Q. For each < m are continuous on 4+ t V t , V( ,t) E C i j V satisfies (4.4), (5.3) V i and i, r t , g(.,t) E C 2 . , for We take X.X. -+ This is done by establishing 0 a corresponding exponential rate of decay to S(x,t) V, Vx, X. 1 Vx.x. X. . 1 E f V, v r X are continuous on Q . We assume that j and that there exist positive B--; M-such that P0 E C2 (5.4) exp [xixlm+l][p Let Theorem 5.1. p(x,t) - 0 6 >0 Jx| - o as such that Proof. + Ip (x)+ Jp.O (X)l 2,1 be a p(x,t) () I] solution to (2.1) such that C 0 < t < tl . , uniformly for is bounded on exp[61fxm+l]p(x,t) M Then there exists Q . Let m+l Then (x,t) = exp [6P(x)]p(x,t). , P(x) = (1+1x2) 2 is a solution to. f 'at = (5.5) axx+ 2 tr g = g- g . + V' x 6a x V= V - 6g · + ( x 2 x ( a Following an argument in [10], equation (5.5) with initial data 0 = exp(6P)p0 1(x,t) = Ex{ (5.6) where 0(s.6) [X(t)]exp = x. This solution below. data It [- lgdw dX = Q[X(T)]dw, X(0O) Then p the probabilistic solution - 1 Co-1-1 2 d ,VdT] + satisfies X(t) (5.7) wit 6> 0 has for small enough i is bounded and p = exp(-6)ir , and with is a g a In the integrands T > 0, and V are evaluated at (X(T),T). We sketch the proof of these facts C2'1 2,1 C 1 p(x,t) tending to solution to (2.1), with initial 0 as Ixl + o uniformly for -16- O< t < t . p = p By the maximum principle, which implies that exp [6ixim+l]p is bounded on' Q It remains to indicate why properties. We have *x i is a solution to (5.5) with the required E e 1 (4.4), a is bounded, there exist positive and -1 By assumption . V satisfies 1j ' gE E9 al, a2 , p < m . Hence, for 6 small enough such that 2m V(X,t) < a Moreover, for some 2 - all 2mXI K 1 2 |(5 (x)g(x,t)l < K(1 + jxlj 2), < m . From these inequalities one can get a bound E(exp for any j > 0. one gets that , - gdw la g-2dt dl + Vd t)] This gives a uniform integrability condition from which 2,1 C2 ' ir is a bounded solution of (5.5) by the usual technique of differentiating. (5.6) twice with respect to the components x 1 ,---,xn Since Corollary. (5.8) 6. of the initial state x = X(0O). This proves Theorem 5.1. S = -log p, we get by taking logarithms: For some positive 6 , 6 S(x,t) > 61 x i+l - Connection with the pathwise filter equation. signal process in (1.1) satisfies for ~ E C The generator --A- of-the---- -,- -17- = tr a(Cx)xx + b(x)-.x xx x The pathwise filter equation. (1.5) for (6.1) Pt = AY = y (A )p p = pY is + VY p, where AQ - y(t)a(x)hx(xxx · ) VY(x,t) .i h(x) 2 1 y(t)Ah(x) + 2 y(t) - 2 II(x)'a(x)hlx(). Hence, in (1.5) we should take n (6.2) -b + y(t)ah x + Y, gY Yj = Da.. ax. i=1 j xa vY (6.3) = vY div(b - y(t)ahx) + axax axi ax ,j= To satisfy the various assumptions about above, suitable conditions on cr, b, and the local Ho3lder conditions needed in continuous on [O,t]. h g = gY, Y V = V must be imposed. §4 we assume that made To obtain y(-) is HI'lder This is no real restriction, since almost all observation trajectories y(.) are H6older continuous. To avoid unduly complicating the exposition let us consider only the following special case. made for the existence theorem in b, b x §4. We assume that 3 b E C with bounded, and all second, third order partial derivatives of of class 2 for some r. Let a polynomial of degree L , with (6.4) a = identity, an assumption already We take r liirm IXIc h be a polynomial of degree h(x)[ = , lim S (x) IXIfIc = +c. b m and S Then all of the hypotheses in § 's 2-4 hold. polynomial growth of degree Vy m-l as is the sum of the degree' 2m polynomial growth of degree SY = -log pY . Let M1 ,M2 depend on t > m+l . - 2 h2(x) and terms with < 2m. From Theorem 3.1 we get the upper bounds SY(x,t) < M2 (l+Ixlm+), 0 < t (ii) we need polynomial has , while in (6.3) X SY(x,t) < M(l+]x[P), O < t< t (i) where Ix + In (6.2), gY y . For p , P = max(m+l,£) < t < t 1, m > 1 = exp(-S ) to satisfy (5.4) The Corollary to Theorem 5.1 then gives the lower bound SY(x,t)-> 6xlm +1 (6.6) From (6.5)(ii) and (6.6) we see that Ix m+ l , at least for 0 < t< t, in case and t 0 < t< t SY(x,t) increases to bounded away from +X like O , and for £ = m+l q = exp(y(t)h)p Finally, any m > 1 - 61 is a solution to the Zakai equation. ~ E Cb (i.e., Pcontinuous and bounded on At(+): = For Rn ) let (x)q(x,t)dx Rn At(+) = E [x(t)]exp (h[x()]dy - - lh[x(T)] dT)l , (y) 0 where E o denotes expectation with respect to the probability measure P obtained by eliminating the drift term in (1.2) by a Girsanov transformation. The measure At t is the unnormalized conditional distribution of x(t) By a result of Sheu [10] At=A t and hence q(',t)is the density of At . In fact, both. At , At are weak solutions to the Zakai equation. Moreover, ot o t 0 0- EAt(1 ) = 1, EA t ( l) < 1 The inequality is seen by approximating corresponding density Akt . 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