Document 11063873

Time to Teach
CTE National Trainer
Roger Miller
29 Samples Drive
Elkview, WV 25071
304-590-6096 Cell
304-965-2397 Home
What is Time to Teach?
It is about structure.
It’s about expectations.
It is about protecting
instructional time.
It’s about providing more time to
teach, 5-9 hours more per week.
It’s about being proactive.
It is all about Policy 4373.
It’s about making Kids Strong!
“Remarkably Effective Classroom Discipline
Strategies That Work… On Us!”
Sponsored by…
About CTE
Time to Teach was originally influenced
with the help and guidance of Dr.
Madeline Hunter and John Wooden
This successful program has deep
educational roots, and has been around
for over one-quarter of a century
CTE was founded nearly 20 years ago
by Rick Dalhgren.
Based in Hayden Lake, Idaho, with
offices across the country, with regional
Do hundreds of seminars and trainings
across the country.
Dramatic DECREASE in discipline
RAISED academic performance for
DECREASED failure rate
IMPROVED attendance
INCREASED parent support
FEWER challenges
MORE motivated, respectful,
responsible students
LESS stress
FINALLY, “Time To Teach!” (what every
educator wants!)
Wow! Learn how to draw a line in the sand in your
classroom ,have high standards, and happy students.
What more could you ask for?!“
"This Center seminar took a very complex issue
(classroom discipline) and reduced it to an
understandable, very easy set of strategies that
any classroom teacher can use. I can't wait to
start school on Monday and try this out!"
Andy Smith, high school math teacher
"WOW... where were you 22 years
ago!... I wish I had this when I had
- Jessica Flint, Teacher
"Thank you for coming to our school. The strategies taught
have brought a calmness to our school I haven't seen in
- Robert Newl, Principal
"Five blue stars! The Center For Teacher
Effectiveness taught us how to be firm, yet fair with
our students. I feel confident that I can handle literally
any event in my classroom…in a positive fashion."
Deb Ptasky, counselor
"During my first two years as principal of Clark Street
Elementary School, we experienced over 300 office
referrals and over 150 out-of-school suspensions! This
year we implemented Time To Teach strategies and so
far we have only had two office referrals in six weeks!“
- John Hargrove, Principal, Clark Street Elementary,
North Carolina
"Lawton Public Schools is a lower socioeconomic school district in
Oklahoma that services 17,000 Pre-K through 12th grade students;
over half of which are minority. Twenty-nine of our thirty-five schools
were trained using TTT strategies, affecting more than 11,000
children. Following training, we experienced a 16% decrease in
suspensions and office referrals, and a dramatic decrease in pupil
enrollment for Behavior Intervention and Behavior Disorder
classes. We have also seen a 9% increase in test scores and none of
our schools are on the school improvement list for No Child Left
Billy Davis, Executive Director Elementary Education, Lawton
Public Schools, Oklahoma
Absolutely fantastic! I cannot wait to start with these
amazing strategies in my own classroom. The most
powerful, yet common sense approach to classroom
management I've ever learned."
- Eric Combs, Ohio Teacher Of The Year
"I have seen a 15 point gain in math and science
scores on the state standardized test, which helped
our school meet its AYP/API, and I have not sent a
single student to the office all year. Time To Teach has
helped me successfully teach second language
learners, children with ADD, ADHD, Tourettes, learning
disabilities, disenfranchised youth, and impoverished
James Turner, Middle School Teacher, Lompoc,
“Today’s Teacher Academy was absolutely awesome.
The message was so clear: You are in the wrong
profession if you don't LOVE children....haven't felt
this happy and motivated in 37 years. Thanks, boss!”
“I want you to know that today's staff development
was truly inspiring and beneficial. I'm excited to start
the new year. We have several new changes with our
staff, which should prove very positive. I believe that
when our ENTIRE staff implements these strategies,
we will achieve more success than ever! Thank for
getting Mr. Miller to our school for a wonderful staff
development session and for helping our staff get off
to a positive start. I hope you will see all members
participating and enjoying the successes.”
“Best training in my 31 years!”
Elm Grove Elementary
Why Do You Need Time to Teach?
Effective classroom management
Better discipline
Positive school climate
Build student relationships
Increase student self esteem
Prevent teacher burnout
Change the punishment paradigm.
Teaching is
the most
job in
Decisions a
• Student discipline takes a toll on teachers.
• Student discipline is a major concern to teachers and parents .
• Student discipline affects both teacher morale and student
• 91% of teachers and 88% of parents support strict
enforcement of “little rules.”
• 3 in 4 teachers report that they could teaching a lot more
effectively if it weren’t for discipline problems.
• 1 in 3 teachers or report that they have considered leaving the
• 43% of teachers quit the profession within five years because
of disruptive behavior in the classroom.
(Public Agenda, Nationwide poll 2005)
“If we as educators keep
doing the same thing over
and over with the same
negative result – Who is the
slow learner?”
“Well, Timmy, it looks like you’ve just earned yourself
10 Minutes in the cage with Mr. Whiskers.”
We Must Make a Paradigm Shift
Paradigm shift
Time to Teach Foundational Beliefs
Caring is Key – (Kids don’t know how
much you know until they know how much
you care.)
Conflict is Inevitable (Know how to
deal with the conflict. We don’t have to fight
with kids.)
Behavior Can be Changed (You
have to teach it.)
Problem Behavior is Captivating
(Learn time-saving self control techniques.)
Good Discipline is Timely (no
gimmicks, no warnings)
Time to Teach Core Components
Teach To’s – Learn how to teach your
expectations to save instructional time.
Self Control – Learn how to stay in
control and save instructional time.
Classroom Design – Learn how to
arrange your classroom to maximize
instructional time.
Refocus – Learn the most powerful
solution to low level problem behavior.
Unconditional Positive Regard –
Learn how to build positive relationships
with students.
…a few of our resources…
On-Site School Trainings
6 hour training
Manuals are required
Optional materials available
Funding sources available
Yes, you can afford it!
Contact information as follows
Time to Teach
CTE National Trainer
Roger Miller
29 Samples Drive
Elkview, WV 25071
304-590-6096 Cell
304-965-2397 Home
“Teach with passion,
manage with compassion”
“The mediocre teacher tells,
the good teacher explains,
the superior teacher
the great teacher inspires.”
….William Arthur Ward.
You can inspire kids with Time to Teach!