Conference Program June 11-12, 2013 Charleston Civic Center

Conference Program
June 11-12, 2013
Charleston Civic Center
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
8 a.m. - 10 a.m.
Fresh Start AM Break (Provided)
9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Welcome and Keynote Address
Strategies for Saving Your Sanity
Location: Little Theater
Moderator: Dr. Amelia Courts, Assistant State Superintendent and
Gayle Manchin, WV State Board of Education Vice President and
Wellness Committee Chair
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Mike Thomson
Description: The title says it all! Whether you’re dealing with stress and
change, teamwork or leadership development, let Dr. Mike’s captivating and
entertaining style help you unleash the hidden strategies for Saving Your Sanity in
all areas of life. You’ll learn three (3) themes you better know before you get out
of bed in the morning, six (6) critical questions guaranteed to solve any problem
that comes up, three (3) simple categories you must know right now, eight (8)
strategies and secrets of the most successful people ever, the secret behind the
two-minute theory, the strategy for turning all problems into opportunities, why
the way you choose to think is really everything, how to create massive job and
life success as well as the secrets successful people know when it comes to the
difference between a rut and a grave. Dr. Mike doesn’t just talk about problems,
he delivers solutions. From this session, participants will learn…
• What really motivates people to think, act or feel the way they do; and
• Specific strategies on how to take effective control of stressful situations.
Recognition of “Touchdown Schools” by Gayle Manchin, WV Board
of Education Wellness Committee Chair and Sharon Maynard, WV
American Dairy Association.
This keynote speaker and address is brought to you by the American
Dairy Association.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
10:40 a.m. - 11:55 a.m.
Concurrent Sessions
11:55 a.m. - 12:50 p.m.
LUNCH (Provided in South Hall)
West Virginia Safe Schools Summit: Report and Recommendations
Speaker: R. Booth Goodwin II, United States Attorney, Southern
District of West Virginia
Session Description: On February 6, 2013, a statewide Summit on West
Virginia Safe Schools was hosted by the Office of the United States Attorney for
the Southern District of West Virginia. The Summit’s most critical lessons have
been summarized in a report which includes an agenda for West Virginia Safe
Schools: ten things that we must work on now if we want to make our schools
12:50 p.m. - 2:05 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
2:05 p.m. - 2:20 p.m.
BREAK (Provided in Main Lobby)
2:20 p.m. - 3:35 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
3:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Celebrate CARDIAC Project: Success through Partnerships
Location: Charleston Marriott – Salons A-C
Concurrent Sessions
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
3:45 p.m. - 5 p.m.
2:20 p.m. - 3:35 p.m.
12:50 p.m - 2:05 p.m.
10:40 a.m. - 11:55
Immunization Summit
Reproductive Health
Parlor D
WV 105
Fuel Up to Play
60, Scoring for
Wellness Wins!
Dr. Mike Thomson
Sue Peros, Electa
Crowder, Brittany
Good and Robin
Management of
Beverly Blough
Counting 101:
Helping Students
Make Good Choices
in the School
St. Clair
Scottie Ford
WVDE School
Jim Matney
Part II
Jim Matney
Parlor C
Diabetes from
the view of
a Pediatric
for Type One
by Tammy Owen,
Lori Haapala
Gina Frye
Cynthia Keely
Proper Asthma
Parlor B
Dr. Jennie
Teen Perspective
Danene Sorace
Parlor A
Immunization Update
Dr. Andrew Kroger, CDC
Measles: Outcome of an
Dr. William
Teaching Sexual
Health Education
Deena Ellison and
Kate Flack
Influenza Vaccination
Dr. Mary
Dr. Amanda Dye
Celebrate CARDIAC Project: Success through Partnerships
Light Hors D’oeuvres
Charleston Marriott Salons A-C
A Panel Discussion
Little Theater
Cyber/Technology Safety Panel
(Facebook, Twitter, sexting, bullying, threats, responsibilities, roles, etc.)
Darlene Koerber
Crystal Sheaves (Parlor D)
Immunization Rates and
Incidence of VaccinePreventable Disease: How
Does WV Stand Up?
Dr. Andrew Kroger, CDC
Dr. Teresa Frazer
Sex Education
Built to Last
Little Theater
School Health Services
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
School Health Services
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Session Descriptions
10:40 a.m. - 11:55
2013 Immunization Update
Location: Little Theater
• Dr. Andrew Kroger, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Description: This session will provide an update on new Advisory Committee
on Immunization Practices’ childhood, adolescent, and adult immunization
recommendations. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Schedule patients appropriately for their vaccine doses;
• Make recommendations based on Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’
recommendations; and
• Adopt strategies that improve vaccination coverage.
WV Gets WISE: Sex Education Built to Last
Location: Parlor A
• Danene Sorace, Grove Foundation
Description: Participants in this session will be able to understand the context of adolescent health in WV and how that compares nationally. From this session, participants
will be able to:
• Describe the state/national context related to adolescent health;
• Identify at least one connection between sexual health and academic achievement;
• Describe two characteristics of WISE; and
• Analyze the potential impact of WISE in WV.
Reproductive Health
Location: Parlor B
• Dr. Jennie Yoost, Assistant Professor of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology at
Marshall University
Description: This session will review contraceptive options for adolescent patients
with a specific focus on the use and efficacy of Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives
(LARCs). From this session, participants will be able to:
• Discuss contraceptive options for adolescent patients; and
• Understand the use and efficacy of Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs)
in adolescents.
Session Descriptions
Proper Asthma Management
Location: Parlor C
• Cynthia Keely, Manager of the Asthma Education and Prevention Program, WVDHHR
Description: This presentation is geared for all athletic coaches, PE teachers, health
teachers, support staff, school nurses, and for anyone who needs more information on
Asthma, Exercise Induced Bronchospasm/Exercise Induced Asthma. The participants will
have an educational lecture and hands-on training on the National Asthma Education and
Prevention Program Asthma Guidelines, current medications and devices, and be provided
details, resources, and free materials on the WV Coaches Asthma Clipboard from the WV
Asthma Education and Prevention Program. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Define and recognize signs, symptoms, and triggers of asthma;
• Identify and aid in the administration of appropriate medications for an asthma
attack; and
• Review the 2007 National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma.
Fuel Up to Play 60, Scoring for Wellness Wins!
Location: Parlor D
• Dr. Mike Thomson
• Panel: Sue Peros, Electa Crowder, Brittany Good, and Robin Harmon
Description: This session will explain the Fuel Up To Play 60 Program from the National
Dairy Council. The session will share successes and share innovative ways to keep students
engaged in healthy eating and physical activity. From this session, participants will be able
• Explain to participants how different team members and students can work together to implement wellness in their schools by using the National Dairy Council’s
Fuel Up To Play 60 Program;
• Learn perspectives from a principal, nurse, RESA coordinator, health teacher and
students and learn how they worked as part of the wellness team to make healthy
eating and physical activity changes in their schools by using the Fuel Up to Play
60 Program; and
• Learn how schools can apply for funding from the American Dairy Association
Mideast through their Fuel Up to Play 60 grants and how this grant can lead
to other grants such as expanding breakfast grants and breakfast pilot grants
among others to implement wellness changes.
School Health Services
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
School Health Services
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Session Descriptions
SBIRT – Part I
Location: Room WV 105
• Jim Matney, BHHF
Description: Participants will learn about the basic component of SBIRT as an evidenced
based model and substance misuse. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Identify and perform the critical components of the Screening, Brief Intervention
and Referral to Treatment model; and
• Perform basic interview techniques to avoid resistance and met the client where
they are in terms of motivational level.
12:50 p.m. - 2:05 p.m. Measles: Outcome of an Outbreak
Location: Little Theater
• Dr. Teresa Frazer, Deputy State Health Officer, West Virginia Bureau for Public
Health, Department of Health and Human Resources
Description: This session will give an overview of the history of measles, the vaccine, the
2008 measles outbreak in California, and how the outcome changed California’s vaccine
exemption law. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Review a brief history of measles in the Old and New World;
• Describe the development and effect of the vaccine on the incidence of measles;
• Explain the measles outbreak end results on vaccine rates and law in California.
Teen Perspective
Location: Parlor A
• Deena Ellison, Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative Director, WVDHHR Kate
Flack, WISE Program Director, WV Free
Description: During this session, the presenters will share information from focus groups
conducted in three WV counties regarding the sexual and reproductive health education.
From this session, participants will be able to:
• Learn information obtained from WV teens regarding their experience with reproductive health education; and
• Assist in improving the information teens are receiving and encourage access and
promotion of additional services.
Session Descriptions
Location: Parlor B
• Dr. William Neal, Cardiac Project, West Virginia University
Description: Childhood obesity is often associated with co-morbid conditions such as
hypertension and metabolic syndrome. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Identify, assess and treat childhood obesity;
• Recognize, evaluate and treat hypertension; and
• Understand metabolic syndrome and its relationship with Type II diabetes.
Resources for Type One Diabetes Kids and Their Families
Location: Parlor C
• Tammy Owen, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International
• Lori Haapala, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International
• Gina Frye, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International
Description: In this session, participants will learn about the resources available through
the WV Branch of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the outreach program,
undertaken by volunteers. From this session, participants will…
• Learn about the outreach program including the Bag of Hope and the Mentoring
• Learn about support group activities throughout the state for children and their
families; and
• Participate in a question & answer session with ideas as to add programs and
other needs for type ones in WV”.
Management of Celiac Disease
Location: Parlor D
• Beverly Blough, Director of Child Nutrition for Wood County
Description: Celiac Disease is a complex disease that affects about one out of every
133 Americans. Understanding the scope of the disease is essential to understanding the
importance of the gluten free diet as the primary treatment method. This session will address
the challenges faced by children with celiac disease and their parents in providing a healthy
and well balanced diet. The role and responsibilities of the school community will also be
examined in order to build a strong partnership in caring for the child with celiac disease.
From this session, participants will be able to:
• Identify symptoms of celiac disease;
• Understand the impact of celiac disease on the digestive tract;
• Name common sources of gluten in food and non-food products; and
• Be familiar with resources for understanding and managing celiac disease.
School Health Services
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
School Health Services
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Session Descriptions
Location: Room WV 105
• Jim Matney, BHHF
Description: Participants will continue to learn about SBIRT as well as pain management,
best practices and drug misuse/abuse. From this session, participants be able to:
• Understand the current dilemma: pain management vs. risk of substance misuse/
• Describe the best practices for rational, transparent and risk managed opioid
• Recognize aberrant drug taking behaviors that may indicate misuse/abuse; and
• Be familiar with the requirements for compliance with current legislative mandates.
2:20 p.m. - 3:35 p.m.
Influenza Vaccination Update
Location: Little Theater
• Dr. Andrew Kroger, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Description: This session will provide an overview of the influenza vaccines for the
upcoming influenza season. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Select appropriate influenza vaccines for a patient population;
• Recommend influenza vaccine on the basis of risk factors; and
• Identify contraindications and precautions for influenza vaccination.
2:20 pm – 3:35 pm
Teaching Sexual Health Education
Location: Parlor A
• Darlene Koerber, Tyler Consolidated Middle School
This session will provide ideas on how to teach sex education to students without
controversy. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Learn games to help teach sex ed; and
• Learn lesson plan ideas to teach sex education.
Session Descriptions
Seizure Management
Location: Parlor B
• Dr. Mary Payne, Pediatric Neurologist and Assistant Professor, Marshall University
Description: This session will describe the classification of epilepsy syndromes and
common seizure types that are often seen in the school setting. From this session,
participants will be able to:
• Understand the difference between focal and generalized seizures;
• Know some common epileptic syndromes; and
• Be familiar with seizure treatment.
Juvenile Diabetes from the view of a Pediatric Endocrinologist
Location: Parlor C
• Dr. Amanda Dye, WVU Pediatric Endocrinology
Description: This session will review the current medical management of insulin
dependent diabetes care from the perspective of an endocrinologist. From this session,
participants will be able to:
• Learn the current standard of care for a student with diabetes Type I and Type II;
• Discuss ways to enhance diabetes care for students in public schools.
Carbohydrate Counting 101: Helping Students Make Good Choices in the
School Cafeteria
Location: Parlor D
• Linda St. Clair, Office of Child Nutrition, WVDE
Description: Carbohydrate, or carb counting, is a method of calculating grams of
carbohydrate consumed at meals and snacks. Foods that contain carb have the greatest
effect on blood glucose compared to foods that contain protein or fat. When used correctly,
carb counting allows people with diabetes to select a wide variety of foods instead of
relying a “good food/ bad food” list. But students with diabetes must be given enough
information about the foods in the school cafeteria to accurately estimate the carbohydrate
content. When school personnel in the foodservice area and the health clinic work together
to provide this information to students and their parents, everyone wins. From this session,
participants will be able to:
• Identify the benefits of carbohydrate counting for students with diabetes;
• Become familiar with the role of the school foodservice personnel in providing
nutrient information about food served in the school cafeteria; and
• List three resources that can be used for determining carbohydrate content of
School Health Services
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
School Health Services
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Session Descriptions
School Nurse Certification
Location: Room WV 105
• Scottie Ford, Office of Professional Preparation (Certification), WVDE
Description: This session will provide information about the available types of certification
for school nurses, including professional student support certificate, long-term substitute
permit, first class permit, and school nurse authorization. Also addressed will be the state
fee reimbursement and salary supplement available for those holding school nurse national
board certification. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Identify the types of certification required for employment as a school nurse in the
public schools of WV; and
• Understand the requirements and application process for the available salary
supplement and fee reimbursement for school nurse national board certification.
3:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Cyber/Technology Safety Panel
Location: Little Theater
• Corporal Marlene Moore, West Virginia State Police
• Dr. Terry Fenger, Marshall University Forensic Science Center
• Evan Patterson, FBI
• Brian Lanham, West Virginia Prosecutors Attorney Institute
• Ron Reedy, Principal, Sissonville High School
• Sherri Goodman, Office of Legal Services, WVDE
• Judge Alan Moats, Circuit Judge, 19TH Judicial Circuit
Description: This session will allow school personnel to listen to leaders from around
the state regarding cyber safety. They will focus on current internet/technology issues that
students are facing in today’s schools. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions.
From this session, participants will be able to:
• Alert the audience to the many threats inherent with using the internet and social
• Provide recommendations to protect users of the internet and sharing information
using social media;
• Discuss the resources available in West Virginia to address crimes occurring over
the internet; and
• Provide information regarding legal issues and technology abuse with adolescents.
Session Descriptions
Immunization Rates and Incidence of Vaccine-Preventable Disease: How
Does West Virginia Stand Up?
Location: Parlor D
• Crystal Sheaves, Senior Lecturer, West Virginia University School of Nursing
Description: This session will provide an overview of West Virginia’s Immunization rates
and the incidence of vaccine-preventable disease in WV. Comparisons will be made with
national rates to determine the strengths and weaknesses of current WV practices. From
this session, participants will be able to:
• Describe how WV ranks in regard to the nation on incidence of vaccine-preventable disease;
• Describe how WV ranks in comparison with the nation on immunization rates; and
• Describe the strengths and weaknesses of current WV vaccine practices.
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Celebrating Cardiac Success through Partnerships
Location: Charleston Marriott Salons A-C
• Dr. William Neal, Professor Pediatrics and Director of Cardiac Project, West Virginia University
Evening Reception: Come join us to celebrate the CARDIAC Project success through
partnerships. CARDIAC Area Coordinators will be on hand to pass out county results
packets to School Nurses during this event. A banquet event will be held at the Marriott
in Parlors A-C from 6pm-8pm. Light Hors D’oeuvres will be provided at this event.
Attendance is NOT required for those obtaining Concord University Graduate Credit.
School Health Services
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Panel Presentation
Community Schools
3:45 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Hope Siler
Screening for Mental Health
2:20 p.m. - 3:35 p.m.
12:50 p.m - 2:05 p.m.
Panel Discussion
Little Theater
Cyber/Technology Safety Panel
Captain Lee
“It Does Matter”
Keith Dalton
Gia Deasy
Sheila Diaz
Active Shooter- Prevention/
School-Wide Positive
Behavior Support:
Facilitating District Wide
Don Chapman
Policy 4373
Room 206
School Climate
Exercise for Strength: How
Drills and Exercise Can
Strengthen School Safety and
Mike Pickens
Jane Lynch
Crisis Response Plan
Room 204/405
Room 202/203
“So - You Are Interested in
Getting More Mental Health
10:40 a.m. - 11:55
Services - Now What?”
School Facilities and
Crisis Management
School Mental Health
“Above the Influence – Panel
Discussion (6 high school
and college students and
Greg Puckett)
Cathy Coontz
Drug Trends in WV
Cathy Coontz
Synthetic Drugs
Room 207/208/209
Substance Abuse-ATOD
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Concurrent Sessions
Session Descriptions
10:40 a.m. - 11:55
“So - You Are Interested in Getting More Mental Health Services –
Now What?”
Location: Room 202/203
• Linda Anderson, MPH, Coordinator, School Health Technical Assistance Center,
Marshall University
• Jenni Durham, Supervised Psychologist, Prestera Center
• Margy Burns, MSN,RN, Executive Director, Youth Health Service, Elkins
• Tiffany Pittman, WV Bureau for Behavioral Health, Child and Adolescent Division
• Mindy Thorton, MA, AADC, Prestera Center for Mental Health
Description: This session will address the basics of developing a school – community
partnership to implement an expanded school mental health framework. A panel of local
school and community providers will share their experiences and useful resources. From
this session, participants will be able to:
• Describe the three tiers of a comprehensive school mental health model;
• Identify at least three resources for planning and implementing a comprehensive
model; and
• Identify at least three strategies essential to successful implementation.
Crisis Response Plan Development
Location: Room 204/205
• Mike Pickens, WVDE Executive Director of Facilities
• Jane Lynch, RESA 8 Executive Director
Description: This session will prepare school principals and designees to write schoollevel crisis response plans. From this session, participants will…
• Learn about the significance of school-level crisis response plans; and
• Develop a written school-level crisis plan from the “Crisis Response Plan Template”;
• Improve collaboration between schools and the emergency response community;
• Participate in raising the level of Preparedness for all West Virginia schools through
the implementation of the Crisis Response Plan and staff training.
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Session Descriptions
Policy 4373
Location: Room 206
• Don Chapman, Office of Healthy Schools, WVDE
Description: This session will provide details regarding Policy 4373: Expected Behaviors
in Safe and Supportive Schools. Information will highlight how the changes in this policy
leads to a more proactive approach to addressing behavior is schools. From this session,
participants will be able to:
• Explain the rationale for developing valued dispositions;
• Define county board of education and schools role in policy implementation; and
• Explain the process for addressing inappropriate behaviors with meaningful interventions and consequences.
Synthetic Drugs
Location: Room 208/209
• Cathy Coontz, Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Senior, WVBBHHF
Description: Designed to help the participant understand the appeal, symptoms and
signs of use of synthetic drugs in WV. This session will focus on the details of the two most
popular synthetic drugs: Bath Salts and K2 Spice. Explore what makes synthetic drugs
popular and hard to detect. Also, the participant will have a good base knowledge of why
synthetic drugs were developed, where they come from and discuss ways to keep our kids
safe. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Create awareness about the impact of K2 and bath salts WV;
• Discuss the appeal of these different drugs: why people are using and abusing
• Identify the dangers of such abuse;
• Provide prevention tips and how to keep yourself safe;
• Recognize signs and symptoms of use;
• Increase awareness of what these drugs look like; and
• And much more!
Session Descriptions
12:50 p.m. - 2:05 p.m. Community Schools
Location: Room 202/203
• Paula Fields, Office of Healthy Schools, WVDE
• Teresa Mace, Coordinated School Health, Bureau for Public Health, WVDHHR
• Pat Withrow, Greenbrier County Schools
• Ellenda Ward, Cabell County Communities in Schools
• Judith Koehler, Rainelle Medical Center
Description: This panel will discuss the concept of community schools and the integrated
focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development and
community engagement within that framework, as well as examples of the Communities In
Schools models being used in West Virginia. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Describe the rationale and components of a community school;
• Recognize the roles that teachers, administrators, health professionals, students,
staff, parents and community partners play within a community school and the
value and significance of each;
• Understand the advantages of community partners in the schools;
• Identify resources for planning, evaluating and financing a community school;
• Understand how to integrate community programs into their schools; and
• Pinpoint potential funding sources for a community school: including public, private, and collaborative partnerships.
Exercise for Strength: How Drills and Exercise can Strengthen School Safety
and Security
Location: Room 204/205
• Sheila Diaz, Patriot Services Corporation
• Thomas Quisenberry, Patriot Services Corporation
Description: This session will explain how drills and exercises can improve school
safety and security by testing elements of their Crisis Response Plans in a progressively
challenging manner. National school safety experts will explain the benefits and approach
to incorporating a variety of drills and exercises into their school preparedness activities
attendees and how to maximize the impact of strengthening school safety and security.
Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions. From this session, participants will be
able to:
• Provide useful information for schools to explain the role of drills and exercises in
continuous improvement of school Crisis Response Plans;
• Explain the varying types of drills and exercises, and the HSEEP methodology to
review or assess performance; and
• Provide a guide to help educators understand what would be an appropriate next
step in developing their own drill and exercise program.
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Session Descriptions
School Wide Positive Behavior Support: Facilitating District Wide
Location: Room 206
• Gia Deasy, Special Services Director for Marion County Schools
Description: This session will focus on activities and structures to support a district
wide initiative to ensure School Wide Positive Behavior Supports within schools. Linkages
regarding School Wide Positive Behavior Supports link to support for personalized learning,
response to intervention and WV Policy 4373 will be discussed. Practical strategies to ensure
school level “buy in” and address sustaining good practice will be discussed. From this
session, participants will be able to:
• Recognize school level practices reflective of Positive Behavior Interventions and
• Identify practical strategies for initiating and sustaining school wide positive behavior supports within a school setting;
• Note SWPBS linkages to common practices associated with RTI and SP; and
• Identify the role of SWPBS in light of WV Policy 4373.
Drug Trends in WV
Location: Room 208/209
• Cathy Coontz, Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Senior, WVBBHHF
Description: This session will provide an overview of drug trends, impact, signs,
symptoms and dangers including prevention. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Learn the current drug trends in WV;
• Discover how these trends impact WV families and our communities;
• Learn signs, symptoms, and dangers of drug use;
• Have an increased awareness of current drug trends in West Virginia; and
• Have an increased knowledge of prevention, early intervention, treatment, and
recovery strategies and resources available to them.
Session Descriptions
2:20 p.m. - 3:35 p.m.
Screening for Mental Health Needs
Location: Room 202/203
• Hope Siler, ASPEN Project
Description: This training will discuss current national and state suicide statistics and
introduce participants to basic screening tools as suicide prevention efforts. Understanding
and utilization of follow up procedures with regard to suicide prevention will also be
discussed. Additionally, a walk-thru of the SAMHSA suicide prevention toolkit for high
schools will assist participants in their prevention efforts. From this session, participants will
be able to:
• Discuss the significance of suicide as a public health concern;
• Recognize, respond and react to suicidal risk factors and warning signs; and
• Utilize the SAMHSA Suicide Prevention High School Toolkit.
Active Shooter-Prevention/Preparation
Location: Room 204/205
• Captain David Lee, West Virginia State Police
Description: During this session, the instructor will use a combination of lecture, power
point and video clips to give school personnel valuable information on the importance of a
collaborative and proactive approach to student safety. From this session, participants will
be able to:
• Discuss the importance of stopping school violence/ active shooter events before
they start;
• Learn about the need for preparation for an active shooter event by not only first
responders, but by school personnel as well;
• Learn about what you might expect from law enforcement during and active
shooter response and also about ideas and methods of response for school personnel; and
• Learn the importance of educators, law enforcement and other first responders to
collaborate in Active Shooter Prevention/Preparation/Response.
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Session Descriptions
Implementing “It Does Matter”
Location: Room 206
Keith Dalton, RESA II
Description: The West Virginia Department of Education implemented the “It Does
Matter” bullying prevention initiative in the Fall of 2012 to provide resources to local
schools. This campaign included classroom materials, suggested messaging, and a
campaign logo. The superintendents of the counties comprising RESA 2 -- Cabell, Lincoln,
Logan, Mason, Mingo, and Wayne -- asked the RESA to form a bullying prevention task
force to implement “It Does Matter” locally. This session will describe the steps taken by the
RESA 2 Task Force to answer the challenge presented by school bullying. From this session,
participants will be able to:
• Use bullying prevention resources to implement an effective “kick-off” campaign
in the school environment; and
• Use the same material to create/publicize efforts and highlight preventions efforts
with local media.
“Above the Influence” - Panel Discussion
Location: Room 208/209
• Greg Puckett
• Marisa Bailey, student
• Meredith Culp, student
• Matthew Marrero, student
• Rebecca Smith, student
• Megan Weber, student
Description: This workshop will feature a panel of youth from a variety of coalitions
throughout the state that continue to focus on being positive and staying “Above the
Influence” (ATI). The session will focus on how these youth engage their local communities
by using the National ATI Campaign, and how they have used their experience in the
National Youth Leadership Initiative over the past few years to transform their communities
into a positive place for young people. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Learn how the Above the Influence message keeps youth focusing positively on
their communities; and
• Learn how to partner with other youth to make positive change happen.
Session Descriptions
3:45 p.m. - 4:50 p.m.
Cyber/Technology Safety Panel
Location: Little Theater
• Corporal Marlene Moore, West Virginia State Police
• Dr. Terry Fenger, Marshall University Forensic Science Center
• Evan Patterson, FBI
• Brian Lanham, West Virginia Prosecutors Attorney Institute
• Ron Reedy, Principal, Sissonville High School
• Sherri Goodman, Office of Legal Services, WVDE
• Judge Alan Moats, Circuit Judge, 19TH Judicial Circuit
Description: This session will allow school personnel to listen to leaders from around
the state regarding cyber safety. They will focus on current internet/technology issues that
students are facing in today’s schools. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions.
From this session, participants will be able to:
• Alert the audience to the many threats inherent with using the internet and social
• Provide recommendations to protect users of the internet and sharing information
using social media;
• Discuss the resources available in West Virginia to address crimes occurring over
the internet; and
• Provide information regarding legal issues and technology abuse with adolescents.
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Wellness /Health and Physical Education/ Physical Activity
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Concurrent Sessions
North Hall
North Hall
10:40 a.m. - 11:55
Cabela’s Lifetime Activities 1
Cabela’s Outdoor Adventures
Cabela’s Lifetime Activities 2
Introduction to Fly Fishing
12:50 p.m. - 2:05
Cabela’s Lifetime Activities 1
Cabela’s Outdoor Adventures
Cabela’s Lifetime Activities 2
Introduction to Fly Fishing
Sanity Savers with Dr. Mike
The “How-To” Follow-up
Dr. Mike Thomson
Teaching Tennis to PE Students
Kyle Hoffman
2:20 p.m. - 3:35 p.m.
3:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Cyber/Technology Safety Panel
(Facebook, Twitter, sexting, bullying, threats, responsibilities, roles,
Little Theater
Session Descriptions
10:40 a.m. - 11:55
Cabela’s Lifetime Activities 1 Cabela’s Outdoor Adventures
Location: North Hall
• Trip Burnette, PTR Professional Instructor
Description: This course seminar is designed to explore everything from basic
backpacking, proper fit of a pack, choosing the appropriate pack for your trip, proper
footwear, basic outdoor survival and orienteering. From this session, participants will be
able to:
• Teach the teacher to help instruct students in developing a healthy respect for the
wilderness and all the learning experiences that it has to offer;
• Teach participants good decision making skills; and
• Learn about the mini-mountaineer after-school programming.
Cabela’s Lifetime Activities 2 Introduction to Fly Fishing
Location: North Hall
• John Shank, Fly Fishing Instructor
Description: This seminar will introduce you to various fly fishing techniques, equipment
and a casting session. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Describe the components of teaching fly fishing in school; and
• Gain the knowledge of choosing the correct equipment.
12:50 p.m. - 2:05 p.m. Cabela’s Lifetime Activities 1 Cabela’s Outdoor Adventures (Repeat)
Location: North Hall
Repeat (see Speakers and Description from previous session)
Cabela’s Lifetime Activities 2 Introduction to Fly Fishing (Repeat)
Location: North Hall
Repeat (see Speakers and Description from previous session)
Wellness /Health and Physical Education/ Physical Activity
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Wellness /Health and Physical Education/ Physical Activity
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Session Descriptions
2:20 p.m. - 3:35
Sanity Savers with Dr. Mike: The “How-To” Follow-Up
Location: Room WV 105
• Dr. Mike Thomson
Description: This session will move into the implementation of the keynote address from
Dr. Mike Thomson. Participants will experience smaller group interaction of the key points
from Sanity Savers. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Learn “how-to” put Dr. Mike’s strategies, tips and secrets into action in
everyday life; and
• Gain the knowledge from small group interaction of key points made during the
keynote address.
Teaching Tennis to PE Students
Location: North Hall
• Kyle Hoffman, United States Tennis Association (USTA)
Description: This session will show physical education teachers and after-school
instructors how to teach the basic hand-eye coordination activities you can do with children.
Participants will get to play some of the tennis games as well as check out the tennis version
of the Skillastics series. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Teach tennis in the classroom; and
• Participate in activities and provide information on resources (teaching materials,
equipment, grants, etc.) to teach tennis to kids.
Session Descriptions
3:45 p.m. - 4:50
Cyber/Technology Safety Panel
Location: Little Theater
• Corporal Marlene Moore, West Virginia State Police
• Dr. Terry Fenger, Marshall University Forensic Science Center
• Evan Patterson, FBI
• Brian Lanham, West Virginia Prosecutors Attorney Institute
• Ron Reedy, Principal, Sissonville High School
• Sherri Goodman, Office of Legal Services, WVDE
• Judge Alan Moats, Circuit Judge, 19TH Judicial Circuit
Description: This session will allow school personnel to listen to leaders from around
the state regarding cyber safety. They will focus on current internet/technology issues that
students are facing in today’s schools. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions.
From this session, participants will be able to:
• Alert the audience to the many threats inherent with using the internet and social
• Provide recommendations to protect users of the internet and sharing information
using social media;
• Discuss the resources available in West Virginia to address crimes occurring over
the internet; and
• Provide information regarding legal issues and technology abuse with adolescents.
Wellness /Health and Physical Education/ Physical Activity
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
7:30 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.
Fresh Start AM Break (Provided)
8:15 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Welcome and Keynote
“Community Schools are Healthy Schools”
Location: Little Theater
Moderator: Dr. Keith Burdette, WVDE-Executive Director of Office of Healthy
Keynote Speaker: Martin Blank, JD
Description: Hear how mobilizing the resources of the whole community
contribute to strong schools that support learning and healthy development
of children and youth. Community schools are both a place and a set of
partnerships between the school and other community resources. There are a
number of national models and local community school initiatives that share a
common set of principles: fostering strong partnerships, sharing accountability
for results, setting high expectations, building on the community’s strengths, and
embracing diversity and innovative solutions. From this session, participants will
be able to:
• Describe a community schools;
• Identify multiple outcome necessary for student success; and
• Understand line key operating elements of a community school.
9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Concurrent Sessions
10:45 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.
BREAK (provided in Main Lobby)
11:05 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
12:05 p.m. - 1 p.m.
LUNCH (provided in South Hall)
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
2:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Closing Ceremonies: Let’s Talk About Sex!
Location: Little Theater
Moderator: Don Chapman, Office of Healthy Schools, WVDE
Keynote Speaker: Dr. David Campbell
Description: This presentation will teach participants the best practice
guidelines for data driven instructions, basic design of sequential curriculum and
the understanding of health literacy and health knowledge among school aged
children. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Learn basic best practice guidelines for data driven instruction of reproductive health topics, among school aged children; and
• Learn basic design principles of a sequential reproductive health curriculum,
with focus on the dichotomy between health literacy and health knowledge.
2:15 pm – 3:30 pm
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
11:05 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
7:30 am – 8:15 am
Living Life Beyond All the
Broken Pieces: Surviving
Cervical Cancer
Michelle Hannah
Carol Smith
WVSIIS: An Overview
Patty Johnston
Parlor E
Carol Cipoletti, Patricia
Collett and Jenny Mullen
Little Theater
Session 6b
The Role of the Pharmacist
in Immunization Services
Gearing Up for Fall:
Year 2 of the Adolescent
George Manahan
Parlor D
Margaret ChapmanPomponio and
Camilla Eubanks
2013 Information
on Teen Pregnancy
for WV
Deena Ellison
Using iPlan in Your
Discussion with
Dr. Jennie Yoost
Long Acting
Contraception and
Parlor A
Little Theater
Working with Reporters to
Communicate the Positive
Effects of Immunizations
Reproductive Health
Immunization Summit
Parlor C
Parlor D
Nutrition (WVDE-OCN)
Panel Presentation
Community Schools
Dr. William Neal,
Valerie Minor and
Tammy Jo PyleVicars
and MUTA
You Want a SBHC,
Now What?
Closing Ceremonies: Let’s Talk About Sex!
Dr. David Campbell
Deonna Williams
and Gina Sharps
Exploring the
Redesign of the WV
Oral Health Program
Deonna Williams
and Gina Sharps
Exploring the
Redesign of the WV
Oral Health Program
Eric Hunt
Mobile Dentistry
Martin Blank
Dr. Jill Nolan
Improving Nutrition
Through School and
Community Gardens
Bekki Leigh and Andy
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable
Program and Farm
to School Across West
Keri Kennedy
and Kristi Blower
CEO, Breakfast Initiative
and Local
Community Schools are Healthy Schools
Registration – Fresh Start AM Break (Provided)
Parlor B
Adolescent Healthy
Mary Grandon
and Stephanie
Thom Stevens
and Carol Cipoletti
Stock Epinephrine in
WV Public Schools:
David Hudnall, Dr.
Andy Whisman,
Richard Petitt and
Diane Blume
WV 103
School Health Services
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Concurrent Sessions
Session Descriptions
8:00 am – 9:30 am
Working with Reporters to Communicate the Positive Effects of
Location: Parlor D
• George Manahan, The Manahan Group
Description: This session will provide participants with hands-on techniques for working
with reporters on immunization-related issues. There will also be an emphasis on developing
effective messages that will gain coverage. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Develop message and talking points that will promote immunization issues in
West Virginia;
• Effectively interact with local reporters on immunization issues; and
• Create a local communications strategy working with reporters.
9:45 a.m. - 10:45
Gearing Up for Fall: Year 2 of the Adolescent Immunization Requirements
Location: Little Theater
• Carol Cipoletti, Brooke County School Nurse
• Patricia Collett, Community Care of West Virginia
• Jennifer Mullen, Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department
Description: In preparation for the second year of the adolescent immunization
requirements, this session will provide an overview of strategies that were successful
during the first year of the requirements in ensuring timely return of immunization records,
educating parents about the requirements, and collaborating with local partners to make
the requirements a success. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Identify strategies to educate parents about 7th and 12th grade immunization
requirements in West Virginia;
• Describe methods to ensure timely return of completed student immunization records; and
• Identify local partners to assist in promoting and implementing the adolescent immunization requirements.
The Role of the Pharmacist in Immunization Services
Location: Parlor E
• Patty Johnston, Colony Drug & Wellness Center
Description: This session will provide pharmacists with an understanding of the
public health importance of pharmacist-provide vaccinations, targeting populations and
differentiating practices from other competitors.
From this session, participants will be able to:
• Discuss the importance of pharmacist-provided immunizations from a public
health perspective;
• Identify ways to target populations and individuals who are candidates for
pharmacist-provided immunizations; and
• Discuss ways to differentiate your immunization practice from your competition.
School Health Services
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
School Health Services
Session Descriptions
Long Acting Reversible Contraception and Adolescents
Location: Parlor A
• Dr. Jennie Yoost, Marshall University Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
Description: Dr. Yoost will discuss contraceptive options for adolescent patients with a
specific focus on the use and efficacy of Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs).
From this session, participants will be able to:
• Discuss contraceptive options for adolescent patients; and
• Understand the use and efficacy of Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs)
in adolescents.
Mobile Dentistry…Smiles Program
Location: Parlor B
• Eric Hunt, J.D., Mobile Dentistry….Smiles Mobile
Description: This session will discuss the Mobile Dentistry through the Smiles Program.
What types of services to what specific population along with the continuation of dental care
From this session, participants will be able to:
• Explain the Mission of Smiles Program;
• Identify the target population for care from this mobile dentistry program;
• Understand the standards of practice, guidelines and regulations followed by the
Smiles Program; and
• Learn how this program can work with your local dental providers to ensure children are getting the needed oral health care through coordination of services
You Want a SBHC, Now What?
Location: Parlor C
• Mary Grandon, WV School Health Technical Assistance Center at Marshall University
• Kelli Caseman, WV School-Based Health Assembly
Description: This session will discuss how health-related factors can lead to poor school
performance. Health-risk behaviors, such as physical inactivity and substance abuse, can
affect students’ school attendance test scores and ability to pay attention in class. Schoolbased health centers are a key health care delivery system to address health disparities for
children, and there services are increasingly expanding through our state. From this session,
participants will…
• Describe why school-based health centers are an effective health care delivery
system for children and adolescents;
• Learn how to grow new school-based health centers and engaging a coordinated
school-public health partnership;
• Understand the structure and services of a school-based health center;
• Identify agencies in the community that may want to sponsor school-based health
centers; and
• Identify local and state agencies as well as other resources for getting school-based
health centers started.
School Health Services
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
School Health Services
Session Descriptions
CEO, Breakfast Initiative and Local Wellness
Location: Room D
• Keri Kennedy, Office of Child Nutrition, WVDE
• Kristi Blower, Office of Child Nutrition, WVDE
School Health Services
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Description: This session will provide an overview of the Community Eligibility Option,
which is an innovative universal free meal service option that schools and counties, if
eligible, may elect to participate in that is designed to make it easier for low-income
children to receive meals in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.
This session will also discuss Office of Child Nutrition’s breakfast initiatives that are going in
schools around the state as well as local wellness efforts that are occurring in schools. From
this session, participants will be able to:
• Increase knowledge about the Community Eligibility Option;
• Increase knowledge on how the Community Eligibility Option is impacting West
Virginia children;
• Understand how to become involved in local wellness activities and what is going
on around the state; and
• Understand how breakfast initiatives affect schools and counties regarding revenue and participation as well as academic outcomes.
Discipline Management System
Location: WV 103
• David Hudnall, Office of Information Systems, WVDE
• Dr. Andy Whisman, Office of Research, WVDE
• Richard Petitt, Assistant Principal Midland Trail High School
• Diane Blume, Principal Midland Trail High School
Description: WOW expands to include a new Discipline Management System. This
session will demonstrate how to engage business and community organizations to actively
participate in seasonal influenza clinics. From this session, participants will be able to
• Present the new WOW Discipline Management System so attendees will obtain a
thorough understanding of the new discipline initiatives as incorporated within the
• Engage attendees in development and implementation of the WOW Discipline
Management System for their work; and
• Explain the necessary steps required to utilize the WOW Discipline Management
System to facilitate their work.
School Health Services
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Session Descriptions
11:05 a.m. - 12:05
WVSIIS: An Overview
Location: Little Theater
• Carol Smith, Division of Immunization Services, Bureau for Public Health, WVDHHR
Description: This session will discuss the importance of the WV Statewide
Immunization Information System (WVSIIS) in healthcare. Recent changes to WVSIIS will
also be discussed. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Describe the importance of entering shot records into the WVSIIS;
• Describe recent changes to the WVSIIS; and
• Utilize specific features of the WVSIIS to improve a clinic’s immunization rates.
Using iPlan in Your Discussion with Teens
Location: Parlor A
• Deena Ellison, Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative, Bureau for Public
Health, WVDHHR
Description: During this session, the presenters will share information from focus groups
conducted in three WV counties regarding the sexual and reproductive health education.
From this session, participants will be able to:
• Discuss information obtained from WV teens regarding their experience with reproductive health education; and
• Assist in improving the information teens are receiving and encourage access and
promotion of additional services.
Exploring the Redesign of the WV Oral Health Program: What NEW
Opportunities Exist for You?
Location: Parlor B
• Deonna Williams, Children’s Dentistry, Bureau for Public Health, WVDHHR
• Gina Sharps, WV School Health Technical Assistance Center at Marshall University
Description: As the state oral health program continues to advance and address
oral health disparities in the school-aged child, new strategies have emerged to engage
the school-based professional. This hand-on session will highlight key opportunities for
professionals to participate in the promotion of oral health education and preventive
services. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Gain an understanding of the new standardized oral health curriculum to be made
available for the upcoming 2013 academic school year by exploring key components of the curriculum; and
• Explore opportunities to become involved in the fluoride mouth rinse program in
an effort to reduce the rates of childhood cavities in West Virginia.
Session Descriptions
Location: Parlor C
• Dr. William Neal, CARDIAC Project, West Virginia University
• Valerie Minor, CARDIAC Project, West Virginia University
• Tammy Jo Pyle-Vicars, CARDIAC Project, West Virginia University
Description: This presentation will describe the impact of The CARDIAC Project
(Surveillance, Research, and Intervention) on the reduction of cardiovascular disease risk
factors for West Virginia’s school children. From this session, participants will be able to:
• State current surveillance findings for identified cardiovascular disease risk factors
through aggregate data;
• Briefly describe areas of research that have contributed to best practices for health
promotion for school aged children; and
• Explain how various interventional strategies have positively impacted the health
status of West Virginia school children.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program and Farm to School Across West
Location: Parlor D
• Bekki Leigh, Office of Child Nutrition, WVDE
• Andy Pense, Office of Child Nutrition, WVDE
Description: This session will describe the Office of Child Nutrition’s Fresh Fruit and
Vegetable Program (FFVP) and the Farm to School Initiative. Every day that meals are
served to children is an opportunity to provide fresh local products grown in West Virginia.
Schools across the state are increasing the demand for local foods and our children and
tasting the benefit. The session will also discuss the Farm to School initiative which spans
the state, bringing local farmers and county Food Service Directors together with the
common goal of providing fresh, healthy, local food to kids. From this session, participants
will be able to:
• Gain information about the FFVP and the opportunity for nutrition education; and
• Learn about the Farm to School activities and how to get communities involved in
the program.
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Stock Epinephrine in WV Public Schools: A New Law
Living Life Beyond All the Broken Pieces: Surviving Cervical Cancer
Location: Little Theater
• Michelle Hannah, Life Coach, Author and Public Speaker
Description: Michelle Hannah will tell her story of her personal struggle with cervical
cancer that resulted from HPV. She tells her story with the hopes of educating others about
the risks of HPV and preventing future cases of HPV and cervical cancer. From this session,
participants will be able to:
• Discuss the impact of HPV and cervical cancer in women;
• State the role of the HPV vaccine in reducing the incidence of HPV; and
• Explain the importance of preventing HPV and HPV-related diseases.
School Health Services
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
School Health Services
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Session Descriptions
2013 Information on Teen Pregnancy for WV
Location: Parlor A
• Margaret Chapman-Pomponio, WV FREE
• Camilla Eubanks, WV FREE
Description: This session will present findings from Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing in
West Virginia 2013. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Develop an understanding of WV’s teen pregnancy rate;
• Become aware of programs and initiatives in WV that reduce the risk of teen pregnancy; and
• Understand ways in which the community can engage in the prevention of teen
Exploring the Redesign of the WV Oral Health Program: What NEW
Opportunities Exist for You?
Location: Parlor B
• Deonna Williams, Children’s Dentistry, Bureau for Public Health, WVDHHR
• Gina Sharps, WV School Health Technical Assistance Center at Marshall University
Description: As the state oral health program continues to advance and address oral
health disparities in the school-aged child, new strategies have emerged to engage the
school-based professional. This hands-on session will highlight key opportunities for
professionals to participate in the promotion of oral health education and preventive
services. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Gain an understanding of the new standardized oral health curriculum to be made
available for the upcoming 2013 academic school year by exploring key components of the curriculum; and
• Explore opportunities to become involved in the fluoride mouth rinse program in
an effort to reduce the rates of childhood cavities in West Virginia.
Community Schools
Location: Parlor C
• Paula Fields, Office of Healthy Schools, WVDE
• Teresa Mace, Coordinated School Health, Bureau for Public Health, WVDHHR
• Pat Withrow, Greenbrier County Schools
• Ellenda Ward, Cabell County Communities in Schools
Description: This panel will discuss the concept of community schools and the integrated
focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development and
community engagement within that framework, as well as examples of the Communities In
Schools models being used in West Virginia. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Describe the rationale and components of a community school;
• Recognize the roles that teachers, administrators, health professionals, students, staff, parents
and community partners play within a community school and the value and significance of
• Understand the advantages of community partners in the schools;
• Identify resources for planning, evaluating and financing a community school;
• Understand how to integrate community programs into their schools; and
• Pinpoint potential funding sources for a community school: including public, private, and collaborative partnerships.
Session Descriptions
Improving Nutrition Though School and Community Gardens
Location: Parlor D
• Dr. Jill Nolan, Concord University
Description: School and community gardens are a great way to introduce children to
a variety of foods and increase the likelihood of fruit and vegetable consumption. This
presentation will highlight the benefits of school and community gardens in the context
of the current obesity epidemic. We will also discuss real life barriers and brainstorm for
solutions to utilizing school and community gardens in West Virginia. From this session,
participants will be able to:
• Demonstrate why school and community gardens are effective strategies in improving nutrition; and
• Identify three options for integrating school and community gardens in West Virginia.
5-2-1-0 Developing Adolescent Healthy Lifestyles
Location: Room WV 103
• Mary Grandon, WV School Health Technical Assistance Center at Marshall University
• Stephanie Montgomery, WV School Health Technical Assistance Center at Marshall
Description: The Adolescent Self-Management touch screen technology allows the
students to self-report lifestyle behaviors and offers the option to complete an action plan
where improvements can be made. The student and provider use this information for
assessment, goal setting and follow-up. The screening choices include healthy lifestyles,
substance abuse (CRAFFT) and a general risk assessment. From this session, participants
will be able to:
• Describe the adolescent self-management system for healthy lifestyles; and
• Have a better understanding of how to utilize the ASM in a SBHC or school setting.
School Health Services
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
2:15 pm – 3:30 pm
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Sheila Rose
Back to Class for
Frequent Flyers
Matt Dotson
Susan Beck
Support for
Personalized Learning
Panel Discussion
School Climate
Little Theater
Dr. David Campbell
Closing Ceremonies
Let’s Talk About Sex!
Time to Teach
Roger Miller
Dr. Mark Manchin
School Access Safety
after Newtown - SBA
Richard Boothby
David Hoge
Shelly DeBerry
Col. James W. Runyon
A Toolkit for Student
11:05 a.m. - 12:05 and Family Engagement
Panel Discussion
9:45 a.m. - 10:45
Red Flag Issues in
Student Discipline:
The Safe Schools Act
and Policy 4373
Understanding How
Homeland Security
Collects and Maintains
Information on Schools
Common Ground
Room 206
Room 204/205
Room 202/203
School Climate
School Facilities and
Crisis Management
School Mental Health
Andrea Darr
Drug Endangered
Kathy Paxton
Cross System Planning
& Action Reaps
Statewide Benefits
Kathy Paxton
Substance Abuse
Trends and Classroom
Room 207/208/209
Substance Abuse ATOD
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Concurrent Sessions
Session Descriptions
9:45 a.m. - 10:45
Common Ground
Location: Rooms 202/203
• Shelly DeBerry, Office of Optional Educational Pathways, WVDE
• Col. James W. Runyon, West Virginia National Guard
Description: What is the Common Ground? The WVDE, WVBOE and all branches
of the military have established the common goal to graduate all students in West
Virginia ready for college and/or careers. If you are looking for partners in education,
this session provides information about additional on the ground human resources and
services for schools.. This session will outline the services provided by our military partners
for classroom presentations, health and wellness activities and career counseling and
mentoring. From this session, participants will…
• Identify the relevance of military assistance in the school and classroom; and
• Learn how to utilize military personnel services to enhance counseling, school
health, health education and physical education through the Common Ground
Understanding How Homeland Security Collects and Maintains Information
on Schools
Location: Rooms 204/205
• David Hoge, West Virginia Homeland Security State Administrative Agency
Description: This session will review the status of the Safe Schools project which is
ensuring compliance with Senate Bill 592 and House Bill 4125 which have been enacted
in the last two years. We will review outcomes of the assessments which have been done at
every school. We will also explain information that is being maintained and how you can
access the information. Questions and discussion are welcome and encouraged.
From this session, participants will be able to:
• Explain provisions and requirements in recent school safety legislation;
• Review outcomes from assessments to share best practices and recommended actions; and
• Explain and demonstrate the Automated Critical Asset Management System
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Session Descriptions
Red Flag Issues in Student Discipline: the Safe Schools Act and Policy 4373
Location: Rooms 206
• Richard Boothby, Bowles Rice McDavid Graff & Love, LLP
Description: During this session we will cover the procedural and substantive
requirements of the West Virginia Safe Schools Act as well as State Board Policy 4373. This
session will also consider the interaction between the requirements of State Board Policy
2419 (special education) and the student discipline rules. It will touch upon a particular
concern of advocates for special needs children relating to out-of-school suspensions and
state truancy laws. Finally we will cover some student discipline decisions from the Courts.
From this session, participants will be able to:
• Understand the procedural rules related to processing a student suspension and/
or expulsion;
• Understand the separate set of student discipline rules that apply to special education students.
• Become familiar with some West Virginia case law relating to student discipline
and in doing so develop a broader understanding of how the Courts view the role
of the principal and the school board in making student discipline decisions.
Substance Abuse Trends and Classroom Implications
Location: Rooms 208/209
• Kathy Paxton, Division on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse with the Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health, WVDHHR
Description: The increase of substance abuse has significant implications on
the educational system. The number of pregnant women in West Virginia who use
tobacco, drink alcohol, misuse prescriptions and illicit drugs continues to rise, more
than doubling the national average. Teachers and other staff can make a difference
by reaching out to children who have been affected by drug abuse by using specific
classroom strategies to assist learning. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Increase awareness about the impact of various drugs of use/abuse in WV;
• Recognize signs and symptoms of drug use; and
• Increase knowledge of exposure and effects on children and classroom implications.
Session Descriptions
11:05 a.m. - 12:05
A Toolkit for Student & Family Engagement
Location: Rooms 202/203
• Linda Watts, West Virginia System of Care
• Jeanette Rowsley, West Virginia System of Care
• Tiffany Pittman, WV Bureau for Behavioral Health, Child and Adolescent Division
• Rhonda McCormick, Legal Aid of WV’s FAST Program
Description: This session will introduce participants to the top two strategies to engage
students and their families as active partners in setting goals and improving outcomes. This
panel presentation will introduce the concept of Youth and Family Engagement, demonstrate
how engagement can empower individuals in the change process, and will discuss two
components of engagement that WV families rated as most important. A panel representing
the WV System of Care; Bureau for Behavioral Health & Health Facilities - Children’s Mental
Health Division and the Family. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Learn the benefits of engaging students and families in the change process;
• Learn the six components of effective engagement rated as most important by
West Virginia families of children with behavioral challenges and other needs;
• Review key concepts and practical skills for the top-rated engagement components, and will receive tool kits to assist in day to day application of skills.
School Access Safety after Newtown - SBA
Location: Room 204/205
• Dr. Mark Manchin, Executive Director of the School Building Authority
Description: New and innovative ways will be safe from unwanted intruders.
Shatterproof glass and other safety measures for all schools. From this session, participants
will be able to:
• Provide useful information for schools to help keep students safe;
• Learn about Digital Mapping of classrooms for first responders; and
• Learn about the importance of Vulnerability Assessments for all schools in the
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Session Descriptions
School Climate Panel Discussion
Location: Rooms 206
• Greg Cartwright, School Climate Specialist, WVDE
• Larry Stinn, School Climate Specialist, WVDE
• Judi Coffman, School Climate Specialist, WVDE
• Nancy Brown, School Climate Specialist, WVDE
• Mary Jane Vredeveld, School Climate Specialist, WVDE
• Roger Miller, School Climate Specialist, WVDE
Description: This session will allow educators to listen to school climate specialists who
have worked in several schools across West Virginia. They will focus on how school climate
affects the culture of the school. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions. From
this session, participants will be able to:
• Provide examples of how schools can improve climate and what barriers can occur;
• Learn the importance of positive school climate and culture; and
• Explain how Policy 4373 helps build a positive school climate.
Cross System Planning & Action Reaps Statewide Benefits
Location: Rooms 208/209
• Kathy Paxton, Division on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse with the Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health, WVDHHR
Description: West Virginia is no exception to the national crisis of extreme drug use.
Prescription drugs are the leading cause of drug overdose deaths and our communities
are suffering. But this is changing... Based on system wide assessments and strategic
planning the West Virginia Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities
(WVBBHHF) has coordinated State and regional and community partnerships that are
working toward a seamless service system. By focusing on the full continuum of care,
support is being provided and significant action taken to address this pervasive issue.
From this session, participants will be able to:
• Promote collaboration at the state, regional and community levels to meet service
• Provide opportunities for networking across multiple systems invested in the delivery of quality services
• Showcase collaborative efforts, the power of partnerships, and the community spirit
at work
Session Descriptions
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Back to Class for Frequent Flyers (Anxiety and Depression)
Location: Rooms 202/203
• Sheila Rose, Youth Health Services
Description: This session will explore mental health conditions that can contribute to
the development of a pattern of classroom avoidance. Trauma will also be explored as a
possible contributing factor. Simple and effective tools to calm students and to help them
refocus on the task of learning will be taught and practiced, in addition to helping staff learn
how to prevent repeated office visits. The workshop will be beneficial to all office personnel,
including school counselors, administrators, and school nurses, as well as to classroom
teachers. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Learn at least two skills to calm a student and help the student return to class,
ready to learn;
• Learn at least two techniques to prevent students from returning to the office repeatedly;
• Understand what mental health conditions can contribute to “frequent flyers”; and
• Recognize possible trauma reactions contributing to repeated office.
Time to Teach
Location: Rooms 204/205
• Roger Miller, School Climate Specialist, WVDE,
Description: This session will introduce school personnel to the Time to Teach strategies
that produce a positive school climate through a structured and caring classroom
management plan. These research-based strategies will help decrease disruptions and
increase instruction, producing more time to teach. These strategies focus on building
relationships with students which will truly make “Kids Strong.” From this session,
participants will be able to:
• Participants will learn how Time to Teach strategies create a safe and supportive
school environment;
• Participants will learn how Time to Teach provides a proactive approach to classroom discipline that supports Policy 4373; and
• Participants will learn how Time to Teach strategies build positive relationships
with students.
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
School Mental Health/Crisis Management/School Climate/ATOD
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Session Descriptions
Support for Personalized Learning (SPL)
Location: Rooms 206
• Susan Beck, Office of Special Programs, WVDE
• Matthew Dotson, Office of Special Programs, WVDE
Description: This session will include an overview of Support for Personalized Learning
(SPL). There will be an emphasis on the component School Climate and Culture. This
session will review resources that are available to schools for SPL including the Classroom
Practice Profile which will be a focus for the session. From this session, participants will be
able to:
• know how to access resources/materials available for SPL and will be familiar with
the Classroom Practice Profile; and
• Know how to access resources/materials available for SPL and will be familiar
with the Classroom Practice Profile.
Drug Endangered Children
Location: Rooms 208/209
• Andrea Darr, WV Prosecuting Attorneys Institute
Description: This session will give you an overview of the drugs that are affecting WV
Children and Families and the detrimental effects of these drugs on children. Through
handouts, video and power points you will gain knowledge to recognize and respond to
situations involving child abuse and neglect as it relates to caregivers use, manufacturing
and trafficking of illicit drugs. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Identify the drugs effecting West Virginia’s children and families;
• Describe the different types of child maltreatment and prevalence rates; and
• Understand the Drug Endangered Children (DEC) concept.
Concurrent Sessions
9:45 a.m. - 10:45
11:05 a.m. - 12:05
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Room WV 104
Room WV 105
Concussions and Student-Athletes
Ray Londeree
West Virginia: State-Wide
Movement with the Kinect
for Xbox 360
Bonnie Phelan
Mary Weikle
Fitness testing recommendations:
Is there a disconnect between
theory and practice?
Community Schools
Panel Presentation
Mike Miller
Wes Meeteer
Activities to Improve Fitness
FitnessGram/Health Education
Assessment Project 2012/1013
WV Coaches Asthma Clipboard
Cynthia Keely
Rick Deem
Vicky Lacey
Closing Ceremonies:
2:15 pm – 3:30 pm
Let’s Talk About Sex!
Dr. David Campbell
Little Theater
Wellness /Health and Physical Education/ Physical Activity
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Wellness /Health and Physical Education/ Physical Activity
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Session Descriptions
9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Concussions and Student-Athletes
Location: Room WV 104
• Ray Londeree, West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission
Description: This session will review the current WVSSAC Guidelines for
Management of Head Trauma in Sports. Proper management will be discussed
in this session as head trauma is a common problem in sports and has potential
for serious complications if not managed correctly. Participants will learn when an
athlete can Return-To-Play (RTP). From this session, participants will be able to:
• Learn the WVSSAC Guidelines for Management of Head Trauma in Sports
(Understand the sideline management of acute head injuries in sports and
when an athlete can Return-To-Play and Practice [RTPP]); and
• Be introduced to resources available to assist in concussion education and
baseline cognitive functioning data.
West Virginia: State-Wide Movement with the Kinect for Xbox 360
Location: Room WV 105
• Bonnie Phelan, Program Manager at Microsoft Corporation including
Xbox Kinect
• Mary Weikle, Office of Healthy Schools Coordinator, Health and Physical
Description: This session will highlight WVDE Office of Healthy Schools
and the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Office of
Healthy Lifestyles “Let’s Move! WV Kinected Schools” as part of the National Let’s
Move! Campaign. Particular attention will be given to next steps with Microsoft
representative Bonnie Phelan. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Discuss success/issues on implementation of active gaming in schools; and
• Brainstorm strategies for incorporating active gaming into school-based
setting (before/after school, physical education, classroom) to promote
physical activity in school-aged movers.
Session Descriptions
11:05 a.m. - 12:05
Community Schools
Location: Room WV 104
• Paula Fields, Office of Healthy Schools, WVDE
• Teresa Mace, Coordinated School Health, Bureau for Public Health, WVDHHR
• Pat Withrow, Greenbrier County Schools
• Ellenda Ward, Cabell County Communities in Schools
Description: This panel will discuss the concept of community schools and the
integrated focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community
development and community engagement within that framework, as well as
examples of the Communities In Schools models being used in West Virginia. From
this session, participants will be able to:
• Describe the rationale and components of a community school;
• Recognize the roles that teachers, administrators, health professionals,
students, staff, parents and community partners play within a community
school and the value and significance of each;
• Understand the advantages of community partners in the schools;
• Identify resources for planning, evaluating and financing a community
• Understand how to integrate community programs into their schools; and
• Pinpoint potential funding sources for a community school: including public, private, and collaborative partnerships.
Fitness testing recommendations: Is there a disconnect between
theory and practice?
Location: Room WV 105
• Mike Miller, Concord University
• Wesley Meeteer, Concord University
Description: In response to the increase in childhood obesity, many states
(including West Virginia) have mandated statewide fitness testing in school-based
physical education settings. The purpose of this presentation is to examine
recommendations from the literature related to proper administration of fitness tests
and the application of the results. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Identify research-based recommendations with
regards to appropriate fitness test administration procedures and application of results; and
• Employ strategies derived from the research in order to enhance the fitness
testing experience in school-based physical education settings.
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Activities to Improve Fitness Assessment and FitnessGram/Health
Education Assessment Project 2012/2013
Wellness /Health and Physical Education/ Physical Activity
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Wellness /Health and Physical Education/ Physical Activity
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Session Descriptions
Location: Room WV 104
• Rick Deem, MS, Data Management Coordinator, Office of Healthy
Schools, WV Department of Education
• Vicky Lacey, Consultant/Trainer, WVDE Office of Healthy School
Description: This session will incorporate two vital areas of the physical education
and health education required assessments: the 2012-13 results and trend data
and efficient methods of administration. Activities to improve FITNESSGRAM will
be presented. This session will especially be beneficial to health teachers, physical
education teachers, and those within the schools who are responsible for the
assessments. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Understand required Policy requirements for FITNESSGRAM assessment
(Policy 2520.6) and HEAP (Policy 2520.5) and understand procedure for
accessing results; and
• Participate and learn strategies for improving results on Fitness Assessment.
WV Coaches Asthma Clipboard
Location: Room WV 105
• Cynthia Keely, BA, RRT, LRTR West Virginia Bureau for Public Health
Description: This presentation is geared for all athletic coaches, PE teachers,
health teachers, support staff, school nurses, and for anyone who needs more
information on Asthma, Exercise Induced Bronchospam/Exercise Induced Asthma.
The participants will have an educational lecture and hands-on training on the
National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Asthma Guidelines, current
medications and devices, and be provided details, resources, and free materials on
the WV Coaches Asthma Clipboard from the WV Asthma Education and Prevention
Program. From this session, participants will be able to :
• Define and recognize signs, symptoms, and triggers of asthma;
• Identify and aid in the administration of appropriate medications for an
asthma attack; and
• Review the 2007 National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Guidelines for
the Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma.
Session Descriptions
2:15 pm – 3:30 pm
Closing Ceremonies: Let’s Talk About Sex!
Location: Little Theater
Speaker: Dr. David Campbell
Description: This presentation will teach participants the best practice
guidelines for data driven instructions, basic design of sequential curriculum
and the understanding of health literacy and health knowledge among school
aged children. From this session, participants will be able to:
• Learn basic best practice guidelines for data driven instruction of reproductive health topics, among school aged children; and
• Learn basic design principles of a sequential reproductive health curriculum, with focus on the dichotomy between health literacy and health
Wellness /Health and Physical Education/ Physical Activity
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Linda Anderson, MPH
School Health Technical Assistance Center at Marshall University
Linda Anderson is a Research Associate with the School Health Technical Assistance Center at Marshall University
in Huntington, West Virginia. Currently, she coordinates the Expanded School Mental Health Initiative, which
is a state level interagency effort to develop and sustain a comprehensive school–based system of mental
health services and prevention programs through school–community partnerships. Prior to this position, Linda
worked for thirteen years with a community health center system as director of child health programs, including
five school based health centers serving about 6,000 students, a mobile pediatric program, a free-standing
adolescent health center, and a six-county WIC program. Linda received her B.A. from Michigan State University
and her MPH from the University of Michigan.
Marissa Bailey, Student
Sophomore at Robert C. Byrd High School Marrissa Bailey is an active member of the Harrison County youth coalition, SADD, Clarksburg Mayor’s Council
and is involved with various organizations. Marissa has provided a youth voice for substance abuse prevention on
a local, state and national level.
Susan Beck, EdS Coordinator, Office of Special Programs, WVDE
Susan Beck is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist working as a Coordinator for the Office of Special
Programs at the West Virginia Department of Education. She was involved in the development of the resources
and materials that are available for Support for Personalized Learning (SPL). Susan has been a part of the team of
trainers for SPL and has completed trainings in all the RESAs in West Virginia. Susan has trained the vast majority
of School Psychologists in West Virginia on SPL and Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) as well.
Martin J. Blank, J.D., President
Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) in Washington, DC
Martin Blank leads IEL in its efforts to build the capacity of people, organizations and systems - in education and
related fields - to cross boundaries and work together to attain better results for children and youth. Blank has
been associated with IEL since 1985, focusing his work on building bridges between schools and other institutions
with assets that can support student success. Blank also serves as the Director of the Coalition for Community
Schools, which is staffed by IEL. The Coalition is an alliance that brings together leaders and organizations in
education, family support, youth development in early childhood, community development, government and
philanthropy. Partners advocate for schools as centers of their communities where school and community
resources are organized to support student success, strengthen families and build healthier communities. He has a
BA from Columbia University and a JD from Georgetown University Law Center, and served as a VISTA Volunteer
in the Missouri Bootheel.
Tom Blankenship, Cabela’s Outfitter
Tom Blankenship has been a Cabela’s Outfitter for 11 months and has great knowledge about products and
services that Cabela’s offer. He makes regular fishing and canoeing trips to Michigan and Canada and has many
years of experience in the outdoors. Tom has a background in education and is a talented wild game chef.
Beverly Blough, MS, RD
Wood County Schools
Beverly Blough has been a registered Dietitian with 39 years of experience in clinical and administrative
dietetics. She has been the Director of Child Nutrition for Wood County Schools for past 16 years feeding over
10,000 meals and snacks daily, including 75-100 students with special diet needs. She supervises a staff of
nine and provides oversight for 120 cooks and 45 substitute cooks. In addition, she holds a Master’s Degree
in Management and has been active in professional organizations including Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics,
School Nutrition Association and Alliance for Foodservice Leadership.
Kristy Blower, MA
Office of Child Nutrition, WVDE
Kristy Blower has a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology from Marshall University. She has worked as a
Nutrition Coordinator with the Office of Child Nutrition at the WV Department of Education for two and a half
years and is the state coordinator representing Breakfast Initiatives and Local Wellness. She has also worked in
the area of Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity Prevention for over ten years.
Diane Blume, MA
Principal Midland Trail High School
Ms. Blume has been principal at Midland Trail High School since 2005. Prior to her principal ship, she was a
teacher in Fayette County School since 1988. She is married with two children. Her BS degree is in Education
from WV Tech, Masters in Secondary Education from Marshall University and Educational Leadership Degree from
Salem University.
Richard Boothby
Bowles Rice McDavid Graff & Love, LLP
A former public school teacher, Mr. Boothby is an honors graduate of the law school at Ohio State University and
a member of the Bowles Rice Education Law Group which has, at one time or another, represented every school
board in West Virginia. Mr. Boothby’s practice has an emphasis on personnel and special education law.
Nancy Brown, MA
School Climate Specialist, WVDE
Nancy Brown currently serves as a School Climate Specialist for the WV Department of Education S3 Safe and
Supportive Schools Grant. Prior to her work with the S3 Grant, Nancy served as the Assistant Project Director for
the WVDE Character Education Grant, served as a Curriculum Supervisor with Marion County Schools for thirtytwo years, and was employed as a teacher in Marion, Monongalia and Wood Counties, West Virginia. Nancy
has served on a number of State committees including the Safe and Drug-Free Schools Peer Review Committee for
over five years. She has also written and coordinated a number of education grants. Nancy Brown is a graduate
of Fairmont State College with an AB in Education Degree and West Virginia University with an MA in Education
Administration. She holds professional certification as both a Teacher and a Supervisor in West Virginia.
Trip Burnette
Trip Burnette brings over 30 years of experience and knowledge to this session. He has spent months at a time
in the outdoors. Trip has hiked the Appalachian Trail, canoed the New River Gorge, and rivers in Alaska and
Canada. He has been rock climbing in Seneca, the Gorge and Cascades and spelunking in Tennessee, Alabama
and Georgia.
Margy Burns, MSN, RN
Executive Director, Youth Health Services, Inc.
Margy Burns obtained her Master of Science in Nursing at West Virginia University in 1978. She has worked with
children and families all her career life, first at the University of Virginia Children’s Rehabilitation Center for two
years, then moved to Elkins in 1981 and worked with WV DHHR Handicapped Children’s Services in four rural
counties. In 1983, she began work at Youth Health Service, Inc. (YHS), a private non-profit agency, as Health
Services Coordinator for the Adolescent Pregnancy Program providing health and social services to teen and
families. Over the past 30 plus years at YHS, she has provided direct services to children, teens, and families
as well as provided leadership in the coordination and development of services to meet the needs of children
and families in rural north-central WV. In 1997, Ms. Burns became Executive Director of YHS and continues in
this role at present. Among the many successful efforts at YHS, she has been involved with development of the
YHS Strength Builders Child and Adolescent Trauma Center (began in 2005) and the YHS Expanded School
Mental Health program since 2009. The YHS currently serves Randolph, Tucker, Pocahontas, Upshur and Barbour
David Campbell, PhD
Concord University
Dr. Campbell is an Associate Professor of Health Education and Chair of the Department of Human Performance
at Concord University. He holds a BS in Health and Physical Education from Virginia Tech, an MA in Health
Education and Promotion from East Carolina University, and a PhD in Health Promotion from Virginia Tech. For
the past eleven years he has worked in higher education. Prior to this he was employed as a community health
specialists (emphasizing in adolescent pregnancy prevention programming) and served as a public school health
educator. Dr. Campbell’s research and publication focus has been on the relationship between spirituality,
religion, death cognition, and salient risk taking behaviors in college underclassmen. He has received over
three hundred and fifty thousand dollars in grants and contracts and is an active consultant with multiple public
agencies. David has also been an invited speaker at over sixty state, regional, national, and international
Greg Cartwright, MA
School Climate Specialist, WVDE
Greg Cartwright was a high school math teacher (5 years), high school assistant principal (4 years), high school
principal (22 years), and county curriculum director (6 years) before retiring in 2007 and forming his consulting
company. He has provided staff development or other consultative services to 25 of the 55 counties in WV as well
as districts in six other states. He currently serves as a School Climate Specialist with three S3 schools as well as
serving as an Instructional Leader Coach in five additional schools. He also continues to work with other schools
in various roles.
Kelli Caseman, MA, Executive Director
WV School Based Health Assembly
Kelli Caseman is the executive director of the West Virginia School-Based Health Assembly. She holds Bachelor’s
and Master’s degrees in English from West Virginia University and studied Nonprofit Management at Duke
University. She has over twelve years of experience working in the nonprofit sector for public education and public
health organizations.
Don Chapman, MS
Assistant Director and Coordinator of Driver Education
Office of Healthy Schools, WVDE
Don Chapman is the Assistant Director in the WVDE Office of Healthy Schools. The Office of Healthy Schools’
main function is to provide leadership, training, and support for schools and their communities in an effort to
improve collaboration and ensure the health and educational achievement of children in a safe nurturing and
disciplined environment. In October of 2010, the WVDE received a four year, nine million dollar grant from the
U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools entitled “Safe and Supportive Schools”.
Don serves as the project director for this initiative. Don holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Glenville State
College in Health, Physical Education, Safety and Social Studies and a Master of Science degree from the West
Virginia University School of Medicine in School Health Education. He has worked within the Office of Healthy
Schools at the WVDE for ten years. Prior to working at the WVDE, Don was the Director of Child Nutrition and
Student Services for Ritchie County Schools for ten years.
Carol Cipoletti, RN, BSN, MS, NCSN
School Nurse Coordinator, Brooke County Schools
Carol Cipoletti has been a School Nurse Coordinator for 19 years. In that time, immunization requirements have
changed and grown. The biggest thrust that she has seen is with the Adolescent Immunization Requirements that
were initiated last year. It has been challenging, bringing all members of the healthcare team together, but it is a
wonderful purpose…that of saving lives. She knows of a 17 year old girl that died in the ER of a local hospital
back in 2005. The girl entered with flu-like symptoms, awake and alert, joking around with the staff, and in the
period of about two hours she was gone...another victim of meningitis. Ms. Cipoletti has been advocating for a
meningitis vaccination requirement for years and feels that it is wonderful that it is a “life requirement” for our
students now.
Judi Coffman
School Climate Specialist, WVDE
Mrs. Coffman worked in public education in WV for 33 years as a teacher, principal, and central office
administrator. She currently serves as a School Climate Specialist for the WVDE Office of Healthy Schools
working with Calhoun County Middle High School.
Patricia Collett, PA-C
Director of Medical Operations, Community Care of West Virginia
Patricia Collett has spent 18 years providing primary care services in rural West Virginia. Over this time, she
has worked in collaboration with school systems to provide/assist them with the services they need, including
immunizations. Over the last two years, CCWV has increased their school-based health centers, which have given
them the ability to work more closely with school nurses to provide immunization clinics at the schools.
Cathy Coontz, MA, MS, PS II, NPN
Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist, Division on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, BBHHF,
Cathy currently holds the position of Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Senior. She also has been named
as of May 2012, to the National Prevention Network for West Virginia. Her history includes professions such as
Community Development, Addictions Therapist, Professor and public speaker. Coontz has 22 years of experience
in the prevention field as well as the mental health treatment realm. Coontz has honed her acquired skills in the
capacity building arena from employment in respected institutions such as West Virginia University, Fairmont State
University, the State of WV’s DHHR and various mental health and prevention center sites. Cathy currently holds
a Certified Prevention Specialist Senior (II) Certification as well as an MS in Community Medicine and an MA in
Counseling. Her expertise revolves around wellness and the addictions field from treatment to primary prevention.
She is proficient in working with both adolescents and adults, in prevention programming, public speaking,
strategic planning, community mobilization, and educational events in public school settings, organizations and
work force development for private businesses.
Electa Crowder, MPH
Regional School Wellness Specialist, RESA 3
Electa Crowder is currently the Regional School Wellness Specialist for RESA 3 (Regional Education Service
Agency) serving Boone, Clay, Kanawha, and Putnam Counties. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Health
Promotion and Wellness from West Virginia State University and a Master’s Degree of Public Health from West
Virginia University. Prior to her employment with RESA 3 in 2007, Electa worked for the Division of Tobacco
Prevention (WVDHHR) with the youth prevention program (RAZE).
Meredith Culp, Student
Taylor County Breaking the Cycle Youth Coalition
Meredith Culp is a student at Grafton High School who is involved with Taylor County Breaking the Cycle youth
Keith Dalton, MA
Regional School Wellness Specialist, RESA 2
Keith Dalton is a 2005 graduate of Marshal University with a Master’s Degree in Journalism. He began his career
as a reporter and copy editor for the Bluefield Daily Telegraph in Bluefield, WV, then moved into public relations in
public health field. He has extensive experience in social marketing, public relations campaign strategy, campaign
implementation, and data-driven decision making.
Andrea Darr, RBA
WV Prosecuting Attorneys Institute
Andrea Darr has been the Coordinator of Victim and Witness Services for the West Virginia Prosecuting
Attorneys Institute for the last eight years. In that capacity she coordinates with prosecution based victim and
witness assistance programs, as well as community based programs, to improve their collective knowledge
concerning available resources and information and to establish a bridge between local, state and federal
agencies regarding victim issues, specifically, child maltreatment issues. In addition to these duties, Andrea is
the program manager for two statewide child maltreatment programs: The WV Drug Endangered Children Task
Force (DEC) and the WV Children’s Justice Task Force. WV DEC was established in 2005 for the purpose of
providing a consistent coordinated approach to the safety and environmental permanency of children who are
exposed to their parents and caregivers use, manufacturing, and trafficking of illicit drugs. The task force has
representation from all disciplines involved with drug endangered children and focuses on developing protocols
for a coordinated response to these children for their short and long term safety. The WV Children’s Justice Task
Force focuses on all child maltreatment issues. The WV Children’s Justice Task Force is a multi-disciplinary body
of public and private agencies and individuals, committed to the protection of children. The mission is to identify
barriers to the successful investigation, prosecution, and resolution of child abuse and neglect issues; and to
educate and advocate for change. Prior to joining the WV Prosecuting Attorneys Institute, Andrea worked at the
Kanawha County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office serving as the victim assistance coordinator and provided direct
services to victims of crime, violence and abuse.
Gia Deasy, MA
Marion County Schools
Gia Deasy is celebrating 30 years in the field of special education. Gia started her career in the classroom
working with students with specific learning disabilities. This led to an interest and a second certification in the
area of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Gia worked for nine years at WVU training teachers throughout WV
in the field of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. She returned to the school district as a Behavior Specialist
following the 1997 reauthorization of IDEA which reflected ʺnewʺ disciplinary practices for students with
disabilities. In 2005, Gia became the Special Services Director for Marion County Schools. Her professional
interests include supporting new hires in the field of special educations, school-wide disciplinary practices, and
professional development for administrators, co-teachers and service personnel working with students with
Shelly DeBerry, MA
Office of Optional Educational Pathways, WVDE
Shelly DeBerry has over twenty five years’ experience working with children, adolescents and their families in
various agencies and capacities; from child protective service worker, to juvenile probation officer, to adolescent
mental health counselor. Shelly spent a number of years in the public service field. She opened the Martinsburg
office of the Abraxas Foundation and provided in-home services for court ordered youth and later was the
Assistant State Director of the WV Youth Advocate Program that provided foster care services as well as inhome services. Shelly entered the Berkeley County school system as a school counselor in 1998 and for eleven
years served at the elementary, intermediate and high school programmatic levels. Shelly is currently the
Student Success Advocate Coordinator in the Office Optional Educational Pathways with the WV Department of
Education. Her primary focus currently is dropout prevention in West Virginia.
Rick Deem, MS Coordinator
Office of Healthy Schools, WVDE
Rick Deem’s main duties are to oversee the Youth Risk Behavior Survey/Youth Tobacco Survey and Health School
Profiles, manage, collect and interpret the HEAP and FitnessGram data, maintain the office webpage, and assist
with the Health and Physical Education Leadership Academy. Rick holds both a Bachelor of Science and a Master
of Science degree in Physical Education from West Virginia University. Prior to working at the WVDE, Rick taught
health, physical education, wellness, healthcare fundamentals, and English in Wood County Schools for 33 years
before taking a position at RESA 5 as their Regional Tobacco Specialist. In 2005, he accepted the position of
Data Management Coordinator with the Office of Healthy Schools and oversaw the Federal Grant to Improve
Management of Drug and Violence Prevention Programs until his retirement four years later, but continues as a
part-time employee for the office.
Sheila Diaz, BBA, JD, CEBS
Patriot Services Corporation
Sheila Diaz is an attorney by training who spent 15 years of her professional career working for large corporate
risk management and insurance brokerage firms. During that time, she worked with a wide range of clients
(both public and private) from diverse industries. As the Client Executive, she managed advisory teams and
made recommendations to clients’ risk management teams. During that time, she also recognized the long-term
value that Business Continuity Planning (BCP)/Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP), Emergency Response
Planning, training, drills and exercises and other tools provided to help clients achieve the risk management
goals of prevention and/or mitigation. She has spent the last seven years focused on emergency management
consulting for Scholastic K-12 and Higher Education entities. The last two and a half years she has been the
Project Manager for the West Virginia School Building Authority school safety and mapping project on behalf of
Patriot Services.
Mathew Dotson
Coordinator, Office of Special Programs, WVDE
Mathew Dotson currently serves as a coordinator with the Office of Special Programs for the WVDE and the
WVDE liaison to the WVSSAC. He has been a school counselor, EBD teacher, and School Administrator. He is
licensed in West Virginia and North Carolina as a Special Education teacher, director of curriculum, principal, and
Jenni Durham, MS
Psychologist, Prestera Center School-Based Services
Jenni Durham is a Supervised Psychologist with 13 years in the mental health field. Ms. Durham has worked with
Prestera Center Children’s Services since 2006 and worked as a therapist in School-Based Intensive Programs and
has held a supervisory position over school-based mental health programs since 2009.
Amanda S. Dye, MD
Pediatric Endocrinologist, School of Medicine, WV University Charleston Division
A 2005 graduate of the WVU School of Medicine, Dr. Dye is an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics
at the WVU School of Medicine Charleston Division. Her office is located at CAMC Women and Children’s
Medical Office Building. Her special interests include pediatric endocrinology, diabetes, thyroid, and obesity.
Deena Ellison, Director of the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (APPI)
West Virginia Bureau for Public Health, WVDHHR
Deena Ellison has a background in communications and more than 20 years of experience working with teens in
a variety of settings. She loves spending time with her children and taking ZUMBA classes.
Camilla Eubanks, BS
Prior to her role at WV FREE, Ms. Eubanks worked for over ten years at the North Carolina Coalition Against
Domestic Violence promoting development growth. Camilla also was the former Chair of the NC Community
Shares Board of Trustees and participated with the Association of Fundraising Professionals Board of Directors
as the Diversity Chair. She holds a Bachelors of Science in Women’s Studies and a Bachelors of Science in
Psychology from Guilford College as well as the Non-Profit Certificate in Management from Duke University.
Additionally, Camilla received the Above and Beyond Award for most dedicated service in 2010 and 2012 from
the NC Community Shares.
Dr. Terry Fenger
Marshall University Forensic Science Center
Dr. Terry Fenger is the Director of the Marshall University Forensic Science Center. In addition to his
administrative duties, he teaches classes in digital device and computer forensics, which is an area of emphasis
in the nationally accredited, MU Forensic Science Master’s degree program. Dr. Fenger is also the principle
investigator that oversees the grants that partially fund the Digital Forensic Unit at Marshall under the WVSP
Crimes Against Children Program.
Paula Fields, MSN, RN
Community Schools Coordinator, WVDE
Paula Fields is the Community Schools Coordinator for the WV Department of Education, Office of Healthy
Schools. Children’s health has been the focus of Paula’s career for over a decade. She holds a Master’s degree
in Nursing Education and Administration and has a wealth of experience in planning, starting and technical
assistance for clinical services including school-based health centers, rural health centers and other outpatient
Kate Flack, MPH
Kate Flack is a public health professional with international health project management experience. She received
her Master of Public Health degree from WV University with a concentration in Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Because of her strong commitment to social justice and improving health outcomes, Kate was drawn to work
with WV FREE. As West Virginia’s WISE Program Manager, she works with public and private partners to bring
resources to health educators across the state to ensure youth are receiving age-appropriate, risk-reducing
reproductive health education.
Scottie Ford, MA
Office of Professional Preparation (Certification), WVDE
Scottie Ford works as a Coordinator in the Office of Professional Preparation at WVDE. She processes and
assists school personnel with certification, fee reimbursement, and salary supplements. Teacher certification held
includes Health Education PK-AD.
Teresa Frazer, MD, FAAP
Deputy State Health Officer, West Virginia Bureau for Public Health, Department of Health and
Human Resources
Dr. Frazer has served in the WV Bureau of Public Health since August of 2012. She is the deputy commissioner
overseeing Epidemiology and Immunization, along with Threat Preparedness. Before joining the Bureau, she had
an office and hospital practice of both general pediatrics and pediatric endocrinology in Bluefield. She worked
in the Federally Qualified Rural Health Clinic in Beckley. In Puerto Rico, she practiced pediatric endocrinology,
taught pharmacology to second year medical students that included vaccines and treatment of infectious
diseases, and did research in Type I diabetes, premature thelarche, ciguatoxins, and glucose turnover rates of
infants in the intensive care units.
Gina Frye
Registered Nurse (Retired)
The week after her daughter, Alyssa (at age 9 and now age 23) was diagnosed with Type I diabetes, she “retired”
from nursing for hire and began using her nursing to help her family learn to deal with Type I diabetes. She
worked for many years in surgery at CAMC General Division, in Dr. Hans Lee’s office, and at CAMC Women’s
and Children’s Hospital on the Mother/Baby unit. Since learning of her daughter’s diagnosis, Gina has been
actively involved in all areas of WV’s Branch of the JDRF. She has served in many positions on the Board and
is currently the Walk Family Team Chair and the Medical Representative Liaison. She is a transplant from Baton
Rouge, LA, where she received her nursing degree at Our Lady of the Lake School of Nursing, and considers
herself all West Virginian now, except for her continued love of Cajun food.
Mary Grandon, PA-C
School Health Technical Assistance Team at Marshall University
Mary Grandon has been a Physician Assistant for over 21 years. She has worked in Primary Care and School
Based health for the last ten years. She graduated from AB College in 1992 with a Bachelor of Science in
Medical Science. Since then she has worked in a variety of setting in different parts of the U.S. She currently
works for Cabin Creek Health Systems in one of their school based health clinics and for Marshall University
School Based Health Technical Assistance team as Clinical Coordinator for the school based health centers
around the state. She has helped with the expansion of school based health within Cabin Creek Health Systems
and has participated in quality improvement projects with the state as well as with the National Assembly of
School Based Health Care. She has also served as President of the WV School Based Health Assembly and has
worked on state wide expansion of school based health centers.
Brittany Good, MA
Winfield High School-Fuel Up to Play 60
Brittany Good graduated from Marshall University with a Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education with an
emphasis in Physical Education and Health. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Special Education with an
emphasis in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education. She serves as the Dance Chair for the West Virginia Physical
Education, Health, Recreation and Dance Association. She currently is a High School Health, Dance and Special
Education teacher at Winfield High School. She serves as the Fuel Up to Play 60 Program Advisor, dance team
coach and assistant track coach.
Sherri Goodman, J.D.
Office of Legal Services, WVDE
Sherri Goodman is a staff attorney at the West Virginia Department of Education. A graduate of Brandeis
University and University of Michigan Law School, she has practiced law in West Virginia for 30 years. Before
joining the Department in 2005, she focused on attorney ethics and licensure matters, serving as Chief Lawyer
Disciplinary Counsel for nine years. At the Department, her responsibilities include initiating administrative
proceedings to revoke teacher and school bus operator certification, often based upon boundary violations
involving computer/internet technology.
R. Booth Goodwin II
United States Attorney, Southern District of West Virginia
A native of Ripley, West Virginia, U.S. Attorney Goodwin graduated with honors from West Virginia University with
a degree in economics and subsequently earned a law degree from Washington and Lee University located in
Lexington, VA. Following law school, Goodwin practiced for five years with the Charleston law firm of Goodwin
and Goodwin. In January 2001, Goodwin was appointed and sworn in as an Assistant United States Attorney for
the Southern District of West Virginia and served in that position until May 2010. During his tenure as Assistant
United States Attorney, Goodwin prosecuted numerous cases of regional and national significance. He previously
served as chief of the Economic Crimes Section and also served as the office’s lead computer hacking and
intellectual property crimes prosecutor. As the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of West Virginia, Goodwin
has piloted several initiatives that have helped revitalize drug and crimes stricken communities in the District.
Goodwin continues to lead an office that has worked diligently to address major issues such as child exploitation,
fraud, workplace safety, drug and gun crimes and prescription drug abuse. Lori Haapala, RN
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)
Lori Haapala is an RN who is presently a stay at home mom. She has worked in pre-op and post op surgery at
both Imperial Valley Surgical Center in El Centro, CA and Mount Carmel East Hospital in Columbus, OH, served
as a case manager and medical review nurse at Acordia TPA, and most recently as a nurse on 3South, Renal
Floor at CAMC General Division. Lori hopes to obtain her school nurse certification once her son Jay begins high
school. Lori has been a volunteer with the WV Branch of JDRF since Jay’s diagnosis with Type 1 diabetes over
eight years ago. Lori is currently the Outreach Chair and Advocacy Team Leader. Lori graduated from George
Washington High School and received her nursing degree from University of California, Irvine.
Michelle Hannah, MBA
Life Coach, Author, and Public Speaker
Michelle Hannah, through her life’s medical challenges and overwhelming love for humanity and the health
and well-being women, is becoming one of the most influential women of today. She has been molded by her
family, education, and personality for a life committed to being a resounding voice for women, particularly in
the intercity for the fight against cervical cancer, and to educate about the Human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV).
She received her degree in Psychology from California State University, Dominguez Hills, received her MBA from
Strayer University and is a PhD candidate. She has also authored a book, entitled The Breaking Point, A Full Circle
Robin Harmon, MA
Cabell County Schools
Robin Harmon has been employed by Cabell County Schools since 1984. She is currently a principal at Highlawn
Elementary since 2005. She received a BA Elementary Education K-6/Intellectual Disability K-12 from Marshall
University in 1984, a MA Elementary Education in 1989 and in 2004 a Certificate in Educational Administration
from Salem University.
Kyle Hoffman, PTR Teaching Professional for kids and adults
Kyle Hoffman is a certified teaching professional for both children and adults through the Professional Tennis
Registry. He played four years of varsity tennis at East Fairmont High School and four years at West Virginia
Wesleyan College. Kyle has trained over a thousand PE teachers on how to teach tennis in the classroom just in
the past two years.
David Hoge
Directory of the West Virginia Homeland Security State Administrative Agency
David Hoge helps to ensure the state’s compliance with various federal mandates, and he helps to oversee the
U.S. Department of Homeland Security funds awarded to West Virginia. His passion is to create safer communities
and build resiliency through stronger working relationships between the volunteer community, the private sector,
and the emergency management community. Prior to his employment with the State of West Virginia, he worked
for the American Red Cross supporting disaster response across the state.
David Hudnall, MS
Software Developer, Office of Information Systems, WV Department of Education
David Hudnall is a software developer in the WVDE Office of Information Systems. David serves as the lead
developer on the “Safe and Supportive Schools” initiative, working with Discipline Management. David holds
a BS in Management Information Systems from WVUIT and a MS in Strategic Leadership from Mountain State
University. Prior to joining the Office of Information Systems in 2011, David worked as a software developer in
the private industry.
Eric Hunt, JD
Smile Programs
Eric Hunt joined the Smile Programs in January 2012 as Senior Vice President, Operations. At Smile Programs,
Eric manages the daily school based dental operations in 14 states. He works with the dentists and 85 clinical
teams in the region to ensure they have the staff, equipment and resources to treat their patients every day. His
background includes hospital administration, clinical operations, physician practice development, litigation,
health care law, and risk management. Before coming to the Smile Programs, Eric served as Senior Vice President
of Integrated Health Services at Beaumont Health Systems, in Royal Oak, Michigan, one of the largest health
systems in the United States. His focus areas of responsibility and experience included laboratory, imaging, home
health services, physician practice management, surgical services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech
therapy, dialysis, sleep evaluation services, pain management, vascular lab, wound care, hyperbaric oxygen,
nursing homes, direct sales and marketing, ambulance transport, and health and wellness programs. Prior to that
role, Eric was the Director of Legal Affairs at William Beaumont Hospital, Troy.
Patty Johnston, RPh
Owner and President, Colony Drug & Wellness Center
Patty Johnston is the Owner and President of Colony Drug & Wellness Center in Beckley, WV. She is a graduate of
West Virginia University’s School of Pharmacy. She is a great advocate for immunization, held many successful
shingles vaccination clinics long before the pharmacist scope of practice was expanded to enable them to provide
shingles vaccination. Ms. Johnston was also the recipient of the Up Shot Award at the 2011 WIN Awards and
Policy Event for her work in improving immunization rates in her community.
Cynthia Keely, BA, RRT, LRTR
West Virginia Bureau for Public Health, Department of Health and Human Resources
Cynthia Keely, a native of Charleston, West Virginia, is the Manager of the Asthma Education and Prevention
Program, a program funded through a cooperative grant with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
located in the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources. She has held this position at the Bureau
for Public Health since August 2009 after working as the coordinator for the same program beginning in August
2008. Among her duties as manager, Ms. Keely directs initiatives to positively impact the goals of the State
Plan for Addressing Asthma in the state, providing evidenced-based asthma education and trainings, leading
awareness campaigns, and partners with other state agencies, non-profits, health care facilities, and communities
to improve the lives of those with asthma. As a licensed registered respiratory therapist, Ms. Keely also provides
acute care and educational needs at a major medical facility in Charleston, WV. In fact, she continues to care for
patients from neonatal to geriatric in her 19 year career. Also, Ms. Keely served eight years as an enlisted soldier
in the West Virginia Army National Guard. During her military tenure she received the Meritorious Service Medal,
the Army Achievement Medal, and an Honorable Discharge for her service. Ms. Keely received her Bachelor of
Arts Degree from Marshall University in Huntington, WV.
Keri Kennedy, MPH
Office of Child Nutrition, WVDE
Keri Kennedy received her Master in Public Health (MPH) from West Virginia University. Since graduating, she
has directed a variety of public health programs focusing on children’s health. Prior to joining the Office of
Child Nutrition, Ms. Kennedy directed the WV Office of Healthy Lifestyles, which focused on finding policy and
environmental ways to combat cultural habits of poor diets and inactive lifestyles.
Judy Koehler, BS
Rainelle Medical Center
Judy Koehler received her Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Leadership from Mountain State
University. She has worked at Rainelle Medical Center since 1999 where she held the position of WVRHEP
Coordinator prior to becoming the Director of School-Based Health Services. She is currently Co-Chair of
the West Virginia Immunization Network and a member of the local governing board of Fayette/Greenbrier
Health Science Technology Academy (HSTA), the Hope Coalition of Greenbrier County (a suicide prevention
organization), and the WVSBHA Communications Team. She also serves on the Local School Improvement
Councils for Greenbrier West High School and Western Greenbrier Middle School.
Darlene Koerber, MS
Tyler Consolidated Middle School
Darlene Koerber is a health and physical educator for Tyler Consolidated Middle School. She holds a Bachelor of
Arts in Physical Education from West Liberty University and a Master of Science in School Health from the School
of Medicine at West Virginia University. Her many career accomplishments include: Nationally Certified Instructor
in Physical Best; Director and Mentor for Health and Physical Education Leadership Academy; Wellness Council
for Tyler County; Facilitator for West Virginia Learns; WVAHPERD Past President; AAHPERD Midwest District
President Elect; West Virginia Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year; West Virginia State Finalist
for Teacher of the Year; AAHPERD Midwest and AAHPERD/NASPE National Middle School Physical Education
Teacher of the Year 2010.
Andrew Kroger, MD, MPH
Medical Officer, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC
Dr. Kroger is a Medical Officer for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As one of the traveling trainers in the Education, Information and
Partnership Branch, Dr. Kroger has given multiple presentations on topics ranging from immunization updates
to pandemic influenza preparedness. Most notably, Dr. Kroger is the author of the newest edition of the CDC’s
General Recommendations on Immunization. He is also involved with some of the new distance learning activities
of the branch, including the Current Issues in Immunization Series that is delivered through NetConferencing.
Vicky Lacey, MA
Retired Health, PE and Safety Educator
Vicky Lacey conducts workshops and trainings across the state for FitnessGram and Best Practices for the Physical
Education Curriculum and is a Director of the Health and Physical Education Leadership Academy. She is a
retired teacher from Wood County for 34 years teaching at the elementary level. Since retirement she has worked
with the PEP Grant for Wood County, the CDC Change the Future Grant, DDR State and Regional Tournament,
conducted workshops for RESA in Life Skills and Wellness, and worked with the Health and Physical Education
Leadership Academy.
Brian Lanham, JD
West Virginia Prosecuting Attorneys Institute
Brian Lanham started his career in 1998 as the Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in Clay County. He then became
Braxton County’s Prosecuting Attorney in 2001. In 2007 Mr. Lanham started working for the West Virginia
Prosecuting Attorneys Institute.
Richard Lawrence, MS
Independent Contractor
While at the WVDE, Mr. Lawrence also partnered with school systems in the Professional Development
Demonstration School Program. This program placed Closing the Achievement Gap Liaisons in 30 elementary
and middle schools to help school staff build replicable programs to address equity in minority, low-income and
special needs student achievement based on the West Virginia Frameworks for High Performing 21st Century
Schools. Mr. Lawrence received a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Studies Education from Concord College and a
Master’s Degree in Educational Administration from the West Virginia College of Graduate Studies. From 1975
through 2002 he was teacher and administrator in Summers County and has served as adjunct faculty for both
Concord University and the West Virginia College of Graduate Studies. Richard elevates Faith and his relationship
with family as priorities over work. He also counts reading, travel, and personal relationships with people among
the great joys of life.
David Lee
Captain, West Virginia State Police
Captain Lee is in his 18th year of service with the West Virginia State Police. Captain Lee started his career as
a field trooper at the Hamlin detachment, later serving at the Winfield detachment and as an investigator for
Bureau of Criminal Investigations in Logan. Captain Lee also served as a member of the Sniper Team early in his
career. Over the last ten years he has also served as Master Range Officer, Training Staff Supervisor, Assistant
Director of Training, and currently Director of Training. Captain Lee is a graduate of the FBI National Academy,
and he is a veteran of the United States Army and the West Virginia Air National Guard where he serves as a
member of the military police and a Combat Arms Instructor.
Bekki Leigh, MBA
Office of Child Nutrition, WVDE
Bekki Leigh offers over 25 years of experience working with community-based programs. Currently within
the Office of Child Nutrition, she coordinates the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable programs, Farm to School, and
provides technical assistance and monitoring for federal child nutrition programs. She has expertise in project
management, grant administration, compliance and facilitation.
Ray Londeree, MS
Administrative Staff, West Virginia Secondary Schools Activities Commission (WVSSAC)
Ray Londeree, former Principal at Valley High School, was appointed Assistant Executive Director on March 15,
2007. He received his AB from Concord College and MS degree from WV College of Graduate Studies. He has
served as principal at Oak Hill High School, Eastern Greenbrier Jr. High and Gauley Bridge High/Middle School.
He also coached several sports and was athletic director at Valley, Mt. Hope and Oak Hill High Schools. He
has also been a member of the WVSSAC Board of Directors. His current position is Athletic and Band Sanctions,
Football, Tennis, Track and Field, Wrestling Eligibility and Reimbursement as Administrative Staff of the WV
Secondary Schools Activities Commission (WVSSAC).
Jane Lynch, MEd
Executive Director of RESA 8
Miss Lynch has been an educator for over 35 years. She has a Bachelor’s degree from Glenville State College
and a Master’s in Education Administration from West Virginia University. She has been a classroom teacher,
principal, Central Office administrator and Superintendent. She has also worked at the WV Department of
Education. She previously was in charge of Safe Schools and worked with schools in the development of crisis
Teresa Mace, MS
Coordinated School Health Director, Bureau for Public Health, WVDHHR
Teresa Mace is the Coordinated School Health Director for the WV Department of Health and Human Resources
and works closely with the WV Department of Education. She holds an undergraduate degree in Marketing
from Marshall University and a Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications from West Virginia
University. She has been with WVDHHR for over 12 years serving as Media Director for the Division of Tobacco
Prevention and Media Director for the Office of Community Health Systems and Health Promotion before moving
into her role with Coordinated School Health.
George Manahan, BA
President/CEO, The Manahan Group
George Manahan built The Manahan Group on experience, creativity and twenty years of work in advertising
and public relations. He created an original process for brand development, and spearheaded the creation of
a crisis communications application. His nationally-award winning work has generated success for a variety of
clients in the health care, tourism, financial and legal professions, among others. George’s work in advertising
agency management combined with former jobs in journalism and as press secretary to Governor Gaston
Caperton led him to establish The Manahan Group.
Mark A. Manchin, PhD
Executive Director of the School Building Authority
Dr. Manchin was born in Farmington, WV and completed his undergraduate studies at Fairmont State College,
received a Masters in Educational Administration at West Virginia University and was conferred with the
Doctorate of Educational Administration from West Virginia University. In his career, Dr. Manchin has served
as a public school teacher in Greenbrier County, as an Adjunct Professor of Educational Administration at the
College of Graduate Studies and as the Coordinator of Staff Development and Training for RESA III. Dr. Manchin
also served in the Legislature where he was on the Senate Finance Committee, chaired the Sub-Committee for
Tax and Revenue and served as Vice-Chair of the Senate Education Committee. Dr. Manchin was named as the
Superintendent of Schools for Webster County in 1996 and was appointed as Superintendent of McDowell County
by the State Board of Education in December 2001.
Matthew Marrero, Student
Taylor County Breaking the Cycle Youth Coalition
Matthew Marrero is a student a Grafton high School who has be involved with substance abuse prevention for
four years. Matthew is also a member of Taylor County Breaking the Cycle youth coalition.
Jim Matney, MS, Clinical Psychology, Certified Addiction Counselor
Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities, WVDHHR
Jim Matney has spent more than 25 years working with the addicted population. His background involves
working with both adults and youth to address the many issues related to the devastation associated with
addiction. Jim also has an extensive background in the treatment of mental health, trauma, and family issues.
Mr. Matney also has an extensive background in administration, program development, compliance and training.
Wesley Meeteer, PhD
Concord University
Wes is an assistant professor at Concord University. He received his PhD in Kinesiology from West Virginia
University in 2011. His cognate area was Physical Education Teacher Education.
Mike Miller, EdD
Concord University
Mike Miller, EdD, is an Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education in the Department of Human
Performance at Concord University in Athens, WV. Dr. Miller earned his doctorate in Physical Education Teacher
Education with a cognate in Health Promotion from West Virginia University. Prior to coming to higher education,
Dr. Miller spent five years as a health and physical education teacher in Virginia along with one year as an
elementary school principal.
Roger Miller, School Climate Specialist
Office of Healthy Schools, WVDE
Roger Miller was a classroom teacher 18 years. He served as a school and district administrator for 14 years.
He was selected as the 2005 West Virginia Character Educator of the Year. He has been a trainer for Teacher
Expectations and Student Achievement (TESA), Ruby Payne, Positive Behavior Supports, Respect and Protect,
and the new discipline policy, 4373. He currently serves as a School Climate Specialist for the WV Safe and
Supportive Schools grant. He is also a nationally certified trainer for Time to Teach and has trained multiple
schools in West Virginia on the Time to Teach strategies. He is best known for his passion and inspiration that he
brings to his trainings.
Valerie Minor, MSN, RN
The CARDIAC Project
Valerie Minor is currently the Associate Director for Surveillance for The CARDIAC Project. She is a co-founder
of the project and in 2000 initiated efforts to provide state funding which continues today and supports the
sustainability of the Project. She is an Associate Professor of Nursing at Alderson-Broaddus College in the
specialty areas of Nursing Research and Community Health Promotion.
Alan D. Moats, JD
Circuit Judge, 19th Judicial Circuit, Barbour and Taylor Counties
Judge Moats is a 1977 graduate of West Virginia University College of Law. He began his career in 1977 as the
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in Taylor County. He then became Taylor Counties Prosecuting Attorney in 1985.
Since 1997 he has served as Circuit Judge for the 19th Judicial Circuit in Barbour and Taylor Counties.
Stephanie Montgomery, Director of Evaluation and Data Management
School Health Technical Assistance Team at Marshall University
Stephanie has 18 years’ experience in working with West Virginia school-based health centers. She works along
with the School Health Technical Assistance Team at Marshall University in providing technical assistance for
various school-based projects, including assistance with the development of the Adolescent Self-Management
software. Using the data exported from the program, Stephanie provides individual and statewide reports on the
outcomes for those enrolled in the healthy lifestyles program.
Marlene Moore, Corporal, West Virginia State Police
Crimes Against Children/Internet, Crimes Against Children Unit
Corporal Moore has been a member of the West Virginia State Police for ten years and has been assigned to the
Crimes Against Children/Internet Crimes Against Children Unit for two and one half years. She is assigned to
the Huntington Detachment and her areas of responsibility are Cabell, Wayne and Lincoln counties. Corporal
Moore investigates crimes against children such as child abuse, child neglect, sexual abuse, sexual assault,
suspicious child deaths, solicitation of minors via computer/cell phone, manufacturing/transferring/possession of
child pornography and other various crimes that can be committed against a child. Corporal Moore is certified
in finding words and can conduct forensic interviews with minor children for disclosures of crimes. Corporal
Moore has training and experience in interviewing suspects that have committed crimes against minor children.
Corporal Moore has had a successful record in convictions of crimes against children and currently holds the
second highest number of internet crimes against children arrests in the State of West Virginia.
Jennifer Mullen, RN, BSN
Nurse, Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department
Jennifer Mullen is a nurse at the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department in Wood and Ritchie Counties and works
closely with school nurses in these areas. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Marshall
University’s School of Nursing in 2006.
William Neal, MD
Professor of Pediatrics and Director of the CARDIAC Project, West Virginia University
In 1986, Dr. Neal was appointed Chair of the Department of Pediatrics, a position he held for thirteen years. As
the first Medical Director of a new WVU Children’s Hospital, the primary and subspecialty services were greatly
expanded and they became the State’s Flagship Institution for children. During that era he was appointed by
the Secretary of the Navy to the Naval Research Advisory Committee, serving for 13 years as the only physician
member to this federal advisory panel. Since 1998, his career has focused on cardiovascular disease prevention
and epidemiology. He instituted a school-based risk factor screening, intervention, and research program known
as the Coronary Artery Risk Detection in Appalachian Communities (CARDIAC) Project (,
which to date has screened over 150,000 children and selected parents from every WV community. CARDIAC
has been consistently supported by the WV legislature, and various research endeavors related to the Project
have been supported by NHLBI, CDC, the RWJF, and the Benedum Foundation. His present focus is on facilitating
adoption of the Chronic Care Medical Home Model by primary care practices statewide as a means of preventing
and treating childhood and adolescent obesity.
Jill Nolan, PhD
Concord University
Jill Nolan is an Assistant Professor of Health Education at Concord University. She received a BA and MA in
Psychology from Marshall University and her PhD in Public Health Sciences from West Virginia University. Her
research interests include rural health, obesity prevention, and gender differences in parent support for child
physical activity. She lives in Southern WV with her husband and two children.
Tammy Owen
Partner with the law firm of Goodwin and Goodwin, LLP, Charleston WV
Tammy Owen specializes in corporate mergers, acquisitions, commercial financings and oil and gas law. Tammy
also is a parent volunteer with the WV Branch of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and currently serves
as President of the WV Branch. She has a son Aaron who was diagnosed with Type I diabetes in 2004. Tammy
is active in all aspects of the activities of the WV Branch of JDRF, including the outreach programs, advocacy
and fundraising. Tammy is a graduate of Hurricane High School, The University of Charleston and The George
Washington University National Law Center.
Evan Patterson, Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Mr. Patterson is currently employed as a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He graduated
from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Technology Management and worked in medical software
prior to joining the FBI. He is currently assigned to the Pittsburgh Division, Charleston, WV Resident Agency and
is the Joint Terrorism Task Force Coordinator for the Southern District of West Virginia. He is a member of the
Evidence Response Team and is the InfraGard Coordinator for the state of West Virginia. He has worked cases
involving Anonymous, Facebook, MySpace, and other aspects of Cyber Crime and Internet Fraud.
Kathy Paxton, MS
Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities, WVDHHR
Kathy Paxton graduated from West Virginia University School of Medicine with a Master’s Degree in Community
Health Education. Ms. Paxton has over 28 years of experience in all areas of behavioral health. She has most
recently served as the Director of Behavioral Health and Education at The Ohio State University Center for
Learning Excellence. She returned to her WV home in March of 2011 to become the Director of the Division on
Alcoholism and Drug Abuse with the Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities. She has served as a
national trainer and consultant for more than 12 years. Her expertise lies in the areas of perinatal substance
abuse, system integration and strategic collaborative planning.
Mary Payne, MD
Assistant Professor, Marshall University Medical Center
Dr. Payne is Assistant Professor of Neurology at the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine at Marshall University
and a member of the division of Neuroscience. She earned her medical degree from Emory University School
of Medicine. Dr. Payne continued her training in Pediatric Neurology, completing her residency and fellowship
at Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans. She has a special clinical interest in seizure
disorders, Muscular Dystrophy and cerebral palsy. Dr. Payne is a member of the American Academy of
Andrew Pense, Coordinator
Office of Child Nutrition, WVDE
The son of agricultural missionaries, I spent parts of my childhood in Canada, Haiti, China, and Taiwan. While
attending Berea College I had several classmates from West Virginia who introduced me to the state via stories
from their childhood. During a visit to go white water paddling my sophomore year, on a craft guided by my
roommate, I fell in love with the natural beauty of the Mountain State and decided to live here someday. I moved
here with my wife our first summer after graduating from college. We lived on a beautiful farm our first four years
in WV and developed a connection to the local farming community. Last year I worked with Fayette County’s
Nutrition Director, David Seay, to help implement the Farm to School initiative in his county. This year I am
working with the Office of Child Nutrition to further the initiative across the state. Currently a family of four, with
a four year old daughter (Briahna) and two year old son (Zion), having lived in West Virginia for seven years my
wife Jenny and I are enjoying our home state more than ever!
Sue Peros, BSN, MS, NCSN, RN
Boone County Schools
Sue Peros has been a school nurse for over 27 years. She is currently the Director of School Nurses and
Coordinator of Wellness Program of Boone County Schools. She is the past president of WVASN. She was
honored as the WV School Nurse of the Year in 2001 and the National School Nurse of the Year in 2002. Her
education is in Nursing and Community Health Education.
Richard Petitt, MA
Assistant Principal Midland Trail High School
Mr Petitt has been assistant principal at MTHS since 2010. Prior to that he was a teacher at Nuttall Middle
from 2003-2010. He is the father of two, Ashton and Riley. He has been married for 10 years to Ashlie. His
undergraduate degree is in Social Studies 5-12 from Glenville State. Richard holds a Graduate Certificate in
Mathematics through Algebra I from Marshall University Graduate College and a Master’s Degree in Educational
Leadership from Salem University.
Bonnie Phelan, BS
Program Manager at Microsoft Corporation including Xbox Kinect Program Development
She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Systems Management. She worked for Marriott International
for 13 years and was responsible for hardware installations, software development, project management and
corporate training. Ten years ago she initiated a program at a Montgomery County Maryland Elementary School.
She designed, developed and delivered technology instruction for Grades K-5 and was the school’s Technology
Instructor for eight years. After joining Microsoft 2 years ago, she began working with the Education organization
evangelizing the Xbox Kinect technology along the East Coast, targeting K-12 schools. She is a strong advocate
for integrating technology into the classroom to better engage students through active learning.
Mike Pickens, REFP, MBA, Executive Director
Office of School Facilities, WVDE
Mike Pickens is well established across West Virginia with his knowledge and expertise with building operations.
He is also knowledgeable about maintenance, energy management/sustainable practices and the Crisis Response
program. Mike received his undergraduate AAS and MA from West Virginia State University and his MBA from
Salem University. His current position with the West Virginia State Department of Education allows him to use his
attributes while working with RESA’s, county superintendents across the state as well as the State Board to develop
policies and procedural mandates for all of the 737 schools in West Virginia. He has direct oversight of programs
initiated out of the Office of School facilities to improve education by improving the environment in which students
learn. His office has created and implemented a state wide software based preventive maintenance program
for all of the 55 county schools systems in the state. Mike’s office has accepted the role of assisting County
Asset Managers in each of the 55 counties establish the Crisis Response Plan from the WVBE approved template
mandated by Senate Bill 592.
Tiffany Pittman, LPC, AADC
Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities, WVDHHR
Tiffany Pittman is a licensed professional counselor and advanced alcohol and drug counselor. She has 20
years’ experience spanning a variety of mental health settings from entry level through administration. Tiffany
is currently employed with the state of West Virginia at the Bureau for Behavioral Health in the Division of
Adolescent & Children’s.
Margaret Chapman-Pomponio, MA, Director
Margaret Chapman-Pomponio is a seasoned advocate and leader in social justice work with a BA in Sociology
and MA in Political Science. She has led WV FREE since 2002 when she began to earnestly expand reproductive
health, rights and justice work in her home state. During her tenure and through her vision, WV FREE has
experienced intentional growth and has become a leading advocacy organization, with a staff that has grown sixfold, a budget increased by more than 400%, and a greatly expanded programmatic reach, including legislative
victories, broader educational outreach and grassroots mobilization. She has received recognition for her work,
including a “Woman of Vision” award from Gloria Steinem through the Ms. Foundation for Women. Her career
has been varied, from serving in AmeriCorps, working with the Lummi Nation in Washington to teaching Political
Science in West Virginia. She deeply values working in coalition and is called upon regularly to speak around
the state and country on issues about health justice and reproductive rights. In her free time, she enjoys traveling
with her family and spending time in the rivers and hills of West Virginia.
Greg Puckett, Executive Director
Community Connections, Inc.
This session will be moderated by Greg Puckett, Executive Director of Community Connections, Inc. in Mercer
County. Greg has been instrumental in bringing a variety of programs to the state of West Virginia and has
worked to advocate for youth and family programs for the past twelve years. He currently serves on several state
boards and the National Coalition Advisory Committee for the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America. It
is through this connection that he has been able to help channel positive programs for youth and communities
across West Virginia. This panel will feature youth from Taylor, Harrison, Randolph and Wyoming Counties. They
have gained extensive knowledge on community transformation through CADCA’s National Youth Leadership
Thomas Quisenberry Patriot Services Corporation
Thomas Quisenberry is founder and owner of Patriot Services Corporation, an emergency management-consulting
firm that specializes in all aspects of School Safety and Security issues. Prior to forming Patriot Services, Mr.
Quisenberry spent over 30 years in law enforcement (Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, suburban Detroit area)
working in a wide capacity of positions including several years as a School Resource Officer. For the past eight
years he has devoted the majority of his time in the area of implementing school training programs with an
emphasis on the actual training of school crisis response team members. He is a recognized expert in the design
of tabletop and full-scale exercises at the local school level.
Ron Reedy
Principal, Sissonville High School
Ron Reedy is a native West Virginian who graduated from West Virginia University with both bachelors and
master’s degrees. He also holds a certification in school administration from Salem International University, as
well as having completed the conservatory program in filmmaking from the American Film Institute. He served in
the United States Air Force as a fighter pilot before his journey took him to Hollywood and a career in Film and
Television Writing and Directing. He returned to West Virginia to 2000 to attend to family business and began
teaching high school theatre at Riverside High School, where he built an award-winning program. There, he
discovered a love of working with students that has grown with the years. He is a distinguished scholar from the
West Virginia Principal’s Leadership Academy, the 2012 West Virginia Assistant Principal of the Year and currently
serves as Principal at Sissonville High School. He is a 32° Scottish Rite Master Mason, a Shriner and attends First
Presbyterian Church in Charleston, WV.
Shelia VanMeter Rose, MS
Youth Health Services
Sheila VanMeter Rose is a licensed psychologist in the state of WV. She has been practicing in the mental health
field for over 15 years, with much of her time spent providing therapy services to children in the school setting.
She lives and works in Pocahontas County, which presents unique challenges due to its very rural setting. She has
also spent some time actually teaching in the classroom, as a substitute and as an interventionist with students
needing specialized assistance. Her combination of mental health and educational experiences has enabled to
her improve her ability to meet the needs of students in school settings.
Jeanette Rowsey,APR
Independent Consultant
Jeanette Rowsey is a strategic communications consultant with over 28 years of experience in public relations,
marketing and training. She is nationally Accredited in Public Relations (APR) by the Public Relations Society of
America and specializes in strategic communication planning and monitoring, grant implementation, meeting
facilitation, research, event coordination, writing, editing and design services for non-profit and governmental
human service entities and organizations in West Virginia.
Col. James W. Runyon, MBA
West Virginia National Guard
Col. Runyon currently serves as Chief of Joint Staff for the West Virginia National Guard. COL Runyon is a
graduate of the Armor Officer Basic Course, Junior Maintenance Officer Course, Infantry Mortar Platoon Officer’s
Course, Armor Officer Advance Course, Combined Arms Staff Service School, the Command and General Staff.
He was Commissioned as a 2LT of Armor in April 1987. He has received numerous awards and decorations.
COL Runyon is former Treasurer and President of the National Guard Association of West Virginia. Additionally,
he has served on the Board of Directors for the Huntington Y- Charleston Aquatic Team as Treasurer, Board
Vice-President and President. COL Runyon has previous teaching experience at Mountain State University in the
undergraduate Organizational Leadership Program, 2003-2005 and currently teaches Introduction to Business at
Strayer University.
John Shank, Fly Fisherman
John Shank is a graduate of the Federation of Fly Fishers Casting Instructor program. He fishes both cold
and warm water and is particularly interested in fly fishing for smallmouth bass. He has been featured in the
Charleston Gazette for fly tying.
Gina Sharps, MPH, RDH
School Health Technical Assistance Center at MU
Gina Sharps is a graduate of West Virginia University obtaining a BS degree in 1993 and a Masters of Public
Health degree in 2012. She has worked in both private and public sectors of the dental profession over the
span of nineteen years. Gina has six years of experience working in the specialty field of Pediatric Dentistry and
currently serves as a Regional Oral Health Educator at Marshall University in conjunction with WV Department
of Health and Human Services. She has held a faculty appointment within the West Virginia University School of
Dentistry since 2004 and obtained a faculty appointment within the WVU School of Public Health this past year.
In 2006, Gina was awarded the West Virginia University Extension Service Award of Excellence and in 2009 she
was selected as one of West Virginia’s Generation Next 40 Under 40. In addition, she is a graduate of the 2010
class of the Leadership West Virginia program. Gina is the immediate past president of the West Virginia Public
Health Association Dental Section and the president-elect of the WV Dental Hygienists Association.
Crystal Sheaves, MSN, APRN, FNP-B
Senior Lecturer, West Virginia University School of Nursing
Crystal Sheaves, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, is a senior lecturer at the West Virginia University (WVU) School of Nursing
and is the RN-BSN program coordinator on the Charleston campus. Mrs. Sheaves has developed numerous
educational courses for the school of nursing’s curriculum, including content on safety and quality in nursing
education, leadership in organizations, community and public health nursing, health promotion and disease
prevention, pharmacology, immunizations, reproductive health, and health assessment. In addition, Crystal
has several years of collaborative teaching experience with the WV School of Osteopathic Medicine, and feels
strongly about promoting an interdisciplinary learning environment for our WV nurses and physicians. Mrs.
Sheaves is enrolled as a student in the PhD program at WVU in Morgantown with expected graduation in 2014.
Her current research interests involve women’s health issues, specifically disease prevention of Human Papilloma
Hope Siler, MSW, LSW
Regional Director, ASPEN Project
Hope Siler has been working in the social work field for more than 20 years, assisting children and families, as
is her passion. Ms. Siler has her Master of Social Work degree from West Virginia University and a Bachelor
of Science in Education from West Virginia State University. Currently she is serving as the Regional Director
of the Adolescent Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention (ASPEN) Project under the Garrett Lee Smith Grant
awarded to West Virginia to further suicide prevention efforts. She works toward capacity building initiatives for
statewide suicide prevention efforts with expansion of mobile-quick response initiatives and further focuses on
expanding development in the colleges and military/veteran populations. Ms. Siler is a certified ASIST trainer
(Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training); a master QPR Gatekeeper Trainer, providing trainings for increased
awareness and efficient referral procedures for at risk youth. She also coordinates with middle and high
school counselors and staff to implement Signs of Suicide (SOS) and More Than Sad curricula. Ms. Siler further
serves on several community collaborative efforts throughout West Virginia advocating for training and support
for suicide prevention and collaborates with the West Virginia Council for the Prevention of Suicide, multiple
comprehensive mental health centers and the Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities on prevention,
education and outreach events.
Rebecca Smith, Student
Randolph County
Rebecca Smith is a junior at Elkins High School in Randolph County, WV. She has participated in the National
Youth Leadership Program over the last two years and has been selected to be a CADCA (Community Anti-Drug
Coalitions of America) National trainer. She is also a member of her local SADD organization and prevention
Danene Sorace, MPP
Grove Foundation
Danene Sorace is currently a consultant in the area of reproductive health and sexuality education. Current
projects have included Working to Institutionalize Sex Education (WISE) led by the Grove Foundation and the
Future of Sex Ed Project, a partnership of Advocates for Youth, Answer and SIECUS. Other clients have included
the George Gund Foundation, John Merck Fund, National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association
(NFPRHA) and Office of Adolescent Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Previously, Danene
was the director of Answer at Rutgers University, a national organization dedicated to providing and promoting
comprehensive sexuality education to young people and the adults who teach them. Danene began her career
as Adolescent Program Coordinator at the Family Health Council of Central Pennsylvania, where she managed
federally-funded research projects, community education initiatives and local teen pregnancy prevention efforts.
She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in psychobiology from Albright College and a Master’s Degree in
Public Policy (MPP) from the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University. She resides in
Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Carol Smith, MS
Information Quality Services Specialist, Bureau for Public Health, WVDHHR
Carol Smith has worked for in the Office of Epidemiology and Preventive Services at the WVDHHR for the past
two years. She currently works as a trainer for the northern region of West Virginia, teaching providers how to use
the West Virginia Statewide Immunization Information System.
Linda St. Clair, MS, RD, LD, CDE
Office of Child Nutrition, WVDE
Linda St. Clair is a graduate of West Virginia University with an undergraduate degree in Family Resources, a
Master of Science in Community Health Promotion and a dietetic internship at Monongalia General Hospital in
Morgantown, WV. She has been a Registered Dietitian since 1990 and a Certified Diabetes Educator since May
2008. Her responsibilities include monitoring school lunches for nutritional content, providing nutrition education
for school food service staff, and monitoring meal services at child care centers and family day care homes
participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. She volunteers as a diabetes educator at West Virginia
Health Right, Inc., a non-profit outpatient clinic serving uninsured people in the Charleston area. She teaches
weekly diabetes self-management classes twice weekly since 2004. Her previous experience as a clinical dietitian
at several hospitals; weight management counselor for several organizations; corporate wellness specialist
at CAMC; adjunct professor for nutrition classes at the University of Charleston and nutrition specialist with
cooperative extension at WV State University. She is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the WV School
Nutrition Association and the WV Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Thomas J. Stevens, President
Government Relations Specialists, LLC
Thomas Stevens is a government relations specialist and former state official who covers all bases in
governmental relations - state, national, and local. Since 1985, he has served as President of Government
Relations Specialists, working with governors, physicians, physician assistants, psychologists and public policy
makers. He represents Charleston Area Medical Center West Virginia University Hospitals and a variety of
pharmaceutical companies, non-profit organizations and associations. Thom’s interest in government began
at Marshall University where he served two terms as President of the Student Government Senate. In 1974,
he began a professional career in government in a series of executive level positions for the State Senate and
House of Delegates. He was a department head in the administration of Governor Jay Rockefeller during the
U.S. Senator’s two terms as governor and has served in advisory capacities to Governors Gaston Caperton,
Cecil Underwood and Bob Wise. Thom is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Family Medicine at the West Virginia
University School of Medicine and is a Clinical Associate Professor at the Marshall University School of Medicine.
Larry Stinn, PhD
School Climate Specialist, WVDE
For the past six years, after a career as teacher, principal, and county administrator in Calhoun County, Larry
Stinn has dedicated himself to helping other WV schools as a School Climate Specialist. Initially the focus of this
effort was implementing Respect and Protect, a violence prevention program, and later the West Virginia Model
for Positive School Climate, and for the past few years, Federal Safe and Supportive School grants. His passion
is to help teachers and principals through training and coaching to make their school climate more positive
so students feel safe, cared for, and supported in achieving at high levels. With his leadership as principal for
twenty-five years, the staff and students of Pleasant Hill School were recognized as a WV Blue Ribbon School
and a National School of Excellence and he was named a National Educator by the Milken Foundation. His
educational background includes an AB from Loyola U., Chicago, MA’s from the University of Michigan and WV
College of Graduate Studies, and a doctorate in history from L’Institut Catholique in Paris.
Dr. Mike Thomson
Thomson ETC, Inc.
Dr. Mike Thomson has extensive professional experience, including working in the Austin public school system,
Supervisor in the Department of Psychology and Psychiatry at The Mayo Clinic, Director of healthcare centers
in Minnesota, Ohio and Sweden, an Adjunct Associate Professor with The Ohio State University & Ashland
University, Certified Reality Therapist, National spokesman for the Better Business Bureau’s Center For Character
Ethics and President of Thomson ETC., Inc. and It’s All About Character. Dr. Mike, as he is known around the
country, is the host of the award winning PBS series, “In Search of Character” as well as the author of 14 books.
Dr. Mike’s talks have now been heard by over two-million (and growing) people worldwide making him a highly
sought after speaker.
Mindy Thorton
Children’s Department Program Director, Prestera Center for Mental Health Services
Mindy Thornton is the Children’s Department Program Director for Prestera Center for Mental Health Services.
She holds state certification in clinical addictions counseling and a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology
from Marshall University. She serves as the Children’s Mental Health Outreach Liaison and is active in many
community prevention coalitions to educate the community and families about the rising substance abuse
problem in West Virginia.
Steve Tracy, Fly Fisherman
Steve Tracy has been fly fishing since he was nine years old. He has been a local fly fisherman and an expert in
fly tying for over 20 years as well as being an active member of Trout Unlimited and Healing Waters for about
one year. Steve has taught fly fishing techniques for over six years and has made many trips to Indiana and
Pennsylvania streams. He also fishes many WV waters.
Tammy-Jo Pyle-Vicars, Program Manager
The CARDIAC Project
Tammy Jo Pyle-Vicars is the Project Manager for The CARDIAC Project. She oversees the implementation of the
Project in 28 western counties. Mrs. Pyle-Vicars has been with the project for over 11 years.
Mary Jane Vredeveld
School Climate Specialist, WVDE
Mary Jane Vredeveld is a former employee of the West Virginia Department of Education where she served as
the Coordinator of Safe and Drug-Free Schools for the entire State of West Virginia. She served in this capacity
for over thirteen years from January 1, 1992 to July 30, 2005. In this position, Mary Jane was responsible for
administering, supervising and evaluating Safe and Drug-Free School Programs in all schools across the State
of West Virginia. She disseminated model programs, developed grant proposals for funding, collaborated with
Federal and State agencies, developed systems for evaluating programs, maintained accurate records, prepared
and presented student-support education programs in drug and violence prevention and education programs
and presentations for school faculties and conferences. Since her retirement from the West Virginia Department
of Education, Mary Jane has been active as a Private Consultant, first to the WV Center for Professional
Development as a Contract Trainer on the WV Model for Positive School Climate and then to various other WV
school organizations as a Contracted Climate Specialist for S3 Schools.
Ellenda Ward, MEd
Executive Director of Communities In Schools of Cabell County
Ellenda retired from Cabell County Schools after forty years as a Business Education teacher, Special Needs
Coordinator, and Supervisor in Special Education. She is a graduate of Marshall University with an AB degree in
Business Education and a Master’s degree in Vocational Education and certification in Education Administration.
She is an educational consultant with expertise in transition services for high school students with special needs.
She also has a passion for identifying and connecting community resources to assist schools in addressing the
needs of their students.
Linda Watts, MSW, LGSW
WV System of Care
Linda Watts is the director of the West Virginia System of Care, working to expand an integrated community
based service delivery approach in West Virginia, to improve outcomes for children and youth with behavioral
challenges and their families. Panelists will include Jeanette Rowsey, Technical Assistance Consultant for the WV
System of Care; Tiffany Pittman of the Division of Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Staff; and Rhonda
McCormick, Parent Coordinator for the Legal Aid of WV’s FAST Program.
Megan Weber, Student
Taylor County Breaking the Cycle Youth Coalition
Megan Weber is a junior at Grafton High School. She is a member of Taylor County Breaking the Cycle and is
very active in prevention work.
Mary Foltz Weikle, Coordinator Health and Physical Education
Office of Healthy Schools, WVDE
Mary received a BA in Health and Physical Education from Fairmont State University and a MA in Specific
Learning Disabilities from West Virginia University. She was a teacher for twenty-seven years in public education
and seventeen years as an adjunct professor at Fairmont State University. She was part of a team that developed
the Health and Physical Education Leadership Academy Professional Development (HPELA). Mary leads the
development of Let’s Move! WV Active Schools Campaign modeled after the National Let’s Move and National
Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) “Let’s Move Active Schools”. She contributed to the West
Virginia Department of Education Office of Child Nutrition publication “Let’s Party” revision, creating physical
activities for themed based “healthy” school parties. Mary was the 2002 West Virginia Elementary Teacher of the
Year and the 2003 National Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NASPE) Midwest
Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year.
Andy Whisman, PhD
Coordinator, Office of Research, WVDE
Dr. Whisman has worked for the West Virginia Department of Education since 2010 as a researcher and
evaluator. His current projects focus primarily on healthy schools, school climate measurement, and prevention.
Prior to working in the Department, Dr. Whisman held positions as senior evaluation specialist with the West
Virginia Prevention Resource Center at Marshall University, and as research associate faculty with the Division
of Forestry at West Virginia University. Earlier, he worked as a consulting geologist in the coal and construction
industries. He holds a bachelor’s degree in geology from Marshall University, a master’s degree in wildlands
recreation management and a doctorate in forest resource sciences with an emphasis in social science research
from West Virginia University.
Deonna Williams, MS, CHES
Oral Health Program, Bureau for Public Health, WVDHHR
Deonna Williams graduated from Virginia Polytechnic University in 2010 with a Master of Science degree in
Health Education & Promotion and from the University of Cincinnati in 2004 with a Bachelor of Science degree
in Advanced Medical Imaging Technology. She began working for the West Virginia Department of Health and
Human Resources in 2010 within the Office of Maternal Child and Family Health. The first two years with
the DHHR were spent as a HealthCheck Program Specialist and recently Ms. Williams accepted the position of
Children’s Dentistry Coordinator. Deonna actively serves on the Oral Health Coalition and Oral Health Advisory
Board as well as works with various stakeholders and community groups that advocate for oral health. Ms.
Williams has been a Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) since 2010 and takes pride in her public health
role in disease prevention and health promotion.
Pat Withrow, BSN, RN
Health Coordinator Greenbrier County Schools
Pat Withrow is presently the Health Coordinator for Greenbrier County Schools, which includes the school
counselors, school nurses, the wellness program and the Employee Assistance program. She holds a BSN from
WVU and has worked since 1979 in public health, home health and/or school health. During the 24 years in
Greenbrier county schools Pat has been a catalyst to promote children’s health. Some of her accomplishments
includes: increased the certified school nurse staff from one to five; revised and implemented policies and
procedures; developed and co-chaired a community health schools committee that opened Greenbrier county’s
first school-based school clinic which has now grown to four school-based clinics run by Rainelle Medical Center;
implemented a standardized emergency form for all students; implemented a county wide wellness program for
all employees and all schools have an employee who serves as a wellness coach for that school; implemented a
county wide registration day for all schools for new students moving to the area; served on Greenbrier County
Board of Health; served as President of the West Virginia Council of School Nurses; and was honored as WV
School Nurse of the Year January 2000.
Jennie Yoost, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, MU School of Medicine
Dr. Yoost pursued a career in Obstetrics and Gynecology because she enjoyed women’s health issues, and it
was during her residency that she found herself drawn to taking care of younger patients. After residency, she
completed a Fellowship in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (PAG) at Kosair Children’s Hospital. This is
one of only seven PAG Fellowship programs in the nation, specializing in gynecologic care for females under
the age of 18. She currently serves as the Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecologist in an academic practice at
Marshall University and sees patients daily under the age of 18 for gynecologic care. She has expertise in
providing contraceptive counseling and services to younger patients, including the use of long acting reversible
contraceptives, which have been shown to be safe and effective in teenagers.
2013 KidStrong Conference
Adult Vaccination Clinic
Sponsored by FamilyCare HealthCenter
On Tuesday, June 11, 2013 from 11:45pm-2:30 pm FmilyCare Health Center will be
providing the following vaccinations in Parlor E:
• Tdap (Tetanus, Diptheria and Pertussis)
• Hepatitis A
• Hepatitis B
• Hepatitis A/B combo vaccination
You will need your insurance card and completed consent form to receive these adult
vaccination(s). All vaccinations are covered by PEIA insurance. Please refer to other
insurance coverage plans for cost coverage.
Online Conference Evaluations & Continuing Education
Please review these instructions to complete the online KidStrong Conference
Evaluations and receive your Continuing Education Certificate.
You will have until June 30, 2013 to complete the evaluations and print your CE
1. Open up your web browser and type in one of the addresses below EXACTLY as
shown to log onto the Main Page or
2. Begin your anonymous program evaluation by selecting the first of 3 links listed on
the Main Page.
KidStrong Conference June 11th, 2013
KidStrong Conference June 12th, 2013
General Conference Evaluation
3. You will need to evaluate each session for which you wish to receive credit. They are
listed in order by the time of day. As more than one presentation occurred during
each time period, you will be asked to select the session that you attended before
proceeding with your evaluation of that session.
4. After completing the evaluation for each session and submitting your responses, you
will want to return back to the Main Page until each of the evaluations for that day is
5. Complete the General Conference Evaluation.
Please Turn Over for Instructions on Completing & Printing Your CE Certificate
Continuing Medical Education, Pharmacy Education and Certified Health Education
Specialist Credits will be made available at the WV Immunization Network registration
desk at the end of the conference and are commensurate with the extent of your
participation and completion of the evaluations.
Nursing, Social Work, Counseling and Pricipal Leadership Academy
Continuing Education Credits are available online.
1. Once you have finished with the evaluations, return to the Main Page and click on:
Continuing Education Forms and Certificates
2. It is important that you complete each of the fields on the Contact Information Form.
(If you hit the submit button and nothing happens, it means you have missed an
entry.) Attendance will be verified by comparing the registration list and this electronic
attendance verification.
3. After submitting the Contact Information Form you will be directed to your Certificate
and CE Statement. Use your computer’s Print button to print these documents
and complete them for your records. Marshall University will submit your contact
information and conference attendance information to the appropriate agency.
If you have questions about Continuing Education Credits, you may contact Paula Fields
at or (304) 558-8830.
If you need assistance with completing the online forms, you may contact Stephanie
Montgomery at or (304) 634-1008.
You will have until June 30, 2013, to complete your CE requirements.
Your feedback will assist us in planning for future conferences.
We appreciate your participation!
Social work, counseling and nursing CEUs are pending approval from the
Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health as authorized by the
WV Board of Social Work Examiners, License 490089 and the WV Board of
Examiners for Registered Nurses, License WV1999-0297.
2013 KidStrong Conference
Concord University Graduate Assignment
Coordinated School Public Health-KidStrong Conference 2013
1 Coordinated School Public Health
Agency: WVDE/Office of Healthy Schools
Course Date: Summer 2013
Due Date:
Friday, May 9, 2014 (the end of the school year)
Your grade will be posted on the CU student online website after the SUMMER 2013
term ends in August 2013. Please contact the Concord University Registrar’s Office
at 1-304-384-5323 or 1-304-384-5331 if you have difficulty accessing your grade.
Background: Healthy Students = Better Students.
A community school is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school
and other community resources. Its integrated focus on academics, health and
social services, youth and community development and community engagement
leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities.
Community schools offer a personalized curriculum that emphasizes real-world
learning and community problem-solving. Schools become centers of the community
and are open to everyone – all day, every day, evenings and weekends.
Using public schools as hubs, community schools bring together many partners
to offer a range of supports and opportunities to children, youth, families and
communities. Partners work to achieve these results: Children are ready to
enter school; students attend school consistently; students are actively involved
in learning and their community; families are increasingly involved with their
children’s education; schools are engaged with families and communities; students
succeed academically; students are healthy - physically, socially, and emotionally;
students live and learn in a safe, supportive, and stable environment, and
communities are desirable places to live [Coalition for Community Schools (2013)].
Please work with your RESA- Regional School Wellness Specialist (RSWS)
(, if
needed, to implement one of the following assignment options:
• Assist a school in your district with implementing a Let’s Move!WV activity to increase physical
activity and
o Complete a needs assessment summary/overview. Sample located at under KidStrong Conference-2013
then “Sample Community Schools Needs Assessment”.
o Summarize next steps in implementing a community school.
• Incorporate health information into the Student Emergency Information Cards including:
1.Dates of recent immunizations
2.Insurance status (insured or not?)
3.Name of their primary care physician and dentist
4.Date of last well exam and dental exam
5.If they have asthma and asthma action plan
Please utilize the WVDE-Office of Healthy Schools’ “Success Story Template” located
at to complete and electronically submit your
impact, next steps and/or success story.
Include the following as applicable:
1.How your work on the above assignment has the potential to impact your student population
2.Recommended next steps
Should you have any problems submitting your Success Story Template, please contact
or send your success story assignment in a WORD document attachment to Linda
Payne at OR (304) 558-8830.
Action for Healthy Kids
Right From The Start
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative
River Park Hospital
American Dairy Association Mideast
American Lung Association
Sanofi Pasteur
ASPEN Project
School Health Corporation
Buckeye International
Bureau for Behavioral Health
and Health Facilities
West Virginia University
School of Pharmacy
Camp Kno-Koma
WV Asthma Education
and Prevention Program
Cyberonics, Inc.
WV Branch Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation International
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Cincinnati
and Columbus
WV Division of Infectious
Disease Epidemiology
Marshall University School Health
Technical Assistance Center
McKenzie Taylor Company
WV Association of School Nurses
WVDE Office of Child Nutrition
Mylan Specialty LP
WVDHHR/Rural Health and Recruitment
Newborn Hearing Screening Project
WVDHHR/BPH Right From The Start/Newborn
Hearing Screening Project
Novartis Vaccines
WVU Online/Extended Learning
WVU School of Public Health
James B. Phares, Ed.D
State Superintendent of Schools