2010 School Health Profiles Questionnaire Survey Instructions


2010 School Health Profiles

Questionnaire Survey Instructions

The following instructions are for Elementary Principals, Secondary Principals, and Lead

Secondary Health Education Teachers to complete the online 2010 School Health Profile for their schools.

Principals: Go to this Web Page Link: http://wveis.k12.wv.us/wcc/cdc/signon.cfm

and sign on with your valid WVEIS user id and password. If you experience any problems signing on, please contact the web developer at this phone number: 304-558-8869 x 53330.

Questionnaire Initial Sign-on Page

School Health Profiles

Sign On With WVEIS User Id

User Id:


Sign In

West Virginia Department of Education

1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, WV 25305

( Staff Phone and Email by Name ) ( School Directory )

Questionnaire Survey Selection Page

Once successfully signed on, the questionnaire selection page will be displayed. Select the appropriate survey from the drop down menu ( elementary principal, secondary principal, or lead health education teacher ) and click on the Submit button. The questionnaire screen will then be displayed.

School Health Profiles

Survey Selection


Select a Survey


West Virginia Department of Education

1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, WV 25305

( Staff Phone and Email by Name ) ( School Directory )

Elementary School Principal Questionnaire

This web page is to be completed by the Elementary School Principal. The user should read and follow the instructions listed at the beginning of the page. Please enter your name, title, and phone number, and answer the 46 questions of the questionnaire. Since the questionnaire is so lengthy, you may wish to complete some of the answers and finish the rest later by clicking on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. When all questions are answered,

SAVE THE SURVEY , then click on the “Submit” button and your answers will be recorded in a database. If an error message is displayed, please correct the survey, save, and then submit again. You are finished at that point. You may wish to click on the link below to view or print a

“mock up version” of the web page.


Secondary School Principal Questionnaire

This web page is to be completed by the Secondary School Principal. The user should read and follow the instructions listed at the beginning of the page. Please enter your name, title, and phone number, and answer the 49 questions of the questionnaire. Since the questionnaire is so lengthy, you may wish to complete some of the answers and finish the rest later by clicking on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. When all questions are answered, SAVE THE

SURVEY , then click on the “Submit” button and your answers will be recorded in a database. If an error message is displayed, please correct the survey, save, and then submit again. You are finished at that point. You may wish to click on the link below to view or print a “mock up version” of the web page. http://wveis.k12.wv.us/wcc/cdc/sdoc.cfm

Secondary School Lead Health Education Teacher Questionnaire

This web page is to be completed by the Secondary Lead Health Education Teacher. Since most teachers do not have a WVEIS user id, the principal will need to access the site for the teacher.

The user should read and follow the instructions listed at the beginning of the page.

Please enter your name, title, and phone number, and answer the 23 questions of the questionnaire. You may wish to complete some of the answers and finish the rest later by clicking on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. When all questions are answered,

SAVE THE SURVEY , then click on the “Submit” button and your answers will be recorded in a database. If an error message is displayed, please correct the survey, save, and then submit

again. You are finished at that point. You may wish to click on the link below to view or print a

“mock up version” of the web page. http://wveis.k12.wv.us/wcc/cdc/hdoc.cfm
