, . o „ 02.16.01 „ ” , ” 2014 . .................................................................................................................................. 4 . 1. ........................ 5 1.1. ............................................................................................... 5 1.2. ........................................................................... 6 1.3. ................................................................................................................................ 6 1.4. 1 ............................................................................. 7 2. .................................. 8 2.1. ... 8 2.2. .......................................................... 9 2.2.1. ........................................................................................... 9 2.2.2. ................................................................ 9 2.2.3. ............................... 9 2.2.4. ................................. 9 2.3. ................................................................................................................... 9 2.4. ....................................... 10 2.7. ................... 10 2.9. ................................................................................................................................ 10 2.10. 2 ................................................................................ 10 3. 3.2. 3.2.3. (GPS) ............................................................. 11 GPS ...................................................... 11 ............................................................... 11 .......................................................................................... 11 .................................................................................. 11 3.2.4. ...................................................... 12 3.5. GPS ................................................. 12 3.6. .................................................. 14 3.6.1. .................................................................................. 15 3.6.2. ......................................................................... 15 3.6.3. ......................................................... 15 3.6.4. ..................................... 17 1 3.6.5. ............................................................................................ 18 3.7. 3 ........................................................................... 18 4. . .............................................................................. 20 4.3. ........................................................................................................................ 20 4.4. ....................................................................... 21 4.5. ....... 22 4.5.1. ............................ 22 4.5.2. ..................................................................... 22 4.5.3. .................................................. 23 4.6. ....................................................................................................... 23 4.8. 4 ........................................................................... 24 5. . 25 5.2. ................................................................................................................................. 25 5.2.1. , .............................................. 26 5.2.2. , .......................... 27 5.2.3. , ) .................................. 28 ( 5.2.4. ( - W- , ) .................................................. 30 5.2.5. ................................................................................ 31 5.3. 6. 5 ........................................................................... 32 ...................................................................................................................... 34 6.1. ................................................ 35 6.2. ......... 36 6.3. ....................................................................................................... 37 6.4. 7. 6 ........................................................................... 39 - ........................ 40 2 7.2. ........................................................................................................................ 43 7.3. 7 ........................................................................... 46 , ...................................................................................................................... 47 8. 8.1. ....................................................................... 47 8.2. ....................................................................................................... 47 8.3. 8.4. SPSS................................. 48 8 ........................................................................... 55 ....................................................................................... 57 ................................................................................................................ 61 ...................................................................................... 67 ................................................................ 68 3 . , , , . – „ – ” . 2011 ., , ( – ), „ ) ), ” ” ( ”( „ ” ( ), , , . ( „ 13/29.01. 2004 . „ ”), . / ( - ), . – . . . ( ) . , . , . „ ”, , 1980 ., 7 „ ”, - 7.1. „ ”. , , , ( ), 4 3 , . : 1. . - , . . 2. , . ) ( 3. . 4. . . 5. 6. . . 7. . . 1. 1.1. , , ”. – „ , , , , , [m] 0 – 15 . : 15 – 29 30 – 59 60 – 99 100 – 149 >150 136 55 13 4 0 8 >1800 . 1.1 % 172 26 9 2 2 2 3 80 12 4 1 1 1 1 . 1.2 5 1.2. , , . . : . , , , - . , : , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . : 1. ( , , , - , .); 2. ( , , , ); 3. . 1.3. , , . , : , - – , , , , , , , . – , . 6 . , , „ ”. . - - , . 1.4. 1 , , , , . , , . 20- , .„ ”. 92% , , , . . , . 13/29.01.2004 . ( ) , , , - . , - , , . , ( ), . ( - , ) , . 7 – , GNSS, , . , . , . ¼ ( ). , 15 – 20 5 . 4 – 5 , 95% - - 1 400 . 140 5 . 10 50 / ., , / . 10 – 40 . , . 2. 2.1. . ( , , , , , , , .), , . . , . 8 2.2. 2.2.1. , , . . 2.2.2. , , , , . – , . 2.2.3. , : ; . 2.2.4. , , mQ Qmin, . (mQ) ( Q), , t. 2.3. . , , . , 9 . 2.4. , , ( ) . . , , , – – . 2.7. , , , ). , ( – . 2.9. , , , ( ). . 2.10. 2 , “ ” 1980 . 1980 ., , , – , . , , ( ). , . 10 , , . . , , . GPS WGS84 , . . ) ( . 3. (GPS) 3.2. GPS 3.2.3. , , 10 GPS , . , – , . , , , , , / , . . , . ( ), . - , . . – , . , , 11 , . . - . , , , . 3.2.4. . , , – . 3.5. GPS GPS . , , . ( ) , . . . , - . GPS „ – , ” – GPS . . (3.1) 4 - XP, YP, ZP tP. , : A Ax + A f = 0 → Nx + F = 0 T T (3.35) , (4,4): 12 N −1 Q XX Q = Q = XY Q XZ Q Xt Q XY QYY QYZ Q XZ QYZ QZZ QYt QZt Q Xt QYt QZt Qtt (3.36) GPS , . , , , , , . . , ( P = kK −1 = k µ 2Q ) (3.34): −1 , (3.38) – . ( ) s 2Q .... 0 1 1 .... 0 ..... = k ..... .... .... .... Pn 0 P1 0 0 P 2 P = k .... .... 0 0 −1 - 0 s 22Q2 ..... 0 ( ..... ..... ..... ..... ) −1 0 0 ..... s n2 Qn ( : −1 (3.39) ) - 0, . . , . : K xy rxy = (3.40) mx m y GPS , : mΦ2 = mΦ2 1 + mΦ2 2 + 2 m1 m1 – . 1 PΦ1 PΦ 2 1 PΦ1 1 PΦ 2 mΦ1 mΦ 2 , (3.41) ; p1 p2 – : 13 mΦ2 = mΦ2 1 + m Φ2 2 + 2 rΦ1Φ 2 m Φ1 mΦ 2 (3.42) 0, . GPS , , . , P=Q −1 : Q = P −1 , (3.43) (3,3): 1 p 1 r 12 Q = p1 p 2 ........ r1n p1 p n r12 p1 p 2 1 p2 ........ r2 n p2 p n ........ ........ ........ ........ r1n p1 p n r2 n p 2 pn ........ 1 pn q11 q12 q q 22 = 12 ..... ..... q q2 n 1n ..... q1n ..... q2 n ..... ..... , ..... q nn (3.44) , GPS , , - , . , , , - , - Q . qii = 1 pii (3.45) 3.6. GPS : - , , . . ; - ; ; ; ; . , 14 , . 3.6.1. – , GPS . GPS . 3.6.2. – . RTK - , . , . 3.6.3. – . . , . . , : vind = R − 1 , : vind – v= n(n − 1) , 2 (3.51) ;R– . : (3.52) :v– ;n– . ( - 3.45). (R > 2), , R n. s: n (n − 1) s= , 2(R − 1) n (n − 1) if s = float [ ], else s = int + 0.75 (3.53) 2(R − 1) 3.2. , R , n: 15 R n 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 (vind) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 2 4 6 8 11 15 19 23 3 5 6 8 11 13 15 4 5 6 8 10 13 4 5 6 8 10 4 5 7 8 4 6 7 5 6 5 . 3.2. - 15 30, . , . , . . 4 ( ) 6 . n R. n k = +1 , R (3.54) - . s, , . 50%. : 3.8 - . 3.52 3.53) n = 21, 7 210 35 ( . . 3.8. ( (3.54), 3.9 , , 3.8 4 ), s = 16. 16 . 3.9. . 3.9. . 3.9. . 3.9. , , , , , . 3.6.4. – , . , - . ( - – ): ; ; – DOP „ / ” ; ; – - . ( 20 35 ) 1 - 2 , ) ( . , . . ( ). . - GPS 5 . , – 10 , 17 50%. ( ), . 3.6.5. – , , INdependent EXchange) , . RINEX (Receiver . . 3.7. 3 GPS , GPS , , , , . , ( ) GPS . 3 - 95% GPS ( GPS „ , 70 . ”, . . ). , GPS , (3.53) . . , . (1 – 2 ) , , , ( ) . , , . 18 , 2.5 , , L1, . , 0 [8]. , . , , . RTK , „ ” ( . , ) . , RINEX . , [2]. - , – 3 - [2]. ( ) , , . , , [46]. , . , - , . 2 / „ / ” , , , . , 20 – 35 ., , , 19 , (3.52). . , 5 , , - , , 10 ., . , . 5 . 10 ( . ), . 4. . . . , . GPS . , , , . 4.3. (X, Y, Z) : (B, L, H). X = ( N + H )cos B cos L Y = ( N + H )cos B sin L , [ ( ) (4.8) ] Z = N 1 − e + H sin B 2 N– N= , a (4.9) 1 − e 2 sin 2 B – , e2 = : a2 + b2 =2f − f2, 2 a b . (4.10) ; f – ( - : , . 4.5): – 20 - Z– X– Y– ; ; , . : X Y ; - ; . . 4.5. : L = arctg A ( A − a ), N' 1 k= , h 2 1 + e ' N' Z 1 + e' 2 , tgBo = , X 2 +Y2 B = arctg (k .tgB ) h= Y , X a2 − b2 e' = , b2 A 2 = X 2 + Y 2 + Z 2 1 + e' 2 , N '2 = X 2 + Y 2 ( ( ) + Z (1 + e' ) , 2 2 2 ’– ) (4.11) . , (a, f) . , , , , . 4.4. , , . 21 , : - - ; - ; - ; – . , . , . (x,y): x = f x (a, e, B, L ) , y = f y (a, e, B, L ) fx, fy – (4.12) : , – / , . , 4.5. . – . GPS , d − s = (d − s ') + (s '− s ) , (d-s’) : (4.13) , (s’-s) . 4.5.1. – , , , . . d = s’ 5 , : (d − s ') = 0 (4.14) 4.5.2. – - . - , , 22 500 – 1000 . 5000 , . 4.5.3. – , – (s '− s ) = − H m − H o s + H m − H o Rm Rm Hm = Hi Hi + Hk , 2 Hk – . 2 s , (4.20) H o = H izh = 0, (4.21) ; Ho = 0 . Ho = 0, - . , . 4.6. GPS . , – . – . 2 : 1. – , . 2. , . ; , . . (x1,y1) (x2, y2), , : 23 2 2 ∂f ∂f mx2 = x mx21 + x m 2y1 ∂x1 ∂y1 , 2 2 ∂f ∂f m y2 = y mx21 + y m 2y1 ∂x1 ∂y1 (fx, fy) . (4.25) , 4 4.8. GPS - . , GPS . , , , , . , WGS-84, , . , . , , . , (1-2 ), , , . , – . , . - , . , ( . 2 , GPS . ) - , , . 24 , , GPS . , . GPS . , . 5. , , . ( 2), - – . , , . , , . . – . , . - . . GPS 3 , , . 5.2. – (control points) , . 325 , , (X, Y, Z). 5.2.1. , , . . . , . . , , d. , : d= (∆X 2 ) + ∆Y 2 + ∆ Z 2 , X, Y (5.14) Z . md = m∆ X = (m 2 Xo (m 2 ∆X mX, mY mZ + mX j ∆Y 2 ) ,m = : ) + m∆ Y + m∆ Z , 2 (m 2 Yo 2 + mY j mXo, mYo, mZo, mXj, mYj 2 (5.15) ) ,m = ∆Z mZj . (m . 2 Zo + mZ j 2 ), : (5.16) . , . , - [29]. - 3 ( ), 50% / 2/ , , , . . . ( 4), : ∆ = t∆ , (5.17) 26 t 12 ( 4 =0.95, t 3 3 , . 6 ) ). 2.19 ( 3, , 95%, t = 2.463. - 6, : n M = ∑m i =1 2 d , n (5.18) m , ne . , : d ≤ ∆ (5.19) . , . 2, ( ). 5.2.2. , , . , 3 , . , . , , ( 6– 4.3). - 4, 1.4 . ( 4, 4.4), , ( ( 4, 2 ) 4.5). , ( . 5.14) 0.1 , 5.2: 27 (∆N d = 2 N, E ) + ∆E 2 + ∆H 2 , (5.20) H , , , . 4, (m md = 2 ∆N 5.15: + m∆E + m∆H 2 2 4.6, ) (5.21) , ( 5.2). ( - 5.17, 5.18 5.19), . - ( 2 ). 5.2.3. , ( - W- ) „ ” . , , , . , – - , , . : - , . . ; ; , . . . - , . . 28 5.1 [88], . W 0.001 3.29 5.91 4.24 1D 2D 3D . 5.1. 0.01 2.58 3.81 2.83 0.05 1.96 2.42 1.89 . e . ij: σ = J * Qij * J , J– 2 ij T (5.22) , Qij – i j. , Qi σ Qi = σ Ei Ni σ E H i i 2 Ei Qj: σEN σ N2 σNH i σEH σNH σ H2 i i i σ E2 j Q j = σ E j N j σ E jH j i i i i i i σE N σ N2 σN H j j j j j j j j σE H σN H σ H2 j j (5.23) , d( i σ σ Ei Ni σ E H Qij = i i 0 0 0 2 Ei j : σEN σ N2 σNH i i i i i σEH σNH σ H2 i i i i i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 σ E2 σE N σE H j σE N σ N2 σN H j j j j j j j j j 0 0 0 σ E jH j σ N jH j σ H2 j 5.20) (5.24) : ∂d J = ∂E i ∂d ∂N i ∂d ∂H i ∂d ∂E j ∂d ∂N j ∂d ∂H j , (5.25) : Ei − E j ∂d ∂d =− = ; ∂Ei ∂E j d 3 Ni − N j Hi − H j ∂d ∂d ∂d ∂d =− = =− = (5.26) ; ∂H i ∂N i ∂N j d ∂H j d : 29 T= d (5.27) σ ij < 3D – , > 3D – . 5.2.4. , ( - ) 5.2.3. . , . , . . , : dH ij = H j − H i , Hj σ 2 dH Hi =σ +σ 2 i (5.28) . : dH 2 j (5.29) : , W= dH (5.30) σ dH , 5.1. > W < W – 1D 1D. W - (x d = ∆x 2 + ∆y 2 = j : − xi ) + ( y j − yi ) 2 , 2 (5.31) : ( ) ( ) ( ∆x ∆y ∆x ∆y σ = σ x2i + σ x2j + 2 σ xi yi + σ xij \ yij \ + σ y2i + σ y2j d d d d , 2 2 d T2 D = d > T 2D ) (5.32) : (5.33) σd T 2 2D - < T 2D – , . 5.1. 30 5.2.5. , . (2005) . , : ∆X io = X io − X mo ∆Yi o = Yi o − Ymo (5.34) ∆Z io = Z io − Z mo , Xmo, Ymo Zmo , Xio, Yio Zio . : [∆X ] = 0 [∆X .∆X ] = min o i o i (5.35) o i , . - ( ) . : - , Xmo, Ymo Zmo – ; - ( - ), . - Xmj, Ymj Zmj; Xm, Ym ∆X m = X − X j m Zm ∆Ym = Yi j − Ymo ∆Z m = Z i − Z j : o m (5.36) o m , : 31 X ij Yi j Zi (1) (1) j (1) = X i j + ∆X m X mj = Yi o + ∆Ym Ymj (1) (1) j (1) = Z io + ∆Z m Zm = X mo = Ymo (5.37) = Z mo : ∆X i jo = X i j ∆Yi jo = Yi j ∆Z i jo = Z i (1) (1) j (1) − X io − Yi o (5.38) − Z io ), ( . : ∆ ≤ 2 ∆ , (5.39) – , : ∆ = a 2 + (b × R ) 2 (5.40) , – , (5 ), b – R – . , ∆ ( X ,Y , Z ) = : ∆ 3 ∆ = σ x2 + σ y2 + σ z2 - (5.41) , (5.39), , , , . . 5.3. 5 5.7 5- . , . , , , ( - . 2- , , Zlat 6 6- ) 4 5. , 32 . . 50% , . 6- , 28- : , . , ( 5 ), , , . , , , ; 95% 5.2.3. 5.2.4. 13, 4 5, 4 5 - , . . , , < 1.4 , ; - , 3 (11 - 23 – 13%. - 13 ), ( 265- 1.4 – - - , ). 4 . 4 5 , , - . , . . ( ), , ; - , – , - . 2, Zlat . . , . ( 5 ) 33 , . , ( ) . . : 6 ( , 3.8 Zlat, ) ; , , – . 2- , 4- 81% (22 27 2- ). 5- . - 5- , 5 - , Zlat 4 6- , 5. . 6. - , , . , . . ±5 , ( 3, . 3.7 ). . 34 , . 6.1. III , 6.1, . Sokkia SDL30 1.0 / . 2 . . 6.1 , ( 5.2.6. 5, ), , , 0.81 – 1.54 / , . . . ±3.4 , 401, 501 601. – . , 10-40 / , , 95% ( , 2.1 ∆H min 10 = = 5mm t 2 ∆ H min = 2 m H2 ⇒ m H i = ≈ 3.54 mm t 2 ): m ∆H ≤ (6.1) m∆2H (6.2) 35 6.2. Leica, Thales Pro Mark 3, 4 / System 900 / 3/ / , 20 , 10 10 . 3, 3.6 3.6.3. 6.2: . 6.2. GPS 17 , 14.11.2009 ., 6 6. . (3.52), , 136 , ( 3.53): n (n − 1) n (n − 1) v= = 136 baselines ⇒ s = int + 0.75 ≈ 23 2 2(R − 1) , - 3.54, , 2 3. 58 (174 5 1, 2 3, 2 23 (6.3) 4 1, 10, ), (3 ): n = +1 ≈ 4 R (6.4) . ( , ) 5 . 36 - 6.2, . (N,E) H . 6.3. . – , , . , . 18 28 ( ). , - 1 : - 5 - ( - 7– 9 – 5); ( 17 – ; 21 – - ); 801 901 – . – , , . ( 101 901) - – 411 511. – , , ( ), . : . . dH = H ik − H io 2 mdH = mH2 k + mH2 o i dH – i , . (6.5) i ; Hik – i ; o i – ; 37 mdH – . . . 0 - ; mHik - mHi – . . . . , d = dH GPS − dH LEV . . . 2 2 md2 = mdH GPS + m dH LEV : , (6.6) d – GPS GPS LEV (dH ) . . . (dH ); md – . . . GPS (mdHGPS) , (mdHGPS) ; : n pdi = c , md2i µ= n– 1 n pdi d i2 ∑ 2 n i =1 c= ∑m 2 di 1 n , (6.7) . (6.8) – , ( ). 6.3, . 6.4. – цикъл 25.02.2010 - цикъл 6 16.04.2010 - цикъл 8 12.06.2010 - цикъл 10 23.07.2010 - цикъл 11 08.08.2010 - цикъл 12 19.10.2010 - цикъл 14 13.11.2010 - цикъл 15 ……………………….. 20.07.2011 - цикъл 22 15.09.2011 - цикъл 23 14.10.2011 - цикъл 24 19.11.2011 - цикъл 25 11.12.2011 - цикъл 26 14.01.2012 - цикъл 27 19.02.2012 - цикъл 28 LEV d -1.60 -3.80 1.20 -3.90 -0.80 -4.50 -5.40 …….. -8.20 -9.30 -12.00 -12.60 -12.00 -13.90 -14.50 801 dGPS -3.20 -8.00 -6.10 -1.55 -2.22 -10.50 -7.10 ……….. -13.80 -16.30 -13.50 -16.90 -13.60 -19.50 -10.80 d -1.60 -4.20 -7.30 2.35 -1.42 -6.00 -1.70 ……… -5.60 -7.00 -1.50 -4.30 -1.60 -5.60 3.70 mdmid= 901 d dGPS 4.72 1.0 -1.40 -1.20 5.58 0.7 -3.40 -5.50 5.09 0.9 1.90 -5.30 5.47 0.8 -2.50 -1.20 4.32 1.2 0.00 -2.20 4.78 1.0 -4.00 -5.40 4.50 1.1 -4.70 -3.40 ……… …… ………. ……… 5.38 0.8 -6.00 -10.10 4.42 1.2 -6.40 -10.70 4.22 1.3 -7.90 -8.10 4.60 1.1 -8.80 -9.50 4.70 1.0 -8.40 -8.00 5.07 0.9 -9.80 -12.90 4.77 1.0 -10.50 -6.50 mdi 4.8 pdi mm LEV d 0.20 -2.10 -7.20 1.30 -2.20 -1.40 1.30 ……… -4.10 -4.30 -0.20 -0.70 0.40 -3.10 4.00 mdi pdi 4.45 5.40 4.83 5.08 3.90 4.55 4.33 ……… 5.07 4.36 4.33 4.51 4.50 4.81 4.37 1.0 0.7 0.9 0.8 1.4 1.0 1.1 ….. 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.1 mdmid= 4.5 mm 38 6.4. 6 . 28 . 27 17.06.2009 – 19.02.2012 ., . , 18 . : - , , – - . 6.2. ; , 6.3. . . . – , . . 6.4, ; 39 - - „ ” , ; - , : o 3 - – 3, ( 3.7), o ; , ; - o , - , - – , ( 0.6 ); , o ; GPS o , ; o , . 7. , „ ” , , 3 . , , „ - ”. , , : 40 ε x ε = ε y ε z γ xy γ = γ yz γ xz (7.5) U,V W, . : ∂U ∂x ∂V εy = ∂y ∂W εz = ∂z ∂U ∂V + ∂y ∂x ∂V ∂ W = + ∂z ∂y ∂W ∂U = + ∂x ∂z γ xy = εx = γ yz γ xy (7.6) , [24]. , Tε = : εx 1 γ yx 2 1 γ xy 2 1 γ xz 2 - εy 1 γ yz 2 1 γ zx 2 1 γ zy 2 (7.7) εz : ε n = ε x λ + ε y µ + ε zν + γ xy λµ + γ yz µν + γ zxνλ , : 2 2 ε n = ε x λ + ε y µ + γ xy λµ – , V '−V e= , V V– , 2 2 2 (7.8) XY, (7.9) : (7.10) V’ – . dx, dy e = (1 + ε x )(1 + ε y )(1 + ε z ) dz, XYZ, : (7.11) , ( 10 -3 - ), 7.11 2 : , 41 e = εx +εy +εz (7.12) , : e xy = εx +εy e yz = ε y + ε z (7.13) e = εx +εz xz , , , , : (ε x − ε n )λ + 1 γ yx µ + 1 γ zxν =0 2 1 1 γ xy λ + (ε y − ε n )µ + γ zyν = 0 2 2 1 1 γ xz λ + γ yz µ + (ε z − ε n )ν = 0 2 2 2 (7.14) : λ + µ +ν = 1 , 2 2 2 (7.15) , : (ε x − ε n )λ + 1 γ yx µ + 1 γ zxν 2 2 1 1 det γ xy λ + (ε y − ε n )µ + γ zyν = 0 2 2 1 1 γ xz λ + γ yz µ + (ε z − ε n )ν 2 2 (7.16) , n, : ε − J 1ε n2 + J 2ε n − J 3 = 0 , 3 n (7.17) Jn : J1 = ε x + ε y + ε z J 2 = A11 + A22 + A33 (7.18) J 3 = det (Tε ) XY , , . : ε − J 1ε n + J 2 = 0 , 2 n (7.19) 42 Jn : J1 = ε x + ε y (7.20) J 2 = det (Tε ) : γ xy , εx −εy tan 2Θ = (7.21) . 7.2. . – ) 411 9( - , 101 901 2( – - ) 511. 6, 401 501 - . , . 7.8, n– x, y , z , (7.7); , , – : ; xy , yz , xz – – . 6 ( . (7.8) ) 6 ( ), , , . , ( „ ” 4, 5 6 „ 901). 101 ” – 1, 2 3. 5 4, . 6 , 411 511 , . . . 43 7 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 411 , 511. . , , , , , ( 101 901). 3 ( ) , . 5/14.11.2009 ., 25/19.11.2011 . 11/23.07.2010 4 5 ., 19/23.04.2011 . . , . N point 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 εxx, .10-3 -0.06 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.03 -0.03 -0.06 цикъл 25/19.11.2011 εyy, εzz, γxy, γyz, γxz, mεxx mεzz m γxz -3 mεyy -3 -3 m γxy -3 m γyz .10 10 10 10 10-3 0.02 0.03 0.01 -6.81 0.35 -0.03 0.01 -0.12 0.22 1.79 0.52 0.01 0.02 0.00 -2.86 0.20 -0.04 0.01 0.47 0.22 0.51 0.33 0.02 0.02 0.00 -2.32 0.24 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.35 0.29 0.41 0.02 0.02 0.01 2.06 0.41 0.07 0.01 -0.56 0.07 -1.28 0.20 0.01 0.01 0.01 2.04 0.31 0.06 0.02 -0.41 0.09 -1.07 0.13 0.01 0.00 0.01 1.14 0.09 0.03 0.02 -0.14 0.14 -0.86 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.06 0.00 0.01 0.17 0.04 -0.22 0.09 0.01 -0.01 0.02 -2.79 0.29 -0.05 0.02 0.53 0.43 1.01 0.29 0.01 0.01 0.03 -3.68 0.65 -0.06 0.03 0.30 0.79 1.56 0.46 Изчисляване на обемните деформации в цикъл 25/19.11.2011г. me 0.35 0.20 0.24 0.41 0.31 0.09 0.06 0.29 0.65 44 2D представяне на повърхнината на обемните деформации в цикъл 25/19.11.2011г. H N E, , , . . , NE, (7.13) (7.19). цикъл 25/19.11.2011 N εxx, εyy, εmin, εmax, Θ, γxy, mεxx -3 -3 mεyy -3 -3 -3 m γxy point .10 .10 10 10 [deg] 10 101 -0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.02 0.01 -0.0363 0.0662 0.75 201 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.0505 0.0253 0.78 301 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 -0.01 0.01 -0.0791 0.0385 359.22 401 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 -0.1206 0.0299 0.78 501 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 -0.0965 0.0282 0.78 601 -0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 -0.0690 0.0113 0.78 701 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 -0.0264 0.0049 0.75 801 0.01 0.01 -0.06 0.02 -0.02 0.02 -0.0345 0.0730 0.78 901 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.05 -0.0408 0.0929 0.78 Изчисляване на площните деформации в цикъл 25/19.11.2011г. me 0.002 0.002 0.008 0.006 0.010 0.008 0.001 0.003 0.003 45 2D 25/19.11.2011 . 7.3. 7 4 , 5 . . , . , . . – . 5 , , , , . . . 46 , . , - , . 8. , , , , . , . . 8.1. , , . , , “ ”. . . - , . . Y. Y X. , . , . 8.2. X1, X2,….,Xn Y . 47 . – , , . . , : y = f ( x1 , x2 ,..., xn ; a1 , a2 ,...an ) , f– , ai – . (8.1) , : X1, X2,…., Xn ; Y Y . 8.3. - SPSS , , . . 6 / ( ), (N, E, H) , 25.02.2010 – 19.02.2012 , – / . , 101 – 901, ( F11 F91, ). , ( : , ), – 1 . . – , , . 8.2 , . , . : 1. , 48 , . 9/ / , . 1.1. : , 0.7). ( , - . . , , . , , . , 0.05 (Sig.< 0.05) . , , 95%. 0.05 ( 0.10), Sig. , . , 8.3, „ ” „ ” : 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 weight_mat weight_water move_H move_E move_N F( ) 8.2. , „ ” „ ” . , 7 401 801 901 - . 101 – – , . „ F51 – F71 ”, . – / ( 7.4 ). 49 1.2. , . , . . . 8.4: 0. – , 8.4. - – . , , KMO , 0.5 , . . “ 101 N,E Determin KMO Bartlet H Determin KMO Bartlet . 201 301 401 501 ”. 601 701 801 901 0.004 0.615 0.000 0.016 0.696 0.000 0.017 0.637 0.000 0.011 0.636 0.000 0.000 0.670 0.000 0.000 0.743 0.000 0.000 0.826 0.000 0.037 0.694 0.000 0.035 0.718 0.000 0.004 0.734 0.000 0.006 0.525 0.000 0.012 0.571 0.000 0.002 0.753 0.000 0.000 0.676 0.000 8.3 0.000 0.837 0.000 0.001 0.709 0.000 0.019 0.693 0.000 0.028 0.697 0.000 - , . 2. – . , . 8.5, – . „Total Variance Explained” . 100 %, 2 90%, , , . „Factor Matrix” . , . - , - , . 0.5, . , 50 „ ” , - – . „Rotated Factor Matrix” . , . , . , , Varimax , „ ” . . 3. ( ) – , dH, dE weight_water). 3.1. : • dN, (dF, weight_mat, , . . • • . , . • , . . - 95% • ANOVA) • : , F < 0.05; R2 R - • • • ( 1 0.5; ( SPSS VIF < 10); : ( . ); - . , . 51 . . , . 3.2. 8.6 8.7, – . (dH, dE dN) (dF, weight_mat, . weight_water), dH = b0 + b1dE + b2 dN + b3 dF + b4 weight _ mat + b5 weight _ water (8.13) ( 8.6). - : : Model Summaryb Std. Error of the Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate a 1 ,902 ,814 ,765 2,09953 a. Predictors: (Constant), LINT(F11), LINT(move_101E), LINT(move_101N), LINT(weight_water), LINT(weight_mat) b. Dependent Variable: LINT(move_101H) - , : b ANOVA Sum of Mean Model Squares df Square F Sig. 1 Regression 366,084 5 73,217 16,610 ,000a Residual 83,752 19 4,408 Total 449,836 24 a. Predictors: (Constant), LINT(F11), LINT(move_101E), LINT(move_101N), LINT(weight_water), LINT(weight_mat) b. Dependent Variable: LINT(move_101H) 52 : Unstandardized Coefficients Std. B Error -8,980 1,411 ,000 ,000 Coefficientsa Standardized Coefficients Model 1 (Constant) LINT(weight_ mat) LINT(weight_ ,000 ,000 water) LINT(move_10 -,454 ,212 1E) LINT(move_10 -,010 ,151 1N) LINT(F11) -,016 ,195 a. Dependent Variable: LINT(move_101H) Beta t -6,365 -1,028 -2,459 ,379 Sig. ,000 ,024 95.0% Confidence Interval for B Lower Upper Bound Bound -11,933 -6,027 -,001 ,000 1,103 ,284 ,000 ,000 -,315 -2,141 ,045 -,898 -,010 -,014 -,066 ,948 -,326 ,306 -,011 -,081 ,936 -,424 ,392 , . ( ) , , dH = b0 + b1dF1 + b2 dF2 dH = b0 + b1dF1 : (8.14) (8.15) (8.14) (8.15) . - : Variables Entered/Removedb Model Variables Entered Variables Removed 1 REGR factor score 1 for . analysis 1 a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable: LINT(move_101H) Method Enter : Model Summaryb Model R R Square Adjusted R Square a 1 ,853 ,727 ,715 a. Predictors: (Constant), REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1 b. Dependent Variable: LINT(move_101H) Std. Error of the Estimate 2,31166 53 - , : b ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square 1 Regression 326,930 1 326,930 Residual 122,907 23 5,344 Total 449,836 24 a. Predictors: (Constant), REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1 b. Dependent Variable: LINT(move_101H) F 61,179 Sig. ,000a : Coefficientsa Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta -15,412 ,462 -3,693 ,472 -,853 Model 1 (Constant) REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1 a. Dependent Variable: LINT(move_101H) t -33,335 -7,822 Sig. ,000 ,000 : dH = −15.412 − 3.693dF1 - – , , 0 0.979: - , 45 , : 54 : , , . 901 301, 801 501 701 , ” „ , 8.3, . 8.7. 8.4. 8 , . SPSS 24 ( ). : , . , - . , ( ) , . , , . . . , , , . . 55 , . , . , . , , . , ( ) . , , , . . . , , . , . , ( ). / , ( 7.4 ). . , , . , . ( ) . , , . , . 56 . , „ ”, 1980 , . „ ”, ”. – 1- , 7.1. „ 4- 4 , . , – - . 29 . , , . , , , , . 10 50 . 140 / . 10 – 40 400 5 / ., , . , , . – , – , . , 57 , ( ). , , . 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