Academic Checklist
Operational Checklist
 Disaggregate WESTEST 2 data / Growth Model involving all staff members
 Opening School Checklist
 Review and Analyze all school data related to the Standards for High Quality Schools
 Organize Back to School event / Parent-Teacher Nights
 Conduct initial WESTEST 2 Test Talks
 Textbook/instructional material review and needs assessment
 Develop and implement intervention plans for academics, attendance, behavior, etc.
 Distribute Student/Faculty Handbooks
 Develop plan for Student Mentors/eMentors with at risk students
 Disaster Drills – Update Safe Schools Handbook
 Determine (3) focus areas / Convert focus areas to school SMART Goals (objectives)
 Weekly Curriculum Walk Throughs
 Review/Submit online strategic plan documentation
 Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly Parent Communication
 Establish collaborative team goals that align with school goals
 Review / Begin Teacher Evaluation process
 Develop and begin work of the School Leadership Team
 Monthly review of financial budgets
 Conduct an IPI (Instructional Practices Inventory) overview seminar with faculty
 Monthly Fire Drills
 Conduct IPI data collection (2 times during the semester) and facilitate faculty discussion
 Monthly WVEIS Reports
 Construct data walls and/or data notebooks – review data in teams
 Weekly/Monthly Custodian Walk Throughs
 Implement / promote student leadership / provide a mechanism for student voice
 Administer the culture survey (S3 high schools administer the climate survey)
 Parent engagement – collect documentation and data to sustain
 Incorporate an appropriate extended day/year program (if applicable)
 Develop ISTP (Individual Student Transition Plans) for students at appropriate grade levels
 Complete Cultural Typology and share results with faculty
 Collaborative Teams are focused on learning.
 Develop professional development schedules based on school and faculty needs
Academic Checklist
 Use data from WVDE site and other sources to examine leading indicators of change
Operational Checklist
 Monthly Fire Drills
(student/teacher attendance, discipline, student engagement, etc.)
 Conduct IPI data collection and facilitate faculty discussion
 Weekly Curriculum Walk Throughs
 Continue WESTEST 2 Test Talks
 Weekly/Monthly Custodian Walk Throughs
 Collaborative Teams are focused on learning.
 Disaster Drills – Update Safe Schools Handbook
 Disaggregate and Analyze all school data related to the Standards for High Quality Schools
 Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly Parent Communication
 Develop/Schedule motivational activities for summative assessment based on students,
faculty and community suggestions
 Review / Continue Teacher Evaluation process
 Begin the development/preparation of next year’s master schedule based on data analysis
and leadership team discussions.
 Monthly review of financial budgets
 Review student records for: promotion/graduation requirements, extended school year, etc.
 Examine custodian schedules/make appropriate changes
 Parent engagement – collect documentation and data to sustain
 Update Student/Faculty Handbooks
 Organize Promotion/Graduation Ceremonies
 Complete faculty/staff evaluations
 Create and deliver an annual presentation of school successes and accomplishments
to faculty, students and community (End of Year Celebration)
 Prepare a closeout checklist for teachers
 Textbook/instructional material inventory
 Monthly WVEIS Reports