PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS I. T. Fohl L. E. Sprague D. S. Dunavan Prof. W. B. Nottingham J. F. Campbell, Jr. A. ELECTRON EMISSION AND CESIUM PLASMA 1. THERMIONIC ENERGY CONVERTERS Thermionic diodes containing cesium vapor ionized by contact with the heated sur- face of the diode are of increasing interest as their potentialities become established. Many calculations demand a knowledge of the vapor pressure of the cesium or of its mean-free path or both. To satisfy this demand as well as is possible with our present limited knowledge of the actual characteristics of cesium, the following equations have been worked out: p = 2.45X10 p = 2.45 X 10 X c 8 -1/2 Cs 8 -1/2 TCs e -89L0/TCs -3870/TC X = 1.38 X 1013 T 1/2 g X = 1.38 X 1011 T1/ c g mm s mm 0 103670/TC X 1 03670/T m cm where p is the pressure in millimeters; TCs is the cesium condensation temperature in OK; T is the average temperature of cesium gas in oK; and X is the mean-free path. The numerical results represented by these equations have been incorporated in a nomographic chart (Fig. I-1) prepared by J. H. Hufford, Class of '63, M.I.T. The columns at the right give a one-to-one correspondence between pressure and cesium temperature. specified. This is the pressure in equilibrium with liquid cesium at the temperature If the temperature of the gas in some part of the diode is different from the temperature of the cesium reservoir, the mean-free path will be slightly greater if the temperature in the diode is greater than the cesium temperature. The chart also serves to show how much change takes place in the mean-free path, and of course it can be used to estimate the mean-free path in the immediate neighborhood of the cesium surface by setting a straightedge, or alignment thread, at the cesium temperature point on scale. It is hoped that this chart will be found useful for quick estimations of g the pressure-temperature mean-free-path relations. the T W. B. Nottingham Tg P TCs PTCs Ac 3000 20 3 _ 4 10 2500 102 230 370 5 3 - 380 390 2000 2 -27 10 - 3 -2 V 4 00 4 1 -410 10 1500oo 1000 2O 44 3 450 45 6 460 470 2 480 490 500 I0 8 90 p =2.45 X 10 T 8 700 -420 430 I/2 -8910 e TCs 8 -1/2 -3870 10 T p=2.45 X 10 T 4 mm 10 oo Nc= 1.38 X 10 T 10 Tcs p mm m 5 6 250 -- - 2 3 4 260 6 270 2 o 2 3 o average aTg= temperature of cesium gas K 3 4 550 - 2 6 10 6 6 -- 300 Use scales a, b and c for high temperature. 600 -650 2 310 5 6 o 700 320 2 330 6 7 7504 6 10 800 c2 o 2 Fig. I-1. 360 900 4 S5 6 950 10 - Sb 340 3 350 0.110 T Use scales a,d and e for low temperature. 200 290 9 O 4 c = mean-free path inmeters 255 I0 - temperature *K 245 - 6 - pressure in mm = cesium condensation 400 3 1 0 5 3 500oo -240 21- 2 1 -1-4 I3 1 13 /2 - 235 5 6- c Temperature-pressure mean-free-path relations for cesium. 001-- d 3 4 5 6 370 e (I. B. PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS IN THE SOLID STATE 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF SEMICONDUCTOR JUNCTIONS PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS) In Quarterly Progress Report No. 57, measurements were reported on two type 1N670 diffused silicon diodes. The analysis of these data is essentially complete. In Fig. I-2 is shown a semilogarithmic plot of the forward part of the characteristic 0 of one of the diodes at several temperatures from 20 C to 140'C. The slight bend in the characteristic was previously mentioned in connection with other diodes that were studied (1). In order to understand the reason for this bend, measurements were made of the ac forward conductance of the diodes as a function of applied voltage. The results (Fig. 1-3) show that the conductance at higher forward voltages is about what would be expected from the measured dc conductance, calculated as dI/dV. This is represented • .• • . 0-2 -- 102 1N670-I 1400 120 600 10000 -5- 10 20' _ o - u 10 . . 10_ 8 - 10 10 10 0 1.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 I I 050 060 I 070 V (VOLTS) Fig. I-2. Forward characteristic of diode 1N670-1. by the solid line in the upper end of the curve. At smaller applied voltages the conduc- tance is always larger than would be expected from the dc characteristic. This is the behavior expected from a surface channel viewed as a lossy transmission line. On the basis of this evidence that a surface channel existed and was responsible for (I. PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS) 10r IN670-1 IOOoC AC CONDUCTANCE 10-22 0-3 10 0 100 KC 12 A IKC A 1 Fig. 1-3. I 0 0.10 I I 0.20 j I 0.30 040 V(VOLTS) I 0.50 0.60 Forward ac conductance (diode 1N670-1). part of the forward current, we made an analysis of the forward characteristic, the theory of Cutler and Bath (2). using This analysis shows that the part of the current from the channel should be c c 0p( where VT = q/kT. T)T- VT By assuming another current component, I , given by I = Iu [exp(V/nVT)-1 ] a three-point fit was made to the forward characteristic. forward characteristic after the determination of Ic fit to the entire forward characteristic below 10 o S-30 , Reconstruction of the entire I , and n produced an excellent o ampere. Furthermore, comparison of the constants determined here with the measured low-voltage dc conductance, through the relation Ic = 2VTg c shows excellent agreement. consideration of the channel as a transmission line. go This relation follows from Here gc is the conductance of the channel alone. This is calculated from the observed conductance by subtracting from go a reasonable (but small) estimate of the conductance of I u . In Fig. I-4 is shown a plot of Iu , I Ou cO , I' and the reverse current at three different O (I. PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS) We see the general trend of agreement between I c o and I' voltages. o . In addition, the temperature variation of the reverse current is similar - a fact that shows that it, too, arises from a surface channel. The other current component, I u , displays a completely different temperature behavior. This component is thought to be a combination of diffusion and space-charge recombination currents. 28 30 32 Fig. I-4. 36 34 VT 38 40 - (VOLTSI ) ') (VOLTS Temperature dependence of current components. The diode on which data have been presented here shows behavior that is completely consistent with conventional channel behavior. Another diode, tion, shows incomplete agreement with the channel picture. quite similar in construcIn contrast with diode which showed a reverse current that always increased with time after appli- 1N670-1, cation of a reverse bias, this diode (1N670-2) shows a reverse current that decreases with time. This observation indicates that the density of slow surface states must be changing, probably as the result of migration of ions along the surface of the diode. A rough calculation shows that the mobilities required for this behavior are in the range of 10 - 3 to 10 - 4 cm 2/volt-sec, which suggests the presence of a surface film of water. This is unlikely, however, because diodes that have been freshly evacuated also show the (I. PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS) downward creep of current with time. More complete results of this study are presented in a Ph.D. thesis, Department of Physics, M.I.T. (1960). J. F. Campbell, Jr. References 1. J. F. Campbell, Jr., Characteristics of semiconductor junctions, Quarterly Progress Report No. 55, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T., Oct. 15, 1959, pp. 1-3. 2. M. Cutler and H. M. Bath, Surface leakage current in silicon fused junction diodes, Proc. IRE 45, 39-43 (1957).