WSSSC Commission Winter 2014 Meeting Notes 2/6/2014 Bellevue College Welcome Introductions

WSSSC Commission Winter 2014 Meeting Notes
Bellevue College
Welcome Introductions-Bill Belden
Welcome to Bellevue College-Ata Karim
Ata welcomed the Commission and stated he was honored and thrilled to host the
Three significant projects happening at Bellevue strategic plans for capital, academic,
student services.
Demographics of Bellevue were shared 30 percent outside district and travel outside the
district 1040 international students. Plan to become a residential College in the near
future. Changes the make-up of the College. East campus in Issaquah. Lots of
renovations on campus. Proud of autism spectrum navigator program run by DSS.
Retention and success in classroom phenomenal. Student success has been amazing.
Retention and success of students is a top priority.
Competency Based degrees-Trish Onion
Draft from workgroup handed out. Important for our system this learning access
resource look into future and what people know regarding content not just seats in the
class. Pipeline for enrollments will be less and learning adults constrained by location
and other issues that will assist in their goal attainment unless the system is willing to
change. The committee is working closely with FA on structure and regulations to work
on ways to make this happen with all the restrictions. Handed out FA Issues for CBL.
Draft form to meet with the Presidents to discuss the issues that impact FA. Four
colleges have Gates grant working on this Bellevue, Edmonds, Spokane, and Columbia
Basin. Are doing this in the quarter structure and enrollments have been good. One fulltime position is required for this program.
Accreditation Panel-Rhonda Coats
Dave, Bob, Deb, and Deb G. all presented similar information. Hired a consultant and
wrote a new mission, vision, values statement and then wrote the core themes and BOT
involved. Work with evaluators not against them. Existing structures doing the
accreditation report (academic standing committees did a lot of the work on the side).
Year one and seven are the book ends, year three the facts. Try to work on a document
to have it read as one voice, accreditation should be integrated into the annual work not
just when it happens. Inconsistency of visiting teams is possible because they are in a
learning state. Experience is limited so be prepared for evaluators by making sure you
overly document everything. Hotlink everything and a digital report and provide a
confidential report and scrubbed for report. Video is also helpful. Unscripted video
(virtual review was helpful to have the video). Philosophical approach and talk about IE
process rather than accreditation process. Make it authentic…IE report is similar to the
accreditation report is given out. Has Canvas implemented into the system as an option
for accreditation? There are challenges with using Canvas but truly does not meet the
criteria at this point. Make sure the themes move up to the cabinet levels on a weekly
basis for assessment and what’s coming up. Themes need to be addressed and
communicated. Create constant communication loops. Look at Dept. of Ed. Student
complaints handled in Student Affairs or Instruction (informal process and no records
being kept) need a clear process and outcomes. Centralize processes for judicial and
log issues to keep complaints resolved. IE office what structure looks like and how to do
it was also discussed.
CtClink-Barbara Martin
Where are we now?
Wave 3 Kickoff and Wave 1 Critical Issues-want transition to be better for everyone.
The pilot Colleges are doing a lot to lead the way for the next waves.
College Teams Roles/Reviews (project Manager) end of Feb will engage them in the
work that needs to be done for implementation
Readiness Awareness Survey
Business Process Change Analysis- What are the business changes happening? The
big changes are happening with the pilot schools. As soon as the SB has information
they will set up a process to share with others. The intent is to organize the process so
it’s easier to share the lessons learned. System configuration
Preparing for Testing
Data Cleanup, Conversion, and Firstlink data validation.
Testing plan was discussed. The information shared the why, what, and how testing will
take place. ADA features available in Testing and the SB will try to provide what works
well and include the Disability Support Services Council in the testing process and
performance. Business processes will be testing to determine the effectiveness
strategies. SB will do both positive and negative processes and ethical packing. Three
testing cycles will occur. Training in multiple ways to serve the campus needs. Also, the
SB will define best practices for training students. A short and longer training will be
developed. Under Productivity Kit generic data is in it and does allow you to go into a
specific area and walk the navigation process. Stay connected to
College Resources. Ask
Individuals shared concerns of the Registrars and ARC related to the six year
conversion versus a longer period of time.
In PeopleSoft a student has one record and that record will be their ID at time of
conversion. How will I know who belongs to which institution? Will be stored as an
alternate ID (current College ID) so we have access to the full range of information on
that student. Complete student record at the time of each conversion rationale for
scrubbing the data beforehand.
Questions & Comments
1. Will faculty know they are International Students or where a student is from?
2. DSS question regarding public access if work-study and a student? Should they
be on the HR tab or SA tab?
3. Diagnosis versus accommodation? Is it fixed quarterly, during the quarter, or
4. Screen shows accommodation example such as counseling. Counseling is a
service not an accommodation.
5. Can they make partial payments? Yes, projected problem around un-enrollment
and how it affects refund process. Unofficial report is crucial to the Controllers for
dropping students.
6. Complicated partial payments issues…can set up rules of hierarchy…want tuition
paid, fees, parking, and then lib. Set-up rules of hierarchy what does it get
applied to first. Tuition is not a secret anymore. Students will see it. We’re not
managing this by democracy but Commission will have active role in working with
the BAC members and campus representatives on the concerns regarding partial
7. LGBTQ, DSS, Veterans and where questions will be asked and stored on the
application? Will learn more during testing and share what we learn. SBCTC has
questions on how this data can be collected in PeopleSoft. It may not be on the
application. What can they do on the student center and if we can get the
information in a different way? Working on the data analysis on where the best
place to ask these questions.
8. Is there an Early Alert? Not at this time but in the future will come on.
9. Will degree Audit be available?
10. Will student portal show the classes as part of the degree audit for a specific
institution? If accepted a class for a campus, information will be there for
evaluator to accept the class or not. Not building in each time. Degree audit
information now if very little, degree, code of college, and course number. WE
have no idea what course is called right now.
First Link Colleges-Mary and Andy from Tacoma and Amy McCoy from Spokane
All areas of campus need to be involved. There are many Legacy work-a-rounds
happening and need to be considered. IT may not know about all of the work-arounds. Early involvement important
It is important to continue the business process review and degree of changes
necessary to make the changes. Identify major changes to gain further clarifications.
It’s a long process so the earlier the better.
Time consuming process with Campus Solutions
Identified need for backfill positions but it takes time once you’re in the system to
really see what is needed. It may be difficult to make the hiring process timeline to
meet the needs of the project. How did you budget for this? An institutional budget
amount was set aside at TCC.
Frontline staff will not need to input data
Access to data and robust reporting tools will be great. Accessible data will be
available to enhance the systems.
FA and Registrar – SMEs need to attend the training and keeping communication
open. Stay connected with SMEs. Change is coming quickly and recorded sessions
to share with others is critical to the success on your campus. One challenge for FA
is how to live in both worlds during the transition.
Backfill positions need to be identified. Recent retirees are an option to backfill work.
Some areas have support staff working hourly. Spokane pays stipends for SME’s
and pay a lot of overtime for staff. Cross train staff now so can take over the
functions during the next phase. People need to be clear on responsibilities related
to project. Be positive with the change process and encourage everyone to
participate or watch recordings. Cleaning up data now is also crucial. FA look at
track codes and look at the one’s not using so that can be cleaned up. There will be
a panel discussion at the WSSSC conference. Consider setting aside a large chunk
of fiscal resources as an institution to cover costs. Communications and marketing
processes are crucial and send out video clips to email (not too long update what’s
new and coming up).
Financial Literacy Best Practices-Kelly Forsberg, Olympic & Mary Edington,
Green River
Nursing and Welding students were the highest risk for default management at OC
Looked at SALT and other resources to look to see what could be done in-house
Default Management and handout provided
Student repayment problem is the biggest issue. Students are unaware of the
options available to them. Presentations are 45 minutes and very few show up.
Deliver the message through the FA website and ran google alerts not sure how to
measure if it was effective or not.
April is Financial Literacy Month-provide information to students for external
perspective. Financial literacy is taking away from providing direct services to
Defaulters Who are they? Clark College maintains SALT
Older mean of 38
Pell recipients
Undergraduates leave without a degree
High default rates and unaware of their repayment options
Students must opt in so takes a lot of time to connect with them.
Community College rate was with repayment versus debt rate. Colleges have a
repayment crisis not a default process. Two year default rate is 9.6% as of
10/2/2013 versus 5.2 % for all institutions. Community colleges have the highest
two-year rate of any institution.
Green River Handout shows process to provide sufficient resources to students.
Green River selected the IGRAD program and the breadth of information and
alternative formats and their learning styles. Short videos and information on credit
reports, FICO scores, stats on debts, tips you should never buy on credit. The other
program is CASHCOURSE to assist students in making informed financial decisions.
This site was created for Community College students. Send information with
students and how literacy sites work for students.
Active loan default reporting-SALT educational components and embed into the first
year experience and money management curriculum. Initial feedback from students
has been positive on using SALT to assist with the process. What could be put in
place now? What will the loan payment be and provide to students upfront what they
need to do by accepting the loan and impact. Opted into the process. Can you
require extra steps to do in order to get FA? Professional judgment denials is an
option to consider. Default rate still high. Contracted with Decisionone (online
program at Centralia) appeal process a student must go through this process before
an appeal will be granted. Are community colleges doing students a service by
offering a loan program? SALT $5000 each year for two years and significant
increase years later. SALT may be looking for larger buy-in for corporate
sponsorship to reduce costs. Repayment side to consider with SALT. Also useful for
employees. Borrowerconnect (does it do extensive follow-up) if a student needs to
opt in such as SALT may be an issue (sign up in mandatory course).
Borrowerconnect is free services. Section in SALT contract review all areas related
to liability.
AG Report-Dave Stolier
Guns on Campus
Two amendments
State law-thought was the most important to WA.
Supreme Court 2nd amendment-individual right to carry firearms
Defend self in home. Court stating school or government office are exempt (K-12) it’s
untested if protected or a pass on 2nd Amendment (what are sensitive places?) Be
careful not to get overbroad with that definition. If we regulate open areas and parking
lots we may be taking on a more than we need too. Difficult argument if we’re planning
to defend or discipline someone for having it in their car. Campus events and buildings
might be a defense and provided stats to show in rule making record justification as to
why regulating. We advocate for stacking the records that show this information to make
it as defensible as possible.
Distinguish between HIPPA and FERPA…room for confusion on this issue. When
health comes into academic records it’s protected by FERPA. HIPPA only covers areas
electronically and billing occurs in health services. Medical records think they need to
protect under HIPPA but it’s only FERPA.
Model Student Conduct-Bruce Marvin
Please see handout provided
WAVA also requires institutions to provide: Not in notes
Prevention and awareness programs to all incoming students and new
On-going sexual violence prevention and awareness campaign for students and
Develop and publish written policies regarding how to handle sexual violence
Develop and publish resources for victims of sexual violence
University of Montana- is a blue print to consider
WACTC Report-David Mitchell
Allocation Taskforce Model-considering a new model no agreement yet to make any
changes. Question related to funding model being aligned with SAI.
Performance funding-consensus that more of the budget should be based on
performance based but unsure of what model would be used. SAI is a consideration
but has its challenges too. Whether changes occur it remains to be seen with no
new money coming in is it even possible to do this?
Capital Committee-process “Q” and legislature appreciates it. Integrity of the list is
very strong but on occasion a project may be funded…there is an end run policy.
Legislature may put a project on the list but WACTC may not approve
BAS report-discussion was to have no limits…but no governance structure for
addressing a structure that would consider how many programs (47 plus are
underway). A structure without limits is being considered and up for discussion. Not
too much consensus at this point.
Enrollment Projections-don’t rely on HS enrollments as it’s going down. What are the
strategies we need to put in place to bring in more diverse student populations and
meet enrollment targets?
TACTC conference-Trustees and Presidents watched the game. The transforming
lives award was powerful.
Mood in Olympia-Not a lot of hope for significant new resources and will come in a
targeted, earmarked ways. Request for 500 FTE for high demand…very targeted
and training for jobs that exist. It most likely will be a short session.
Tuition Increases-WACTC below the national averages. Legislature gave State
Board permission to increase tuition this year. The Board has not taken this up yet.
2/7/2014 Business Meeting Notes (day two)
Congratulations to Sandra Fowler for her next transformational journey in her new
role as President.
State Board-Jan Yoshiwara and David Prince
Enrollment 2016-2017 Enrollment forecast-David Prince
What will it look like in 2016-2017? Most campuses have been over enrolled but
coming back to allocation target. Worker retraining and the economy impacts. The
first section is looking at the population. It goes up very slowly. Fewer younger
people versus older populations. HS populations are flat as well. Basically says OFM
looks at county by age forecast, age, and country to acquire population changes. Far
more unemployed people so Worker retraining. 6.2 percent down will come down at
the same rate (it may be a little off at the college level but at the state level will be
consistent. Drop in worker retraining because the economy is improving.
District Service Level looks at allocated and actual service levels. What is the
population were serving? How do you handle multiple colleges in the same county?
This is by county level not zip code level. (see Handout). Overall, demographic
changes in the population fewer younger people may happen sooner than expected.
Sharing with WACTC, IR, BAC, and IC so everyone in the system is aware
(assumptions and estimates built in). Attendance patterns against OFMs population
patterns are the factors used to determine enrollment patterns.
Colleges who had higher share were serving more underrepresented students.
Communities that have higher participation rate attending college there are more
traditional underserved students. What would happen if you targeted more
recruitment in underserved populations? Most likely see in increase in service area
Legislative Issues-Jan Yoshiwara
Bills watch list was passed out.
Check out differential tuition HB 1043. It has momentum
Dream Act ESHB 1817-Passed first week. Referred to Senate Real Hope Act SB
6523 (State need grants plus $5 million. FA for undocumented students in both
bills. Open forums will be held to discuss implications if this passed for our
students and families (South King County, Skagit, Wenatchee, Yakima, Clark,
Pasco, etc).
Dual Credit reduces barriers for Running Start, analysis of dual credit programs,
college in the high school. Let Jan know if you want to be on the dual credit
workgroup to evaluate credit programs. Think about this as a policy issue and
OSPI and statues that could be changed to make it more available. Karen Landry
and/or Joyce Carrol, and Linda Fossen as possible individuals to serve on the
HB Coalition for Undocumented Students (tool kit for working with
students). Rosie will follow-up with Ricardo on this issue. We also need to
connect in the HS to have influence and training so it’s consistent messages to
students. for the tool kit
Mental Health and Campus Safety workgroup session-Higher Ed Committee
leadership on state-wide training on these issues. Two different panels (mental
health and campus safety) Universities have UW national research mental health
on campus suicide prevention, Evergreen PA health clinic strategies, Western
research on mental health. Two campus police chiefs, Eastern and WSU,
presentation on prevention and ways safety campus issues.
Enrollment Management-PIO request for forming a discussion or workgroup, IC,
SA, and PIO regarding high level enrollment dialogue. Recognition on their part
not just their issue and that it’s a campus issue.
Weapons on Campus-WACTC Education Committee it can go to the Presidents.
K-12 and higher education conflicting prohibition restrictions. Not likely to have a
universal policy for all campuses. It seems that is an issue with our code of
conduct policy changes that we need to pass the code of conduct changes as
soon as possible. If we implement a policy on our campus or one they can
defend it will make it hard for the rest of us.
Gates Follow-up-Contacts to the Campuses regarding interviews.
UW-South King County Road Map Project –My Plan-degree audit grant (open
advising system and throw course translations into My plan system (Ctc students
can see how doing against UW) will be contact five institutions. Mike Scroggins
unofficial transcript files.)
Survey on Affordable Care Act-Will do a quick survey when needed to assist with
responses to requests that come in to the State Board.
SB Searches-Representatives to participate in the Search process for open
positions (end of Feb. beginning of March). Looking for 6-8 people (provide
feedback on strengths and things to follow-up on before formal interviews). Let
Bill and Jan know if interested. Dennis Long, Rhonda Coats, Matt Cambell.
International Enrollments-Counting FTEs and mixed messages on SB. The SB
has been debating this within the staff. IP College can switch from contract to
state but cannot switch back. Policy leans towards wanting them to report as
state. Jan will send out the written policy.
Passed out the Operating Budget Development Timeline (See handout)
Students were part of the discussions on Feb. 5-6. One from Pierce, Edmonds, and
Clark. All were student government representatives. They talked to their concerns
with FA, tuition, course availability, advising, support services. The students will be a
part of the Board deliberations. WACTC will be discussing this for OBC how do we
provide input into the process. Very early in the process and we need to be prepared
with our recommendations to bring forward. It is likely an enrollment request that is
small and targeted may come forward. SAI and salary will be in play for the
discussions. There will clearly be a focus on completion and student support
strategies. It will also focus on curriculum issues.
Tuition increases-Usually will not come out early in the budget process for tuition
increase. We seek state dollars versus putting the costs on the back of the students.
NWAACC-Marco Azurdia
Female Scholarship for someone transferring to four-year
President’s Cup Award- Two divisions for the award
Walla Walla for (8 or more schools) Big Bend CC for (7 or less schools)
Out of district Athletes-clearing house process (52 athletes competing out of our
contiguous areas. This is 7-8 percent of our overall athletes) Coming from Utah,
international (Australia and Brazil). Code proposal coming forward but we’ve had
positive progress thus far on this topic.
Interlocal Agreement-President’s signed and formalize what NWAACC does and
the handbook and legitimize they are a 501 3C.
Academic Reform-looking at ways to change eligibility requirements (four points
of discussion. Two will be discussed to raise GPA 2.0 to 2.25 and go to 45
credits instead of 36 cumulative…college or dev. Ed.) Will be discussed on
Tuesday at Commission meeting to see how proposals are perceived. NCAA
changes have made Division II 2.2 and Division going to 2.4 should we look at
the increase in GPA. Can they transfer because they are academically ready to
28 Codes have come in and with Athletic Directors will address (a few detailed
Dual Enrollment-NWAACC enrolled only at one campus (want to allow
enrollment at both places)
Military Dependents-move here from another state cannot grant a
scholarship. Spouse in the military not hold that against them (letter of
intent and aid)
Summer Term-Fall, Winter, Spring if needed they could get scholarship in
the summer. Maintain eligibility during the Summer (parallels Pell grant)
Summer Employment-Athletes are going to summer school and working
the summer scholarship can be used as aid.
Residency-Relocated to an area and have lived there two years can
qualify for aid. Have not attended a higher education institution within a
two year period. Please ask about the two year residency since it’s only 1
year residency requirement to be considered in state.
Golf-propose increase in number of scholarships for women golfers
Recruitment-Athletic department or institutional representative can be the
first contact out of the area (social media, etc.) representatives going out
to recruit international students or any other student so there are no
restrictions for the recruitment process and access to the college.
WACTC-Pushing hard on academics with athletes. Female
commissioners need to be replaced more quickly. Also NWAACC is
working on coaches receiving the professional development needed to
support student athletes.
WACTC Committee Reports
Allocation & Accountability-No decisions being made at this point
mainly looking at the data and what next steps need to happen. Looking at
various funding models and sharing this information out. Matrix was sent
out on Monday by Julie Walter.
Competency Based funding –See Handout
Applied BAS degrees-Presidents have mixed review on the number
recommendations regarding how to address the number of degrees.
Technology Committee-Bring your own device discussion strategic level
ctcLink-Quality checks State CIO level, project internal and external
level checks
Accessibility Taskforce-DSSC Liaison Taskforce-Warren Brown
Draft was sent out to the Commission on Models for Accessibility
Standards and Global Standard Model (approved and system-wide
support and State Board take ownership of this) Clear policy on state-wide
support for Accessibility Standards.
Analysis of fiscal impacts to implementing the accessibly standards has
not been determined yet. Professional Development costs tied to faculty
and staff on implementing accessibility standards.
The Association-Ivan Gore
Conference coming up-Three meetings per year
Leading from the Middle- Option
Need a Commission representative to take over in August-Ata Z.
Articulation & Transfer-Matt
Math and DTA topic of discussion-intermediate algebra must be
CtcLink presentation
PE activity Credit being limited
Common Policy Development-Sandra Fowler
Program Codes and ctcLink tracking
Prior Learning proposal (see handout)-legislative aspect and ARC
creating standardization for experiential learning to be transcripted
FTE generation for Prior Learning-two issues keep track of it in a
consistent way and lots of different kinds of credit for prior learning.
One concern was whether it runs up against the 25% credit
limitation regarding accreditation. May be liberal for us but for
transfer can cause an issue at the four year. Credit for prior
learning is not consistent across the board so it makes it hard to
determine how to create the standards. The goal is to create a
tracking system and a way to identify how the transcript will read to
not impact the student on transfer. Sandra Fowler made motion and
Ivan Gore seconded Awarding Credit proposal to move forward.
Fall 2014 target date for implementation. Catalog implications to
consider on campuses before finalized on individual campuses.
Motion passed.
Communications Map-transcript coding changes or other process
how works through system. Listserv if want to keep up on data
(registrar and IE folks should be a part of this discussion)
Dave Paul agreed to serve on Data Governance
DSSC Request
Request to make changes to the DSSC Constitution. Changes to
officers, and correct person for the nominations. Approved by the
Council and clean up the language.
Bill moved the motion and Arlene seconded. All approved. Motion
ARC Letter
Letter of Concern passed out regarding the CtcLink 6 year versus
longer regarding the limit data conversion of students. Lisa will
bring forward as the liaison to the Steering Committee regarding
this issue.
Multicultural Student Services
Letter of Request regarding the data necessary for standardization
Disaggregate Pacific Islanders from the Asian category.
Rhonda made a motion for moving letter to the data governance
committee. Damon seconded. Motion passed
ACC Report-Linda
Salary and Morale issue discussed
Treasurer’s Report
Handout provided
Lisa motioned to end meeting at 11:55am Bill seconded. All agreed. Motion carried.