WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES BOARD OF PRESIDENTS BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES July 18, 2014 Grays Harbor College MEMBERS PRESENT Ron Langrell, Bates Dave Rule, Bellevue Patty McKeown, Bellingham Terry Leas, Big Bend Eric Murray, Cascadia Rob Frost, Centralia Bob Knight, Clark Lonnie Howard, Clover Park Rich Cummins, Columbia Basin Jean Hernandez, Edmonds David Beyer, Everett Ed Brewster, Grays Harbor Eileen Ely, Green River Jack Bermingham, Highline Amy Morrison Goings, Lake Washington Chris Bailey, Lower Columbia Warren Brown, North Seattle David Mitchell, Olympic Luke Robins, Peninsula Michele Johnson, Pierce District Denise Yochum, Pierce Fort Steilacoom Marty Cavalluzzi, Pierce Puyallup Paul Killpatrick, Seattle Central Jill Wakefield, Seattle District Daryl Campbell, Shoreline Tom Keegan, Skagit Valley Tim Stokes, South Puget Sound Christine Johnson, Spokane District Scott Morgan, Spokane Janet Gullickson, Spokane Falls Linda Kaminski, Yakima Valley SUBSTITUTES Silvia Barajas for Pamela Transue, Tacoma Nate Langstraat for Kathi Hiyane-Brown, Whatcom MEMBERS ABSENT Steve Hanson, Renton Gary Oertli, South Seattle Steve VanAusdle, Walla Walla Jim Richardson, Wenatchee Valley EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Marty Brown, executive director, SBCTC John Boesenberg, deputy exec. dir. HR, SBCTC Denise Graham, deputy exec. dir., Finance, SBCTC Mike Scroggins, deputy exec. dir., IT, SBCTC Jan Yoshiwara, deputy exec. dir., Education, SBCTC GUESTS and SBCTC STAFF Greg Bever, TACTC president Tyler Page, TACTC president-elect Ata Karim, Bellevue Wayne Doty, SBCTC Alison Grazzini, SBCTC Joe Holliday, SBCTC Nick Lutes, SBCTC Laura McDowell, SBCTC Kim Tanaka, SBCTC Julie Walter, SBCTC CALL TO ORDER & WELCOME Ed Brewster, WACTC president, called the meeting to order at 9 a.m., welcomed those present, and asked for self-introductions. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: It was moved and seconded that WACTC approves the May 30, 2014 minutes without corrections. MOTION PASSED. TREASURER’S REPORT Ed Brewster presented the WACTC Treasurer’s Report with an ending balance of $39,199.49 as of July 15, 2014. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT – Ed Brewster, WACTC president • Social Justice Leadership Institute Dave Rule, Marty Cavalluzzi, and Ata Karim provided an overview of the Social Justice Leadership Institute the first ever system wide leadership institute for college employees below the dean level and invited colleges to participate in the pilot phase of the leadership institute. The mission of the leadership institute is to achieve full leadership participation and educational equality for the members of historically disenfranchised and underrepresented professionals through mentoring, empowerment, and culturally responsive training. The intended outcomes of the leadership institute are: o To foster leadership identity among historically underrepresented groups o To develop a network of colleagues through cohort and small groups system wide o To develop the pipeline of employees that are able to move into higher leadership positions • WACTC Allocation Model Recommendations to the State Board During Wednesday’s Presidents Academy, the Allocation and Accountability Task Force provided an overview of the its work and presented recommendations on a new allocation model, as presented in Attachment A. MOTION: July 18, 2014 It was moved and seconded that WACTC approve the new allocation model recommendations as presented in Attachment A to be forwarded to the State Board for consideration. 2 AMENDMENT: It was moved and seconded that the appropriate committee evaluate the stop loss and stop gain percentages in addition to the percent of allocation based on the Student Achievement Initiative; identify high cost, priority courses; the weight for enrollments in high cost, priority courses; and the weight for ABE enrollments. Recommendations on the remaining implementation issues should be made in time to apply the new allocation model within the 2015-17 biennium. AMENDMENT PASSED. AMENDMENT: It was moved and seconded that the minimum operating allocation be reduced to $2.65 million from $2.85 million. AMENDMENT FAILED. AMENDED MOTION: It was moved and seconded that WACTC approve the new allocation model recommendations as presented in Attachment B to be forwarded to the State Board for consideration. AMENDED MOTION PASSED. • Critical Issues Committee Kathi Hiyane-Brown will chair the Critical Issues Committee that will review current international enrollment rules and determine whether any changes are recommended. OPERATING BUDGET COMMITTEE REPORT – Tom Keegan, chair • 2015-17 budget reduction exercise strategy During Thursday’s Presidents Academy, strategies were discussed on how to respond to the Office of Financial Management’s request to outline how the system would accommodate a 15 percent reduction in state funding and to prioritize what impacted programs the system would ‘buy back’. To gather additional refinement on the types of enrollments the system would reduce, beyond using statewide averages, a survey will be sent out to colleges. An additional element of the survey will ask for a description from colleges regarding the first six percent of the 15 percent proposed reduction they would ‘buy back’. CAPITAL BUDGET COMMITTEE REPORT – Eric Murray, chair • • 2015-17 capital budget development o Office of Financial Management allowances for escalation, contingency, and architect/engineer fees and the impact on project estimates 2017-19 capital budget development o Selection criteria July 18, 2014 3 LEGISLATIVE & PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE REPORT – Michele Johnson, chair • • 2015 legislative session planning Editorial board tours TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE REPORT – Chris Bailey, chair • • ctcLink project update o FirstLink go live date: November 17, 2014 Adopting core technology systems STRATEGIC VISIONING COMMITTEE REPORT – Denise Yochum, chair • • • Predictive analytics Electronic badges Faculty and staff diversity EDUCATIONAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT – David Mitchell, chair • • • Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degrees Reverse transfer degrees Washington State Need Grant study TACTC REPORT – Greg Bever, TACTC president • Upcoming events o TACTC Board retreat: August 14-15, 2014 o ACCT Congress: October 22-25, 2014 o Legislative Action Committee retreat: November 13, 2014 o TACTC Fall Conference: November 14, 2014 STATE BOARD EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT – Marty Brown, SBCTC executive director • • • State Board member appointment: Carol Landa-McVicker, Spokane State Board retreat: September 8-10, 2014 WACTC/AWB subcommittee meetings: October 28, 2014 CRITICAL ISSUES COMMITTEE REPORT - Jack Bermingham, chair Ed Brewster called for an executive session at 10:40 a.m. to discuss compensation. The executive session adjourned at 11:40 a.m. with no action taken. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the July 18, 2014 Board of Presidents meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. The next meeting will be September 25-26, 2014 at Pierce College Puyallup. Minutes prepared by Julie Walter July 18, 2014 4 ATTACHMENT A July 18, 2014 WACTC Business Meeting Minutes Allocation and Accountability Task Force Final Recommendations to WACTC I. Recommended Motion: To address the identified allocation system problems, WACTC recommends to the State Board the adoption of an allocation formula that contains the following elements: A. Performance: 1. Increase the amount of funding allocated based on the Student Achievement Initiative to at least 5 percent and not more than 10 percent of state appropriations to the community and technical college system, utilizing the metrics adopted by WACTC and the State Board in 2012. 2. Of the funding allocated based on the Student Achievement Initiative, allocate 45% based on total points less completions, 10% based on completions, and 45% based on points per student. B. Fixed Costs: Allocate to all colleges a $2.85 million “minimum operating allocation” (MOA) to recognize the fixed, minimum costs needed to run a college. The flat MOA acts as a small college adjustment factor. C. Access: Allocate enrollment funding based on a weighted-enrollment funding formula including the following elements: 1. Allocations should be based on the lesser of three-year average actual enrollments or three-year target enrollments. Enrollment FTE and funding should be taken from under-enrolled districts and redistributed to over-enrolled districts. 2. ABE enrollments should be weighted to reflect the lack of tuition revenue and to provide incentive to offer ABE courses. If the legislature adopts the caseload funding methodology for ABE as proposed in the system’s 2015-17 budget/policy request, this recommendation will be revisited and adjusted accordingly. 3. Enrollments in high-cost, priority courses should be weighted to provide incentive to offer high cost, priority courses. The high cost, priority courses to be weighted will be identified through data analysis and a survey conducted every 4 years. The weighting factor should be set at a value considered sufficient to encourage districts to offer high cost, priority courses. II. Recommended motion: In recognizing high cost, priority enrollments for additional weighting, the following principles will be used: A. Districts should receive more state funding for FTE enrollments in courses that are both high cost and a priority for the college/system. B. The additional funding is not intended to reimburse actual costs. Instead, the purpose of allocating more state funding for enrollments in high cost, priority courses is to provide a financial incentive to offer such courses despite their high cost. III. Recommended Motion: The remaining implementation issues will be assigned to the appropriate WACTC committees to make recommendations to WACTC in time to apply the new allocation model to 2015-16 fiscal year allocations. 1 July 16, 2014 ATTACHMENT A July 18, 2014 WACTC Business Meeting Minutes IV. Recommended Motion: WACTC’s Critical Issues Committee will examine current rules regarding coding international students and make recommendations to WACTC. V. Recommended Motion: The following will be excluded from consideration in the allocation of state funds: A. Tuition revenues (except the lack of tuition revenues from ABE students should be taken into account) B. Local fees C. International Contract Enrollments D. Headcount E. Running Start Students F. Contract and self-support enrollments 2 July 16, 2014 ATTACHMENT B July 18, 2014 WACTC Business Meeting Minutes Final Allocation Recommendations to the State Board Approved by WACTC on July 16, 2014 WACTC voted to adopt the following recommendations from the Allocation and Accountability Task Force: I. To address the identified allocation system problems, WACTC recommends to the State Board the adoption of an allocation formula that contains the following elements: A. Performance: 1. Increase the amount of funding allocated based on the Student Achievement Initiative to at least 5 percent and not more than 10 percent of state appropriations to the community and technical college system, utilizing the metrics adopted by WACTC and the State Board in 2012. 2. Of the funding allocated based on the Student Achievement Initiative, allocate 45% based on total points less completions, 10% based on completions, and 45% based on points per student. B. Fixed Costs: Allocate to all colleges a $2.85 million “minimum operating allocation” (MOA) to recognize the fixed, minimum costs needed to run a college. The flat MOA acts as a small college adjustment factor. C. Access: Allocate enrollment funding based on a weighted-enrollment funding formula including the following elements: 1. Allocations should be based on the lesser of three-year average actual enrollments or three-year target enrollments. Enrollment FTE and funding should be taken from under-enrolled districts and redistributed to over-enrolled districts. 2. ABE enrollments should be weighted to reflect the lack of tuition revenue and to provide incentive to offer ABE courses. If the legislature adopts the caseload funding methodology for ABE as proposed in the system’s 2015-17 budget/policy request, this recommendation will be revisited and adjusted accordingly. 3. Enrollments in high-cost, priority courses should be weighted to provide incentive to offer high cost, priority courses. The high cost, priority courses to be weighted will be identified through data analysis and a survey conducted every 4 years. The weighting factor should be set at a value considered sufficient to encourage districts to offer high cost, priority courses. II. In recognizing high cost, priority enrollments for additional weighting, the following principles will be used: A. Districts should receive more state funding for FTE enrollments in courses that are both high cost and a priority for the college/system. B. The additional funding is not intended to reimburse actual costs. Instead, the purpose of allocating more state funding for enrollments in high cost, priority courses is to provide a financial incentive to offer such courses despite their high cost. III. The remaining implementation issues, including stop-loss, stop gain and timing, will be assigned to the appropriate WACTC committees to make recommendations to WACTC in time to apply the new allocation model within the 2015-17 biennium. 1 ATTACHMENT B July 18, 2014 WACTC Business Meeting Minutes IV. WACTC’s Critical Issues Committee will examine current rules regarding coding international students and make recommendations to WACTC. V. The following will be excluded from consideration in the allocation of state funds: A. Tuition revenues (except the lack of tuition revenues from ABE students should be taken into account) B. Local fees C. International Contract Enrollments D. Headcount E. Running Start Students F. Contract and self-support enrollments 2