Document 11059235

FALL MEETING, November 8-9, 2012
Everett Community College, Everett, Washington
Debbie Almstedt (Lake Washington Institute of Technology), Di Beers (Renton TC), Cathie Bitz (Tacoma CC),
Cheryl Blackburn (Everett CC), Lisa Corcoran (Bellevue College), Janet Franz (Wenatchee Valley College),
Dede Gonzales (Cascadia CC) Ann Kienholz Jurcevich (Spokane Falls CC), Ronda Laughlin (Bellingham TC),
Patty Michajla (Edmonds CC) Candace Robbecke (SBCTC), Cherie Steele (Clover Park TC), Lori Yonemitsu
(Shoreline CC), Sandy Zelasko (Grays Harbor College).
November 8, 2012:
Dr. David Byer, President of Everett Community College welcomed PACTC members to Everett’s campus.
PACTC members toured Everett’s Cosmetology Program. The 1730-hour Cosmetology Program is made up of
three subdivisions: hair care, skin care and nail care services. Everett Community College's requirement for
licensing is 1730 credited clock hours, approximately 5 quarters, and passing all the required classes. The
curriculum meets the requirements for both theory and practical applications, and prepares the prospective
cosmetologist to take the Washington State licensing examinations. Students were pleased to open their
newly renovated facility for our tour.
The program provides experience in customer services such as shampooing, hair lightening, permanent
waving, thermal hair styling, coloring, wet styling, manicuring, pedicuring, chemical relaxing, trimming of
facial hair, facials, makeup, temporary hair removal and styling & maintenance of artificial hair. Also included
are safety measures in the handling and use of chemicals, sterilization of equipment, various
disorders/diseases of the hair, skin, and nails and their proper treatment, and salon management. Student
internship is available as part of the training. Admission to the Cosmetology Program is open to anyone who
has a high school diploma or equivalent. Students can pursue a certificate or ATA degree in the Cosmetology
PACTC President, Ann Kienholz Jurcevich (Spokane Falls CC) called the meeting to order at 1:45 p.m. in the
Board Room at Everett Community College, Everett, WA. She thanked Cheryl Blackburn for hosting the
simultaneous WACTC and PACTC meetings on the EvCC campus.
Minutes of Regular Meeting of PACTC
November 8-9, 2012
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President Ann Kienholz Jurcevich defined committee charges, and their memberships. Members moved into
their respective committee group for discussion.
The Program and Planning Committee focuses on
deciding how to pay for future speakers and setting the amount of honorariums. It also suggests topics
to the group for future PACTC meetings. Committee Members in attendance: Di Beers, Cathie Bitz, Lisa
Corcoran, Ronda Laughlin, Lori Yonemitsu, and Sandy Zelasko. The committee membership was
amended to remove Tina Herschelman, who has resigned her position, and Allison Smith who
requested a move from Program/Planning to Mentoring/Recognition. During the June, 2012 PACTC
meeting there was discussion about PACTC members attending the ACCT Congress in October 2013,
to be held in Seattle, WA. The committee recommended that the PACTC group consider preparing a
presentation to the National Professional Staff at the ACCT Congress next October, and that perhaps
members that step-up to this presentation could also qualify for an extra $100 scholarship toward
their attendance at ACCT. The committee shared a list of suggested topics for future meetings, some
of which were previously developed: E-mail etiquette/interpretation, Evaluating online learning
applications, iPad support/projection and interaction in day-to-day work and document programs that
are compatible (i.e., Dropbox, Cloud-On, Google Docs, etc.), Utilizing new technology for delivery of
board materials, Note-taking applications, Commencement Planning, Project Management, Travel,
Employee Appreciation and Recognition, Codifying (WAC), Policies & Procedures, Online vs. face-to-face
delivery modes, and continued focus toward Health, Wellness and Work Balance. Candace Robbecke
suggested contacting Lisa Voso, a speaker/trainer that spoke at the STTACC conference earlier this
year, about responsibility and how not to take things personally, handle stress, etc. Candace will
share her contact information. The position of committee chair was left vacant when Allison Smith
departed the membership; Sandy Zelasko will serve as the new committee chair. PACTC members
were encouraged to e-mail Sandy with any other suggestions for future meetings. Patti Rosendahl,
absent, would like to serve on this committee.
The function of the Professional
Development and Budget Committee is to make recommendations to PACTC of who should be awarded
funds for meeting attendance and professional development. There is an application form to be
completed each time a PACTC member wants to be considered for a scholarship. Once the form is
completed, it will be forwarded to the PACTC listserv. Committee members in attendance: Cheryl
Blackburn, Patti Michajla, and Ann Kienholz Jurcevich Barbara Brennan will be removed as she is no
longer a member of PACTC. The committee proposed that PACTC continue to assess an annual
membership fee paid by all colleges. Further, we will continue to assess whether registration should
be charged based on expenses tied to the semi-annual meetings, the budget balance at the time, and
other goals of the committee. Members were encouraged to apply for development funds to attend
next year’s ACCT in Seattle in October. Ann will send a notice to the PACTC list serve asking that
interested parties submit their applications by May 1, 2013. The committee will review all requests
and propose a recommendation not to exceed the $500 lid (with an additional potential coverage for
presenters). Procedures permit requesting exceptions to the lid. Exceptions will be considered on
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November 8-9, 2012
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The goal of the Mentoring and Recognition Committee is to
acknowledge incoming and outgoing members of PACTC. Mentors will be assigned to new assistants to
provide them with someone who can guide them through their first months as a president’s assistant.
This committee is also responsible for recognizing retiring or outgoing members, sending notes of
encouragement during challenging times, and assisting the person hosting the next PACTC, WACTC or
TACTC meeting, if needed. The committee will also try to identify cultural differences for colleges
hosting foreign visitors. Committee members in attendance: Debbie Almstedt, Dede Gonzales, Janet
Franz, Cherie Steele, and Candace Robbecke. The committee brought forward a recommended
change to the committee charge as indicated in Article VII Section (2) c. Lisa Corcoran introduced a
motion to strike the final two sentences in the charge as follows: This committee is also responsible
for recognizing retiring or outgoing members, sending notes of encouragement during challenging
times, and assisting the person hosting the next PACTC, WACTC or TACTC meeting, if needed. The
committee will also try to identify cultural differences for colleges hosting foreign visitors, and to
add language to include recognizing the outgoing president with a personalized gavel, and the
incoming president with the perpetual plaque. Dede Gonzales seconded; motion carried. Once per
year, the committee will send a message to the listserv regarding needs of PACTC members. The
committee is also devoted to keeping others informed. The committee is also looking at ways to
effectively communicate with PACTC members and encourage attendance at meetings. Candace
Robbecke (SBCTC) generally makes the first connection with the new assistant, and then notifies the
listserv of the new PACTC member, encouraging current PACTC members to send their own
welcome e-mail. Candace will ask Tom Keegan to encourage Presidents to support their assistant’s
attendance. A welcome gift from PACTC was suggested. Ann Kienholz Jurcevich volunteered to
research a basket vendor and will let everyone know of her findings. Cherie Steele will be creating a
Christmas postcard (using today’s group picture) to send to all PACTC members. Allison Smith,
absent, would like to serve on this committee.
Cherie Steele and Candace Robbecke recently attended the 43rd Annual ACCT Congress in Boston, October 1013, 2012. Both reported that the meeting was fabulous and the concurrent sessions provided many additional
professional presentations, including many from Washington. Sessions attended included: “From the Middle”
(a middle school approach), Capital Campaign, and Professional Board Staff. Many of the Washington colleges’
evaluation forms have been included on the TACTC website. Seattle will be hosting the Fall ACCT Congress in
2013. Candace will suggest the plug for a PACTC presentation to ACCT. The keynote speaker was Byron Pitts,
telling his story through life called “Stepping Out on Nothing” crediting community and technical colleges for
his success. Cherie and Candace were moved by his story and highly recommend reading his book.
Use of College Seal. The authorized uses for the official college seal are thought to be directed by
Clover Park is going through a compensation study; it has been a long process (1 year) and still not
Spokane Falls is doing a compensation study on confidential assistants.
State Board website includes information about the State Professional Salary Survey.
Discussion about trustee stipends.
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November 8-9, 2012
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Board of Trustees “may” now include a student trustee. Information and application may be found at
WA State Lottery Commission has been contacting Colleges about visiting with college boards. They
are visiting in Wenatchee this month, and Janet will share how that conversation unfolds.
PERC union has been going to colleges to establish union membership of exempt staff. Clover Park
now has the first exempt union. They are currently at EvCC.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Minutes of Regular Meeting of PACTC
November 8-9, 2012
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November 9, 2012:
PACTC President, Ann Kienholz Jurcevich (Spokane Falls CC) reconvened the meeting at 8:45 a.m. in the
Board Room at Everett Community College, Everett, WA.
Approval of Minutes
President Ann Kienholz Jurcevich called for corrections or additions to the
minutes for June 24-26, 2012. Corrections were noted. Ronda Laughlin introduced a motion to
approve the June 24-26, 2012 minutes, as amended. Sandy Zelasko seconded; motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Melinda Dourte was absent. The Treasurer’s report was provided
by President Ann Kienholz Jurcevich. The ending balance is $15,139.42. 2012-13 Membership
invoices have been sent out.
Article VI – Officer Vacancies Lisa Corcoran introduced a motion to modify Section (1) as follows:
The officers of PACTC shall be president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Officer positions
The president position will be filled by advancement; i.e., vice president advances to president. All
officers shall be elected from the membership at the fall spring meeting and terms of the office would
begin immediately following the election upon adjournment of the spring meeting. Candace
Robbecke seconded; motion carried. Candace will modify the bylaws on the PACTC website, and Ann
will amend them in the directory. Officers for 2012-13 are as follows:
Vice President
Ann Kienholz Jurcevich (Spokane Falls CC)
Cheryl Blackburn (EvCC)
Lori Yonemitsu (Shoreline CC)
Melinda Dourte (Big Bend CC)
Gavel Presentations
Outgoing President, Leigh Kent was absent from the meeting. The
gavel presentation for Leigh will be done at the spring meeting.
Hostess Gift – The PACTC member hosting the meeting is presented with a thank you gift. Since the
outgoing President and Treasurer are both absent, this did not get coordinated for this meeting. Di
Beers introduced a motion to include an addition to Article VI Section (2) a, vii the president secures
the host/ess gift for the hosting college assistant for presentation at each PACTC meeting.. Cherie
Steele seconded; motion carried. The president will be responsible for bringing the hostess gifts for
the fall 2012 and spring 2013 meetings to the spring 2013 meeting.
The perpetual president’s plaque was presented to President, Ann Kienholz Jurcevich. There was no
engraving on the plaque for the current presidency. Candace Robbecke introduced a motion to
amend the previously approved bylaw change to Article VI Section (2) a, viii. secures a new name
plate for the traveling plaque and provides it to the incoming president at the spring meeting. Ronda
Laughlin seconded; motion carried.
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November 8-9, 2012
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The original location of the spring TACTC conference was to be Semiahmoo Resort in Blaine. They
have recently announced that the resort will be closing in December 2012. Whatcom and Bellingham
Technical Colleges are co-hosting the TACTC conference in the spring. A possible suggested location
is the Swinomish Casino & Lodge near Anacortes. Discussion included checking with Lisa Radeleff at
Skagit Valley College to see if she would host PACTC, while Keri Parriera at Whatcom hosts TACTC,
rather than Whatcom taking responsibility for both. Ronda Laughlin at Bellingham Technical College
also said that she would be willing to assist with PACTC.
The next scheduled meeting is tentatively scheduled for May 16-18, 2013 in conjunction with TACTC.
Registered Dietician, Nancy Vandenberg of the Nutritional Science department at EvCC shared information
regarding healthy eating habits, suggestions, and random tips for eating more healthfully (without spending a
lot). Nancy welcomed questions from the group and offered suggestions for a healthier lifestyle. She provided
tips and shared websites and recipes.
President Ann Kienholz Jurcevich adjourned the meeting at 11:25 a.m.
PACTC President, Ann Kienholz Jurcevich
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November 8-9, 2012
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