INSTRUCTION COMMISSION February 18-19, 2016 State Board for Community & Technical Colleges Present. Michelle Andreas, Derek Brandes, Kevin Brockbank, Sharon Buck, Matthew Campbell, Kerrie Cavaness (for Tomas Ybarra), Laurie Clary, Tim Cook, Charlie Crawford, Curt Freed, Mary Garguile, Debra Gilchrist, Brendan Glaser, Al Griswold, Joyce Hammer, Kenny Lawson, Wai-Fong Lee, Peter Lortz, Joyce Loveday, John Martens, Jim Minkler, Bob Mohrbacher, Tom Nielsen, Mary Ellen O’Keeffe, Frank Powers, Marleen Ramsey, Angel Reyna, Rebecca Rhodes, Carli Schiffner, Elliot Stern, Alison Stevens, Rosemary Sutton, Virginia Tomlinson, Jeff Wagnitz, Jan Yoshiwara. Guests: Ryan Davis-WEC, Nancy Dick-SBCTC, Jessica Gilmore-WELA, Chato Hazelbaker-WELA, JJ Johnson-eLC, Jon Kerr-SBCTC, Bradley Lane-WELA, Jenni Martin-WELA, Melissa McBurneyLLC, Mike Nielson-CEC, Samantha Soto-WELA. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 8:30am. Members introduced themselves. Placement Reciprocity. Bill Moore distributed a handout with tentative recommendations from the System Placement Work Group. Areas of interest included in member feedback were OER diagnostics, returning student options, transcript grids. Legislature & System News. Marty Brown provided updates on several bills before the Legislature as well as his recent trip to Washington DC for the Association of Community College Trustees 2016 National Legislative Summit. He also shared information on the allocation formula implementation, counting international students and the associated fees, and thanked Spokane, Spokane Falls, and Tacoma for their efforts with ctcLink. Enrollment Counting Work Group. Carli Schiffner, Joyce Loveday, and Jim Minkler provided an update from the Enrollment Counting Work Group including membership information, group purpose, timeline, and draft principles. Questions addressed included what is reportable for state FTEs, how contact hours are converted to credits/FTEs, when do student count. Discussion focused on the requirement for state funded classes to have syllabi on file and the credit definitions of theory, guided practice, and field-based experience categories. The concerns and suggestions presented by members will be taken back to the Work Group. ctcLink Update. Dennis Colgan provided detail on the three groups working on ctcLink, their roles and lessons learned. Melissa Sitzenstock provided background about courses in PeopleSoft and encouraged members to review course classes to be sure they are built consistently based on course requirements. Bob Mohrbacher is the Commission’s representative to the steering committee, who are becoming more active as a decisionmaking body and will make recommendations to WACTC. Student Intent Coding Change. The purpose of the Data Governance Committee is to look at coding, make proposals, ask for weigh-in on reactions and options. Tom Nielsen brought forward a proposal from the Committee to retire unused codes, update titles, and add descriptions. The proposal is to keep the M code and retire X-Undecided, C-Adult Basic Education, E-Improve English/Reading/Math, K-Home and Family, and Z-Not Reported codes. Members will make an advisory recommendation at Friday’s meeting. Guided Pathways: AACC Pathways Project. Kenny Lawson, Deb Gilchrist, and Peter Lortz shared details and their experiences with the project as well as takeaways from the first institute. COMMITTEE REPORTS Transitions. Issues covered included updates from Bill Moore on placement reciprocity, directed self placement, Smarter Balanced placement, and the Math Pathways to Completion project. Updates were also provided on WIOA, funding for EL Civics, High School 21 data, ability to benefit, IDEA, and I-BEST. Equity and Inclusion. A joint meeting was held with the Chief Equity and Diversity Officers. Issues covered included a pilot survey around diversity on faculty hiring, development of an agenda for the new committee, consideration of development of a diversity course at the system level, building guided pathways, and measuring and capturing equity gaps. Learning Strategies and Innovation. Issues covered included BAS programs and library needs, OER, disaggregated data for students in elearning, hiring of a library consortium services manager, an accessibility authentication of students for the Department of Education, OPEN Washington website, and the Canvas conference. Transfer. Articulation and Transfer Council issues include Gen Ed embodiment in the new 3+1 nursing articulation degree, how to move new courses onto the unrestricted list, turning in STEM courses to the State Board, and an AP equivalency chart. Committee concerns with the proposed Computer Science DTA/MRP were shared. A vote will be taken at Friday’s meeting. ATC approved the proposed Associate in Music DTA/MRP. Charlie Crawford moved to approve the Associate in Music DTA/MRP, with the deletion of “May be individualized based on baccalaureate college of choice” under Basic Requirements, 1a-Communication Skills. Joyce Loveday seconded the motion. Motion carried. Workforce. Updates were provided on the WIOA recommendations. WEC developed and approved a process for common course numbering for workforce classes and requests the Commission’s approval. A vote will be taken on Friday. WEC addressed curricular alignment around machining and approved the CCN classes that will be coming to the Commission for approval. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00pm. The meeting was reconvened at 8:30am on February 19. Approval of Minutes. Mary Ellen O’Keeffe moved to approve the minutes from the October 22-23, 2015, meeting and Laurie Clary seconded the motion. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report. Laurie Clary moved to approve the report and Mary Garguile seconded the motion. Motion carried. Executive Committee Report. All issues were touched on earlier in the meeting with nothing additional to report. Computer Science DTA/MRP. Michelle Andreas moved to accept the proposed Computer Science DTA/MRP as an Articulation Agreement as presented. Virginia Tomlinson seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion was withdrawn. Charlie Crawford moved to approve the Computer Science DTA/MRP as presented and Peter Lortz seconded the motion. With 8 nays, the motion carried. Student Intent Coding Changes. Rebecca Rhodes moved to approve the recommended intent code changes as presented and Angel Reyna seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion was withdrawn and amended to take the recommendations back to the committee. Common Course Numbering. Laurie Clary moved to approve the proposed CCN for professional/technical courses and Jim Minkler seconded the motion. Motion carried. Laurie Clary moved to approve the proposed machining CCN classes and Sharon Buck seconded the motion. Motion carried. Work Group around High School Credits. Jeff Wagnitz moved to support/endorse the exploration, development, and implementation of the use of High School Credits for placement, federal student progression and earning of Student Achievement Initiative points in ABE Levels 5 and 6 (ASE1 and 2) as an option for basic skills assessment and implementation beginning July 1, 2016. Angel Reyna seconded the motion. Motion carried. BAS Committee. A proposal was brought forward from the WACTC Baccalaureate Group to become a council under the direction of the Instruction Commission. The BAS Committee approved the recommendation and will bring to the Commission’s spring meeting for a vote. WACTC Report. Warren Brown provided updates on accessible technology recommendations, Capital Committee issues, Ed Services Committee topics, system enrollments, the new allocation model, ctcLink, and Bachelor’s degree authority. Volunteer for Accessibility Technology Work Group. Interested members should contact Joyce Hammer or Bob Mohrbacher. Enrollment Counting. Issues to be taken back to the Work Group include the discussion around the requirement of having a syllabi on file for every state funded class, the new language around theory, guided practice, and field-based experience categories for credit definitions, and clarifying language around nursing clinicals. STATE BOARD REPORT New Allocation Model. Nick Lutes provided an update on the new model and expanded on the identified risks and recommendations. CCN STEM Courses. Darby Kaikkonen provided a listing of the CCN Stem courses, explained the weighting of the model and the workforce high demand CIP codes draft. Fall Enrollment Report. An overview was provided from the Fall 2015 Enrollment Report. Guided Pathways. An update was given on the January workshops and member feedback solicited on future professional development activity/training activities. Lisa Garcia Hansen, previously Admissions Director at CWU, has been hired as the Project Director and will begin work March 28. Dual Credit. An update was provided from the Joint Transfer Council Dual Credit Task Force, language of SHB1546 clarified and the elimination of College in the High School for 9th graders. OSPI will oversee a group that will help with faculty qualifications. Evidence Based Work Group. A report was previously sent out. Any input should be directed to Joyce Hammer. Summer meeting. A summer meeting is planned and the Executive Committee will advise members of the date. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:00pm. Next meeting: May 19-20, 2016 - Yakima Valley Community College