ARC – Fall 2015 Meeting

ARC – Fall 2015 Meeting
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Call to Order at 1:00 pm
How to better server underserved populations (LGBTQ, DREAMers) - Whatcom CC/Roundtable
o Inward/Outward PowerPoint will be available afterwards if you'd like to use for your staff
o Legal name change
• Leave all name changes for matching purposes
• Put in () will work in HP, but NOT in PS
• Use 'nickname' field in PS
• Free stuff
Entry Advising, Retention and Group Registration - Roundtable Discussion
o Entry Advising
• Clover Park is now requiring entry advising starting this winter quarter, been
successful so far
• Skagit has first quarter mandatory advising and group advising
o Retention
• Renton makes call outs and it seems to be very successful, they also ask instructor to
report non-attendance on the first day so they can do call outs as to why they missed
the first day of class
• Suggest using Survey Monkey tracking to track
• Clover Park did a call out before they dropped for non-payment
• Shoreline has 9 mass communications based on what they've done, then it tells the
student what to do next
• Grays Harbor call each person before they drop them and for other items like
application, now sends out student schedules to all students 6 weeks before the
quarter begins…it goes with a letter that also goes with tuition owed, FA information
so then students tended to get things in faster (caused long nights in the FA office)
• Skagit calls out for early alert, calls all new students for check-in, assistance, and setup
advising appointments, students who are still missing things they need to do, and to
returning students that haven't registered
• Several colleges put blocks on probation students, but not all.
• Whatcom has a 12 credit limit if they go on probation
• Bellevue holds the FA students so they don't get dropped assuming they're getting FA
(Renton and Pierce)
• Everett does email drops all of first week based on non-attendance if they don’t show
by the second day
Question Box
o Does any colleges have a great way to help Running Start students and parents understand
release of records and FERPA? In particular so conversations around student enrollment &
paying fees are a little easier. Do college require a release for parent to pay?
• Bellevue/CBC discusses in info sessions, so there are a lot of ROI being filled out at
that time
• Make the tuition/fees directory information
Admissions/Registration offices look student up and give SID to cashier when they
transfer parent
Is anyone using texts to contact students and if so, what software are you using?
• SARS, RAVE, Messenger (also has emergency side)
• Scott suggests use only for emergency…from a parent perspective
Are there policies out there for time limits on degree completion if students separate? E.g.
Student leaves college before completing gen eds then years later completes gen eds. Can
they transfer credits and get their credential?
• Some do and some don't
Who's using "Who's Next Queuing" software? Any pointers or things overlooked prior to go
• Suggestion, make sure you have someone who really knows the system
What office on your campus oversees the Veteran's education benefits certifications?
• Financial Aid, Enrollment Services, Financial Aid/Enrollment Services
New military transfer credit policy: thoughts on time limits for transferability especially for
medical and IT? E.g. Training is 5+ years old
• Depending on the program and requirements, they may be required to retake classes
How do you handle state employee waivers and online classes and access?
• Distance Edu put them in the back way
• Bellevue does the business day before for them
Does the reverse transfer agreement between SBCTC and WGU mean DTA's will be awarded
with competency based credits that fulfill distribution requirements or just elective
requirements? (Some BI's only allow electives from WGU.)
• What's the difference between PLA and CB? They should be seen the same
• WGU is approved across the board, so if they're in the DTA, then the BI's need to
accept them
• WGU is a WA approved university
• WGU is a "P" grade equals a 3.0
• Have to take them unless they have a policy that says they won't take them
• ICRC asked about our CBE program, which we clarified that you can't tell
• Sounds like they are worried about the integrity of all the changes
How are the BI's looking at the BAS? ICRC report by Cindy Mowry
• Evergreen will not take the BAS, but will do a course by course eval
• WSU will take BAS for admissions for secondary Bachelor's/Masters
• UW does not accept BAS for secondary Bachelor's, but will do a course by course eval,
basically they need more gen eds
• Western/Eastern takes BAS for second Bachelor's, would be eligible for Masters, but
not very competitive for Masters
• City University would accept BAS for second Bachelor's, but Masters would be eval for
additional requirements needed for admission
• Heritage says unknown for BAS, but right now it would likely be a program by program
review for a second Bachelor's
AAS-T Report from ICRC by Patrick Brown
• Concerning the BI's by this degree
• They'd prefer we get rid of or rename
• Make sure these show in your catalog as to where they specifically transfer
Thursday, October 22, 2015
House Cleaning - Patrick Brown
Welcome from Skagit VP of SS - Dave Paul
Introductions and College Updates
FERPA Update - Justin Kjolseth, AAG
o Presentation will available
o Must have written consent to release information
o Exception is directory information or authorized disclosures without consent
o Be over inclusive about personally identifiable info, as opposed to under
• Examples: program, days they attend, club membership
o If someone calls you with student info and asks to confirm information, that should be a red
flag…this could be a tricky FERPA situation
o Anything kept by an instructor as a personal memory aid is not part of the education record;
however, once it goes into a computer (anything managed by the college) or is given to
another member of the college it now becomes part of the education record
o Alumni records that only occurred while they are a student are covered by FERPA, anything
that occurs after they leave is exempt
o Students can't use their right to amend education records for a grade change, as there is a
separate process for that
DACA/WAFSA/Veteran's Residency - Justin Kjolseth, AAG
o Presentation will be available
o Citizenship status is not relevant to the 1079 requirement, as long as they meet the
requirements of the 1079…US citizens and international students qualify
o DACA students will have a from USCIS to show they're DACA
o DACA can qualify for College Bound Scholarship and you can use WASFA instead of FAFSA
o Important to remember that if you're looking at a financially dependent DACA student,
you're looking at the parent's domicile, not at the student's domicile
• Future note from the AG's Office, being a DACA student will not keep them from
getting domicile in WA unless the parent has a temporary immigration status like an S
VISA status that precludes them from establishing domicile in the US
• So an undocumented parent of a student can be domiciled in WA and the student can
qualify for in-state tuition; however, if the undocumented parent were to become a
student also they would meet the definition of non-resident student so they wouldn’t
qualify for in-state tuition
o If a student qualifies under 1079 then their parents information is irrelevant
• An F VISA can qualify because nothing says the student can't prevent them from filing
for permanent residency
o S VISA doesn’t qualify because they're not here to stay
o MAVNI students are still non-residents under residency
o If you have questions, please post on the residency listserv or email Justin directly
WSSSC Update - Dave Paul
o ctcLink discussion
• Issues with going live in August based on student transactions
• Hiccups
• What we need to do to get ready
o LGBTQ Success Initiatives
• Discussed what colleges are doing with the data
o Assessment
How to deal with COMPASS going away and what schools are doing
Ability to benefit
What about using multiple assessments
o Guided Pathways
o Violence Against Women Act training
• Campus Clarity at many schools
o Security Reports and making sure to not take FERPA protected information into their report
Coding Update/ctcLink Reporting Requirements - Carmen McKenzie
o Presentation will be available
o Ability to writing queries by college in PS was not going to be allowed, as all other college
would be able to see and use them also; however, it became apparent after GoLive that the
college needed to be able to write their own queries. They are currently working on giving
o Would like to create a self governing committee that would surround reporting
o PQA access is available for FirstLink Colleges currently
o Quarterly extracts will be run automatically 5 calendar days after the college's quarter end
date shown in the PS term table.
o Grades, transcripts, and completions will continue to be pulled about 3 weeks after (don't
worry, completions are reviewed with several years at a time and adjusted as needed)
o Proposed Intent Titles in Legacy (handout)
• Retire C, E, Z, K/X (maybe?)
• Proposed new descriptions (handout)
• Will make updates and send it out to us
• Also review with FA and Data Governance
• Data Reporting: Coding Manual is on the SBCTC website
First Link Colleges Conversion Update - TCC/Spokane
o Challenges
• Were handed a broken system, it just wasn't working correctly yet
• Change in business processes…and discovering them on a daily basis
• There really wasn't any training
• Enrollment Services was looked at as the ones to provide all the training, but that is
not possible
• Things in each pillar need to match up, otherwise they don't work
• Needs on the ground Ciber support
• Security rights are an issue and continue to be an issue on a daily basis
• ERP is the one that controls this (ERP is kind of like the support staff at SBCTC)
• ERP seems to control many decisions and can take weeks to complete tasks
• Spokane had IT do a help desk that fielded all the phone calls for
staff/faculty/students that need help
• Financial Aid has been one of the biggest issues
• Have been making the news, media, Facebook
• At week 6 no drops have been done for non-payment
• Tuition calculations is not working…still
• Don’t convert during a registration cycle because during the conversion some
students had classes disappear off their schedules…sometimes it was just some
classes, not all
• Important that the faculty be flexible getting students back into these classes
• Everything in PS takes about 5x as long than in HP
Priority was front counter and phones
Don't bother with too much training before GoLive, because they discovered that with
the appropriate support the training happens at GoLive
• Difficult to build new business process before because you don't know what you don't
• Checklist for what we should be doing…there is one somewhere, but not sure where
• Reporting is difficult because there are hundreds of tables, then after doing research,
you can maybe get something, if it doesn't exceed size, and they don't have names yet
• CARS is still being learned so when they get an alert that says it needs a fix, they don't
know what they need to do because there is no training
• Payroll deadlines are strict to turn in timecard hours
• ERP ticketing system used to report issues (4000 tickets right now)
• No FirstLinks have received an electronic transcript since GoLive
• Transcript data is loaded, but the process created is dropping the first digit from the
school code
• And the YRQ and grade is a 0.0 for all the classes currently in PS
• Once this is fixed Juanita will delete the bad data and send us an updated
transcript (if sent from Tacoma/Spokane)
• No way to test this, we find out when it goes out
• Classes with leading zero was dropped also
• The 4 years are not real happy about this issue
• Have a person that came in only to check transcripts going out
• He prints one from HP and PS and compares them for accuracy
• Academic Structure
• Program plan stacks are multiple on students
• Need to fix these stacks for FA to be awarded
• Would have been easier to just build from scratch the classes, as it would've
been far less painful
• OAA working pretty well, but just got ComGen going last week
• Communication to students is not working well yet
• Batch process work really well once you understand what you can do with them (e.g.
student groups can be run to be given a service indicator using the SID, one button to
send SSN letters out, one button to do Clearinghouse)
• Graduation will automatically graduate students depending on your advisement
• Transcripts do not have date of birth on it and we were told it would be, but not SSN
• ARC will be rewriting the letter with student focus about SSN
• Converted transcripts from HP - Update from Carmen (she just heard this)
• A web application has been created and each college will have access to it…not
sure if students will have access
• May need to update a policy to meet the technology
Question Box
o Does everyone include all of the CIP code/program data on degree verify Clearinghouse
reports? If not, can the State Board help with a degree verify process like what we have for
enrollment reports?
• If we put in the program codes and the CIP codes are in SM5006, then they'll be
reported to Clearinghouse…and we can pull that in our report separately if we want
What quarter do you post a student's degree when they apply several quarters after
completing the degree?
• Split room
• ARC will take this to WSSSC
• May have implications on FA
• If you post when applied instead of when earned, if the DTA changed the transfer
college doesn't have to accept it
Does anyone not code student's intent to enroll in a selective admission program (nursing,
dental hyg, etc) due to them not "officially" in that program until selected? If so, how are
you tracking students interested in a selective program?
• Carmen answered…
Do any college tie their registration appointment time frames directly to the student's
advising appointment?
• No was the apparent answer from most if not all
Do most/any colleges have their own project plan for ctcLink implementation? Do they
mind sharing it?
• Not much at most schools
• Special hires and working with IT
• Looking for SMEs in each area
• Going to start meeting in January
• Writing down processes and manuals
• SMEs meeting with project manager weekly to go over things
How many colleges require that students under 18 sign waiver to release? Do you collect
tax returns from under 18 students?
• Some require and some encourage the release
How are college keeping track or compiling the data for the PLA report? Do you have a
DATAX that you use?
• Apparently there is a SMS report out there
• Some have their own report
• Please use the coding scheme previously approved
When you have a student with a name change - what documentation do you require and do
you make copies of the documentation or just note that it was presented?
• Use legal documentation and make a copy of documents, except SSN and military card
• Some also make notes of what was presented
For your returning student - how often do you have them fill out another admissions form?
One quarter, year, never again, every time they are out?
• All different: 1 year, never again, 1 quarter
AP scores: Are all college doing the same thing? We got an email saying the college should
be uniform but also indicated "local policy"?
• IC work plan is working on consistent AP scores
• Currently it's local decision (min is a 3 by policy via Pres/SBCTC)
If you have an early alert system, a) is it a 3rd party product or homegrown, b) are you
happy with it? Does it work?
• Skagit has homegrown for about a year
• Starfish and Hobson's used
What kind of emergency preparedness/active shooter training has been implemented for
staff and students?
• Some more than others
• Run, hide, or fight is the new change and not to lock down
How many colleges do not have security on campus?
• Walla Walla and Bellingham
Friday, October 23, 2015
ctcLink Updates - Melissa Sitzenstock
o Everything we did for FirstLink college, we hope not to do again
o Wave 1 colleges will not start until November 21
o Lots of lessons learned
• WebEx is not the best communication tool in the world
• Incoming/outgoing electronic transcripts is a big service ticket
• Outgoing fixed by Monday
• Incoming should be fixed in next week or two
• Will be resending all outgoing ones sent prior
• If the student is not in PS, the transcript does not come in to us at all, but sits
outside waiting for them to do something (e.g. apply, FA)
• Pulls them in using Search Match
• If partial match they go into a Suspense file…not sure who will manage
this, but do know it's not college specific so the college can't tell which are
• SM5018 has been difficult to get into PS
• Program Plan Stacks are different
• If you change the student's EPCs a lot, she suggests we quit doing that as much
otherwise they're going to have lots of program plan stacks, which causes issues
in financial aid
• Understanding your courses and classes
• If either is not built right, then a student can't register in it
• Know why you build classes a certain way…why do you use certain codes on
certain classes (e.g. continuous, variable credit)
• If the course is variable credit, then the class will be…you don't really get
to choose (there is a work around, but it's difficult)
• If variable credit, when students register it gives them the lowest credit
amount instead of highest, so students will be registered in the wrong
amount of credits
• You need to know why we put that code there, if we don't know then figure it
out now so we understand
• Centralized course building
• Curriculum Committee should be educated about different types of classes (e.g.
lecture, labs, clinical, independent study, etc)
• Building classes in PS is about 5x as much work then in HP
• Understand faculty hours, as that is how faculty get paid in HCM
• Lecture/lab…you will have two line numbers and link together in PS, so if you
currently have two separate line numbers in HP you're on the right track
• If you use the alternate page instead, that doesn’t come over in PS clearly
so there will be cleanup
is main concern was, now, and still is
• Person controls this is on ERP support
She's guessing when it comes time for training, this person will be doing it
SACAR levels have not been given to the colleges so they can't see a
bunch of stuff they need like SI, etc
• It's been decided SACAR control will be given to the colleges
• Please try not to make changes while they're trying to convert us
• Considering having us build classes from scratch in PS and not convert so they
work better
• Do some more team building and make sure we're working together amongst
our campuses
o Running Start is being relooked at and reworked, as they mostly hit the finance side, but we
needed a holistic approach
o CLVL GPA…need to change your policies to match the technology
• ARC will be revamping our letter and sending it to WSSSC
• Why this impacts your students that are going to transfer
• BI's want this and it was discussed in ICRC
• At the course level you can set your grading basis to include/not include the
calculation in the clvl gpa
• Set the course at clvl or not
• Has financial aid progress units for the courses that can determine credits earned for
financial aid purposes
o Things that worked and went well
• Printed transcripts from day 1
o Talk to PM about training
• How, when, where, how much, etc?
• Training is important and critical
• Training needs to be done ahead for Wave colleges, as there are too many college to
do it with feet on the ground
o Cleaning/prep
• Continue to do Bio Demo task
• Need to match SMS and FAM…items such as exact name and birthdate
• Classes
Council/Commission Liaison Reports
o ICRC - self assessments were done
o ACC - meeting right now
o Career/Employment Council - not here
o CUSP - meeting right now
o Disability Support Services - meet next week
o FAC - Wave 1 college are asking for an October Go Live date
o Multicultural SS Council - nobody here
o WaACRAO - in Aug on the first Thursday…perhaps in Tacoma, save the date should be up by
o PLA Conference - Friday, Nov 6 in Ellensburg (Dave will send out info)
SBCTC Update - Scott Copeland
o Refer to the report sent out
o SSB 5969: requires us to have a policy to award academic credit for military training
applicable to the students' certificate/degree requirements
• Good example: Fayetteville Technical College has the ability to plug classes in
• Minnesota system is a good example
Clover Park has an amazing policy/model
• Cindy can send out the policy and perhaps the procedure
• IC and instruction side are the ones implementing this policy
• Remember, the credit awarded has to applicable to the degree the student is pursuing
• Perhaps do the gen ed crosswalks that are common, then create the crosswalks for
others as they come in and area approved by your faculty
o College Bound list is available, ask Scott
o Allocations have changed
o Chapter 5
• Work group put together that will work on defining things (e.g. lecture class,
competency based programs)
• Look at policy manual Scott sent out
• Anne found one that says they are enrolled, but not paid or registered
• Two sections for Basic Skills for continuous enrollment
Question Box
o Chapter 5, appendix B, E. College course at 300/400 level are limited to those required for
the accredited degree. Question: If college determines a new upper division course can be
used as an elective for a BAS program, but is not listed in the program requirements as a
specific program requirement for a BAS, is this consistent with this rule? Can 300/400 level
course be offered through a CE dept as student-funded at a BAS approved college? Must
the CE classes be applicable toward BAS completion?
• If a class is offered for credits and grades, it must live on the academic side in PS and
it's assumed it's been approved through academic standards process if it's an
academic class
• SBCTC will be clamping down on continuing ed classes
• It's our understanding that we should stay out of taking these types of classes in a 2
year degree, as that is not the intent of 300/400 classes
o 5.90.2 says RS students who choose to take more credits than covered by the state
reimbursement must pay tuition & fees on those unreimbursed credits, do we have
guidance around rate? Should we determine residency as we do for any other student or
must RS students be granted resident tuition by virtue of their WA high school status?
• Yes that we have to determine residency once they take more credits that they have
to pay for
• Low income are waived on this only
• Same for RS paying for below clvl
• Yes, you can ask residency questions of RS student if they fall in the above situations
o Do you exit code your H intent students (e.g. electrical apprentice)? If so, what exit code?
• Follow the rubric
• If they aren't earning a credential, then you wouldn’t give a exit code
o Do you make the student a copy of an official transcript that you received from their former
• Most would not make a copy, but a few said yes because they see it as part of the
student's educational record
• If would not make a copy it's because it doesn't belong to our college
o For RS they fill out RS application w/o residency questions, then they make fill out a
transition to general?
• Update form
• New application
• Note: be sure you're requesting the SSN on the RS application
For DACA students, do we have a way to track these?
• No code so far and no fields to put it in
• WASFA filing, valid SSN match should allow them to find so we may not need to keep
Business Meeting
o Approval of minutes
• Winter and Spring: Patrick moves, Carlos seconds, vote approved
o Treasurer's report
o ARC Work Plan for 2015-16
• Been submitted to WSSSC, as they've asked the councils to create work plans
• We'll be following this for our agenda items
• If you have suggestions please let us know
o ARC executive board revamping and Bylaws to be reviewed by ad hoc committee (Chris,
Patrick, Mike) to be reviewed and report out at winter meeting with goal of revision by the
spring meeting
o New member packet committee to be available online (Chris is willing to put this together)
o Winter meeting will be joint with ACC
• At South Puget Sound in Lacey (new campus)
o Spring meeting is undecided
• Possibly Wenatchee
• For those attending, we'd like to hear what you learned at the winter meeting for just
a couple minutes
o HUEG/Alliance Conference in Seattle in March
• ARC will send Nancy F to this on our dime
• Mike motion, Chris seconds, vote approved
o Membership list on website - Carlos
• Send Carlos an email to keep updated
• Be sure you send to the listserv using the correct email address otherwise it bounces
to Carlos
Motion to adjourn and approved at 10:34 am
Janet Garza – ARC Secretary
Running Balance, 04/22/2015‐10/21/2015
Balance Brought Forward
2119 WCC ‐ Olympus Voice Recorder
2120 PACRAO ‐ Reg Fee ‐ Cindy Mowry‐ President
Deposit ‐ Fall Registration Fees
2121 Treasurer Office Supplies
45.00 1,125.00
Ending Balance
Spring 2015 ARC Meeting Summary
Host/Drawing Gift
Retirement Gift ‐ Julie Sharpe
Conference Speaker
Walla Walla Catering ‐ Fall ARC
Deposit ‐ Spring Registration Fees
Deposit ‐ Spring Registration Fees
16 45.00
13 45.00
* Registration Fee returned upon request only if ARC meeting revenues exceed expenditures
by enough to cover all no‐shows.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Kammerzell
Bellingham Technical College
ARC Treasurer, 2014‐2016
7501.51 4/21/15 balance