ARC – Winter 2016 Meeting

ARC – Winter 2016 Meeting
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Call to order: 1:00 pm
Reverse Transfer/National Student Clearinghouse Updates - Danette Sullivan/Dave Pelham
• The Dept of Edu hadn't made any updates for a long time until a year ago. When the DOE made changes,
this caused the issues that appeared to be NSC issues in the last year
• The staffing was not prepared for the volume of issues that occurred
• If you don’t hear back in 2-3 days, please email/call Danette…whatever you need, please call her
• New NSC blog you can sign up for…Cindy will send out link on listserv for Danette
• Reverse Transfer: 2 million students attended college for 2+ years (2003-2013) didn't earn a degree/78% of
students who transfer from a community college to a 4-year institution without a degree
• Phase 1: facilitates the submission of files from host institution, notification of degree granting institution
and downloading of files by DGI (July 2015)
• Phase 2: creates a student data mart at NSC allowing for cross checking of all student data and provides a
student portal and who has accessed it and for what purpose (development began in Feb 2015, anticipated
completion by end of year 2016)
• Phase 3: provides the ability to do pre degree audits prior to notifying DGIs of file presence (anticipated
completion by end of year 2017)
*service will be provided at no cost to colleges already using service
• Other areas of possible support through the platform:
o Veterans Eligibility and Certification (in progress right now)
• Helping to automate the manual entry into VA Once
o Accreditation
o Outcomes research
• Student will have to give permission to allow their records to be looked at for purposes of reverse transfer
• Current institutions will need to sign an updated agreement with NSC in order to use these records in this
• (video also located here)
ctcLink Updates - Betsy, Roxanne, Nancy D, Anne W
• Wave 1 - what are we doing to get ready to cutover? - Nancy D
o Drafted an academic structure, what are our departments/buckets going to be?
o Plan codes are going to be together in PS, so she made some changes…see the new Coding Manual
off the SBCTC website
o Tried to figure out security roles for staff
• Jobs will likely change and job descriptions may need to change
o Bio Demo cleanup
o Course Catalog ending courses (review the need, as may cause an issue in PS)
o Footnotes cleanup (drop down menu in PS)
o Prereq check cleanup
o Start mapping business processes now and then translate into PS
• Alliance 2016 (HEUG) in March
• First Link Update at week 22
o Everything done in PS takes 10x longer than it does in HP
o The 3C's is very complex, but really haven't been able to start using it
o Automated drop job doesn't work…they're looking at each student manually to make sure they are a
student that should be dropped
o Everything that FA does is so interwoven with what admissions does (or what's on the admissions
application), so you have to fix the error immediately otherwise they can't be funded
o Program plan stack is important
• Front line can't do this…perhaps the advisors take care of this
Don't convert enrollments…cutover should happen so you don’t have to unregister/reregister all
students and rebuild each class
o Advisor, faculty, and student centers are great
o PS is very rigid compared to HP fluidity
o Permissions numbers = entry codes…these are beautiful
o Refund Policy - when students do any changes during the refund periods they will get the extra
percent charged during that period
o Variable credit classes - credit defaults to lowest credit amount and tuition defaults to the highest
amount of credits tuition costs
o Basic Skills still haven't been able to pay because they can't get amount to calculate
o BAS still haven't been able to pay because they can't calculate tuition correctly
o Contracted/I-Best classes are not calculating FTE
o 1099's may not be correct
o They still don't have a budget for the year
o Security is the biggest issue
o Cross pillar training is a must
o SBCTC ERP will be removing the WebEx access on 2/5/16
• Perhaps not converting some data, but instead build from scratch would be better?
Coding Updates - Carmen McKenzie
• Proposal to modify student intent codes - Data Governance Committee
o Plan code (PS) = Intent code (HP) - these will still be translated over from PS by SBCTC
o M intent - supporting document
o LGBTQ in PS - Student Services Commission is discussing and working on a proposal to add to PS, also
want the student to be able to update anytime, not just at admissions
o Conversion being looked at using lessons learned from First Wave and Carmen is working to make it
work for Wave 1
o Golden Gate will be opened up to everyone to look at scrubbed data about Feb 15
SBCTC IT Updates - Juanita/Marla
• Clearinghouse issue of students changing program code and then getting an error in NSC - data needed by
NSC is not all in HP so Juanita was not able to find a fix unless we want to manually keep track somehow
o Discuss further
• Web application interaction with newer browsers will be improving, as well as, the ability to view it on a
mobile device
• SID duplicate college contact list - Juanita will send something out to put together an updated list
• Preliminary jobs continue to run after finals run, so please delete prelims from prior quarters
Enrollment Counting - Anne W, Mike S, Steve A
• Work group was meeting to establish and update the policies, guidelines and definitions regarding
• Email them if you have questions, suggestions, or feedback about the document handed out so that they
can take it back to the group
• Trying to clarify the FTE counting
• Looking at chapters 4 and 5 in the manual
• Anne will send out the attachments and what they're looking at feedback on
Question Box
• What are the 3 C's of communication?
o Comments, communication, and checklist
o Very cool when they work to communicate with students, but need to be setup
• At what amount do you drop a student for non-payment and when?
o Anything over $100, $200, $300 - most seems to be about $100 (Clover Park drops at $25)
o Timeline varies
• Does any college have a third party admissions application that they upload into SMS?
Bellevue is back to using the SBCTC application for general students and uses the third party for their
BAS programs
• Stopped using the third party because it was a manual entry
What documentation do you accept for a student's name change?
o Driver's license
o Legal documentation
o SSN Card
o Suggested to look at the DMV list of documentation
Who has a nursing DTA? What intent code are you using? When do you change the code? If you do…
o Intent will be either a G/M while doing pre nursing, then a F when they're in the program
Are any other schools having problems with the new transcription of AP, IB, and other credit? When
students transfer or their transcripts make it to another school have any questions come up about what the
course are or how we are preventing them getting credit twice?
o Prior learning is only portfolio that is called out, everything else is not indicated at PLA
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Creating a Veteran Friendly Culture on Your Campus - Peter Schmidt/WDVA Director of Behavior Health
• DVA website:
• Oversees the Vet Corp on campuses
• WA Dept of Veterans Affairs - could request to have someone come in to talk about benefits,
appointments, and timelines
• How do we get the vets to not just go to the Vets Center and help with more integration?
o Perhaps they don't know how to transition from the military structure so they follow the culture
around them
o Perhaps vets prefer to be around other vets that understand the military culture
• Vet supportive campus, how to define?
• Campus self-assessment
• Welcome veterans to your campus instead of thanking them for their service.
• Self-disclosure of veteran status was noted at several colleges
• SBCTC "I am a Veteran" website
• Challenge coin
• Create a veterans resource team
Veteran Activities and Campus Procedures on your Campus - Roundtable
• Use the handouts
• More training for staff about veterans experiences - can use VTSC to assist in this
• Vet friendly campus signs
• How to figure out who the vet students are
• Get more involved
Legislative Agenda - Edward Esparza
• Fix 2015-17 funding shortfalls and fill skill gaps in the workforce
• Upcoming student success items
o Funding faculty increments
o Guided pathways
o Public safety through corrections education and training (SB 2619 & SB 6260)
o College affordability via State Need Grant and College Bound Scholarship
Question Box/Hot Topics
• What are the reactions about the proposed WA promise?
o SBCTC supports it; however, there are others things that need to be done first in the fiscal area
o Cost is estimated about $100 million to make this happen
o The small print indicates the student must be in the top 15% of their HS graduating class and be low
• Are you enforcing the course repeat policy and if so, how?
PS has solved this issue and it does work
• Agreement with SBCTC is that at the time each college converts the student gets to start at zero
and gets three new tries
• There is a batch process that automates the repeats at a point
o Don't post a repeat (R) for a class more than twice (so no more than the third class)
• What does the future of placement look like on your campus? Have any schools worked through the
intersection of guided/directed self-placement to replace COMPASS and RS eligibility? What are colleges
doing with RS eligibility post-COMPASS?
o SB, use HS transcript, directed self-placement for English (DSP), adding ACCUPLACER for ability to
benefit, multiple measures, SAT/ACT
o Need to have some version of a standardized tool to look at the HS transcripts
o Reciprocity is a state mandate
• When conferring degrees, especially DTA, do you use college level GPA, cumulative GPA, or degree audit
o Mostly college level
o A few cumulative
• ICRC says it's cumulative using the classes within degree and they're trying to change it to be
• Question about why we're transitioning to PS.
• If you have a RS students exceeding the 1.2 enrollment and paying tuition for the excess credit, how do you
claim state FTE for a fraction of a class? E.g. if they have a 5 credit class do you charge 2 credits to RS and 3
credits as state FTE?
o You can't…can only code to a 01
• How does your school receive 300/400 level credits? Do you transfer them in and transcript them? WSU
reverse articulation.
o Review and transcribe if can be used - Whatcom
o Don’t accept them currently - Cascadia
o No secret rules that says they can only be used as electives
Dreamer's Training - Maribel Jimenez/Yakima Community College
• Suggestions/ideas of what others do:
o Designated staff to assist DREAMers
o Bilingual staff
o Outreach to middle schools
o Use inclusive language that they're welcome
o Student led training
o Training similar to safe zone with welcome inclusive signifier
o DREAMer committee
o Consolidate information in one place
o Use language they may know
o Use signs and symbols
o Website
o Suggest training for faculty
o Butterfly poster at a desk/office that has been trained
o Meet with the whole family of the DREAMer
ctcLink Quarter Update/First Link College
• PS is very much about self-service (student, advisor, faculty center)
• Students can see most everything about themselves in student center, including all the classes they've
taken at all ctc's
• Lots of batch processes available, but need to be setup
• Changing of policies to meet the process of PS
• Grade repeats is great
• Grading is easy for faculty to use and seems to have eliminated as many missing grades
The grading roster that missed the deadline can be submitted after the fact by the faculty with less
• Incomplete grading can be setup to automatically change the grades to a 0.0 when you want it to
• Early Alert is part of PS, but is still being fine tuned
Wave One Discussion
• See notes from yesterday on this topic
Question Box/Hot Topics
• Who is using College Scheduler? It was demonstrated at WaACRAO. Do you like it? Why?
o Generates a schedule based on what they want to take, doesn't look at degree requirements - Skagit
o Student feedback is they love it
o Helps to show what students want to take, so it has reports that show them data about what
students are looking at
• What do other colleges do about having faculty doing academic advising? How do you get faculty involved
in academic advising? How do you differentiate between advising and mental health counseling in that
o It's in their contract
o Advising steering committee
Friday, January 29, 2016
SBCTC - Scott Copeland
• State bill that requests all CTC's have no less than 75% fulltime faculty
• McCleary decision has been avoided at this point by the Senate/House
• Bill that requires the amounts of books to be posted, also wants the book amounts to be posted on the
student schedule, etc. They requested a fulltime person at each college to make this happen, so this has
not moved forward at this time
• Free college bill is complicated…the House version is not based on income
• Bill that requires 25% of our College Bound students must be in a STEM program
• Reverse transfer will cost $1.4 million, but there is a bill that is coming through that will mandate it
• Bill that will require that you waive an application fee
• The enrollment count workgroup is reviewing the dates which we can control…can't control the 10th day
start, but can control the last day
• The refund date can be adjusted by college
• Veterans - none at this time
• Bill to discouple the S&A from the tuition/fees, they want this to come out
ctcLink Update/Transcript - Melissa Sitzenstock
• Been working on the RS part of the project
• Still working on the CEMLIs and other issues that are being fixed
• Transcripts are sent in two files, data file and PDF file
• If you're not getting transcripts from the pilot schools, let the PS help desk know
• Perhaps a decision needs to be made about the continuing ed that is now showing up on the PS transcript
• Data file: shows the full SSN and full birthdate along with other transcript data
• Official transcript: shows only the full birthdate (no SSN) along with the other transcript data, all degrees
will show, none will be hidden
o Z999 notes will show a the bottom of the transcript, Melissa will check to be sure the other YRQ
notes come over since the PLA items must show
o Courses that are currently suppressed will now show because they're enrolled
• If it's one type of course ID, they can exclude in conversion from transcript
• Grading basis work to do for configuration
• For more - QRG in Training site -
• Self-service transcript ordering has been turned off because it can't charge a fee for the transcript
• Outside of WA, the transcript sent will not have a SSN on it
• Moving forward, trying to change the way we're going to do things
Working on more onsite visits and more interactions
Course/class review
o You must have a course to have a class
o You have a class to have an enrollment, you can't back end a transcript
• To convert the data, during the conversion the project will establish a course if it's not there
• Will need to be sure to inactive the course ID after Go Live so it can't be used
o You must have an enrollment for a transcript entry
o Course with more than 1 component (lecture, lab, clinical, independent) will have a class section for
each component
• If lecture/lab combo, then in conversion they will split into 2 item numbers (like a linked class in
• The component (lecture/lab) is what causes the item number
• Need us to make these types of classes to be a lecture and a lab class with 2 separate
items numbers
• How your class is built, will determine how the instructor pay is calculated
• Would like these to be split starting summer 2016/B671
• Students that will be loaded: active enrollment within 6 years or application within 2 years (error on the
side of getting more students then less)
• Asking for a new HP screen that we can use to add the missing data in HP that they need for PS conversion
• Will be converting 1-8 times so that you can review and clean data before Go Live
• An end date makes the course inactive and these will not come over
o So we may want to remove end dates on courses if we want them to come over to PS
• Will have opportunity to cleanup course ID misspelling on transcripts
• Will have a "to do" list and cleanup for us in the near future
• Should put a workgroup together from ARC
Council/Commission/ARC Workgroup Reports
• ICRC - meets next week
• OAR - more reviews coming up for next year
• BAR - concerned about the coding fixed
• FA - meets next month
• ACC - met with them yesterday
WSSSC Update - Dave Paul
• Meets next week
• ctcLink remains a major concern and is committed to this topic
• State wide group on assessment lead by Bill Moore
o Looking at ways to encourage colleges to use multiple measures
o Interest in pooling resources to try to get a discount on Smarter Measures (about $6)
o Identifying common assessment measures
• State is working on pathways project
• Data Governance - intent coding update sent out
o Time/location coding reviewed for next project
• Determining who "owns" this data
• Workshop on after effects of a tragic event and how do you plan
Question Box
• Do you change an admission fee? If yes, do you waive for any groups? If yes, how do you determine who is
eligible to be waived?
o Charges $30 and they can pay online, FA will pay this also - Bates
o Have included it in the fees (registration fee) now, as PS is not friendly with reapplying - Spokane
o Perhaps this can be added as a comprehensive fee?
o Maybe don't call it a comprehensive fee?
• Do you have program specialist classifications in your offices? What duties do they perform?
o FA, transcripts, end of term processing, admissions processing
Will the 6 years of enrollment history of students that will get converted to PS only include students with
course enrollments existing in SMS or will it include all students with enrollment transactions in SMS over
the past 6 years, even if they get dropped?
o Answered by Melissa during her presentation
• Who is printing their own diplomas/certs? If you print on campus, recommendations for printers or
process best practice? If you use a vendor to produce them, who and what is the turnaround time?
o Majority are printing on campus
• Most in office printing
o Turn around for vendor: about a month
• Is anyone here the student conduct officer? If so, do you have a matrix of discipline? e.g. facemask =
automatic first down
o Only 2 hold that position
• For those using SBCTC web application, what is your process for following up with students? Best practice
o 1-2 weeks after acceptance send a follow up list
o Follow up email
o Use CRM to send email and follow up
• Best practice suggestions for evaluating and coding and tracking military transfer credit?
o No discussion
• When there is a discrepancy in SSNs, how many colleges copy the SSN card? Is there a policy or is it best
practice to not copy the SSN card?
o AG office and Scott said do no copy
o Suggested not to copy DACA card either
• How long do you leave web up for add/drops after the quarter starts? Do you allow adds after that date?
VP signature or instructor signature?
o The day before classes start it's turned off and an instr signature to drop
o Third day for adds
o Fifth day for adds
• Graduation requirements…what is your residency requirement? What is your reverse transfer limit?
o 25% residency req & the rest can be reverse transfer
o 30 credits residency req
o 25 credits residency req
o 15 credits residency req
• Is anyone accepting a diploma as official high school documents or do you require the transcript?
o Nobody will accept just a diploma
• Which colleges are collection residency info for RS students? Do you collect for all RS student or only those
taking credits in excess of the 1.3 FTE? Who is using web admissions center for RS applications?
o Gray's Harbor is doing all of these
o Skagit collects residency
o Everett collects residency
• Perhaps get more clarification from Scott?
• A student is registered for 14 credits/4 classes. One of the classes (10 cr) is a late start class. All classes are
dropped at the same time with three of the classes are in 0% refund period, but the 10 credit class should
refund at 100%? Do you count the 10 credit class as credits 1-10 or 5-14? (affects the amount of refund)
o 5-14 will be default
o Put it into HP and let it do the work
many colleges with waitlist keep the waitlist open during the 1st week of classes? 1 day, 2 days, 3 or
o 3.5 days
o 3 days
o 2 days
Business Meeting
• Approve minutes for winter/spring
o Mike moved to motion, Patrick seconded - all approved
ARC officer duties revision
New member packet - ad hoc committee - Chris Melton
o Need a list of acronym
Ad hoc committee to present updated ARC By Laws for revision and possible vote - Patrick
o Will vote on Thursday during spring ARC
Treasurer's report - Joan
PACRAO - share what we learned - table for later
Spring 2016 meeting - Wenatchee Valley
Locations for Fall 2016, Fall 2017…Spring 2017 at Yakima Valley
o Let us know if you'd like to host
Officers needed - Treasurer and president elect
o Think about for spring meeting
Joyce Hammer asked for feedback on the Reverse Transfer/NSC presentation
o The overall feeling was the presentation was not correct for the audience
Thoughts on meeting with ACC
o If joint topics it is a good idea
o Perhaps come together more to work together on a project
o Perhaps mix the seating a bit more
o Meet with other groups also like the FA group
o As we move to PS this will be more beneficial for cross pillar training
• Maybe wait for wave 1 to convert?
o Think about what we want to do with other councils/commissions
o PS transcript letter with recommendations from ARC Board
• College level GPA - ARC is okay with the letter and decision
• SSN or last 4-digits - ARC is okay with the letter and decision
• Letter of recommendation will now go to WSSSC
o Suggested by Betsy that if a CEMLI is approved to add a clvl GPA, then the batch processes would
need to be updated also
Motion to adjourn and approved at 12:09 pm
Janet Garza – ARC Secretary
Running Balance, 10/22/2015-01/25/2016
Balance Brought Forward
Deposit - Registration Fees
2125 Office Depot - Name Tags
Ending Balance
Fall 2015 ARC Meeting Summary
2122 Patrick Brown-PACRAO Fee & Host/Drawing Gifts
2123 Culinary Arts-SVC - Catering
Deposit - Registration Fees
2124 Heug Alliance Cconference - Nancy Deverse
Deposit - Registration Fees
* Registration Fee returned upon request only if ARC meeting revenues exceed expenditures
by enough to cover all no-shows.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Kammerzell
Bellingham Technical College
ARC Treasurer, 2014-16