HD28 .M414 no.'64i4 -Tl Inspection for Circuit Board Assembly Philippe B. Chevalier and Lawrence M. Wein WP# 3465-92-MSA September, 1992 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Inspection for Circuit Board Assembly Philippe B. Chevalier and Lawrence M. Wein WP# 3465-92-MSA September, 1992 MIT. LIBRARIES ' CT 2 1992] REUcivB; INSPECTION FOR CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY Phillipe B. Chevalier Operations Research Center, M.I.T. and Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. Abstract Several stages of tests are performed in circuit board assembly, and each test consists of one or more noisy measurements. allocation of inspection We and the testing consider the problem of jointly optimizing the policy: that at is, which stages should a board be inspected, and at these stages, whether to accept or reject a board based on noisy test measurements. The objective and defective items shipped is is to minimize the exp(^cted costs very sensitive to some input data that practice. We to customers. is observe that the optimal testing policy extremely hard to estimate accurately Hence, we do not pursue an optimal solution, although with considerable effort. an optimal inspection allocation given model to an industrial significantly improves it and type this testing policy. facility that upon the I is using it, and facility's historical policy. September 1992 We 11 in could be calculated Rather, we derive a closed form testing policy that optimal with respect to the expected number of type of the for testing, repair, errors, also describe find that the is Pareto and then find an application proposed policy INSPECTION FOR CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY Philippe B. Chevalier Operations Research Center, M.I.T. and Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. 1. Introduction This paper considers the problem of inspection in a circuit board assemblj' plant, which came to our attention while advances have given working with a Hewlett-Packard rise to circuit facilitj-. Recent technological boards of increasing complexity, and consequentlj' testing has become one of the most challenging aspects of circuit board manufacturing. Inspection costs can account for over half of the total manufacturing cost, utilization of inspection resources The assembly is is of circuit boards and hence optimizing the a crucial task. is performed in a single manufacturing stage, which Assembled followed by several successi\'e inspection stages. inspected for manufacturing defects and defective components. circuit The boards haA'e to be inspection process at each stage includes three different activities: testing, diagnosis and repair. or more measurements reject a board. The are taken from a board, defect during repair. Diagnosis of difficulty often the most is on testing, errors. of that board. The The its cost, diagnostic power of a test 1 made whether one to accept or and is corrected and time consuming task and the degree and henceforth repair cost for performing a test is identified during diagnosis, difficult attractiveness of a test depends on surement is depends on the board type and the type of focus of this paper The is on a rejected board and a decision In testing, test that is performed. The main refers to diagnosis as well as repair. diagnostic power, coverage and mea- on a particular board depends on the type is the amount of information that a test provides for diagnosis, and strongly influences the time required and the cost for a repair. it Defects are considered to be of different types, and the coverage of a test refers to the range of defects that can be detected, in Figure 2, and the extent to which they can be detected. For example, the defect types linked to defective assembly, such as opens and shorts, are very well covered at the first inspection stage, whereas defective components are much harder to The outcome detect and some components can only be detected of a test one or more measurements, and the accuracy of these measurements determines is the prevalence of type We I (false reject) and type The consider two interrelated decisions. inspect a board; this problem is known At the stages where inspection is in at the last inspection stage. II (false first accept) errors. decision is to decide at which stage(s) to the literature as the inspection allocation problem. performed, the testing policy decides whether to accept The joint decision of inspection allocation and testing will be referred to as an inspection policy. The on the noisy measurements obtained from the or reject each board based optimization problem which includes costs is to find an inspection policy to minimize the total expected cost, for testing, repair assume that every defective board We make is and defective items shipped to customers. Lince we repaired, no scrapping cost one crucial assumption that allows distribution of the true value of a measurement the inspection policy employed at previous stages. is trying to detect a type inspections related to type tests, i i for a tractable anah'sis: the probability at a particular stage independent of If The measured effect of defects, as well as the use of tight acceptance intervals for these of the true measurement is value. The exact nature not measured at different quantities measured at later stages are typically an aggregation of quantities earlier, and the nature a defect. Even be extremely is the measurement under consideration dependency can be very complex since the same quantity stages. included. is one would expect that the presence of previous defect, then would lead to a narrower distribution of this test. if a of this aggregation might either model of difficult. Typically, this dampen dependency was developed, data the only available data 2 is or amplify the collection would the noisy measurements under the existing inspection policy; experiments would probably need to be performed under various In our case study, the derivation of inspection policies to gather the necessary data. optimal testing policy was primarily an issue at had binary results), which assumption was not an We encountered lem: the is first test precision. (many of the other tests undertaken, and consequently the independence issue. a formidable obstacle to implementing an optimal solution to this prob- the optimal testing policy measurement in circuit testing an errors, is very sensitive to the probability distributions of the which are exceedingly difficult to Hence, the considerable computational effort required to derive the spection pohcy did not appear to be worthwhile. several important features: (i) estimate to the required degree of Instead, we found a optimal in- testing policy with the cutoff limits for acceptance and rejection that charac- terize the testing policy are expressed in closed form; consequently, the test engineers at Hewlett-Packard found the policy intuitively appealing, and easy to understand and use; the policy is Pareto optimal with respect to the expected number of type incurred; and and type I the cutoff limits should be close to the optimal cutoff limits (iii) if II (ii) errors reasonably accurate parameter estimates are used. Given culated. optimal inspection allocation policy this testing policy, the Since the cardinahty of the action space is is then easily cal- small and the dimensionality of the continuous state space can be large, we employed an exhaustive search procedure instead of a dynamic programming algorithm. The paper is contains a short case study of the Hewlett-Packard being applied. The case studj' includes a description of the facility, facility, oui- model the methodology for gathering the data, which has been disguised, and the proposed policy. facility's historical where Relative to this inspection policy, our limited numerical results suggest that the proposed allocation policy can reduce total inspection costs by 10-20%, and the proposed testing policy can reduce costs by roughly 5%. The proposed inspection policy implemented, and we are not yet in a is in the process of being position to report on the cost reduction realized by 3 the facility. Two by-products of our analysis are of significant practical value. First, we determine the cost reduction that would be achieved by reducing the measurement noise of the test This quantity can help circuit board manufacturers evaluate new test equip- equipment. ment, and can assist test equipment manufacturers focus their equipment. Although inspection ity improvement benefit Many serial efforts are also vital to a efforts in and market company's success. We These quantities can be used to focus quality defects. an economic fashion. (i.e., no type or type I Yum allowed for imperfect inspection (Eppen and Hurst 1974, A in multistage Early studies on this problem (see, for example. White 1966 and and Bishop 1967) assumed perfect inspection Garci^-Diaz et al. their also derive the marginal papers have been published on the optimal allocation of inspection systems. repeated. efforts necessary in the context of circuit board assembly, qual- is from reducing various types of improvement R&D 1984), where cne determines the number errors). Later II al. indsay papers and McDowell 1981 and of times that a test should survey of work published on inspection allocation can be found Recently, Villalobos et I (1992) studied a dynamic version of the in be Raz (1986). same problem, where inspection of an item at a particular stage can depend on the result of the inspection of that item at previous stages. Our paper appears to be the first to address the presence of distinct defect types, the joint optimization of inspection allocation and testing, of a model to an industrial facility. Section 2 presents a detailed formulation of the problem, which Section 3. A case study is presented in Section 2. A and the application 4, is then analyzed in and conclusions are drawn in Section 5. Problem Formulation typical flow chart of the assembly of circuit boards main manufacturing stage is circuit board assembly, where is all presented in Figure 1. The the components are soldered onto the printed circuit boards. At the system assembly, the different boards are plugged 4 into the final product. The in circuit test takes a measurement from each of the individual components soldered on a board, and the functional simulated working conditions. At the system system. Many test, test assesses each board is variants of the configuration displayed in Figure the response of a board to tested as part of a complete 1 are possible. For example, there could be multiple levels of each test, or the system assembly step could be performed in several stages, some tests and a test could be performed on each subassembly; on the other hand, might not be present. Board Assembly Circuit Printed CircuN In Circuit Test Boards System Test Figure As mentioned assume that earlier, 1 Flow chart of . circuit board assemblj'. an important characteristic of each test for each type of defect, the successive tests that are is its coverage. performed on the boards have an increasing coverage. Figure 2 illustrates this property, which we chical test coverage, for the successive tests tend to be We circuit call hierar- example introduced above. Since they cover more defect types, more complex and more expensive to perform. However, as the complexity of the test increases, the precision of the information obtained from the decreases. Consequently, type I and type longer and has to be performed by in test more II errors are in traditional test more prevalent, and diagnosis takes qualified personnel. The hierarchical assumption coverage holds for the circuit board assembly systems we have encountered. assumption also holds will manufacturing settings, where additional work This is per- formed between successive tests, and each test measures the cumulative functionahty of the manufactured item. Main Defect type Captured Inspection Stage at inspection Defective Assembly In Circuit Test • Defeaive Component • Defeaive Component • Incompatible Component Figure In this section, the tion 3.3 A we problem how discuss error turing process. type will I is The II for a single board type between in isolation. In Sec- board types. different to different aspects of the overall functional Most of these measurements are subject to some noise, and this quite sensitive to small changes in the board design or the manufactesting policy at a stage specifies an interval for each The presence and type formulated up to several thousand measurements. These measurements such that a board will be accepted otherwise. Hierarcliical test coverage. components on a board, or performance of a board. measurement is 2. Syiem Test to account for the dependencies test consists of a series of relate to different Functional Test of if every measurement measurement errors makes it lies inside its interval, measurement and rejected impossible to completely eliminate errors. Larger intervals will lead to the acceptance of more boards, which reduce the number of good boards falsely rejected but increase the number of defective boards falsely accepted. Similarly, smaller intervals will have the opposite effect. For tests that have binary results, only one testing policy needs to be considered. Ex- amples of such situations are systemwide functional For the purpose of generality, we tests and tests for opens and shorts. allow the model to have a choice of testing policies at each 6 However, the model easily accommodates the case where the stage. policies at We and n i defects, where is reduced to a single policy. assume that each measurement can detect only one type = stage n. one or more stages 1, . , . . and TV, let A',„ let v^f. set of possible testing of defect. For i = 1, . . . , / be the number of measurements taken at stage n that detect type be the value obtained from the k*^^ measurement for type i defects at Then f'^^ is the true measurement value and that these two random the measurement error. is e,„fc We assume and that the measurement errors are variables are independent, independent across different measurements. These independence assumptions appear to hold in practice. As mentioned the distribution of i^'^^. is the Introduction, we also in make the simplifying assumption that independent of the inspection pohcy at previous stages. Let Pink{^) be the conditional probability that the true value v]^). is inside Gmk. which is the interval in which the true value should be for the proper functioning of the board, given the measurement value; that is, p^ir) = Pt[vI, e The function p,nk{-f) can be expressed solely / ^ _ in G'.nfc I C, = ,r]. terms of the problem inputs as - y)^,nk(y) dy J_oc e,„t(3-- yK:nk{y)dy ^G,„, g<nA-(j- where ^inki^) 's and e,„t(x) the density function of the measurement error. The 1, . . . , is the probability density function of the true value of the quantity measured, testing policy for defect type A',„}, where the A-"^ i measurement at stage n for type i defined by T,n = defects at stage n is is inside [L,„fc,t/,„t]. Define Q,nk{L,nkJ^mk) = Pi" ''La- € G,nk and V^^i^. ^ [i,nkA',nk {(L,„i,-.U,nk)-k accepted if it = lies . and l3,nk{L,nk.U,nk) where Q,nk{I^ink,f^'ink) is value of the component is = Pr {l^k ^ G^nk and V^^^ ^ [L,nkJhnk]] the probability that the measurement is rejected although the true is is the probability that the measurement is bad. good, and ^inkiL,nki U,nk) accepted while the true value of the component , If we let f,nk{^) be the density function of the measured values, then + P,nk{x)frnk{x)dx P,nk{x) f,nk{x) dx (2) JU,nk -OO and = /3ink{L,nk-lhnk) Let Q,n(T,„) be the expected testing policy T,„, board at stage ?? and number lei /ij„(r,n) - (\ f^nki^-)) f>nk(x) of false defects of type = X! (3) per board at stage be the expected number of defects of type that are not detected at that stage. Olin{T,n) i dx under present on a follows that It + Ihnk{-r).f,nk(-r)dx ?' ?i / pt„i,{x)f,„i,(x}dx (4) and An(r,„) = 2^ k=l For technical reasons that will {I - Pznk{3-))f>nk(x)dx. become apparent are continuous unimodal functions for In addition to deciding / upon a (5) •^^'"'• all i, later, n and we assume that Pmki-''^) and /,„t(x) k. we testing policy, also need to choose the inspection allocation policy at each stage, which specifies whether or not to test the boards at that stage. Notice that additional stages can be particular stages. The objective is to artificially added to consider partial testing options minimize the total expected cost of testing, repair, at and defects leaving the plant; this total cost will often be referred to as the total inspection cost. We consider a per unit testing cost /„ at stage test engineering, ??, which typically includes operator time, equipment depreciation and maintenance, and various overhead possible benefit, or negative cost, of testing is that it will lead to costs. A quicker learning and hence we did not attempt process improvements; however, in our case study, Also, no fixed testing cost benefit into the per unit testing cost. The repair cost r,„ board cost at stage n. assume that all incurred, whether the defect is included in the model. is the total cost incurred to diagnose and repair a type is We to incorporate this defective boards are repaired, is on a and that the same repair The a real defect or a false defect. on a board that leaves the plant includes the cost of a defect i field repair, cost / of a defect the cost of the analysis and repair of the defective board that comes back to the plant, and a cost measuring the We customer's loss of goodwill. assume that the system, which simplifies the analysis. However, then it is if cost is there are two or more defects in a system, unlikely that these defects would be detected by the customer at the Moreover, since the number of defects leaving the plant same system are very cost per defect and not per defective is We also time. very low, multiple defects on the would be very similar unlikely; consequently, the results obtained was incurred per defective system. same assume that the cost if a / does not depend on the type of defect on a board. Although the more general case can be easily accommodated, this assumption seems practical, since the costs of dominate the other costs, As a consequence of the hierarchical test coverage assumption, appear per board at stage board that leave stage and stages, cf,„ and 6,„ goodwill and visiting the repair n. Let n. denote the average number of defects of type at stage stage policies earlier n and testing policy T,,, 6,^ this as if, on average, is / !=1 (i.e., d,„ new defects of type depends on the inspection policy The distributions of the policies all random at all / per earlier variables from the costs in the model are where the decision to inspect depends on the board) are not considered. is become 6,n are expected values. upon what was observed defects model Notice that and dynamic allocation more We which these expected values are derived do not matter because linear site and are independent of the defect type. detectable at each inspection stage. i lost If inspection is performed used, then the expected cost of testing and repair at that V and the expected number of defects of type On the other hand, stage. if no inspection The expected number The optimization problem testing policy Tin to use, if is per board leaving stage n performed at stage is of type ?' i is no cost n, then is incurred at that defects per board leaving stage n in this case to decide whether to inspect at each stage, and if is so. what such a choice exists, to minimize the expected total inspection cost, N / \ I Hi'" + X] n=l ''" (^'."-1 + d,n In this section, in - 3.1. + /^ (6) ^tA'- i=l / Analysis we analyze the problem formulated Section in Seciion 3.1 and the inspection allocation pohcy Various extensions of the basic problem are described 3.2. I l3,n(Tin)) i-1 3. addressed + 0,n(T,n) is in 2. The testing numerically derived problem in is Section the last three subsections. The Testing Policy This subsection contains three main results. First, we derive a set of testing policies that is optimal with respect to the tradeoff between the expected number of type type II errors per board in the sense of Pareto optimahty (i.e., it is one quantity without increasing the other). This result enables us to to these policies when searching additional assumptions are optimal testing policy in practice. is made for an optimal testing to sharpen the polic\'. first result. 1 and impossible to reduce restrict our attention Second, three rather weak However, we observe that the very sensitive to certain input data that are difficult to estimate Hence, we conclude this subsection by proposing a closed form policy that Pareto optimal and easy to implement and understand. 10 is The minimum expected is denoted by Jn{^\n^^2ni- Jn{pi,p2,---,Pi) + Jn + \{P\ /„ until exiting the plant, which the dynamic programming optimality equations i^/n)i satisfies • = Min from stage n total inspection cost dxn,p2 + + <^2n,-- -,/>/ <^/n), + min (7) «=1 + J„ + l(/9ln(r.n),^2n(7^.n), • • , for /^/nC^.n)) n = 1 , A' and Jn+i{PuP2,- ,Pi) = IYIP'^ (8) 1=1 where {p\,p2,- are ,Pi) dummy The second minimization variables. in (7) min|/!„(Qi„(r;„),a2„(r,„), . . can be rewritten more concisely as .,aj„{T,n)) + 5n(/3i„(r,„),/32„(r,n), /3/„(r,„))}. (9) where = J2 x,r, /i„(.ri,.T2,...,.r/) :io) 1=1 and 9n{x\,X2,. . . ,xi) = J„+i(,ri,a-2,. . . ,.17) + '^{p, + d,„ - x,)r,„. (ii: l:=l If Q',n(T,„) and l-^in{T,„) in (9) are replaced with the expressions obtained in equations (4)-(5), then the derivative of this function with respect to the upper acceptance limit - -7^(Q^ln,0'2nv • • (',„;,. is ^0:in)Pink{Uink)finkiU,nk) r\ + Tr^(/?ln,/?2n,- where, to simplify notation, a,„ stands for Q,n(7',n) and sion equals zero • • ,/^/n) (1 " P,nk{l',nk)) f,nk{l'n,k)< OX, /?,„ stands for f3,„{T,n). This expres- if l^{01nJ2n,...,l3ln) (12) . The second P'inki^^'nk) limit derivative of the objective function (9) will be positive < 0- One would expect at a point is Pink[^,nk} > the second order conditions to hold, since the upper to show that the optimal lower acceptance - ^T- X da„,^ , From the limit satisfies U<JJ TT^' n derivative of the objective function (9) will be positive 0. and to a valid board are decreasing. The same argument can be used P'inki^^rik) < f'ni,iU,nk) where both the frequency of measurement and the probability that a measurement corresponds The second if if > fink{L>tnk) and Again, the second order conditions are consistent with our intuition. definition of /;„ and g„ in (lO)-(ll), -7^— (oin,02„,.. it follows that = ,a/„) . r,„ (14 and ^"^ dpi ^(An,/?2nv,/^/n) = OX, (/^In, /^2nv • • ,/^/n) " (15) ?m. Equations (12) and (13) now bpcom^" j^ P,nk{L,nk) = P,nkif-',nk) = 1 " dj ^, , -, T ;—T ^if^mjhn (16) /i/n) This expression has an intuitive meaning: the probability that a component acceptance and rejection cutoff points should be equal to the marginal cost of a is of (16) is accept parts, and the acceptance region a constant for each measurement k = 1, . of Pareto optimal testing policies can be generated The . /\r,„, becomes it which we denote by Ctn- The by letting C,„ vary from /,nt(-T) the increased. Notice that the right side is existence of lower and upper limits L,nk and the continuity and unimodality assumptions of will . at false rejection divided by the marginal cost of a false acceptance. As this cost ratio increases, less costly to bad to set 1. satisfying (16) is guaranteed by and p,nk{^) stated in Section Umk 2. We not pursue weaker necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of these optimal upper and lower hmits, since in our case stud}' these functions density functions that satisfy the necessary conditions. 12 will be modeled b}' Gaussian We can compute (16) to <^tn{C,n) and in advance /S,„(C',n). As a all functions. result, the The nonlinear curve minimization in k^ dynamic programming recursion Section 4.2 shows an example of the tradeoff the curve was derived by aggregating in circuit test that detects defective We now turn to a special explicitly described. for this testing stage 1. several and defect type, which components. more This special case requires three further assumptions that are satisfied in practice. First, we assume that the measurement and the true value of the component being measured are normally distributed. can be simplified to Pj„/:(.r) all to case where the set of Pareto optimal testing policies can be our case study and often hold that and and generate the functions of type II errors per board (/?,„(C,„)) obtained by letting C,„ vary from hundred measurements (one per component) in in the (1), (4), (5) errors per board (a,n(C,n)) versus the expected I Since these quantities are independent of was the and use equations possible testing policies, but only these two all Figure 7 in curve of the expected number of type number 1, possible optimal testing policies, does not have to explicitly consider (7) and the right side of (16) vary between let subscripts (all ,nk " < It noise follows being dropped for better readability) p{x) ]_/ AGu - . 2V'^ + + fta,a^^2[al + al) /<^)<^e JGu r)(rh ' AGt - __ ""' ^ + {G, + n, a,a^^2[al + a}) fi^)aj - .r)rr| . ^ (17) where: /if and Gf. are the expected value and the standard deviation, respectively, of the mea- surement noise; /i^ and cr^ are the expected value values of the and the standard deviation, component being measured; we will also refer to /i^ respectively, of the true as the nominal value of the component; Gi and G'u are the lower and upper limits respectively of the interval measured component is good if its true value 13 lies inside it; G such that the erf is the error function, erf(r) = -^ Jq Figure We also e The 3. which dt, ' is plotted in Figure 3. error function. assume that — |<7u Gi > (18) 1 and CT^ In is 19) 3(7e. quaUty management terminology, inequality (18) states that the machine capability index greater than 1; that ification range, IGj, (i.e., \Gu — Gi\ > — is, Gi\. the natural process range, 6a^, Since By 1 many companies is smaller than the product spec- are currently striving for "Ga"' capability often holds in practice. Inequality (19) requires that the test 12cr^), (18) measurements be reasonably to > reliable. conditions (18)-(19), one term of the right side of equation (17) will always be equal or -1, implying that p{L) = p{U) L = for //^ any L and + //e U such that + (Gl - fi^)z (20) + (Gn - /i^)-, (21) and U= //.^ + ft, 14 A 1 1 1 1 1 various components in our study and found that p(t) takes on values between 0.2 and 0.4. Unfortunately, despite gathering a large amount of data that the 95% in the case study, we will see later confidence intervals on the estimates used for p{x) are 11.1% overestimate. For this reason, it extremely is difficult to much wider than this obtain an optimal testing policy that provides reliable performance. Consequently, it does not seem worth the considerable effort required to derive the optimal testing policy. Instead, we propose to simply set the lower and upper cutoff limits and descent of p{x) in These points, denoted by x/ to the middle points of the ascent points such that p{x) = 0.5. argument of either error function r/ = in (17) + /'^ Figure and .r^, that 4; is, we find the two are derived by setting the equal to zero, which yields /^ f ^,, + (r;/-//4)(^^^) (22) and .r, .Although the value in = //,. + (G, - //^)(^^^). (23) the right side of (16) will often be closer to 0.9 than 0.' in practice, the corresponding difference in the cutoff points will typically be dwarfed by the inaccuracies in the measurement errors. Moreover, the cutoff points x/ and Xu have several desirable features. is still Even if Pareto optimal. to the optimal policy Also, this policy if since the testing policy the parameter estimates are inaccurate, the testing policy (.r/,Xu) is easy to find and can be expected to he close the estimates used for p{x) are reasonably accurate. is derived in closed form, understood and implemented by the intuitively appealing, it is test engineers. More have the following intuitive meaning (consult Figure shifted 4): and Furthermore, is very easily specifically, expressions (22)-(2.3) the acceptance interval should be from the tolerance interval by the expected value of the measurement tolerance on both sides should be multiplied by a factor that is noise; the the ratio of the sum of variance of the true values of the component and the measurement noise over the variance of the true values of the component. This ratio shows verj' clearly 16 how the acceptance interval is affected by the measurement noise. For these reasons, and Xu are used to define the xi testing policy in the case study described in the next section. The Inspection Allocation Policy 3.2. The Pareto optimal curves for a,„(T',n) and characterized by a,>i(C,„) and ^in{Cin) can be substituted ^,n(Tin), respectively, into the dynamic programming optimahty equation and the optimal inspection allocation policy can be derived by solving the resulting (7), dynamic program. However, the optimal solution becomes very tedious to calculate, since the functions a,„(C„) and fi,n[C,n) and the /—dimensional state space are continuous, and / is policy has moderate of is More difficult to reliably many (22)-(23) size. importantl}', as pointed out in Section 3.1, the optimal testing implement desirable characteristics. and then this proposal, the -^n(/'l,/52v,/'/) in practice, and the testing policy derived in (22)-(23) Hence, we propose to use the testing policy defined Under find the optimal allocation policy given this fixed testing pohcy. dynamic programming equation =Min in (7) simplifies to J„ + \{p\-\- dxn,p2-\- din ,Pl + dl„), (24) I 1 ! where q,„ and to xi /3,„ are ^ =1 computed from equations (4)-(5) by setting the cutoff hmits L and (' and x^- Solving (8) and (24) numerically requires a discretization of the /—dimensional state space of incoming defects, and can be cumbersome in and exhaustive search procedure over all 2^^ policies, Let TTn cases. In contrast, as described below. represent the inspection allocation policy at stage n, and denote the allocation policy for the line up to stage m. For i = 1, let H^ = . , . define ^. n = l^im if I'm — inspection, d„n if TT,,, = no inspection. " <^,.n„,_, + an inspection be found relatively easily by employing an allocation policy that solves (8) (24) can many . / (7i"i, 7r2, and m — . 1, . . . . , . tt^) , A', which 77? = is the expected 1,...,A'^, number the cost of defects of type that leave stage i of allocation policy cn,„ m under poHcy n„ is Q,m " Am) if T^m crim-i if ^m — no \\,„- For calculated from the cost cn„,_j of allocation policy Tlm-i by / = CUrr, where = cx\^ = (f,_no entire line, which 3.3. +tm + Yl '^•mi^t.Urr^-i + CUm-l + d,m = InSpection, < 0. The search procedure calculates the total inspection cost over the given by cn^ is inspection, + /IlLi ^xS\n^ f°r ^ 2^ policies. Dependencies Across Different Board Types we have been considering only one type Until now, types were completely independent, then measure several board tests actually all of circuit board. board would carry ovor. However, some of our results tj'pes together, in If different which case either the board types all are tested or none are tested. Thus, the inspection allocation decisions taken independently might yield an infeasible solution. For shared results), this where the tests that are dependence can be dealt with by employing total cost of the test split is among with the cost t two board types split the allocation of t is feasible the cost for the board type that types, and if the solutions solutions agree. Due and hence we are not algorithm. test, We run still is us suppose that the total cost If If the decisions for the two types the solutions do not agree, then modify board type that The problem is is tested and decreasing solved again for both board do not agree, then we repeat the entire procedure to lack of data, this in for the not tested. let the model for the board types independently and optimal. by increasing the cost have l)inary the different board types such that the solutions between the two types. arbitrarily agree, then the solution is i. (i.e., Lagrangian relaxation approach, a found independently coincide. To illustrate this approach, of a test that covers nonparametric procedure could not be applied in until the our case study, a position to report on the efficiency of any particular cost allocation Notice that this approach becomes almost impossible to use with a parametric because the Lagrange multiplier must be 18 a function of the testing policy that is used. under study, the In the plant comprehensive system tests, measured more than one board type were the more tests that and hence were nonparametric. Congestion also leads to dependencies across board types: are tested at the Moreover, if same many stage, then the testing load may if many board too types be undesirably high at that stage. of these board types are not tested at the previous stages, then repairs will be required at that stage, which leads to additional work. many At considerable com- putational expense, queueing effects could be incorporated here by a Lagrangian relaxation method similar to that described above, or by directly incorporating queueing costs (derived from a product form queueing network, for example) into the objective function. We did not pursue this avenue because the congestion effects at the Hewlett-Packard facility were negligible. Readers are referred to Tang (1991) for an inspection allocation problem with queueing costs. 3.4. Improved Testing Equipment Our model explicitly takes into account the effect of measurement noise, us to determine the value of improved testing equipment that possesses lower noise. it This issue is very important, since testing equipment how not clear, a priori, is is which enables measurement extremely expensive and a reduction in measurement errors affects the overall cost of inspection. To evaluate improved parameters /Zg testing equipment in the context of our model, the and a^ are substituted into equations procedure described in Section 3.2 is carried out. (22)-('23) The optimal We to illustrate the more precise equipment. noise whose standard deviation was test that detects defective total inspection cost for the for the old tester had half of that of the current tester. in equipment. magnitude of the savings achievable with assumed that a hypothetical new components noise and the exhaustive search new equipment can then be compared with the corresponding value An experiment was performed new a measurement For the in circuit our case study, the tradeoff curve for the new and 19 original test equipment is pictured in Figure 5, which shows that both types of errors could simultaneously be divided by at least two using the new equipment; the upper curve figure identical to the curve in Figure is 7. If components on the board, then the reduction we assume in total in this similar error reductions for inspection cost is all on the order of 5 percent. 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.03 0.09 0.1 a New Test Equipment Figure 3.5. 5. Reduction A Original Test Equipment in testing errors. Allocation of Quality Improvement Efforts Engineering resources to work on quality improvements are limited, and consequentlj' is important to dedicate resources to projects that have the different context, Albin project chart is is maximum it impact. In a slightly and Friedman (1991) show that the choice of the most valuable not always straightforward. In particular, they show that the traditional Pareto not an adequate tool Chart would be misleading when for the defects are clustered. It is also possible that a Pareto problem considered here, since different types of defects are detected in different propoitions at different stages and hence the cost of different types of defects can be very different. 20 If the inspection policy for respect to its i*'^ argument cost of having one more is a constant for each defect of type probability that a defect of type that all defects of type stages following n all i i is m and m arriving at stage reaching stage then the derivative of This constant i. leave stage n i fixed, is is is with Jj,+i the marginal expected easily calculated. Let detected at stage m. If be the q,rn we assume are equally likely to be detected, then 9.tm —1 *'i,Tn The probability that a defect of type As a result, leaving stage n i n ( "r O-im '?''j(l repaired at stage is ,o-(-)= N m-1 E n Hence, under any fixed inspection tained from reducing type i > n is -Qtm)- the expected total inspection cost created by this defect dJn m is A^ (i-9™)r™ + 9=/ policj', this defects at stage quantity is n <?''/ the marginal cost reduction ob- 7i. Recall that the hierarchical test coverage assumption implies that more defects detectable at each inspection stage; this was modeled by assuming that, on average. type i i defects appeared per board at stage of type i i Z^n=l 2.^71 4. plant has result, of type i 3 inspection stages as new working on the root cause of type defects appearing at every stage. defects If dp, =1 \ is '"'" "m Case Study describe the application of this model to the Hewlett-Packard N= d,„ defects across the different stages does not change, then the marginal cost from reducing type We now As a mmiber defects will simultaneously reduce the we assume that the proportion ??. become shown in 21 Figure 1. Approximately -50 facility. different This board types are manufactured at this facility, The number line of final products. of boards from 1,000 to 10,000 per year. Hence, different board types. grouped the many and these boards go into various models of a produced of each type must be tests is single relatively low, ranging flexible in order to accommodate many Figure 2 illustrates the basic structure of the tests performed. different categories of defects that are based on their similarity used internally into 7 broad types, These seven categories are open and for testing purposes. We shorts, missing or wrong components, defective components, two different soldering defect types (one last much harder is to detect than the other), miscellaneous, category consists entirely of false defects, and occurs when a defect detected, but no problem can be found. measurements for The nature on the circuit number of ranges from about 20 to several hundred. this facility cur- all stages. and the policy is The all 50 board types. Instead, its effectiveness, and left facility uses no consistent procedure for highly dependent on the particular engineer determining in charge of at this facility estimate that the total cost of inspection represents would be an enormous task cost. to collect data and derive the proposed inspection policy we applied our model in a very limited manner in The data collection procedure is for order to exhibit the appropriate software with the Hewlett-Packard engineers, are carrying out the implementation. 4.1. for this last defect tj'pe, the boards and on their components, which partially explains why The managers and our thought to be strict tolerances about half of the total manufacturing It A',„, is which cannot be revealed, requires very of the final product, testing policies, the test. Except each stage and defect type, rently tests all boards at 4.1 and testing problems. This who described in Section results are given in Section 4.2. Data Collection Our model requires three different types of data. and the second concerns the occurrence of inspection stage. The last defects, and perhaps most first type is the cost parameters, and the coverage and difficult 22 The reliability of each type of data to gather pertains to the testing process. Testing and repair are two activities that are closely linked, since they are performed by the same people in the same work area. Their cost includes technician time, floor space, equipment and overhead we use estimates activities. management for To time. allocate cost of the time that different engineers Both of these costs vary for each complexity and design of a board. of the available data. board type; in particular, number to estimate these cost parameters volume overall of of boards processed. depended on the level of detail For some stages, we obtained estimates of each of the different costs how much or repair (and diagnosis). total time the boards they depend on the These costs are proportional to the (engineering, equipment, floor space, etc.) individually. In these cases, costs according to activities, and technicians spend on each of these inspection that takes place at a stage, and hence to the The procedure we used between these two we split each of the could be allocated either to testing (and testing maintenance) The total cost for each of these activities underwent testing and was then divided by the repair, respectively, to obtain a cost rate for each activity. Finally, multiplying the cost rate by the average time a particular board type gave the corresponding cost estimate. it took to In the cases test or repair where detailed overhead costs could not be obtained, we multiplied the average time to test and repair a particular board type by a study, the repair cost was type. Although this is flat overhead rate that included assumed all the above costs. In the case to be identical for each defect type for a particular board an approximation of reality, we did not have enough data to estimate these costs for each individual defect type. However, the test and repair costs did vary widely across board types and across inspection stages. The analysis cost of a defect on a board leaving the plant includes the cost of an on and repair of the defective board of the cost of lost goodwill. defective unit, and then We at the plant, site repair, and the quality department's estimate estimated the expected number of lost sales induced by a set the goodwill cost equal to this quantity times the profit by one unit. 23 generated To estimate n, we used cf,„, number the expected historical data about tlie total at the different stages of inspection, new type of number defects per board appearing at stage i of defects per board of each type detected Then the engineers <!),„. in charge of each test were asked to estimate the proportion a,n of defects of each type that they felt their test should detect, and the proportion boards of defects of each type detected by the test that were actually b,n Some (false defects). of these estimates were based on experiments, whereas others were based on the experience of the engineers. which the number of type is good failures per i We also used historical data to estimate 7;,, board that occurred during the warranty period of the equipment. From this data, at each stage n, we which a.n ( Yl m=\ of defects per board that become detectable is N = din number calculated the n-1 '5^"" ( -b,m) ^ + V> - H for ^tm) = ?: 1 , . . , . and n / = 1 , . . . , jV, (25) m=l since a failure during the warranty period was considered to be caused by an undetected defect. For of type 'tf-ct type i — errors per board I 1, . . . , / and stage n — . . . , A^, the historical expected number is Om = and the 1, historical expected number of type (26) 4>xn^in, II errors per board is n An = X] Tn y-iTix - fpimCi- - km))- (27) =l These historical estimates will be used later. Notice that the procedure culminating in (26)- (27) much is simpler and probably more reliable than attempting to estimate these historical quantities via (4)-(5). To derive the measured testing policy, at each stage. For a measured should be in the we need the input data G, e(.r) and ^(.r) for each quantity system to function properly, the true value of each quantity corresponding interval Gink- It is often very hard to determine the exact limit values on a component that will ensure the proper functioning of the board. 24 This problem was avoided here by using the specifications to which the component was bought. Our justification is that even if a component is bought with tighter specifications than actually needed, a component that does not meet these specifications signals some kind of abnormality, such as physical after the equipment has been To estimate the damage utilized for distribution of the true value of the quantity measured or a poor soldering, that some of the true value of the measurement noise e(j) and the distribution (,(x), we only have the is most components used are extremely small and fragile. is being measured, to try to isolate a how The mount components, which depend on many things, such component from the is rest of the circuit also a delicate task is as the type of guarded (guarding is component the ^-"'hnique used board) and the topolog\- of the board. As a result, the measurement noise can only be determined different \-ia experiments each for board type. At our request, a controlled experiment was performed at the Hewlett-Packard to study the measurement noise testers, also called testheads, are available testhead. noise is of 79 measurements different the is true values are almost impossible at this facility are surface the measurement measured noise. Unfortunately, neither of Estimating the measurement noise since the distribution of this noise will that distribution of the of the recorded by the testing device, component and the measurement these two quantities can be estimated independently. to measure, since cause a real defect time. values at our disposal. This measured value, which sum may at the in circuit test level. At facility this facility, several in circuit used in parallel, and boards are typically tested on the first Consequently, we wanted to find out what portion of the measurement attributable to variations across different testheads. A' = 10 times consecutively on // = -3 The experiment repealed each different testheads for /? boards of the same type, and generated nearly 24,000 data points. 25 The measurement 10 One measurement was taken from each of the 79 components on each board, which consisted of 28 capacitors, 13 diodes, 12 transistors and 4 inductors. = resistors. 22 noise was modeled by expressing the measurements ybhk = fi + Tb + 0h + + 4'bh ybhk as for tbhk 6=1,..., 5, /; = !,...,//, k=l A', (28) board, and has zero mean where: fi is the reference value for the component being measured; Tj, is the average deviation of the measurements taken on the and standard deviation 6h is 6'^ cr^; the average deviation of measurements taken on the h head, and has zero mean and standard deviation ag; 4'bh is the average deviation of measurements taken on the 6'^ head and the has zero tbkk is mean and standard deviation 6''* board, and cr^,; the residual variation of a measurement that cannot be explained by the testhead. the board, or the interaction between the testhead and the board, and has zero stand a '1 deviation a. This model incorporates the implicit assumption that variance on mean and all testheads. The data th*^ r'^sidiial noise e has the same indicated that this assumption did not hold for components, which suggests that the three testheads were not all ecjually calibrated wlien the data was gathered. Without this assumption, the estimation of the model parameters would have been greatly complicated. Moreover, by only gathering data from three testheads, a good estimation of the distribution of the variance of the residual noise across different testheads was not possible. We is estimate /i by y, which is a' = the average of all measurements taken. The variance of e estimated by which is Ylb=i T,h=\ T,k=iiyt>hk - ybh) BH(K-l) the variance of successive measurements of the very same component on the same testhead, and represents the precision limitation of the tester for the component. 26 The vari- ance of ^ is estimated by 2 ^"^ and the variance of 6 K {B-1){H-1) estimated by is .2 On = T.L,{yh-y? H -\ < <r' B BK These two quantities represent the amount of variation that One might tween testheads. is Hnked to the variations be- think that a fixed effects model would be number for the testheads, since the facility uses only a fixed more appropriate of different testheads. But the variation between testheads evolves over time as a result of usage, maintenance, calibration, etc., and thus the random The average of all effects model seems more appropriate. measurements taken on the 6'^ board equals /i + r;,, and Tf, sidered to be the variation in the measured values associated with the individual on the 6'^ board. The variance of r .2 <7^ Finally, the estimated is can be con- components estimated by = Y:txifh-yf HK H B-\ parameters from the ^' '^l statistical model in equation (28) are used to estimate the parameters of the distributions of the measurement noise and the component values. We assume that resistor has a ;/^, the nominal value of the component, nominal value of 100 ohms), and al is known (e.g., a 100 ohm let /7, = y-//^, = a^ + a]. al = ol. + (29) a] (30) and (31; For each of the five component types, the Appendix contains tables of the estimates that were derived from this experiment. The results 27 from this experiment were used to test assumptions (18)-(19), which were required to derive the proposed testing policy, By substituting a^ for a^ than one for all Appendix. For noise, a^, is in (18), 79 components. all we found To .tj and x^- that the machine capability index was greater assess the validity of (19), readers are referred to the four inductors in this sample, the estimated variance of the measurement higher than the estimated variance of the true values of these components, o-|. Hence, these measurements cannot distinguish between good and defective components. The estimated variance of the measurement noise the same order of magnitude as the estimated is variance of the true values for the 13 diodes, and none of the inductors or diodes satisfy (19). In contrast, for the other three component types, 50 of the 62 components, and hence 50 of For these other three component types, most of the comjionents 79 in total, satisfy (19). have an estimated noise variance much smaller than the estimated variance of their true values. These components can be tested with good accuracy. This analysis has important practical implications: some components should not be tested (or, alternatively, a new test should be devised for them). An important question for the design of future expen.aients is whether the variance of the noise associated with the different testheads can be predicted. It run experiments on a single testhead than on several testheads, because experiments are much more this question, a regression coefficients of correlation r^ = difficult to is much in the latter case, schedule into the production process. was run to predict a^. To address from a and the absolute value of were consistently high; for example, r^ = easier to fi^. 0.92 for the resistors The and 0.98 for the capacitors. We also gathered data from another board type during an actual production run. and used this data for two purposes. The data was first used to investigate the normalitj^ as- sumptions on the measurement error and true measurement value, which were also required to derive xi and x^. These assumptions are tions are not at our disposal. distribution, which is difficult to validate because the two distribu- However, we did assess the normality of the measurement the convolution of the two distributions in question. Notice that the 28 results from the controlled experiment are not appropriate the experiment contains many components, we applied the goodness-of-fit in assumption, since The production data repeated measurements. measured value from each of 350 components on 80 for testing this different boards. test associated consists of a For each of the 350 with the kurtosis measurement equation (27.6a) of Duncan (1986) to the 80 measurement values. For more than 250 of the components, the normality assumption was not rejected at the The sources, controlled experiments and the facility's 95% significance level. compete with the regular production runs emphasis on product output makes it for scarce re- impractical to run a similar controlled experiment for each of the 50 board types. Hence, the production data was also used to assess the qualitative similarity between the two board types. More specifically, the production data enabled us to estimate the total variance of the measurements, a^ and Appendix B of Chevalier (1992) displays the distribution of the tion for the different and the corresponding resistors We components of each type on the board. results in our Appendix are have a total standard de\ lation near 0.3% and this earlier is For example, most These both cases. in product, but a more thorough investigation of this issue experiment described standard devia- both appendices, and most capacitors encouraging, particularly since the two board types plug into final a^, found that these results strikingly similar. in have a total standard deviation between 2 and 4%! total + difi'erent is still results are very subsystems of the needed. The controlled required to estimate the parameters a^ and a^ individually, experiment should be repeated on some other board types before concluding that the parameters do not vary significantly by board type. Unfortunately, a much larger experiment than the one performed here is required to obtain reliable estimates for a^ and a?; the expected value of the measurement noise was easier to estimate. estimate could be The 95% off confidence interval for a typical component was such that the by about 50% a 11.1% overestimation described in in either direction. Section 3.1, we Comparing example of see that these estimates are not reliable enough to use with any degree of confidence. To get out 29 this with the of this quandary, we attempted to group we used components in subsets that for aggregating had very similar properties. The key characteristic was that the standard deviation of the measurement noise and the standard deviation of the component values represented nearly the the nominal value of the component. Not only will components increase the precision of the estimates same percentage of the grouping of operations of different and for a^ <t|, but it will also make the tradeoff curve in Figures 5 and 7 less tedious to calculate. Although our aggregation led to tighter confidence intervals for a^ optimal testing policy 4.2. and in a reliable (T?, the intervals were still too large to implement the manner. Results As mentioned above, we did not apply the model The model was first used to find the optimal inspection allocation policy given the historical testing policy. than the types analyzed board facility's For this purpose, three types of circuit boards were chosen that were representative of the digital nature of a to the entire Hewlett-Packard facility. \-ariety of in is boards manufactured; these board types are different the Appendix or Chevalier's Appendix B. Since iL^ analog or one of its distinguishing features, we chose one board type with mostly digital components, one with mostly analog components, and one with a mixture of components. These board types were produced and their yield ranged in volumes that were typical for the facility, from relatively low to relatively high. Also, these three board types did not share any test and thus can be considered independently. The optimal testing policy was derived components, using the board type analyzed calculated, for in the in circuit test that detects defective the Appendix. Hence, 79 (x/,a"u) pairs were and the resulting expected number of type to the corresponding quantities Optimal allocation under the policy. facility's I and type H errors were compared current testing policy. Figure 6 displays the frequency of the different defect types detected at each stage for the three board types under consideration. Each defect t}-pe is represented by the same pattern on all three charts. 30 The values on each chart are arbitrary in order to disguise the data, but the relative values across the three charts are correct; these values are proportional to the quantities <^,„ approximately defined in Section 4.1. shows that the number of defects and the predominant types of defects vary type defects as type 1 1 figure significantly For example, type 3 boards have roughly three times as across the different board types. many The board types, and the medium gray defect type is predominant on boards but hardly present on type 2 boards. 70t Board Type Figu'c The costs 6. Board Type 2 1 Board Type Frequency of defects detected at each stage and the quantities d,„, Q,n and fS,„ in (25)-(27) type, and also varied considerably across board types. (27) represent the expected number These estimates were used policy. of errors per in I. As expected, the optimal to Figure 6 and Table I, we board type. were estimated for each lioard Recall that the quantities in (26)- board under the facility's historical testing the exhaustive search procedure described 3.2 to calculate the optimal inspection allocation for each Table for each 3 board type, which is in Section displayed in allocation varies for the different board types. Referring see that the system test is only bypassed by board type has the lowest frequency of defects detected at system test. 2, which Since the total inspection cost represents about half of the total manufacturing cost, the savings realized by the optimal policy in the different cases are significant. Testing Policy. The for in circuit test for the board type considered in the Appendix tests the six different defect types listed earlier. We 31 focus on the test for defective components, Table Board Type I. Optimal policies and savings. 55% Hewlett-Packard engineers have observed that about the in circuit test are good components. of our proposed testing policy, Figure 7 also somewhat 55% how different estimates for a^ and of the if still same order shows a straight a^, then the the tradeoff curve in the neighborhood of pohcy would at performance compares to that this line that represents the set of components are good components. of the rejected components Further analysis found that this percentage did not vary significantly by board type. To illustrate policies such that of the rejected a, and a If we had obtained proposed policy would have been on significant be achieved. The percentage improvement of magnitude, which represents about a improvement over the current in Figures 5 and 7 appear to be 5% reduction in inspection costs implemented systemwide. 5. The model presented here measurement is Concluding Remarks on two key features: hierarchical built errors in the testing process. Although this model was developed work of circuit board assembly, these features are present in many when inspection is performed test coverage is a ver\- natural property manufacturing process; the increasing test coverage is test coverage and in the frame- other settings. Hierarchical at different stages in a then a direct consequence of the fact that potential defects are added between inspection stages by the intermediate manufacturing operations. Also, test measurements are typically subject to some noise, particularly in the manufacturing of high precision products. For the problem considered here, an optimal inspection policy could be pursued for a modest size problem by discretizing the /—dimensional state space of defect types and the curves that can be generated by the Pareto optimal policies study reveals that the required precision in As a result, Howe\er, the case the parameter estimates are very difficult to achieve, even after performing controlled experiments types. in (20)-(21). and aggregating similar component we focus on developing a simple but systematic procedure the cutoff limits that characterize the testing policy. 33 for deriving For three representative board types policy achieves a 10% 20% to the case study, the optimal inspection allocation reduction in expected inspection costs relative to the under the historical inspection policy, in facility's historical testing policy. facility's For the in circuit test that detects defective components, the proposed testing policy significantly outperforms the facility's historical testing policy in inspection costs. manufacturing on one board type, representing roughly a Moreover, both policies are relatively in practice. The Hewlett-Packard investigation of facility measurement is errors Since a thorough just beginning to apply our model. had never been undertaken at this facility, perhaps the We encountered biggest contribution thus far has been the statistical analysis of the data. many cases, previously error was an order of magnitude larger than the variance of the measurement tables in the some quick unbeknownst Appendix for to the facility's engineers, some examples. These measurement noise fairly tight cutoff limits is where the mean measurement error: see the tables are extremely useful for developing insights into the optimal testing policy. R170 and R317 should perhaps not be since the reduction Since the cost of inspection represents about half of the total direct cost, these cost savings are significant. ea^y to implement 5% For example, resistors such as Rl-58, tested (or at least ha^'e extremely slack cutoff limits), so large relative to the true component can be set for most of the resistors, where o^ja^ noise. is In contrast, very small. has begun implementing the proposed testing policy, but has not yet implemented facility the optimal inspection allocation policy. Although they plan to implement the latter the different inspection stages are still The managed by different people, polic}-, and organizational barriers need to be overcome. We started from a real problem at a specific industrial facility, and developed and ana- lyzed a mathematical crude. Nevertheless, els for the large model it is number higher performance that to address this problem; however, the hoped that this work will model is still help future researchers find better of problems of this nature that are beginning to emerge. is sought from manufactured products, 34 relatively it seems very mod- With the likely that inspection will respect to become an increasingly important aspect of production model refinement, we believe that a key shortcoming in this independence between the distribution of measurement values and the inspection policy used at previous dependence is to stages. A natural assume that the true measurement value policy at previous stages only through 6,n_], which is the quantities a,„ and policy T,„. v\^^ l3,„ in (7) All that remains is model is the assumed at a given inspection stage first step towards modeling this iij^f. depends on the inspection the expected number of type present on a board at stage n. Under this assumption, the dynamic and the derivation of the Pareto optimal testing management. With policies still i programming framework hold; the only difference and (16) are now functions of defects (5,,„_i, is that as well as the testing the formidable task of estimating the influence of S^n-i on from available data. Acknowledgment We are grateful to the people at the Hewlett-Packard plant advice and their tremendous effort We also in Andover. .MA for their helping us obtain the necessary data for our model. thank Arnie Barnett and Steve Pollock supported by a grant from the Leaders Science Foundation Grant in for for helpful discussions. Manufacturing program at This research MIT and is National Award No. DDM-9057297. References Albin, S. L. and D. J. Friedman. 1991. Off-Line Quality Control Selecting the Critical Problem. Chevalier, P. B. 1992. Two in Electronics Assembly: Working Paper, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ. Topics in Multistage Manufacturing Systems. 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