Installing Student Kiosk Access 1.2

Installing Student Kiosk Access 1.2
Special Considerations
Files Included With This Release
Installing Student Kiosk Access
Creating an Icon for Student Kiosk Access
Configuring the HP 3000
Contacting the SBCTC-ITD for Assistance
This document describes how to install Student Kiosk Access, release 1.2. Student Kiosk
Access is a SBCTC-ITD Web-based application. It provides students with the ability to view a
variety of information related to their academic records. Student information is displayed in realtime using the World Wide Web. Although Student Kiosk Access has the same functionality as
Student Web Access, it can be run in a Web browser on a personal computer with a touch
Special Considerations
Student Kiosk Access is dependent on having the SBCTC-ITD Web Transaction Server
software installed.
Files Included With This Release
The following files are included with this release:
Help page
Center frame definition
Frame definition
install.html *
These Installation Instructions
nav.html *
Navigation frame definition
Title frame definition
Unofficial Transcript Request
Student Schedule Request
Registration Appointment Request
Financial Aid Request
Class Schedule Request
Degree Audit Request
Pin Change
waci009.html *
Display Student's New SID parent frame
waci009a.html *
Display Student's New SID message frame
waci009b.html *
Display Student's New SID message frame
Top Line in main frame
Top line in nav frame
Title (currently blank)
Degree audit gif
Class schedule gif
Financial aid gif
Grade gif
Help/hint gif
Main menu gif
bt_newsid.gif *
Show Student's New SID gif
Pin change gif
Registration appointment gif
Transcript gif
Student Schedule gif
Blank page
logo.gif *
Washington Online Logo gif
Message at bottom of main frame
Image on main frame
Message at top of main frame
Printer gif
Title gif
StudentKiosk.cfg *
Installation Configuration Template
* Files noted with an asterisk are new or have changed since Student Kiosk Access, release 1.0
Installing Student Kiosk Access
This section provides instructions for how to obtain Student Kiosk Access from the SBCTC-ITD
and install it on your college's Web server.
1. Download the executable file StudentKioskAccess.exe from the SBCTC-ITD Web site
and save it on your PC.
2. Before you work with the executable file in the next step, you need to have the following
information. In step 3, you will be asked to provide either some or all of this information.
The type of the server that you are installing install Student Kiosk Access on.
Options include:
o An NT Web server located at your college
o A Unix Web server located at your college
o The Web server located at the SBCTC-ITD
The type of HTML file extensions you are using, either .htm or .html.
Your college code.
The domain name of the Web server where Student Kiosk Access is being
The URL and name of of the Web Transaction Server CGI script.
The URL to the directory where the Student Kiosk Access files are located
The Return URL that is associated with the Student Kiosk Access 'Back to
Main Menu' links.
Whether Student Kiosk Access is being installed on a secure server .
3. In Windows Explorer, double-click the StudentKiosk.exe executable file to start the
installation program and respond to its questions about your college Web site.
The program expands the HTML, GIF and JPG files for Student Kiosk Access and
allows you to customize the files for you college.
4. Build a new directory on your Web server to store the HTML, GIF and JPG files.
The SBCTC-ITD recommends that you name the directory kiosk. If you currently have
the Student Web Access application installed, the best position for the /kiosk/ directory
is at that same level.
5. Make sure that the permissions on the /kiosk/ directory are correct.
At a minimum, the directory permissions should allow Read access for all viewers of the
Student Kiosk Access pages. To see an example, you can look at any other directory
that contains working HTML files.
6. Locate the Student Kiosk Access installation directory on your PC.
If you did not change the default installation directory step 3, this directory is named
C:/Program Files/CIS/Student Kiosk Access.
7. Copy the files from the Student Kiosk Access installation directory and place them in the
/kiosk/ directory on your Web server.
If you already have Student Kiosk Access installed at you college, you may chose to
either copy all of the files from the installation directory OR if you prefer, you can copy
only those files that are new or have been modified since the previous release.
Copy the HTML files as ASCII
Copy the GIF and JPG files as Binary
You may use any software that allows you to copy files, for example, Windows Explorer
or FTP.
8. Make sure that the file permissions on the files you copied to the /kiosk/ directory are
At a minimum, the file permissions should allow Read access for all viewers of the
Student Kiosk Access pages. To see an example, you can look at any working HTML file
on your Web server.
Creating an Icon for Student Kiosk Access
To execute the browser in kiosk mode, create an icon with a target line similar to the following:
"C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\netscape.exe" -k
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" -k http:// YOUR.URL.GOES.HERE
Configuring the HP 3000
If you currently provide the ability for students to access their student information through the
Web, you do not need to make additional configuration modifications on the HP3000.
Information about Student Web Access and other Web-enabled applications is available on the
SBCTC-ITD web site. See the Web Transaction Server Manual on the Application General
Resources page.
Contacting the SBCTC-ITD for Assistance
If you have any questions or comments about Student Kiosk Access, please call SBCTC-ITD
Customer Support at (425) 803-9721 or send email to