PS9045 – Employer Cost Table Required table. Maintained by SBCTC-ITD. Use this screen to identify employer cost type codes and their related titles. Employer cost type codes are used on the Employer Cost Distribution Override Screen (PS0019) to override the automatic distribution of employer-paid benefits. The protected functions on this screen are A (Add), C (Change), and D (Delete). To request that an employer cost type code be added or deleted or its title changed, complete an Employer Cost Table (PS9045) Update Form (see Appendix D of the PPMS Control Tables manual for sample request forms). User Functions and Key Fields FUNC I (Inquire) KEY1 Enter an Employer Cost Type KEY2 Leave blank KEY3 Leave blank Data Field List Employer Cost Type (display only) Cost Type Title (display only) Employer Cost Type (EMPLR-COST-TYP) Definition Display only. A code identifying a specific type of employer cost. Length 1 digit Values Defined by SBCTC-ITD as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 OASI (FICA), Medicare Retirement Health, dental, life, and long-term disability Medical aid Industrial insurance Employer Cost Type Title (COST-TYP-TITLE) Definition Display only. The descriptive title of an employer cost type. Length 10 characters 1