PS0011 – Professional Development History Screen Use this screen to enter and maintain an employee's professional development experience, such as: • • • Identifying an employee's experience and professional development units for placement on a salary schedule. Recording the employee's vocational certification, including its expiration date to monitor the need to renew the certification. Maintaining the employee's educational history, documenting each degree, certificate, or diploma that the employee has received. The screen is divided into two sections: • • The Target Salary Survey section contains a series of fields identifying information about an employee's professional experience. The Education History section contains a series of fields identifying the historical information of the employee's educational achievement. User Functions and Key Fields Func Key1 Key2 Key3 A (Add); C (Change); I (Inquire) Employee ID Leave blank Leave blank Data Field List Employee ID Employee Name (display only) Outside Expr Tot CC Expr Tot Cr Earned Prev PDU Curr Yr PDU Instrn Area Voc Cer Type Voc Cert Expir Date Educ Lvl CIP CIP Title Yr Institution Employee ID (EMP-ID) Key1 field. Definition Entry required. A unique number that identifies an employee. This number is usually the employee's Social Security number. Length 9 digits Values College-entered on the Employee Status Screen (PS0001) or Student/Hourly Screen (PS0012) 1 Edits On screens where the employee ID field is open, the employee ID must have been entered into the Employee database on the Employee Status Screen (PS0001) or the Student/Hourly Screen (PS0012). On the Employee Status Screen (PS0001) and the Student/Hourly Screen (PS0012), the employee ID field must not contain spaces. Data Sets Employee (EMP) database: DED-BAL-D (key) EMP-A (key) EMP-ADDR-D (key) EMP-BENE-D (key) EMP-BOND-D (key) EMP-DED-D (key) EMP-EDUC-D (key) EMP-HIST-D (key) EMP-JOB-D (one of 2 keys) EMP-M (key) EMP-NAME-D (one of 2 keys) EMP-YRQ-D (key) EMPLR-XREF-D (one of 2 keys) FAC-PLACE-D (key) LEAVE-DAY-D (key) LEAVE-XREF-D (one of 2 keys) Payroll (PAYR) database: COH-TRNS-M TIME-RPT-D Employee Name (EMP-NAME) Display only. Definition Entry required. The full name of an employee. Length 30 characters Format Last, First Middle; Suffix A compound last name must have a hyphen between each part, for example Smith-Jones. There must be a comma between the last and first name, for example, Smith-Jones, Jane If the name includes a suffix, the middle name must be followed by a semi-colon, for example, Johnson, Robert Alan; Jr. Values Entered by college on the Employee Status Screen (PS0001). Can be changed on the Personal Information Screen (PS0004). Data Sets EMP database: EMP-M Total Outside Experience (TOT-OUT-EXPR) Definition The number of years of outside experience credited to an employee for placement on the salary schedule. Length 2 characters 2 Data sets EMP-BENE-D Total Community College Experience (TOT-CC-EXPR) Definition The number of years of years of teaching and administrative service experience credited to an employee. Length 2 characters Data sets EMP-BENE-D Employee Total Credits Earned (EMP-TOT-CR-EARN) Definition The number of academic credits the employee has earned, as supported by official transcripts. Length 5 digits, including 1 decimal place Format 9999.9 Data sets EMP-BENE-D Previous Professional Development Units (PREV-PDU) Definition The number of total professional development units previously credited to the employee for placement on the hypothetical salary survey. Length 4 digits, including 1 decimal place Format 999.9 Data Sets EMP-BENE-D Current Year Professional Development Units (CURR-YR-PDU) Definition The total professional development units earned by an employee since the employee's most recent placement on a salary schedule. Length 4 digits, including 1 decimal place Format 999.9 Data sets EMP-BENE-D Instructional Area (INSTRN-AREA) Definition A code for a faculty member's primary assignment area for placement on the salary schedule. Length 1 character Values Defined by SBCTC-ITD as follows: A 51% or more academic V 51% or more vocational Blank Not applicable Data sets EMP-BENE-D 3 Vocational Certificate Type (VOC-CERT-TYP) Definition A code identifying the type of vocational certificate held by an employee. Length 1 character Values Defined by SBCTC-ITD as follows: T Temporary 1 One-year 3 Three-year 5 Five-year Data sets EMP-BENE-D Vocational Certificate Expiration Date (VOC-CERT-EXPIR) Definition The month and year in which an employee's vocational certificate expires. Length 4 digits Format mmyy Data sets EMP-BENE-D Educational Level (EDUC-LVL) Definition A code for an employee's level of educational achievement. Length 2 digits Values Defined by SBCTC-ITD on the Educational Level Table (PS9030) as follows: 00 Not indicated 01 No academic credentials 02 Grade school 03 Some high school 04 High school diploma 05 Trade certificate 06 Some college 07 Associate's degree 08 Bachelor's degree 09 Master's degree 10 Professional degree 11 Other doctorate 12 Ph.D. Data sets EMP database: EMP-EDUC-D TBL5 database: EDUC-LVL-M Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Definition A code identifying a classification of instructional programs for external reporting. The codes were defined by the Center for Statistics to provide a standard terminology for collecting, reporting, and analyzing information about instructional programs. 4 Length On the Job Status Screen (PS0002), this field can be either two or six digits. On the Professional Development History Screen (PS0011), this field is six digits. Values Entered by SBCTC-ITD on the CIP Table (CM5004) or the CIP2 Table (CM5012). For a list of valid CIP values, use DataExpress to access Table 3 in the Student Management System. Data sets EMP-EDUC-D EMP-JOB-D CIP Title (CIP-TITLE) Definition The descriptive title of a College Instructional Program (CIP) code. Length 26 characters Data Sets Not stored in the EMP database Educational Level Year (EDUC-LVL-YR) Definition The year in which the employee earned the degree, certificate, or diploma identified in an Educational Level field. Length 2 digits Data sets EMP-EDUC-D Educational Institution (EDUC-INSTIT) Definition The name of the educational institution at which the employee earned the degree, certificate, or diploma identified in the Educational Level field. Length 20 characters Values Defined by SBCTC-ITD Data Sets EMP-EDUC-D Data Sets Additions and changes made on this screen may update the following data sets: • 5 Employee Education Detail (EMP-EDUC-D)