St. Lucie County Public Schools SCHOOL WIDE INCIDENT REPORT Student Name: First Last Grade Incident Location: (circle one) 1. Restroom 2. Bus Zone 3. Classroom 4. Hallway 5. Media Center 6. Office 7. Playground 8. Other _____________________ Date Time Referring Staff HR Teacher Possible Motivation: (circle one) 1. Avoid Adult 5. Obtain Peer Attention 2. Avoid Peer 6. Obtain Items 3. Avoid Task/Activities 7. Don’t know 4. Obtain Adult Attention 8. Other ____________ EXPECTATION VIOLATED: (circle one) Safe Polite On Task Treat others with respect Show how to be responsible 11. Other: (Give a detailed description) Incident Type: (circle one) 1. Dress Code 2. Use of Profanity/Name calling 3. Intentional disruption to classroom 4. Defiance to adult 5. Lying/Cheating 6. Teasing 7. Property Damage- less than $25 8. Minor stealing- less than $25 9. Improper use of food 10. Inappropriate use of hands/feet Intervention: (circle all that apply) 1. Student Conference 2. Re-teach expectation 3. Seating change 4. Note to parent 5. Phone to parent 6. Peer mediation 7. Parent conference 8. Curricular accommodation 9. Time out 10. Loss of privilege DATE __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ DATE 11. Refer to guidance 12. Sent to room # ___ 13. Apology letter 14. Use of behavior chart 15. Confiscation 16. Lunch Detention 17. Restitution: _____ 18. Verbal reprimand 19. Intervention book page and # ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Please sign and return to school Student Signature: ___________________________ Parent Signature: ____________________________ Comments: White: Teacher Canary: Student Folder Pink: Parent BAY0001