Graduation Options St. Lucie County School District

Graduation Options
St. Lucie County School District
Student Name: ______________________________________
School: ______________________________
ID# _____________________________________
Beginning with the 2006-2007 School Year, all students scheduled to graduate in 2008 and thereafter may select one of the following
three high school graduation options. F.S. 1003.429
Graduation Options:
I. Completion of general requirements for four year (4 yr.) high school graduation program. (F.S. 1003.43)
• 4 English Credits
• 0.5 American Government Credit
• 4 Math Credits (one must be Algebra 1)*
• 3 Science Credits (two with labs)
• 1 American History Credit
• 1 World History Credit
• 0.5 Economics Credit
• 1 Fine Arts Credit
• 1 Physical Education Credit with Health Integrated
• 8.0 elective credits
Total = 24 credits (must have 2.0 GPA and Pass the FCAT)
*Students who will graduate in 2011 school year will need four Math Credits.
Students entering 9th grade must declare a major.
II. Completion of a 3-year standard college preparatory program requiring successful completion of a minimum of 18 academic credits
in grade 9 through 12 and maintain a 3.0 in all coursework. Six (6) of these credits should be in AP, IB, DE, and ACIE courses
• 4 English Credits
• 3 Math Credits (Algebra I or higher)
• 3 Science Credits (two with labs)
• 3 Social Sciences (American History, World History, Economics, American Government)
• 3 elective credits
• 2 credits Foreign Language
Total = 18 (must have 3.5 GPA and Pass the FCAT)
*If the student speaks a second language they can replace foreign language with 2 academic credits.
III. Completion of a 3-year career preparatory program requiring successful completion of a minimum of 18 academic credits grades 9
through 12. Student must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA to be eligible and maintain a 2.0 in career prep courses.
• 4 English Credits
• 3 Math Credits (Algebra I must be one of them)
• 3 Science Credits (two with labs)
• 3 Social Science (American History, World History, Economics, American Government)
• 3 credits in a single vocational or career ed. Program, 3 credits in career and technical certificate dual enrollment, or 5
credits in vocation or career technical course.
• 2 credits of electives unless 5 credits are earned as referenced above.
Total = 18 (must have 3.0 GPA and Pass the FCAT)
After reading over the three options above and discussing them with my parents and Guidance Counselor, my parents and I have
made the decision to choose:
_____I. Option
_____II. Option _____III. Option
Student Signature ____________________________________
Date: ___________________
Parent Signature _____________________________________
Date: ___________________
Counselor Signature: __________________________________
Date: ___________________
White copy (cumulative folder)
Yellow copy (student)
Pink copy (guidance)
Gold (data specialist)
CUR0028 Rev. 10/08