St. Lucie Public Schools Exceptional Student Education (772) 429-4570 Eligibility and Assignment Staffing Student Name: D.O.B. ___/___/___ Zone 1 2 3 Sex: Race: Language: ID#: Parent/Legal Guardian/Surrogate: Address: City: State: Home Telephone: Business/Emergency Telephone: Present School: Regular Education: ESE Program: Grade: Informed Notice of Eligibility, Ineligibility, Dismissal, Discontinuation, Change of Program Eligibility The School Eligibility & Assignment committee met on ___/___/___to consider your child’s eligibility. This was the purpose of the meeting and this notice explains why the committee proposes or refuses to take the actions listed. Has been evaluated and meets current criteria for initial assignment in Exceptional Student Education. Is an in-state/out-of-state (circle) transfer student and meets current criteria for assignment in Exceptional Student Education. Meets current criteria for permanent placement in Exceptional Student Education. Has been reevaluated and is recommended for reassignment from ___________________________________program to assignment in _______________________________________________program. Is already enrolled in ________________________________________program and has been evaluated and meets current criteria for assignment in _____________________________________program. Has been evaluated and does not meet eligibility for an/another (circle) Exceptional Student Education program at this time. Has been evaluated and is recommended for dismissal from the following Exceptional Student Education program (s): ___________________________________________________________ Is already enrolled in ______________________program and has been evaluated and meets current criteria for assignment in ____________________ as a related service. Current data reviewed and team recommends discontinuation from the following related service (s) ___________________ Exceptional Student Education Program (s): (List all eligible programs) Evaluation Instruments Administered Name of Instrument Description Date Committee Members ESE Director Designee: Principal/Designee: Parent: Evaluation Specialist: Translator/Interpreter: ESE Teacher: General Education Teacher: Speech /Language Pathologist: Guidance Counselor: Other: Eligibility Review (Eligibility is based on ESE Director/designee review of evaluation data and the staffing committee’s recommendations.) Reviewed Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ESE Director/Designee Signature : Date ____/____/___ Three year (3 yr.) Reevaluation Date: _____/_____/_____ A copy of all evaluation reports used to determine eligibility for Exceptional Student Education will be provided to the parent. Check the method used to provide reports Parent in attendance at meeting Mailed to parent (Date: ____/____/____) Delivered by authorized school personnel As a parent, you have certain protections under the attached procedural safeguards. For further explanation of your rights, and copies, please contact the school counselor or ESE Chairperson. I have received a copy of the procedural safeguards and understand them. Initials_________ Date: ___/___/___ Placement Recommendations All of the following placement options were considered. Final recommendation is indicated by checks: Regular Class Special Day School Resource Room Individual Instruction Separate Class in a home or hospital Other: (specify)____________ Other placements did not: Provide the least restrictive environment Provide the appropriate program Other: ___________________________________________ Other factors relevant to this proposal may include: ____________ ____________________________________________________ Parent Consent for Initial Placement The district proposes to place your child as indicated on the individual educational plan. Consent for placement is required for the first time the student is placed in an Exceptional Student Education Program. I/We the undersigned parent (s)/guardian (s) of the above named student (1) agree to his/her assignment; (2) do not agree to his/her assignment in the Exceptional Student Education program (s). I/We understand the Parent/Guardian consent is required before initial assignment. As a parent of a student with a disability, you have certain protections under the attached procedural safeguards. For further explanation of your rights, and copies, please contact the school counselor or ESE chairperson. Parent/Guardian Signature: I have received a copy of the procedural safeguards and understand them. White: Cumulative File or ESE Audit File Canary: Parent/Adult Student Date: _____/_____/_____ Initials: Date: ______/______/_______ XED0090 Rev. 11/11