Step-by-Step Instructions for Proposing a Session:

Step-by-Step Instructions for Proposing a Session:
1. First, click the “Courses” tab to search for the appropriate overarching Course.
2. Using the “keyword” field, search for the appropriate Course to which you want to add a
3. Select your desired Course from the Course list.
4. Scroll down on the Course Detail screen, click on “Propose a Session”.
5. Begin entering your session information on the next five screens (see directions below).
Screen 1 of 5
1. SRN: Create a SRN (Session Reference Number) using your 4-digit School/Department
Number + 6-digit Current Date + 4-digit Current Time. (Northport K-8, Jan. 31, 2008,
10:56 a.m. = 02610131081056).
2. Number of Seats: Enter the maximum number of participants (not a range).
3. Registration Start: Enter the earliest date you want to allow participants to register.
4. Registration End: Enter the date you want registration to end.
5. Location: Choose the location of the session. If the location is not listed, choose XTBA from the list.
6. Target Audience: Choose the group you are inviting to this professional development
7. Primary Purpose: Choose the “Primary Purpose” of the session. HINT: If teachers are
the main audience, choose C. Florida Educators’ Certificate Renewal.
8. Delivery Method: Choose the delivery method of the session.
9. Follow-Up Method: Choose the type of follow-up that will be provided to participants
as they begin to implement their new learning. How will you ensure that participants are
able to apply the skills and knowledge gained at the initial session?
10. Evaluation Method: Choose the primary means of evaluation of impact of the
professional development. How will you know if this professional development
accomplished what you wanted it to accomplish?
11. Require Evaluation: Click Yes.
12. Evaluation: Choose the “Attendee Feedback Survey (anonymous)” evaluation for all
13. Online Evaluation: Leave as Yes.
12. Registrant Notes: Include the following information for registrants in this format –
Specific Location:
Trainer: (if using an out-of-district trainer)
13. Submit: Click this button to move to the next screen.
Screen 2 of 5
1. Date: Enter the date the session will take place. If the session spans multiple days, enter
each date/time separately in the fields and click the Add button after each time.
2. Start Time: Enter the time the session will begin.
3. End Time: Enter the time the session will end.
4. Frequency: This field can be used to populate sessions spanning multiple days. If you
use this field, you must enter an End Date in the appropriate field.
5. Add: Click the Add button to record the information entered. If the session spans
multiple days, enter each date/time separately in the fields and click the Add button after
each time.
6. Go to the Next Step: Click this button to move to the next screen.
Screen 3 of 5
1. Credit Types: “Inservice Points” must be chosen for Credit Types.
2. Credits: Do not fill in this field.
3. Hours: Enter the total number of inservice hours that the participant will be awarded
upon completion of the session and all follow-up activities. Use whole numbers only.
4. Add: Click the Add button to record the information entered.
5. Go to the Next Step: Click this button to move to the next screen.
Screen 4 of 5
1. Search: Enter the Instructor or Coordinator’s last name. (If the presenter is not a St.
Lucie County Employee, a SLC employee must be chosen as the Coordinator, recordkeeper). Click the Search button.
2. Select Instructor: Choose the correct name from the drop-down menu.
3. Select Type: Choose the correct title from the list.
Presenter – St. Lucie County Employee
Coordinator – St. Lucie County Employee as record-keeper
4. Add: Click the Add button to record the information entered. If there are multiple
presenters, enter each presenter separately in the fields and click the Add button after
each time.
5. Go to the Next Step: Click this button to move to the next screen.
Screen 5 of 5
If needed, enter any location restrictions for the session.
Do not use “registrant type” or “classification restrictions”.
Click the Add button to record.
Click the Done button.