A PPENDIX C AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE APPENDIX C: AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE Federal Agencies U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Greg Masson 4270 Norwich St. Brunswick, GA 31520 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Stan Simpkins 1612 June Ave. Panama City, FL 32405 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Larry Goldman 1208 B Main St. Daphne, AL 36526 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 4 1875 Century Blvd. Atlanta, GA 30345 State Agencies Cherie Trainor Coordinator, Florida State Clearinghouse Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Omegia Burgess State Single Point of Contact Budget and Control Board Office of State Budget 1122 Ladies Street - 12th Floor Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Debra Stephens Georgia State Clearinghouse Room 8069 270 Washington St. SW, 8th Floor Atlanta, GA 30334 Alabama Department of Environmental Management Scott Demick PO Box 301463 Montgomery, AL 36130-1463 Appendix C C-1 United States Department of the Interior U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 247 South Milledge Avenue Athens, Georgia 30605 West Georgia Sub Office P-0. Box 52560 Ft. Beaning, Georgia 3 1995-2560 Coastal Sub Office 4270 Norwich Street Brunswick, Georgia 3 I520 December2 1, 1999 Lt. Col. Guy W. Wells Departmentof the Air Force 347 CESKD 3485 GeorgiaStreet Moody Air ForceBase,Georgia 3 1699-1707 Tim Rottomky Atttt: Mr. RC Flus Log # cto-0574 Dear Sir: Thank you for your November 24,1999 letter and biological review concerning two new proposedtraining activities in the vicinity of Bemiss Field on Moody Air ForceBase (AFB), Georgia. The purposeof thesenew training activities are to field train security forces personnel andto useBemissField for parasaiiingoperations. A kderal threatenedspecies,the eastern indigo snake(Drymamzhon curuis couperi), and a state listed species,the gophertortoise (GopheruPpoZyphemw) are the only listed species that may be affected by the proposedaction. Our office issueda non-jeopardybiologicalopinion on December 17,1996 for proposed constructionof a drop zone at BemissField and its possr’ble effects on the eastern indigo snake. However, this proposed drop zonebasnot beenbuilt. Our o@ce alsoissueda modification to the biological opinionon May 2, 1997,for the proposed use of BemissField’asa helicopter landingzone. We havereviewedthe information you provided andsubmit the following commentsunderprovisionsof the EndangeredSpeciesAct of 1973(Act) asamended( 16 U.S.C. I53 1 et seq.). Accordingto the infwmration you provided,the proposedtraining activities will involve the use of all-terrain vehicles(ATVs) andfoot traffic. However, ATV use will be limited and will be restricted from environmentallysensitiveareas. Also accordingto your biological review, troopswill be trained on the needto avoid gophertortoises and their burrows andindigo snakes (which is consisteritwith Reasonableand Pnxknt Measure #4 of the May 2,1997 amended Biological Opinion). No surfacedisturbancewill occur in the environmentallysensitive areas. Therefore,we agreewith your determinationthat this proposedproject is not likely to adversely affect Federallyendangeredor threatenedspecies. We believe that the requirementsof Section 7 of the EndangeredSpeciesAct havebeensatisfied and no firther consultationis required. However, obligationsunder Section7 of the Act must be reconsideredif (1) new information revealsimpactsof this identified action that may affect fisted speciesor critical habitat in a manner not previously considered, (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner which was not considered in this assessment; or (3)‘a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by the identified action. We appreciate the opportunity to comment during the planning stages of your project. If you have any questions, please write or call staff biologist Robert Brooks of our Brunswick office at (912) 2659336. Sincerely, United States Department of the Interior U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 247 South Milledge Avenue Athens, Georgia 30605 Coastal Sub OffIce 4270 Norwich Street Brunswick, Georgia 3 1520 West Georgia Sub Office P.O. Box 52560 Ft. BeMing, Georgia 31995-2560 January20,200o Linda Devine HQ ACC/CEV 1’ 129Andrews Slreet, Suite 102 LangleyAFB, Virginia 23665-2769 Re: FWS Log #00-0597 Dear Ms. Devinc: The U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service(Service)hasreceivedyour letter datedDecember17,1999 soliciting commentsregardiugthe Draft EnvironmentalAssessment(EA) Joint Primary Aircraft Training System(JPATS)/T-6ABeddownat Moody Air ForceBase,Georgia. All of Moody AFB, Moody 2 North and SouthMilitary Operations‘Area.(MOA),Visual Route (VR)-1066, and portionsof Moody 1 MOA are within the coverageareaof.@ Brunswick Field Office. Therefore,commentsareprovidedfor theseareasin accordan!ewith provisionsof the Fish and Wildlife CoordinationAct (48 Stat. 401, asamended;16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) andSection 7 ofthe EndangeredSpeciesAct (Act) of 1973. As a result of recentwood stork surveys,onenew wood stork colony ( rookery) has beenlocatedwithin Moody 1 MOA. The-rookery is locatedin Brooks County, Georgiaat the lollowing coordinateswand -). We requestthe inclusion of this new information in the EA. In addition,onewood stork nestingcolony (Raybon)in Brantley County, Georgi:l occurswithin thevicinity of VR-I 066. The Servicerecommendsthat a 1-mile buffer zonebe pl&d &ou&l &is site duringthe’nes&g<e-&on. We appreciatelhe opportunitylo commenton this project. If you havefurther questionsor requireadditionalinformation, pleasecontactJeff Gardnerat (912) 265-9336. Sincerely, : (_ : -* ,:. :., : ,;. (I. : ‘Field Supervisor . : ~-. . _-- -_- -,“- I , “----“...-..-.---.-~.” I__ -.--_. _ .- United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE P. 0: Drawer 1190 Daphne, Alabama 36526 INREPLYREFERTO OO-0540a February 3, 2000 Ms. Linda DeVine, Project Manager HQ ACC/ CEVP 129 Andrews Street, Suite 102 Langley AFB Va. 23665-2769 Dear Ms. DeVine: This letter is in response to a letter from your office, dated December 17, 1999, requesting comments on the Beddown of T-6A aircraft at Moody Air Force Base at Valdosta, Georgia. We have reviewed the information you enclosed and are providing the following comments in accordance the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (87 Stat. 884, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 153 1 et seq.). A. Endangered Snecies Act Although our records show there are endangered, threatened, or proposed species, and their critical habitat in the project area ( Moody 3 MOA ) we, after careful consideration of the minimum operational altitude as specified, feel no impacts would result. Therefore, no further endangered species consultation will be required for this portion of the project unless: 1) the identified action is subsequently modified in a manner that causes an effect on listed species or designated Critical Habitat; 2) new information reveals the identified action may affect Federally protected species or designated Critical Habitat in a manner or to an extent not previously considered; or 3) a new species is listed or Critical Habitat is designated under the Endangered Species Act that may be affected by the identified action. If you need any additional information, please contact Mr. Bert W. Steen, at 334-44 l-5 18 1 x 38 and kindly refer to the reference number above. Larry E. Goldman Field Supervisor PHONE: 334-44 l-5 18 I www.fws.eov SHIPPING ADDRESS: 1208-B Main Street, Daphne, AL 36526 FAX: 334-44 l-6222 United States Department of the Interior ,‘, ” ,. _’ . yblGk8orgiasu~O~~ U.S. FtSH AND W&DLIFB SERVICE 247 Soutl~Mi~kd~ea’bcnw &hems, &AW& 30604 _,. -’ I P.o:‘ao* fis60 ’ Ft. Ben&g, Gem& 3 1995-2560 ’ ,. ” ., ., .. ‘, LindaDevine HQ ACCKWP 129Andrews Street, Suite 102 LangleyAFB, Virginia 23665-2769 Re: Fws Log #oo-0662 Dear Ms. Devine: TheU.S. Fish andWildlife Service(Service)hasreviewedthe preliminay F&HZEnvironm&tal Assessmentregardingthe Joint Primary Aircr& TrainingSystem(3PATS)/T4A Seddoti at Moody AFB, Georgiaandattachedletter from Rick SpauldingdatedFebtuary9,2ooO. We submitthe following commentsunderprovisionsof the EndangeredSpeciesAct of 1973(A@ as amended(16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). Proposedactivitieswill resultin increasedsortie operationswithin Military OperationsArea @#IA) 1,2 N/S, 3;Live Oak, Vial Route (VRj-IO65 and 1066,andLow +ltit.ude Tactical Navigation(LATN) boundaries.All sortieswithin Moody $3, andLive Oak MOA’s will be conductedat attitudesgreaterthan 8,000feet abovemeansealevel(MSL). Sortiesoccurring within Moody 2 N MOA would rangein altitudefrom 500fti aboveground IeveI(AGL) up to but not including8,000tiet MSL. Moody 2 S MOA encompasses theairspacefrom 100f&t AGL up to but not including.8,OOO feet MSL. IX-1065 and 1066containaircr& traffic that extendTom a floor of 100feet AGL to a ceilingof 1,500feet AGL. Flights,withinthe LATN areawould rangebetween100-300feet AGL, accordingto the aircraft used,up to 1,500feet AGL. We suggestthat Moody AFl3 consultyearlywith the Sm to detetine if new wood stork rookeriesor bald eaglenestsarelocatedwithin any of the proposedf&&t areas. In addition, if areaswithin the LATH that are outsideof designatedMOA’s andVR’s are Usedfor training flights, the Servicewill providea listingof additionalwood stork rookeriesandbaldeqIe nests occurringunder-these areas.Thesesitesfhouid alsobe protectedby a l-mile buffer, According to the EnvironmentalAssessment, baldeaglenestslocatedwithin m-1065 witt be avoidedby l-mile laterallyand 1,500feet AGL fi=omSeptemberIS throughJune 1. Additionally,the wood stork colony locatedadjacentto VR- 1066will be avoidedby 1-mile laterally. All other sortie operationswill occur at 8,000feet andaboveMSL in areaswith wood stork coloniesandbald eaglenests;therefore,no impactsare anticipatedin theseMOA’s. Due to theseavoidance measures,the Serviceconcursthat the proposedsortieoperationsare not likely to adversely affect either the baldeagleor wood stork. . We appreciateyour conthued.co!nmh& to the consewationof &idung&cd speciesaadother n fish andwildlife resources.If you haveanyquestionsor requireadditionalasshtaace,peak contactJeff Gardnerof my Mat (912) 265-9336ext. 21. Sincerely, SandraS. Tucker Field Supuvisw CC: FWS-Bru~wick ,w GEORGIA STATfi CLl9WNGHOU3E ExEcmomER TO: NaLindaADeib AirConabatBnrslch,HQAcc/cEvp 129Andma St., ste. 102 Laqley AFB, VA 23665-9434 .I :. 1 1 FROMI DebtaS. SW Adah&@Geolgiastate qeatin*e DATE: 9/8!99 APPIKANTi eeperrmantofthe Airface PRCUEiCTzBeddam of T-6A Aim&, Moody AFB CFDA#: STATEID: W990908007 656-3855. ;il ‘. I II OFFICE ANIl BUDGET OEORGIA STATB CIZARlNt3HOUSEb&MORAND~ EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372RRVUiW PROCESS ROY E. BARNES GovRwmR To: OF PLANNING M. mmm!soN DXRECIVR Ms. LindaA, Dcvine A& ChunbatRmnch,HQ ACC/CEVP 129Andrcw3 St, ste. 102 LangleyMB, VA 2366599434 FROM: Debra S. Stephurs,-m Georgia statec1oaringhousc DATE: 10/19/99 SUBJECT: ExecutiveOrder 12372Review PROJECT: BedciownofT-6A Aimaft, Moody AFB STATE ID: OA990908007 Additionai Comments: DSWaw ENCLI south GeorgiaRDC, w/ awl., sepbenabpa 29,N99 DNR Historic PreservationDivision, Cktober IS,1999 Form SC4EIS-4 Janmy 1995 GEORGIASTATE CLEARINGHOUSE MEMO-UM EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372REVIEW PROCESS TO: Linda ADevine Air CombatBranch,HQ ACCYCEVP ; 129Andrews St #102 LangleyAFB, VA 23665-9434 FROM:, GeorgiaStateClearinghouse DATE: KY22f99 SUBJECT: ExecutiveOrder 12372Review APPLICANT? US Air Force PROJECT: EA/ FONSI: Joint Ahraft Tmining sys,Moody AFB CFDA#: STATE ID: GA991222010 FEDERAL ID: Correspondence relatedto the aboveproject wasrecehed by the GeorgiaStateClearinghouseon 12f22f99. Th;ereviewhasbaen~~andeveryeffoitisbeiag~to~I#omptaction Theproposalwill be reviewedfbr its consistencywith goah, pokies, plans, objectives* ptograms,- vironmental~~~~far~Io~~ofRegianalImpact(DRI)or inconsistenciesv&h federalexecutiveorders,actsand/orrules andrcguhtions, andif applicable, with budgetaryrest&n@. The initial review prods shouldbemete by l/13/00. IftheCIearinghousehasnot~youbythatdate;~~proposalmaybe~~ consistent,Inthat ever&forward this receiptto the tiding agencyto show compliancewith ExecutiveorderIU72ormakeitpartofthefederalrccordforthis~jact. In fiatwe cor&ponden= regardingthis project,pleaseincludethe StateApplicatiou Identifier numbershownabove. If you haveany questionsm this projact, pleasecontactus at (404) 656-3855. .: ” : ., ‘; ..:,....li,.?.., ; i 4. : Form SC-I. January1995 ..- bftioe C. Bprrett Commissioner Georgia Departtient pf Natural Resources Historic Preservation Division W. Ray Lute, Division Dired$or and Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer 500 The Healey 8ullding, 57 Fofsyth Street, N. W.. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Telephone (404) 656-2840 Fax (404) 857-1040 October 15, 1999 Linda A. DeVine, Air Combat CommandEnvironmentalAnalysisBranch HQ ACCYCEVP 129Andrews Street,Suite 102 LangleyAPB, Virginia23665-9434 RE: Beddownof T-6A Aircraft, Moody APB Lcwndes County, Georgia GA990908-007 Dear Ms. DeVine: < The Historic PreservationDivision hasreviewedthe information submittedconc&g the proposedbeddown.of T-6A aircraf)at Moody Air ForceB&e, LowndesCounty, Georgia. Based on the informattjqn~~,&led, it appears that no archaeological r&ourceslistedin or eligiblefor listing in the National kegister 6f Historic Placesare Locatedwithin the project’sareaof potentialeffects. However, we look forward to reviewingthe EnvironmentalAssessmentwhenit is prepared. It is importantto rememberthat anyfuture chaugesto-this project asit is ctirrent~yproposed may require additionalstepsfor Section106cdmplianct. HPD encourage federal agenciesand projectapplicantsto discusssuchchangeswith our office to erisurethat potentialeffectsto historic resourcesare adequatelyconsideredin projectplanning. . Pleaserefm to projectnumberGA990908’-007 in a& ,futurecorrespondence.Ifwemay be of further assistance,pleasecontact SerenaBellew, Enuironhental Rev& AssociatePlanner,at (404) W-6624; Sincerely, Rkhard Cloues.. Deputy StateHistoric PreservationOfficer , RC:kec ’ JamesFJ&t$ SouthGeorgiaRDC cc: Debra Stephens,GA StateClearinghotie ‘. Georgia Department I Lonice C. Barrett, of Natural Historic Commissioner Resources Preservation Division W. Ray Lute, Division Director end Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer 600 The Healey Building, 57 Forsytll Street, N. W., Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Fax (404) 657-1040 http://www.gashpo.org : Telephone (404) 656-2840 TO: Alton Chavis Department of the Air Force FROM: David R. Bennett EnvironmentalReGew Coordinator Historic PreservationDivision RE: EA/FONSI: Moody AFB., BeddownT-GA, Transition Training Lowndes‘Cbunty, G’eorgizY HP991220-006 DATE: January 11,200O -x -I rr The Historic Preservation,lXvision(HPD) hasreviewedthe informatiorl received concerningthe above-referencedproject. Our commentsare offered to assistfederal agencies and project applicantsin complying with the provisions of Section 106of the National Historic PreservationAct. Basedon the information !ubmitted, HPD concurswith the recommendationthat no historic propertieswhich are Wed in or eligible for listing in the National Registerof Historic Placeswill be affected by this undertaking.Pleasekeepin mind, however, that any changesto this project as proposedwill reqTe further review by our office for compliancewith the Section 106 process. If we may be of further assistance,pleasecontactMs. SerenaBellew, Environmental Review AssociatePlanner,at (40&j 651-6624.Pleaserefer to the project number assigned abovein any future correspondep. -. -.. DRB:kcs cc: -. JamesHorton, SouthGeorgiaRDC . TOO@ .- :.:. XVd 6O:LI OO/TO/ZO .Georgia Lonice C. Barrett, Department of Natural Historic Commissioner Resources- Preservation Division- W. Ray Lute. Division Director and Deputy Stat13 Historic Preservation Office 500 The Healey Building, 57 Fbrsyth Street, N W., Atlanta, Georgia 3030: Telephone (4041 656-2840 Fax (404) 657-l 1140 http:l/www.gashpo.org TO: GeorgiaStateClearing House FROM: David R. Bennett, EnvironmentalRevue v Coordinator Historic PreservationDivision RE: EA/FONSI: Joi$Aircraft Taining System, Moody AFB Lowndes -.. County,,Lgqlg$, .___ GA991220-010 DATE: January14, 2000 The Historic PreservationDivision (HPD) hasreviewed the information received concerningthe above-referencedproject. Our commentsare offered to assist federalagencies and project applicantsin complyingwith the provisionsof Section106 of the National Historic PreservationAct. Basedon the information submitted, HPD concurswith the recommendationthat no historic propertieswhich are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Placeswill be affected by this undertaking.Pleasekeep in mind, however, that any changesto this project as prqposedwill require further review by our office for compliancewith the Section 106 process. If we may be of further assistance,pleasecontact Ms. SerenaBeliew. Environmental Review AssociatePlanner,at (404) 65l-6624. Pleaserefer to the project numberassigned above in any future correspondence. _..-. ...._ ,. ---- DRB: kcs CC: JamesHorten, South GeorgiaRDC I- .. : .- ’ k. xvd ZOOpJ -- -..-- _-.- OTZLT OO/TO/Z~ - STATE DEPARTMENT “Drdicated OF to making OF FLORIDA CO,MMUNITY Florida a better place AFFAIRS to call home” STEVEN M. JEB BUSH SEIBERT Secretary Governor December 14, 1999 Ms. Linda A. DeVine Department of the Air Force Headquarters Air Combat Command Environmental Analysis Branch HQ ACC/CEVP 129 Andrews Street, Suite 102 Langley Air Force Base, Virginia RE: 23665-9434 U.S. Department of the Air Force - Preparation of Environmental Assessment to Evaluate .Potential Ellvironmental Impacts Resulting,from the Beddown of the T-6A Aircraft - Moody Air Force Base, Georgia - Of Interest to the State of Florida SAI: FL9909080744C Dear Ms. DeVine: The Florida State Clearinghouse, pursuant to Presidential Executive Order 12372, Gubernatorial Executive Order 95-359, the Coastal ZoneManagement Act, 16 U.S.C. SS 1451-1464, as amended, and the Natjonal.Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. S§ 4321, 4331-4335, 4341-4347, as amended, has coordinated a review of the above-referenced project. The Department of Transportation (DOT) offers comments indicating that the environmental assessment should specifically address the socioeconomic impact that transition training may have on each of the three civil facilities and the surrounding areas. Changes to approved Noise Impact contour maps of airport Master Plans or Part 150 Noise Programs resulting from T-6A flight operations must be considered. The impact of increased flight traffic on existing facility capabilities and planned capacity improvement projects at each facility should also be examined. Airport Master Plans should reflect any airport capacity issues necessary to support increased operations 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD l TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA Phone: H50.488.0466lSuncom 278.0466 FAX: 850.921.0781/Suncom Internet address: http://www.dca.state.fl.us FLORIDA KEYS hea of Critlol State Concern I tcld OfWe 32399-2100 291.0781 GREEN SWAhfP ARI of Critical 51ak Concern Field Office . . ..-r . . . . . r .___. r..:.- .n. Ms. Linda A. DeVine December 14, 1999 Page Two Any resulting resulting from the military transition training. project improvement costs become a part of .the DOT's Transportation Work Program to establish the amount of local, state and federal funds committed and projected to meet these Please refer to the enclosed DOT comments. needs. Based on the information contained in the notification intent and the enclosed comments provided by our reviewing agencies, the state has determined'that the above-referenced project is consistent with the Florida Coastal Management Program. In addjtion, Regional Planning of their Strategic proposed activity. planning councils of the Treasure Coast and Southwest Florida Councils have identified th.e policies and goals Regional Policy Plans which may apply to the The comments provided by the regional are enclosed for your review and consideration. Thank you for the opportunity to review this proposal. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Ms. Cherie Trainor, Clearinghouse Coordinator, at (850) 414-5495. Sincerely, Ralph Cantral, Executive Director Florida Coastal Management Program RC/cc Enclosures cc: Albert Roberts, Department of Transportation Wayne Daltry, Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council Liz Gu;ick, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Florida Defmrtment -r JEB BUSH GOVERNOR of Trutiportation 605 Suwannee Tallahassee, Florida Street 32399-0450 THOMAS F. BARRY, SECRETARY JR Aviation Office Mail Station 46 September 21, 1999 mm. -w U. Ms. Cherie Trainor Coordinator Florida State Clearinghouse Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 p., !‘>. /i$i ‘j$ G= .., i&y .’ ::.:.;,;’ -.; .G _,.,, qj3 JY;,. ?.? jgLqL9 . y :. %.:$& F i ’ h!p;, I’ ‘lia I.. pj .A.+*< .+. .- , : .s,-: ‘...a/, . ._. ?;.. L,, ‘.I ,-. ICAR Review Comments, FL 99090807446: Department of the Air Force> Preparation of Environmental Assessrrient to Evaluate Potential Environmental Impacts Resultivg from the Beadown of 7-6A Aircraft at Moody AF,B, GA .. _.. ‘. :. .. : . _. .:_ .. Dear Ms. Trainor: . . The Department of Transportation, Aviation Office has reviewed the summary of proposed actions involved in the beddown of T-6A aircraft at Moody AFB, GA as they relate to Florida’s public aviation transportation systeni and offer the following comments. Re: .n” 1. -. Training activities that use the existing Live’Oak Militav Operations Area and Military Training Routes should not effect instrument Flight Rules operations of the state’s aviation system as no changes to existing lateral’ or vertical boundaries are specified. The effect to civil Visual Flight Rules traffic operations in this area should not be significant provided real time use information and flight following is available from the air traffic control system. The Environmental Assessment should specifically address the socioeconomic impact transition training may have on each of the three civil facilities and its surrounding area. Changes to approved Noise Impact contour maps of airport Master Plans or Part 150 Noise Programs resulting from T-6A flight operations must be considered. Noise contour maps are normally included in Florida local government land use codes for airport compatibility zoning. The impact of increased flight traffic on existing facility capabilities and planned capacity improvement projects at each facility should also be WVJVJ dI-lt StFltF! fi.llS 6 RECYCLED PAPER Ms. Cherie Trainor September 21, 1999 Page Two examined. Airport Master Plans should reflect any airport capacity issues necessary to support increased operations resulting from the military transition training. Any resulting project improvement costs become a part of the Florida Department of Transportation Work Program to establish the amount of local, state and federal funds committed and projected to meet these needs. If you have any questions concerning these comments, please do not hesitate to call me at (SO)41 4-4507. $?jYg& . Land Use Planning Manager ARiajr CC: William J. Ashbaker, P.E., State Aviation Manager Faye Bowling, Manager, Lake City Municipal Airport Gene Cierkin, Director, Gainesville/Alachua County Regional Airport Authority David Pollard, Operations, Tallahassee Regional Airport Sandra Whitmire, FDOT ICAR Coordinator -I II STATE -7 DEPARTMENT “Dedicated -a ,...(i -. COMMUNITY Floiida a better p/ace AFFAIRS to call home” STEVEN M. February Ms. Linda A. DeVine Department of the Air Force Headquarters Air Combat Command Environmental Analysis Branch HQ ACC/CEVP 129 Andrews Street, Suite 102 Langley Air Force Base, Virginia RE: -. Dear Ms. -* to making FLORIDA JEB BUSH Governor -1 -. OF OF 3, SEIBERT Secretary 2000 23665-9434 U.S. Department of the Air Force - Draft Environmental - Joint Primary Aircraft Training System Assessment (JPATS)/T-GA Beddown - Moody Air Force Base, Georgia Of Interest to the State of Florida SAI: FL199909080744CR - DeVine: The Florida State Clearinghouse, pursuant to Presidential Executive Order 12372, Gubernatorial Executive Order 95-359, the 16 U.S.C. SS 1451-1464, as amended, Coastal Zone Management Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321, 4331-4335, 4341-4347, as amended, has coordinated a review of the above-referenced project. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS) offers several comments regarding the proposal. The DACS' Division of Forestry requests to be kept informed as increases in utilization of these facilities are implemented. Please refer to the enclosed DACS comments. Based on the information contained in the draft environmental assessment and the enclosed comments provided by our reviewing agencies, the state has determined that the abovereferenced action is consistent with the Florida Coastal Management Program. 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD . TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA Phone: 850.488.8466iSuncom 278.8466 FAX: 850.921.0781/Suncom Internet address: http://www.dca.state.fl.us FLORIDA KEYS Area of Critical Slate Concern Field Office 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 212 Marathon, Florida 33050-2227 32399-2100 291.0781 Ms. Linda A. DeVine February 3, 2000 Page Two Thank environmental this letter, Coordinator, you for the opportunity to review the draft If you have any questions regarding assessment. please contact Ms. Cherie Trainor, Clearinghouse at (850) 414-5495. Sincerely, Ralph Cantral, Florida Coastal Executive Director Management Program RC/cc Enclosures cc: Jack Dodd, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services i- DATE: COUNT/: MoodyAFB Message: WATER MAVGEMENT STATE AGENCIES Outer Ckmtincn~l Shotf DUE Sllwanttee River WMD Bxplorntlon, Omlopmcnt DXl?Er OPB POLICY UNITS Environmental PolkylC Project U.S. L ED ___- _ __--- Direst Ft&ral ActMty (IS CFR 930, Subpart c). Fodoral AgencJed are requlnd ta fumlsh a conscistency debrminaUon for the State’s coneurronoe or QbJtcrtion. ActivWn (15 CFR 930, oonsistenoy certification CLEARANCE 12/23/1999 01/06/2000 Q1/20/2000 WCS: OISTRICTS The atteched document requir66 a Cram ZtW6 Marwement ActlFlarlda Coedal Managamnt Pmgrvn con6tstency evalutatfon and Is mtagorlred as one of the followlna: Federal A66&tn6ct to Stale or Lowl GovsrnmPnl(i5 CFR 930. Subpart F). Agenci66 arerequired ta ev6lUate the con6ir;tency of th6 activity. - DUE-2 No&vast Aorlda WD Soti Florltia WMD Boudweet Notida WD St. Johns River VW0 X Agriculture Community Affaim ErIvlrQn~qnlal ProtuQtiQn Fish & WildIii Cower% Comm State 1nulsporlati0n AL CWMENTS Description: Deporbnerrt of the Air Force - DmR Envirumnental Assmrrm?nt - Joint Primary AiruaR Training System (JPATS)n=6A Beddown - Moody Air Force Base. Georgia - Of lnterert to the State of Florida. or Pruductlon subpaftE)-O@emtors am required to cwovicle a for staM corlcurrwrcefobjedan. Federal Llcenrcing or Permitting Activity (15 CFR 330, Subpart D). Such pro)eoll will only be wW6t6d for consi6t6ncy when thele i6 not 8n analagam side IlcOnrO Or pormk - To: Florlda State Clearlnghouse EO. 72372lNEPA Department of Community Affairs 2656 Shumard Oak B&vsrd Tallaha~coe, FL 323982100 (850) 922-5438 ( SC 2924438) 0 Not Applicable (850) 414-0479 (FAX) .-. - .--. ----- -, Division of Forestry For64 Resow33 Planning & SUDDOR Services Bureau 3125 ConnerBlvd., Mait stop C23 From: Tallahassee, DivisionlBurew; Reviewer: Date: FL 32399-l 650 Federal Consistency ~Commant/Consistent OnsistenKomments Attached q inconsistent/Comments Attached /J Not Applicable Comments Regarding: FL ~99909080744CR Dueto my past experience in the line of Aviation and Aviation Safety I offer &SC comments to the chaqcs to bc ~pft~cnttd at Moody AFB. In regardsto the in~rcascxl traffic to be Lake City Airport and the Live Oak MO& the traffic above the 8000 foot floor of the MOA should cause no significant impact, but the increase to the trafFic pattern of the Lake city Airport will be rignificant. The Division of Fore&y utilizes the Cii Airport as a Tanker Base during dangerousfire conditions. We also have a patrol aircraf!tbased there year round. Lake City is an uncontrolled Airport, which mu there is no hard fast rule for opersting in that airspace, only recommendations made by the Airum’s informationManual.Whenthe PrivateControl Tower is not operating, and weather is above minimums to meet instrument requirements,aircr& have been observed to not use published common fiquencies. The airport is located in the edge of Lake City congestedarea hcreased air traffic will have significant impact over congestedareas with low level approachesto theeast,andtake-oE$to the west.TheDivision has a facility with a tower at the endof the primary runway at Lake City. Lake Regarding the use of VR-1065, which will utilize airspacefrom 500 feet to 1500 feet above grcnmd level, the Division of Forestry has single-engine patrol aircrafl, w&h fly cxtcnsivcly at these altitudes. Much of the pilot’s time is sptnt dbserving and seoukg for activity on the ground. Even with diligence in the sco rind be seenscenario, conflicts with the speedy T-34 Navy aircraft has brought anxiety at times. Now we are to be faced with mote of these speedy TdAs at low altitude kern the Air Force over forested areas the Division spends a lot of patrolling. The proposal shows a pcstential increase of ten times the presentrmmbers.Diligerrtpre-flightgivesgoodwarningof whentheseroutesareto beused. but they are never where you think they should have been.We will spend more time in seeandbe seen,thangroundobservationfor potential fire hazards. The Division of Fore&y should bekept abreastasincreasesin utiliz&on of these fiacilitiesarc implemented and observethe effects to main&in a safe environment. submitlai by : Pdcy Lighl A ’ . - * tion Divisionof Foresty (850) 414-9971 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF STATE BUDGET ."i. HEHRY E BROWN. JR. cnAlRmhN.wAYsAM)Huwcarnin-rEE RlcHARDW.KFILY ACKNOWLEDGEMRNT I. September 30,1999 Ms. Linda A. DeVine Chief Environment$ Analysis Branch HQ ACC/CEVP 129 Andrews Street, Suite 102 Langley AR3 VA 23665-9434 m.. Project Name: beddown of T&A Aircraft at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, The proposed action would involve the beddown of 45 T -6A. Project Number: SC99091l-188 SuspenseDate: 11/4/99 Dear Ms. DeVine, Receipt of the above referenced project is acknowledged. The Office of State Budget, has initiated an intergovernmental review of this project. You will be notified of the results of this review by the suspense date indicated above. South Carolina state age&s are reminded that if additional budget authorization is needed for this project, two copies of the completed GCR-1 form and two copies of the project proposal must be submitted to this office. This action should be initiated immediately, if required. You should use the State Application Identifier number in your correspondence with our office reguarding this project. Contact me at (803) 734-0485 ifqyou have any questions. r ,’ JGHN DRUMMOND L’HABtMAN. sl3wrE KICK KELLY FXEJXllVE FIJNNL~ CDMMrnE DJRKJYJR November 9,1999 Ms. Linda A. DeVine Chief Environmental Analysis Branch HQ ACC/CEVP 129 Andrews Street, Suite 102 Langley AFE VA 236659434 Project Name: beddown of TdA Aircraft at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, The proposed action would involve the beddown of 45 T -6A. Project Number: SC990911-188 Dear Ms. DeVine, The Office of State Budget, has conducted an intergovernmental review on the above referenced activity as provided by Presidential Executive Order 12372. All comments received as a result of the review are enclosed for your use. The State Application Identifier number indicated above should be used in any future correspondence with this office. If you have any questions call me at (803) 7340485. Sincerely, Grants Services Coordinator Enclosures Fax (803) 734-0645 IzlOOl STATlE OF SOUTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF STATE BUDGET RICK KFLLY m-D- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT January27,200O Ms. Linda A DeVine Chief EnvironmentalAnalysisBranch HQ ACCKEVP 129Andrews &eel, Suite 102 LangleyAFB VA 23665-9434 ProjectName: Findingof no SignificantImpact EnvironmentalA$sessment@A) Joint Primary Aircraft TrainingSystem(JPATS)T- 6A ‘Beddown Moody Air Base GA StateApplicationIdentifier SCOOOlOll-015 Suspense Date: 3/l 2/2000 Dear Ms. DeVine: Receiptof the abovereferkncedprojectis acknowledged.The Of&e of StateBudget, Grant ServicesUnit, hasinitiatedan intergovernmentalreview of this-project. You will be notifkd of the resultsof this reviewby the suspensedateindicatedabove.SouthCarolinastate agenciesare remindedthat if additionalbudgetauthorizationis neededfor this project, three copiesof the completedGCR-1 form andtwo copiesof the project proposalmust be submittedto this office. This action shouldbe inihatedimmediately,if required.Pleaseincludethe StateApplicationIdentifier numberin any correspondence with our office regardingthis project. Ifyou haveanyquestions pleasecontact me at 734-0485. ;~~r4ti-Grant ServicesSupervisor Fax(803)7344645 -.-- _ -- -_- ..._.. .__....