NR-3 Natural Resources Background Analysis Materials APPENDIX NR-3 BACKGROUND ANALYSIS MATERIALS Appendix NR-3 contains background tables used in the impact analysis on biological resources for the five bases. The tables are grouped by type of background materials and each group begins with Langley AFB and ends with Tyndall AFB. The first five tables in this appendix present a list of plants and wildlife species that are common to or that are characteristic of each base. The second and third group of tables provide summary land cover and more detailed land cover information under the overland MOAs. Tyndall and Eglin AFBs are combined. • Table NR-3-1. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Langley AFB. • Table NR-3-2. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Eglin AFB. • Table NR-3-3. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Elmendorf AFB. • Table NR-3-4. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Mountain Home AFB. • Table NR-3-5. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Tyndall AFB. • Table NR-3-6. Summary of Major Habitat Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used by the F-22 for Langley AFB. • Table NR-3-7. Detailed Breakdown of Major Habitat Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used by the F-22 for Langley AFB. • Table NR-3-8. Summary of Major Habitat Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used by the F-22 for Eglin and Tyndall AFB. • Table NR-3-9. Detailed Breakdown of Major Habitat types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used by the F-22 for Eglin and Tyndall AFB. • Table NR-3-10. Summary of Major Habitat Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used by the F-22 for Elmendorf AFB. • Table NR-3-11. Detailed Breakdown of Major Habitat Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used by the F-22 for Elmendorf AFB. • Table NR-3-12. Summary of Major Habitat Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used by the F-22 for Mountain Home AFB. • Table NR-3-13. Detailed Breakdown of Major Habitat Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used by the F-22 for Mountain Home AFB. NR-3-1 Table NR-3-1. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Langley AFB (Page 1 of 3) Species Name PLANTS Black cherry Prunus serotina Black willow Salix nigra Cordgrass Spartina spp. Flowering dogwood Cornus florida Grape Vitis Spp. Greenbrier Smilax spp. Hickory Carya sp. Holly Ilex opaca Loblolly pine Pinus taeda Poison ivy Toxicodendron radicans Red maple Acer rubrum Red mulberry Moras rubra Sassafras Sassafras albidum Southern red oak Quercus falcata Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua Tulip popular Liriodendron tulipifera Virginia creeper Parthenocissus spp. Wax myrtle Myrica sp. White oak Quercus alba Willow oak Quercus phellos Associated Habitat Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Forested Wetlands / Riparian Brackish Coastal Marshes / Wetlands Deciduous Forest / Urban Riparian / Disturbed Areas Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Evergreen Forest / Mixed Forest Riparian / Disturbed Areas Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Deciduous Deciduous Forest / Clearings and Openings Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Deciduous Forest Riparian / Disturbed Areas Deciduous Forest/ Mixed Forest Deciduous Forest Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest NR-3-2 Table NR-3-1. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Langley AFB (Page 2 of 3) Species Name INVERTEBRATES Clam Species Family : Corbiculidae Oyster Species Family: Ostreidae REPTILES Black racer Coluber constrictor priapus Black rat snake Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta Eastern hognose snake Heterodon platyrhinos BIRDS American coot Fulica americana Blue-winged teal Anas discors Bufflehead Bucephala albeola Carolina chickadee Parus carolinensis Carolina wren Thryothorus ludovicianus Common goldeneye Bucephala clangula Double crested cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus Fish crow Corvus ossifragus Great blue heron Ardea herodias Greater scaup Aythya marila Greater yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca Mourning dove Zenaida macroura Northern bobwhite Colinus virginianus Associated Habitat Aquatic Aquatic Various Forests / Fields Agriculture, Fields, Forests Wetlands Wetlands Coastal Wetlands Deciduous Forest / Urban Forests / Disturbed Areas Rivers / Lakes Wetlands Wetlands / Aquatic Habitats Wetlands Coastal Wetlands Wetlands Various / Fields Forest Edges / Fields / Shrublands NR-3-3 Table NR-3-1. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Langley AFB (Page 3 of 3) Species Name Northern cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis Northern flicker Colaptes auratus Red-bellied woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus Red-eyed vireo Verio olivaceus Red-shouldered hawk Buteo lineatus Red-winged blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus Ruddy duck Oxyura jamaicensis Ruddy turnstone Arenaria interpres Savanna sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis Screech owl Otus asio Summer tanager Piranga rubra Tufted titmouse Parus bicolor Wild turkey Meleagris gallopavo Wood thrush Hylocichla mustelina MAMMALS Fox squirrel Sciurus niger Gray squirrel Sciurus carolinensis Muskrat Ondatra zibethicus Raccoon Procyon lotor Red fox Vulpes vulpes Virginia opossum Didelphis virginiana White-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus Associated Habitat Urban / Wetland / Forests Open Forest Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Forests Forest Edges / Agricultural Fields Wetlands Wetlands Coastal Wetlands Fields Forests / Disturbed Areas Mixed Forest Deciduous Forest / Urban Forest / Fields Deciduous Forest / Urban Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest / Coniferous Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Aquatic / Forested Wetlands / Non-Forested Wetlands Various / Forested Wetlands Various, Mixed Forest / Shrublands Forests / Agriculture Agriculture / Shrublands / Forest NR-3-4 NR-3-2. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Eglin AFB (Page 1 of 4) Species PLANTS American beech Fagus grandifolia Beak-rushes Juncus sp. Bitter gallberry Ilex glabra Blazing star Liatrus sp. Dogwood Cornus spp. Evening primrose Oenathera spp. Longleaf pine Pinus palustris Persimmon Diospyros virginiana Pitcher plants Sarracenia sp. Sand pine Pinus clausa Palmetto Serenoa spp. Southern magnolia Magnolia grandiflora White oak Quercus alba INVERTEBRATES Crustaceans (Crabs) Crustacea Cnidarians (Jellyfish) Cnidaria Echinoderms (Starfish) Echinodermata Molluscs (Clams) Mollusca Sponges Porifera FISH Redfin pickeral Esox americanus americanus Shiner Cyprinidae Associated Habitats Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Wetland Various Wetland Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest / Wetlands Urban / Various Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Wetland Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Evergreen Forests Deciduous Forest Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Aquatic Aquatic Aquatic Aquatic Aquatic Aquatic Aquatic NR-3-5 NR-3-2. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Eglin AFB (Page 2 of 4) Species AMPHIBIANS Central newt Notophthalmus viridescens louisianensis Dusky salamander Desmognathus auriculatus Dwarf salamander Eurycea quadridigitata Slimy salamander Plethodon glutinosus glutinosus Spring peeper Hyla cruifer REPTILES American alligator Alligator mississippiensis Black racer Coluber constrictor priapus Box turtle Terrapene sp. Corn snake Elaphe guttata Eastern diamondback rattlesnake Crotalus adamanteus Eastern fence lizard Sceloporus undusatus Florida pine snake Pituophis melanoleucus Gopher tortoise Gopherus polyphemus Gray rat snake Elaphe obsoleta Green anole Anolis carolinensis Salt marsh snake Nerodia sp. Six-lined racerunner Cnemidophorus sexlineatus BIRDS American kestrel Falco sparverius Black skimmers Rynchops niger Blue-winged teal Anas discors Associated Habitats Aquatic / Forested Wetland Forest / Wetlands Forested Wetlands Forest /Wetlands Forest Wetlands Shrublands / Forests Forests / Fields Streams and Canals / Forests Forest / Agriculture Various Shrublands / Grasslands Evergreen Forests / Grasslands Urban / Forests / Agriculture Forests Wetlands Grasslands / Shrublands Urban / Fields Aquatic Wetland NR-3-6 NR-3-2. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Eglin AFB (Page 3 of 4) Species Cattle egret Bubulcus ibis Clapper rail Rallus longirostris Eastern kingbird Tyrannus tryannus Great blue heron Ardea herodias Great egret Casmerodius albus Great horned owl Bubo virginianus Hermit thrush Catharus guttatus Least tern Sturna antillarum Phalaropes Phalaropus sp. Red-shouldered hawk Buteo lineatus Red-wing blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus Ruby-throated hummingbird Archilochus colubris Shearwaters Family : Procellariidae Storm petrels Family :Hydrobatidae Tropic bird Phaethon sp. Upland sandpiper Bartramia longicauda Wild turkey Meleagris gallopavo Wood duck Aix sponsa Yellow-billed cuckoo Coccyzus americanus Associated Habitats Wetland Wetlands Forests / Agriculture / Fields Wetland Wetland Forests / Various Evergreen Forests / Mixed Forests Aquatic Wetlands / Aquatic Mixed Forest / Wetlands Wetlands Agriculture / Various Aquatic Aquatic Aquatic Fields Forest / Fields Forested Wetlands Forests / Wetlands NR-3-7 NR-3-2. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Eglin AFB (Page 4 of 4) Species MAMMALS Armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus Beaver Castor canadensis Black bear Ursus americanus Fox squirrel Sciurus niger Raccoon Procyon lotor River otter Lutra canadensis White-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus Associated Habitats Forests / Shrublands Wetlands Various Forests Various / Forested Wetlands Streams and Canals Agriculture / Shrublands / Forest NR-3-8 Table NR-3-3. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Elmendorf AFB (Page 1 of 3) Species PLANTS Alder Alnus spp. Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa Canada reedgrass Calamagrostis canadensis Devil’s club Opplopanax horridis Paper birch Betula papyrifera Quaking aspen Populus tremuloides Spruce Picea sp. FISH Dolly varden Salvelinus malma Rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri Slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus BIRDS American robin Turdus migratorius Arctic loon Gavia arctica Bank swallow Riparia riparia Barrow’s goldeneye Bucephala islandica Black-capped chickadee Parus atricapillus Cliff swallow Hirundo pyrrhonota Common snipe Gallinago gallinago Dark-eyed junco Junco hyemalis Fox sparrow Passerella iliaca Associated Habitat Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Wetlands / Grassland Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest / Evergreen Forest Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Evergreen Forest / Mixed Forest Aquatic Aquatic Aquatic Various Aquatic Rivers and streams Aquatic Various Urban Wetlands Forest Forest NR-3-9 Table NR-3-3. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Elmendorf AFB (Page 2 of 3) Species Gray jay Perisoreus canadensis Great horned owl Bubo virginianus Green-winged teal Anas crecca Hairy woodpecker Picoides villosus Lincoln’s sparrow Melospiza lincolnii Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Mew gull Larus canus Northern flicker Colaptes auratus Common raven Corvus corax Orange-crowned warbler Vermivora celata Red-necked grebe Podiceps grisegena Red-tailed hawk Buteo jamaicensis Ring-necked duck Aythya collaris Ruby-crowned kinglet Regulus calendula Rusty blackbird Euphagus carolinus Spruce grouse Dendragopus obscurus Swainson’s thrush Catharus ustulatus Three-toed woodpecker Picoides tridactylus Tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor Varied thrush Ixoreus naevius Violet-green swallow Tachycineta thalassina Associated Habitat Forest Various Aquatic Forest Forest Aquatic Aquatic Urban / Forest Various Forest Aquatic Various Aquatic Forest Forest / Wetlands Evergreen Forests Forest / Wetlands Forest Forest Forest Forest / Urban NR-3-10 Table NR-3-3. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Elmendorf AFB (Page 3 of 3) Species White-crowned sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys Yellow-rumped warbler Dendroica coronata MAMMALS Arctic ground squirrel Spermophilus parryi Beaver Castor canadensis Black bear Ursa americanus Coyote Canis latrans Little brown myotis Myotis lucifungus Masked shrew Sorex cinereus Meadow vole Microtus pennsylvanicus Moose Alces alces Muskrat Ondatra zibethicus Northern redback vole Clethrionomys rutilus Porcupine Erethizon dorsatum Red fox Vulpes vulpes Red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus River otter Lutra canadensis Short-tailed weasel Mustela ernimea Snowshoe hare Lepus americanus Associated Habitat Various Evergreen Forest Tundra Wetlands Various Various Various Wetlands Fields Wetlands / Forests / Fields Wetlands Wetland Forests Various Evergreen Forests Aquatic Various Fields / Tundra NR-3-11 Table NR-3-4. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Mountain Home AFB (Page 1 of 2) Species PLANTS Biscuitroot Lomatium sp. Bottlebrush squirreltail Sitanion hystrix Bur buttercup Ranunculus testiculatus Cheatgrass Bromus tectorum Halogeton Halogeton glomeratus Indian ricegrass Oryzopsis hymenoides Lupine Lupinus sp. Russian thistle Sasola kali Sagebrush Artemisia spp. Sandberg’s bluegrass Poa sandbergii Tumble mustard Sisymbrium altissimum Winterfat Eurotia lanata Yellow salsify Tragopogon dubius AMPHIBIANS Pacific tree frog Pseudacris regilla REPTILES Western terrestrial garter snake Thamnophis elegans Gopher snake Pituophis catenifer BIRDS American robin Turdus migratorius Associated Habitat Sagebrush Sagebrush / Grasslands / Urban Sagebrush / Urban Sagebrush / Grasslands Sagebrush Sagebrush Sagebrush Sagebrush Sagebrush / Grasslands Sagebrush / Grasslands Sagebrush Sagebrush Sagebrush / Urban Aquatic Urban / Various Various Various NR-3-12 Table NR-3-4. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Mountain Home AFB (Page 2 of 2) Species Brown-headed cowbird Molothrus ater Canada goose Branta canadensis Common goldeneye Bucephala clangula European starling Sturnus vulgaris House finch Carpodacus mexicanus Killdeer Charadrius vociferous Mallard Anas platyrhyncos Red-tailed hawk Buteo jamaicensis Red-winged blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus Western meadowlark Sturnella neglecta MAMMALS Badger Taxidea taxus Little brown bats Myotis spp. Coyote Canis latrans Hoary bat Lasiurus cinereus Silver-haired bat Lasionycteris noctivagans Townsend’s ground squirrel Spermophilus townsendii Vole Microtus spp. Associated Habitat Agriculture / Urban Aquatic / Urban / Agricultural Aquatic Urban / Various Urban / Grasslands / Shrubland / Canyon Wetlands Aquatic / Urban Various Wetlands Fields Shrublands / Grasslands Various Shrublands / Grasslands Various Various Sagebrush / Grasslands Various NR-3-13 Table NR-3-5. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Tyndall AFB (Page 1 of 3) Species PLANTS Beak-rushes Juncus sp. Black titi Cliftonia monophylla Bush goldenrod Solidago spp. Dahoon holly Ilex cassine Fimbry Fimbristylis sp. Gulf bluestem Andropogon spp. Live oak Quercus virginiana Longleaf pine Pinus palustris Myrtle oak Quercus myrtifolia Ogeechee tupelo Nyssa ogeche Panic grass Panicum spp. Persimmon Diospyros virginiana Pignut hickory Carya glabra Pitcher plants Sarracenia sp. Pond cypress Taxodium ascendens Sand pine Pinus clausa Saw palmetto Serenoa repens Sea oats Uniola paniculata Sea purslane Portulaca spp. Associated Habitat Wetland Wetlands Various Deciduous Forests / Wetlands Wetlands Fields / Grasslands Deciduous Forest Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Deciduous Forest Deciduous Forest / Wetlands Fields / Grasslands Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Deciduous Forests Wetland Wetlands Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Evergreen Forests Barren / Urban (DUNES) Various NR-3-14 Table NR-3-5. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Tyndall AFB (Page 2 of 3) Species Slash pine Pinus elliottii Southern magnolia Magnolia grandiflora Ironwood Cyrilla racemiflora Swamp tupelo Nyssa aquatica Sweet bay Magnolia virginiana Large gallberry Ilex coriaccea Umbrella grass Cyperus spp. Wax myrtle Myrica sp. REPTILES American alligator Alligator mississippiensis Black racer Coluber constrictor priapus Corn snake Elaphe guttata BIRDS Belted kingfisher Ceryle alcyon Clapper rail Rallus longirostris Osprey Pandion haliaetus Red-wing blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus Wood duck Aix sponsa MAMMALS Beaver Castor canadensis Black bear Ursus americanus Associated Habitat Evergreen Forest Deciduous Forest Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands / Deciduous Forest Shrublands Wetlands Deciduous Forest / Mixed Forest Wetlands Shrublands / Forests Streams and Canals / Forests Aquatic Habitats Wetlands Aquatic Habitats Wetlands Forested Wetlands Wetlands Various NR-3-15 Table NR-3-5. Common or Characteristic Flora and Fauna and Associated Habitats on Tyndall AFB (Page 3 of 3) Species Raccoon Procyon lotor River otter Lutra canadensis Associated Habitat Various / Forested Wetlands Streams and Canals NR-3-16 Table NR-3-6. Summary of Major Habitat Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used by the F-22 for the Langley AFB Alternative. Overland Airspace Fields Farmville Other Land Cover Types Major Habitat Types 112,011 (11.1) Forest 660,422 (65.6) Aquatic habitats Wetlands 5,064 (0.5) 58,364 (5.8) Note: 1. Quantities presented in acres; percentages shown in parenthesis. NR-3-17 Agriculture 159,451 (15.8) Total Urban 11,394 (1.1) 1,006,706 (99.9) Table NR-3-7. Major Plant Community Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used for the Langley AFB Alternatives Overland Airspace Farmville Plant CommunityLand Cover Types Number of Acres Fields Grassland Shrublands Total fields Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Open water Wetlands Forested wetlands Nonforested wetlands Total wetlands Agriculture Barren/urban Grand total NR-3-18 Percent 45,845 66,166 112,011 4.6 6.6 11.1 234,456 203,547 222,419 660,422 23.3 20.2 22.1 65.6 5,064 0.5 49,486 8,878 58,364 159,451 11,394 1,006,706 4.9 0.9 5.8 15.8 1.1 99.9 Table NR-3-8. Summary of Major Habitat Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used by the F-22 for the Eglin and Tyndall AFB Alternatives. MOAs Camden Ridge Moody 3 Rose Hill Tyndall B Tyndall C/H Tyndall D Tyndall E Total Shrublands 710 (0.04)1 792 (0.1) 0 (0.0) 14,786 (5.0) 34,975 (7.4) 3,646 (1.4) 11,724 (1.6) 66,633 (1.3) MAJOR HABITAT TYPES Aquatic Forest Habitats 1,495,883 24,267 (82.0) (1.3) 414,378 9,590 (38.9) (0.9) 275,239 1,467 (50.0) (0.3) 193,246 10,673 (65.7) (3.6) 294,728 4,625 (62.2) (1.0) 161,544 3,561 (61.4) (1.4) 379,674 15,426 (52.4) (2.1) 3,214,692 69,609 (61.9) (1.3) OTHER LAND COVER TYPES Wetlands 38,166 (2.1) 60,531 (5.7) 7,156 (1.3) 38,893 (13.2) 58,621 (12.4) 83,175 (31.6) 296,347 (40.9) 582,889 (11.2) Note: 1. Quantities presented in acres; percentages shown in parenthesis. NR-3-19 Agriculture 233,841 (12.8) 562,256 (52.8) 250,826 (45.5) 20,790 (7.1) 57,828 (12.2) 8,078 (3.1) 10,301 (1.4) 1,143,920 (22.0) Urban 30,748 (1.7) 18,209 (1.7) 16,174 (2.9) 15,566 (5.3) 23,318 (4.9) 3,247 (1.2) 11,809 (1.6) 119,07 1 (2.3) Total 1,823,615 (99.9) 1,065,756 (100.1) 550,862 (100.0) 293,954 (99.9) 474,095 (100.1) 263,251 (100.1) 725,281 (100.0) 5,196,814 (100.0) Table NR-3-9. Major Plant Community Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used for the Eglin and Tyndall AFB Alternatives (Page 1 of 4) MOA Camden Ridge Moody 3 Plant CommunityLand Cover Types Number of Acres Shrublands Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Lakes Reservoirs Streams and canals Total aquatic Wetlands Forested wetlands Nonforested wetlands Total wetlands Agriculture Barren/urban Grand total Shrublands Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Lakes Reservoirs Streams and canals Total aquatic Wetlands Forested wetlands Nonforested wetlands Total wetlands Agriculture Barren/urban Grand total NR-3-20 Percent 710 .04 25,599 47,823 1,422,461 1,495,883 1.4 2.6 78.0 82.0 1,128 18,259 4,880 24,267 0.1 1.0 0.3 1.3 34,793 3,373 38,166 233,841 30,748 1,823,615 792 1.9 0.2 2.1 12.8 1.7 100.0 0.1 100,073 205,902 108,403 414,378 9.3 19.3 10.2 38.9 335 9,178 77 9,590 0.03 0.9 0.01 0.9 58,793 1,738 60,531 562,256 18,209 1,065,756 5.5 0.2 5.7 52.8 1.7 100.1 Table NR-3-9. Major Plant Community Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used for the Eglin and Tyndall AFB Alternatives (Page 2 of 4) MOA Rose Hill Tyndall B Plant CommunityLand Cover Types Number of Acres Shrublands Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Lakes Reservoirs Streams and canals Total aquatic Wetlands Forested wetlands Nonforested wetlands Total wetlands Agriculture Barren/urban Grand total Shrublands Forest Deciduous forest Conifer plantations Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Lakes Reservoirs Streams and canals Total aquatic Wetlands Forested wetlands Nonforested wetlands Total wetlands Agriculture Barren/urban Grand total NR-3-21 Percent 0 0 84 34,357 240,798 275,239 0.02 6.2 43.7 50.0 37 1,429 1,466 0.01 0.3 6,008 1,148 7,156 250,826 16,174 550,861 14,786 1.1 0.2 1.3 45.5 2.9 100.0 5.0 568 117,173 22,413 53,092 193,246 0.2 39.9 7.6 18.1 65.8 9,356 849 468 10,673 3.2 0.3 0.2 3.7 35,809 3,084 38,893 20,790 15,566 293,954 12.2 1.0 13.2 7.1 5.3 100.1 0.3 Table NR-3-9. Major Plant Community Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used for the Eglin and Tyndall AFB Alternatives (Page 3 of 4) MOA Tyndall C/H Tyndall D Plant CommunityLand Cover Types Number of Acres Shrublands Forest Deciduous forest Conifer plantation Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Lakes Reservoirs Streams and canals Total aquatic Wetlands Forested wetlands Nonforested wetlands Total wetlands Agriculture Barren/urban Grand total Shrublands Forest Deciduous forest Conifer plantations Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Lakes Reservoirs Streams and canals Total aquatic Wetlands Forested wetlands Nonforested wetlands Total wetlands Agriculture Barren/urban Grand total NR-3-22 Percent 34,975 7.4 4,204 175,019 21,473 94,032 294,728 0.9 36.9 4.5 19.8 62.1 1,513 1,190 1,922 4,625 0.3 0.3 0.4 1.0 57,419 1,202 58,621 57,828 23,318 474,095 3,646 12.1 0.3 12.4 12.2 4.9 100.0 1.4 5,648 120,801 5,663 29,432 161,544 2.2 45.9 2.2 11.2 61.5 277 208 3,077 3,562 0.1 0.1 1.2 1.4 82,824 351 83,175 8,078 3,247 263,252 31.5 0.1 31.6 3.1 1.2 100.2 Table NR-3-9. Major Plant Community Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used for the Eglin and Tyndall AFB Alternatives (Page 4 of 4) MOA Tyndall E Plant CommunityLand Cover Types Number of Acres Shrublands Forest Deciduous forest Conifer plantations Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Bays Lakes Reservoirs Streams and canals Total aquatic Wetlands Forested wetlands Nonforested wetlands Total wetlands Agriculture Barren/urban Grand total NR-3-23 Percent 11,724 1.6 1,441 251,416 60,550 66,267 379,674 0.2 34.7 8.4 9.1 52.4 271 4,764 429 9,962 15,426 0.04 0.7 0.06 1.4 2.2 277,515 18,832 296,347 10,301 11,809 725,281 38.3 2.6 40.9 1.4 1.6 100.1 Table NR-3-10. Summary of Major Habitat Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used by the F-22 for the Elmendorf AFB Alternative OTHER LAND COVER TYPES MAJOR HABITAT TYPES MOAs Fields Birch Buffalo Eielson Fox 1 495 (0.04)1 743 (0.1) 165,922 (17.3) Fox 2 Fox 3 Galena Naknek 1 Naknek 2 Stony A Stony B Susitna 256,560 (8.2) 3,715 (0.1) 2,997,740 (91.4) 1,464,571 (63.0) 514,606 (15.1) 455,418 (22.8) 312,033 (15.0) Viper A/B Yukon 1 Yukon 2 Yukon 3 Yukon 4 Yukon 5 Total 1,743 (0.05) 19,068 (0.4) 10,896 (0.3) 148,339 (5.3) 111,688 (4.9) 6,463,537 (16.8) Forest Tundra 355,122 (99.9) 1,023,517 (73.7) 490,584 (80.80 93,610 (9.7) 15,106 (19.2) 320,205 (10.3) 3,165,396 (96.6) 144,129 (4.4) 593,853 (25.6) 1,929,400 (56.6) 1,477,450 (73.7) 712,473 (34.2) 67,607 (100.0) 2,544,550 (80.2) 2,970,004 (71.5) 2,706,262 (84.8) 2,465,057 (87.2) 2,097,552 (92.4) 23,171,877 (60.1) 1,734 (0.5 354,380 (25.5) 115,898 (19.1) 370,229 (38.5) 63,397 (80.8 1,931,630 (61.9) 63,645 (1.9) 32,193 (1.0) 54,234 (2.3) 523,521 (15.4) 2,972 (0.2) 547,295 (26.2) Aquatic Habitats Wetlands Agriculture Ice or Snow Total 356,856 8,172 (0.6) 1,486 (0.1) 1,388,050 607,225 331,596 (34.5) 961,457 78,503 2,229 (0.1) 102,525 (3.1) 2,724 (0.1) 7,677 (0.2) 7,925 (0.4) 4,210 (0.2) 432,140 (13.8) 44,576 (1.5) 495 (0.02) 209,012 (9.0) 235,758 (6.9) 57,949 (2.9) 122,089 (5.9) 179,047 (5.7) 3,121,811 3,277,332 3,277,082 2,324,394 198,611 (5.8) 2,476 (0.1) 3,409,573 2,004,190 387,812 (18.6) 2,085,912 67,607 563,887 (17.8) 752,592 (18.1) 350,665 (11.0) 127,042 (4.5) 37,147 (1.6) 5,892,461 (15.3) 9,906 (0.2) 18,326 (0.8) 163,694 (0.4) Note: 1. Quantities presented in acres; percentages shown in parenthesis. NR-3-24 63,892 (2.0) 404,156 (9.7) 123,575 (3.9) 87,171 (3.1) 5,943 (0.3) 1,788,242 (4.6) 3,174,072 4,155,726 3,191,398 2,827,609 495 (0.01) 2,971 (0.01) 2,271,151 1,097,066 (2.8) 38,579,848 (100) Table NR-3-11. Major Plant Community Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used for the Elmendorf AFB Alternative (Page 1 of 5) MOA Birch Buffalo Eielson Fox 1 Fox 2 Plant CommunityLand Cover Types Number of Acres Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Tundra Grand total Fields Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Tundra Aquatic habitats Open water Wetlands Forested wetlands Grand total Fields Grasslands Shrublands Total fields Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Tundra Grand total Fields Shrublands Sparsely vegetated Total fields Mixed forest Snow or ice Tundra Grand total Mixed forest Tundra Grand total NR-3-25 Percent 107,973 156,016 91,133 355,122 1,734 356,856 495 30.3 43.7 25.5 99.5 0.5 100.0 0.04 58,197 341,255 624,065 1,023,517 354,380 4.2 24.6 45.0 73.7 25.5 8,172 0.6 1,486 1,388,050 0.1 100.0 495 248 743 0.08 0.04 0.1 3,219 152,302 335,063 490,584 115,898 607,225 0.5 25.1 55.2 80.8 19.1 100.0 46,062 119,860 165,922 93,610 331,596 370,229 961,357 15,106 63,397 78,503 4.8 12.5 17.3 9.7 34.5 38.5 100.0 19.2 80.8 100.0 Table NR-3-11. Major Plant Community Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used for the Elmendorf AFB Alternative (Page 2 of 5) MOA Fox 3 Galena Naknek 1 Plant CommunityLand Cover Types Number of Acres Fields Shrublands Sparsely vegetated Total fields Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Tundra Snow or ice Water bodies Forested wetlands Grand total Shrublands Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Tundra Forested wetlands Grand total Fields Shrublands Grasslands Total fields Forest Deciduous forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Tundra Forested wetlands Grand total NR-3-26 Percent 191,182 65,378 256,560 6.1 2.1 8.2 5,696 9,906 304,603 320,205 1,931,630 179,047 2,229 432,140 3,121,811 3,715 0.2 0.3 9.8 10.3 61.9 5.7 0.1 13.8 100.0 0.1 155,521 2,498,241 511,634 3,165,396 63,645 44,576 3,277,332 4.8 76.2 15.6 96.6 1.9 1.5 100.0 2,468,028 529,712 2,997,740 75.3 16.1 91.4 495 143,634 144,129 102,525 32193 495 3,277,084 0.02 4.4 4.4 3.1 1.0 0.02 99.9 Table NR-3-11. Major Plant Community Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used for the Elmendorf AFB Alternative (Page 3 of 5) MOA Naknek 2 Stony A Stony B Plant CommunityLand Cover Types Number of Acres Fields Shrublands Grasslands Total fields Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Tundra Forested wetlands Grand total Fields Shrublands Sparsely vegetated Grasslands Total fields Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Tundra Snow or ice Forested wetlands Grand total Fields Shrublands Grasslands Total fields Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Tundra Forested wetlands Agriculture Grand total NR-3-27 Percent 1,457,637 6934 1,464,571 62.7 0.3 63.0 69,836 328,283 185,734 593,853 2724 54,234 209,012 2,324,394 3.0 14.6 8.0 25.6 0.1 2.3 9.0 100.0 360,571 149,577 4,458 514,606 10.6 4.4 0.1 15.1 137,195 1,259,026 533,179 1,929,400 7,677 523,521 198,611 235,758 3,409,573 4.0 36.9 15.6 56.6 0.2 15.4 5.8 6.9 100.0 440,312 15,106 455,418 22.0 0.8 22.8 80,485 875,177 521,788 1,477,450 7,925 2,972 57,949 2,476 2,004,190 4.0 43.7 26.0 73.7 0.4 0.2 2.9 0.1 100.1 Table NR-3-11. Major Plant Community Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used for the Elmendorf AFB Alternative (Page 4 of 5) MOA Susitna Viper A/B Yukon 1 Yukon 2 Plant CommunityLand Cover Types Number of Acres Fields Shrublands Sparsely vegetated Total fields Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Tundra Snow or ice Forested wetlands Grand total Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Grand total Shrublands Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Tundra Forested wetlands Grand total Fields Shrublands Grasslands Total fields Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Tundra Forested wetlands Grand total NR-3-28 Percent 231,548 80,485 312,033 11.1 3.9 15.0 599,300 495 112,678 712,473 4,210 547,295 387,812 122,089 2,085,912 28.7 0.02 5.4 34.2 0.2 26.2 18.6 5.9 100.1 15,106 32,689 19,812 67,607 67,607 1,743 22.3 48.4 29.3 100.0 100.0 0.05 122,584 243,930 2,178,036 2,544,550 563,887 63,892 3,174,072 3.9 7.7 68.6 80,2 17.8 2.0 100.0 17,087 1,981 19,068 0.4 0.05 0.4 303,117 668,641 1,998,246 2,970,004 9,906 752,592 404,156 4,155,726 7.3 16.1 48.1 71.5 0.2 18.1 9.7 99.9 Table NR-3-11. Major Plant Community Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used for the Elmendorf AFB Alternative (Page 5 of 5) MOA Yukon 3 Yukon 4 Yukon 5 Plant CommunityLand Cover Types Number of Acres Fields Shrublands Grasslands Total fields Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Tundra Forested wetlands Grand total Shrublands Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Tundra Forested wetlands Grand total Fields Shrublands Grasslands Total fields Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Tundra Forested wetlands Agriculture Grand total NR-3-29 Percent 8,420 2,476 10,896 0.3 0.1 0.3 15,106 112,926 2,578,230 2,706,262 350,665 123,575 3,191,398 148,339 0.5 3.5 80.8 84.8 11.0 3.9 100.0 5.3 795,683 318,224 1,351,150 2,465,057 127,042 87,171 2,827,609 28.1 11.3 47.8 87.2 4.5 3.1 100.1 109,954 1,734 111,688 4.8 0.1 4.9 766,213 579,737 751,602 2,097,552 18,326 37,147 5,943 495 2,271,151 33.7 25.5 33.1 92.4 0.8 1.6 0.3 0.01 100.0 Table NR-3-12. Summary of Major Habitat Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used by the F-22 for the Mountain Home AFB Alternative OTHER LAND COVER TYPES MAJOR HABITAT TYPES MOAs Jarbridge Owyhee Paradise E Paradise W Saddle A Saddle B Total Rangeland 1,102,197 (75.1)1 1,358,718 (81.1) 1,285,322 (95.0) 1,431,868 (93.0) 400,597 (92.1) 959,110 (89.2) 6,537,812 (86.7) Forest 188,806 (11.3) 23,230 (1.7) 56,840 (3.7) Aquatic Habitats 1,236 (0.1) Wetlands 78,834 (5.4) 86,495 (5.2) 1,483 (0.1) 1,730 (0.1) 9,144 (2.1) 57,087 (5.3) 325,963 (4.3) 10,380 (0.1) Note: 1. Quantities presented in acres; percentages shown in parenthesis. NR-3-30 168,542 (2.2) Agriculture 285,929 (19,5) 41,023 (2.5) 41,271 (3.1) 49,179 (3.2) 25,207 (5.8) 59,311 (5.5) 501,920 (6.7) Urban 494 (0.04) 247 (0.02 741 (0.01) Total 1,466,960 (100.0) 1,675,042 (99.9) 1,353,036 (100.0) 1,539,864 (100.1) 434,948 100.0) 1,075,508 (100.0) 7,545,358 (100.0) Table NR-3-13. Major Plant Community Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used for the Mountain Home AFB Alternative (Page 1 of 2) MOA Jarbidge Owyhee Paradise E Plant CommunityLand Cover Types Number of Acres Rangeland Sage brush Salt desert shrub Grassland Total fields Wetlands Agriculture Grand total Rangeland Grassland Sagebrush Mountain shrub Salt desert shrub Total fields Forest Evergreen forest Mixed forest Total forest Wetlands Agriculture Grand total Rangeland Grasslands Sagebruah Mountain shrub Salt desert shrub Total fields Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Total forest Aquatic habitats Wetlands Agriculture Barren/urban Grand total NR-3-31 Percent 865,447 97,122 139,628 1,102,197 78,834 285,929 1,466,960 59.0 6.6 9.5 75.1 5.4 19.5 100.0 1,977 1,213,653 110,961 32,127 1,358,718 0.1 72.5 6.6 1.9 81.1 184,111 4,695 188,806 86,495 41,023 1,675,042 11.0 0.3 11.3 5.2 2.5 100.1 16,805 1,252,700 14,828 989 1,285,322 1.2 92.6 1.1 0.1 95.0 22,983 247 23,230 1,236 1,483 41,271 494 1,353,036 1.7 0.02 1.7 0.1 0.1 3.1 0.04 100.0 Table NR-3-13. Major Plant Community Types and Other Land Cover Types Under the MOAs that Would be Used for the Mountain Home AFB Alternative (Page 2 of 2) MOA Paradise W Saddle A Saddle B Plant CommunityLand Cover Types Number of Acres Rangeland Grasslands Sagebrush Mountain shrub Salt desert shrub Total fields Forest Deciduous forest Evergreen forest Total forest Wetlands Agriculture Barren/urban Grand total Rangeland Grasslands Sagebrush Mountain shrub Salt desert shrub Total fields Aquatic habitats Agriculture Grand total Rangeland Grasslands Sagebrush Total fields Evergreen forest Agriculture Grand total NR-3-32 Percent 72,656 1,297,677 53,133 8,402 1,431,868 4.7 84.3 3.5 0.6 93.0 4,201 52,639 56,840 1,730 49,179 247 1,539,864 0.3 3.4 3.7 0.1 3.2 0.02 100.0 34,598 336,343 14,828 14,828 400,597 9,144 25,207 434,948 8.0 77.3 3.4 3.4 92.1 2.1 5.8 100.0 112,691 846,419 959,110 57,087 59,311 1,075,508 10.5 78.7 89.2 5.3 5.5 100.0 REFERENCES CITED United States Air Force. 1998. Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan, Mountain Home Air Force Base, Final United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 1983. Natural Resource Inventory of Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. NR-3-33