Li ULM AGRICUL UAL OLEGr S OREGON $TE GRIcULTiL cOLLEGi '1. A. Schoenfe1d. tiirector Corvallis April, 1932. Circular of Infoxatiou No. 63. RAISING ThKEYS IN SJI CONFINEi1ENT by Dean, Superintendent of Umatilla Statior, Hermiston, Oregon and L Cosby, Extension Poultryrnan Or',on State College. ual Oreou pr tice a aurp1s of turkeys and its crowers mst produce high turl'eys In order to "eet tre coroot Crowers who practice a safe prore.r of so reduce disease factors to a 'nr ir'urrl make 'ior equireents of eport ar ets. ye 1 naton n the e°Let to oft n avorablo years and are :better able to star in bsinese while the oriee cycle is at a low point. Turkey growers who follow a method of foeding which best meets the nutritoua1 needs of the ranid groh of turke s rode brs f her qt'lir with whici to ieet ocsiipettion Turie on fr'e rae need supl3mental fteds. to çcA sntd tur'rev s not prf tacle, r'ces rearE1 -n couf r'e"wnt iao o t3'e '1 revor he 'ref i rovidod bT the owner. Tre peno Lr)n fcoc.s ,re hicer wio violates the rules o oi1 sa t on rn' nutrt4 o' Crowv a1ity turkeys for an export business is a real business ,ro'len, Experiments on the Umatilla Experiment Station nere continued in l3l for the uroso of obtaining practical nformaio o' the ('o1long phscs of iurce'r management: DIsease prvention by use of si.1l area of clean ground. Ue of outside wire orh dring ent ro broor oerod. ' the r '. Rela'vo val"e of arled, onoppee, ste"c 'u1 n" roers The use of a relatively high anjiriol protein unch for growing 1;ureys. re sa pod by o Two ht.ndrod fifty da. old poults rere i'rchaed an 20') 'ilea frc't the hatchery to the Speriinent S- r. They uerc art fonllv r a voll*vonti1&ted 12' x lP Hou'e rnd &I euteue coos torta 1nre tiov th ron or wuich clsc ws 121 x 12'. Thc wore not alloie o ore cnn 'ci o" t Tho e '. wore taken on te rn'-ge at the a-e c'f a teel posts. wti rds onolosed with a six foot poultr'r fenoe range n small oroodou c 2. ______t__ --.------- Feed Formula Used During Broodt Ter*o1 &:art.' t hrn 24O JDOU'1r1 $ 600 pour.(1s rouni 300 ctn :,ro 1O") Tn'S CL& :s 1'0 'tis Dr:d corn r. :-ello7 corn 1d vt ) o'nd i .le oats 1)O Do'nds .- j at sr;r;s 2)0 po'ncs 2 Scratch Grain taJ ti potns odorec 1k our ala1: a 1exes ;ron. 4) ji 0 )o'1 o 'oie rne os-er 8tll flour 2 perc ,ri.t 2c 'ids w' salt 2')ö pourds, (Vitath D vas supy:Uec' hours Frst fcd to eriif- ;k er'3 iivr o'.) Seh'1ule Durr Grn leri.oi 1'e To 4 ri of LOnO :Ncoe 'r1 ti'aii feed to last feed uto feeds dail. 4 trt. on 5th dar ) kctdl .)bjcøts fir$tk cavs one ar' er &ed to a nC:o s it oru'Dbly Tt.1 poults MCI ?:ch source c'f hcat Graa Tah polts ate e 1 asolinsn as how to cat. ea. to learn to Seocnd woek toars baying Leave drr iaoh fore iVOC). tre 'o!fore then at as all eat arou Graduaflr work to fattening gra.t ;çfl otpers 11. times, ;onits as soon Janeos anc kuow aU a ei' :oun-. widhroa's es of orc3, soiroe of neat tans Set vri water saels Sn. l hard ..r t cst.'r I, or .iraes c orulatod c' o I cd :ecl 3sc (rvc e- rrt' 1/2' ard. roost' c- vxie oboth.. rooc S - 15 aftLr fist fov dars. Mor ts.i I tcr polts orored for oce t:evo overcr t tco 1oo wck ad The soo 250oonvonieoe vrith onl one rood1n eq jvnnt. Tv.olv were lost oarl fr- w:a1nesa; $onr ri'om 'sri.i lo', IC .'ror necrotic 11 fran aocdo:ats, rYi and 3. Eecivd ..:ori1 25, 1931 ... Rei ed May 5, 1931.,. . . . 104 * .... . ior]. 'uniôcr re1e Total norta1ity....... oults 152 ou1t 25 43 c1ts Total er eit rLarod and .ar:etec1 3.G Lescriti-on of he pour Ran::e Lots Used )tal'en to Lot darket-' Lost Jures Exnlanat ion Used ed 25 23 2 .055 Froa e:s to mart, Lot I ; rcei'crod no dried rcens n the aash or no lent edo any incJ. Thoy are tent t a IId OXC 2O x LQ and -a'rod only once to another yar' of sane area. 55 10 .3 Frea 6 weeks to oarket, Lot 2 rc.eiwe'd no succulent grons of any I:in, ut oovds of :rond ella?: ir acr wore 2O( adde( to a.'k ton of the basal -rere cf'ed b. 60' a dry sand ;yoad 60' and. aoved rO1V once to anothor yard of sane area. 60 3 Fran weeks oi age to October, Lot 3 reocived rio drIed rens in the nash 6? 'out ro eivod all the oi.ned. ren alfalfa they wantod twice eaoh day. Ir tli5a olite suolt L;r;en xd is not available throh the fatte; eriLods This lot hino :roen feed then. .hey cool 'e to a cry yad iO x 2-C' and nore moved oo1. -moe t snothor var od sane area. ota1 70 68 229 213 . 16 1.6 Froo. 8 for Relatively tao ks of a e to ( tbor, Lot 4 joked it& uwn gr;6n I'ed froe. '1±a1.'a, and roctived none Iron any fined c;a other sour e, They n-ro 1/10 of an are and 'rere noved. four tints to :acw alfalfa. 01 A nrevious year's work at this station was :;orductod using a nash 000ta.hiri i. T4 rts. l a s ca aere 'r tein levcl .r ouI, ' ( in rorn g or ci o at ra a3 rc I -oal1 t tt olt turle c-ui ' a). ye .IM rorrth a hi;hr poreentaçe .f anion? orcte.ns. 4. Th work this tar Wts uo e. hiher anial -rotein :oult starting results flash and a hihor vrcteiu evelopin ash than tas tsd r'roviously. t Tw coo15ø o cisositIon hero Thcro is irery ered thue far a'C4 level. Tho cst that thc ratorie tscc er at the oorrootrofuced retoin' in3ioate that th :tih of the tur.'ey of turkey and kh d the lower d mue nearly et the requirements than foeA ws in fair balano protein feeds used iu 1931. ll four lots as a basal ration as well c.s the scratch formula wets as follois: Th developiii mash formulo. which was fed to Mash (js) olo Scratch 1000 pc nids oracked whctt 600 pounis cracTc corn 240 pounds bran 400 pounCe grovnd yellow C0Xn 300 pounds rcund whole oats 400 pouns out whole oats 2000 pounds 300 pcundt ground wheat 130 ,on's ro'nd barlor 200 pound fish meal 200 rounds meat scraps 100 povnd powored irilk 30 pouns bcne T-eal 30 towids oyster shell flour 2 20 po'2.ns salt tow4s n a * -- * mo,nt of Mash and Grain Ccnst'med I r -r -34&:t _._e_ . S 4 1.44 '---5-.-. -5-.-same __ 1750 1 Av. Gran Cost jerjlbs.. !.ve lsh cast lash ; Same o , o0 Same 5)00 4- 3250 a S -S- ll00_lbs. 12933- 1bs-1 r sr ** - Mash and Grain Costs per Live Po.nd Variatlo per Feed C5st tb GathT Lbs.1ash lb. per Live lb. Costs per Lot per Lire Lb. per Live lb. Live Bird 6.5 2.45 244 5.45 50 lo. s1 .3 ; rscd _,a. -.-_-_--- l--rr 13,7 13.1 l7.3e isL_y weights in Lot 3 rere tnflunecd by ran almest two to one hone. * Average dress -- .ve. 5. ---*--. sex diiiofl which Average Dresea Teights by Lot and Sex .---.---.------.--.Lot reeus. m1?1i No * _____ Hers Lbs. 20.4 22.9 23.1 13 0 - We i ht s b Sex at Marketi Ave. Tft. Lbs. 20.7 No. Toms Decewbr 3, 1931 Toms Lb . 27 jrnarj3, 1932 liens Dates Ave. "it. Lbs. 12.35 J Sold 13.52 24.62 109 22,6c3 104 r5 1?.94 The entire flook w&s sold on basis of goverrnert grades and of the 213 trkeys marketed: 205 turkeys or 96.2% graded pr5.e 7 turkeys or 3.3% graded choice I turkey or 0.5 graded coiriercia1 (hunhbck) - Overhoad Casts Ctock 250 poults . 50g Equtmezt ehare..., rooder, fuel.... ..., 'S ... 125.00 24.43 (io% of tc,t1 10.12 vestrent) 3.73 eent3 per live lb. ).... 4.1 oent " ctressd lb. FirLancial Sirr, Total 43447* - Ave. p.17* l0? hens . Total 274.l4* - Av,252 213 Birds Total 7O8.l* - Ave. .33* 104 Toms *jure ere compiled ror to roeeiing eornlete ieturus from the January pool. hever, ue to the slomp in turkey rirket not much additional return is expected. Total mash and brain Leed zst 405.i) l59.60 Total overhead costs Total 7O8.61 $55.59 $i43.O2 labor rturn on 213 turkey's or d7.1 cenitG labor return er bird. General Data -. Reforence -$--- s_ 4272 tbounds of live tu*eys rcsssd out 34 poun.s. The rate tf shr:L'ke was The averaefeed cost rer live pound of all lots was 9,5% The total cost ret 1iie pound ocoept labor was 13.23% The average feed east per dressed pound was 1O.Gçi The total oot per dressed pound e ceçt 1oor is 14.7% It required, in confinement, 5.72 ouncs of oah and grain to vvocuce one pound of live turkey at tire of nrketin. It required 6.35 poimds of insh an5 grain to prouce each dress?d pound of turkey sold. 8umzt.ry and Reeonmendo.tions T There was a n&rked difference in the feed costs per pound of turl:ey between the lot receiving o roen feed and each lot receiving greens by various rnetio's. It cost, for ezeir1e, 27% more to produce a ouni of turkey in Lot 1 W1h no green feed than i Lbt 4 where the tm-keys pastured their green feed, arid 18 snore with dried greens ni Lot 2 than in Lot 4 rhich hd pasture. The absence or presence of ,roens in the etion sho'c weiht and coct with the tois than with the hens. ' more marked tnfluenoe the birds were not 3i1led until their feathers were natured. Nbno was killed for the November trade. Thirty-five er con± wore 'd11ed in Oeces.ber at a roximate1y eight months of ege. Sixty-five per cent were dressed for thy January market at aproximate1y nine months of age. There were no ecd brosts or malfornod hock joints in the turkeys of any on of the fotr iota. iore A feather pulling babit ws acquired in the broodr house and. cent or less throughout the life of the turkeys, except in Lot 1 whoro t: si:es of the beak were t-5.ed with a knife so that the bircs could not h:lc a Thathr. The ends of the beaks were not trinited os no interference vrlth eating w.a deeired. 6. Two hundred fifty poults in a 12 x 12 brooder houso suplented witP a 12 x 12 wtre porch oroducea an overcrowded ondtion before tho poults tre old enovh to go on rangot This couclition is believed to be partly responsible for the acquired feather-pu11in habit. 7 The averw:e weight per turkey was greater on the higher protein ration th.n in i3O with the lower protein level. The rao quality s higher and the b&rs iatured more uniformly. However earlier rrkot maturity was not infuonced to any marked degree by the rations used, :7. flash feeding of turkeys is en 1d fecolug vractioe fol1ow-;d by many ee, cl. rearei ererit Iowver, t1e turkeys ir tlus &rowers ai'-. noults to s1au&'er on dry 'aen an Thexe w.s 10 1os fror ov ay '- icctior '-f an syrrtrs There was no loss from or any videnoe oi No money wa 1) rients. f 1toca. ntestina1 WOIiIS or parasites. extended for rreverities, :anaceas, tonics or medicinal treat- fattened out on gx'ain and no fattening nash was The xa' o1 o.o WS as1 i cron'c fattentng The use of used. sod for study and. to u&e se of ecwt4 ant ot a r ga r's Fatteuir.g mash formulas as well as breing nash formulas that have proven ecorowical r r 1)0 hw upor rcqnst. Feh of the four lots 14, n +he oasis f tncomplete a1s retirr, oad a'"etii, 5,Z 01 the .rop cn the hazaronc Janury, 1962 'a*et, the tu-cj crrise ireo . snail tcc.lf 'ar±nt rrcs w1l o rof.t. Urtil the civthaed orl1 iu ro rust fo the isue . Tr1r uncertain - but cortai'1y iot r' ieessiy to th cupr attention iow, trn' as )eet1 pej nttt tior rrQjes 4ic wiJi efiorcj t 'wertni...ri.t th rolatively high protein rash, where grain the growing rcriod of turheys 'ccl is reoemmended during protettion at lOwest economic outlay. The rashes shoh b rather coarsel\r rotrc. The eve1op1 racn sholo be coarsely r end, ue in ert to thL ro 2nd eats contri1 ground mash is pasty &n has a tendency to provoke beak I inol pg. Pastiness is incroasod by the use of fine1, grund new oats after throshir tte, so olcter oats sho34 o* used. 7. An artTh,cia1 wire porch rroper1 proeec on wiwurd sides is ces rablo from the view point of ssUtation and disease treention, Turkeys should be raised on lan soil whether it be unlimited farm range or limited yard areas. Turkeys should not be raised with chickens; on cell previously contaminated or on .roas fortilizd with poultry manure. The L erirent &tation will brood SOC poults n 192 .ni screh I ca . rxtctie' on xrb protein fecas, vale of green feeds "o Those WO poilts will 1x from nret stocr rais d on th hiJ Crote.n sirr. rase this year breedvL', stok will b solctel Lo carr ci From ir car.,fu1 ror]' rc.1atin to the effects f th' atoi on rour auctu'n .s dl c 'reduction ire1ems.