St. Lucie Public Schools SUPERINTENDENT Purchasing Department Genelle Zoratti Yost 4204 Okeechobee Road Fort Pierce, Florida 34947 Voice – (772) 429-3980 Fax – (772) 429-3999 August 29, 2014 TO: All Prospective Proposers FROM: Kim Albritton Coordinator of Business Services RE: RFP 15-07– Solid Waste and Recycling Services ADDENDUM 1 TO RFP 15-07 – SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING SERVICES This addendum is issued as a part of the aforementioned RFP. The changes incorporated herein are an amendment to and supersede those conditions shown in the original solicitation. The Proposer shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum by signing this form and returning with their submittal. Failure to do so may subject Proposer to disqualification. Q1. Current Billing Data — A review of the current and annual billing information (copies of invoices/statements and your PO summaries) would be helpful in our preparation of the cost proposal and verification of serviced locations, please provide documents; A1. A report summarizing the amount per site (annually) is included in the Addendum. An excel file of the June 2014 invoice is attached as a separate file. Q2. Confirmation of all Locations — The list provided (Attachment K) contained facilities located within both the City of Fort Pierce and Port St Lucie; are these locations serviced under the RFP or by others? Should we exclude from our submittal? A2. Page 33 of the RFP requests sites located within Ft. Pierce, FL be excluded for solid waste pricing but not recycling or yard waste. Also see A12. Q3. Technical Capabilities — Page 8 of 46 — Evaluation Factor 1— second sentence — as required" pertaining to time frames; is there a specific time frame for collection services Public School facilities? If so, can the schedule be provided for the purposes of routing logistics? A3. We do not have schedule. Services may not be less than once per week and/or twice per week for kitchens. Q4. Evaluation Criteria Matrix — Page 11 of 46 # 4 Award, Is there an existing evaluation matrix utilized by the committee and can you please provide? A4. No, the criteria and assigned points are listed in the RFP (see page 7). Q5. Contract Period — Page 11 — Would a different period or term, for instance, 3 year initial term be considered if offered as an alternative? A5. Proposers are welcomed to include alternative contract periods and pricing. The scoring will only be based on the requested contract/pricing term (see page 7 of the RFP). Page 1 of 4 School District of St. Lucie County RFP 15-07 Solid Waste & Recycling Services Q6. Special Conditions — Page 19 of 46 — paragraph one stipulates that the "Solid waste and recycling shall be collected in accordance with a schedule provided by the Facilities Department for each week the school is open", please clarify if different from the schedule (Attachment M) provided. A6. Attachment M is the school schedule for 2014-2015. Collection shall still occur at all sites during school breaks but may be reduced. Q7. Special Conditions — Cont'd — paragraph two indicates that contractor is required: "sanitized" once each week with a product, please describe the activity expected and the product considered acceptable to the St Lucie Public Schools. A7. The dumpsters or waste containers should be cleaned or sanitized to remove oil, grease stains, and bacteria to prevent noxious odors or be an attractor to rodents, pests or insects. Use of appropriate degreasers, steaming hot water and high pressure levels to destroy contaminants and odors that may be repelling to staff, students or visitors. This should be done to prevent health code violations. Q8. Special Conditions — Cont'd — paragraph three requires contractor to have a "True Recycling" program, is this a legal definition, if so please reference source and if not, how will criteria be determined to be compliant? As the industry’s largest recycler, WMIF successfully operates all types and sizes of recycling facilities and the expected commercial recyclable stream, as contemplated by this RFP, is processed separate from the residential Single-Stream materials. A8. The District is looking for proposers to illustrate how their program reduces the solid waste at each site. Proposers are also asked to include the manpower effort to implement and run the program. Q9. Special Conditions — Cont'd — paragraph four requires the contractor to provide "Grapple service" — please clarify the types of waste, level, frequency, tonnages as described. A9. Grapple refers to yard debris on an as needed basis. We cannot predict yard debris pick-ups. This is not for emergency response after major storms. Q10. Special Conditions — Cont'd — page 20 of 46 — the requirement to provide "portable toilet" service for all special events — please describe and provide the historical frequency, number and type of unit and facilities that utilized. Please provide same for the "Emergency Services" and when this provision has been activated. A10. Emergency Services refers to events such as hurricanes (or other emergency situations), where the District will still require services. The District requests the vendor service District accounts first. Strike the following from the RFP: The contractor shall be required to provide portable toilet service for all special events, renovations etc., when required. Q11. Special Conditions — Cont'd — Environmental Awareness — Please clarify and fully describe the requirement to become a "partner" with the St Lucie County School Board in all its Green Initiatives and Sustainability efforts. Is there a monetary requirement? How much has the current provider contributed to the "partnership"? A11. There is not a requirement to contribute. The District has various green initiatives and sustainability efforts and is always looking for recommendations for new programs. Q12. Attachment 3 — Pricing Schedule — page 33 of 46 - Please clarify the statement: "The District is considering an independent contract for collection at sites currently serviced by the City of Ft Pierce, FL". 2 of 4 School District of St. Lucie County RFP 15-07 Solid Waste & Recycling Services A12. The pricing in Table B is for Ft. Pierce locations should the District have the opportunity use a different provider. If the pricing would be different (for Ft Pierce locations) than Table A, please list the pricing in Table B. Q13. Attachment 3 — Pricing Schedule — Cont'd — page 33 of 46 - Please clarify what constitutes the total cost of services per pick-up. Example: providing the container, collection, hauling and disposal. A13. Any items the vendor would charge for collection of the waste should be included in the proposed pricing (including federal, state or any other pass-thru fees). Q14. Attachment L — Current Services - Would the St Lucie County School Board consider increasing container size in lieu of frequency, to minimize the trips to each facility? A14. Yes, the District is open to suggestions. **** RFP due date and time remains unchanged: September 10, 2014 - 3:00 p.m. ****. ________________________________________ Name (Please Print) ___________________________________________ Signature (Authorized Representative of Company) _________________________________________ Company Name ________________________ Date 3 of 4 School District of St. Lucie County RFP 15-07 Solid Waste & Recycling Services 3frbud12.p St. Lucie County School Board Obj Fund Fac KSA - Report 4 (Object, Fund, Center) Fac 9:01 AM (Date: 6/2014) PAGE:1 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 FYTD Activity FY Activity FY Activity 3830 0020 PALM POINTE EDUCATIONAL RES. 7,934.03 5,661.50 6,053.76 3830 0031 WHITE CITY ELEMENTARY 7,722.58 5,731.50 6,247.64 3830 0040 WEATHERBEE ELEM 9,789.38 8,835.13 9,631.96 3830 0041 FAIRLAWN ELEMENTARY 9,099.52 9,689.64 8,284.03 3830 0051 MAGNET SCHOOL OF THE ARTS 7,455.28 6,797.63 6,330.08 3830 0061 LAWNWOOD ELEMENTARY 34,621.72 30,321.57 9,564.88 3830 0071 ST. LUCIE ELEMENTARY 11,985.09 10,952.07 10,247.37 3830 0072 DAN MCCARTY MIDDLE SCHOOL 16,577.21 15,190.95 13,926.57 3830 0081 F.K. SWEET ELEMENTARY 9,793.13 8,961.03 7,956.76 3830 0091 SAVANNA RIDGE ELEMENTARY 11,276.61 8,208.31 8,956.71 3830 0102 GARDEN CITY EARLY LEARNING ACA 7,660.77 10,675.95 9,891.04 3830 0111 C.A. MOORE K-8 9,452.69 9,244.94 9,322.36 3830 0121 LINCOLN PARK ACADEMY 23,231.92 21,281.90 19,459.02 3830 0131 ST. LUCIE WEST K-8 16,914.99 12,312.52 13,585.11 3830 0141 SAMUEL S GAINES ACADEMY 21,521.56 21,697.12 21,858.05 3830 0151 ALLAPATTAH FLATS K-8 SCHOOL 11,276.61 8,208.31 8,956.71 3830 0161 FT PIERCE CENTRAL HIGH 34,164.66 33,610.72 34,570.77 3830 0201 FT. PIERCE WESTWOOD HIGH 15,576.46 11,443.00 12,425.27 3830 0205 DALE CASSENS (ALT ED) 15,876.35 15,755.41 15,513.92 3830 0206 DELAWARE SCHOOL 4,049.37 3,426.39 3,426.39 3830 0211 PORT ST. LUCIE ELEMENTARY 0.00 0.00 210.54 3830 0221 MORNINGSIDE ELEMENTARY 11,186.84 8,208.39 8,956.79 3830 0231 LAKEWOOD PARK ELEMENTARY 8,358.78 6,229.21 6,796.96 3830 0241 FLORESTA ELEMENTARY 8,358.78 6,229.21 6,856.96 3830 0251 BAYSHORE ELEMENTARY 7,619.03 5,661.50 6,177.64 3830 0261 NORTHPORT K-8 15,506.46 11,323.00 12,355.27 3830 0271 WINDMILL POINT ELEMENTARY 15,506.46 11,323.00 12,355.27 3830 0281 VILLAGE GREEN ELEMENTARY 3830 0301 PORT ST. LUCIE HIGH SCHOOL 3830 3830 5,991.40 4,388.02 4,788.01 18,852.68 13,870.24 15,010.44 0311 PARKWAY ELEMENTARY 6,141.94 4,388.02 4,788.01 0331 SOUTHPORT MIDDLE SCHOOL 9,514.91 6,934.91 7,567.16 3830 0341 MARIPOSA ELEMENTARY 9,414.27 6,934.90 7,567.17 3830 0351 OAK HAMMOCK K-8 15,996.34 12,884.41 12,784.99 3830 0361 MANATEE K-8 15,490.12 11,323.00 13,626.00 3830 0371 FOREST GROVE MIDDLE 15,369.44 15,190.95 15,282.56 3830 0381 RIVERS EDGE ELEMENTARY 7,652.58 5,661.50 6,177.64 3830 0391 SOUTHERN OAKS MIDDLE SCHOOL 9,514.91 6,934.91 7,567.16 3830 0401 CENTENNIAL HIGH SCHOOL 19,509.84 13,869.81 15,134.35 3830 0411 TREASURE COAST HIGH SCHOOL 22,553.49 16,416.79 17,916.94 3830 0421 WESTGATE K-8 15,897.00 11,323.00 12,355.27 3830 0502 MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT 12,104.95 8,514.13 8,936.44 3830 0506 FACILITIES OFFICE 309.63 0.00 0.00 3830 0508 AGRI-SCIENCE CENTER 0.00 0.00 154.84 3830 0521 TEACHING AND LEARNING 2,280.24 1,443.72 1,736.29 3830 0522 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 70.00 70.00 70.00 3830 0541 MEDIA SERVICES 120.31 0.00 0.00 3830 0551 SLW SERVICES CENTER 8,614.53 7,134.72 6,974.24 3830 0576 DISTRICT ADMIN ORANGE BLOSSOM 9,907.92 10,605.95 10,244.68 3830 0585 MOA @ HARBOR BRANCH 1,400.48 1,135.53 1,238.76 3830 ---- GARBAGE COLLECTION 559,223.26 466,004.41 459,838.78 Number of Accounts: 08/29/14 88 ************************ End of report ************************ 4 of 4