329 N.W. Commerce Park Drive, Bldg. C
Port St. Lucie FL 34986
Voice – (772)336-6980 Fax – (772)336-6985
Michael J. Lannon
March 28, 2013
All Prospective Proposers TO:
Lanaee Gilmore, CPPO, CPPB
Purchasing and Warehousing Director
RFP 13-08 – Disaster Recovery & Debris Removal Services
ADDENDUM 3 TO RFP 13-08, Disaster Recovery and Debris Removal Services
This addendum is issued as a part of the aforementioned RFP. The changes incorporated herein are an amendment to and supersede those conditions shown in the original solicitation. The Proposer shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum by signing this form and returning with their submittal. Failure to do so may subject Proposer to disqualification.
The list of questions presented below is a culmination of questions from prospective Proposers. Each question to follow has been answered as completely and accurately as possible.
I have received and reviewed the subject RFP and have concerns/questions. First and foremost, 44 CFR Part
13_36(h), FEMA 325 and FEMA 9580.201 attachment 1 require that all such bids be accompanied by a 5% bid bond. The same references require that the successful contractor be required to post 100% payment and performance
bonds upon issuance of a notice to proceed. Unless I missed it, these omissions need to be corrected to avoid
reimbursement issues. Secondly, although the document refers to termination for cause, I did not notice a
termination for convenience clause required by FEMA 325 and the other references.
A1. All records estimates, bidding, awards, work, certifications, bonds and payments will be submitted following FEMA standards. Since FEMA Standards are evolving, District personnel will review those Standards as applicable, and will work with the Contractor to perform to FEMA’s guidelines. The awarded contractor by submission of their proposal agrees to adhere to all FEMA standards and guidelines.
Termination for convenience can be found on page 13 in section 11(B).
Q2. Regarding the scope of services, specific services, item 3 (page 22) indicates that stumps are to be measured three
(3) feet above normal ground level. This is error. The correct point of measurement is two (2) feet.
A2. Item 3, Page 22, the measure has been changed from three (3) feet to two (2) feet.
Q3. In attachment A, the matrix requests pricing at 100,000, 500,000 and 1,000,000 cubic yards. The question is how this will be implemented? Crews are generally paid by the cubic yard. When the project reaches 500,000 cubic yards plateau, will the new rate be applied retroactively or prospectively only?
A3. The new rate will be applied prospectively.
Q4. For item 3, payment for the processing is by the cubic yard while the loading and hauling of the residue is by the ton.
The trucks will be measured and certified for the cubic yard rates. Will the trucks hauling the residue have to be recertified by tare weight before hauling from the TDSRS? Or will scales at the disposal facility measure the weights both in and out of the facility to establish the tonnage? Will scales be required and, if so, who will provide and pay
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for them? What happens if the chips/residue are recycled rather than deposited in a landfill? Secondly, FEMA desires that the management of the TDSRS and the processing (i.e. grinding, burning) be separate cost items. In this cost item, are we to combine these two elements as a single cost?
A5. Cost of Services Attachment A has been revised. See attached.
Q6. The matrix does not include dangerous leaning trees or dangerous hanging limbs. Does the district not anticipate having any?
A6. The matrix has hazardous tree, stump and limb removal which covers leaning trees or dangerous hanging limbs.
Q7. How far will the debris crews have to travel to the TDSRS and final disposal facilities on average?
A7. Fifty (50) miles
Q8. Who will be responsible for the tipping fees? Will the school board pay them directly or will the contractor pay the fees to be reimbursed at actual cost?
A8. The contractor shall pay the fees to be reimbursed at actual cost. The contractor will be required to provide verification of costs.
Q9. General Conditions, page 3 #23 makes mention of certain bonding requirements. Is there a bonding requirement with the RFP that needs to be submitted with the proposal?
A9. Not at this time. All records estimates, bidding, awards, work, certifications, bonds and payments will be submitted following FEMA standards. Since FEMA Standards are evolving, District personnel will review those Standards as applicable, and will work with the Contractor to perform to FEMA’s guidelines. The awarded contractor by submission of their proposal agrees to adhere to all FEMA standards and guidelines.
Q10. How are fees (e.g. landfill tipping fees, analytical fees, permit fees) being addressed?
A10. The contractor shall pay the fees to be reimbursed at actual cost. The contractor will be required to provide verification of costs.
Q11. How are the costs for disposal of Hazardous Waste being addressed?
A11. The contractor shall pay the fees to be reimbursed at actual cost. The contractor will be required to provide verification of costs.
Q12. Please explain specifically how the pricing of one proposal will be evaluated against the pricing from another proposal, including the answer to these questions: a.
Will each pricing proposal be analyzed and refined to become one total number which can then be compared to the other proposals, and if so, what is the formula that will be used to derive that total number?
A12. Yes. For example: Total Possible Points = 10
*Formula used for cost evaluation: Lowest cost divided by each cost multiplied by total possible
points = earned points.
For example: $120,243.75 / $154,350 multiplied by 10 = 7.79 (cost score) b. Will some of the line item prices offered be excluded from the pricing evaluation? If so, which line items will be included and which will be excluded?
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A12. Day rates will not be used in the evaluation of costs. Day rates are informative for the District to evaluate the cost over a period of time that we will be incurring. This information is useful to our Finance Dept. for estimating and funding disaster projects that we will be reimbursed. c. Will extended totals (unit price multiplied by estimated quantity) be used to evaluate pricing, and if so, what estimated quantities and what line items will be used to derive the extended totals that will be evaluated?
See revised attachment A.
Q13 . Who will be responsible for tipping fees at the final disposal site?
A13. The contractor shall pay the fees to be reimbursed at actual cost. The contractor will be required to provide verification of costs.
Q14. Do the line items for stumps include the price to haul them away or will they be hauled away under line items for debris removal.
A14. Debris will be hauled away under line items for debris removal.
Please be advised of the following changes:
On page 24, Section K, the language has been changed to:
Although some work may be required by the School Board at night and on weekends, and after normal school hours, prices submitted shall not increase based on when work is performed. Contractor shall bill at the same price as bid under the RFP.
**********RFP DUE DATE AND TIME REMAINS, APRIL 9, 2013 AT 3:00 P.M.**********
Attachment: Revised Attachment A – Cost of Services (dated March 28, 2013).
Company Name
Name (Please Print)
___________________________________________ __________
Signature (Authorized Representative of Company) Date
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School District of St. Lucie County RFP 13-08
Disaster Recovery and Debris Removal Services
REVISED (March 28, 2013)
1. Removal, loading, hauling of all eligible debris and/or residue from designated work zones within the TDSRS as specified.
Estimated Qty. Unit Unit Price Estimated Total
Cubic Yard
Cubic Yard
Cubic Yard
Total Estimated Cost
Management of all eligible debris and/or residue at all TDSRS sites.
Cubic Yard
Unit Price Estimated
P rocessing of all eligible debris and/or residue at all TDSRS sites.
Cubic Yard
Unit Price Estimated
Remove, load, haul and final disposal of all eligible debris and/or residue to a designated and authorized landfill or recycling facility from TDSRS.
Estimated Qty.
Cubic Yard
Cubic Yard
Cubic Yard
Unit Price
Total Estimated Cost
Estimated Total
Hazardous Stumps, as specified (to include any fill dirt and seeding required to level and restore the removal area).
Diameter Estimated Qty.
12” to 24”
25” to 48”
Greater than 48” 100
Unit Price
Total Estimated Cost
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School District of St. Lucie County RFP 13-08
Disaster Recovery and Debris Removal Services
Cost of Services – Attachment A- March 28, 2013 (cont.)
5A. Personnel and Equipment
Cost Proposal/Hourly Cost
Personnel Hourly
Day Rate
1. Climber with gear
2. Superintendent with Truck
3. Foreman with Truck
4. Operator with Chainsaw
Total Estimated Costs (lines 1 thru 4)
5B. Survey Personnel with Equipment
Personnel Hourly
Day Rate
1. Inspector with Vehicle
2. Safety Superintendent
3. Laborer
4. Project Coordinator
5. Field Hazardous Material Manager
6. Hazardous Material Containment Area Manager
7. Field Project Supervisor
8. Hazardous Material Containment Area Foreman
9. Field Hazardous Material Technician
10. Hazardous Material Containment Area Technician
11. Health and Safety Specialist
12. Project Engineer
13. Equipment Operator
14. Asbestos Abatement Supervisor
15. Asbestos Abatement Worker
16. Asbestos Inspector
17. Truck Driver
18. Administrative Assistant
19. Clerical
Total Estimated Costs (lines 1 thru 19)
6. Other
Cost Proposal/Other Costs
1. Storm Sewer Cleaning
2. Dead animal removal and disposal
3. Fill dirt
4. Backhoe (or equivalent) rental fee
5. Chipper Rental
6. Track hoe Rental
7. 40 Yard Dumpster Rental Daily
Total Estimated Costs (lines 1 thru 7)
Other Costs Not Listed
Unit Price
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School District of St. Lucie County RFP 13-08
Disaster Recovery and Debris Removal Services
Please note: Estimated quantities to be used for evaluation of line items 5A through 6 is one (1).
Day rates will not be used in evaluation of bid as per Addendum 3, but is required in bid submittal.
SUM OF EXTENDED PRICE LINE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 excluding other costs not listed. Other cost not listed will be considered optional services.)
COMPANY NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY: ___________________________________________________________STATE:__________ZIP:_____________________
CONTACT PERSON: ______________________________________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE:______________________________________EMAIL ADDRESS____________________________________
AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE________________________________________________DATE_________________________
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