HD28 .M414 i ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT THE MOTIVATIONAL IMPACT OF MA.NA&EfIENT-BY-EXCEPTION IN A BUDGETMY CONTEXT by Peter Browne II Dewey THE MOTIVATIONAL IMPACT OF MANAGBIEKT-BY-EXCEPTION IN A BUDGET/^ Y CONTEXT by Peter Browne 11 WP 1311-82 May 1982 ReviEed October 1982 '^AY 3 1 1983 REcavEo 1,0 Introduction It in suggested often is managerial the accounting literature that control system effectiveness depends not only on what information the system supplies to managers responsible for exercising control, but In the context of budgetary controls, use the information. managers how Argyris (1952) may have been the first to note that control system failure was more often affected style the by information of characteristics of the system. use rather than the by technical Subsequently, several empirical studies have focused attention on this issue (e.g., DeCoster and Fertakis [1968]; Hopwood Otley [1972]; At [1978]). practical the level, one coimnon style of information use is "management-by-exception" (MBE). Exception-reporting is probably based on the notion that only variances, unfavorable both particularly if and they should favorable, were assessed managerial attract as being significant. attention, MBE Hence, provides a basis for allocating, or rationing, managerial effort. In practice, however, such systems reduce typically preoccupation with unfavorable variances. to For example, Bittel a biased (1964, p. 5) defined MBE as system of control which enables the manager to be "spared the task of reviewing performance where things are going well (so as to) devote his attention only to those areas which his require really managerial Ronen and Livingstone (1975, p. 680) suggested that, under MBE, attention." "the response to favorable deviations not requiring corrective actions often seems to be weaker than that to unfavorable deviations." (1967, emphasis described 478) p. in punisliment the and characterized feedback reward," the exception is on while phenomenon reporting Porter one a rather punishment as as and by Birnberg and Nath system than Zannotos which 07453^1 in some (1978, managers "the wliich mixture pp. are of 12-13) given successes." for than full credit "full blame for failures and less Itami (1975) provided an analytical demonstration of how management, in the design of might structures, reward subordinate purposefully asymmetrical employ rates of penalty and reward (for unfavorable and favorable budget variances, respectively) so as to "modify" the subordinates' attitudes towards risk and many budgetary control systems. "(p. similar like and, results Baiman and Demski 85) "Certainly that concluded Itami, obtained (1980) lovz-tail the conditional variance investigation system is often observed in practice is of that "this is perhaps common practice in He goes on to suggest the latter. part behavior on the likelihood of goal-congruent the thereby increase probably the system which is most often used). "(p. (It parentheses in 194, original) Except studies for these that is this last results, variant of the assumption general MBE has adverse other the in behavioral consequences. However, none offers any systematic empirical evidence of such effects. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of an empirical study of the effects of MBE in a budgetary context on individual motivation, where MBE is assumed to refer to a preoccupation with unfavorable variances. I (the hypothesize that MBE will have adverse effects on motivation hypothesis), but these that effects will mitigated be initially level the by general of participation in budget setting (the contingency hypothesis). theoretical As suggested by the variety of literature discussed above, a framework based on economics of the agency, behavioral sciences, were possible behavioral framework was chosen, but the framework as candidates well for as the later in the paper one based present I study. attempt (and the niore important results of the study) to on to the A link some of the propositions which have emerged from the economic perspective. In the next section of the paper, 2 I develop the theoretical framework to support role of contingency conclusions then preoccupied follow with support for One budget unfavorable contingency the variances. MBE results The but hypothesis, being as also provide the general for not and strong the is the (the results, finding of on MBE of method, the interesting characterization above the effects the dealing with turn. in of support elaborates following moderating in Sections hypothesis). in evidence some participation budgetary section The general hypothesis. the hypothesis. A Theoretical Framev.'ork - The Expectancy Model of Human Motivation 2.0 and modification of behavior falls into two broad classes. behaviorist the (e.g., maintenance literature in psychology dealing with the acquisition, Tlie Hull perspective, [1929]; conceived solely theories of in Spence terms classical conceptualizations characterstic of [1942]), of linking the and in which operant learning and of conditioning motivation v/hich theorists and motivation are learning stimuli there is First, learning early of and responses. The well-known are two have derived from a behaviorist tradition. A second, more recent perspective can be referred to as the cognitivist view. Here, the intervening cognitions the focus of attention. (between stimulus and response) are While this perspective can be traced back at least as far as Tolraan [1932], the more recent work of Rotter Bandura [1972] [1962] expectations, [1965] has integrated of and beliefs, traditional Rotter [1966] suggests that the occurrence of a particular behavior is dependent not only on an individual's (the roles and other cognitive processes into extensions of learning theory. history the [1966] [1954], behaviorist view), but also on the objective reinforcement individual's expectation that the behavior will result in a particular consequence and the subjective assessment of the costs and benefits associated v/ith the view). cognitivist constructs These readily are consequence recognizable (the the in which provides the theoretical expectancy theory conception of motivation, linkage between MBE and motivation underlying the choice of criterion the variable used in this study. with MBE, its reinforcement objective on stress variances, can individual, and unfavorable history of the expectancies associated with any new behavior. will suffer. both the subjective the motivation either case, In particular formulation of seen by examining the This can be shape the expectancy value model of motivation chosen for this study. The formulation, based on theoretical work of Georgopoulos and subjected to empirical test by Galbraith and Cummings , et al (1957) can (1967), be expressed as follows: M = IV, b + P, (IV 1 a + ZP„. EV.) 2i (1) 1 where M = motivation to work. IV = intrinsic valence associated with successful performance of the task (goal-accomplishment). IV, = intrinsic valence associated EV. = extrinsic with goal-directed behavior. valence associated with extrinsic i contingent re\/ard 1 on work-goal accomplishment. P^ = the P„. = the expectancy that goal-directed behavior accomplish will the work-goal (a given level of specified performance). expectancy that work-goal accomplishment will lead to the i extrinsic reward. MBE is hypothesized formulation, since to those adversely P-'s affect the F^i values in associated with positively valent the above outcomes. Lower under MBE or reinforcers, are expected to be assessed systematically goal-accomplishment and due to an absence of historical association between the receipt of positive reinforcers. although might also suffer a deterioration under MBE, IV For similar reasons, that 2uch as dissonance-resolving process, a suggested by Calder That is, individuals who cannot and Staw [1975], may mitigate this effect. rewards attribute their goal-directed effort to the expectation of extrinsic rationalize their because few such rewards are forthcoming under MBE, might IV^. or goal-accomplishment, although Therefore, value of motivation may internalized the of terms in effort of expenditure overall the role of intrinsic versus extrinsic rewards in contributing not suffer, The use of the expectancy theory model of to overall motivation will shift. motivation chosen for this study permits an examination of the association betv.'een MBE and specific elements of the model. Finally, perceive the reduced assessments non-receipt of P^ extrinsic of may occur rewards as because individuals resulting also failure of the reinforcing agent to acknowledge goal-accomplishment may from a itself. Such a phenomenon translates into reduced assessments of P^. here again, But, assessments viewed as being as . a a function of negative IV IV of a simple reduced assessments of The function positive Indeed, P^. negative value intrinsic function of early of of goal by increased can goal-accomplishment difficulty, conceptions the offset P^ may be of probability and, hence, be a motivation viewed success (e.g., of Atkinson [1958]). To summarize, assessments of MBE is hypothesized to impact motivation through reduced the P2. and compensating adjustments to IV P^, . with the possibility, in both cases, of Budi^etary Participation - The Contingency Hypothesis 3.0 The effects years the of researchers by been widely budgetary participation have managerial in although accounting, from range examined over not with positive effects of participation on performance and job satisfaction (e.g., Kenis, [1979]), to consistent weak positive (e.g., The results. Bryan Milani (e.g., and findings Locke and [1975]), [1967]). strong even the results Indeed, [1982]). effects of (Brovmell studies provide a basis some of effects the that is participation are contingent on a variety of moderating [1981], associations negative to conclusion The for predicting interactive effects of participation and MBE. Cherrington and Cherrington [1973], in a laboratory experiment, examined the interaction between budgetary participation and reward structure. The latter was reflected in the degree of reliance placed on budgeted results in performance was evidence Their evaluation. mildly support in of the hypothesis that both performance and job satisfaction would be higher when a high reliance on budget information v;as accompanied by high participation. One reason for this is that in providing the individual v/ith the opportunity to influence budgeted results, management achieves more legitimate grounds for strong sanctions in the event of sub-standard budget-related performance. In a similar type of investigation, Brownell [1982] examined the role of budget participation as evaluative styles. Two a moderator prior of effects the investigations style had produced contradictory results of (Hopwood of the different impact [1972] superior evaluative of and Otley [1978]). In his study, Brownell found results which supported the hypothesis that a heavy reliance accounting on information, and on budgets in particular, would not adversely affect performance as long as this evaluative style was accompanied by a high level of participation in budget setting. The in thread common both studies above the of is notion the that participation in budget setting may alleviate otherwise adverse consequences stemming from a style of use of accounting information which places a high emphasis budget on A administration. achievement similar effect participation of and evaluation performance in is reward hypothesized in connection with the use of MBE. Hypotheses and Method of Study 4.0 Hypotheses 4.1 The above can be summarized in the two hypotheses to be tested in this In null form we have: study. There will be no relationship between MBE and motivation. H There will be no interaction between MBE and budgetary H 2 participation affecting motivation. Method 4.2 Data for the study were collected through a survey questionnaire to 224 - two in the middle-level managers drawn from three separate corporations electronics industry and one in the steel industry. from variety a functional administration. and research, of fields including one selection The The managers were drawn production, marketing, criterion budgeting. activities of the managers should be controlled via the use of However, final sample selection was up left to top the that was management in each corporation and so the sample was not strictly random. Of the 224 questionnaires which 122 were usable. distributed, The average age 140 were returned of respondents was (62.5%), 37.0 of years and years. their average tenure with their respective companies was 0.1 Measures of three variables were motivation, MBE, and budget participation. obtained in the questionnaire: Motivation 4.2.1. The objective of the questionnaire items was to elicit measures on each construct of the model presented in Equation of constructs the Equation For expositional purposes, 1. classified are 1 into basic tv70 groups - valences, and instrumentalities/expectancies. Valences: valences The dV, IV , approach and , by Lawler and Suttle to (LS) adapted was EV.) measurement the (1973) of from three the classes procedure the of developed in such a way to distinguish between the Seventeen outcomes from the LS set were used in three classes of valence. the prese^nt study and these were a priori classified as either intrinsic (8) or extrinsic outcome, The (9). outcomes listed are the in (extremely desirable to extremely undesirable/ nine appendix. respondents were twice asked to indicate on a scale preference for that outcome. First, For from each one to strength of their the respondents were asked to value each outcome as it might result from "working hard" (goal-directed behavior), and second, to value the outcomes as they might result from "meeting or beating budgeted goals" eight IV responses (goal-accomplishment). to the intrinsic was measured by averaging IV, items from measured by averaging was the first set of the responses. t from the second set of responses. Two points should be noted here. First, and IV, b IV are a incorporated into the expectancy model by way of a single average score, as implied by the model presented in Equation (1). difficult to ascertain why theoretical discussions of have overlooked the issue of multiple intrinsic Nonetheless, the it is expectancy model valences, and hence possibility of their entering the formulation by way of a summation. the llie two options (mean versus summation) are clearly different in that they place different weights on the intrinsic versus extrinsic elements of the model. Second, the use of the same eight intrinsic outcomes in the measurement of IV either and presupposes IV goal-directed that behavior ^ given any outcome could and goal-accomplishment from result that value the placed on the outcome (valence) might not be independent of its source. Table (after 1 presents the means and standard deviations of the eight outcomes scale adjustment) independence of the among the two sets tv/o for each of IV The . degree of sets is reflected in the coefficients of correlation (last difference of mean tests. column) and for t-statistics the eight paired The results reveal that while a significant degree INSERT TABLE of association and IV, exists between the 1 HERE two classes intrinsic valence, of their respective mean scores were usually quite different. Turning to a consideration of the EV . , the the nine extrinsic outcomes were assessed from the (outcomes resulting from goal-accomplishment). valences s econd Table and standard deviations of the nine extrinsic valences. INSERT TABLE 2 HERE 2 associated set of presents with responses the means Instrumentalities/Expectancies: of nine specific outcome extrinsic instruraentalities Equation LS, these assessed by asking respondents to indicate on assessment the goal-accomplishment associating Again following (P„). for calls (1) instrumentalities scale from one a seven (always), how often "meeting or beating the budget" would with were (never) to result in Three additional items incorporated in this set of questions each outcome. elicited measures of P, , the probability expectancy or that For ease behavior would result in goal-accomplishraent. goal-directed interpretation, of the twelve responses were converted to probabilities in the range of zero to one and in Table the means and standard deviations The 3. three assessments of of were P, nine the P« ' s are significantly (p presented < 0.01) ).: therefore derived by averaging the three responses. and The three correlations, the Table 3. INSERT TABLE 3 HERE The final individual measure constructs of motivation following was Equation obtained 1. statistics on the final measure. INSERT TABLE 10 4 HERE Table by 4 aggregating reports the descriptive Management-By-Exception (MBE) 4.2.2. A review of previous literature uncovered no suitable empirical measure study involved nine questionnaire The measure developed for this for MBE. One item simply asked respondents to rate on a seven-point scale the items. frequency (one equals never, seven always) with which unfavorable variances consisted pairs four of investigation variances of similar of were from taken items Four items. the relating 1975; Sv/ieringa and Moncur, superiors discuss budget 1975; items 1968; Bruns and Merchant, with the to Budget-Related so-called Behavior questionnaire (see, for example, DeCoster and Fertakis, and Waterhouse, items The remaining eight receive more attention than favorable variances. An 1981). when me variances example is occur." Each of four such items were included twice in the questionnaire, "My once for favorable variances, and once for unfavorable variances. Since which the are definition of MBE used pre-occupied with here unfavorable involves variances, managerial assessments the to response the "favorable variance" version of each item was subtracted from the response to the "unfavorable difference scores. variance" version the means for the same item, to obtain four All scores were converted to probabilities, and Table reports first the mean scores for by of each of the the single, four pairs overall assessment, of specific 5 followed items, their differences, and the significance of those differences (paired test). INSFJIT TABLE 5 L-ERE As noted in the introduction, 11 the results presented in Table 5 wholly support empirical observation that MBE, Che defined as in study, this is All four of the pairwise comparisons among the quite prevalent in practice. eight specific questionnaire items reveal a significantly higher frequency of the "budget-related behavior" as it relates to unfavorable variances than as the behavior relates to favorable variances. interpreted, Roughly the result for the single item addressing MBE, indicates that, on average, more attention is given to unfavorable variances than to favorable variances 81% Given the consistent pattern of results from the entire nine of the time. item instrument, I response to all nine. To do so, I results are 2 suggestion (1980) who provided a convincing rationale defined here, is analytical result which suggests top (agents), investigation strategy they offer (p. of that, v.'hich of Baiman 3 Demski and as derived an they mentioned, for monitoring risk-averse managers (principals) management would do well employ to of an Beyond this, focuses on unfavorable variances. 194) an appealing argument suggesting the greater likelihood encountering risk-averse individuals among middle-level management objects the for the prediction that MBE, previously As prevalent. MBE using of and then divided by five. with a consistent measure summed the differences between the four paired items plus the single item score, These average single constructed a monitoring - and the subjects of this research) than (the among top-management (the monitors themselves). 4.2.3. The Budgetary Participation participation measures developed by Milani (1975) and Hofstede (1967) were both employed in this study, as a crude means of validating one another. Previous use of both measures in a single study (Brovmell, 1982) revealed that the two measures correlated significantly (0.74). The Milani measure is a six item Likert type 12 scale, each item calling for a response from one construction the of scale The seven. to score, overall and designed for an additive is factor performed previously a analysis of the scale (Brownell, 1982) provides adequate confirmation of the sin^ile factor nature of the measure. The measure llofstede calling for one response. But since hypothesis the Table 6 only at r = of 0.59 were participation budgetary concerning tests both measures. correlated measures tv;o the validation because of scale single In my previous use of both measures tests Milani's for hypothesis anchored fully eight -point, an is I , structure. its in relied on study, this performed using reports descriptive statistics for each. INSERT TABLE 6 HERE Results 5.0 H The : first between MBE and motivation. yielded a coefficient not proposed hypothesis r The = -0.09 which, significant. statistically simple an negative overall between correlation relationship the measures while in the predicted direction, is Hence, null the hypothesis of no relationship cannot be rejected. In order to further explore this with each of P_'s, the the nine eight EVs and intrinsic the three results are presented in Table 7. 13 result, MBE was correlated separately valences (both components used IV^ to , the nine construct P^^. The and IV^^) INSERT TABLE Taken individually, in coefficients the HERE 7 Table fail 7 uncover to compensating effects of HBE on the separate components of the model. jointly, hov;ever, do results the propositions offered earlier. MBE and each of the nine expected relationship on MBE page 4). (see occurrence this less is existed signed IV, v/as eight are , A binomial test than and of of significantly), (one a or EV. no particular (both contingent relationship positive correlations significant. as probability of the while that IV eight the highly is also theoretical the nine correlations betv;een indicated that either evidence Six one and for support of negative Note 0.02. some found. 0,11) < (p s ' between MBE goal-accomplishment), and P„ some offer In particular, any Taken This are betv/een positively result provides tentative support for a slight variation of the dissonance-resolving process discussed earlier. There I suggested that MBE could operate to shift valued outcomes from those contingent on external agents associated with goal-accomplishment Finally, all implying that three the goal-directed (IV and behavior EV.), assessments of use of MBE assessments of goal-difficulty. is are P. are more (EV. (^^k^ highly ) to those ^^ internal opposed to under MBE. valued negatively associated with MBE, associated with increased subjective This possibility was also alluded to in the earlier discussion. H : The second hypothesis was that increased budgetary participation would favorably influence the relationship between MBE and motivation. 14 As a this first test of participation scores of sets two the hypothesis, vjere measures dichotomized into their upper and lower halfs, and the correlation between computed (high condition correlations MBE and Tabic low). versus 8 participation are under high reports consistent are results The test). for approximately zero, < (p measures of 4 while 0.05, The under one-tail participation. for example, Winkler and Hays Using the Fisher transformation (see, p. both results. the low participation they are both significantly negative participation each under observed motivation 653), the two correlations under each participation measure [1975] differ at p < 0.05, providing support for the rejection of H^. INSERT TABLE 8 HERE A motivation means efficient more on the MliE, dichotomized multiplicative interaction term. then be ur,ed to estimate of regressions simple testing of the H^ involves participation a scores The coefficients from this intercept motivation on slope, and MBE - one regression (+1/-1), a regression can respectively, for of and each of of two the two participation groups. The regression equation was: where Y = a + 3,X^ Y = Motivation X. = MBE, rescaled, mean = zero. -f B^X^ + 33X^X2, (2) X„ = Budgetary Participation (+1 = high, -1 = low) In this model, high values of MBE (positive) will combine with +1 15 for high participation produce a positive interaction to terra. values Lov? of MBE (negative) will combine with -1 for Low participation, also to produce a positive interaction Motivation should generally be higher in these terra. conditions, so a positive interaction coefficient, 3^, v/as The results of the regression are presented in Tables expected. 9 (for the Milani c participation measure) and (for 10 the Hofstede reveal positive interaction coefficients, the 0.10 level. These results each is but consistent are Both analyses measure). significant with the above at only correlation tests. INSERT TABLES As a Milani final measure relationship analysis, (Table between the 9) 9 AND 10 HERE from coefficients utilized v;ere motivation and MBE to the reconstruct separately using regression a functional high under the and low participation:lligh Low These participation: Y = 10.46 + 0.35X^ participation: Y = two functions intersect at in Equation it is 2, somewhat (3) 9.46 - 6.11X (4) X,=-0.15. Since this point of intersection is unlikely (at least 16 on the basis X^ has X - 1.240x, of the a mean of zero indicating that present sample) to higher on MBE which score encounter a under coefficient motivation for that, higher general, in be to positive significant, the indicates participation) (on 3„ Indeed, participation. low low sufficiently is participation is associated with higher motivation. Conclusions 6.0 of results The were study this disappointing. generally overall pattern tends to be consistent with the the particulcirly contingency significance and explanatory power of limitations of the study feel, I , theoretical propositions, levels the hypothesis, statistical of major The tests were marginal. the the VThile revolve around the conceptualization of Three particular problems v/ith the model used in this the expectancy model. study are as follov/s. it First, IV,). Second, issue The of classes it is (as why unclear only is valence and IV,) are plausible is for but outcomes, (IV provides for outcomes (for "weights" v/hat , IV, , unclear v/hether the apply should and of classes tvjo to each each incorporated EV) of intrinsic in this study) that a particular three the the model? outcomes It and IV^ of in intended to be viewed as mutually exclusive. assumed extrinsic multiple model intrinsic the single (IV seems more intrinsic outcome could arise from both goal-directed behavior and goal accomplishment, and be valued differently according to each source. Third, and perhaps most important, the model fails to allow for the possibility of extrinsic rev/ards associated with goal-directed behavior. likely to react to job-effort Both superiors and peers (goal-directed behavior) as they are are to as job performance (goal-accomplishment) on the part of an individual. The importance of this last issue is in connection with a reconciliation 17 of the behavioral and agency theoretical perspectives on MBE. MBE involves model, variance a In the agency investigation strategy which will yield performance, (agent's) further signal regarding the subordinate's a a signal which might indicate, for example, that an unfavorable variance was due to a lack of subordinate effort as subordinate's opposed to factors beyond the r control. So long as the subordinate perceives that the signal generated by is investigation the promise this is of not an investigation is true or v;hether appropriate Demski, risk-averse for gives investigation it strategies subordinates. the that showed (1979) receive MBE) (i.e. attention more of a of the (Baiman and outcome "lottery" particularly find subordinates risk-averse particularly are uncertain The characteristics the which 192-193) pp. variances then exerts, he Holmstrom Baiman and Demski (1980) extended this result and investigation low-tail effort the motivating. unfavorable not than favorable variances. showed that of independent Hence, it follov/s that the use of MBE would be associated with distasteful. greater effort on the part of such subordinates to perform at a level which will avert the unfavorable variance which triggers the investigation. the In P„EV, context the capture might , of the with this associated with goal-directed such a will reward probability goal-directed administering that be the effort EV^^. superior's on P3 forthcoming, the would part and or, P^ in investigation of therefore the is an the will capture the uncertainty reward probability context, reveal subordinate, term, a extrinsic agency the of the of represents EV behavior, inclusion effects motivational investigation. associated the model, expectancy the that the substantial basis probabilistic for outcome of the variance investigation process and we might predict that it would be positively associated with MBE. 18 Interestingly, which specifically from my study do Staw (1977) advocates a version of incorporates not permit a ^^^^h measurement ^^^^' of it. the expectancy model Unfortunately, It' seems that the data such an expanded model might provide a fruitful basis for some future integration of the behavioral and econorao c perspectives on MBE, which, on the basis of the results presented in Table 5, appears to be in widespread use in budgetary control systems. 19 TABLE I Means and Standard Deviations of Intrinsic Valences, and Assessment of Differences among the Valences (Two-tailed, paired sample t-test) Outcome'*' TABLE 2 Means and Standard Deviations of Extrinsic Valences Mean Outcome* Std. Dev. 1. 3.09 0.84 2. 0.70 0.88 3. 3.10 0.87 4. 2.25 1.10 5. 3.16 0.81 6. 2.30 0.83 7. 1.41 1.07 8. -1.09 1.30 9. 1.79 1.27 * See appendix for list of outcomes numbered in table. 21 TABLE 3 Means and Standard Deviations of Probabilities/Instrumentalities and Correlations among ?i items TABLE 4 Mean, Standard Deviation, and Range of Final Motivation Measure Mean TABLE 5 Descriptive Statistics for MBE Mean Item Std. Dev. 0.14 0.81 Unfavorable variances receive more managerial attention than favorable variances Unfavorable variance; Favorable variances Difference 0.58 0.34 0.24 12.22 My explanation of * budget variances is included in performance reports. 0.63 0.53 0.10 6.16 My superiors discuss budget items with me when * variances occur. 0.77 0.49 0.28 13.92 I am required to submit an explanation in writing about causes of large _2 budget variances. 0.56 0.50 0.06 2.77 I am required to trace the cause of £ variances to groups or individuals within my department. Descriptive Statistics for Final Measure of MBE Mean 0.299 + Std. Dev, 0.125 A paired sample t-test was used. 24 Maxiraura 0.67 TABLE 6 Descriptive Statistics for MiLani and llofstede Measures Mean Milani Hofstede Std. Dev. Min. Ma> 32.99 5.40 14 42 5.46 1.38 1 8 25 TABLE 7 Correlations betv/een MBE and Expectancy- Model Components Outcome"^ N = 122 TABLE 8 Correlation between MBE and motivation under high versus low participation High Participation Low Participation Difference* * ' Milani (N=12l) Hofstede (N=120) 0.02 (n=65) 0.04 (n=67) -0.23 (n=56) -0.24 (n=53) t-1.83, p < 0.05 Tests performed under the null hypothesis that in the high participation group. 27 t=2.01, p p < 0.05 = the sample correlation Table 9 Results of Regression based oa Milan! measure Coefficient Table LO Results of Regression based on Hofstede Measure Coeffic Appendix List of Outcomes Eight intrinsic and nine extrinsic outcomes were used in this study. To avoid cluttering the tables, the outcomes were numbered as follows: Intrinsic Extrinsic 1. Pay Raise 1« Personal growth and development 2. High Pay 2. Setting higher standards for yourself 3. Respect from boss 3. Giving help to others 4. Respect from other employees 4. Time at 5. Receiving more compliments 5. Feelings of security 6. Greater chances for independent 6. v.'ork passing fast Setting higher standards for others thought and action 7. Fevrer chances to make friends 7. Feelings of accomplishment 8. Special reward or recognition 8. Being tired 9. Promotion 30 Footnotes 1. These raw scores were reversed and rescaled by subtracting five from all "neutral" responses score zero, As a result of this procedure, scores. while responses in the "desirable" direction positively score (one to four) and responses in the undesirable direction score negatively (minus r one to minus four). 2. The complement of the score on the item can be viev;ed single the as probability that both favorable and unfavorable variances receive equal attention, or that variances favorable of indicate 0.5 Therefore, it the might be MBE of presence attention more receive than In this sense, only scores in excess unfavorable (i.e., "reverse" MBE). argued that as defined should 0.5 be this in study. from all subtracted scores on the single measure before its addition to the sum of the four difference scores. Such (0.1) from the constant would procedure a result in final scores for MBE and vrould, subtracting a therefore, not affect the results in any way. 3. Of the ten intercorrelations among the five items used to construct the MBE measure, five were significant at p 0.01, < one at p < 0.02, and the remaining four were either insignificant or signficant at no better than p < 0.10. These last four intercorrelations first of the four difference measures this result, (omitting the an alternative, uncorrelated (see four-item item). Table MBE However, 5). measure none of all On was the involved the the basis of constructed test results reported in the results section of this paper is affected by the choice between the four- and five-item measures. 31 involving and Hilani measure the N to = tests for 120 involving the This was due, in each case, to improper completion of llofstede measure. the participation measure involved. 5, None of participation and (X^) between correlation model, in In the Hilani model, MBE and interaction the Hofstede variables independent the intercorrelated. term MBE these was (X,) and (X. the model either significantly v/as the biserial correlation between -0.01. X„), three correlations the risk-averse product-moment The was term interaction participation between and 0.09, were, In 0.08. respectively, the -0.03, 0.00, and 0.10. 6. In other words, investigation motivated to avoid. subordinates, "reward." investigation, represents a subordinate, penalty which implies subordinate that the Bairaan and Demski also show that, the investigation strategy (lottery) This risk-tolerant for strategy is, high-tail a perform to at a variance. 32 level strategy at a which level low-tail is for risk-tolerant should be used as a motivate a which will a subordinate will which produce induces a the favorable References Argyris, C, The Impact of Budgets on People. New York: Controllership Foundation, 1952. Atkinson, J. W. of Motives, , "Towards Experimental Analysis of Human Motivation in Terms Expectations and Incentives." Motives in Fantasy Action and Society. Bainan, S. and J. S. Deniski , in J. New York: \J. Atkinson, Editor, Van Nostrum, 1958. "Economically Optimal Performance Evaluation Studies on Economic Consequences of Financial and and Control Systems." 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