advisor 1 Advisor Training – IT Resources Mainframe & Web The Online Audit ...................................................................................................................................................................................2 The Login Screen ..............................................................................................................................................................................3 Choose the Term ...............................................................................................................................................................................4 General Services ...........................................................................................................................................................................5 Information Available on the Online Audit .............................................................................................................................5 Audit Information Available ......................................................................................................................................................6 Don't Forget...................................................................................................................................................................................9 IAPROD (the mainframe)..............................................................................................................................................................10 IAPROD QUICK SIGN ON CHECKLIST ...........................................................................................................................10 Sign On .........................................................................................................................................................................................11 Sample Computer Screens in IAPROD.......................................................................................................................................12 Initial Menu .................................................................................................................................................................................12 003 All Addresses ......................................................................................................................................................................14 105 Course Section.....................................................................................................................................................................15 107 Class List..............................................................................................................................................................................16 109 Student Schedule.................................................................................................................................................................16 Screen 130 – Course Section Meeting Schedule....................................................................................................................17 120 Graphic Student Schedule .................................................................................................................................................18 Screen Help ..........................................................................................................................................................................................20 From Mainframe Data Entry Help for Registrar (just for FYI) ..............................................................................................20 Screen 3 ........................................................................................................................................................................................20 Screen 111 ...................................................................................................................................................................................20 IAPROD User ID Request form – request SIS access, & the Advisor template.............................................................20 1 advisor 2 The Online Audit On the Marist College Academics page we have placed both Student Faculty Resources online. One of the important resources is Student Audits As an advisor you can connect to the same data the students have available LIVE from the mainframe by choosing the Online Grading Link on the far right side This will take you to a login page. Click on the blue button and provide your Marist Computing Account. If you have been at Marist College a while your account is likely to begin with a ‘J’. This url (Uniform Resource Locator, geek speak for webpage address) is rather long: once you have it in your browser window you might want to bookmark it. How? Well if you are using Internet Explorer, up in the toolbar choose FAVORITES and then Add to Favorites. Can’t see it? Turn on the standard buttons by using View – Toolbars Standard Buttons. If you are using Netscape you’d choose Bookmarks, and then Bookmark this page. 2 advisor 3 The Login Screen In order to identify yourself, you must provide a Marist "J account and Password when prompted. When entering your Password, make sure that you enter it EXACTLY. Make sure that you don't enter more than 8 characters. If you enter your Password incorrectly, or enter more than 8 characters, you will receive a 403 forbidden message. If you receive this message, you will have to exit your browser completely and try to access the audit again. 3 advisor 4 Choose the Term 4 advisor 5 General Services Audits are available for undergraduate students who began their Marist career in Spring 1990 or later. Information Available on the Online Audit There is an amazing wealth of information now available to you online where once you only had access to live data on the Mainframe. Once you pick a term you have access to the students’ unofficial transcript, a breakout of transfer credits, holds, and registration status and many other items. You now can search for a student by name or by Student ID number. 5 advisor 6 Audit Information Available 6 advisor 7 7 advisor 8 8 advisor 9 Don't Forget In order for your Advisee to request courses via the online registration process you must ENABLE this feature for them during your advising sessions. 9 advisor 10 To keep your audit information private, you MUST exit your browser completely after viewing your audit. This is especially important if you are accessing your audit from a public area such as a lab. Do NOT permit the browser to cache your id and password. It is usually a good idea to restart your machine. IAPROD (the mainframe) IAPROD QUICK SIGN ON CHECKLIST 1. System ID: MVS 2. Sign On Command: IAPROD 3. System Number: 001 4. Operator Number: assigned 5. Passwords ARE case sensitive. If you are blocked due to a bad password, check your CAPS LOCK and try again. Password problems and resets can be called into the HelpDesk at Ext. 4357. 10 advisor 11 IAPROD Sign On Signing onto IAPROD requires that you have an IA User account.* This will be a numeric operator ID often as simple as four digits. The Student Information System is separate from your Lotus Notes email, your Web Grading/Elearning/Online Audit J account. IAPROD accounts are not automatically issued. The IAPROD user request form requires your supervisors’ signature as well as that of the REGISTRAR prior to delivery to HelpDesk. 11 advisor 12 001 is always used for the Student Information System Sample Computer Screens in IAPROD Initial Menu YY_ Format Type data on top line as requested: screen number or letters, name, semester, etc (eg 00F) Include all call letters and the section # sections Screen: ___ SID: _________ Course: ___________ F=Fall, S=Spring W=Winter U+Summer Term: ___ Printer Code: __ Basic Rule of Thumb: To find more information or to understand tabled values, place your cursor over the data in question and press F2. This will show you all tabled values and possibly explain how they are used. F4 removes you from the table and returns you to the screen. 12 advisor 13 13 advisor 14 003 All Addresses Permanent address Basic Contact Information 003 All Addresses Screen: ___ SID: 068820035 Sophomore, Suzy Q Course: ___________ Name: Sophomore, Suzy Q. Salutation: Nickname: 01 Street Line 1: 12 Weldon St Line 2: City State Zip: Brooklyn NY 11208 Country Phone: US 718-342-1476 Int: 02 Street Line 1: MSC 11089 Campus Box # Line 2: City State Zip: POUGHKEEPSIE NY Country Phone: US Int: 03 Street Line 1: 410-C MIDRISE Location & campus phone number Line 2: City State Zip: Poughkeepsie NY 12601 Country Phone: US -575-5249 Int: Term: ___ Special Name Flag: Suppress Name Roll: Directory Restriction: Usage P B Route: Maint/Oper e 09-29-2000 l 0218 M Route: 09-03-2001 0029 L Route: 07-06-2003 SIS 14 advisor 15 105 Course Section A student could add Section 118, or 113 but could not expect to get Section 117. 15 advisor 16 107 Class List You can obtain a class list after you find the section you want 107 Class List Screen: ___ SID: 999999999 COMMUNITY PSYCH TORRES, R. Course: PSYC222L114 Term: 02F FALL 2003 Page Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Student Name FREUD, ANNA M JUNG, CARL ERIKSON, ERIC K ADLER, ALFRED BECK, ARNOLD PERLS, FRITZ ROGERS, CARL LONERGAN, BERNARD MASLOW, ABRAHAM GILLIGAN, CAROL Student ID 999-99-9999 999-99-9999 000-00-0000 111-11-1111 222-22-2222 333-33-3333 444-44-4444 555-55-5555 666-66-6666 777-77-7777 Col Cls Maj SB CO SB SB CO SB CO SB SB SB SR SR SR FR SR JR JR JR JR JR CRJU COMP CRJU PSYC COMP SCWK COMP PSYC CRJU PSYC 1 of 1 Registration Status Enrolled Enrolled Enrolled Enrolled Enrolled Enrolled Enrolled Enrolled Enrolled Enrolled 109 Student Schedule To view an advisees complete schedule w/ room numbers & instructors 16 advisor 17 Student Term Attributes Screen 130 –Course Section Meeting Schedule 17 advisor 18 120 Graphic Student Schedule 136 Transcript Display Sophomore, Suzy Q Screen: ___ SID: 999999999 Career: U Undergraduate Unofficial MARIST UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC RECORD Test Scores: 01-30-95 SAT VERB=450, MATH=690, TOT=1140 01-30-95 ACT COMP=26 Degrees Awarded: BACHELOR OF ARTS May 31, 2003 School of Computer Science & Mathematics Major: Mathematics Minor: Psychology Minor Cum GPA: 3.164 Transfer Credit Applied to FALL 1995 ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSITY HIST COURSE/GEN 3.00 HIST COURSE/GEN 3.00 School Total: 6.00 -----------------------FALL 1997------------------------Admitted Program: Computer Science/Math BACHELOR OF ARTS Major: Mathematics ----------------------------------------------------------ART 125L112 ARTS - VALUES A3.00 11.10 ENG 116L134 COLLEG WRITNG I B+ 3.00 9.90 HIST135L115 ORIGINS-MOD TIME B 3.00 9.00 MATH221L111 CALCULUS I A3.00 11.10 PSYC101L115 INTRO PSYCHOLOGY A3.00 11.10 Dean's List AHRS EHRS QHRS QPTS GPA Current 15.00 15.00 15.00 52.20 3.480 Cumulative 21.00 21.00 15.00 52.20 3.480 Printer Code: __ Next Page: __ Next Page: __ AHRS=Attempted Hours; EHRS=Earned Hours Current=Average of Current Semester Grades 18 advisor 19 Semester driven GRD Grade Display Screen: ___ FR SID: 999999999 CC BS IS Sophomore, Suzy Q Course: ___________ Term: 03S SPRING 1999 COMPUTER SCI II COLL WRITING II ORIGINS-MOD TIME COMP STUD CONC DISCRETE MATH I Grade CB BB+ B CMSC-121L-113 ENG -117L-144 HIST-135L-118 IS -130L-112 MATH-250L-112 Term GPA Cumulative GPA thru 02F Transfer Hours - 6.00 Total Hours - 35.00 008 Biographic & Demographic 2 Screen: ___ SID: 999999999 2.740 2.859 Earn Hrs 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Qual Hrs 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Qual Points 5.10 9.00 8.10 9.90 9.00 15.00 35.00 15.00 29.00 41.10 82.90 Sophomore, Suzy Q Course: ___________ Term: 03S 1st Next-of-kin Name: Robin Torres 1st NOK Relationship: Commencement Name: HMSD ID Number: Stu Cohort Term: Student Type: Student Location: Special Tag: Matric Date: Beginning Semester: Veteran Flag: Student Lottery Slot: Student Lottery Slot #: 99F 0 20 REGULAR STUDENT MARIST COLLEGE CAMPUS 09-01-1999 98F Course change period appointment times N F01 0102 Student Employed: Business Phone: Date Last Maint: 06-07-03 19 advisor 20 Screen Help From Mainframe Data Entry Help for Registrar (just for FYI) Screen 3 You can perform a name search from one of the name by entering up to 16 characters of the name in the Action/Context Line. Alternatively, you can search entering up to 9 characters of the name in the SID search screens (002 or 102) SID field in the from any SIS screen by field. Either way, use this format: last name (space) first name. Don't use commas or special characters such as an apostrophe. Screen 111 Prerequisites The student must have a matriculation record before term information can be entered on this screen. IE. You must enter the term and they must be registered at least one credit. Action Line Enter SID and Term. (If you are entering program changes, be sure to use the Term in which they will take effect.) Source of Data The student's program information is carried over from the Admissions Application Screens (2U6, 2G6), or the Quick Admit Screen (11A), where the primary and possibly secondary program(s) are initially entered. IAPROD User ID Request form – request SIS access, & the Advisor template See : 20