iiiiiS lv:':(fi; !. •!!' imm-s) ^ I ALFRED P. SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT LIMIT LAWS FOR EXTREME ORDER STATISTICS FROM STRONG-MIXING PROCESSES"'' by Roy E. Welsch Working Paper 533-71 May 1971 50 E OF TECHNOLOGY MEMORIAL DRIVE iMBRIDGE. MASSACHUSETTS 021' MA.SS. INST. TECH. MAY 24 1971 LIMIT LAWS FOR EXTREME ORDER STATISTICS FROM STRONG-MIXING PROCESSES by £.Cn 1 Roy E. Welsch Working Paper 533-71 May 1971 Science Foundation through ^This research was supported by the National N0O14-67-A-0112-0015 at Stanford its Graduate Fellowship program, contract Institute of University and DA-31-124-ARO-D-209 at the Massachusetts Technology. DevweV RECEIVED JUN 23 I M. I. 1971 T. Ubr<Mrtife# 2. ABSTRACT This paper considers the possible limit laws for a sequence of normalized extreme order statistics (maximum, second maximum, etc.) from a stationary strong-mixing sequence of random variables. It extends the work of Loynes who treated only the maximum process. The maximum process leads to limit laws that are the same three types that occur when the underlying process is a sequence of inde- pendent random variables. The results presented here show that the possible limit laws for the k-th maximum process (k>l) from a strong- mixing sequence form a larger class than can occur in the independent case. 537448 3aCi-iY OS I MOS Classification Numbers (1970): Key Words: Primary 62E20 Secondary 62G30 order statistics, mixing processes, asymptotic distributions, reliability. 1. Introduction The limiting distributions of the extreme order . statistics from a sequence of independent, identically distributed random variables have been exhaustively analyzed by Gnedenko [2] and Smlrnov [8] Many authors have generalized these results for the . maximum term by relaxing the independence assumption in various ways, e.g. Loynes [5] showed that the only possible limit laws for the maximum term in a stationary strong-mixing seauence of random variables are the same three types that occur in the independent case. This paper extends the work of Loynes by considering the possible limit laws of order statistics of fixed rank other than the maximum. It is shown that these limit laws form a larger class than can occur in the independent case. These results were motivated in part by a specific model from Consider a system of n identical components in reliability theory. parallel such that the lifetime of a component is dependent in a certain way (e.g. a mixing condition) on the lifetimes of its nearest In effect we expect that if a particular component neighbors. fails (say because of excess heat) its nearest neighbors are highly likely to be the next components to fail. We also assumed the system would continue to operate if only one component failed but the sustem itself would fail if two or more component failures occurred. The lifetime of the system is then represented by the (n-l)9t order statistic of the sequence X, ,X^,...,X 1 / n of component lifetimes where the X, 1 are identically 5. distributed and satisfy a specified dependence relation. the n-th order statistic is the minimum. In our notation Since most of the literature discusses maximia rather than minima we will deal with the maximum and second maximum. for minima. A simple transformation converts our results to ones 6. Notation and Preliminary Results 2. . If <X :n >_ 1^ is a strictly stationary sequence of random variables with common distribution function F(x) = P{X <X n x}, the associated independent process of the process <_ will be any sequence of mutually independent identically n > l"^ ' — : distributed random variables <X ^ n : —> Define the order statistics Y X. i i ,n •^ «= Y- {(X^ i1 (2.1) x} = F(x) for all by largest among (X ,X , ...,X ,...,X. 1 [4]) 1^ ^ ) n = Y, l,n and denote the o-field generated by events of the form )7\ ) e E}, where 1 m m-dimensional Borel set. (cf. —< It will be technically convenient to consider the joint law . / ,n Let n We shall limit our discussion to i=l,2 and set M process. n with P{X 1^ ' denote the order statistics of the associated independent and let Y, S n Iz a < i, —< — Then \X , A e n < b and E is an m — < i„ <. >^ 1^ will be called strong-mixing . .< i if sup{lP(AB)-P(A)P(B)| : >»™, Loynes [5] referred to (2.1) as uniform B e y\^^) mixing. 1 a(k) + (k-- The following lemma is a direct consequence of the work of Gnedenko Lemma [ 2 ] If there exists a sequence of constants _1. n n nn—<ay+b} n n—<ax+6,S so that P{M /a :n y >^ has a limiting distribution the limiting distribution of P{M H(x,y), with G(x), 0, b > a x + b <_ } non-degene ra te , then G(y){l + log [G(x)/G(y)]} y < x G(x) y >^ X H(x,y) Since P{M n Proof. 4 of [2] that For X > —< + b a x n n = F"(a x } n(l - F(a x + b n n n )) + b n ) - log G(x) -^ ^- G(x) we have by Lemma when G(x) ^ 0. y P{M n nn—<£y+b}=F(ay+b) n n n n n—<ax+b,S + nF"~''^(£ y and the result follows. n + b n ) [F(a x + b ) - F(a y n n n + b n ) ] Gnedenko also proved that G(x) has only three possible forms (except for scale and location parameters) X) = ] x) = X < X > 0, X < 0, a > X >_ X < / r exp[-(-x)"] J -00 The symbol G(x) Lemma 1 < a > °°. will be used to denote one of these types. shows that for an independent process there are only three possible types for the joint law H(x,y). It seems conjecture that in view of Loynes' result for M reasonable to from a strong-mixing process (only three possible limit laws) there would only be three possible types for the joint limit law of M simple example demonstrates. and S when the under- This is not true as the following lying process is strong-mixing. Let ^Z :n >^ 1^ be a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables with distribution function T(.) and assume that T(') is in the domain of attraction of one of the three limit laws in (2.2), i.e. T"(a X + b n Example 1 . n ) there exist constants a n b , n such that ^ G(x). Let X^ = max (Z^, Z ) , n=l,2, ... is a stationary strong-mixing sequence, P{M < . Then ^X a x + b } : -> n >_ l') G(x) and n n—<ax P{M Proof b,S n n—<ay n Clearly . case M + = : n (X. X b}-* n H(x,y) where ) = max (Z. 1 , . . . ,Z . . n+1 ) (Z P{M n " S n } —> P{M y < X y >^ X Now in this 1^ is a strong-mixing sequence. >^ In max n ^ + If M . n ,Z n ,J) n+1 = Z, i-2, i = M n . Therefore (n-l)/n+l and the example follows immediately since n —< a X + b } = T"'''^(a x + b ) * G(x). n n n n This method of constructing a strong-mixing sequence is due to Newell [6]. The limit law (2.3) is not of the same form as H(x,y) and we conclude that by weakening the independence assumption a larger class of limit laws is possible. In the next section we prove a result which limits the size of this class. 10. 3. Possible Limit Laws Theorem Let <X :n 1. >^ . 1> be a stationary strong-mixing sequence. If there exists a sequence of constants /a ^^"n - ^n^ ^n' ^n - ^n^ "^ 0, b > ^ n "*" n ' — iN :n > so that ^^^ ^ limiting distribution, H(x,y), ^n^ with G(x), the limiting distribution of P{M n —< a x n + b n } non-deaenerate, * then rG(y){l -p[(log Q(x))/log r(y)] G( log G(y)} y < X H(x,y) \g(x) where pCs), £ » 1, <_ y l8 a concave, monotone ^ X non-increasing function which satisfies p(0)(l- s) 1 P(9) 1 1 - s. G(-) is one of the three types (2.2) and we interpret («>/°°) = 1, (0/0) - 1, and (0/«) - 0. Proof. The essential idea (cf. Loynes [5]) is t* brekk up sets of km random variables (k fixed, m m-q separated by blocks of length q. >^ 1) into k blocks of length The fact that the blocks of length m-q are "nearly independent" because of the strong-mixing property is then used to obtain a functional equation for H(x,y). For X <^ result. y the assumptions of the theorem are the same as for Loynes 's Therefore G(') is one of the three types (2.2)- Given an (k+l)(k-l)o(q) > e < and a fixed positive Integer £/2 and define k>_2, choose q so that 11. " M max X m > 1 —< q l<J<n] M max X., -._^. (i-l)m+i j^, q+1 <J<m ^ = . m,i . k 1 < — -^ M* max = ""' X,, l<j<q "n " "'^'^ ^ ,v ,, (i-l)"^J Vl' V2' • '\*^q+m+-l'\4mf2' • S m second maximum. shovn in Lemma ., m,i S' m,i j« i <^ N, kP{E S , n < , . 2 at ' '^2m' n = km . are defined similarly for the •^ M' m,i It is }. the end of this section tha< Furthermore P{E »' for 2 > S Denote by E the event {S m,i m,i lim P{E^ ,} = 0. nt+<x> m , ' \m^ "•V(k-l)n^l'V(k-l)m+2 The quantities ^ • .} "''• = P{E ,} "-'• Since q is now fixed we may choose an N so that k. -} m, 1 < f or e/2(k+3). The first step is to show that (3.1) <ax+b,S n nn—<ay+b}n n llmlP{M ^' n— P^{M m—< a y n + b n } n=km m—<ax+b,S nm—<ay+b}n n n k[P{M P{M m—< a y n + b n }] k-1 P{M —< m a y + b n-' n }j ^ = 0, 12. For X y and m > P{M (3.2) N > n nn—<ay+b}n n—<ax+b,S n-^ P{M n—< + a X n b nn— S , a y + b } < n n — < E P{E ^^ J —< e/2 (k+3) m,i Now n—<ax+b,S n n n—<ay+b n P{M - P{M n r a y + b } n n —< .<ay+b; ZP{ay+b n <Mm,i,<ax+b,S — n m,i — n n n + ._, n-^ M ^<ay - n^ m,j b,l<j<k, - n' + J » jf^i] J and the strong-mixing property implies that (3.3) n n—<ax+b,S nn—<ay+b}n P^{M |P{M m,l—< n-' ' - kP{a n , a y + b n"' n y+b n <Mm,l,<ax+b,S ,<ay+b} — n m,l — n n n ^*'~'^^\,1 - V "^ ^n^l - (^-1>«<'5) + k(k-l)a(q) £ e/2. Finally we have that (3.4) } -<ax+b,S ,<ay+bl m,l— m,l— n n n n P{M - P{M^ < a^x + b^, S^ < a^y + b^} < P{E^^^} < c/2k(k+3) 13. Combining (3.2), (3.3), and (3.4) gives + b,S <ay + b}n nn— 'n—<ax n |P{M p'^{M n^ m—< a y n + b n } m—<ay+b}] n^ nm—<ay+b}-P{M n m—<ax+b,S n n n - k[P{M .P^~-'-{M < a + b )! m - n-'y n < E ' In particular, when x = y from which (3.1) follows. 'n— lim|p{M (3.5) Set a a X + b < n mnmin = a /a , We have remarked that F mm F (a x + b that G m ) 1/k (y) -> = b m (b (x) G"'"'^(k). P^{M - } n m—< b )/a ninni - -» G(:t) , a x + b n }| n' =0. and F (t) = P{M m m —< a t + b m m }. and from (3.5) it follows that A theorem of Khintchine ([3], p. 40) states and G(y) must be of the same type, i.e., there exist real-valued constants a such that G > and m—< a y + b S, (a, y + B, ) = G(y) and Let Q (x,y) = kP^""^{M m m m m—<ax m }P{M + b,S mm—<aym + b}, m Q(x,y) = kG''"-'-(y)H(x,y), and assume that (x,y) and for H. (ax + 6, , a.y + Equation (3.1) is equivalent to 6, ) are points of continuity 14. lim Q (a X + b m m m , a y + b m m ) = H(x,y) + (k-l)G(y). But a standard argument ([3], p. 41) shows that lim Q (a X + b , a y + b ) = Q(o, x + ^ m' m-' m ^m m k 6, k , a, y + 6, ) k"^ k G(aj^y + H^)] and therefore H(x,y) = G(y) + k[H(a^x + 6^, (3.6) . when X ^ + &^) - a^^y G(^-^>/Ny) y. It is apparent from (2.1) increasing for t such that < that G(t) is continuous and strictly G(t) G(y) (3.8) H(x2,y) - H(x^,y) <. y < G(X2) - From (3.7) we have that H(x,y) = and H(x,y) = Furthermore 1. H(x,y) and (3.7) if G(y) = 0. < 1 G(xp <_ x Yl^il^Z' if G(y) = 1 and from (3.6) H(x,y) = Finally (3.8) implies that H(x,y) = lim H(t,y) if G(x) = if G(x) = 0. Therefore if x >^ y it is possible to express H(x,y) in the form H(x,y) - R(-log G(x), - log G(y)) Moreover H(x,y) has the same form if x < = y, R(u,v) so that we may take 1, 15. 1 With u < V < (3.9) f < <» equation (3.6) takes the simple form k (u.v) = kf (u/k, v/k) ^ 1 function so that H(x,y) = H(x',y') lim x+x' ,y+y' or 1 we have and since G(') is monotone increasing except when G(') = R(u/r, v/r) = R(u/r', v/r') lim (3.10) < u < v r4-r'>0 Using (3.9) it is easy to show that f(u,v) = rf(u/r, v/r) for all rational r > 0. Then- (3.10) implies that f(u,v) = zf(u/z, v/z) for all real > 0. Now let z z = f(u,v) - vf(u/v, 1) v ^ so that > vp(u/v) and from (3.8) we obtain It is clear that p(l) * -s +1 -s +1 (3.12) < p(s^) - p(8,) < e ^ " e " 16, where s. - -log G(x^), s„ - -log G(x ) and log G(y) - -1. Therefore p(«) is continuous and monotone decreasing on [0,1] and p(') In order to show that p(0 >_ 0. is concave we will use the following lemma whose proof may be found in [7]. Lemma . Let r, s, Ar, As be any such numbers as and As - es (e , . ^ -^ is > 0) ii)(s+As) As , or r = s = - 4»(s) ^ - and i|/(r+Ar) < Ar < < As. r < s, Ar = er Then - 4'(r) Ar necessary and sufficient for the continuous bounded function i|/(') to be concave in [O,"). 17. For convenience in applying this letnma we extend the domain of =0 definition of p(') by letting p(s) for 1 _^ s < =». < G(x^) Since H(x,y) is a distribution function with X2 ^ x^, y^ 2. When x^ y^- > x^, y^ G(y 2) rp(s^) - p(s2)"| ?[ ^1-^2 i. Vj^. < 1, P(r^) - p(r2) ^1- J ^2 with r^ = (log G(x^))/log G(y^) and s^ = (log G(x^))/log G(y2), i - 1.2. If we set = (s -s )/s e = ^'^l~^2^''^2 ^^^^ ^2 ^ ^' ^^^^ (3.15) becomes pS2+As2) G(y 2) (3.16) G(y - p(s2)1 ?l J- where As. = es^ and Ar^ = er„. arbitrarily close to 1, ^ p(r2+Ar2) - p(r2) '~2 "^2 Since (3.15) must hold for G(y2)/G(yp (3.13) is satisfied. When ^2 = 52== 0,(3.15) again implies that (3.13) holds and therefore p(.) is concave in [0,1], Finally from (3.12) -S+1 -^ S-1—>^ 8-1^ / N , —< s < 1 18. so that 11m inf s+1 that p(s) _< [p (s)/(s-l) 1 - s. >^ ] -1. Since pCs) in concave we conclude Substituting for (u,v) in (3.11) completes the proof. Berman and Sibuya [7] have used similar arguments to obtain [1] limiting forms for bivariate extreme value distributions. The techniques used above generalize to the third maximum etc. but with increasing complexity. Lemma 2 . If then lim P{E Proof. ^X :n is a strictly stationary ergodic sequence 1^ >_ ,} = 0. m, 1 For ease of notation let E show that P{ ^ = E m and M' = M , and assume m m,l , m,l If <A represents the rational numbers r E } =» 0. r} < 1 then m=q+l such that P{X <^ PCOE m } —< m ?{({) E Z -D m reCA (M' m) —< m r)} and P{(nE J n I i=q+l P{X (M* < r)} ,, -< r, q+1 + P{X 1 ' r; X q+2 -< r,...,X, j q + _^„ >. ' ' 2}. i -< r, ' X,_^, i+2 19. By the strong law of large numbers for strictly stationary ergodic sequences lim n^ almost surely. for i ^ ( 1, ^^,)/(n-l) ^^j-''^ Z j=i+l = P{X, This implies that P^X and ?{() E } = ^ <_ £ r} r, follows immediately. X < 1 _< r,...} = 20. Conclusions A. Theorem . 1 clearly includes Lemma 1 and hence for an independent process p(s) = Let^Z n , 1^ be as in Example >^ X iM.n (n-l)k+l' max (Z, = n where k and £ 1 1 - s. In Example l>p(s) = 0. and set Z. ,.,,_,...,Z- ^^,.„) n=l,2,... ' (n-l)k+2' (n-l)k+£ are fixed positive integers. The sequence ^X n : >^ 1^ is strong-mixing and it is possible to show that there exist constants a n and b n so that P{M n <ay+b} —<ax+b,S n n n — n-' n converges and H(x,y) •j'-' n * is of the form given in Theorem 1 with p(s) = c(l - s) where c is a rational number, <^ c £ which is a function of k and 1, I. The proof is not difficult but rather tedious and the details will be omitted. Thus far we have only succeeded in constructing examples where p(-) is linear. The problem of finding a strong-mixing sequence leading to a strictly concave p(0 or sharpening Theorem 1 to exclude this case is still open. In the reliability model mentioned earlier, we note that Theorem implies that P{S < — n a x n + b n } - G(x)[l - p(0) log G(x)] and therefore the strong-mixing assumption can have a considerable effect on the asymptotic distribution of the second maximum (p(0) = independent case) being explored. . 1 in the The consequences of this result are currently 1 Acknowledgiment . The author wishes to express his appreciation to Professor Samuel Karlin of Stanford University for his guidance and encouragement. in [9]. A weaker version of Theorem 1 originally appeared 22. REFERENCES [1] Berman, S.M. (1961). Convergence to bivarlate extreme value distributions, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 13 217-223. . [2] Gnedenko, B.V. (1943). Sur la distribution du terme maximum d'une serie aleatoire, Ann. Math 44 423-453. [3] Gnedenko, B.V. and A.N. Kolmogorov (1968). Limit Distributions for Sums of Independent Random Variables Addison-Wesley Reading. Mass. . , [4] Ibragimov, I. A. (1962). Some limit theorems for stationary processes, Theor. Probability Appl 7 349-382. . [5] Loynes, R.M. (1965). Extreme values in uniformly mixing stationary stochastic processes, Ann. Math. Statist 36 993-999. . /*» —————^—— [6] Newell, G.F. (1964). Asymptotic extremes for m-dependent random variables, Ann. Math. Statist 35 1322-1325. [7] Sibuya, M. (1960). 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