y^^^^'^-^^^^j^ iJimEi HD28 .M414 IMAR 141991 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Johnny Canon vs. the Smothers Brothers Monolog vt. Dialog in CotUy Bilateral Comnunicatifln FredKohnan Massachusetts Institute of Technology Jim Ratliff University of California, Berkeley WP# 3254.91-EFA March 1991 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Johnny Canon vs. the Smothers Brothers Monolog y«. DUlog in Cottly Bilateral Communicatlan FredKofnun Massachusetts Institute o( Technology Jim Ratliff University of California, Berkeley WP# 3254-91-EFA March 1991 w^m "*-:r!v MJX MAR LIBRARir } 4 1991 H-U f ! Johnny Carson \rs. the Smothers Brothers !Mono[qg vs. (DiaCog in Fred Kofman Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Jim Ratliff Department of Economics University of CaHfomia, Berkeley February 27, 1991 was supported by National Science Foundation Grant IRI-8902813 This research and by the Shan Foundation. CostCy bilateral Communication Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlift of a common 1 organizations communicate with each other in order to coordinate their actions in pursuit goal. Bilateral information monolog would be typical Page Introduction !• Members of February 27. 1991 chooses an inventory strategist describes a a published forecast of market conditions in response to level. new exchanges can be broadly classified as monologs or dialogs. A A which a manager typical dialog could be a question-and-answer session; e.g. the chief product, the marketing prognosticator announces a sales estimate based on that description, and then the strategist decides whether to introduce the product. Our common sense and experience ubiquitous mode of communication tell us that dialog, in the real world. It some sense dominant, not in if provocative, then, to compare this observed is dialog-rich communication with the type of discourse manifested in traditional most models with asymmetric information an agent principal. Consideration is upon called is certainly a is economic analysis. In to report her private information to a usually restricted to mechanisms in which the agent fully and truthfully reveals the entirety of her private information models of a monolog world. (There is everything she knows, because you know no need that (i.e. she declares her "type")-^ In other words these are to ask a question of someone who you answer will receive the is planning to to every question tell you which she could possibly answer.) Why do we observe dialog in the world but not Principle in order to claim that no generality is in lost our models? Theorists invoke the Revelation when mechanisms. This exploitation of the Revelation Principle is When communication costless. 2 is is they focus upon tell-everything monolog only valid, however, costly, full revelation of type may when communication be so expensive as to be suboptimal, and efficiency in communication becomes a relevant criterion for the mechanism designer. This raises new questions of who should say what to whom and when and thereby introduces the possibility of observing dialog.^ The costs of communication is a theoretical lacuna which begs to be closed. As Tirole [1988: 49] has pointed out: "Neoclassical theory pays only lip service to the issue of communication. Information flows between members of an organization are limited only because of incentive compatibility even well-intentioned members of an organization ... may have information they possess to their relevant co-members, because information profit is hard to 'codify' to make maximizing under full some circumstances understandable to communication [1974: 5] advocates that before In it we can will not be its it is . . . However, trouble communicating all the too time consuming or because the receivers. Thus, decisions that would be made under imperfect communication." Arrow rigorously evaluate the market mechanism's claim to superior efficiency can be achieved without full revelation. Sec Groves and Ledyard [1977], Drfize and de la Valine Poussin [1971], and Malinvaud [1971]. McAfee and McMillan [1988] extend the Revelation Principle to a case in which the principal bears a communication cost but the agents do not. Even more communication has the potential to explain the existence of hierarchical organizational structures. (One outcome of a decentralized organization can be replicated by a centralized twoder structure; therefore hierarchy can never be strictly preferred.) See Melumad, Mookhetjee, and Reichelstein [1989] for work in this direction which adopts a message space dimensionality perspective on communication cost. generally, costly interpretation of the Revelation Principle holds that the Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlift economy we must "add informational Communication costs lead restrictions to our usual economic calculations an appropriate measure of the and transmission." costs of information gathering knowledge February 27, 1991 Page 2 bounded to — upon decisionmakers. Limited communication sources of bounded rationality, for example limited memory. a impose cognitive limitations rationality because they Dow is similar formally to other [1991] studies an agent searching for low price and asks how the agent can make optimal use of her limited memory for observed Clearly this — via prices. equivalent to a team^ communication problem with two partners. Past and Present, where is how the design decision is Past should use hmited communication resources to inform Present about the price Past observed. When communication is free and truthful revelation transmitted to a specified decisionmaker. information exchange, the the conversation more qualified whom some agents to the decision we In this paper initial make is assured, all relevant information can be However, when communication costs comprehensive inhibit a informational asymmetries are not completely obliterated; by the end of know some still may be must determine to Some things which others do not know. the choice-of-action decision, and therefore the designer agent would be optimally delegated and under what circumstances. posit the existence of communication costs in a bilateral team context. Our task is to determine the exact process by which private information should be shared and decisionmaking authority should be delegated. for one party to engage in a We will see that indeed there exist cases in monolog with the other; i.e. a dialog which would be suboptimal it would achieve a higher performance standard for a fixed communication cost. We are intrigued by three features of the optimal information sharing encountered during our research. efficiency it is First, they can have an unpredictable hfe of their own. we merely not sufficient that in a particular, To guarantee enrich the designer's toolkit to include a simplistic A capability of alternating question and answer. microphone change hands mechanisms we have rigid, fixed-sequence dialog — which dictates that the predetermined order and prescribes ahead of time a particular —can agent as the ultimate decisionmaker be suboptimal just as a rigid monolog can be. Instead, the designer must supply a communication algorithm, according to which the identity of the speaker at any stage and the identity of the ultimate decisionmaker are determined endogenously by the particular realization of the agents* private data. Just as a software engineer carmot predict precisely will result cannot — from a computer program without in first knowing ignorance of the agents' private information its input data, the — predict what output mechanism designer the sequence of speakers in the conversation or the identity of the decisionmaker. Secondly, it can be strictly better if occasionally neither party speaks action in complete ignorance of the other's private information the right to A team — letting one of them choose an even when they have already paid for communicate and when the choice of action could be improved by more precise knowledge in the sense of Marschak and Radner [1972] This communication is clearly limited to a is monolog a group whose members have only in paranormal fortunetelling rather than bounded rationality! which Past speaks to Present. common interests. The reverse direction would be a case of Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratliff February 27, 1991 Page 3 of that private information.^ The intuition for dehberate silence in increases the informativeness of communication in the remaining circumstances. some circumstances loss in this counterintuitive result is that a decisionmaking quaUty due to remaining silent in a A circumstance in vhich communication would be relatively ineffective anyway can be traded-off against a gain generated by the resulting increased informativeness in cases where communication A third interesting feature of these optimal We conversation. the size of the communication budget. Although we show more that dialog separability requirement. information it is — An If crucial. communication algorithms concerns who dominates who you cannot pay to spend, it Mathematically interpretation of this result —generated much for one agent talking, perhaps is the can be optimal to hear instead from the other. efficient. is the should do the most talking can depend on sometimes necessary for efficiency, we do establish is conditions under which monolog resuh more will see that the identity of the agent preferred lecttirer. If you have in the final is is that sufficient takes the form of an additive this monolog will be sufficient when the error by a given misestimate by the decisionmaker of her partner's private independent of the decisionmaker's private information. For monolog efficiency, then, is sufficient that the decision problem have a structure which the partners' private data do not in interact in this well-defined sense. The problem on the analytical issues raised by costly communication we will abstract away from In order to focus incentive issues and study the following problem:^ Consider a team of The designer's task is to construct a mechanism through which information with one another in order that one of them will depend on both of their privately each agent's private datum will be Our communication known at the cost measure is data. ' ^ are make privately informed team members share a decision (The designer does not know time the mechanism is (i.e. at members. their private which would optimally the time of design what implemented.) communication length and of binary digits (bits) in the longest possible exchange Thus we the two over is all worst-case: we pay for the number possible private data realizations)."* this is a principal part of its cost.^ emphasizing that communication takes time and that A Such an algorithm bean a formal resemblance to "management by exception" in which more communication occurs when private information take* on "exceptional" values. (Marschak and Radner [1972: 206-207]) - Present This phenomenon can also occur in Dow's [1991] limited-memory search model. No communication from Past to buying the good from the first firm visited without bothering to visit the second firm to compare prices. without observing both firms' prices. the right to comparison shop. the correct decision and between higher prices decision would be ^ We * A thank is By Ratliff [1991b] show that the shopper would be strictly better off if not a very costly mistake even when it is first firm's price is very low (which equivalent she could waive is incorrect), she costly. Tom Marschak for posing to us a discrete formulation of this problem from which the present paper evolved. similar problem has been studied in the computer science literature concerning distiibuted and parallel processing. discrete is prohibits buying almost certainly husbands her memory to more finely discnminate firm. This improves her decision about which firm to buy from in the situations in which the wrong purchasing without comparing prices when the for the first more Kofman and Dow form of approximating a Boolean-valued function defined on a grid. See Yao [79], Abelson [80], It takes the and Karp and Ng [forthcoming]. ^ is used by Oniki [1986], who compares the informational efficiency of an auctioneer-mediated market with that of a centralized system for a particular single-good production economy. This contrasts with another strand in the literature in which the communication constraint is the dimensionality of the message space (i.e. the number of This information theoretic approach to measuring communication Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlitf mechanism efficient is mechanism which pays if it results in a worst-case decision for the same number of algorithm in order to establish the n we February 27, 1991 Page 4 minimum bits.i error no greater than that of any other For a given n we search for an efficient n-bit worst-case decision error associated with n bits. By then can construct the efficient error-communication length frontier. We now develop present two scenarios as exemplar problems which can be analyzed using the tools Two we in this paper. "ETiiampCe 1: Team- spying the spies, Boris tTqpCosivts factory and Natasha, will be placed behind enemy lines to determine the amount of explosives being produced by a factory. The explosives are manufactured from two inputs according to a well-known production function. These inputs are produced arrive at the factory along different roads. From well known. in separate The maximum capacity of each road of X. (See Figure amount of F; similarly X and Y regions and hence to handle truck traffic his vantage point Boris can observe with complete precision the flow of factory but cannot observe at all the that varying X is into the Natasha can observe the flow of Y but not 1.) Delivery route for input X dl Ttxt^MAor Explosives factory N Delivery route for input Figure Each spy is is The map for the nnission. equipped with a short-range radio which can send on/off pulses to the other. The enemy not yet aware that the factory greater 1: Y is is being surveilled, and the more numerous are the inter-spy pulses, the the risk that the espionage mission will be discovered. Consequently the spies want to minimize their communication with each other subject to a constraint on the accuracy of their production estimate. The radios' range is too short to reach their home territory, so one of the spies must physically message "pipelines") with no constraint on how much a pipeline can be used. For example see Hurwicz [1960], Mount and Reiter [1974], Walker [1977], Osana [1978], Jordan [1982], and Green and L^font [1987]. Minimizing the worst-case error is a reasonable optimality criterion in circumstances of "complete ignorance" [1977]) or in an infinite risk aversion limit. to guide research under other criteria. Its tiactability aids in breaking new ground, and (Arrow and Hurwicz results achieved here generate conjectures Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlift return home — by February 27. 1991 Page 5 navigating the only available single-person kayak down a wild river — in order to commanders. deliver an intelligence assessment to their Prior to being deployed in hostile territory Boris and Natasha meet at a local bistro to have a beer and communication algorithm. Upon what to design a communication and decision delegation rules of should they coordinate? For some fixed number n of pulses who should send the first pulse? Should Who followed by a second pulse from the same spy or perhaps by a premier pulse from the other? be the Whitewater courier delivering the final guestimate of explosives production? How sequence of pulses and the identity of the kayaker depend on the spies' private information quantities X will will this upon the and Y they each observe)? Once they have decided upon determined (i.e. be it its communication algorithm worst-case error, there result in a greater intelligence report. the inter-spy a chance that What is their is still for every fixed what number n the question of number n of to pick. More pulses and pulses would cover will be blown but would also increase the accuracy of their the tradeoff? I.e. how much would accuracy be improved by an increase in communication? 'Lj^ampU 2: Production decisions in an informationaCCy decentraCized firm Consider a ski equipment manufacturer where the personnel director must be told w to hire for the upcoming production season. The relevant information distributed throughout the organization: per- worker ar€[0, a]. (See Figure The production manager The marketing chief for the optimal decision The will learn the precise value of a Boundary Production Supervisor — Knows of demand parameter /?e[0,y3]. Economic Expertise- Director Knows demand productivity parameter Marketing -a- a parameter /? -v— X y Personnel Department Hires Figure 2: An is will learn precisely the productivity- 2.) r how many workers L* workers informationally decentralized firm. Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratliff When communication is February 27, 1991 Page 6 costly, the design problem is to construct an efficient procedure by which the production manager and marketing chief will share their private information in order to estimate w*.' employment After this exchange the appropriate party can inform the personnel director of the optimal The goal level w*.2 to is minimize the worst-case departure from optimal employment over The same design questions dialog? arise here as in the manager or the production first, Or should spy example. For a fixed communication cost, the production manager, say, use the entire calculate an approximation to the optimal communication allotment employment level that the w*? After What what point does On it is the tradeoff between no longer pay for the to inform her marketing chief can then design problem has been this solved for an arbitrary fixed communication cost, the decision remains about perform. who the marketing chief? Should they discuss the matter in a panner as precisely as possible about productivity-per-worker so to possible demand combinations. productivity and should speak all how much communication communication cost and worst-case employment error? At two informed parties to continue to talk to one another? interpretation The phenomena with which we delegation. Of course we are concerned are realize that people communication, coordination, and decision do not communicate by exchanging each other one-dimensionally on an interval, that the problem of an organization bits in order to locate not to announce a is value which minimizes the worst-case error of approximation to a function, and that incentive compatibility a crucial constraint. is metaphor tractable, more complex for We it is will bring not. become them satisfaction The focus of our research a in mind the action if is model as a usefully interesting, yet situations. The more general scenario we have which do, however, see our is is appropriate to their the process by more nearly commonly known two people seeking situation. consensus action to arrive at a common situation and some pain if which two individual and privately known situations That is to say: how do two come to share an to another the full meaning of agents understanding of the state of the world? We beheve her situation. perceives, that there is We no way in which a human being can express claim that a person has no method of letting someone else believes, remembers, guesses, understands, fears, hopes, environment and herself conversation, so we must in a finite amount of time. know everything that she and doubts about both the However, action must be taken after only a finite be concemed with efficient communication. For example, the production manager does not only know the normal productivity of different inputs for a given technology. The personnel She also knows the and morale of the workers, the probabiUty that the economics classes and would not know how to compute the optimal employment level even if thus he is outside the boundary of economic expertise. Consequently we need not consider which the production manager and the marketing chief both communicate approximations of their private information director rarely attended his he were perfectly informed about algorithms in reUability a and fi\ directly to the personnel director. This communication with the personnel director is also costly. However, we assume that it is equally costly regardless of whether done by the production manager or the marketing chief Therefore it is a fixed cost in the design problem. it is ' Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlift February 27, 1991 Page 7 machines will break down, the necessary maintenance schedule, the gossip about new technical developments, We etc. (Moreover, she has a assen that she cannot transmit lot all of background beliefs of which she this, may not even be aware!) so she must use her language providently when she coordinates her actions with others. our model In consider points we do not attempt to replicate a complicated, multidimensional in a rectangle. On the other hand, we need not endow dependent natural language; we have zeros and ones. In our opinion we impose when we We manageable space. (the project what-to-communicate and situation;" tractability justifies the simplicity how-to-communicate onto conceptually a meaning of the messages) within an elegant mathematical formalism. team has two partners: X and The Model They have Y. a joint address 6 = idx,dY) = (x,y) on a rectangle E = ExxEy, (A.l) where Ex and Ey are the closed A we the agents with a rich context- can then address issues of syntax (the rules of communication) and semantics 3. A "common intervals Ex = [a,bl (A.2a) Ey^icd]. (A.2b) real-valued optimal action function known defined and bounded on the rectangle E, viz. However, each partner knows only the precise value of y. Initially knows only that E—> R, and is X knows the precise value of x and Y ysEy. Y is that Similarly, xeEx- partners the choice of action is dictated by a The algorithm R must specify binary digits {bits) to one another. the desired action (p(6). the instigator — — the parmer who as well as the ultimate action and when.^ Because bits sent R of the players then understood by both players. process by either immediately sends what knowledge of x and y respectively, partner Ts activities under the algorithm on the history of is initiates the who One The communication process and communication algorithm R, which selecting an action or by sending the first bit who chooses a projection of 6; X's only information about K's location may communicate by sending chooses an action y/eE which approximates The q>: to both players. Ideally the team would take the optimal action (p(6) corresponding to their joint address. knows is bits to is whom and when and privately held by can depend only on her own X and Y, coordinate ^, and and received; they carmot depend explicitly on her partner's coordinate Without loss of generality we assume that the dj. two parmers never send simultaneous messages. Our strategy of radical simplification seems to be vindicated by our work-in-progress using a multidimensional information structure for each partner. We have found interesting multidimensional problems which decompose into separate one-dimensional problems and which therefore directly require the techniques we develop in this paper. Because of the information partition the identity of the instigator must be a property of the algorithm which (Otherwise there would be cases in which both players tried to instigate or neither instigated.) is independent of 9. Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratliff February 27, 1991 Page 8 R For a given 6 the communication algoritlim some of bits and results in action y/id). the longest possible exchange, n Note that prescribes a particular exchange of The communication length, n,of R the is some number number of bits sent in i.e. = maxr](,d). we (A. 3) are adopting a worst-case definition of the error of the algorithm R is communication length of the algorithm R. The also a worst-case formulation: £=sup\y/(e)-(p(e)\. (^4) Without loss of generality we assume that function of ^ bounded and therefore is T](d) The designer's problem is y/ is bounded on the that the error of to specify — in R is unit square to ensure that the error as a defined. ignorance of which 6 will be realized —communication algorithms which are efficient with respect to communication length and error of approximation. algorithm a R is efficient if there exists no other algorithm which achieves either a weakly lower communication length or a We error. (error, all communication length) For a given joint location actor for 6. We information set: the the actor pairs, i.e. we need lower error with lower communication length with a weakly lower wish to characterize for a given function of the efficient algorithms; 0€5, strictly strictly ^ the efficient frontier those which result from efficient algorithms. of achievable We 6, the algorithm R will ultimately call upon one of the partners y/(S) minimal subset S czE within which she knows 6 to that the optimal action <p(d) belongs to the lie. Given her knowledge image of 5 under (i.e. in the that (p: (a.s) worst-case error minimizing) approximation action given S is the midpoint of (p(S), = ^Onf (PCS) + sup (fKS)), which results to be the characterize the actor's knowledge about 9 at that time by specifying the actor's knows actor's best need not find locate only a subset sufficient to demarcate the frontier. (piS)={(pidy.eeS]. The An (A.6) worst-case error given S, where we denote the function's oscillation over 5 by A(p{S) We = supqKS)-\ni<p{S). (A.S) observe that adding points to S would weakly increase the supremum and weakly decrease the infimum and thereby weakly increase the set is oscillation of weakly greater than the error over the subset. g> over S; therefore the error over a strictly larger Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlift In we section 3 performed by the Page 9 monolog algorithms discuss We instigator. February 27. 1991 — those restrict attention to which dictate that all communication is optimal action functions which satisfy appropriate monotonicity and continuity assumptions. For a given communication length we compute in "almost closed form" the error and structure of algorithms which are efficient within the class of monologs. We begin section 4 by presenting two examples which demonstrate that monolog need not be sufficient for efficiency — a dialog, in We which both partners speak, can outperform a best monolog. sufficient condition for monolog show is that this condition then establish a efficiency: additive separability of the optimal action function. not necessary by exhibiting a rectangle on which a multiplicatively separable optimal action function can be efficiently approximated through the use of a monolog. In section 5 show that all We we of our results are valid even when the monotonicity requirements are dropped as long as the optimal action function is appropriately separable. Section 6 summarizes the paper and gathers our final thoughts. 3. We will find it useful to study a simple subset of the set of communication algorithms: the set of monolog communication is Monolog algorithms performed only by the algorithms. Such an algorithm stipulates that for instigator. If action y/(di) or chooses from uninterrupted string.) which depends on For defmiteness If we monologs we would would be is is message k, then her X is is the instigator. is A parallel analysis applies to efficient within the class of efficient within the class of X-instigator efficient within the class of K-instigator class of X'-instigator chooses an action y/Oj^K) partner,;', and the message he received. monolog which we bits the instigator, she either immediately chooses an algorithms. In order to find an algorithm which find a 6 any transmission of 2" messages. (In a monolog any bits sent are transmitted as an efficient within the broader class of first say, consider here monologs in which of X-instigator monologs We /, the instigator chooses his coordinate y -instigator monolog monolog which among parmer all monologs. An monolog algorithms. For monologs and a algorithm with the lower error the remainder of our discussion will use the term "efficient" as a shorthand to mean "efficient within the monolog algorithms." describe a monolog as a partition of conditions under which we can Ex and discuss the role of immediate action. restrict attention to partitions whose cells are efficiency and existence of partitions which, loosely speaking, yield a then solve the efficient monolog problem —computing both large class of optimal action functions common convex. We We give discuss the error in every cell. — the error and the algorithm itself We for a and discuss the comparative statics of increasing the communication budget. Monolog algorithms We as partitions can fully define a monolog by a (2" + 1 )-cell partition under which the instigator should immediately action rules act or of Ex — which specifies the circumstances send a particular message which specify how each partner would choose an action if called upon — and to do by choice-of- so. We define Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratliff February 27, 1991 Page 10 2/1 (B.l) , M={\ m). (B.2) (B.3) The (w + 1 )-cell partition Ex where each <T,c£x. ^i&M^ The is denoted a„}, cr={cro,cTi i.e. of (B.4) = Ex, and air\Cj = (d when <^i immediate action cell (To is the She knows only that de{x]xEY cell. When x^aQ,X 3.) The is called upon and therefore that the optimal action takes the action \i/{[x)xEy) specified in (A. 6), Figure i^j. which error £o for the immediate action cell immediately take an action. to lies in the results in the error £({.r} image (pi{x]y.EY). She xfy) from (A. 7). (See is eo= (B.5) 0, Adding points o'o = 0- supremum to cTq could only increase the would be weakly greater for a strictly larger in (B.5); therefore the error of immediate action immediate action cell. <p{{x}y.EY) \ sup(p{{x]y.EY) x)xEy U{a:}x£k) y/{[x}><.EY)- * )e{{x}xEY') \r\\(pi{x) (b) Figure 3: The remaining xEy) (c) (a) The set of 6, (b) the image under cp, and (c) the best-approximation and the worst-case error when X immediately announces at x. m cells are the message cells. When x € <7,, ieM,X sends the message in order to / inform Y that xea,. Y then knows that ^€cr,x (y} and therefore takes the action y/(aiX {y}), which results in the error e(cT,x {y}). (See Figure 4.) e,= sup£(cT,x{y}). y&Er The worst-case error e, when X sends message / is (B.6) 1 Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratliff we were supremum of add points to If February 27. 1991 Page to a,, then for each y the error error is achieved, the say that y* eccr, x at which the worst-case (B.7) {y}), a worst-case y value for is y* cell. If there exists a such that i.e. y*€arg max we x (y}) would weakly increase, causing £:(cr, these errors to weakly increase as well; therefore the error of a strictly larger message cell weakly greater than the Tror of a smaller message is 1 <t,. <pix,y) A x{y} O-/ x{y}) 9(<^i \ e(C7, y/iCTi x{y}) X{y}) iSUp(p(c7,- x(y})£((^i X {y}) x{y}) inf^((T,- i-^" X 0-, (0 (b) (a) The set of 9, (b) the image under cp, and (c) the best-approximation and the worst-case error when X sends message for a given y. Figure 4: / The error of the algorithm a is the largest individual cell error, i.e. £=max(£Q,£i,...,eJ. The designer's task is to (B.8) choose the partition a of Ex which minimizes e. Immediate action and efficiency If the immediate action cell ao of an algorithm <yo*0. we say that O" is immediate action cell? To answer this partition; if immediate action single point, not only his its cell associated error £, own ceU from another if cell: If a partition. we now message When than the error of the X has a —>m Cq is 1 —> m turn to a significant difference between an cell a,, ieM, is a singleton, if i, i.e. consists of a Y would know some message cell is to transfer a single point to the precisely empty, it empty message On a singleton, say <To= {x}, the associated error e({x} the xEy) uncertainty about Y's coordinate. partition cr 1 we were is Therefore efficiency can never require that some message ceU be empty. cell. —> m if a does efficiency require an empty zero because, after receiving message the immediate action cell 1 question the error of the algorithm can be positive because Consider a is O^m empty, we say that coordinate y but X's coordinate x as well. Therefore would not increase other hand and a message a partition <T is whose partition, error i.e. if is e. If £({jc} for some i€£x x£y)<e, then it the error of immediate action would weakly decrease is less the algorithm's Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratliff we removed i from error if We would say the -^ 1 m its February 27, 1991 Page message partition is vefx say that the 1 —> m Convex algorithm We now (€M^ cr,, a convex 1 its opportunity to weakly reduce its partition, then it would empty immediate action eschewing immediate action is cell. In this efficient. —those of a= form the (T„} such that each (cTo.cti an interval). Convex partitions are especially tractable compared to more representing the cells, e.g. (7o=[a,xo],ai function if I.e. will in which guarantee cp that = Theorem later, are loss of generality restrict attention to we can not convex, is exhibit a numbers convex convex partitions; whose partition error is (These monotonicity assumptions, as well as additional We not as restrictive as they might seem. of our results can be easily extended to a m In order to take advantage of their impose monotonicity conditions upon the optimal action less than that of the original partition. assumptions imposed i€M,x„ = b.^ iXi.{,Xi], 1 we can without presented with a partition which weakly case partitions set (i.e. we all strictly increase general partitions of [a.b] because they can be almost completely specified by a set of structural simplicity action cell. action cell. If on the other hand for -»m even a single point into consider convex algorithm partitions is , squanders it nonempty immediate partition is provident; empty immediate to the previously immediate action error exceeds the error of the the the algorithm's error to incorporate we it improvident because error through the incorporation of a its and added cell 1 much wider wiU see Theorem in 8 that all class of optimal action functions.) Conditions under whicft convene partitions are sufficient Theorem For each >'e£y, 1 on Ex, and is £. Then that there exists a The error of cr is convex let cr partition no greater, i.e. will be at the left (respectively right) decreasing), Proof i.e. &oBa (respectively let = { (p{x,y) cTq, (Ti (T= , and e(\x} . . (p(,-,y) £<e; and (D if in the Ex whose ertor [from (B .8)] &„} of Ex, whose error we denote by e, such } be a partition of the immediate action interval all (p and e( { • yeEy-^ For } These m is nonempty, it some x<xo would xq, the are continuous and that the assume that both of the we demonstrate claim ©. If monotonicity of £({j:} xEy) implies that the First be weakly lower; therefore the error of the algorithm cell all values in the interval [a,xo]. replace (Tq by [a, SupcTo] without increasing the error of immediate action. Now we show ©. continuity) x Ey) definiteness would not be increased by incorporating within the immediate action we can do weakly increasing (respectively weakly is weakly increasing sense. an algorithm specifies an immediate action for Therefore functions of x dosb). has the same sense for immediate action for any (T;„ end of Ex if£({x} xEy) monotonicity assumptions are satisfied error of . {(to, d"i For simplicity of exposition assume that monotonicity of . xEy) be weakly monotonic Consider the i-th message cell. Thanks to monotonicity (and temporarily assumed we have numbers do not themselves specify the particular closedness decisions for each assumption, the significance of the closedness decisions More general and more cell. When we make is nil. detailed versions of the proofs offered here appear in Kofman and Ratliff [1991a]. an additional continuity 3 Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlift inf ^<T/ X = } ) I}- ^Kinf <T„ } ) = i((p(sup cT,-, Page when Y >) acts after receiving message through Because £(cr, x {y}) would be unchanged error its from (B.6) would be unchanged £, CO (cotTo.cocTi cTn,} in is supremum and infimum, which would be unchanged cr, is set. / - (p(inf cT,-, >-)), whose only dependence upon convexified this 1 ><). Therefore for any yeEy, the error e«7,x {y February 27. 1991 such a way that each We well. as (t, is for every y by convexification of construct convex and (7, a if we the O",, by refining the covering Q c COCT,. The importance of monotonicity is exemplified in Figure 5 in which two optimal action functions ^mono ^j (^°", horizontally monotonic and nonmonotonic, respectively, are plotted as functions of x for an arbitrarily chosen y. half of the figure the oscillation of — The nonconvex subset the horizontally monotonic case <p"^°"° the union of <T, is — it is two disjoint intervals. In the lower obvious that convexifying and therefore does not increase the error, i.e. (T,- is x (y}) and nonmonotonic ^"°" cr, a single point and hence the oscillation and error are zero. After convexification the image the indicated new does not increase A^(cr,x {y}) = A(p(co therefore e((T,x {>'})=e(co<T,x [y}). In the upper half of Figure 5 the image of the over (7i segment of values, and therefore the oscillation and error are positive; points through convexification results in increased error over the an i.e. is the inclusion of new domain, i.e. e(cocT,x(y})>£(a,x(y}). (p(CO(JiX{y}) (p(OiX{y}) <p(o-/x{y}) COCT, Figure 5: The worst-case convexification; this need not be true Sufficient conditions for tfu monotonicity The requirement e{{x} xEy) that (p unaffected by the absence of monotonicity. error for a horizontally nnonotonic function in of the, immediate action be weakly horizontally monotonia be a weaikly monotonic function of jc is (which is is error easily interpreted; the requirement that indirectly a restriction upon <p) does not have Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratliff Febnjary 27, 1991 Page The next theorem as obvious an interpretation. when states sufficient conditions (p 1 appropriately is differentiable which guarantee the monotonicity of the immediate action error. Let Theorem 2 (p(- y) be either , weakly increasing function for a weakly decreasing function for increasing for all xeEx or© Then be continuous over E. © @ weakly decreasing for the following when { I mixed the } as increasing decreasing We show will first demonstrated show that Because £{{x} xay) is is vertically (^ is { E or nonpositive over E). functions of x and y. respectively, nonnegative nonpositive } | weakly ( , X's error e({x} xcTy) increasing decreasing | } is weakly and K's error e((TxX {j}) is horizontally weakly {increasing [decreasing}. © implies the inf(Tj' claim first = weakly increasing (Pxy is © ^> © partial is Let similarly. > 0. (The continuity of We now that nonnegative over Cx'^Ex and OyClEy- as } | = ^((p(x.d)-<p(x,c)). This (Pxy cp is (i.e. © weakly are equivalent: ^e weakly monotonic errors e<{x} xcTy) and £((7x>^ (v)) I are two statements be either let (p{x, •) a Let dcp/dx, d(p/dy, and d^^/dxdy exist and The increasing decreasing Proof xsEx- E Specifically, weakly y^Ey. Further d'(p/dxdy has weakly constant sign over for every choice of subsets ( all all yeEy oxQ) all SWQ ay = d (Pxy'^Q and (py>Q. and in x because <Px(.x,d)><Px(x,c) for which weakly increasing, we know (py (p^y > . The other cases Because q>y>Q, ei{x\y.aY) c used to guarantee that for the case in of© when all xeEx thanks to - (Pyx-) and in which e({x} x Cy) that (Px(x,d)>g>x(x,c) for is weakly increasing. a]lx€Ex and all ayczEy. Therefore <P.ix,y^h)-cpxU.y) <Pxyix,y).\\m for all x€ £x and y € int Ey. The result extends to all of £ due to the continuity of © q)xy. Equal-error convex partitions For the remainder of our analysis of monolog algorithms we functions (p which satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 1. restrict attention to Therefore we can optimal action without loss of generality confine our consideration to convex partitions. We now direct our analysis worst-case error in every cell. toward those convex partitions which Theorem given "equal-error" convex panition 3 establishes conditions is efficient. Theorem 4 result, loosely speaking, in the under which we can same be certain that any establishes conditions under which we can be certain that such an equal-error convex partition exists. ' The implications of these sufficient conditions are obviously stronger than we need to apply Theoretn 1 to X-instigator algorithms: they are applicable when Y instigates as well. In addition, these conditions will be sufficient for the satisfaction of stronger hypotheses of later theorems. m5 > Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlifl We say that cr is We say that = ei We 1 =£„ a say that —> m If a partition l^>m (B.9) partition if (To = 0. an equal-error partition We if (B.IO) it is have previously defined the terms provident and improvident with respect —> m defme any equal-error same communication length could possibly have partition with the [xi,b], which we assume o={ai,&n}y with lower error. If choose X\<x\ it error Now cell). ^= max —» = £^. Assume provident (i.e. must be efficient; a lower error. (Ji As an = [a,x\) and further that, for all xeEx, efficiency does not require a Let its intercell boundary be £i<£ and eq<e. both in order to shrink cTl relative to <Tl. jl\. In order to new This partition cannot have make £i<£, we would have However, thus shrinking <Tl makes to (Tr a larger set than and therefore £R>e. Theorem For each 3 yeEy, on Ex- Let -> m or exist a panition (whether Sketch of Proof The proof of Theorem which some some a 1 consider any other convex partition with two message cells, {Si, in). we would have did is it c7= {cTl.<7r}, where cells, to be equal-error with £ = £i sufficiently large that this partition is nonempty immediate action (Tr to partition to be provident. 3 will tell us that if a convex, provident, equal-error partition exists then £({x} xEy) a partition or an equal-error conve?(j provident, ecjuaC-error partition ep(ists, it is efficient no other = ^m either an equal-error example, consider a convex partition with two message a'R 1 if cro^0. and We now Theorem i.e. is partition. partitions. and an equal-error cr is Page 0—>m an equal-error £o=£\ = --=£m February 27, 1991 cell states that if <j cell d, a^ of 1 3, and (T —> m) which has a lower given in & are 1 -»m is full in two of the second partition to be a qKx,y) and £({x} xEy) be weakly monotonic is error. Kofman and Ratliff [1991a], relies distinct partitions with the a strictly larger set a provident 1 —>m partition because otherwise —and has partition, then £>£o lemma cells, weakly larger error then —than any potentially lower-error common x Ey)>£.) Therefore error of the equal-error shown: that either the left-hand cell of (J is strictly larger than the left-hand cell of cr, the right-hand cell of CT, or one of the interior cells of (> is strictly larger than one of the interior cells of cr. This we are not comparing errors based on a subset relationship between a message cell and an immediate action cell. Actually, a stronger claim strictly larger assures us that a a Q partition. is upon same number of inf;c6[a,t]e((x} the error of this different partition will be at least as large as the d functions of x be a provident, equal-error, convex partition. Then there does not the first partition.' (If <t would also have let is than the right-hand cell of Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratliff February 27, 1991 Page 16 Continuity impCies e?(istence of an equaC-error partition By we requiring continuity of the optimal action function are guaranteed that an equal-error partition exists. Let Theorem 4 (p be continuous and for every monotonic functions of equal-error error 0—>m — > /7T —> m 1 -^ 1 partition. (Therefore there partition is Sketch partition. If this weakly m x. Then in always exists a provident equal-error less than the error of the Kofman and Ratliff [1991a], has —» m 1 — m > = [0,x\) such x\ of 0\ Continue in this case that £i is its =e is Now [see (B.6)]. x„=l is ©, that the some -^ \ m tr,, partition (^Xm<l is 1 -^m is guarantee that x^(e) is a continuous function of is is given determined, or partition has ® and ©. achieve cases provident (the that £2 an existence = £• © the right-hand yet to receive their £ been found. In cases © By choosing e The continuity hypotheses e and therefore that a value for e can be found which will 3 ©. result in the desired case Theorem 4 which and find the endpoint e must be increased or decreased, respectively, and then the process repeated. we can error of this aj = [x\,x2) such i<m, remaining which have the desired unique equal-error sufficiently small or large, respectively, unique equal- The full proof, sufficiently small £ find the endpoint X2 of determined, reached and there are ceUs error allotment. In case exists a unique conceptual substrate in the following iterative straightforward): Fix fashion until either Q) boundary of [a,b] the partition.) strictly partition. we assume procedure, where for definiteness modification for the m, there partition is improvident, then there also exists a Proof ©, and s{{x} xEy) be (p(x,y) let This theorem probably seems intuitively plausible to the reader. The of and y^Ey, for all positive integers However, result. it easy to see is above sketch of the proof provides an algorithm to actually how the iterative procedure described in compute an efficient monolog algorithm given an optimal action function satisfying the assumptions of the theorem. The theorem suggests 1 -> m partition minimum the following strategy to find an efficient algorithm: First find an equal-error and determine error i. To determine whether error of immediate action. If this error Otherwise, find an equal-error Monolog The its error —» m panition; it is this partition is weakly larger than e, the partition is efficient. under horizontal additivity task of finding an efficient monolog signed mixed-partial requirement of i€M, —> m will be efficient. is greatly eased when the optimal action function satisfies an additional vertical monotonicity assumption. (Satisfaction of this assumption ffi, 1 provident find the Theorem 2.) We is implied by the constant- can then determine the error over any message simply by evaluating the optimal action function (p cell along a single, worst-case horizontal segment. This simplification yields "almost closed form" expressions for the error and the cell boundaries of an efficient partition. 7 Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlitt Theorem Let 5 (p February 27, 1991 Page be continuous and weakly decreasing for X when sends message decreasing in O /, Define ^ y&Ey. all viz. e(<T,x (y }), is either be either weakly increasing for Further, let cp © weakly increasing -^ m partition 1 a of [a. b] whose ertor y&Ey all in y for © all ffjCzEx or and y* = c in © weakly ©. case is J<p{b.y^)-(p(ay)\ ^5 j^ 2m ^x) = (p{x,y*). The cell boundaries of c are determined (uniquely if the horizontal monotonicity by is strict) supcTie<p~V<^(nnincri)±2H), keM, or be such that the error, given y, <T,c£x- Define the worst-case y-value y* = d\n case There exists an equal-error ^ of y for all let (p{-,y) 1 and by min G\ = a, (5.2) where the sense of the "±" corresponds to (p{- ,y*) increasing and decreasing, respectively.^ © Let e({a:} point ibesi =a x£y) be a weakly monotonic function of (respectively ib8si = 6) if f((jc} x£y) is j:. Define the best immediate announcement weakly increasing (respectively weakly decreasing). Define the immediate action ertor function to be If £^o(^bGsi) ^ £. then Defme x„ = b a is efficient. (respectively i;„ Otherwise, there exists an equal-error = a) when ibesi =^ 0->m partition (respectively ib«st = ^) ^nd define the 6 message oi[a,b]. cell ertor function to be ^^^^_ \<p(i.,y*)-(p(xo,y*)\ (5 4) 2/n There exists xoeEx action interval (5.2) —where such that eo(^o) = £(^o). and the error of d is £ = £o(xo) = £(xo)<e. The immediate is d"o= CO {ib«»i.-^}- The cell boundaries of an efficient partition are again determined by i is replaced by i — and by min <Ti = io (respectively min a\ = a) when e({x} xEy) is weakly increasing (respectively weakly decreasing). Proot I From that the ertor the definition of y* and the monotonicity of <p{-,y) and £(CT, over message cell i is e,= sup£(cT,x{y})=£(<T,x{y*}) = i-|^sup(T,-,y*)-^infcr„y*)|. 2 ysEr The ' partition is equal-ertor, so the We common use ^"' to denote the inverse image of ^, viz. message-cell error ^'(z)= \x^Ex- ^•'^) = z} is x { • }), we see from (B.6) February 27, 1991 Page 18 Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlift e = ;^ y e,-= The (5.4). <p(^r\\a\,y*^ I where the message and -L| ^sup a^. y*) -^ S ^sup Gi, >*) - ^(inf (T„ >*)| = cells are labeled such that, for all iJeM, /<;'<=>inf ct,s inf error over the immediate action cell from (B.5) cTy. given by is |. This establishes (5.1) The equal-error (5.3). requirement then determines io- The boundaries defined by (5.2) are easily verified to result in equal- © error cells. A 'E?(ampCe 3: muCtipCicativeCy separaSCe aptirnaC action function As an example we = b-a and ^y = d-c. ^jc the hypotheses of the therefore y* Theorem will apply —and =d We 5 to the case where (p{x,y) = xy on E = [a,b]y.[c,d]c'R^.' Let . observe fiom Theorem 2 (because d^<p/dxdy= Theorem including that e(a,x {}'}) 5, 1) that this = ^(Sup(T,-inf cT/)^ function satisfies increases in y that £{{x]y.EY) = hx^y, increases in x. ^ The (B.ll) error for an efficient J(p(b,y*)-qKa,y*^\ , ^ —>m partition is found from (5.1) to be (B.12) 2m we the cell boundaries Supo-i = 1 d^x ^ 2m To compute — and -, ad + lk dAx note that =a+ ,--1/ (z) (p = z/d and from we have (5.2) kAx 2m. m (B.13) , indicating that each cell has the constant width Ax/m. It will be efficient to have a nonempty immediate action interval possible immediate action error i.e. a 0—>m is less partition is required (TQ = [a,xo) only than the error without such an interval, viz. £{{a} if the smallest x£y)= iaA.v<£; when (B.14) ^-^>aAy. m When (B.14) message is satisfied, cell error e(A)) we find io = dib-Jio)/2m, by equating the immediate action error ^^l__bdAy_ 2 mAy + d and the yielding jeo=—^^— mAy + d Substituting (B.15) into eo(io). eo(W = i^oAy (B-15) we find that the error for the algorithm is (Bjg) 9 Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlift A February 27, 1991 Page calculation similar to that yielding (B.13) ^^<-ii- = may + a mAy + a which we note is weakly that the message cells have the constant width (B.n) :«, width of the immediate action ceU. less than the Summarizing both cases we (respectively i) shows when (B.14) is 1 problem find the error of any efficient partition for this (respectively is not) satisfied. We Theorem will see later in generalize this result to apply to any muUiplicatively separable optimal action function, form q){x,y)=f(x)g(y), providing neither f (Ex) nor giEy) contain zero to 8 that i.e. be i we can one of the as an interior point. Comparative statics on the communication Budget It is upon the effect a interesting to vary the number of bits n at our disposal —our communication budget — structure of and choice of instigator for efficient monologs. First nonempty immediate action xEy) increases in note that the size of must shrink with an increase interval for an efficient algorithm see this assume for defmiteness that s{{x] we to see the x. If to the contrary m in m. To and xo both increased, then eo(^o) from (5.3) would increase but e(io) from (5.4) would decrease, destroying the required identity £o(io('"))sf(io(m)). The from error e of a (5.4) falls 1 ^m from must distinguish.) We results X [0, 1]. The interval over see this in Figure 6, which shows the X-instigator — ^m error e of a partition communication budget because the numerator in the from the increased length of the without an immediate action interval [0.1, 1.1] (5.1) varies inversely with 2". more slowly with increases m. (This increases with partition as a function of the which the transmitted bits monolog communication budget (The error for a nonempty immediate action interval is error — with for (p(x,y) and = xy on bounded below by e({0.1}x£y) = 0.05.) We we have so far studied algorithms which are efficient within the class of X-instigator ask the question: given a restriction to monolog, of Figure 6. The reader can easily make who result in an immediate action interval of best X-instigator monolog would have an K-instigator algorithm instigator is [0, efficient within the class of 1/32= 171/5472. So we see communication budget. With one bit error of 11/60. Therefore monolog has an immediate action the size of the should instigate? Return to the above example an efficient K-instigator algorithm 11/31] with an error of bdAx/2(2Ax + b) = 11/62. The monologs. interval 11/342 = 176/5472. However, with an empty immediate in a smaller error of Now the parameter interchanges in (B.12), (B.14), (B.15), and (B.16) required to find the solution for a F-instigator monolog. would monologs. of Y is Now the preferred instigator and the consider four [0,11/171], bits. yielding action interval, an X-instigator The an error of monolog that the identity of the optimal instigator best Y- results can depend on Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratliti February 27, 1991 Page 20 -- no immediate action -O nonempty immediate action interval 0.05 -- 12 3 4 Number Figure 6: For low n were transmitted by the dialog least is we one monologs. bit. We interval. monolog algorithms Monologs do not exhaust is not a monolog: for some 6 —those in which any bits sent the algorithmic |)ossibilities, of course. A the algorithm requires each partner to send at presented results concerning monologs which are efficient within the class of We now concern ourselves more generally with the problem of finding algorithms which are efficient within the larger class of all algorithms. the class of have an immediate action efficient to restricted attention to instigator. an algorithm which is of bits Dialog algorithms 4. In the previous section it 6 5 monologs need not be We will see that an algorithm efficient within this larger class. (For the which is efficient within remainder of the paper we use "efficient" in this stronger sense.) Dialog can outperform monolog Our first example of dialog superiority superior to the best second example is An monolog and because more reasonable; modest improvement is its in error relative to extreme its — both because it shows optimal action function optimal action funaion is is a dialog somewhat which is infinitely pathological. The well-behaved and dialog shows only a monolog. e7(treme CT^ampCe We display an example in which a dialog outperforms every monolog which has communication length. For any communication length greater than unity the dialog error action function will be zero and the monolog Consider the optimal action function error will be positive. the same for this optimal Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratliti February 27, 1991 Page 21 x = 0, (CD y=l. Otherwise, graphed in Figure 7. Now consider the following X-instigator dialog algorithm: X sends the message "0" if .t = and sends "1" otherwise. If "0" was sent, Y can immediately choose y/ = y with zero error because he knows X's location precisely. If "1" was sent and >-< 1, then Y can immediately choose which y/ is = 0, again with zero all, after pin down (p y<l worst case "1" was sent and >>= chooses y/=\ -x, again with zero error. 1. So we see that with claim that there is no many y=l bits X because for Thanks only two communication length monolog which finite with zero error in the worst-case. Consider any X-instigator monolog. If OT Y sends any message In this case bits a dialog at can the value of q>(x, y) with zero error even in the worst case. Now we of X which error. In the will yield positive error. If we can choose sends to Y y=\ to the X sends a message, choose as a test will determine the value X immediately case y=l. No acts, either matter how an a:>0 such that Y's estimate of ^(x,y) will have positive error, the precise determination of (p(x,y) requires that the value of symmetry of the optimal action function we know x be known precisely. that this conclusion would hold if Y instigated instead. Figure 7: Dialog can be infinitely better than monolog. SI more reasonaSCe e?(ampCe We return to the optimal action function <p(x,y)=xy of unit square [0, l]x[0, 1]. We efficient, two-bit, X-instigator (B.15-> B.17), that this exhibit a two-bit (i.e. Example 3 and choose the domain m = 4), X-instigator E to be the dialog which outperforms an monolog. As the monolog performance benchmark, we calculate, using monolog error is Vio with an immediate action region over [0, Vs) and four equally spaced message cells. immediately acts when a:€<To^ = [0,0.18468). (See Figure 8.) Otherwise X transmitting "0" when x€CTi'^ = [0.18468,0.63054) and transmitting "1" when In the superior dialog, sends the first bit, X Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlift A- €(72^ = [0.63054, next bit. 1]. February 27, 1991 Page 22 Y's response depends on X's message. Otherwise, he listens for a second bit to If receives "0", he takes control of the Y come from X. a\ (Tn IB CT^ Figure 8: oi erf A dialog which outperforms a best monolog. >'ecTo^= [0,0.41421). Otherwise he sends "0" as the second bit when >'SC7/ = [0.41421.0.7071 1) and "1" when >'€cr2*' = [0.7071 1, 1]. This then turns the action decision back over to X. Note that when Y receives "0" from X, Y faces a one-bit, y-instigator, When Y takes control, he immediately acts monolog problem on instigator, and K's (T2B^ after X 1]. Y the same way we solved the X- n-b'\i, she then faces a one-bit, X-instigator first bit, monolog problem solution to this problem dictates that she use the second bit to further knowledge about x = [0.81527, it arbitrary rectangle in the previous section. has sent the ai^xEy. The over the rectangle refine the rectangle cti^X(T2^ and solves monolog problem over an When x€<j2^ if into of the intervals either cr2/i'^ = [0.63054, 0.8 1 527 ) or then takes an action. The described two-way, two-bit algorithm results in equal-error cells.' (The double-headed arrows in Figure 8 indicate the relevant actor's worst-case information set corresponding to each rectangle.) This common error is easily verified to be 0.09234 with "1", X's information set is < Vio- For example, the line segment X = sup ai^ = 0.63054, and X's best guess, from (A.6), results, We from (A.7), in the error i(0.63054)(l -0.7071 are not at this point asserting that the exhibited dialog efficient monolog. is 1) when [x]y.(j2^, where is v^ X sends "0" and Y responds xea\^. = i(0.63054)(0.70711 + worst-case, In the 1) = 0.53820. which = 0.09234. efficient; that is not necessary for our claim that it is superior to any Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlitf Monolog We February 27. 1991 Page 23 efficient with additive separability is have seen above monolog need not be that the optimal action function monolog additively separable, is We now sufficient for efficiency. is efficient show whenever that — no dialog can do better. By we mean that the optimal action function is of the form (p(x,y)=f(x) + g(y), where Ey—* R are continuous. In order to prove this result we can use the upcoming Theorem additively separable f: Ex-^^ and g: 8 to justify restricting attention to optimal action functions of the simpler <p(x,y) = x + y, (C.2) on the closed rectangular region we make First <Jy<^Ey- For form E = ExxEy<:zU^. an observation about this additively separable optimal action function. Let this (p and for all ax c Ex and generalized rectangles (T^xcT}' the error of an immediate action by independent of x and the error of an immediate action by K is independent of y. To see this we X is note that qK{x}xaY)=[((Kx,y):y€(jY} = {x + y:ye(TY], (C.3) and therefore £({x} xcrj') and similarly worst-case for it immediate action by is says that it is As + >':>'€<Tj'}) = J(supcT)'-'nfo'r)- a consequence, every it is a: is (C.4) a worst-case x and every y never efficient to have a nonempty immediate action region. never efficient to turn control of any remaining will use those bits in a that Y. {x is a y. Lemma 6A says that = ^(sup{x + y:>'€(Ti'}-inf bits over to the other partner, if Lemma 6B that parmer monolog. The proof of Theorem 6 then uses an induction argument to establish never efficient for one partner to ever turn control of any remaining bits over to the other parmer, whether or not that partner will engage in a monolog from that point forward. Therefore in any efficient algorithm all the bits are sent by the instigator additively separable optimal action function, Let <p{x,y)=x-^y and Lemma 6A dialog —on a Proof cToU tXi monolog whose immediate Consider an X-instigator, u (T2 = <7x algorithm where Gq * 0; is at least let n> initial action region /i-bit i.e. c^^.^, 1. i.e. ^^^ Any is only a monolog can be efficient for an f^-^'-' '^'-' "^^^^ n-bit, X-instigator generalized rectangle immediate acticm region for the instigator's instigator j^ — ^° " '-'^ algorithm crxX(Tyc£ which — monolog has a nonempty some action will be outperformed by «-bit, Y- empty. algorithm where X's control of the first bit generates a partition which does have an immediate action region. The error £^ of as large as the error of or immediate action eo^ = Ksup cty dominated by an equal-error K-instigator one-way algorithm which - '^f cty). this This algorithm results in an error is no larger than' (su pcy- infer j')/2m<eo^^e''^- (In Figure 9a the two-headed arrow corresponds to the oscillation of We do not assume that ffy i* convex; at worst the one-way error is that which would be achieved over the convex hull of (ry Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlitt February 27, 1991 Page 24 immediate action of the original algorithm. In Figure 9b the shorter two-headed arrows correspond to the oscillation of the optimal action function over X's information set when Y sends © a message.) Something happens with n bits CT2' CTo (a) (b) (a) An X-instigator n-bit algorithm with a nonempty immediate action region can be replaced by (b), a lower error y-instigator, n-bit monolog algorithm which has no immediate action region. Figure 9: Let (pix,y) Lemma 6B = x + y on E and on (TxxcTy who czf' let n>2. Consider any which for some x€<Tx turns control of the second then implements an (Ai-l)-bit. monolog algorithm. dominated by an the first bit generates a partition cXi (cT,y^}y=i k, over to Y algorithm this /x-bit, X-instigator that without loss of generality u <T2 = fTx- X, Y does take control of the second partition Then bit algorithm is monolog algorithm. n-bit, ^-instigator, From Lemma 6A we know Proof «-bit. X-instigator bit Assume that, in we can assume response to some message and implements an (n-l )-bit monolog on of ay, where k = 2''~K [Lemma 6A that assures us that this algorithm will not have an immediate action region and therefore c7,o cr, {n- x X's control of z { 1 , 2 } cry specified l)-bit, =0.] For ye € { from by a K-instigator 1. ...,^}. this Y- instigator algorithm results in the cell errors £y = Ksup(T/-inf cr/), (6B.1) and therefore the error of the original Now ye («- define an n-bit, X-instigator dialog is l)-bit, K-instigator monolog a by a (6B.1), ey = e,y fory'e {1, ...,k\ so that £^= maxy {fy} = maxy {£,y} <e^. k\. (1 This {n - 1 From )-bit monolog which monolog weakly outperforms strictly outperforms the dialog. bounded below by maxy(e,y}. partition {dy }y=i *, where cry =cr,y for (6B.2) the original n-bit dialog; therefore there exists an n-bit © Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlitt February 27. 1991 Page 25 The minimum achievable Theorem 6 error for «-bits for ^x,y)=f{x)-^ giy) on £, where / and g are continuous, can be achieved by a monolog. Proof I Theorem We 8. first prove the proposition for the special case of (p{x,y} = x + y and then generahze via Lemma 6B tells us for the case n =2 two-bit algorithm on any generalized rectangle dialog, then, for some not be efficient because let X Y would send x, it is is partition bit. However, we know from our two-bit algorithm spun-off by each cr,, /e From Lemma 6A, X's just previous conclusion for 1,2}, { that that such an algorithm dominated by some two-bit, K-instigator monolog.) We know we can assume any a monolog. (If a two-bit, X-instigator algorithm were a the second be the instigator of an efficient algorithm. a\ u<T2 = 0"x- that without loss of generality is Now control of the n=l consider first bit tells = 3 and generates a we can assume that Lemma 6B a monolog. But then a; would that the us that these two two-bit algorithms must also be X-instigator algorithms; otherwise our algorithm would not be efficient. Therefore we can any generahzed rectangle without loss of generality assume that any efficient three-bit algorithm on a monolog. is By induction on n we prove our desired result. From theorem 8 we know that the communication problem for (pix, y) =f(x) + g(y) on E is equivalent to the problem <p(x,y) = x + y on £ =f(Ex)^ giEy). Therefore the efficient algorithm for the general additively separable optimal action function Monolog can be We Theorem 6 without additive separability efficient have seen an example, efficiency. Q a monolog. is viz. <p(x,y) = xy on us that monolog tells is [0, 1] x [0, 1], in which monolog was always sufficient for efficiency for additively separable optimal action functions. This raises the question of whether additive separability monolog but actually necessary for a best monolog is efficient efficiency. for <p(x,y)=xy insufficient for We answer when we move is not only sufficient this question in the negative the domain to [1 , 2] x [1 , by asserting that 2]. This demonstration requires more development than required for the earlier example of monolog insufficiency. In that case it was sufficient to exhibit a dialog did not need to claim that the exhibited dialog exists a monolog which dialog and therefore is efficient we must optimal acticm function is on this was efficient. which outperformed Now, however, new domain we must prove find a best dialog. Theorem 7 multiplicatively separable, we can tells in a best order to monolog; we show that there the nonexistence of a better us that, for two bits and when the greatly restrict our consideration to an extremely small subset of the great variety of conceivable algorithms. This makes the construction of an algorithm to find a best dialog practical. Running this algorithm for <p(x,y)=xy on [1,2] x[ 1,2] resulted in the finding that every candidate for an efficient dialog was dominated by a monolog. Before stating the theorem algorithms. X's control of the we will develop first bit some notation for discussing two-bit, X-instigator generates a partition ctq u cxi u cT2 = £'x = [a, ft]. If the algorithm when xe<Ti,i€(l,2),X maintains control of the second bit as well, then the panition <'"i0*^O",iU<T/2 = cr, is generated; i.e. message / leads to a one-bit, X-instigator algorithm on cTixEy. If specifies that instead the algorithm specifies that when xea,, /€ 1,2}, K { takes control of the second bit, then the Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlifl V V u<T/2 ucT,i partition <T,o K February 27, 1991 Page 26 =EY = [c,d] is generated; message i.e. / leads to a one-bit, K-instigator algorithm on (JiXEy. minimum 'ine Theorem 7 error achievable by an X-instigator algorithm for the optimal action function (p(x,y)=xy on £clR + ^ can be achieved by an algorithm of the following form: The © If i.e. cr,o cells cTq. O"!. ^d <^2 ^e convex; aosa; and /€{ 1,2}, leads to a one-bit, X-instigator algorithm, then cr,, its immediate action region empty, is = 0. If the one-bit instigator for cti is different (3) infcTj <info"2- than for (72, Y then instigates for (Ti and X instigates for CT2. Proot I The convexity of Oq and £i{x} y-Ey). Consider j€ (If j:€ct,o, { 1 . 2} . then we the emptiness of cT/o both follow from the monotonicity of could without loss of generality incorporate the interval [a,x] into ctq) If cr, leads to Y instigating with the remaining bit, then the error over ai is e,^=max{e,o^e./.•e^7^}, where e/o^=iAa,sup<T,o^ e,/=iAa,/ super,. forye {1,2}, where Aa^supa- inf cr. This error would be unchanged by the convexification of This error would be decreased by shifting a, to the left, because^this would leave cr,-. Ac, -unchanged and would decrease super,. If (J, leads to ;6 { cell 1, 2}. <T,y. X instigating again, the error over ai Each e,/ would be unchanged necessary If we can convexify adjacent and translating a^-i to the establishes <?, we convexify by translating max {e,i^,e,2^}. where e,/ = \dAaij, and/or translate, either to the right or cr,i and (T,2 to the right in order to which weakly decreases the error of this cell. left, the make them This process also © ®. 5. We left, if ise,^= Separability and Monotonicity have thus far imposed monotonicity requirements upon the optimal action function and the q> errors e({x} XfTy) and £(tTxX {y}) on the domain E. Theorem 8 allows us to relax these assumptions in many cases. Denote the n-bit over E by E). {(p, U q> efficient communication problem for the optimal action function does not satisfy the monotonicity assumptions on E, then we seek to transform (p (<p, E) into Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratliti an equivalent problem i^,^) where <p February 27, 1991 Page 27 satisfies the then be amenable to analysis using the methods Consider an optimal action function (p, assumptions on E. The transformed problem would we have developed thus far. represented as separable in/(jc) and g(y), i.e. such that for all (.v,y)€£, (fKx,y) = g)(f(x),g(y)\ (D.l) Defme ^x=f(Ex), £Y = g(EY), and £ = ExX^y- Then/: Ex-^'^, 0:E—*U. The separation in (D.l) can be performed trivially for any <p (e.g. let <p = for some function (p. giy)=y); the challenge to find a nontrivial decomposition communication problem. the original intervals is and thus £ the optimal X communication problem facing x^Ex (D to and ysEy in the and Y is communication problem are equivalent. {<p,E) of any efficient algorithm is Theorem two ways: R to far for the performs the operation a, /? of the their private (p(x, y) or then to approximate <p(u,v). Because the optimal under/ and g, respectively, these two 8 justifies this intuitive argument that the error of the R for the <p as in (D.l). communication problem at each time t (cp, Then the error of any E) equal to the error is Y such = ai(h„x) and Y performs in the following be null, an action, or the as a function of that partner's coordinate and until that time. Specifically, [fit(h„y)},=o,...^ for may that at it defines a sequence of functions any time and given the history h,,X /, the operation b,=P,(h„y). construct the sequence {di(,h„x)}t=o....jn of operation functions for original sequence for are communication problem i0,E). communication up m forX and communicate and then to approximate algorithm defines for each partner an operation (which {a,(.h„x)},=o Ex and Ey equal to the error of the problem i<p,£). transmission of a message) to be performed We in either of = g(j/)€EY and v efficient algorithm the history h, of f(x)=x, and we can conceive k la (D.l) function Consider a separable representation of Theorem 8 An action sensitive only to the images of x and y communication problems Proof be continuous so that manner we have studied thus communicate u=f(x)e£x and action function and which allows the desired transformation of / and g require that <p, Ey^^, a rectangle. is When we have decomposed information We g- way. For each ue^x> X arbitrarily for the algorithm R from choose some element of the its inverse image,' M") = typrV«)For each t, each u e £x> and each d,{h„u) = a,{h„n{uy). The h,, set (8.3) name typ might be inteqneted as "typical" or '1[ake] y(oiirl p[ick]." We use it because other techniques, e.g. taking minimum, can fail. (The infunum may not belong to the set; the minimum may not exist.) It is, of course, crucial be a function, i.e. uniquely defined. The only other important property of typ 5, for S*0, is that typ5€5. function infunum or typ truly (8.2) the the that Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlitt Similarly, for each t, Page 28 let = typ^''(v). 7(v) For each ve^y, February 27, 1991 (8.4) each vG^y, and each h,, set 0,(h„v)=P,(h„r(v)). (8.5) R v)e^ Denote the action resulting from action resulting from errors under R and R, A for («, for {x,y)eE by Y(x,y), which by y/(u,v), which results results in an enoT£(x,y). Denote the in the error e(w,v). The sets of achieved respectively, are ^ = {e(x,y):{x,y)€E}, (8.6) !={£(«. v):(a.v)e^}. (8.7) From (8.3) would have and (8.5) we see that at (//(«), \l^(u,v) X and Y will behave y(v))e£ under algorithm R. at iu,v)€£ under algorithm R exactly as they In particular, = y/(M(u\y(v)), (8.8) and therefore £(«,v)=£(//(M),y(v)). (8.9) Because iu(u)eEx and yivyeEy, we see supl < R of R because R supi^. Therefore the error strictly less than that is v)e^,e(M,v)€i^, therefore i <z^. and therefore than the error of R. However, the error of R cannot be that for all (a, weakly less is efficient. (Otherwise the algorithm a(h„x) = d,(h,J(x)), (8.10) 0(h„y)=0,(ih„g(y)), (8.11) would then have an error i=i<e.) Therefore the error of ^ In Figure 10 we graph = u + v, we can then of <^«,v) symmetrical 9) in x and y; and that we boundaries to be u* = 2k/m The proof of Theorem from the write in the separable = u + v on^=/([0,l])x^([0, sufficient for efficiency partition of £ is the optimal action function <p{x,y) obviously violates our monotonicity assumptions. (p(u,v) R onE defmed by 1]) = we should have = s'\n 4;rx Letting f(,x) + sin 4;r>' = s\n on 1]. We know [0, 1] 4;:x, g(y) form (D.l). Therefore we need [-1, l]x[-l, © equal to the error of ^. = x [0. 1], s\r\ 4;iy, to solve the from Theorem 6 which that and problem monolog an empty immediate action interval. The problem use (5.1) to calculate the efficient error to be (b-a)/2m= l/m and is is the cell -\,k€M. 8 [see (8.3)] tells us that we find the partition of by finding the inverse image of each ceU d,, E for the original problem i.e. (T,=rkdi) = -l-sin-i(d,), 4^ (D.2) Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratliff ieM, where by for we mean sin"' the one-bit case for simplicity. ^. The two two The cells of the partition disjoint intervals, a Febmatv Page 29 the inverse image and not just the principal value. Figure vertical u axis for the on the right-hand side nonmonotonic optimal action Figure 10: we can separable problems this (p does not — A nonmonotonic i.e. y) = sin 4;rx+ sin we have where the optimal action function requirements on any rectangle the convex shows partition a of each consists of the union of £ 4;ry still be studied. many already developed is of the form <p(x, y) multiplicatively —even when =f(x)g(y) ^x nor Ey contain zero as an interior point. (Note that e({«} x&Y) = \u\AaY> which is not monotonic in u over any Ex as long as neither is in its interior.) Concluding Remarks 6. have presented a model of bounded rationality resulting from costly communication member team 1 monotonicity assumptions, because 0(u, v) = av does satisfy those the error of immediate action at u We <p but separable function can study with the techniques itself satisfy the which contains zero shows 1 each of which has the same image under /. (p(,x. Similarly, 27, 1991 in a two- context in which the mechanism designer confronted the tradeoff between increased expenditure of resources for communication and increased accuracy of the solution. Our measure of communication emphasized We which that communication is costly because it is time consuming. completely solved the efficient monolog problem for a large class of optimal action functions satisfied determination — either for monotonicity or separability assumptions. any given length of communication —of communication. We we have have shown solution included the the optimal instigator, the cell boundaries of the partition, the action decision rules, and the resulting error. of communication length, This Having computed the error as a function thus characterized the tradeoff between the accuracy and cost of that there exist optimal action functions such that for some realizations Johnny Carson vs. the Smothers Brothers Fred Kofman and Jim Ratlift February 27, 1991 Page 30 of the private infonnation there will be no communication, even though the right to communicate has already been paid for. The explanation is that remaining sUent sufficiently increases the informativeness of communication compensates for the error of the no-communication actions. instigator could depend on the size of the optimally chosen, predefined situations in We in the also other cases that this saw more than that the identity of the optimal communication budget. 1/>S. (T2=r(<T2) Figure We The cell boundaries for the original problem are found from the boundaries of the transformed problem. 1 1 : have paid particular attention to the question of whether efficiency requires speak to each other in a dialog rather than that one We member engage in a monolog directed exhibited examples showing that the answer to this question could in general optimal action function monologs without is additively separable, however, we showed that both that go one can members to the other. either way. If the restrict attention to loss of generality. Additive separability corresponds to an independence of the parmers' private data. Admittedly, the information structure in our model member — might seem too —a number known by each team austere to realistically pose a significant communication challenge. current work-in-progress includes enriching the present private single real knowledge of a point in a framework by endowing each member with multidimensional space. 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