Acronyms & Definitions Acronyms and Definitions This section contains all of the abbreviations and acronyms found in the SIGIR Quarterly and Semiannual Report to the Congress. Acronym Definition ABOT Al Basrah Oil Terminal ACA Army Contracting Agency AFCEE Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment ARDI Agriculture Reconstruction and Development for Iraq Army U.S. Department of the Army Army IG Army Inspector General BCT Brigade Combat Team BIA Basrah International Airport BSA Board of Supreme Audit CALL Center for Army Lessons Learned CAP Community Action Program CBI Central Bank of Iraq CBRT Capital Budget Request and Tracking CBTC Communications-based Train Control System CERP Commander’s Emergency Response Program CID U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command CID-MPFU U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, Major Procurement Fraud Unit CIS Critical Infrastructure Security CLC Concerned Local Citizen CMATT Coalition Military Assistance Training Team COM Chief of Mission Compact International Compact with Iraq CoR Council of Representatives CPA Coalition Provisional Authority CPA-IG Coalition Provisional Authority Inspector General CPATT Civilian Police Assistance Training Team CPPR Country Portfolio Performance Review (World Bank) CSP Community Stabilization Program DAD Development Assistance Database DBE Department of Border Enforcement DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency DCIS Defense Criminal Investigative Service DCMA Defense Contract Management Agency DFI Development Fund for Iraq DFID Department for International Development (United Kingdom) DMRCN Digital Microwave Radio Communication Network JANUARY 30, 2008 I REPORT TO CONGRESS I Acronyms- Acronyms & Definitions Acronym Definition DoD Department of Defense DoD OIG Department of Defense Office of Inspector General DoJ Department of Justice DoL Department of Labor DoS Department of State DoS OIG Department of State Office of Inspector General DynCorp DynCorp International LLC EC European Commission EFT Electronic Funds Transfer EG Economic Governance (USAID) ePRT Embedded Provincial Reconstruction Team ESF Economic Support Fund FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation FMIS Financial Management Information System FOB Forward Operating Base FY Fiscal Year GAO Government Accountability Office GDP Gross Domestic Product GOI Government of Iraq GRC Gulf Region Central GRD Gulf Region Division GRN Gulf Region North GWOT Global War on Terror HJC Higher Judicial Council ICCTF International Contract Corruption Task Force ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement IDA International Development Association (World Bank) IDP Internally Displaced Person IED Improvised Explosive Device IFF Iraq Freedom Fund IFMIS Iraq Financial Management Information System IG Inspector General IIGC Iraq Inspectors General Council IMF International Monetary Fund INCLE International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement Fund (INL) INL Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (DoS) IOM International Organization for Migration IPA International Police Advisor IPS Iraqi Police Service IRAP Iraq Rapid Assistance Program IRFFI International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq IRMS Iraq Reconstruction Management System IRR Iraq Republic Railway IRRF Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund Acronyms- I SPECIAL INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION Acronyms & Definitions Acronym Definition IRRF 1 Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund IRRF 2 Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund IRS-CID Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation Division ISF Iraqi Security Forces ISFF Iraq Security Forces Fund ISP Infrastructure Security Protection ITAO Iraq Transition Assistance Office ITF Iraq Trust Fund IWC International Working Committee JCC-I/A Joint Contracting Command-Iraq/Afghanistan JCTSR Joint Committee to Transfer Security Responsibility JOC Joint Operations Center JPS Judicial Protection Service KBR Kellogg Brown and Root Services, Inc. km Kilometer KRG Kurdistan Regional Government kV Kilovolt LADP Local Area Development Programme LGP Local Governance Program LOGCAP Logistics Civil Augmentation Program LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas MAAWS Money as a Weapon System MBPD Million Barrels Per Day MMPW Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works MNC-I Multi-National Corps-Iraq MND Multi-National Division MNF-I Multi-National Force-Iraq MNSTC-I Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq MOD Ministry of Defense MoDM Ministry of Displacement and Migration MOE Ministry of Electricity MOF Ministry of Finance MOI Ministry of Interior MOO Ministry of Oil MoPDC Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation MOSQ Military Occupational Specialty Qualification MOU Memorandum of Understanding MW Megawatt MWh Megawatt-hour NCCMD National Center for Consultancy and Management Development NCD National Capacity Development Program NDAA National Defense Authorization Act NDS National Development Strategy JANUARY 30, 2008 I REPORT TO CONGRESS I Acronyms- Acronyms & Definitions Acronym Definition NEA-I Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs-Iraq (DoS) NET National Embassy Team NGO Nongovernmental Organization NP National Police NPFTF National Procurement Fraud Task Force O&M Operations and Maintenance ODA Official Development Assistance (Japan) OMB Office of Management and Budget P.L. Public Law PAC Procurement Assistance Center (Iraqi) PCO Project and Contracting Office PDS Public Distribution System PEG Provincial Economic Growth PEZ Pipeline Exclusion Zone PHC Primary Healthcare Center PIC Provincial Iraqi Control PMO Program Management Office POE Directorate of Ports of Entry PRDC Provincial Reconstruction Development Council PRT Provincial Reconstruction Team PTT Police Transition Team QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control QM Quality Management QRF Quick Response Fund REA Request for Equitable Adjustment SBA Stand-By Arrangement (IMF) SIB Strategic Infrastructure Battalion SIGAR Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction SIGIR Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction SOE State-owned Enterprise TCA Trade and Cooperation Agreement TF-BSO Task Force to Improve Business and Stability Operations Treasury U.S. Department of Treasury UK United Kingdom UN United Nations UNAMI UN Assistance Mission for Iraq UNDG United Nations Development Group UNDG ITF United Nations Development Group Iraq Trust Fund UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNOPS United Nations Office of Project Services USAAA U.S. Army Audit Agency USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Acronyms- I SPECIAL INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION Acronyms & Definitions Acronym Definition USAID U.S. Agency for International Development USAID OIG U.S. Agency for International Development Office of Inspector General USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture USIP U.S. Institute of Peace WFP World Food Programme World Bank ITF World Bank Iraq Trust Fund JANUARY 30, 2008 I REPORT TO CONGRESS I Acronyms-