Five Years of Reconstruction Funding Completed Projects, $ Billions Five Years of Reconstruction Funding $50Completed Projects, $ Billions Dahuk 5,000 Tameem Sulaymaniyah 4,000 5,000 3,000 4,000 Salah Al-Din Average Daily Executed Attacks Total Capital Budget Dahuk: 616,600 May 07 3,140 0.00 Erbil: 1,845,200 May 07 15,977 0.02 Sulaymaniyah: 2,159,800 May 07 18,614 0.02 Ninewa: 2,473,700 Jan 09 18,498 16.30 $226 Tameem: 839,100 TBA 8,510 2.63 Salah Al-Din: 1,077,800 Jan 09 16,158 8.73 % Expended Anbar PRDCf ($ millions) ($ millions) 2,000 3,000 Total Obligated % Expended FY06, FY07 ESF Allocated % Started % of Electricity Demand Met Hours of Power $11 77% $26.78 30% 69% 17 $67 74% $26.78 70% 24% 6 $9 38% $26.78 32% 44% 11 26% $163 84% $26.31 20% 58% 14 $91 34% $111 78% $25.13 13% 70% 17 $93 34% $146 87% $25.13 49% 80% 19 $1,560* 95% Kerbala 0 Qadissiya 2003 2004 2003 2004 Missan $107 4% $278 81% $52.23 39% 56% 13 Diyala: 1,373,900 Dec 08 17,938 5.26 $110 0% $137 68% $25.13 37% 71% 17 Baghdad: 6,386,100 Dec 08 41,732 15.60 $560 31% $802 70% $176.10 54% 56% 14 Wassit: 941,800 Nov 08 9,543 0.23 $83 41% $57 71% $25.13 35% 60% 14 Babylon: 1,444,400 Nov 08 10,753 0.57 $127 49% $121 71% $25.13 60% 54% 13 Qadissiya: 866,700 Jul 08 12,335 0.08 $64 39% $57 87% $25.13 24% 59% 14 Kerbala: 756,000 Oct 07 11,088 0.02 $72 41% $42 78% $25.13 22% 53% 13 Najaf: 946,300 Dec 06 14,419 0.00 $88 64% $31 89% $25.13 38% 56% 13 Muthanna: 536,300 Jul 06 9,652 0.04 $52 19% $24 94% $25.13 35% 57% 14 Thi-Qar: 1,427,200 Sep 06 16,274 0.24 $138 40% $38 86% $25.13 32% 71% 17 Missan: 743,400 Apr 07 12,930 0.02 $76 51% $22 94% $25.13 70% 69% 16 Basrah: 1,761,000 Dec 07 15,344 1.21 $195 21% $236 79% $63.80 35% 79% 19 *Dahuk, Erbil, and Sulaymaniyah make up the Kurdistan region. p r o f e s s i o n a l i s m p r o d u c t i v i t y p e r s e v e r a n c e 2008 $100 $100 75 75 50 50 25 25 25 25 0 0 0 0 2.0 Quarterly Iraqi Troop Training and Weekly Security Incidents Iraqi Troop Training and Weekly Security Incidents Iraqiyears Troop of Training and Weekly Security Incidents Five Iraqi troop training and QuarterlyQuarterly Quarterly incidentsk security 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 Iraqi Iraqi Security Security Troops Troops Troops Iraqi Security Training Training Goal Goal Trained Trained Trained Training Goal 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 0 0 1,600 1,200 800 400 0 Troops Trained Oil Exports Oil Exports 1.5 1.5 1.0 Iraqi Security 1.0 Training Goal 0.5 0.5 0 0 2004 2003 2005 Five Years of Iraqi 2004 Security Funding 2005 2003 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 $ Billions Parliamentary Five Years of Iraqi security fundingj Elections Fardh al-Qanoon Constitutional GOI Security Samarra Mosque Parliamentary Parliamentary 1,600 Referendum Parliamentary $10 Bombing Budget Elections Elections Sources: DoS, Iraq Weekly Status, (1/5/2006), (1/4/2006), (4/2/2008); ITAO, Monthly Import, Iraqi Elections Fardh Constitutional (MOI + MOD) Fardh1,200 al-Qanoon Constitutional Elections Production and Export Spreadsheet (April 2008); U.S. Energy Information Administration, Fardh al-Qanoon al-Qanoon Constitutional Samarra Mosque Sources: DoS, Iraq Weekly Status, (1/5/2006), (1/4/2006), (4/2/2008); ITAO, Monthly Import, Samarra Mosque 8 1,600 Referendum Samarra Mosque Referendum 1,600 Referendum "World Crude Prices:Spreadsheet OPEC Average," 11,U.S. 2008 Bombing Bombing Production andOil Export (AprilApril 2008); Energy Information Administration, Iraqi Bombing U.S. Security Iraqi Iraqi 800 Elections "World Crude Oil Prices: OPEC Average," April 11, 2008 6 1,200 Obligations 1,200Elections Elections 400 4 800 800 0 2 400 400 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 0 00 Against Iraqi Infrastructure and Government Facilities 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2004 2006 2007 Attacks 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 Weapons (IEDs and Mines), Both Found and Cleared Attacks Against Iraqi and Attacks Against Infrastructure and Government Facilities Facilities Sniper, Ambush, Grenade, and Other Small Arms Attacks AttacksIraqi Against Iraqi Infrastructure Infrastructure and Government Government Facilities and Mines), Both and Weapons Weapons (IEDs and (IEDs Mines), Both Found andFound Cleared Mortar, Rocket, and Surface-to-Air Attacks Weapons (IEDs and Mines), Both Found and Cleared Cleared Note: Includes expenditures from IRRF 2, ISFF, ESF, and CERP. See Appendix D for a sector Sniper, Ambush, Grenade, Other Small Arms Sniper, Ambush, Otherand Small Arms Attacks Sniper, Grenade, Ambush, and Grenade, and Other Small Arms Attacks Attacks For the sourcescross-reference of information to create this insert (notes a–k), see the last endnote in this Report. toused Security. Mortar, Rocket, and Surface-to-Air Attacks Mortar, Rocket, and Surface-to-Air Attacks Mortar, Rocket, and Surface-to-Air Attacks 00 $ Billions 2.37 2006 2007 i Five Years2005 of Iraqi Oil Revenue and exports 2.0 Iraqi Troop Training and Weekly Security Incidents CENTRAL 24,432 Completed 2008 Projects 2007 50expenditures from IRRF 1, IRRF Oil Revenue Note: Financial data includes obligations and 2 , ISFF, ESF, CERP, and INL fund types. Project data includes projects from IRRF 2, ISFF, ESF, and CERP. 50 Basrah SOUTH Jun 08 2006 Oil Price Note: Financial data includes obligations and expenditures from IRRF 1, IRRF 2 , ISFF, ESF, CERP, 75 Oil Price and INL fund types. Project data includes projects from IRRF 2, ISFF, ESF, and CERP. 75 Oil Revenue Muthanna Anbar: 1,280,000 2005 $100 $100 Thi-Qar Najaf Completed Projects $ Billions, Millions of Barrels per Day (MBPD) 0 1,000 Wassit Babylon Five Years of Iraqi Oil Revenue $ Billions, Millions of Barrels per Day (MBPD) Five Years of Iraqi Oil Revenue 1,000 2,000 Baghdad Servicesg (electricity) NORTHEAST Number of Trained Police 0 Erbil Diyala GOI 2007 Capital Budgetd ($ millions) CERP e Expended 10 20 0 10 Ninewa provincial status PICb Status Security c Obligated 20 30 Millions Millions of Barrels of Barrels perper DayDay April 2008 Obligated Appropriated Expended 30 40 Oil Oil Revenue Revenue $ Billions $ Billions Iraq Reconstruction $ Billions $ Billions 40 $50 five years on Province:a population Appropriated Five Years of reconstruction funding and Completed projectsh Oil Oil Price Price Dollars Dollars perper Barrel Barrel SIGIR national status Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction • email: • (703) 428-1100