WVABE Intake Information Student Name: PERSONAL DATA Age: EMPLOYMENT STATUS Educational Level: Employed (Unsubsidized) Full-time Part-time Marital Status: Occupation/Employer: Native Country/Language: Unemployed: Looking for unsubsidized work Not in Labor Force: Retired Homemaker # of Children: Ages: Subsidized employment Volunteer BARRIERS LEARNING STYLES SPECIAL NEEDS PERSONAL GOALS/CAREER INTERESTS Observable Physical Disabilities: Vision: Hearing: Other Health Problems/Medications: Learning Difficulties: As a result of screening, should a referral be made? As a result of screening, should class modifications be made? SUPPORT SERVICES/REFERRALS NEEDED/MADE Yes Yes No No POTENTIAL TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS NEEDED (Put an asterisk * to indicate those that are verified by documentation) STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PLACED IN CONFIDENTIAL FILE Learning Needs Screening Correspondence Other Referral Documentation of Disabilities ASSESSMENT RECORD FOR ACADEMIC STUDENT: Mark with asterisk * the score to be entered in AEMIS. Should student have an ABE or an ESL FFL in AEMIS? ____ Entry Interim Post-Assessment Post-Assessment Exit Pre-Assessment Date __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ # Contact Hrs. on Test Date Exception? Y/N See Below Assessment TABE CASAS __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ ESL / CASAS BEST BEST Plus __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ WorkKeys __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ TABE CASAS __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ ESL / CASAS BEST BEST Plus __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ WorkKeys __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ TABE CASAS __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ ESL / CASAS BEST BEST Plus __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ WorkKeys Test Title Level (Indicate ONE) LEMDA LIT A B C D CIT None LEMDA LIT A B C D CIT None LEMDA LIT A B C D CIT None LEMDA LIT A B C D CIT None LEMDA LIT A B C D CIT None LEMDA LIT A B C D CIT None LEMDA LIT A B C D CIT None LEMDA LIT A B C D CIT None LEMDA LIT A B C D CIT None LEMDA LIT A B C D CIT None LEMDA LIT A B C D CIT None LEMDA LIT A B C D CIT None Test Form Subject Raw Score Scale Score or GLE FFL Math Reading Language Listening/ Speaking Math Reading Language Listening/ Speaking Math Reading Language Listening/ Speaking Waiver: Indicate if an exception was made to the established pre-/post-testing timeframes stated in the NRS Publisher’s Assessment Guidelines. I certify that the student met ALL THREE of the following conditions: The student completed a minimum of 30 contact hours between assessments. The student demonstrated in classroom assessments (e.g. OPT, PLATO, KeyTrain, IGOs Benchmarks, etc.) that he or she had completed an FFL and was ready to be post-tested. The student was recommended for post-assessment by his/her instructor. In addition, AT LEAST ONE of the following exception(s) were also true (select all that apply): The student’s goal was to study and improve in only one skill area and was only pre- and post-tested in that skill area: This was a part-time or short-term course (up to 65 contact hours total for the course) that involved study outside of class hours, and the post-test (interim or exit) was given at the end of the course. Special course: This was an intensive course that met more than 15 hours per week (e.g. SPOKES, HTGR, etc.), and the post-test (interim or exit) was given at the end of an instructional period. Special course: The student had an entry level of FFL #5 or FFL #6, and had one or more of the following core goals (please indicate): Enter Employment Retain Employment Obtain GED Enter Post-secondary Education or Training. The student was leaving the program before the scheduled post-test time due to the following circumstances: The instructor believed the initial assessment (and placement) was inaccurate. OPT ASSESSMENT FOR SPECIAL STUDENTS Date Test Form Reading Writing Math Science Social Studies Total __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ Work-based Project Assessment Date SPOKES Module Pre-Test Score Percent Contact Hrs. on Post-Test Date __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ Computer Literacy Date Date Post-Test Score Percent __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ Computer Literacy Checklist Pre-Test Level Contact Hrs. on Post-Test Date Date __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ Post-Test Level PROGRAM GOALS: Indicate how goals changed (or might change) after interim assessment. Entry Date Pass? Interim Date Entry Date Interim Date Improve basic literacy skills Complete vocational/assessment testing Pass the GED Complete OPT (Official GED Practice Tests) ONLY Enter post-secondary education or job training Complete College Preparation Activity Complete Career Exploration Activity Obtain a job (unsubsidized) Complete a short-term (12-30 hrs.) work-based project Retain current job (unsubsidized) Complete WVABE computer literacy program Improve English language skills (non-native speaker) Become a US Citizen Prepare for the TOEFL (non-native speaker) Increase involvement in child’s education Increase involvement in community activities Complete other personal goal, specify: Register to vote or vote for first time Improved? PLAN OF STUDY Program Goals Improve basic literacy skills WVABE Skills Checklist: Specify FFL Instructional Resources Personal Development: Self-Esteem Goal Setting Time Management Money Management Teaching Strategies for student learning style(s): Small group instruction Large group instruction Independent study ESL Skills: Oral Communication: Reading/Writing: Employability Skills: Communication with the Public Decision Making/Coping with Change Problem Solving Stress & Health Texts: GED Skills: Lang Arts Reading: Lang Arts Writing: Mathematics: Science: Social Studies: Workplace Knowledge: The 21st Century Company Workplace Ethics Workplace Professionalism and Diversity Rights and Responsibilities Learning Express Library at WVInfodepot.org: Computer Skills Workplace Skills Improvement Occupation Practice Tests Job and Career Accelerator Ready to Work: Maintaining Balance In Life and Work Working Productively Preparing for & Taking Employment Tests Employment Portfolio WIN Units: Applied Mathematics Locating Information Reading for Information Writing/Business Writing Computer Literacy Skills Daily Activities: Job Readiness Computer Applications—Word, Excel, PowerPoint or equivalent applications Email Internet GCFLearnFree.org: Careers Job Development Everyday Life Computers Internet Basics Complete GED Orientation Personal Goals and Electives: Complete vocational/ assessment testing Objectives: SPOKES Customer Service Units: Why Customer Service Matters What Customers Want Essential Customer Service Skills, Part I Essential Customer Service Skills, Part II Handling Complaints & Dealing with Angry People Customer Service as Strategic Marketing Tool Customer Service Teams Improve English skills (nonnative students) Pass the GED Enter post-secondary education or job training Complete a College Preparation Activity ABE Skills: Reading: Writing/ Composition: Short-Term (12-30 hrs.) Work-based Projects (SPOKES Topic Areas) Math: Obtain a job (unsubsidized) Retain current job Complete Career Exploration Activity Increase involvement in child’s education Increase involvement in child’s literacy activities Improve citizenship skills Increase involvement in community activities Complete WV ABE computer literacy program Complete a short-term (1230 hrs.) work-based project Complete OPT (Official GED Practice Tests) ONLY Complete a personal goal Register to vote or vote for first time Listening for Understanding Dealing with Difficult Situations Writing in the Workplace Personal Accountability Substance Abuse Disaster Preparedness Personality Choice for Employment and Self Discovery Core Abilities Parenting Literacy & Basic Level PLATO Pathways: GED Learning Path Pre-GED level Applied Technology Listening Observation Teamwork Work Habits CFWV.com: Career Planning Off to Work/Get a Job College Planning Financial Aid Planning Math FFL One-on-one Collaborative learning Computer-assisted GED &College Prep Level GED Preparation College Preparation US Citizenship ESL Online: Rosetta Stone USA Learns Test Prep Online: 4Tests.com: TestPrepPractice.net March2success.com Computer Lit: This is the “On Button” Curriculum Inpics.net tutorials baycongroup.com tutorials Jegsworks.com spclc.org/curricula/computer Accuplacer ACT FastTrack to GED CASAS Levels Reading FFL Writing FFL Compass CTLC LPN SAT STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Select One: Student Withdrew Withdrawal Date: __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ Student is continuing into the next Program Year (PY) Check all achievements accomplished and documented as a result of the student’s participation in ABE. Educational Employment-Related Increased at least .5 grade level, 3 points on CASAS Scale, Or 1 SPL In any assessment area Obtained a better job or job promotion Obtained / retained subsidized job Increased at least one level in a learning management system in any assessment area (e.g., WIN, PLATO, etc.) Earned a Ready To Work Certificate Completed entire vocational / assessment battery / test (i.e., LPN, TABE, CASAS, ACT, Work Keys) Completed a worksite learning experience Completed OPT (GED Official Practice Test) Completed an approved job readiness program (i.e. SPOKES, Hit The Ground Running, LINKS) Passed all Parts of the OPT (GED Official Practice Test) Passed an employment or state licensing exam Completed GED Orientation Entered the military Passed 1-4 of the GED Tests Earned a Governor’s Career Readiness Certificate Completed a Career Exploration Activity Earned a Customer Service Certificate (i.e. SPOKES) Completed a College Preparation Activity Earned a Customer Service II Certificate (i.e. SPOKES) Obtained Computer-based Testing (CBT) Skills Earned an Achievement Certificate (i.e. SPOKES) Other (Specify),______________ Earned a Microsoft Office Certificate (SPOKES Only) Earned IC3 Certification (Must achieve all 3 credentials, SPOKES Only) Further Education/Training Earned IC3 Achievement Credential (Must achieve all 3 credentials, SPOKES Only) Met requirements for entrance into technical training Earned an Certificate Met score requirements on entrance exam for college Earned an Achievement Certificate (Select all that apply, SPOKES Only) Enrolled in WV college/ university, specify: ______________ Computing Fundamentals Living Online Key Applications Enrolled in out-of-state post-secondary/ job training, specify: ______________ Community Enrolled in private/ local training outside of WV’s public school vocational system Other (specify),______________ Enrolled in online post-secondary or CTE training, specify: ______________ Personal Goal Enrolled in local CTE program Obtained Computer Skills Other (Specify),______________ Other Goal, Check One: Educational Personal Goal Employment related Family Further ed/Training Community Family--Increased Involvement In Children’s Education Helped children more frequently with school Increased contact with children’s instructor Increased involvement in children’s school activities Family--Increased Involvement In Children’s Literacy Activities Read to children more frequently Visited library more frequently Purchased books or magazines for children Other (Specify),____________ Work-Based Project Completed all project objectives Completed objectives for a WVABE Computer Literacy program Community Increased involvement in community activities Voted or registered to vote for first time Institutional Education Only Cognitive Skills CTE ABE/GED College 101 Passed state-approved test of citizenship skills Became a US citizen Volunteered for community service