ACRONYMS & DEFINITIONS ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS This section contains all of the abbreviations and acronyms found in the SIGIR Quarterly Report to the Congress. Acronyms Definitions ACWG Anti-corruption Working Group ADA Antideficiency Act ASRB Accounting Standards Review Board ASP Ammunition Supply Point ATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tabacco, Firearms, and Explosives ATO Administrative Task Order BSA Board of Supreme Audit CAP Combined Action Program CAP-IG Combined Action Program-Inspector General CEFMS Corps of Engineers Financial Management System CENTCOM U.S. Central Command CERP Commander’s Emergency Response Program CHRRP Commanders Humanitarian Relief and Reconstruction Program CPA Coalition Provisional Authority CPA-IG Coalition Provisional Authority-Inspector General CPA-OPS Coalition Provisional Authority-Operations CPA-PMO Coalition Provisional Authority-Program Management Office CPI Commission on Public Integrity CQC Contractor’s Quality Control DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency DCIS Defense Criminal Investigative Service DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement DFAS Defense Finance & Accounting Service DFI Development Fund for Iraq DHS Department of Homeland Security DIILS Defense Institute of International Legal Studies JANUARY 30, 2006 I REPORT TO CONGRESS I Acronyms-1 ACRONYMS & DEFINITIONS Acronyms Definitions DoC Department of Commerce DoD Department of Defense DoD OIG Department of Defense Office of Inspector General DoL Department of Labor DoJ Department of Justice DoS Department of State DoS OIG Department of State Office of Inspector General DoT Department of Transportation ECON Department of State, U.S. Mission Iraq, Economic Affairs FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation FARs Federal Acquisition Regulations FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation FOIA Freedom of Information Act GAO Government Accountability Office GRD Gulf Region Division GRD-PCO Gulf Region Division-Project and Contracting Office HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling HHS Department of Health and Human Services HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IDA International Development Association IFF Iraq Freedom Fund IG Inspector General IIG Iraqi Interim Government IIGC Iraq Inspectors General Council IMF International Monetary Fund INL Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Bureau IRG International Resources Group IRMO Iraq Reconstruction Management Office IRRF Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund IRRF 1 Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund-$2.4B IRRF set up in P.L. 108-11 IRRF 2 Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund-funded with $18.6B ($18.4B after subtracting $210M fund assistance for Jordan, Liberia, and Sudan) in P.L. 108-106 IT Information Technology ITG Iraqi Transitional Government JASG-C Joint Area Support Group-Central JCC-I/A Joint Contracting Command-Iraq/Afghanistan JIPTC Jordon-Iraq Police Training Center Acronyms-2 I SPECIAL INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION ACRONYMS & DEFINITIONS Acronyms Definitions KBR Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. LGP Local Governance Programs LOGCAP Logistics Civilian Augmentation Program MANPADS Man-Portable Air Defense System MIPR Military Inter-departmental Purchase Request MNF-I Multi-National Force-Iraq MNSTC-I Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq MPFU Major Procurement Fraud Unit NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency NGIC National Ground Intelligence Center NRRRF Natural Resources Risk Remediation Fund O&M Operations & Maintenance OBO Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations OEF Operation Enduring Freedom OFF Oil For Food OIF Operation Iraqi Freedom OIG Office of Inspector General OMA Operations and Maintenance, Army OMB Office of Management and Budget P.L. Public Law P.L. 108-106 As amended by P.L. 108-375, mandates the independent and objective conduct and supervision of audits relating to the programs and operations funded with amounts appropriated or otherwise made available to the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund P.L. 108-375 The Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2005, enacted on October 29, 2004 PCO Project and Contracting Office PMO Program Management Office PRDC Provincial Reconstruction Development Committees Public Law 108-106 (P.L. 108-106) $87.5 B appropriation measure passed 11/6/03 that includes CPA-IG creation and $18.6B ($18.4B after subtracting $210M fund assistance for Jordan, Liberia, and Sudan) Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund Public Law 108-11 (P.L. 108-11) First $74 B appropriation measure that included the $2.475 B Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund QA Quality Assurance QRF Quick Response Fund R3P Rapid Regional Response Program RIE Restore Iraqi Electricity RIO Restore Iraqi Oil RRRP Rapid Regional Response Program SDR Special Drawing Rights SIGIR Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction JANUARY 30, 2006 I REPORT TO CONGRESS I Acronyms-3 ACRONYMS & DEFINITIONS Acronyms Definitions SIRIS SIGIR Iraq Reconstruction Information System SOW Statement of Work SPITFIRE Special Investigative Task Force for Iraq Reconstruction Treasury United States Department of Treasury UN United Nations UNDG United Nations Development Group USAAA United States Army Audit Agency USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USAID United States Agency for International Development USDA United States Department of Agriculture U.S. Embassy-Baghdad United States Embassy located in Baghdad U.S. Mission-Iraq U.S. Mission-Iraq assumed authority after the Coalition Provisional Authority transferred governance authority to the Iraqi Governing Council on June 30, 2004. USIP United States Institute of Peace WBITF World Bank Iraq Trust Fund Acronyms-4 I SPECIAL INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION